Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 6

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'tb. -00ýly way'o i tne up tbii ives Io through'th. blc;od. 'Dr. Wiliam.' 'iîk Pille for~ Pale People aàre a direct xev~ toîic because -they make new' ricit red blood, which feede the nerves and strengtiiens every ongaù ft l té body.- Under ,Wthetoiixfinuen<ef theýe Pille nernouauees aid ail th&-other eis elc 'wérry and overwork quiokly dis- ;appear. Tiiey retore thie digestion - andeable -Wboy 'to take ful (3atffo itefo e o . Chapmaî, Omexxiee, 1Oit.e, 'ýays: IIbecame -Completely run down aid my nervous systeu 'xatered from overwork, and worr. I alwaye .1elt tired aid ex- hanstedamd -sîlept b'adly at- uighL> Iied' evera.l n4edicinse.but did Ao fnd the h>ped-for relef. -Then S i decided to try Dr. Wïiiiarns ink ipille.- I took them, reguilarly, for meoa' xnths-,aid they restored me toý pe rfect iiýeltb,' iand I hiave - ince been *elLand siirong. I eau reorne-nd theae PiLle to any af- A dlcted witit nervousnes or&a bi'okei- c6onstitution a-s 1Ieledmire they'wili effeta cure." *These Puileare soid by alI iedi- cie dealers or will be sent by mail at,50 cents-a box or six boxes for -$2.5o by. wrting The Dr. Willfam' MXedicine Ce., Broekilîle, Ont. 8031E QUAINT OLD BIIIOS. The Iargest One Are. Not the Lejîgest Livere. The question of whieh birds live the longet lias neyer beoreentetled rîatisfactorily. JButte neveu c5eue very highluntire list, and la aaid to reach the. grec-t age o! two tundred Eagies and utr 1 no long iivcs. Indeed, an eBagle-owle known te hiave iived ninety years in captivity. In titis perticulan case, tthe bird began to lay eggs atter fifty y an -d duri-ng the las- forty yeairs of its Ilfe brought up nmroslittie ie-. A .huîdrod yepar4 is prcrhably a conwerviLtive e-tina-te of a parrota age,aImd à. i.s rc-corded tfhat oeeof tlhese birdis also started netsting af- ter tlîirty yc-'r-fcaptivity, With ôrdiuary iuck, lotir tire crow and the swan raa-y tt'as1i<ably exîYrct a century of iifé. ILim.t by any înean-6 thc lar- ge-t birds tlîat enjoy ttec longrst li F. -r îimtanîee',the sparnow ueomet imî's ceet rates his fortieth 0x~tcn' tîmer a msraoheel by re-,-,' Heur. 10 years; phra- sants and'ýaîtridga.q, 15 yea -s; iarks anýi1jigb-Unga1rs, 18 -cr p ige otri . 120 yerdrs:caniarie-' 24 pe-s;pcaco-ck%, 30 ye'ili' andi lier'- num. 60 yra"rs- *isn't sire ' enaIiî i î' )u h. *~~ ~~ - Y es, aît - 'Teacichet-WIre is ('hilh Bertie (enturiixg a gluu'ss)- -I .I .1I t.irik it is in.i. l'etk' cCil cle. 'li dmie ba 4îli e a4_1t 111 ot t11(' (Vl a ~ ~rî îçiî b- .,n g. f<a r r.,' Re acy-Cooked- --from Your Grocer. -POS t Toastjes corne frorn the ovens* to your table in tightly »Seal ed package5s --- ready to eat whieiropened-with mrain, gzood milk or fruits. Every crisp faeo this attractive food reprefients the best part of choice whitc Indian corn- Perfectly cooked, deli- Cately flavoui4d and toastt- cd tg an ntîppýtîzing goltien "brown.". POst Toustnes -are made' ishuxent. Sold by Groirers 'kioUnh, e hz oud II A'Zt« EPIO- bet remzedy for ft.e greAýit o.D~n Rt~ plaie" lu NIew York, ab-theFl4IiiÉBa -M.trop>Iiten Hospital on Dek- 'c" jj 7ô1t i.ir wage14ÀW we1l S Wand, lthe jbhyuiians in hf isardee___t terèzs ttaigé ofthéii.tuberculosis wards t emmfieste tpen.1 h"v bese ePerhneting with i _ Governneu ofi<e and depawt treatenent for two Teaire. Asthhir maiaetn rstltre experimnts ar eti are pragis.g a greM itrësb nhyae -t>yot preperea W ýp r- wiUl open J~une 29, aiid this, year's 'y UlOS ey4nite 10aiOu i'te far wilI niot only b. atteded byT value, boyond w'hab Dr., Marohali members ci the, Cabinet, biibt thre-L W.- McDuffile at&W anlu au ewilI b.e tiief roen-the ' Depart'. 41 published in the-' Interst*e Medical ment of ÀirieuLtsze. Journal, for Maeeh 1914. rno prpestgv a1ai "In our tre.,aüintetdocf his Of $15, 000 a e~cn.t Il. disýease during ti 1thebtWO 6Yuu e't ôOhr cetinAoewtâc wrot1e Dr. MoDufie, "obseratwns-of tii.oty.The debenturea iasued1 have been made ititfifty-six tFrO#t', and aoLS il b pybllhweo Mente in over one thousa1nd an'd sl aal ntet eighty-Vwo cases, mloetly in Ward years f rom July lob>. A vote on theà of heMeroolîta Hspta, e-questOn is neemry and will be Q dotheMetopoftai HspialDe-tmken June- 6t.h. partmesit of Publie Oharit>y. 0f A commitîtee of the . Calga.ry t.hse trea'ti~e tsbu two seadoIi Board of Trade have snade a report1 eý regards aànythinÏ like speoifieac- on Setry ondtion i -te tio upn he tubokballui and weit as Mbowoe: "Btaitem.inte have tuaberoular poceaes. y -arebeen mixtee to prees ôpr!Bs tQUtv,5 ý ga-rJ4 f roux the vegeitble hingdom y and 'mercury.'frosu the.mineraI byleaing fiuapmýnoyers reed ý"Georli iontains -* ývoltie 'ou aiigo iit> ply && rvn yiarke calied allyl siphide, ani niidi ýa. gdsupof aa pren by th e- ,ml. propêrtiee depend on titis ohieagrt o neet.Hwvr .tonlyaîtiseti -.n i sesný .o fh» h "nê - ià,prodt>Uvein, a hetr&narkae power ý hnhbt-general leducton tauithe rate of in- hav, rm-akabe pwera* nhbil- tereet> on loans by banks to their ing the. erowitb of Vthe tuberdc'i patro'na, and we believe thst it is lus; it ielitiinated by the iuiigs, advisabie that some mction ehould skin, kidneya, aind liver, a.nd oxi- be taken îby the. Board to secure dizes into suiphurous Rcdite from the. local banlcers a general system. Applied locally, it is free- redutroton iii the rate of interest ly ab>sorbed by the skin and pexie- oharged for the purpose." tratea the deeper tissues.____ 11Oarlie gave us our best resuits, and would seeîm equally efficacious, A Noya Scotia Case of 4 no inatterwhtpart ofthe.bcdy i affected, whether ekin, bones, Itrs eA U glands, Ilunge, or speoialIparis. iees oAil 'n 1161 Dosage lused . iutrnalIy, one dî'actxn af the expre&-e'd juioe or' Halifax Sonde Out a message of Hel# two.drops bf the. essential oil liree * o Many People. tiniee a day; .cxternally, poultices or crus!ied bulbe, one part> wilî Halifax, N.B., Dec. 15.-When Inter- three parts of lard, or unguentuil viewed at ber home at 794 Argyle St., ganlie (60 per cent. juico ii vae- Mns. Haverstock was qulte willing to lipe appiedtalk of!lier pecularly unfortunate case.. Tuie) pl-id diIy. "ninn i d1was always 'bliie' and depressed, Tubeetîlsis e unonimn ~ feit weak, ianguld and utteniy unfit jtaly, w~here gùilic iffiîeed utier- for any worl, My etomacli was 5oi salily; the lea.ding Itali-n P'hYsi- dtsordered that i hiad no appetite. ciang in New Yo.rk Sa.Y it is ilarin- Wliat 1 dld est dls§agreed. 1 suilerec- ingly prevaient ainong thle children groatiy from dizziness and ai ck head- of Italians4 in %merîc.a, c'hildren ache and feared a nervous breakidowii. whodo not eut- garlie. ia-rgeiy be- Upon niy cruggist's recommendation i used Dr. Hamiiton's Pilis.. cndis their sachoolI fellows and éther &i feit botter at once. Every day 1 a.ocites ridicule themu for fi'li' improved. lu si1x weeks i was a weIl ing of it. woman, cured compieteiy after duRer- Gaîlie is a plant of the douronl ent physiclans had failed bt eip me. family. It> is te the cni(n shat the It le for this reason that strongiy figer is tote cat, or the wolf to urge sufferers wlth stornadli or diges., tuedog Grwlr, i hks ik' tive troubles to use Dr. Hiamllton's 1 mall onÃŽfrn plant. lys b1ilbs, wtie-h Dr Haiiiilton'u-Pille strengthen tte nay b, fuost rery nd oresu, areinstomîach, improve digestion. 'strength- feEteous-cry5:wei, r en the nerv.er, and restore deblitated7 c4'înpsite. that is. t4e> are fore-d système to health. 1W cieansing the1 <- nuysialler bulibe ,r "'ve"biood or long-standing impurittes. by1 1<>mîiy ou-dtoget-irci' with shin. brIngig the systein to a htigh point ('ioj4kg wliu- kniow the-ir busiiness wse- f vîgor. they effectuaitY Chxase away s.' t.'y i~e sat. ' w'artness, depretsiol aîîd diseuse. -' lrnLlu un~(A Go Il for young or old, for men.,fl mîi',b tlti great diForetion. woiincn, for ehiltiren. AIl dealers sel] great Frenchr epiA'--irr'i' allt'J gtil'lt(' Dr. ilaiton's Pilus of Muridrake and of lit "îî !cjikî~'utiernut. WHF2N BABY SUFFERS 'lE I11 .siAi(. FRoM CONSTIPAfION -- Ilow lle tut Jilja 111 g,flto Get AMcIbhere. if your ab ufrJir-lIf let-o.siz'd. front constipetien, if I liU1 t-je -'< o cic htinrnceds of ý'ea-rs &ago trtre nizr orboielsare eVit,-of order. îîved nAseln itl oni ea r blsOwnýTablets.- They i ghln tti onr give tînt Baby' ý'ia Minor. anr imant, 'or village, i never fait to givo0 relief, aid & a mn h hj are-)r f oc.uqaldo.ewilbanisir consti' a- 'n .eKoaNs-dli f frndi. ('e(n-'o'rnîng 'hi-m Mr'. H. C.~ plat ion anxd koep t'ffi tktlnRCI llaLukac -el t.ls dm -Q'xe, ,iii h'esin perfeot, durder. Gîr bo'o11(k, "Tue ['inge 4f theEast,. i ug taLs Mrs. J. >1. Gagnon. Ondancuîlps'damr t' St. Srriou, wrVcs: I<a tret i t whi-'h tte Khoja liv~ed. let- ~ ~ Y loI n-acu.-aid () 0 Of the Klitija'sn'gltr 1t Iigltly s aCr for consti- luho had never sern a d-ainet h-eforEî prtiq,-n.as 1 have founid the e t oaî hm w1i îî. tsg 'b ea night boll jitji, itag l"il trr i le tatsjtrr 1y.erraI1 ai 2D cents a box f rom The D- _ir n lo hua1 M-dc'ie C., Bîîec'ile~seen à carnet, buti wculd flirt bti'av' Onthi -lsiguorantce.' 'That la- a-hunre a-i to-r-nyear- tii." A gi-ca--t ian <nce 'gave a fcast. ~tNEW3IcFi1 1E MIIIDLE NEWS of IHEteIDDLEric-Ï-ethre Kl-ja tce be bifddeu. Accoduiiyon thle appointci day. t-Ie Khîja repairedti u t-he great UF,'*ýYL-ý.N INTA110 PtD al»man -ousxict. andi foîud bis-eh h11 OETW'l-.NONTAIO A4D ~ ttc ut-idst, cf a faslricna-biem - TISI COLU liii. rictîy cia-c semay whit'h to"k noi notice of Vire pecri' uani ini his tlrreadliaie b-a-ck go.wn. N-o oic It1i111 F rmPoincel Where RAB) greeted hi-un or spoke te hlm, a0d Ojtarlo Boys and «iis Ar-e eventtail11 - wB sthowii b> a uer-- 44 kn Gc. vaunt te c' lowe m t. After a Ttc niemnberchip cf the i-cl'drncnt>ultt-I e m'tile tihe Kliroja- slipped away Propcrty Ownens' Ascato iu-observed, aid weî-t ite t-le ball. <eylargel>' increasetd whe oeftcrng-y<s-sla lAortoule aeiwnc- 1L. îri'otiter ga.rmnetýs. Selfect- Lao --ouls r hig x>cring la Fçi-nificemuîtgowiîrtictiy uine-c -enceciiii Ldrî.ctcxi.ITe otIe-r day i.tit -t r u t iadîeu'e cevralwerke-ut knoked-cf -1 ( te reorîn. Ncrbed y rccoguized Af~îttc fI.W.W. pafrade.n - t itis i'esjntende-itpeshag- wis Afe tigfone -n Wrifrrpbrg arriva-I cxcited uivvrutil attention. furee "I'tyr ycart§, Willi.lc-r ('041, 'f'liec oompauy rtî,set-ocehsaui.e huru. eirief of thre l'ire hcjir M e n-t ,t't itz t .n a d -c li s 'c ig ' l~ a n d t -Ie i-, w h-ho lia -i p re % lo u stY Vire (a-liel cati-if)au -h gr-rifini. a1îprîaClîed. Iil,o-nlg, ýeIhr-4tr:' i -andcl iuqlirir'fd aftu'r hu en-railhe 9fgt'st irr hi11t' - ante -d i t ne arr-' ' iicipate-d (uiI.19 ielCol ho1 b,-vs wiîliz trKIhojnc-sc-oked tir he o f t'î-P part. -' iii urrrdgzc-nînnt,"A n,4,e r. -in -e cauile, tc lr.ie-t cr' 'lit srict. Fi'nnk~ , Bt-t-, o (~ruudPoiit. ài'a-î . cc-o"til miii, s-oxtîr (j %N»t nipeg, were iîrte. r a A pa'î-ty o! gol(gssan oo mentbon fo)r'the ncrtc atyfor V th tlruipot:e -o! ccnirc-ctirr geo-- wntlusorie'1,00peore ' i is pay. ail id , l ule --ftlîc gr'oviig 1 pitî' 1,f- ttcbrîns.. , yrrc.ptîsal fer -ie r-'uiîc àdiplex , icoimsia tatWtcar tni-xîtetl witir lte obtjcrt- fre 4A î 1o frlir w'kgrt-CfWiîiipg -t-brus rakn h't ri 1 o$' ISSUE 24-914.1 Nery'mIflne ùùgliti- gëood for' Pi1e- vont ing,,oelde 1 sud 1t1or blemkilg 'Up as bad onÏ, tode, ô general, azimqlyiuoe' It cure al sorts ,of, exteng41, ahee and "pan-you.'iàmPly £cmn't beat ut 'Tr'i'o mah;totàhnnî gis, iefatiea, lamne'bmck, rheumatism, or,-lumbago. - Whereven théeeIleCon- gestion,, Inflammation or pain In the Joints or, muscles, ýNer-vIlIne - will cure migieti' nlck.:-The large Sc.- famlly itse .bottle le se economIcal, go use- fui, It ehould be la every home. There le alec a emali 25Cr. .size, Dealerssauy- where seil Nervfiine. TUiE - CLONqEI0.UNDERSTUDY Â Mergeit4 tre-renoch ,-Foreign 'Tii.prakapla, dby Iégioni". ster a tint,tii. inactio f *amono- to-nous routine brings on, range b.- tween farce id tragedy, seldoin touciug cither extre«nitty, but be. i-ng about nrdway betwcen te two, ea.ys Mn. Frederie, Martyn in -iis ac- ceuntfo~f e i-n teFreich Foreign liegionr. Thre atîthor saw five yea-rs of active eent-icre ititis crack orps of te-French it a'y.. -.1 1 Thpre was a sergeant employed as a cicrk ine the regimental office att Sidi-bel-Atjes. One day tte colo- net tappeîed te be confiicd te tus bed,- aid was visited ini bis lodgings by hie scrgeant-cle.'rk, wto hted sunio papere for thp, chiiefs esigna- bure. Tire colonel happeed te be aslep wte-n ttc sengeant arrived, aid he was rîtown ite Vitedress.ing reorn t-o wrrut for t-he officer te awake. Thé sigtit oc f Vie olonel's ufliforlfl oat gave the tecrgeoint the uic-a thcat it woui varv the xnono- tony if lue took a stu'oll round the tow in u l. Hait an hou-n ai tcrward a se!'- geaut cof tte legion, &tnolling aiong tuie u.-adp.d Rue de Mascara, saw in tira gloorni thre fve-gtvriped sîceve of iîim. aid braced himsel! rip Vo jus- tify his rPt-tatien a-s one of te eni arteast non -corn i isioued ciice rs orf tl-tecons. Hie gsalute did not appear toepita-!e bis commanding cfIîeî'r titis t4rmie. for tihe, fîve-ga.l- euiw<i >leeve was ralmed in an im- gQ-v uîce crdcereî1 Ici-m tii rehreriu h a-racks ut ôuce. a-mal tke. ou day-s arr-est fort shmrcIiiiSi abouît t-ire t,wrn in a- drtv uif-, -,a-nàsalurt- rrgIia.iirsîthr' i u îrodiri Thre poiir ten-.cant wms -rtrui-k dtini. He. cu-ie o! the 4iaadies cf thte- legicrua-nd a man who prildt li,,ist'lf cri ta-kiiig a-s, if te tir-cia rifle laî'rt- i fr a armne, t,) be ie- ütiî"d(if siojueliugt-' aîîd wcariýn-g a dirty rritr! His chia sank, aud as lie dejectedly move'd off, ail, -tirc starci r t'medi t-a, have been, taken-ri <nit cuf tiai. anîd he did Tht-0"coIonit" paseed <it i pr'cupad<Icd tht' towu for an liour, de-aliiug cuit fer r dap, ' arrett mdj rpea-kictg iîjirriowr Itords l' n ioîiconîînisqic>nçd ificerl'ire met w-ho iwa-s vain irf lt: h i§ rik appear- î '.d4,miiatiiug uînasked fat-crs and b)eitL'ing patern-ibene-ciiticuns on .-allawagscf legoa' .a-dlube-1 lîavin-g lu a wtay tha.t horrifie'] re-ý spectaI-de peoille10 1IN v'oIt101A'I',10N FOR MN1ENTIORSl Messrs. Pge , Pigeun & )at is, I Ipatett slicitbrg. Moftreai, reporrt tta-t 137 ('aurc-'an patents wcre issued for' lhé wet'k eîiding Ma-y 19th, 19.4, 92 of wIiirh wcre grantcd ltu Amenîcans. '24 to ('an-adisns, 15 to reiicideuts orf fc'reign counitrie a-id 6tt e-aide-n-t,,4 f Gre-at Brita-in anr] (-îbcnies. li-'s all eas » ruatiete Iocqitire -a fic-ww c! lanugge. Atoizo. AIl yonu bave tur do i-c st-cii on a tak witih yui' ta-te feet. ax for XM&nrda snd taxe ne otlie- Nine-tenth-of e!t-le thiugc that have beeru saiiiglît as well have been left un-caid for all the benefit tliey -are tto uinity. VoUR oWNý DRUGÃ"IST WILL TELL NOU 'i'î-y Utrrice Eye Rteinedy tî,rlet. weak, waters llyem arid (1 rainitaed Eyelidsuý; NuoSmartlng_-_ bust mai Cnret. ilirru e r Book oi f Cc. cîrago 1 s<rnem îrmieiatis put -on more airs' titan tliey t'ai play. ]Reni Çi'mîel1ty. A sv-)itng nîarried w-orna-n w<'ît home te lier ýmot-tel' and eobbiugiy idéciars i site juist c-.ildu't bce happy wilii ier husba-nd again. -1 would- n1t, have winded it s. ruci, mo- tiel'," the sobbedi, 'if chanlie tact ,anas-e-re"]aebaek-wten 1Is -utehi lîim ,I)i-u-bit --buit te ditin't." Her mocther w-a-s d-uiy shocked et 'Mer'cy. my dear u.iild"sire e- ellaimcd. -He str'îck YOU, Vhen 1î -Nt), orue tha-uthat motirer! and Ili r, "iii wife ttubbed afres-i. t'Tell me aet oicc' ' indigîa-ntly iiiinde.d lier Mothcr He-lie- just yawned." S-orne miea have'an inliereit a-tii- ity for mi-king mistakes. tk ANDOINPffNT: DnIRECToNs: Make apartingandd rab gently wlth Cuticura Ointment. h Continue, until'whole scalp has en t gone over. The nit nmornfng sbam- poo wlth Cuticura Soap and- hot ", water, Shamnpoos alone Miay bc.h used as often a s ~ea1,but- onç'e o1r twice a2nnt .1 eaysti d *d cUusop sud olat uGso lathels nu-meusnn titis c m wor oretir- lu-mnu Vils h wol, ea- rlc d MnXhl-- in tru Butl,rYear ie pMr, ire a ad'Bustler Viteeers tc i- adniitaltthAliaeroftheoit- H. was relerning te te innumer- a-ble ca-secof fa-Ise .inlorma-tiom gi- yen ticrougit xediuncs, ail et wticit,1 te said, cou-Id net, le du-e Vo lying spirits. Mr, Yeats r. ,ated an amusiî-g case ef an cvil sp-rit centine.d i "M&xwell's Phenmoena."hIite sirtries a sm-a.U satup, of the Ma.- dürnna in a Frôneh, stock broker's ho>U£e began ta n2ieVe frein a braeket te a, bed and back. Then weapons mnoved. Ultimnax-toiy, ttnut'ugh a ine- dium, a spirit foreteki emente whidi ca-ire truc, and ec-ulI reve.aled ils id,-utity as te jounder of ttc (hitaireligion.t. Ttc, spirit advised tte stock- broker te perforai acte of charity, aid advipe'd titri about va-nous specutationie «a tte Stock Ex-- chiange. alwa3'a fcrtelling the ne- suit aid ttc si.nis witt accutraey. For years tii-e tockbroker sent im(oney -Vo îcedy boute-Ps aos diretec, rund became known because cif uis benetioeuce. lie, thlin ei-ked t'hc spirit to take charge of Iis affairs. alid the spirit «runpliedi. The sto-ck- brc-ker becarne x wealtIry nian. The hiztory of bpiritiîqm, suid Mn. Yeats, was fuîl of. complaints f rom spirits-ocf tire way iluwhie-t t-bey were troubled ty thlecdcuhtrand the unîhappiîe-ssof the living. Oieý L 'c'Ornt-,smi of Stigo diemissed 110r stable boy because, ceei-g bis late mraster tuie i.anl wn.lk-ing nei' -t-b liou se, te oid tte gtoemt ta go away aid haunt a ligt-oue-e. Tte Çeun- t-esq dàisiseed te boy for teiing tic ipirit te ,iaunt -sucir an incle- nie-ut sput-, because a ghost had to go whercver it was bld. Au -ld ira-n in tte w--st 4f Ire-- laid told himj, 9said Mn. Yeats. 4c! a gltoFt whict triad infornîed hlm thiet it wa-e misera-bcbe eauise it watt stank na-ked. Tht' gtost suggeRtrd theit ttc, ni-eu aboutiu gite a suit in t-t spirite namet' tea beggar. in -lic streets. - Ttc -ýmainiAi ,('. andi wlttt-un the gfho-et again nppearecd it was wcaring thle iselfsar- clca-tes. At the. Yarmui Vth A Boys' Camp'î herd at Tusket Poilrulu AuIgrat, c- found MN'tiSLINIMENT M08t beîreficic-l for sun bIrîn.an tairnedîriel relief for colle anc- tootitache. ALF'ItEi)STOKES. tieneral Secrebnur>' ,Stude-Don't yout ever sweep un- der the carpet? J.anitér-Ye&suh; I ai waye sweeps everything under the carpet. Took It Literally. "Why hsas your wife' decided to give up te Eu'vropean trip she was centemplating ?" 'Sýlhe happi3ned to 'hea~r sc>mebo>dy say that trLivel hroaden-ed one." Ka.op Munards rinimentla tue lions& A Wloinin's lVay. BâchIeloîr Caler-.My dear fellow, 1 thoukht. your w*ife Iiad forgiven you and pr<nnised to forgét lMI" H-usband-So te has, nxy boy. But she didn't promise to let me forget ohe'd lorgNen -me. 6s the direct 7 InevltaibIe rilsuit 01 irregular or constipated bowels and c1ogged-tup kidniya and tkin. The. unid.gented foci and otber whlste mat- ter which is allowed Io accumulate poisons the blood andl the whole syutem. Dr. Morues Indian Root Fille set dIreet!y on thie bowels regulating them-on the kidneys, givin them sase and strength to proprly iter the blood-and ;on theiskin, o pning tep the pores. Fbr pure bodand, good Dr. Mors& s' the acoo«n»oiton of boairdeie he lhome.provided'fi>rthe 1teacher la neyer elaboreýte. !t le uutlUY a ii-o4e haek, aind . ereoted at r. côàt -eot front- one .- hundred and mWefty-iveto ohundre4 dollars. PteospriZd with 1 Sbedaind aoook Thi. -oneroomedabode the -teach- er uetially divides bcirtans itto" two apartnats, and Wheî site ham decorated 1.* with pictune. apd nick- hacl. 'aid b(okossd tried -fier fiand, at conotruoting somene rueitie f urni- tiure, aid ha s cattered about it some comiy eue -iions, sire ha macLde for herself a neet st>rong w*îImbh8i horne,,eanee' The.children -igra bitc~ ~ ý dôrt eVape t l ei- dons, and te parents Whio eau 6n the t&e'aher carry away a vision of' boioxe côm-iont .ucii as'ihas- neirer be. titeirs befere. -Whoca-n tell what influenot these - liele Ihomes rnsy~ ~ ~ ,j haein rct thiilterion crL the cheerleasfour wal wftin whichthe Ruthernian lives? But lît la round -the. sciiol-itouses that the. chief Inter-eet cf both tre Rutiremian peotple and tii. tes-chers centres. They'are f rame structuTes,_ neat, comîmodieous, and, well lihWe. The.re is a keen rivalry iamo-ngst thc differeut districts as te who shatll have the. bfftr ochool-heuse, and they arc qui-te ge-nerous iii regard Vo furnishings a-id equipinent. Up te date moeét-han fifty eiuèit chools have been built in. the Rutheian- district. Aid truly titis e-nd cf thc ta-sk of m-oulding te young Ruthe- nian-s intcCanad-ansef-ar frein fruitîces, for the childetushiow con- s-iderabbo aptitude'in lcarnhng and piok up Englisit quikkly. - Nor doet te tahen forget that "ail wer.k and ne play maltes Jack a duil boy." UJnUlke the Anglo- Saxo-n ctild, the _yoting Ruthenian dme - m seem tb b alt raIllY t play. On bis first arviat achool tle holds aloof, and gazes in a kind of stupid - woud-er at the auticst of the childnen. pandonable. Thre prisoier ý,m discoisýolate lu hie ceut. Stîddeîly the warden &p- peaned - -"We bavte oht.ained prorrl,"ý he aiid. "tiat another mian comnibttc' te cri-me witt w-lie-b Yotrare c'rg- "UIlitT ,irnesstlintt,îs rmeoit" -ýyjj IUL'L1 'LuVL llide ps Fnrii le19 dîr $4ch000. pTerm Ing Company, Toronto., Werthy I sqtep Ilu ffect hÉ üreated. - "I wii mstid, "If aud 1 an >,Our care diubJect o a! ter a e enough t< Jrmpoea wi th nam liîuex;i to M y l me. M4y ca: the fstart diîçciosurÀ realt t the heart blet 1 wW bail. and floor rour 1 bhould 78 we elade Street' CI ICE UMO=xRs, LUMPS, ETC., , ntrç~al and- external, cuïed1 wlth- out pain by our home treatment Write un before too late.ý Dr. Bellinan MedIcal Co., Limited. Colllngwood, Ont. 0F INVENTION4S 7" OSt. Ismen lit., NoatrOiI Swrite fer ZufonmatiolL HOME Vic Arti Couirse may bt'keh by eorreigpou -de.e but ,tudcnts - .j deoiiing' to graduate essa-iote r h Qwiugit .ertCis YO2R rRM«S so-muell souglit b>' fmth. lonîstle modistes ibut uce' youir dres m1-4tiOr- ed iff .1 ited ove;r a oientiflcally proportion': ed Vre ,air-. E'aclr r-r.,e rad., bi' IL-ur o shirtl eîedn Girn PilUISGiVe-r' lipt Relier 1N. lytt ;a iek.e'ci (miming ie hdiity~. - - ('loch, ito whlcbara-rIng ('ttig heIiiises.inaym'b"' pineul. huzet cIL-L 3 2 ccm 4f), bustter-surre. ?vMr. Samuel i.oigmor-. n 2iortî'iiTo m e~s lender (a-S à, *:*Juot a %vord of eas o ~ _ ci)o agrh ,As l MS Abouit tftleeri mînilis go l- glrrit-&froi 14, i6, 18 etiutd not wa-iicacross îny ruîi,îr.sUffel'r- i dm l'cr Ing meverci>'sic-h Rhcuisatisifl t1 tooa k .c-'-.Senclxir'L [tr',PLLS al beca-ni.' c-uit.' wlrl. Two pO()Sr otr Mn'y Oruler. A fuit ujoitîsuago 1 herd l-heuinutlc Pi n.4 sforru itu4utSkirt arnd witii Neterainr. 1 resorted tu GIN PAD Stanrd coules t'est paWt. JIILLi agarîr for one 't--t'-k andîc becrtme "Thre n,.w way"- euité weli." à. S. -c&.n~a 50i-c. a- Box, 6 lfor $2.60 .Satui-ie trée 'If (CO., Bat. 1892 yen Write National Drug & Cfietiicai Co. mi"Yuu on -IOUX1" of C'arirdc. Liniteci. Toroîtio. DE*t. ooit +5--- 11 ual f-Ioat 1 aesked lie-r if lier' -liîrbandl stnioked,'said the w-orai N itîr ait~ f ruciuming mini. - 'a-ri w-iat i) o yî tiirrk -l Ste -aid sire didrr't kn-w. makete-iocr Ol.Idorit t ar.' trlit'tliti'lie !tnioke. I w arrted t-i l fi i i if lie -JOJ~N~ kisses i-r ' -oirfa-itera'ý e ndtilior5cexîren A ~have tax'ed,, l-asiy (iirrgd. tonc' ur y îrsiig - the -e ia (' ~ ure I"eirulali'i Spa-; Joffn ny was sent t(.tecelr vi uefo:r Spav.iiis. Ctrbl, M ingbone. -di'aw a- iiteirer' of eider. WÏien lie Spinît, lloiry (,,rowth- i ld Larileliess Fgeýt baek the guit cormnrede-dIiîrit. fronr niant>-'yoaiier ca-iscs. it kecps -Yoîu mutthave god ijrrd-greut b borses workiicr. A$1boti na have filin ttle pitrher sq ci -crrtely acaosefor»yoir. Getabotthtzhe in -the iark withtit rc-uîniug next time yoii arc ii totvn. Senolr y ove rd rugis ts veryw îerc , $l a bottle, 6 oter. for ý,5, aise ask for a-copy of our book~ 'Aw,lita-t ai'tliîa-n-."repiied;-"'raueaîrure-rntu Joiny. "Yer gr,-e, 'heu the er-den r -..EUL OPN got upte V ùVie first joint of rny t £D@*tirg Pls. Vermont 5 thiîmb, h stop-ped."I- M -ANGED BY THE NECKI - Corne Agcil. lege Noidot Ia con e erti'nirie -a-l-h end bttaon's 'o vr-ci fenrtr t- cones te t-ont or %warti. î'cmolt aud brauch. ilîsisut on ,rutnaits",,ai>' it'. the besut. frèefroiniacîdîr randlpauliro.m Price 25c., at ail dealers. There are uta-ny ruigs cf faitire in ttc laide-r ef succe-s%. Minards Liniment usai by physicias.a -IIad Expetriente. iig tfrc ice, 1 reýa-rkçed ti-cc-t ite w-ather was 'env rold." Heury--'W'ell, amndciwhat ial 6-e reply 7" Reggie-.-"lile Far: l'Tre reui-, ring pirencînena of lienand Ci c'>ld are su lr-oquelit und so fa-mul.-i-r' -as to beie-ratterus tî>t ieglýigibt-le ho en-. gage my inte-nest. Mn. Ri-ckey. " of aught1 Aid -her - d m d re. 't wlth last the te'uth? on more -1 Itrlfling r bae'c-n Co c-he oury o. woueld have A wouraa sry, ani of At ladt.- tervs-tof s' .,now.y Imue arrmehri r.- and - ghs was naga l. A 8 i ed Mc to the garu to lier. Ï1 I drt-w a ch and be-grru. ni tçPwaruls i re Ia the doo)r.' mf,-rrr drive lai Ste Ittil tei tîg thorouglf. * te'aiI; tbut as fitve d'Ic-rd. "Il whîl tel1 dlaiuiot, ruInt c isifirg 1ler' t.aci< o U L 04 Jyl-i 1 trdur tonue 'I1ca]i, "Iut un ou - No"id i s.. i i ii uîf e -as 1. a riand. SOl "Yrou d krv ey riht? 1>14 "tnes. nd'u ut.- ianuc *a My itsartoi ki nti bar tare aslitt 11'amrtviret1 - wanelugnit4 tch ner e lie. for me Wit it ir -bou e nia pcretul--peu.4 iî hingbe are as put la p Ie .-afnpr1: Ianut ghave 'jnithrw te r Butridly ev aihe escpade, molrt hertha-i -i irevresrd ise r-ane thrigas rer, orut klap 'Muett av oi peiiOf'i<to tiet as he tit î-ej It nasd Ur Iy -unrifa% XI- m -- t. .'tauhope Foirny ou ý1il île- West1 oaryiw iore (s t er hair- »Msalle. ltec Bc', dauciaz ,ai titi moan lawyer 1 GrigsNo sr.Even 4he Qrdin- Ya1find-relidEfn.am30k4 a.ry womnar can ý(rjss-exn1nîw vfar tNO tub too weil. pai, psbeedlng ud br Eail1y -euse. Pr~eacwt Exptîne.. uk, ràeànsuro. Whyn t prove chaseo)-You Qad very simple tustes btr mti.l~ M ,N'ewfvwe-I ha-'d - i th'ose daya. .1 neyer coui geIL n 'yn money etit of father, 1 I To cipsi stonl ach and i uteà, tInîI nurmutsfroin kcolts uas woii o '~ de older horps, useo a :csîîdy thiit w~il not pIIî t'i V death. but will act néq a toffle. Li'thio.s net SL POA>4'S il uncqualed..Fuil Instructions ln booklet %ulth ce ey bottIv, Al 4? gP '~ druggStBPOHN MEOICALCO., Coh*fl, md., U S A, w-enit r'ecaii .vus raor-t 4- me Soibat. 'a4s, - AI he V L~ ~ ~I - i - ARCF 1 i

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