Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 8

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BRooKLiN. IIIUIcbol Walkesend Mins Vers ViponS, 01 the Oshavaiops ivs Mid asth»me, OTOI uadoy. lins.-Mmssn, ot Toronto, Ilustt l Jkoma ot ber parent@, 16. and Ens Ma May Foy, of Toronto, bas »Me vislting ber anal. mEn Seben. Tho e obce arvound ibo Anglîd éuneh lI. bng palatl, vbiebsU mà th te appetranoê of tbe cor- -Mt. mmd, rs. Raid, et Osbava, vis-. ibd aIlMr., lx m Kteeu's on At îII. eSudsy oveslugservisé, 11 er.AtIlIhtt R«. Mr.; muizbead mail teuching Ma lilm fMlbok n ÂJ...4* toavlftlng,-her latber, Mr. Gere C les ietrt as roza t111. 5011 i Mr. snd 'Mrs.->-ayior ulamteà in "1So teach us b nen cOr. Lays Pîcketig ireezly. tht vo .msy .apply ourbortf, uato j xr, Go,. Joe. issu *uisie. it 1i -vlsdo." 1v rt, iUoaso vih 111e Frost In --t.eprize l etof tbe BrookliluWlre Fonce Ce., and bau..returnedtO Spring Pair publishd'-l -Our papet Brooblin for the, sunmoer. luti vook, au error vas mu a n 0 Mrý.,Davd nur-us 1.11 on Tuesday 1st Prrm ozdOsaa l5draugbt iWe, 9, veg for Brandon, 1(ua, la charge, John BIo , L f roôm 1h. àit of t11 090fa canload of (dovirnnt stoc village wvashe111. vmeinitêsof J. Rv. . C.Bell vil proach .bie Boath as credlted lin our latit ssue. farw sro nSurday, Jmo 711h, Mlr. E. E. Patteron ox«P"e to ac! vil!. retire, hsvlng f deso~fl moelie obis ev bouse about July tortlih yoar lun110 nslioli . . lut.> Bell h an excellent ad vory able _________ and his congrogatien vilI indoed bo borry for bIi deparlure. - Mr. aud Ens. A.C. Ellot pent 'Sunday. vlth friends In Oshawa. '4 , Mr. 'W. M. Lavrence' many fiendi w yl ho plosd te uam hlm back at the store £gain a! 1er bis Sovere Il- fré. N. W. Colvîll snd son, Hu- Jbert, vlsited in Myntie Ibis veok. Er., Gorïge Johuston passeS bis tourth -year aI Unlveruty' eof Toroii- - to, vitb first-class honore, glving Mi iiiBA;degro.. - M r. sud Ers. J, E. Joffroy visitcd recent4y. -vith their. parents bore. y Mr. Urlth zJones le unloadlng a - large car of Frost -vire fence and Mfr. W. H. Elvisbas unloaded"thi e,,,.week a car of feed oats and also a >VR car of coarse sait. Orders pro mptly :U fild. £ .. FOR SALE. 1 , About 20 Rock hens. MUStselso at tc yIM PQ5OA~ once. Apply -jas. Skinner, Brooklil. ) AL WATHERS Nrcause AHE. î LOW thlg, yo4 perhaps do flot isen4ed wîth une bcid tab5c,'r t- our home tise greateet protec- uLg lu 111e he ad inîti-U'c l'e uret shul ueail forma o! kida_;', tr. .Lbie. 1*11.v H eMClëare s0 good and so sure that J. E. WlUis guaran ites 'h-4i et t) sur r' ' H enue sousgét Anti-Uric PÉis, 13. V, Marlon b"_ Paint on evry box. Sold oniy a'tJ.1 E. eatest, wear combined wlth thé AUDLEY. Oliver Cern- Cultivators, Are the very Iatest and best idea, straight frorn the great corn fields of Indiana. Don't iaiI to corne to our warerooms and investigate before purchasing this most necessary of farmn implernents. A car load of first grade Frost Fe nceand Gates pjîYto hand. URIAKI JONES Brook1in -Bl ndm.-- Ontario. Bel ad Id.Phones. Soasonablo Nocissaries Iron Age .5prayers are a necessity çand a benefit. They save increase th. yieid and improve-the quality. variety 10 choose frorn for rnany purposes. your crop y We have ai Binder Twine has asdvanced. Be sure and get 'our prices before'-plac ing your order. Çockshutt Rlding CultivatOrs -No. -eail steel two row -ýcorn, cultivator, has'all the latest mp yçtlwntB and cultivates îwo rows a n ie TeCockshutt 5Spring Téofth n Row Cor'n ultivator alo buit with. sti« îteeth, is a 'edr Lawn Mow-ers our assoitment i. coniplete, and thie prkces righte. A coniplete Une of new and used Carniages on ha.md. Horses mev good young Ciydesdale Farni HoSes for sale. W, F.DISNEY WHiTBiY, Trhe cotn is groving. The Ladies' Aid mecl at the home of Mns. R. Pucknin on Thursday'al- ternoon. Next Sabbath fa Con! crence Sun- day. A 'speaker from the Dominion Alliance viii be preseut,. F. -G. McCarlhy la making exten- sive preparations prior to having his barns re-modelled.' A large numben of young people gave a iniscellaneous shoven to Miss Verna Lydne on Thursday eveniug lat, in 'honor of hon approacising marniage. jNov Ihat the C. P. R. is about te, begîn business, and Audley is a- Mningst lise list of stations, Cveryono is free to admit that th e company will make a mistake hy not placing; the station on th1e Audley rond. Be sure and attend the demonstra- tion miiking machine meeting ut the barnC i F. -11. Westney on Thursday aflernoon. If succesaful, there ia no doubt it will solve the problem o! the dairy business. Giorious Hair. Girls aud womnuo! ail ages vaut o te h beautiful and attractive, but uuslghtly, tisin sud lifelesu hait de. stroys haîf the benuty o! a pnttly face. If your hait is iosing its isatunai color, iu falling eut, dull, streaky, full o! dandrufi, -too dry, or if the scalp itches or buans, do not ho a- lanmed, use Panialan Sage. Rub it vellinto 111e scalp. Il viii go ight' bo tise hait noots, nourish tisem, and stilmulate th1e iair 10 grow long and benutiful. Ilt emoves daudnuft vlth eue application, stops ltcbing scalp, falliug hait aud makes 111e bond foui fine. Patisian Sage supplies tise hait vitb what la uoeded te mako it se! t, tluffy aud gloticusiy radiant. It ln solS lu fifty cent hottles by *A. H. Allia and at al Srug counteri. Look for thse Inade mark-"Tho Girl Wilh tbe Auburn'IHait."1 Accept ne other. MYRTLE Mr. L. Gimblol, e! Whitby, vastise guest et bis Saugiter, Mn.. J. Bea- mlsb, lut voek. Mr. W. Graham in excavatlng tb. cellar for bis nov bouse. Ens. A. J . Canmchael anS Mies J. Roe, vere la the. city' on Saturda'., Auc#ioneet Eawv, of Whitby, visited saI h orne bore lait weck. Ens. Hamilten aud daugbter, ot Petenhooi>, veth 1e gueste o!,111e tonmer's methet, Ens. H. Wiluorn ne- ccntly. Ens. J. Wsrrîng visiee5 er sister, Ens. Tises. Dovney, toceutly. CHALK LAKE. Report of 'the CisaIk Lake sehool for lise montb e!' MaY. NaInes mn- rauged lu order of mmont. St. IV.-Pearl Moles, JIOy Cotb- Sr. III. -Roy' pareit, Berard Juno III-4ertrude Parrtt, Violet Mole, Maggie Cotbmala, Thon.Bos., John molttye (abouni) Srl IIL-Gladyli .parrotI , (1Hsnlei lliuebrougb and Donald Mocilyre) A. B. IRWINt Teachet. COLUMBUS. Ens. Beynton bas meved the. Par- noîll bouse bu the hsck et ber home.- Several fnom bore attendeS lhafll aI the Armounlos aI Oshava on Mny 251h. Er. Robt. Hodguomhlai) oYM Thor ns b hou a pdemelofeth11e muaipi la tenlh orboc!lately. Nesnly alIl l.' ebol olîdon e ....I' ........ 050 885' srimple Prý'Utpt1ow Jias 1........... eSBe ci.. Vord amôus.. y 0.701to0.00 pas ......., 100U > For h- acbe,, muhslia, neuritis, DI@kwhest . . ... ..7te0.75~ in*pdatusbu, 50.111115 to le tak., RedClOver. ..... ....0...00 to9.50 eaAo toire i0itB4IBIB fO from ue LUlÂDv n rére pain. -Most luadache, Powders 1'toiw, 1per o 2......50 te 3.75 ad pain -billon ame, vety bard on 11e; .CppeiI frOc!, Cv. ...1.50 bu 1.50' boart, but Kephaldol, although it çorýmul ... . 200025 tabou away tbe pain suroly snd Brio, perton..... .1.0010 ô26-0 qulcldy, il. absolutely harmieuu. o' shorts, Per ton. ....21.00: te 21.00 this reason Kepphaldol ln beartlly en- dorsed b4 lb. madiemiprofession inu MEAT, POULTR'I, AND PRODUCE ail couines. Beet, cvi., dresseS. 12350180 Stuce Dr. Stohr, .the great APu&' Catllekv. vb elght . 7....50,t6 8.00 tria Jorve aspeiaist, ftrot used Kep . Lmlbog, eac..; ... .....08.00 b 8.00- bado l a sediinnre*d uHop, dremied ..;i ....... .00-tu 12-60 tavor-4io-dy It -in' conceldd te be Héo, 50.....-82o.0 the oue but cure for aU nerve pains, Chfeeis, pr .... ...0.16 t0 0.18 A _arge tube Wini be sent direct by Ducks, per lb .............09.18 bu 0,20 the nufactrers upon receipt 01 GoSse, dressolperlb..01bu.0 s0e. Kephaldol,, Limited. 31 Latour Tunloeyu, dressed, per lb. 0.20 to 0.25 Stee,. mntea.Butter, pe;. lb.....051 .28 SreMorel- *Eggs, nov, per doz ....0.20 te 0.22 ______Lard, per lb ............0.18 te 0.20 Schooi Reports. Fotatoes, per bg .....1.20 to 1.25 Appleu, per.. barrel.... 1.50 t0 8.00 Onions, per baff-. ....... 1.80010 1.25 HONOR ROL MODEL SCHOOL Hay, per ton ..........1400 bu 15.00 f- ViayiUIIl Jr. IV.-Harold Richardson,' Hazel Worlolk, Maude. Beckett. Sr. I1I.-ýDorothy McGrtty, Maryi Mitchell, Gordon Bateman. Jr. III.-Marjory Robýertou, Ed- verS' Guruey, Donald Lavery. Sz. .-Norman Corner, Youulo Tod, Clarence Sleightholm. Jr. I.-Normian Cormacks, H=ny Rodd, Ivy Ward. Sr. Primer.-Edgar Boneli, Emily Sleightholni, Aima Rowe. Int. Primer.-Vera Johnson, Willie Ward, Jennie Bird. Jr. Primer.-B3ertie McKay, Harold Rice, Earl Sleighthoim. HONOR ROLL -HENRY STREET SCHOOL, MAY, 1914. Sr. IV.-C. Quinton, 79 per cent.; D. Bnadbury, 77 pen cent ; L. Ravin 75 per cent. Ciass Il A-J. Staccy-and L_. Han- ris, equal ; 1. Rowe, Il. Mlntyre. Class II 1.-H. Jackson, H. Rich- ardson, P. Shepherd. Ciass II C.-K. Hariock, W. Bra;d- bury, J. Tod. Primary Form. C. Anderson. Class IV.-Ruth Hall, S. Erskine, S. Robertson. Class 11.-E. Gurney, R. Jones,O. Senît. Ciasa 11l.-H. Seldoný G. Gnahamn, E. Màyne. Class I.-H. -James, M. Mathison, aud D. W. Thomson, equal, A. Cor- reli. DON'-T HIDE THEM i WITH A VEIL; REMOVE THEM WITH TIIE OTHIINE PRESCRIP- TION. This prescription for the removal of freekles was witlen by a prominent physician, and la usually se sueceas- fui in removing freekles and giving a clear, beauti!uI complexion, that il lu sold by druggists under guanantee b rofund the money .1! -1 fails. Don'! hide your freekies unden a vei' get an ounce o! othine and ne- move 111cm. Even the final few ap- plicattons should show a wonden!ul Improvement, some of th1e lighter f recklos vanlphlng entlrely. ' Be sure to ask the drugglst for lhe double etrength othine ; it lu this tisat is sold on lise noney back glian- anlce. EAST WHITBY COUNCIL. Council mot this day, Reeve Gifi- ord tn lise chair. Ail the memnbena present. Minutes vero read anS aS- opteS. Communications veto tend from th1e Department o! Public Works W. E. Ynrnold, P.L.S., G.D. Cou- eut, J. -E. Notléugham, Col. J. E. Farevell, K.C., Hydro Eleclnic Com- mission, -Reglstry Office. Moved by Mr. Dearberu, secondeS by Mr. Glover, that A Company o! 34111 Battallen ho given their aunual grant o! $10. CarnieS. Moved by Mr, MacKenzlO,' secondeS by Mr. Pascoo, that Et. EcCouneli bo paiS $1,000 on bridge acet. Car- rieS Moved hy .Mr. McKenzîe, secondeS by Mr. Dearberu, tisaI Ibis Council do nov rosolvo Ilself -Ie oa Ceurt o! Revision. Crriod. AfIn tihe -appealu voro dlsposeid et it vas moved by - Mr. Glover, second- ed by Mr. MoKeazie, that -the appeals o! tbe Court et Revision ho cenfirm- .5 on the Ausessmeat -Rol, and ltaIt thse Council do nov resume generai business. Carlec!. Movod by Mr. McKenzie, secondeS by Mr. Glovor, that the !ollowlng ho gratiteS bonus for vire f onea vhen orecled : jas. Platten, 60 rôde aI 15 ,conte; Fred McNally, 25 rode aI 35 cents; En. Scunrais, 80 rodse t 15 cents, Carrned. .,ve .a. C. (over, secondeS h jMr., pàscoe, liat the followlng he agANVt1 - qps- vais, avidtlhs md ue Cham». bisSais. Tsbi.t.,hefufOt ad swmo m ts fr I HIDES. Wool, unwnbed ........ 0.14 to.1,17 Caîf skias, pet lb...... 0.15 te 0.18 Lamb slne, eac ......0.70 10 0.75ký Hides, per cwt. ..... ...13.00 1111.00; Sheepokins ...............0.75, te 1.1et Deacons ......,.......... 0.25 to 0.70' Horse bides ............... 2.Ã"to 9.00 Tallov, rend., Per lb.,... 0.06 10 0100 Alsike clover, pet bus..$ 8.00 b 8$9.00 Act, QuicklY Don't wait until you have some ail- ment caused by ordigestion, biliousness, or by inactive bwl which may lead to a serlous sickness. Immnediate relief is afforded by that best corrective and preventive BEECHAM yS paid bonus for wire fence ereeted- G. B. Cliflord, 100 rods at 15c.; Wm. Farrell, 27 roda at 25c.; T. Sherri- dayn, 18 rods' at 25c.; Leslie Han- coek, 20 rods at 15c.; G. D. Conant, 50 rods at 25c.; Geo. Hepburn, 125 ro4~ at 25c.; miehard Walters, 90 rods at 25c. Carried. Moved by Mr. 1Pearborn, seeonded by Mr. Glover, tilat the following Hydro-Eleetrie 'Radial Union bi' paid $5. Carried. Moved by Mr. MeKenzie, seconded by Mr. Gloper, that the following accounts be, paid : W. T. Stevens, Board of Health $4,' Wm. Brènt, S. S. No. 8, $250.00; H. L. Pascoe,S. 13. No. 3, $250.00; John A. Nesbitt, S. S. No. 5, $330.00. Roads and Bridges-Jos. Greentree $5.25, Albert Lott $31 Frank Moore $1, A. Henry $3, Jas. Bell $9, .John Hamilton $10, Wm. Jones, $9.50, Uriah Jones $13-80, John MeCullough $3. John Ross $10, Jas. Hlortop $4.75, Jos. Holman $6.15. Carried. Moved by Mr. Pascoe, seconded by Ur. Glover, that this Couneil do now adjourn to meet on July 6th, at two o'clock. Have You a CoId ? Try FOSSAL DAIMI 'lIm is hIg slow or roundabeut la the.way mlomi Bal= gets af ter acold fa lb. bsec! MWiscatsrrh or irritation The sctl.p of1*. sutiseptic, healing Ma tJ6 =Inde! more certain and the bandy way of applying IL %* oellspslbletube Containing tte N Wosa.&in sadlaitile nozzle &»*~ hait Mslong, which Ste ilto 60 motdb andmc!pplies the ointrnent UU L .woks smt lilke =1a.gc, ~lughadk..aesng checkingthe LhCsua0M.tMMIC rit gthat burning omeimo, 41«du«s the pas. ages for C3MIWWý restoring nora, lhe Po"ssWiE st th ir>t iguof &Min 1hebsa5g-.twsl1 fot o.ly Bave ~.f'romau *the uderable d'scomiort X Ibut tu dobt 00,viii Pr( tect you thÃŽmrlousd*,eaea~sawhich- u qij M[. ta 5oc. tube mr orDeCtt or if h s cannet wyyouvemail a tulz prepaid of eeI t e . ce. Natic nal Drug 49-4 cor o0fZauda, L. iited. a Impregnable 6trength Inoompa rab/e iDividends Minimum .Net Cost For rates and f <alinformation apply 10 F. J. DUFF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN, speoiai Rep. Qusen & Victoria St myrtle. Toronto, Mgr. Tho Mutual Làe eu.i' 1 YOUR EYES Consuit me about your eyet3 if you are having trouble in reading or sewing. Fe E, LUKE, 9 IIIIIIACTI4 Vol. 51-S c 501467 WI1IU5 D1 z4l = JOHN Te HORNSBY-- 'Plans Madean sud ,ist*e.G1à p. A,1l KInds of Brick sud Concrets Work. Repaira te Chlimney Staclcs sud Béliers a specia'ty.. Marriago Ltooe. A. H. 4.lt= Corser drugstore. vbitbv- NWteses requtred. NwLauodryo Whitby and surrounding country witli- the fact that we have opened up a firât-, ciass laundry on Brock St., Whitby, u Hewis Btos.'-oid store: We are prepared to do ail kincls 61. lau>idry work. Family orders givea'- special ettention. Ail work guaranteed. Parcels called for and delivered.' Charles War -Whitby. ont# ROYAL THEATRE Open every evening. We have installèd a new Simpleic machine,- which is absolutely flickerles.- and casy on the eyes. Sattirday night, toc to ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager. 159 Youge St. TORONTO lm bL.LL.àLàLàa.à.-&--............ ..................à à I54 Have You any Ppoperty For Sale P If so, cnt ont aud mail thie coupon for our listing !orm. Phone 193 reater Canada Improvement and Land Ce., Llmied, Brock St. Gentlemen,- - 1 have a ........................... fomale. Kissdiy send your listing forn. I - .. .. . . . ..t.. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADD1U9S ........... ..... .............. SGroater Canada Improvement& Land -Cou Bell phione 193. WHUTSY, ONTARIO Imd. phone 70. f--if F 11 F if. - fii- ff. f i. Farms Upwards of forty fai S$35 an acre, guaranteedt inîvestmeut, located iu ~Every couceivable requir Sand other iraprovemeutsc J. E. ýWINN, Bell phono 109. Fôr Sale, .rms from 25 acres up, aud at frem to show 8atisfactory . resuits froml WVhitby and Pickening Townships. irement cf sou, buildings, erchard cau be met in the varied lEt off ered. eDnasS.WIIITBY P. O. Box 394 CANADIAN PACIFIC> Improved Train Service Effective- fla:y 3ist NPE.W LItIITED TRAINS "THE CANADIAN". Vi.Canadian Paciflo Ry,- and MIohigan Contrai Ry.i Thro.ugh Ulohigmn Contrat Tunnel via Windsor, Ontario EASTERN TIME Leave, Montreal.(Windsor St. Depot) - - - 8.45 n.mf. Arrlve.Toroflto - 5.40 P.nr. làeýoronto - 6;io p.mn. -Leavç Londoan - 9.33 p.m. -Arriv e -Detroit- (Michigan 'etra Dpo - 12-35 8.111 -'CENTRAL TIME Louve- Detroit --(Michigan Ventral Depot) '- 'i z. p.m. Arrive Chicago (Central *- S5tation) - - 7,45 n.m. CENTRAL TIME Leave Chicago. (Central S ta- -tion) - - 9.0am 'Ar-rive Detroit- (Michigan - Central Depot) - 35 .n EASTERN TIME *Lçavc UctiMichiga Central Depot - -05..; . Leav e-.Uidoa à . 8.o03, .m . Arrive Tdonto - 1îi .20 p.ri. Leave Toronto - 10.40 pm Arrive Mouïtreal'(Windsor v J Sniy COne Night on the' RondI lit Uach Direction. Soiid El.ctrlc..lightedý Trains .vlth Butflet-LibraryCompartme at ýO1,ger. vation cars, standard anS Tourist Sîeceers sud Firt-tclasa Coaches hetweeu Meutrfal sud Chicago in eaeh direction. .à-- Standard Sleeping Cars wili sîso be operated between -Montreal, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago via Canadiati Pacifie- and Michigaui Central Raliroada tbrough Michigan Central Tunnel'-via Windsor. on Trains No. 21 W. tý- bouud aud No, 20 Eastbeund. Varticulars f rontCanadien Pacifie' Ticket Agents, or write A. 1G. MURPHIY, DIot. Paser. Agent, <orner ,KIL ail Leaf Ea POTATO 81 Ready for use requnred' Stick leaves and, kilîsi potato bugs witb The oniy. sâfe w. poison. Worth its ce. Dues not injure 9DreggIst a MEDICJ -1r.clk Sig. -. LE - dO E. FAR z CBarristcr ýCounty C; > County S- Ã"ffice South wingcou Office, Brock* St., Op~ Moncy tc Money ta Loan 0cc imuediately5 Whitby. 6,G YOUNG SA Issuer -MARRIAGE Court, House, Whit * Banrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Oshawa, Office-No. z King Si -Residence-5 Phones-Office, 321; -DENr W. ÂADAMS, Dent * SBtmet, Residenco 1 lDyrn sSt., Whi tby JAS. B sor- to L. Falrl -Mo dates app!y te LICENSED~ AND VAN AIl hIdi of sali ed -te. Arrangem -be made aI lbthG Term <reasonabi 351M ad Indope We Bell aIl classes countr'y real esti vo have enquiriel of propertyi msyhae thepure vhat yen have tc JO HN *I]IS 409-Lumsd - TORC Jos.-Hai General Bsand Op Lrivco 'Ur Ur -TORONTO NOICE TO SJNT au 0ool, ool tsgato advlie Sebool atudeus that it in prepared to mùail a copy of its curriculum to aay one whe demireu tou qualify inaà shoirt perlod of ôO-orS8 moniths fora 96~d alaried position. Addrss s ôSohola1, Toronto"-Ontarioi< Head Office, Vonge & Gerrard Ste. "IS INEY BROSO IBrooklin, Ont. IEM>BALMERS, AND iFUJN ERALDRETR ed to. No extra charge for distance. A.cônplete anil up.-to.date*stook of casketg and suplies' aiways on lialîd to Choste frotil. ONTARIO. 13ell and Independent Phone&. w lri"qlmm Il

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