Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 5

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Lot us, apeaking generaily, -suggest Silverwure cbolld and plated) articles from - 25C tO$ 50.00 Clocks - 75c to 50 oo Jiwéiry - ]OC 10500.00 Watches. -0$I0oto 150.0o Rins - ->5c tO 300-00 Fountaju Fens 1.'»35 to 5.Oo, Eboimy gootis a5*c to complote set S 2*.oo Ivery 1 - shes, Mirrors, etc. 25C 10c omplete Sets 35.00 Grafonolas $j2.50 to zoo.oo Umbrellas $2.00 10 1500o 'Canes - 75c to 12.00 China 25c to comPlete sets 4(x Pipes $1S.50 t0 Leather Gootis 5oc f0 x! Cut Gleas - 50C to 3c RN. deniler and raduate Optician* -Oppeste PotOfMu -WhiIbv.. 0.00 £tIc1mUU 01 e ~Pu lblie LlbrarY, bu.ý' Thursday, June 18, at- 4 p.m. They -w Ilbé gad oweicome al ladies wbo asaisteti, andi are intereat- edtu the ii.wonk. The, bulb te>u lait tiiatomizer. Our atonizèrs are al ftûttedý with firai- cilgmi rubber.bulbq' ai 75(.,,$1,.anti $126 complete. 'J. E. Wlliu,: drug- gist anti opticlan. Tiie Gazette .anti Chronicle office la oéloseti a!ter 12 o'oloCk poon eOvery Saturdiyduring tihe- yëiar.Our o -ua- tomera will greatly '49plige us by treeIVo shah be pieased, however, to make arrangements to nieet those who. canuot eall at any, other. ibm.. Phone&a-Beil 23, Independent 59. The irst garden Party o! the Boa- on WJIilbe hoitieai Wm. 0ke.'. on Jue i1. Remember the date. k;-k l-.TSI1-E ON 1EA1TH. R0o8siiu able te- eave the i Dr. A. Reeti s' hion Sole.ahoes gooti health,sud wbth the nm for mon andi womcn ai M.W. -Collins bis terrbble accident almosi sboe store. removed. The annua! opening at TodI'. ice WANTED. lcream parlor at ' Saturday Smart young mai wanted proved a big auecoess.' The place APPly to M. W. Collins' was'thronged witb people-from about shoe store. ieight o'clock tiileleveùn. Gooti music 4 was discourseti by Calverley's orches.. Almoniu S. S. are holding tea ail evening. gartien parti' at Wm. klai you have been L avec all, ai any time ai, photoloi 7012 ioloi attaîded toýprowplly. Il ils,'sStudio jj S mora 'at, rom: 8i.s, Jooueh' 'Hosita wlh pactically a v face, bult by surgeons.]ROSS bad tq .undergo a lengthy sertes of opera- tions to bhave his nooe and lips ',- newed , aftera èerlous aawmill acci doýnt -a -!w years ago. -Thep opera-I iois 'tnciuded the.grafting of skun froat hlis arma and foreiiead, and- thé. use of' cartilage taken from a rib~ near the heari. Hi. ayIred will be" gladti t leari that at last ;00 Rev. C. J. Cameron, Assistant Su-' perIntendent of!, Baptist Home Mis sions for Ontaâo anti Quebec, occu- pied the pulpit <f the Baptist church **on Sutiay evening. Hia subject was, Tr"Canada'. Greatest Problemn: The Lt ICanadianizing of the Strangera Wth- la Our Gate." -Cburch'u 1otato Bug Finish kilis aIl leaf-eatlng lnsecis--a fertilizer, prevenus blight anti usures gooti qmality o! crop. 10 Ibs. for 25c. J,E. Il' ~ " j'JjThe mercbants o! he town wil - ,close their places o! business on _______________________Thumsday aftemnoons durbîg June, Jmiy, August andi September. This p SN'*IC. T.1U. Isluoie month longer uhan last year. WHYPROIBII9NWIL GÂN. Thc name o! Mr. .1. -P. Dales, of uL-ProIbbtoi, as it bs appiieti te Col. Farewell's office, appears in the '~politica, may nover cause the eëlmn- lisi of stutientis who weme successlul ibon o! 't-e liquor tralfic o! ibis lin passing the limai -year law eramin- coutry (U.S.A.), buýt prohibition au ation ai Osgoode Hall, Toronto, fit 1 being applieti by thc large cor-1 porations andti us'big busbipess Inter- :STRAYED OR STOLEN. esto of the -country' Ia as certain toiOne ail bmown tiiving mare, ageti, go a long way towards -comPlsh-i Information gladly receivei* by W.J. bng this endi, as hitls thaday foi-; Taylor, box 75, Brookli. lows nlght.". (So says_ the' Atlantice ýClty Revbew, wbfch goea 011 to e- COOL FOTER FOR WARM imark ): bgmaioai hv1sii btWEATHER. The bi w i ot mplbae wd ho tir1 jWhite ,canvas, poplin, anti Nu-buck theywjllnet mply me whodrin.as punxps, oxfords, colonials and 'The big steel corporaions- or ai boots ai. lowest prices. 1~5 different leasi several of,. hem, have saiti that kintis to select from ai M.W. Col-. -ihoy will net employ mea wbo drink. lins,. *The oriler ha. been given thai mcn -who drink, whether the drink tri done BAND CONCERT. i h udr awn Urne or while actually -The 34th Regimental Banti will eigaget Inhperformlng the sevices, gi.e ts first open-air concert, o!fithe for ibeir employers, will not, be 011- season on Saturday evening o! ibis ployeti. The trendi o! the urnes ln week on the bandi stand. The pro- the business~ world la iowarti abso, 1 gram wiîî commence at 8 o'cîock anti lute sobriety. The bix corporations conclude at 9.15>. This will bo the i.aytha the- hve ccidnts en-band's oniy, appearance, on tho stand ough wlth caret iii anti sober men,and mîtîl îlmoy etumi îrom Niagara camp, V tbey arenot wlllîg te take any to wblcb they go on Monday nexi. chances wltiiths mainw*ho peritsj bis- braîn bas become befutitleti wîuh1 ORCIN drink." In lasi week's report o! the DNvWs - I Ion Court procecdlngs an error was -mu s u a ~ nadvertently matie, wbon ih was ~Istatedti hat the dlaim of $50_by Rus- $seli Undcrwooti was admitieti by Locl appeaiftl 8 * Mrs. Kean. This was Incorrect. - - e fWhat was Intended7 was 'that the * l aim was deali with ln Mme. Kean's counterclaini, anti was nlot argueti We havé i tyles of acreen doors t<i separateLy. choose Iromat aiGeo. X. 1ice's. St.-Aititew's Ladies' Aid heldti r bazaar yesterday afiernoon anti even- tng, an account of whlch wlll be pub- lieheti nexi week. Do't, forget the Almon's Su- dgy Sehool Garden. Party on June il ai Wm. 0ke'.. EXAMS., AT LAST. Departmnenîaî Examinatfons are i progress this wock ai the 111gb Schooi., On Montiay anti. Tuestiay the Sr.Pub. School Leaving examinations were written, anti on Wetinesday the Lower Sehool 'anti Pacmlty Examina- thons COMmlenceti. The. candidates are tieservlng of somne sympathy on being equiredti t write dmmlng- smch . x- tremely warm weaiber. ïme,îawn u .aUSine U A&w £uuiic Iliary bas -been levelleti off aid lu COURT 0F REVISION POST- belng sotiiei.Wben -tue work 10 PONED. completed, tbe--Lfbraty should be The Votera' List Court of Revis- oie o!futhe -mobt atiractlve-iookbng ton was to bave bccn helti on Montiay spots ln tewn. . I morning of this week fithe Town * -4.-Hall. Whcî the parties Interesteti Senti your doctor's prescripihons OZ hati gathereti, h was fomîdti taicor-1 recipes to Wilis' Médical Hall fôir tain notices hati not been sont out. accurate andti cýî'eful preparation. W. E.N. %tclair appearedi for tue Pure druge and ,c ecals usoti. J.E. Libemals anti D.A.J. Swanson for Willis,, drugghst anti optici ai. the Conservatives. I vew o! the - 0 1 faci thai matiers were noi ready te vMm. Geo. Wesi, dl Ashburn-, ocdli- allow tue Court ta proceeti, adjommi- pied the pulpit at!1jus ,mtiiotiit Tab-1 ment was madte to July S. This ernacle on Smnday,, Mx. Sexemiht;te means, theretote, thai a number OPi l)nstom, ebehng absent li Napaice ai names that weme to be atideti by cach fh (onferenice. - party will not ho allowed on the -4.--lista hn i«me for the electian on June For New Perfection oti .itovcs anti 29. -Eacb party will sufer some îlot point Electric rois, go te G4 lbus, but there lu comfartin h eu X. Riée's. EvemyihIng lu hardware., thaught that bath were treaied -alike. At the Màple Lent Tea -Room we atmn ta please_ aur patr -ons by ROSS ALLEN-i LEAVES HOSPI- servIng the best. Everything 110w TAL. nnd up-to-date. -AIl flavoms of PlAn A- despatch fmom 'Balif more, Md., o~r hie cream sodas -ta be had at-our dateti June 7, states that Rose AI- ?oîîntan. 'Ic, of tViitby, was dischargeti on l11.- Come along andi bave a i tne. o5itapn, narka 'o! entirely. ai once. bargàin goodi' Doai't Grow Bali, USE PARISIAN SAGE. If your hair Io getting tim, loubng is natural color, or bas tbat mat- ted, lifeless or scraggy appearance, the reason 15 evitioni-dantiruif anti failure to keep the hair, rooto proper-1 ly nourisheti. Parisian Sage applieti ialiy for a week anti then occasionally la al that is needed., h remoues dantiruff wltb one application ; almostilm- metiiately stops fallbng haïr andtilcli- Ing head ; Invigorates tbe scalp, anti makes du11, stringy bair soit, abuti- ant anti radiant with life. Equally gooti for men, wonien or chltren- everyone nectsis t. A large bottie of this delighiful bair tonic can be had tram A. I. Alliii or any drug counter for 50c. You will sureiy like Parisian Sage. Try inw Miss Michael; o! Toroto, isaa gucat of Mr.' anti lra. Wm. Balmer. Rev. H. anti Mrs. Abraham, c! Guelph, have been visitbng in towî. Mm.. W. Rookea, aid chiltiren, of Toronto, are visiting witb Mr. anti Mrs. Alex. Wilson., Miss Bessie Hanna, of Toronto, speni the w eek endi with Mr. anti Mms. Herb. Wilson. Mrs. Jas. Smith left on Tuestiay for a three months' visit with ber daughter, Mra. I. A. McBumney, ln Saskatoon. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Waiters, Miss Myrtie Walters anti Mm. Roy Walters anti frienti, of Toronto, spent Sun-. day witb Mrs. Geo. Southwell. PLEADED GUILTY OF A-SSAULT. A chrisiening ou Suntiay, Marcb 8, ln Oshawa, was made the occasion of a lutile celebration accompauieti by liquli refreshments, ant iincientally a Polak nameti Ferdinanti Zazmlczuk receivet a . beating Up ai the hantis, or rather by the foot, of due Nikoli Zababali. The latter appéareti before His Honor Jutige McGillivray, on Mon- day morhnp as a resuit o! lais fracas chargeti wiih assaulting anti causii'g grevbous .bodily mmrm to Zazuiczuk. D. A. J. Swaîsoî, o! Oshawa,, ap- peared for the tiefentiant, anti entereti a pIes of guiity. He asked, however, for su spendeti sentente, because 'the mai Zababali was a lood type of Polak, lndustrious, odèr , anti quiet. 7 TMIS, 15 YOURi tu atm, ho wiii probably akeurea5 8ouable UietO w8gh :the. matiez bi- fore lie givea ilie suiborities any fur- ther trouble. Promiosgoode Station, ont, 0=0s ËMorof fjears ociapfferig féom in- la-five yeareo "1 bav'e been a mzfferer froat Indigesý- tIo sd tma4pt à=erolefoeas did not ed a cure ntil 1 bega ln ig "Littl igestr"11 1 -c hadlydescribe bow- =mach -Z sufered t i « -Ivery meal brought witlr aoeo" onmyandr seee te 11ave a COmp etc distaste for foodi. 1 rlewe al ee aguastot n m avenicu& ,Me inwhe came acrosutdLi tlse ti .I eut ied tp e-soth"ieig-11 amters" Imf dcetàt I gidheo aor I a. mat ve thaknithat Iondid so founhd thm bee tangte m ogw hearIfouy andem lpange. ed anasnd wothrt atir alngerfe. ai u isofk DsItretndgesinorDscpamk o*u ige sraleasorLittpesi as trur hey muserabe Take "Lîttiee tersal bey will eyooroumoe 2&1- a littie reti box at your druggistys Mr bY mail from CoieasuMedicine Co.,ý Mîscelianeous Adveirts HOUSE F011 SALE. Nwf rame house, 1-k storeys, six froonla, 23-plec bath. turnace, electrie light. Apply J. H. JAMES, Wbit- bv.-tt. CALF F0OR SALE. lier cal! for sale. Apply at the 1 azette ofTce.-tf. DENT'S DAIRY. Pure milk andi cream. Morning and evening delivery. Order now. Phone 177.-t!. FOR SALE. 1 Seyer andi Massey engine witb separator and self feeder 1 one straw blower, manutactured by John Good- Ison, Sarnia. 1 Clover Mill, matie by the. Hall Works, Oshawa, with tank andi trucks. 1 Ensilage Cutter, madie by the Wilkin son Co. 1 Grain Grinti.. er, matie by Mattbew'Mootis & Sono. Ailin goi runnlng order. Apply ta HENRY ROBINSON, Brooklin.-tf. ALL -FLOUR Us flot Good Flour. -ALL LARD 1not Good Lard. Our knowledge of the merits of the goods of diffçen~t nianufacturers makes thila store valuable to yoii. If. we haven't got what yoî- want, we wifl get it -for you. PURE JELLIES Doudcous, Appetizing and Wholesome. .Your business frieîd, WM. MEEw"KER - Phone 94, OPPORTUNITY TO BUY. A STYLI SH HAT'tAT REASONABLE PRICE. Brock St., THE MISSE.SPOWELL WHITBY" A Whltby For East~64~o8.rn. AT LAST WHITBY lIAS A REAL LIVE PAINTIER STUALAIRT & GARDINER PAINTERS, DgeORATORS and SIGN WRITÉRS. Counîtry orders receive immediate-attention. Distance no object. Box. ô33,WIIITBV I NIGHO SON ELDON F1 il 3R5ýW TBR Phone .~i WI4ITBV REAL ESTATE FRAN . .JONES, LIST. rSeveral Iouàes anti building lots foï sale i hibtby. Farma fdm sale la the Township ofr Whtby anti Pickering. FRANK . B.JONES. WHITBY. '5 4$ 4' 4$ oli usWeek We Place.,on Sal SI X' DOZNC01 OR at prices rnuch bélow cost These doors-are a11 ý-'finis'hed in natu ral' woodôà and varnîished, whih the exception of ou r -one çheapest -door, Corne early, as the sizes are assorted, and putting it off may resuit in losing th«e size you most need. Note the Price-s' Re gular Price $2025 66 66 20 66 66 1190 66 66 1.75 66 66 1060- 66 66 1.50 66 66 1.00 Sereen Door Week$19 ýng Cans, Garden See our Window Sereens, Watei Hose, Lawn Mowers, Harnrocks, etc Let us have your phone.orders. ail parts of the country, daily. Be * McINTV BelPhone 60 HARDWARE, PLIBIN69 TUN8IIITHUNG, AN Mr. sud Mrs. A.E. Luko anti taugh- f vER.rt.u±r BY THE HErAT. WANTED. ter, Mmo. W. J. Luke anti Mr. andi The iniensely, warm weather o! the- A hîmiteti number of irst-cissre Mm. I. Waner motoredt t Newt early part o! the week was a iouch cruita for "B"' y tiu egmot Ham burg, anti spent Suiitay witiI Of g oînu îe sum~mer. The herznm 1 huiby,. The 4tb wli bet frien tis here. rs rangeti alilthe.w ay mi> o 100 e at i qt ers - On T e th iS il o! Jou gre s hi the s u. T he average _per- for A nma t mbni- ng"e ai Cfa ,pJ nia son, however, seemeti to endure thefo A uaTrnng'tCipN. MARRIAGES. heat faily well. Oe Young ma, R. gara. TRULL.-LYNDE-On ensaJe Beavis by name, was overcome, low- Apply to Seg.-Major J. Allaway, 31914, 'Miss e n csaiayJne, ever. On Montay evening I. B. or to 8, emn Maie ynteStewart discoveroti Beavis lylng- un- Lieut. G.W.P. Every, Wto M. S atr"u oh o coisclous on the Kingston Rond, oui '0. C. "1B" o.YI Whtb.near Siamr's Hill1. Mr. Stewart ini- Wbitby, _Ont. -49 medlately piacedth ie Young, mainiln t bis motor car anti rushet i hm '(, Train Tie Table town. where he was tted A i thej NS RA E vis, who fs a traveler, anti has beoi Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, hI owi for loverai days, was walk- 1 Accident andi Automobiles. Ing fromn Oshawa. The heat of -the * Agent for the beat Canadian, English' s u evitiently was too mmcii for hlm, and American companies. i1ad a smnstroke was iberesmît. He AE CLLA WHITBY JUNCTION, was mmcii beiter ai urne of wriiing. Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 129 Golng W eit.... .4 çaa.m. GoingZaot .... .20o0.10 >- t 1,.49 1.29 -1.19 1.09 Delivery made to - mnd, Phone 64 0SPORTINO GOODS- t:- ~s. 'o" 'o' I. .... 930P.n Suntiay trains leave for Torontoi 4.52 a.m.i anti 7.56 p.m. Prom Tom- onto-traia stop at Whitby Junion ai 8.15 anti 9.55 a.m., anti 9.80 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Going North .. 8.al. Golng South.7.xS .01 4:15 p.m 1...15 p.M STAGES.1 Leaves Whitby for Osbawsata 10 a.rn. anti 4 p.ma. Jos. Holden, pro-. prietor. Leaves f or Brougham ait 10 a.m. Mr. Etiwards, proprbetor. MAILS CLOSE. For West- 603o a.01. For Port Whitby- tz.30p.if. i 6.308&.M 6i3o pAn. 6.30 p.ln 840 P. For Osllwa-a2.3o p m Chestnut per ton $7.25 to ie aiI gper ton 7.0 RTURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS li- - m The iGrand Trmnk Pacific Railway is At Harbor Coal the hortest andi quickest route be- tween Winnipeg - Saskatoon - Edmon- per ton le. . ton, witb excellent through service Coal". The namg to Regina, Trains now runnineigto b hgheSt quahlty. Calgary. aull rticlans and ns.natiois rom LGrand TSunk gentom or .write G .f oRNIN O ,J I D.P.A.,Toronto, Ont. i8 R eaLOW Bell Tel,9. Livery, Gartage and Teaming, .W 1 have recently1 added to ry wll- Puip Iani equippeti livery stable a heavy team1 Sbop suad Kidenci andi dray for aIl kinds of cartage antiHI 1sheds 50 céento "SRANTON- 2e guarantees the. Whi iby ,Horne Tel. z. :VANS- mf!acturer - .e, Dundas St'. Through Pullman Touriit Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above- dates, 'leaving Toronto il p.m. No change Ireceive oriers, which will have ýomt jTbrce doors west.o!Wtb Hus anti careful attention. PHONE 6s. CARRIAGE TD MEET ALL TRAINS. John. 61mb/et DUNDAS ST., ýWEST. WHLfBY We are preparedti t Instail woo t e lron pumpB on short notice, ao- attend te al kindo!o re- pairhng,. Agent for the Ontario wlnd miii, *M gazoliee cgnes ant ii.quarêol, eti Magnet Cem Sparator. PbwoeNo 50, restience. Round trip tUketsto points in% Manitoba, Alberta Lu A an akacea O bidago, t. Panl, Duluth, ~M lE111 itt o a Ni:adiorthers NvigatIon Co. on. sale UmVIE11 *UU each Tuesday ubtil Oct. 21, Incusive, at low (ares. ~ li VI @De» M -- - L41blogdm AbeL -- j- il ýg . on il 66 - ont. m - WHITBY 16.25 1 j5ýâD P.M%, Il 1 1 1 1 lýÉ IM

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