Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Jul 1914, p. 8

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Mr. and lits.kR. 5K. SUoRh ry, a daug1ber:(stIIl bora). DElATH 0F MRS. WHITE, b »ROOKLIN. - Mrs. SEl. Grgi, of Toronto, lx 11irnting ber- parents, Dr. and Pair. btrrc. Wion &MoBrien have their aswi bakery almb.0t comkleted. Misaes MLbe1 and 1Graée Lowe, 09 Oshawa, *peiet Sunday with 11111 L1eBro*a. Msîi Beulie!Scott la holidayifl& in Detroit and WaIketvillO. Misa Eeitli Huesoli, a former teacb- er bore, spent a- few. days with Miss Wnea -.Harris. Xüu 14o11y, of Toronto, lsa B uest o f stre, Gregg. Dr. John Mopre-lsIlli iBuffalO 'aI- -tending the Massonie Grand Lodge Convention. , AuotbOf eat of toem oat>s juat un- ioaded. -'. 1H.- Elvins, Brooklin. Mar. Richa'rdà Moors, of 'oronto,ý was In towa for a- few days ,this week. Mr. F. Scott lbas been 111 for -the pat week. ris E ditb Scott spent a <Ow days la Toronto laut week. Mrs. Rose and baby, Bettýy, art vis- 1ting- ln Ne.w Lowell, for a couple of Lawrence'*-sale la now on,, Hia bilt certainly quotes some i interoat.- 'ýIng prices.. The football match played 'bere on, Ilonday'evening between Icedron and Brooklin r.sulted ln a score of 2-0 la favor of Brookila. Mr. -Staniley Dimney spent a few .days thls week at -.Jackson's J'oint. Twine satisfaction is guaranteea in tie Maple -Leaf Binder Twine. For sale by W: H. Elviss, Brooklu. Mr-, Geo. Gillett, of M1ontreal, has been a visitor at -the -home ot!Mr, D.' Holliday. Misses Rta and Vera Maynard, ci Toronto, who have been visitlng re fatf vos here, returned- home witt mother, who came down for the week-end, -Miss Macdonald, of Erin, bas beer ,ylsît1ng with Nirs.- . .E. Disney. Mlr, and Mrs. Harold Kirch, o! a' ciito, are holidayingat Mr. Kirch's >lis% Lillie Grills is vlsiting i Lindsay. N~r. E. E. Patterson and famil, bave moved Into their new residenî which bas just been completed. Don't f ail, to take ln Lawrencel -bgreduction sale, l5th to 3Ist. A littIe floney goos 1a. long waya Lawrences store- these days. Rt duction gale, l5th 'to .3st. ,>Ia.s. Thos. Moses, of Brechin, caz down to attend the funeral of Mr Wite. While herç she was, the uel of Miss Mine. Mr. and Mrs. Love and friends, Toronto, vsited with Mr. Jas. Buo recently. Mr. Beri]. Moore, o! -Souris, Man accompanied by bis daughters, Mi THEDOMI C. A. DOGES: This Bank sl complot@ snd satlsfactory bankintlsNf eicoOnavrbes,1ý 'The Savinga Departmnentts IL mono>'. interet at csrren5>fa4es ta - -~~~ alter day w@ ae sore.,amd mor, i-. '1 As wamirCure oormrougm nsq as>'. Moon>' id n..RobisO~, 5 ~ presse&i bytiere ysheries cf il nm2tO'71 ta f inend Mbr. tire crale.t te rgrave. Oie b> ome Mu ,tidsinlrse nWQ B a-we are -dropplig OR, «to tiraI land A a k gsb *o d« f» from wience. no traveler iras ever yet ronco's stcro. 20 bB M M DCN OsT rne a ci ut e i aeUv OLeAlOT e a. C TireanniversurY services e irmaoel i er lb 4, i t. E IIN e MeioitSuaday t r o0 b e TrTorae ba MtoitCuurcir. bold on rhwi Ta.Te th Yti mdMonda>', were indeoil a ggccess. 'about iltirhe greatertiem teym 1~esrvices onsSuuda>' wOl: well 1at.- HOW 800n, tire dead _are forgotte. teade aid- wer ver. InttOil will we ire a huudred years ta Mynie, Station, on Frank'Cassldy, Pbrc a cle owrdadpo t on, Monday tire boa was uer;.ed id come ?, Hospîîaliîyr fr<nh.uip sud sbui <or pailaré. soited witir a handsome, basket 0< fBr ta, asia, irst élus. Ia tire ' 0: i .Nhat wontdonful words. Wih- S«Sevrl romber.,attemded tire Or- pn n l~erss Iacîpoeb ha ir Msono aha5l~n outtrueciara étenthtlc4r b iat ange vair la Lindsay on Monday. nets of Shakouspeare and ,Mns.Brown- bu edia rg, m wasrede . It t are vo?1 One bas passoil av.ay rom Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Houston agre hag, botir beautifully boùudnd . padd.-te some tii>. suce an "locutloisb1 cftamroîg us cf laIeWh wircwll be great- speuidimg a couple cf wveis atJ. E. cd morocco. ai: s'ucbhigir standing as isgs pear0l - mssed by tire people vîtir virai> &&..Tirepreseabation vas, made by Mise fai Neill basîeentained tire -ubfteltha sire mi ngled. Sire lhvod for othirst, -Miss Emmai Bail, cf Toronto, is Leta Paucce and tire foliowimg ad- dlt this place. Every number wua unovéntrod of minishOl:mg hotie epending a few days wlti r o matirodrs read by Mhs Anale O'Connor. aid sirowed Miss O'Neill t Pte a- couforti of tirose vitir wirmaire er, Mn. R. Ball. -To Miss J. R. Petick . treso e o rut. Tire10ou de md associated. Notirng vas a bardu1ilp Tire Mytle football teai > I>' t Wo ba"e ieard vitir mucir regret cf lfor reptateil encotel pnoved tire p- ta ber by day on nigirb if lb made Manoirester 'on Frlday eveang, July crrsgahna ecrno u precitî o f tire audience. * on someone bapplen. Wbit a noble 1lite17M (ame ai 7 o'cIok. yusc iro;ai, as ereeabate of ire nribon ib aoaccoiipai>i nIta hîve t of *hate oie bas îott uS la Mr. aid Pars..Tom Price spoit tirhe ctol; nd, a e re tat e annotah- wore espeh.ally fine, particulanly, tire tire porson cf Mrs.Wm. White,, iroSe week-end at Guelpir. low you te beave us-vîtirout expressn- patriotie selecihon, "1on Par e." niaiden nmre was Mary Ami Maw. We are sonry ta report the senhois hng to you our appreclatloi of you r The solohst cf traaenfg ist a Sire was kiovi b> a large cincle of (llînofe Mise Doris Wilson, youag-vokdrn tiepstw ba. Ted, cf -Oshawa, vu, vehi recel ed. friends, aid spent tire wbole o!firer est daugitr ofa Mns. Tiros. Wilson, cf Auatcieyu hvcocbn Miss Tod bas a stroig, dlear v ce, lIl!. ta the t4msdiate nelgirborbood.! Ibis place. tîouely performed ail tire duties ex- and eacb solo wsu girovtirtà te botir befone aid,-aften ber manniage Jack )iolliday and - Bort Beacock pected o! oeein your - position ; Ibis id culture. Tire numbons given - by toe' llte Wi>. Wblte, who prede- did tire coring for Raglan football you bave doue and muci more. ilotir local talent vene- midi -approcla ceaisoi ber a 10w yeans ago. Sire badbam i> h Brady, on. Saburday'even- lu and out Qg Scheool you have work- Revs Mr. FoIe>' appeared fer tire st îoarl>' reacired thre four score luIit, lag 18tcd for tire mental and moral develop- tIme hintire capaclîY cf Chat îai, aid every day of ber l!fe vas spent Tire carpentens are bard aI work ment of youn pupîls. You have -cen- »nd proveil a mont capable o by doiîg gead te soffleone, perfect- witi r o esdenoos for Messrs. Gra- demvored ta iîculcato ,irigir Ideals o!1 y Mns. Walken vois tire ffichent m ly free fnom gam a eto prehence. S ire arn ad>Binkett. -hf u ne orcn iorpo panist o! tire evenig. 'Altog e died aItirbe reoidence o! bon son, Wm. Mn. Ro>' Britton, c f Ouhawa, vieitl e n ne or aeterpo Ibis anniverian>' w4s oie cf tire et Everythag - possible vas done te ne- cd iris parente hore on Sunday lant. grecsniras been tu eveny way mont Itev be as iroeuffredhnteueh1- atisfactory. We feel assuued tint yet held. ivbras*lesfee nney youn "good Influence wilI' be felt la Lovre ! pgeos vul ir dci , obni>an accident tbiat vas thecse BUOKIDNEY HEADACHE. yautacre cd ta soc tire flock oee by Ta diff o e etr ieirshf a1y0 e asdfo r lo beiug tirick- As a fniend you have endoared your- Ba.Tire>' iave label>' fiîlirbed a five ions aid Ivo daugites : Wrn. ened viti r uni acld poisons cIuýula- self lu man>' a! aur homes virne yoî Bre ou efrtè adItn ta and James aI home on tire fini>; tiag hintire bond. Aîtl-Uric -Pillp bave aiways been a welcome visitor. V in bos1o hmadîtî Thomas aid Josephr, kiovu go White cure al fanais o! kîdie>' trouble. WVirie we regret your departure, vo go halo extensive raising. Tirey lave Bras., Toonto ý John, hn Vancouver, Tirey are 8 good and so sure tint congratlate you ou tire, act that aI reen aou seeabudrd. B.C. ; Mns. H. Joncs, o! Pickering, J. E, Willis guaantees them.' Be your talents are belng recognhzed, n Miss Hall, o! Toronto, 1u vîsitiag and Mrs. Pency Grahram, o! Reacir. sure you gel Anti-Unlo Pilla. B. V. and thal you are leavlng us ta ae- SMiss Hlovden. 0Also oie sister, Mng. Cromahl, Who Marion on eveny box. Sold. only ah sume langer respouslhllitieu in a vidl- Miss Vern Vrpond, o! Osiavairas- iras ircen seriously III. Sire wau i J. E WIliII' drug store. or field. Spital, ilu ihdayhng aI home. member of tire Metirodiat chuncir and 1 We ask you ta accept Ibis basket Mirs. Batchelor and childnenoa To- n negular attendant mu long as sire MYRTLE. o! rases and thrse volumes o! pocîn>', routa, are vislting at Mn. 'W iam vie able. The f uncnal service vas Mn. T. W. Brooks vas ln Toronto anid vitir them tire sineere congratu- e-Bigit s. ireld ah tthe home o! hon sous', vireofast week. lattons, tire warmest thanka and tire ;h D. I. W. Dew, rofss of na-sire passcd away j alter viricir i long Hlaytng operations bave commenced. iront wisres of« vour pupils and fionda le tomy aud Childron's Diseases la theproesignple, Groside ce eteny. The cnop is somevirat ireavion Iran lu section twa.' I'hiladelphia Coilege o! Osteop tiyresin bpaearen s e oCoetr- vas oxpected tire earler part of thre To you, witir paet'u mfnd and hennI, with bis wife anudInfant sonir,15vis Tire polaîl ee; MCo-soason. Emir floyer saine tiraugirt dWisosos; ,b nitig wih Ms. Dew' Moteira.mick, Tiras. Porter, D, Robin- Mn aid Mns. D. Lyl and son Perchance, wint vo have falled t itig vtirMr. Dew' mIre, Mu.sou, Daniel Holliday, James WhriteOra o!RgneetSda' t Agnes Spencer. and David Bunio. Tire muinsters r Wjsof aln Yo'hl ind nt fai> ire Bay In order ta show thieir appreclallon vene Mn. Allen, Mn. Tinir aid Mn. M.N. Tios.eso,!Carmn Tiebkvetuwll pase Of the'indefatigable efforts o!Mý.E. Fovlîe. eci re T onrîlPen aro! tiCremowecThe bo gsvetut ilpesr LuE. Patterson and Mr. Davidlurnes, They grew lu beauty aide b>' -side, vtrbrsseMs .Tnî. And otteutlimes ncmind yau tienimer ! ieBroli pnIgTey lgraved ancr e v tred gîadco tTiere ain on Sînda>' freshetîed Of tire boys and girls lu section two, ly Fain Association madea pnsenaliTrrgavsreuvedfn aad vie tiinga up considenabîy, after tr And tire frienils you lenTe beimd %et these tývo gentlemen lat eek. By mount and streai> and. soi. thercotu !"plole rn"yu Wile tire gifls erone nt îutrna nh an r ntr cucryr ad wîître'hv enbreo i Sigued: E. A. Pascoe, A. S. mn adequate returu for tire har o a- Some aleep beneath thes, for ie hp atva eeks. ouig, W B.O'Conor mount o! lime anud laban spent lu h- But few o! tint old clase are le! t, Hie man>' fienda are glad ta Seo Miss Pethîck neplied lu a few wll- ttnr- Eretn ouid elecmeMr. Alfred Langlord' lu tire îvery cirosen sentences expressive o!f irer bal!so!ni a idB rns h by M sns. hathauke and appreciation, and urgol te- it vie only proper ta gîve somje ex- Aid ve are called ta go, gi fehi.nerg le;. hrpu(stpesfowdta u- pression ho thirt appreciatton.of lie I hope tirey la>'. us viere we played- ceea. ro. an unqualified succese ln even>' way, R C L SW aih fHar st anid virile evervaue Iuterested jduaed. How's This? atho H i. te mak e lse, irelnngest onha e o We oet One Hundred Dollar. Reniant for DON'T HIDE TFIEM WITI- A PARISIAN SAGE MAKES THIN, tiseure w fa r . eesaily foî,l oire -nYcca C.t'..àaCsrrh t ba&t ca&0nn t b.e c we d b y VEIL; REM~OVE THEM ITI LIFELESS HAIR SOFT AND ycerear, ndMr B-rsth cle.o, .JCHIZNE &CO.,Toledoo THE OTHINE PRESCRIPTION. ABUNDANT. ~CO etay, d Mn Buastireccubecon, WC lte underaîgned bave known F. J. Chenew wir e dsine publicl>' la lhaùk tire for the la-s5 ~years, and believe bitaperfectiy Tns pecito frlreem al Baiulbn, rckso, ufy ný, members o! tire Fair AssociaI ou for bonorabi ll i business transactions and fin. hspecito o h eoa Batflhitik ot lfy tirepresntaton.ablernbko carry out amy obligation., made o! !reckleu vas witten by a proinin- lustrous, and free froni daxuiuf?, lu [r. WALDIwO, KINNAn . t'y CÀtu ont piysilin and lu ustially on suc- one of woman's greatest charme, yel WA- V.boîtale Drggîts Tteo, .cesaful la nemoving irockles .ad .gltv- 50ozany have utroaked, tua and lhe- Hlt'scatarrh <oure is tieu internally actingIbig a ean, beauliful , compl-exon, legs bain andl tbak lirere lanano rm- dlrectly tapon the blood and muconssaudaices cof tti usi > rgit no l.Pet i slreyau~l the systeta. Testimonlals sent free. 1'doe 73 gua tee mad b d uggssudraeY rty ari agl nte cents perbotte. lold by a ildruggts. t eud ie 'if îî o! cane. Take Hal'. Panlly Pilla for rostpatîon. faile. Frequent applications o! Parglu lU i . A I - Don'b bide youn freckles under a Sage Weil rubbed into tire scalp luel COLUMBUS. veil,; gel an ounce of otilronund e- tht i needed-lt acts ike mnagic. LTGoniMsgrMn. Hanry Wlcoxson, o ootmv m vntefrtfwa-Try it to-nigirt, yau will realiy ire ie sponding ils boltînys vîth is ~plcations should show a wonderful surprised withr- tire recuit. Net onhy Offers Farmers motir bore. iruprovement, some o!tlire ilgirter wilI tire mmr become se! t, fluffy, rad- tervic.an dvflmaeo â rst Miss Grace Haig la, home frai>0. fneckles vanishIrng entirel>'. ln ihlf n elydu eu lera dnnes 1i55 W siit iOtldL. C. fer tire summer. Be aune ta ask tire druggist for tire tiful, but ail dandruif disappears, bail- a Sa&(@ and colieatent depoalterry for Te-,, Quite a number from bore tene double stroagth olie -,il la tins ing hairaud Êttcing scalp. cease-your L THE PROBLEM SOLVED-Get a Corn Cultivator nowi at a reduced price, on next year termis. Only Ivo heft. FROST & WOOD GRIAIN AND CORN B3INDERS get l ah e rp.They are liglit draft, convenieut, aid do not vaste anga. Oorne in anfI look thein over. ngan If yeu purchase a Mowing Mlachine- or -a Herse Rak4, get a Frost & Wood. 1 If they wcre't the best ve wouhd not soit th cm. A. Oreai> Separator pays vel, anid vc bave some good iýnes to choose from. We are agents for Brantford Gasoline Engfines, efe $ cales, etc. Be sure and get our prices ou Binder Twine. W.-F. DI-SNEY WHITBY, Weigh1 O NTAIRIO. 13eI1 and Indtpezndent Phones. Tire annlvereary services- ell bore ln conuectot'n viti - tire Meliodist. Cirurcir vers a docided succssu, tie praeetds amauîblng ta $210. MIss Fnank Fare*wehl, a! Oshrava, upent a fev laye witb Misa Annie Purvie lait veek. MYRTLE STATION. The Myrtle-Aphburn football team offer a çhallenge te any football team li Ontario Province for hoMe andome gamps. Write B. Beacock, s j È -1Si îia ' 'tk DOLBLE TRACE ALL'rTHE WAY TORONTO -OH 1IGAGO TORHONTO - MO-NREAL IMPORTA-M"IMPROED DAILI' SERVICE NOW IN FECT WESTBOUND £ASTBOUNO Lv. Montreal 11.00 pi Lv. Cbic:sgn 5.45 pin L'V. Toronto S.00alu Lv. 1)troit 11.05 pin Ar. Londoît 1.00 ai LV. Londlon 5.45 Plu A r. Detrot 1.45 Pmn L%. Toruti. 9.00 amn Ar. ChIicago 8.40 Pin Ar. Muntreal 5.45 pin Highent clas ni eq(ipient. Fuîll particnlarsm ani remervations fr0;» Grand irunk Agentmt, or write C. E. HOWNINO, D.P.A., Toronto, Ont. B. SttcnJenson, Agent, phone 36, Whîtlhy SIf yuu expeet Hlgh Gade Enployment you must inake Hlgh Grade PPepara- tion. Oneschool thatie weli-known througliout Canada, for strictly superior training if; the 1 Toronto, Ont. Oraduates of Ibis scbool rsadlly eobtala snMPIYMOut becauçe Ibere are thomanda o! üPenin5slu tht. oit>. v.ry ear, and o are cale utpon to it more t an we. Enter any ti[ae. College open ail year. WrIte for catalogue. Atizaudwr aise. W. J. Blisit, A number frein bore attended the decoratien at Prtncè Albeit on Sun. day. Miss Fledà Dring, o! Toronto, spent the week end at home. Miss May Thonipson is confined to the bouse with a uprained ankle. S. S. NO. 2, WI{ITBY. Tlie annual picnic lu connection witb Sinclair'. Scirool was held on Friday, June 26th, ln Mr. W. B. O'Connor's woods. The attondance was unusualiy large, a number boîng present romn Whithy and Oshrawa, Iwhile li Section 2 almost every fam- ily turned out In full force to, enjoy thie outing, and b ironor tiroir pop- ular young teacher, Miss Jeanette Pethlck, whose resignathon bras caused mucir regret. The races, sports, etc., held during1 tire atternoon, wore enjoyed by old and young alike, as was also tire sub- stantial tea served on tire grass In true piculo style. Greatly to their satisfaction, thre juveniles were treated to tee creain by their teacher. Then came thre awarding o! prizes, after which Miss ,htouai Exhibition. __ Guiseppe Creatore, viro witi iris baud cornes ta lire Canadian Nation- il Exhibition for- tva concerts, «isil>' durlng lire enlire Exhibition, îs un- questionably tire most intert;slng peneonahît>' before thre nusice vii id to-day. Hoeiras set Boston raid New York music mal. Ho la one e!l(the most pictunesque o! conductors, but la, -besldes, a masterly leader of mon vio ira his musiclairs undon perfçect é>ntnol. To tire speclabors tire mie- sietirle impression lu liratthe>'are penlorming iuvoluntarihy eîlinohy aI tic wiul o! theIn fier>', volatile con- lucher. S. S. NO. 2,, WHITBY. Scirool report fon Juno. Pics mark 030.# Jr. IV.-Ensî Mayes 733,' Willie O'Connor, 592. Sr. III.-Anale O'Connor 778, Roy' Diugmîi 715, Grace O'Connor 711, Ell Pascoe 635, Bhaucir Spcagg, 634, Thomas Kirk 614. Jr. III.-Doretiry Seule>' 516, JEd- yard Pascoe 468. P#**eeeee-e ~ For Quick sale 1 Have, iSecond band Masse>' Harris Corn Cultivator $ 5.00 i Cronin Gang Plow 1 -t5.00 19 Foot McCormick Land Roller, New 37.00 2 Steel Ranges No. 9, 6 Hole, Highi Closet and Reservoir eaci 34.00 I aleoai> ofloring ail o! my Oliver Ploya, Disc Harrows, etc., at greatl>' reduced pricos for Cbean Ont Silo. clean euh mîl beavy gooda on baud. URIAIl JON Brooklin Belý and Imd. Phonos. -- Ontario. B a*eéBBeo.. s'* os o o e cesseS eoe: o s, s (j. R, PPTIIUCK, Teacho!. ~NATIONAL PEACJ I '100 o 46 ig lscal Nuneer at Csitadiani Tbe biIlg1 musical .numbot ait tire Plans Mi anadian National Exhibitionis AI, Kîaôs 0 Dr -w 'Ii bo tire Isterùatlonal- Feate RepairS tg atoo. Ton bands, a total ntf.400 nsicians, 0wl t ake part ln*l, aid W I will be'-la (tuelf a cofobrationi of, Be iundrod-yeans o! peace between _____ ribain aidtire United- States. 7Iiro ands will wear tireuniforme of a undred years ago, aninlatir cciii- Dr-marcing wilI play tire pattloto Iru bandeil dowa toý us b>' our fore- Zoug1 thons:'w Dr. Williams, Qg tre Grena- nowitn5Uj or Guardi, will ire tire conductor.. vol, 52- nageL91 o ofri. go dalf. h »requtredâ>. mpreaabl Str..hNew LaundiT. maximumsa odefit wrltb, amd jurrourdma cessIt' v. I~uUaJ.tie acetirhat vo bave opemndu Pla fiut- clan laudu'>' onBrock St, Wbitb",l b MuaWmuareNet Cost w. do l irinds o Miaitim' Ne cot, umât>' ona. Famiiy enores givesi special attem l0l 'voirk àguaratOOd- For rates and full-information Parceahscalled fornd del!irfd. apply 1té Charles War -Whltbyo Onte, V. J. DUEF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN. Speclal Rop. Quoca &V'ictorla St YA rE rRm Myte. Tonto, Mgr. - ROY CAL H A Tho M utual Lits01 Now York We haVe latahdmW S'rstplf ma hine, wirCb anoutol>' Iliogerbedm nd easy ontie yes. DI ISNEY BROS. ANPRIN agf Brookll, Ont. NOTICE TO SUET EMBALM ERS ANDOh aaeetO hw$Bi o! csket aulsupliesalDasso hi cale, Toont bg o lanlo. baud taeheose<rom. H a Offc , o ng oradBs lea f t -H ft t t kii i iiiit t i.êi I*+ttIttIti0-4 F Have You any Property For SalIe P If so, eut out and mail ,tis coupon for our listing borna;, PhonoeIii Orsatr Canada Improvement and Land C., Nllsd rok st. Gentlemen,- i have a............................ for sale. KiHdIy send f yonr listing forni. ................ .............I...... ........................................ I........ ... Groator Canada provomeot & Land Co.- e1RIOHARDSON &IlOHARD8ON. ,MANAGERSý Belphone 193. WHUTBlY, ONTARIO Imd. phone 70. Farms For Sale Upwards of forty f arime fnom 25 acres up, and ah frein- $35 an acre, giaranteed te show atisfactany results. from investinent, locaîed in Whitby - and Pickering Townships. Every coaceivable requirement cf soit, buildings, orchard and other<ihprovements can be met in the varied list offered. J-. E. WINN, Bell plhone 109. Residencle, Dundas St. COUNTY OP' ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-1938 E.L.Mcdnel Clerk, Whtby- Jan. 18,- Pcb. 8. Man., 4, April 8, Ma>' 4, Juime 8, Jul>' 8,-Sept. 8, -Oct. 2, Nov. 71, Dec. 4, Jan,,If, 1915. OSHAWA-Mess E. L. Macbamnel Clek-Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 4, Myi0, June 4, Jily_ 4, Sept. 4,-» Oct. 8, Nov. 9, Dec. 5, Jan. 8, 1915 2. BROUGHAM---M. Gleeon, Green- vood, Clerk-Jan. 18, Mar. O, May' 6, Jul>' 7, Sept. 8, Nov. 11, Jani. 8. PORT FERRY- J. W. Bunhmir, Cerk- Jan. 17, Mar. 7, Ma>' 7, .Tnh>' 8, Sept. 0, Nov. 12. Jan, la, 4. UXBRIDGEm- R. J. Moore,- Tir- '.bridge, Clerk- Jan. 10, Mar. 14, Mn>' 18, Jul>' 14, _Sept. 8, Nev. 20, Jan. 16, 1915. 6. CANNINGTON-Tbau. HIL cmbr Cannington, Clek-Jaî. S, ]Màtr 18, Ma>' 14, Jul>' el Sept. 9, Nov. 199, Jan. 15, 1915. S. BEAVERTON--Chas. A. Pater- son, Boavenboni, CIonk-ýJaa. s, Mat. là, May>',Il le >'1, sepi. 10, Nov. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. 7. UPTERGFLOVE- Daiel Leomd Aiberle', clok- Jas 7, at. lt,- May if, Jul>' il, Sept. 1,o. il, jas. 1e, 1115. Br Onder, J. M. TAREWLL, DaiudaiIiyNo.3,11 m - WIITBY P. 0. ox 39 West.4 BIRTIIS. GRANGER-At Scanborb, jet.;«on, Tuesday, JuIy 7,1914, to Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Granger, a daugùter,. DESPYIGN$S£0 Aresending-sakteh a.nd description ma? quiklimâertinont opinion froewueticr au Lions stictI c L¶AiDBGOK outnt Jot aenoT for sc -»tcia iWOUU, witbonLobaras. li tue Ê stM deomal? 1 lumtratGl ee I r. eot ciré Ulation of Ur sOcentiflo uona'i.Tortuefor ujlaut ear, postagle pro sd. 5BOU of ilew deii Oroa, alkptli t Md duiohe onis cmmvq 10 pet cea wboir -0Uiii u l*Ibm ly mae, b> purchaulmgfrom u, 0ýPW*9 à mdàad a4 *, II, Q ail Leaf 1 CRI MOATO Roady for i icavçs and kif 'Tie only ami Worth rU Doos Dot i Ia MEDIC 11160 E. F j 'Bamnsier, Cotant>' 0"cesoutir wiag A. E. Office, Brock St., i . Mcone .IAUES RLTLE Money te Lo Oece imnedtate~ G. VOUNO MARRIA( Court Hpuse, DA. J BarrÎste.r, Solic Convoya Oshawa, Office-No. 2 Ki phrones-office, Oshawa, - ceni cesoýr to L. F sndi datf!;,apl2 Wbîtby. LICENSE d te; A rai i' muade îtitb Tenms neasa KINGSTO onie 'nmf7 1 and vhla near!ynI , a piggery.v, lt forty acres- st; property v%'1U4 dollars Pd liundred, JORN f 409 'I.un - TO Ioni oùs an Ba 'i DII BElon -i SAAA~~ il %OOWWIL 't 'w 'w W'W 'w 'w 'w 'w ÀL AL ÀL ý& AL ý ý ý A. ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 71- ý: ý il t te ýc y 1

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