Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jul 1914, p. 5

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ypur jappolntmoint rnL have amIw mnarched te -theeG.T.R. station, ieavlng for Toronto. on tihe 7.35 train. -Prom Toronto a'It the cadets gather- eti there were takein te camp by beat. :-Tbey will reniain at Niagara for the week, returning. on ýSunday. Capt. Chas. BascoWm' ls-'lu charge, et the Wbtby Cadets. Ce ok for lieuse, et Refuge. Apply at once té Dr." J. F. Lavery; STJNDAY SOHOOL RALL1É; The, Sunaday c Ocf b&lpts Ciburch beld an qijoyable a-»d -Inter-1 eting rahly oi Sundayairorning lait,'. taklng the place cf tiseregular churéb service. -Meurs. Ehni er LIck,0. A;- Goodfell'ow and W..A. Henderson ai the pastor eauh reviewed tbree et the quarter's 108901ns. lu. the! way of spe- ctsal. mnuaie there were duetts aiid quartettes by pupijï o~tte sehooL, The'Pulpit and piatform were pret-. tiIy 'decerate<j wlth lewers. WÂNTED. just a few veeks olti. Apply, *ti ette Office. DEATH 0F JOHIN BELL. * The death occurred inl Toronto ou Saturday cf John Bell, step-scn cf Mm. Parker' cornes everY lirs. John'Bell,,cf Kingston"Roati, 'r ontb, on ýthe lfist 8Saturday apoplezy beiug the cause. Mr. Bell vl as a resîduit -of Wlitby lu bis ealy ofe the month. tisys, but 'has livet Iin Toronto for a long tinie, ýbeing lun middlie lite at the lime -eofbis death. The body vas brought te Whitby cn the 3.05 p.m. G.T.R. train cu Monday, interment 88ett groud atPort, Whitby. Rev. G. A. McLeab conductech the service. Jewoe an ad raduato Optilan 80 pairs cf men's Urus Cal! work le bootsi, with no seam lu back, heavy OPposite Put Offies soies, ouid -tbroughout. Regular * prioe $8, sale prIce 81.98. at Peeis WhiIy, O t. jeh::ster sdy d verybcdy ia invited te take lu the excursion te Rose- __________________________bank «où Tuesday, Juhy 7, under the , .C T .icesoftfie Baptist S.S..' ThIÃŽ Te L la he ast hanc ths ummner to spend a day at 'Rcscbank, as the groundis arc closedti t picuies aitter RýEEL* COUNTY TO GO DRY- ON .muhy 1. The'aduhts tare viii be 45c.; JULY 8ÏST. chiltiren, 25c. No matter what your The License CeOmmissicuers for the denomination, corne along, l4i ng your, Voisnty 'ot Peel met on Wednestiay,1 basket sud have a gond time. The v 4pr11 8, to conlsider applications ton train leaves the upton statlon. at ic le~nvew o! the faet that the 7.18 a.m1., anti the .Tunctiou at 7.35. ' ,anada Temàpemance Act hati been ad-!, REeturnlng, leaves Resebauk ait5.30 y opted. ti vil1 horemembered tht.r. theras an undtertandiug arriveti ýatnoms time ago that- licenses would 13. 'Y. P. U. VISIT ALMONDS. mioti ho enewet i itho Caniada Tem- On- Tuesday eveulng the Young perance Aet vers adoptoti, althougb r'soplei'of the Baptist Chumch were that-'Act wihh net legally corne inte entertaineti by the Epworth League 'toma. until May lot; The C(,nmis- 'o! the Aimonde Cburch, when the slouera carried eut this agreement two societies speut a meet enjoyabie - 'oly partlaliy. They tiecitiedti te e-f anti profitable evening logether. The -ruse licenses for taverne anti clubs 'prograni was supplieti by the Bap- 'ieow ln cpeattou, but grantéd all of!1lista, andi censisteti- cf readiugs, 'thsrn tie monthel extibiiOlOi, 80 scies andtIinstru mentai music. Fol- -tbat they wihl chose on. Juhy 3lst, lu- lowiug til, a, social heur was helti, zteati cf April 301h. dimectecl by the Aimoutis League.i - - - - Refeshmeuts weme semved, sud evemy- -one present had a Splendid time. It isl hopeti that this ig but the first et ' Local, Héppeninrga a numbet of happy eveniugs the tel- low-soceties may eujoy with each other. 'vio Court viii be belti oun'ro- The ain 'stormwhich began cn 'day, Juhy 3, at the Colirt House, al Suturdav and coutinued intermit- 10 a.mr etytl oda a oea n -1 calculable . amount et goond. . The* Mr.. Levi Shepherd bas the cotract strawbemry cmop, which has been a- 'ferpainting the exteior o! the Pres-; bundant, was veil-nigh exhausteti, byterlan cburcb at Pickering, anti la wheu the timeiy ain gave it a fmesh busy atItI this weeli. - irpetus. Raspbemies, cf which theme 0 is anabundant shcwing, . were aise lu 'Reserve- Tuestiay, JuIy .7, fur a day great neeti cf main.. The ain cannct .at Ros@bank wlth the Baptist Sun- new help the hay cmep, which is. vemy ý day Sebool Picule. iglit in general; but the mccl crep "4 -' bas been practlcally saved inl many The official count et' ballots takes places b te lb arrvai o! the main. The p'lace on Salurday afternoon, July 4, ain wili also he o! great value te :at 2 c'clock lu the Town Hall, Whit- the grain creps, which weme sufferiug by, visen Deputy Returning Offices,, geatly. E. tH. Prmy, viii open the' ballot boxes, anti the official count yl ho miade. Our lImense stock of men's, wo- =ntu'santi ciitreu's fino shoos, ox- t ords and pumpu, at geatly rsduléed 'prices. Peei's shoe store. A Voters' Liat Court 61f Revlsic'î lu calloti for next Wednesday~ more ling, Juiy ,ç at 10 a.m., This Court vas: origilially te have been belti on- June 8, but owing. te certain- Irregu- larities lu the proceedinge, it badtt ho adjo'urneti for a' month. NOTICE. Havlng openet' tlnsmlthing, cave rognganti general epair hop, luÏ part o! Mr. J. H. James' sbep, Brock St. North, 1 amn preparedti t ENTERTAINED AT THE GRANGE Mm. anti Mme. J.B. Laltihav enter- taineti at "'The Grange" on Satumday atternoon aset the Toronto office staff o! the Norwich Union Fire Assurance Co., o! whlch Mm., Laidiav ls max- ager. A large number came dowu by ,train iu the afterucon, anti vere tnly-, en arounti towu betoee epaiig to Mr. Laidlaw's beautiful home, vhere' gaines irere played, anti a genemal eu- joyable tîme spent. Tht party. me-. turnedti 1 Toronto by eveuiug train. The towv. ecales on Coîbomne Street, are being repaireti, anti heuce bave been eut of commission jon several tiy.A new cement teuntiaticu bhas been put iu. RETUEN PROM NIAGARA, Isantle s.ll1 kintis et wçrkÏlu thatlhue. Theg .4th -Regiment eturued frei -Jebbiug promptly attendedti te Benî. Niagama-en-the-lagke on Fritiay, atter Ilmyau, Whttby. la twelve day camp. The regimeut -4- .-left Niagara abouît one o'ciock ar. COMING. Iou Fniday, arriving ut Whitbv bar- P.E liukee, C pt.D. 159 Yonge bor about 4.30. A special train ar- sti, Toronto's able opticlan, eau ho iliveti about *7 o'clock, and the egi- Cônuulteti 'about your eyes at A. Il.r ment mas taken eut te Caîîningtou., Alli's dmug store, Whtby, :Tueetiay, wheme n sham figbt teck place. The 'il2t.For elghtee-n yeams bh as!retumu ¶euiiiey was muade to Whitby becu 'caming tb Witb Y. anti wheii you lu the eveniug, thb. beys arrivlug heme get spectacles- from hlmï they, are 'at 9 e'cleck. The training receiveti rq.rht. Don't tergel'the 'date. Tues- at camp was verv beneficial, as oee -dly, -july 219t. coulti jutige hy the rnarket Iimprove- lawu. DEVELOPINO i attended te promptly. Iw. will corne 1 ýmake a l1ice,, md PRTIO Wilson,' ý-Studio I ______ nnt l te beann PNING 0F C.P. R. PASSENGIER - SERVICE. andi Marc eib .Thse first *C. *'P*IR tÃ" pais tbrougà -, servie stopjed a on' scieduhe time, Sý day; 'the service, ýthat day, with two daiiy. Mm. Ifarizy 'the lirt ticket goins Sleep sud Hewis w chasers et Toronto Trains geing' wes rive at Wbitby at 9 p.n., arriviug in Ti 'aud 6.50 p.,m., rem trains leave Torcnti 5.30 p.m., armiving i a.m. sud 7.38 p.n lares are Rimilar t 90c. single and $1.5CJ passenger trsin hitby on mgu -the. new station 15 aju.,çç» Mon- was inaugurateti trains each wayj Wilson purchaseti1 g cast, anti Misses cre the firet pur-' tickets. bte Toronto ar- 30 a.me. anti 5.42 ionto, at il a.m. pectivehy. East r at 8.05 a.m.and ,t Whitby at 9m1 . The Torouto 3 a.T.R. tares, return. DE ATH 0F MJSSfHA'!Y. At the borne Qo! Permy, Centre Stre away ou Saturday el garet Ogeten 'Dunbai hati Ieen 111 fer 'th~ môme. For many m pot lie dcwn lu bed suPppetet inl a sitt posture. The 'montbi p ain anti weariness, ya welceme reteas long perictiofetrem teudemly cameti for hi hem niece, Miss Chini Hay vas a member cburcb, the recter cf W. Allen, couducteti the heuse at'3.30 prior te Intemment Cemetery. Messrs. .John a nephews cf the deSc fmom Toronte fer the NEW tIrs. John Ham et, there passeti 7 eniug Mies Mar- Hay. Miss li4 past year ot Cthe asecoulti anti batite be iug or recluing véet ihictiwlth anti death came c. Dutng thîs lînese 'she vas yMme.. Ferry andi n.The late Misa, of Ahi flanjs" which, Ilev. R. the service ai o'clcck Mcndfay; lu (im,,veside i Cullen Perry, seti, were heme funeral. PIPE ORGANý FOR BIAPTIST CHUR JH. The cougegation Churcbi expect te ha7 on Sunday and Mondt 131 te !ommally open pipe organ which has them by Mesers. Ly onte. The iînstmume1 staiheti next week r] Sunday. Il le a ilan1ý toueti Instrument, the congregatlon gri A. I. Lye, organisti et a èhurch lu Temr1 at the organ ou Suni the organ ectui toj day evcning. Theii rnakl1ng prepamaticus gîam cf organ sudv Menday eveniug. yF meut wiii be madeeni Great sale of yout shoes anti ofords in~ ther anti gun metaH- 7. Reguhar $4 aud] $2.95 at M.W. Clil cf the Baptist ve the pleasure ay, July 12 andi anud use. the, new àbeen built tom & Sons, et To- nt will be lu- adly fer use on lsome 'anti fine- md shoult i gve oct service. Mr. for many years to, wiii preside iday, sud aise sut be helti oun Men- hurch choir le fora afiue pro- vocal muslc for uthcr aunounce>- ext weck. g me's bulton tan, -patent lea- size 5, 5j, 6 anti $5, sale prke CONSE RVATIVFI MEETINGS. .The Libemal-Conse meeting lu the musi uesday evening asut, tendance, the galhem ' f cmladies, of vhcm eout te hear the spea Ruthetige, of the' Whi presideti. With him were the candidate, en ; Mr. Wm. Smitb, E dmouti Bristel, South Toronto. M.Sih1spoke f lcwed by Mr. Brist lengthy speech, revie SOME, fvativee' helti a ce hall on Wed- vith'a gooti at- y efng reserveti a number tumneti rces. Mr, Jameo Iby AÉsociation, iou the plat! orm Mr. Chas. Caliti M. P.; ant i r. K. C., M.P. fez iIantivas f ol- oh, Who, lu a f ved the von et 1~~ aà= andr a 1joîiit iSlOOSed., '4ieêîoai aid was - swnne4,,and iMrs' Ile.. lA Dow golui abolstagaln, '1,ber wrist -viii be useleas for .a few- Thse combos* nate sale on"- Saturday aftonoon lIsat 'u"lnterte.Od viti b>y tbe zain, wbich startestite fll mbhortly beorethe ae ira ts t dt. As a resuit enly ia uzmai crôwd giatb, ered, &verl s aln.e ersme, hoir. ever,l but-, good-déal, cf the' pzcp.ty occasion.Menion ,Miss May Alezander bas been vit iting wlthliraÃŽ:. Geo. Mowat, 'Sr.. 3fr. -Regnald Southwell, of Toron- te, 18 in town on a week's vlsit. Mir. and lirs. E. E. Sloep, Toront.o Ivisited with their parents over Sun. day. Mess C. Scott, of!'Toronto, spent Sunday at the home o!flMr. E. Stoph-, enson. M;. J. Mowàt, with two triends, w6re vlslting with bis parents over. the week end. Mr. Jolin Rice, of Parry Sound, lu visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. IRice. .-Go atro o Mr. and Mrs.. e.Wles fT ronto, spent the week-end wlth Mrs. Qee. «Southweli. Misses Annie and Jean Johnoten are at home with thegr mother for the vacation. .Mrs. Taylor and chlldren, and Mrs- Pilkéy,; of Toronto, were in town last week caiiing on old friends. Mms. Chas. Bush, of London, who bas' been visiting ber parents,- Mr. and Mis. Jas. Nicholson, bas re-ý turned borne, accompanied by ber sis- ter, Mrs.' WakeIy, andlittie son. Mr. Arthur Jubb, of the Dominion Bank"-staff, bas been-trans!erred to Toronto. Hlls place is being taken bere by Mr. 44ordon Whitfield wbo conimenced his duties on Monday., Mrs, AIf. Rawlison, lirs. Richard Steele and Master Wihhie Steehe, have lef t for their homes in Toronto atter a two months' visit wlth their brotb,- er, Mr. and-'lre. .Jas. H. Mathewson at Teddingtou, Sask. Mir. John McClelan, Norwood, do with bis parents for the sunimer. Tbe Misses Robertson,-o! Toronto. are, ut the home of their parents 'for the vacation. Miss Jessie Macphpson, of Toron- to, and Miss Lul ,apherson, of Hastings, arc at ,thoir home bere for the holldays. A lifotime spent in handl- ing Tea enables us to give every buyer a 25 per cent. W until further w regular 35 cent 25c BLACK, GREEN Spend your borne and ycu tlîem -again. saving cf le wl cifer, iotice, eur Tes at OR MIXED. dollars at wilI niect Suriprise Soap 6 for 25o Cern Flakes .3 for 25o RoIIed Oats 8 Ibo. for 25o Your business friend, WM. MEEKER Phone 94, - WHITBY TING ENTIRE.Y NEW IN Sniart. Wh-ite Feit Hats TE MISSES POWELL Whltby - 'I - - - - - - - - - -m wi 5TUi Cotrntry ordeý- AT4-,,AST M ,ITBY tIAS A REAL LIVE PAINTEI< &Ra & GAIRDINER- INTERS, DEeO-RATORS anci SUGN WRITERS. -s receive immediate attention. -Distance ne object. 13x*65,WMITBY 1 1 - 1rn&min'Fmm .irw.a -JIwmJuwmeiIoMI 1_ i gltr ai - y T hem m e tsas , ~ H s s u FÃ"ER SALE. 'I Safe,, uiý goi côndition. + Apply'-te M. W. iColas, 'hinFerguse'. cîi stand. FAIllIFOR SALE IN in"rrY Spoveàty-een sctes, lot 28, con. 4, thrb miles freinà .htby tom;- cp,- veiet 't tbee alwaày -tatiolsu; ing -or 'market " gardenlng.. Suài fruits, god orcbard (prlncfpally gpy trees), nOer tailing streaiù, veli' and cltmn rame:,bouse,. bank ,barn ani ot her large buildings;. Several acres c i sanding. timber. AIso two lots luWitby town.' C. 19. Smith, 01- ecutor.-tf. FOR SALE. A' jgooà" setýviceablë bedrcom set, conslti4 o!1 bedstead, dreSser, stand, iprings and maattreas.' TÉh"shas been aud lu perfecthy'edean. Wi a tmesIi ceat of palûf it 'wouhd lhock ik*, uew. Also a -good .bauging lamp. Apply gt Gazette office for particuhars.' FOR SALE. Six rooiéd bouse ; stable acre gcod okchard, -with pears, apphes,. cherries and bernîes. Close toe dcc- 't4s cars. Apphy tc T.W. Bonnehh, Wbiftby. WANTED. Laundreis, 'Imniediately for Houas c! Refuge. Apphy. te Dr. J.F. Lav- ery.-tf. A reliable man of good address and ability te act as ur representativel l n the County of Ontario.' A spen- did opening and permanent posi tion for the mi gbt man. Stone,& Welling- ton, Nurserymen, Toronto. Ot.-3. HOUSE FOR SALE. New trame house, li storeys, six' rooms, X-plece bath. furnace, electric light. Apply J.- H. JAMES, Wblt- DENTS DA'IRY. Pure mili k cream. Morning and evening deiv.ry'. Order now. Phone 177.-tf.' FOR ÉSALE. 1 Seyer and Massey engins wltb separator andi self feeder 1 mie straw blower, manufactured ýby John .Good- Ison, Saria. I Clouer Miii, maie by the Hall Worku, Oshawa, wlth tank aud trucks. 1 Ensilage Cutter, made, by the Wilkinson Co. 1 Grain Grlnd- er, made by Mattbew Mogde & Sons. All ini go runniag order. Apply to HENRY ROBINSON, Breokln.-tf. Train T ine Table@ G.T.R. WHITBY JUNCTION. Golug Wvest... i ongt..,..8a2a.v - .7.a.m. .... 3-05 P.' .so.8a.. i, .. &19 p. m - ..7-40 p.m- i ....9.309.m Suntiay trains leave for 'Percute 4.52 a.m. anti 7.56 p.m. FrornTor cule-trains stop at Witlby Junctien nt 8.15 anti 9.55 a.m., anti Q.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION., Going North ...9.3oa&.m. 1 oing South ... 7.iS snr C.P. R. qfoing West-9 50aR. I Coing Esst-9.s 5a5 m STAGES. leaves Whltby, for Oshawra at 10 a.rn. andi 4 p.m. Jou. Holdon, pro- priater. Leaves forBrougba nt 10 a.m. Mm. Edwards, proprietor. Éor Wet- ô. s. BRITISH AMERICAN COLIEGE nea"ailu a&einfluence ad succeeful srd. ates Speg 4lizes'in élar &pi tisas ort ba da di o m rca u ect. PU T srm open Aug85 Write for aur catalogue. onres iW. Wauthope, Principal, Yoge & McGil Sts ,Toronto. INICHOLSON.& SELOON VNIDERT1ANERs I Phones35 WHITBY REAL, ESTATE FRANK E. JONEýS' LIST. MAILS CLOSE. .30 a.su. Fer Part ' 2.30P)u. .30 P.=. .30 p.rm. porOshai Wlstby- 6.30 arn 6.30 p.rn Iwa-2.3o p.r Severai bouses amm e fr sale ln the Township of Whltby sud Pickeming., FRANK E. JONES. WHITBY. THE LIBERALS MËIETý. The Liberai Association belti a mss meeting onFriday evening in the MU4 Hlli, the attendance at this ',àls"» being large and represent-. .tive, -+ -Mm. Geo6w A.i Ross, Pmesideit, cf -the South Ontarlo Liberal ,AssBo- ciation, vas ,ilu the chair.,Itev. F. E. Farewell, cf Toronto, an olti Witby boy,, andi a ýdistingulsbed graduate ef Toronto Unlversity, was the flrst speaker.lie deai chielly, with the [main Piauk e! the Rowell platiori, the "Abolisb the Bar" pchicy. nis appel waS ouchet Inluthe, strongest and most eoquent erns. He ex- plaineti fully what the,,Rowelh poliey meant, 'the -abolition of ail but shop licenses, the eanehiing o! these ýby a straight rnajerlty vote, aud the abo- lition of the tbneeý-fiftbsi clause.'ý Mr.. W. E. N. Sinclair, M.2',P.î the Libemal candid]ate,, matie an cloquentý sipeech, lu wbich he criticizeti the' Government for recklesas xpendituj;e, bhocklug 'c!fInvestigations, aud for stubbomn, refusaI'- ýtc accede to the ne- queute o! the Tomperanc eirty. Mmr, ,Sinclair declared himecito tehon out-aut-cut supporter of the -Rcwell SALE REGISTER. Saturday, JuIy 1.-Au.ition iiJe cf houtsehold'turniture,. thd pr 'perty cf Miss M. Greenwood, fiyÃŽry 'St., Whitby. Sale at one, f"c lOPKir shap. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. SNAW'8 BUSINESS 8CHOOL8. Iru e & O r rd 515., anti Six City Bra icl Selinle CurrIcuinsu set on requent. Enuter, auy time. W. IL. Shaw, Presirienjt . Maxim~ ,Incom*p4 Minimum Net Oost For rates and f«uli information . apply to P. J. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONOVAjN, Special Rep. Queen & Victoria St Myrtle. Toronto, Mgr., The Mutual Life "fénc o C. FOLLEST OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. Residence, - Thorntcn's Corners Phone 41, Oshawa. Don iuion Day Flil are's Bstwoon a&H stafifons in Canadaeast of Port Arthur aud to Detroit and Port Huron, MIch., Bufflo, Blaek Rock, NlagaraPslle,and Suspension Bridge, SINGE PAE IPARE and ONE-TEIR> i oad golug Juns 30, 101) 11117d e. UIy 1. Esturu limit Homneseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets ta points ln Western Canada vis Chicago, et. -P&auiluth or Sarnia and Nohe Nvi~gtion Co. on saMe each Tuesday until ct. 27, Inclusive, Kt very low lare.. Pull p rtculais snd reservations from Grand' Trunk Agnt@, or write C. E. HORNING, D.FA,, Toronto, Ont, E. Sicobsunson, Agent.phon e , VWtby Lvery, Caiiage and Teaming... I have recently added te my weli- equipped livery 'stable a heavy teamn tan , dryorkalnds o! cartplage ad. oý hf o Wt orIT iby oi. reve Ir or, an wîhi ee shaecl l'e Tbrodo. 1 e btyRue Rochenter. Thousad Isimadet Montregl, Quebe. mmd- 8teabmer. Irrave Toronto 2,nOp.m. da1Iy' ezcept luu.lsy. Prom jule lit rlaily. SPEIALSERVICE Steamers leave Toronto slail, ne'cept ounday, at 6 . . fr Kingaiton. Thonsand - 1.rlr'trlo. Moutr;eal, Queb.c ,sÀnd Sagna River Points. Toronto.- Hamilton . Montréal- 8t~e 'ellevl l~ etsTrouto ou Hsmltoaur 'Jorou to led,eîdays. Str. Ciyo aiton la I farl qnau St. Lawrtnse Guif snd Nrm orth shore Routes Montr,,l it dQurt(. to' t,(ifpe, 81uunuerr.ilîe, Charlnt etrwr sui a dPictr , . g., anrl pofiti,ut tire Nrth Shore of Oi ii.Québsec'te New York 9tr Thrr rl eay'er, Qrebsc .Jrly lot auri 241h, Aug,7tih mnil2141. For partliclars appye to local ticket agent or ar.idres,, lluon D. PînFRnso'< GA.P.D. 40Youge ut., Trronbo. St F.-,E Alun'8 dm0g TorA arable For evey o adsuspe ct wre w ar eytresee. arableuFer everyrinwn agsd distric where tividends aetne c.r- n:ed cýoiwidcil F, OPT. 0 At Allin's drug , store Whitby, Tuesday July 21 D 0 t Ityou al on't miss seeing him il ou suspect trouble witi, ,-e if -f il' i numsery ntucst is 1in ucmana. Make Big'Money Noir by taking, an agency. lesot TIme for canvassiu-g1 is duriug the Summet menthe. * Exper-,. lence net uecessary., FREE EQUIPIËÉNT. Exclusive territery.-, Highest commissions paid. Write for fuli _particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Fire,-Ljfe, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobiles.' Agent for the best Canadian, English and American companies JAMES, McCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont.' Phone 129 Scianton-'Ceai Steue Size ind 'Egg per ton 7.00 At Flamber Ceai sheds 50 oenta per tle is. "SOBANTON Oal". The name guarautees Ihe6 E. R, BLOW, Bell Tel. 9. Whhlby Home Tel. r4. Pun, Manufacturer ShOP aUd leidnce, Dundag .âtre recciveerders.whihili 1li- r niro.tI andi careful atter'tiosî PHONE 6;. CARRIAGE TO MEET ALL TRAINS.' John .GLimblot DUNDAS ýST., WEST WHITBY W.are prepamedtoI nstall wood oet Imon pumps ou short notice, al" attend te ail kîntis o! me- palmlng.' A gent for the 'Ontario vind iif, abu gasolîlue englues -and the square-bw.t fet Magnet, CiamSparator. 2 Phone Nô. 501 zesidenoe. '" UnUL -8 I1 0 * Joweplry store ON *SATDROH20AY, JUNE 2T1 ho " m.1 &à 1 -il Rýrmrmr.ir.=tm.m rmrmè.- ýTORONTO, ONTARIO- ý Chestntit per ton - $1.25. Phone 94, - --W HITBY per ton 6.25 41 130 P.M. roT rioli and bùilding lots ferý 1 - ér - - ir eyes. Youi Impregnablè

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