Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 5

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ed and cannot decide st will" make a suitable: IaCCeptablé prement., 3Why 4 Ã" I iêfëwtr assiîae? r exerience sbuouId be a~ 0e urne 10 you. Our stock Most desirable #ooôds lie l worth your inspection. 'j Ni Le4 us, speaking 'generallyi suggest Silverware (bolid and plated) articles from Clocs , 21C to$ 50. 00 Clock 71c tO 50 00 'ARIO N'ortb- -ko anid k àiid Chalk Souni d .rates iy Agent- ply to - - Bay Ont» Prepara. l.l..nowu BUêotI~ I Prteeips '1-~ iDoo. ks -Whithv. " n ýd in you nnch. Jewclry * 1-' OC ta Watches -$s.oo ta 500.00 150,00 Rings » -75C ta 300-00 Fountain Pens $1.25-to 5.00 -Ebony goodu 2 5c ta coniplete sets 25.00 Ivory Brushes, Mirrors, etc. 25eot complete sets 35.oo, Grafonola s $3z.50 to 100.0 0 Umbriîlas S2.00 to 1500o Canes - -750 ta 12.00 China 25c to comPlcte sets 400. 0 Puipes $- 1.50 to 6.ce Leather Goods 5oc to 15.00 Cut Glass - 50C to 3000 R. N.Baet Ur.C. P. McG;iIIIfvty attended loi;ea¶on-oWte I iotoM 4s i nto f Torolai wftk ba teboiior, of J> ng Frçideat lng the Psaýt.ar,!=ad presided ý XÉns. George Dàvey bâd- the rmu'ot- 'lune to' fil! aàd aprala ber "nke bad- ly>. She wll coneequeatlî be laid up for a time. R-er dauglhter,, Isubel, while playlng witb nmre oblidren, il JqgieïýcItyrelis, tfeii and broke ber' rol~boi;,. STRAYED OR STOLEN. One aIl bnowu drivin4g mare, îged, Inlformation gladly recelved' by W.J. *Taylor, box 75, Brooklu. Don't forget- St. Andrew's. 'Bazaar' neit Wednesday; Juno 10, lna-the Mu- sic Hall. Candy, Ice cneam,- ancy coolg, etc., wlll be ýonesale s.t the booths. Aftennoon tea at 3, 'clock. Supper fram 5 to S. Admilssion« 25c, ~EETil) E .~svwOFWITiE * GO~D7" * White cauvas, poplin, anti Nu-bucls ln pumpe, -.loxfords, coloni ale and -boots at lowest pnices. .15 4lfferentt kinde to select from ai M.W. '-Ça!- The 'dounty W.C.T.lU. PrSident, visiteti Cannington a few daye ago, where ebe addressed the echool staff and pupile on Scientifie - Teinpe*rance Instructions in. Schools in the fore- noon, and the W.C.T.U. In the Bnp- tiet church on "'Sehool o! Method andi Franchise," In the alternoon. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING P. R. Bradbury, Mary Street, WWtby, will be pleaseti to receive or- dff for ail kinde o! painting, pa- oe-hanglag, graining and elgnwrIt. fIg. Ses our sumplet books. P. O. boe 176.-tf. In anothen columa announcement le matie o! the death o! Mrs. Jas. Har- rison, o! Uxbridge, inother of Mre. W. A. Holllday. Mrs. Hpolliday bas been ai ber rnotber's bedside for most of. tbe trne since ibe middle o! -Fëb- ruary. She wlll return ta Whitby Wt the enti of ibis week. I dwoler aid radmato Optiian IMn. A. A. Post, arcbltect, o! Puf- -ISteFi ofo falo, formerly a resident of this vi- I OPOSIe FSt ~Cinity, was in- town on Saturday I Inest. Mn. -Post 18 anch'tect for the -Whilby, ont new R. C. prephbytery, andle a j considering the tenders for its cec- tion. The contract a-as let ta W... L__________________ Trick,. o! Oshawa, the price, it il; W. ,- ,, ~ udrstood, being $6.000. ________________________________- --f OFF FOR A HOLIDAY. PUBLC RGHTSVS "VESTED 1A uctioneer Maw beaves on Friday PULC RIGTS.VS ta conduct a big sale at Bracebridgo, RIGHTS." *which ho booketi some time ago. He dThe case o! the United States Ex- -will be nccompanied by Wm. Ellis, pness Company, which bas announcod and the two wiIl go for a 118h on the tiat it is about ta liquidate andi go Mfuskoka River. They will Inter vis- out of business, bocause o! the cofll* it fiends near Oillia andi at other petition af the pancel post, offers a points, and Will have n general goad gooti case lu point' for compêrliBoD 'oliday. -with the position of the liquor busi- nes. a the event a! Prohibition," Mrs. E. ridmund qtarr, Ddniinion says an Amnenican contennporany. W. C. T. TT. Supt, o! Militia, bas 1-ore le a great Conmpany, havlng on- received an invitation from the Sec- ,orosinvestmuents, crryipn ,th.anti Division ta visit the Camp Nia- logitimate aîîd use! ul nuuînless, WlII gara-an-the.-Lake,. June .9th. The out injury to- tay and with valuable guests or the day are representatives àervice ta millions, thai finds its frotn Women's Organizat«ons, incluti- .field invadcd and pnospectively wiped ri ng Daughters o! the Empire, Nation- eut by the enactment of!op iaw callfed al ('ouncil and others. The day 's for the public wol!ane. Do wo bear Jrograin is a fuili ane, includinig à any w'hine about 'Injustice' ? No ; risit to Navv InU, Oid Fort-, Camp these gentlemen recognize the situa- lospital, f'avalrv and Infantry lunes, tion and the supremacy o! the public tooci suppir and'hakeshop, 01à1 Fort, interest -'and, tbùougb their lose laýigisuaCann e RfeRn evqn more complote than the boss o!fMgesaga('ano, ec.ndwRiluRn- tifé brewers wtll be,, go out - ofbusi- - o t hA V.t>eptec., nilnh ness in digniieti fashion. Thls is- a on a 0etqares of the mark$ o! digferce between I .ll.'. .,. -- .Æ'Æ'Æ'Æ' honest business and legalized rab- bery."1 Local Happenings Mr.AWi Ifreti Crawforth' has bogun operations on the cellar fon bis new <residenco, jusi south o! Dr. Waug's. Mn. Munnoe, o! Suntienlandi, former. ly o! the Standard Bank bore, spont Suntiay in iawn. We have 9 styles o! screen doore to chmeosm mst Geo. M. Rice's. New argain i Ge Stotewlil ho epene /out In y? .J. Farguson's aid etgndon.Sat4dtay. June Sih. Sign- 1 - - - ---. 11IC'LTIIIIAI. NOTES. Clean-up day gave general satisfac- tloîî, if We îîîay .judge froîn tlîe ex- pressions- of the people. We congratulate the Libnary Board upon the appearance a! their corner. -We thank aur memibers for calling S0 -pnoinptlv fan thoir options. We regret that'owing to the late date of out order, the rose market has been mnable td ship the roses ordered, but wo hope ta be able ta make goat inl the auturnn. Doubtless the adoption o! the rose as a Canadian emfblernio! fiarai culture bas Iad sametbing to do witb the shartage. The officers o! our Society have beon untiring la their efforts, but the skýortage is 'at the -nurseries. We are pleased ta bear !rom aur members that the Rosei Ramblers are gnawing well, though somewhat late in delivory. --B. Y. P. U. SOCIAL. Red ýVag. On Manday evening ane a! the mast1 largely attentioti metings ever thcld Mn. Charlie Edwards, wbile dnlv- by the Baptist Young People took the. mail to Brougham, wae tbnown place in the schoal-rooni o! the trom bis wagon 2and hai hie leg church. The raam was filledti t its broken. capacity when 11ev. G. A. Mcean toak the chair. A splendid pragrarn Fol)lowing is a ist a! new BeIlla! mugie anti readirogs wvas rondeneti.- telephones: 138-J.T. Harnsby, buid-, Then the President anti his wife v'ee on anti contractor 120, Mns. Fned caliledtit the front, andi an atidress Slaten, nurse ; 161, Mre. Albert m%as reat by Miss .Je.ssqe Cormack, Moore, nurse; 104, n 13, W .7. Gas-r the Secretary, at the conclusion o!. ton, fanmer; base lino. - whicb Mn. Sidney Walkcn, the Vice- - - -.- President, presented' theni with aI ST. JIOHINS CHURCH. beautiful wicker chair, as a remem- On Sunday morning at St. John'-s brance from the qoc(ietv on t-he oc-I (Jlav) Chîîrcb Holy Communion wii casi of!terncctmrig.Ec ho cclcbrated at thp close of the son- brie-liv expre-ssed thanks for t-hohani-ý irr. TIev. .josp Fletcher Wili came gi!t, anti for tue gooti wishos 1j oniciate. r xtendcd. Jlefres-lîiîents were servcd and the evening's eniovment 'con-1 Mis E. Johsto'sauction sale cludeti aften gantes bati becn induligetij xvas ltidon Tuesdav a! ternoan. A in.- r-rvd biti was put in on t-he! boseani ot btt-e its eciv, A meeting Or the Women's Instituto figue, ail te pnpert was wi!h wrli lie helti at the home O! Mrs. at thÊe sale did not came up ta the Oc.A oso nia !tron urrwn from sale. it will prohaîbe 1 n 5 tb 'coc1 Mr.Lar disposeti o! hv prIvate -sale. The Rase Stephen, I-untpgtn, .QI homseholti iurniture was all solti anti wiiI atidres the meeting on WaI brnught splendid pnîce. awo the worb d," andi also demon-, -Have yon îny pietures Iying: JIf 's, bring. them to us 1 ad we -i attelld to ypurvWits, Yoî had- îso- botter make, an PHOTOS you have lieen promising go long. Leave a cul, and we wilI cone. any trne and maice a Dico photo of your bouse and the." lawn. DEVEWOPINB and PRINTINO for amateurs : attended to proinptly. Wilson's Studio strate "lIco Cream, Mousse, Sher- bots." Mis.- Stephes bas traveled from the -Atlantic to the Pacifie in ýconnection wlth Institute 'and other, instruction work along homeinaklng, and dalry Unes. 'Hon practical nd carefuliy tbought out addresses, de- lvered in a pleasing manner, have placed ber -lI the f rpnt rank of Insti- tute workers. AIl women and girls are cordlally Iflvited to this meeting. Mrs. Geo. A. Rs, President ; Mis aee,.Pries. M.-W. Qolitl. st. Ândrew'sLadies' Aid -Bazaar on~ Wédnesday, June 10th, -lu, -4h guuie Hall, -coneingaf.r8 oclock. Mi«noon tea wil be rervod. lée cneam.- U Mr, Jas. Falmer lu 111 with Lever. tir. Aiber$..Brown bas takeo bis place. on the express wagon,- Misslieaywbh biben visit- 1 igX frtendi ,lna. the N4ofhwest for e,- qrîl montb.s, bas- returned home. .C. PF.R. FRE-IT, SERVICE BE-' GINS. Onh Monday, June let,, the C.. P.R. relgbt, service along the new ulne be-. gan opertion. Passengen trains, however, wlll not be6 running for jfrobably another montib. The new Biation les nowla change of tbe reg- illar operators, Mr. Stoddard being the day man, and Mr. Boyce on nlght duty. Remember St. Andnew's !3azaaz nexi Wedaesday in the Music Hall. Afternoon tea at 3 o'clock. Supper fnom 5 to 8. Admission 25c. NOTICE. À convention M! the Liberal Coft- servative party of the South lRidlng of Ontarfo, w-Ilho held ln the ['rown Hall, Witby, on Saturday, June Otb. Addnease will be delivered hy a prominent mernber of!-the Cabinet, Wm. Smith, M.P., andi others. Each polling euh-division ln the rldiag te F. Ba1eman, Secretary. entitweu it select nive <ieiegartes aàd i 6 two alternatives. The chairma o! the AN AGED HORSE DESTROYED. vanlous polling euh-divisions lu re- Thirty-two years is a long time ta questedti t hold a meeting to select have Possession- O! an animal, but t hein delegates, on Fnlday, June 5. that le the length af urne Dr. F. Chair taken by the President at 1.30 Warren had owned hie black hanse, .M when he faund- it necessary to de E. Il. PTRDY, J. J. MOORE, stroy it last week. Dr. Warren hati President. Secretary. raiseti the horse froni a col-t, its dam being a mare he bought fnom the laie Misceliancous Adverts Wm. Green.. It gave hlm splendid service in Its day, but for the lasi CALF FOR SALE. six years has been enjaying a well- Heïfen cal! for sale. Apply ut tho earned resi, and bas been living on Gazette offie.-i. the pa9tune bought by Dr. Warren es- peclally for that purpose. Lately the AGENT WANTED. hanse hati become so fat that it could for Elliott's Big 9 Conibination. Lib- not get up, and this made it neces- eral- commission. Apply ta R. Boa- sany to put it ta death. Such a fai b Vis, Windsor Ilotel, WhltbT. ful -old servant was deserving of!& ELLIOTT'S BIG 0 COMBINATION painless an end as possible, andi Dr. Warren was cane! uL ta see that týhe will ho offered ta the people -of Whlt- hanse was spared any suffonring. A by during- the caming week by repro-1 veterinary surgeon admninistered an, sentati ves of the Elliatt Ca., Toron- nnaesthetic, and Inter injected prs-ta. This le something you wiîl want. sic acid. No doubt many o! the cit_ Watch for ît. i1 liens will rememben seeing the black PASTURE TO LET. horse that carnied the Dr. around the Fi! teen acres. WeIl watered. Ap-1 district at a fa st pace. It is refnesh-, pîy ta p. l:owartl Aines. ing ta hear of sucb a case where dumb animaIs -are properly revarded DENT'S DAIRY. for faith!uI service., , Pure milk -and creani. Morning andi 0 evening dellvery. Order now. Phono The first garden party o! the son- 177.-tf. son wil ho heîd at -Wm. Oke's onFO SAE June Il. Remnember the date.FO SA . 6 ~5j h.p. gasaline engine. In gaod RALLY ROUND TITE FLAG BOyS,., running ortier. Cheap for cash. Ap- Whithy (onservative Association Ipy..? aepoe19 biy will mecet at Council Chamber on - Fridav evenin g, June 5, at 8 o'clock for the purpose of electingdelegates to attend- the convention on .June 6, to noirÂnatc a candidate for the Leg- isiative Assembly. OUR VALUES AI! supporters of Hon. Sir J.P. Whitney arc invited to attend. if thiee wcre l>tter A. T. L.AWLER, wudhs ('hairman. groceries- we tol la' Rooms nti i tlem hrt. hom n oard for steady work- ing men ;t-erms moderate. Apply ta po'A~ - Mrs. IA SINScorner Caî1borne ELI and Athol Sts. 4 ~5 Gais. amnericau oil 1101 Don't forget- the Almond's Sun- 3Crýlks2 day Sehool Garifen Party 6n June Il Coufke s-t Wm.- Oke's. - Lemons few see Je doz. 25 24 lbs Pamnily P, lour 65 Notice to Dog Owners Surprise Soap 6 for 25 Tomnatoes :3 cans 25 ____Frencli peas 1i en 10 Tags that a e not taken Try the new turnip out, on or before the .2Oth seed Ne -Pluis Ultra, Swtde. of June, wiii be handed ýover to Chief MacGrotty Yorbsnsfind for collection. Dy order WM. MEEKER JOS. W HITIE, Phone'94, - W IB Town Cierlk. Special Prîces ln Rflbons, Flowers and Untrlmmed Hatsl FRIDAY and SATIJRDAV. - THE MISSES'POWELL ~Brock St.,. SWhbltb 5TUAI.IRT & GARDINER PAINTERS, DEeORATfORS and SIGN WRITERS..' S Counîtry orders recciveimmed'ate attention. Distance no object. B3ox E653, WHITBY 4,. -DETROITVPRW Lights Like Gas. N o Wick Trolubles. Greater Heat and Less Fuel. -CorÉe in and see this stove. We have -it'in two and three burner, and three dlifferen t styles.ý SCREEN DORS AID WINDO'WSIý 'No 'w is the time in make all .your doors and- windows fly anîd insect -prooft. Donot put it off any longer. We have a.large assortmentof doo*rs to choose frorn Rangligin- Pie irom Orbe Screen Windows lrom 15o Spaldlng Sport!ng Goods See our window display of Basebali, Football and Tennis Goods. Cail or- Write for oui free catalogue of summer sporting goods. We - are Agents for Speldinga Sportlng* Goods. Eurpeka Roofing We have jusi received a large shipment of Eureka Ready Roôfing1 e * have found it to be much superinr to roofings selling at higher price Cernent. and nails with each roll ready to lay. Per Squatre et 108 lt $1,50 GALVANIZED WATERUNG CAUS Made of Heavy Galvanized Iron. Spouts bcd with wire, in 6, io and 14 quart sizes. PrIce 40c u p SRoad over this list of seasonable articles osSayr, nth, '1 Paris Gen Scytiles, Whet Stones, Garden HosSryr£ nte,8 LanMacin Qers, Ou Caelqns, WDere rsScythes, \ý heel barrows,.Gýrass » MCINTYRE'S HARDWARE HARDWARE, PLIJMBING, TINSMITHING END SPORTINO _GOODS MEMORIAL ý;ER-,CE. WANTED. S. S. NO. a SCI-IOOL ùRPORT. On Sunday morning last a memnor- AÀi!Mited number o! ?rst-class re- The following is- the report for S. il service was held at St. John's cruits for "B" Co. 'y 34th Regiment, S. No. 6, Whithy..NLames in order of (Bay) Church, for the victimns of the Whitby, -Ont. The 34th will leaveý merit. Empress of Ireland wreck. Special headquarters on the l5th of June Jr. IV.-Gertrude White. music and hymns were rendered, and for "'Annual 'Training" at Camp Nia- Sr. IV.-M.vaude Ki'JeIl. Mr. Glover's discourse tool< the form gara. ,Jr. IIL-Etfiel White, Regie Staple- o! a memorial sermon. Apply to Sergt.-MNLajor J. Allaway,, ton, Bessie 'Garbutt, Etta White, -4- jort' Frank Ballard. Mr. Don. Wilson lef t on Monday toý Lieut. G.W.P. .Every,JrI.-evleraeVea resumne bis duties In central Amer- O. C. "B"l Co.'y, Bradley. - ica. Whitby, Ont. -491 Jr. 1.-MâIbel White, Kathleen jWhite, Tllearn Kiveli,ý Harvey BaW I NSU RA N CE Sr Primfer-Olive Tbompson. Tri~Ti4 abe. Fire, Lie, Live Stock, Plate- Glass, Jr. Primer-E dith Maynard, tNor- Accident and Automobiles. man Thompson. Agent for the best Canadian, Englis D. A. .JONES, Teacher. - a'~-and American companies. 19- -~ JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 Whitby, Ont. Phone 1 Buy from Ontario what you canxIo% WHITBY UCIN Going-W,. est... *.4 m2a.ns. Going Faut .... 8.2o a.ir 7i.35a.m. I .... 3.05 P.ii ..10.08 a. m. ... 6.î9p.n ...'.07 p.Mn. .... .6.53 P.imi .... 7.40 P.M. .... 9.30P -tu Sunday 1ýnalns louve for Toronto 4.52 a.m. andi 7.56 p.m. Fnom Ton- onto-trains stop at Wbitby Junction it 81 ad 9.55 a.m., anti 9.30 p.m. a .5UP--TOWN STATION. jGalng North...830 Sm. oGan5 Softh .. 7,18 a.o - .4-15 P-M:.I.. 1.15 p.ul .640 P.M. ...1.05 P.Mn Leaves Whltby for Oshawîa a 10 a.-m. andi 4 p.m. Jos. Holden, pro- prietor. Leaves for Brougham at 10 a.m. Mn. Edwartis, propnieton. 74AILS CLOSE. For Wet-,,,o .ni.m 6.30 P.m. 94? 'P. i. Éor Port Whitby- 6.*308-.111 6.30 P.0i For 0,îhawa--30 p mn For 5fOrtll--6,30 J- .11 I.NICHOLSON & SELDONI phon* 35 WIS REAL ESTATE FRANK E. JONES' LIST. Several houses and building lots for sale in Whltby. Farms f oi gala ln the Township o! Whltby and Pickernig. FRANK E. JONES. WHITBY. AVIATO Sauinge froin Sarnia Wharf S.Ioncisys, WVedise.- mà.ai Saturdays for Sauit Ste. Marie, Port Arthn - F ort William, comnîuncing Jn t. -STLAMSIII P 8PEGIAL Produce yourseiî, was the siogan af ami dvert],sing campaign canried an by the Department o! Agr-icûlture last year ln the a-est. Scrant-on- Goal Effective June 8th, Westbaund . Stove Size and Eü Xiii leave Torontto 11.15 e. m.(on sailing date.9, nmaking coîînectionut Sarnia Whlarif for Sauit Ste.Pea olprtn Marié, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnîipeg and PaCa e o point, in Wertern Canatla. Parlor-Cafe, Parler Cars and.i frt-ciaus coaches. At Harbor Goal tg) Sarnla Wharf. - ýe o es A special trainlwillranfthe retert.eWay-4eaNIiig or to ls Sarnia Waf7.dba.iii., arrivilmg Goalo.tThe nam eomn~eeimig June 9rIî, andi each Tuesmiay, Fri.iay Ca" h.ai atnd Sunday thereafter.h Puli articulan, and reervations from Grarij highleSt quality imn gentcé, or write C. 9. R0RNl'N(4 -~ i Trot rtE. Ra BLOWO 1 inrv u - I2fn Bell Tel. 9. and Teaminge I have reizently added to rny well- equippcd livcry stable a heavy team' armd dray fo.r ail kinds of cartage' anti teaming work, and will be pleased to gg per ton 7.00 1shiede 50 cents -iiS¶JRANýTON ie guaran tees the Whulby Home-Tel, id. E. W. 'EVANS PumÉp Manufacturer Shop'and Keaidence, L)tndas Stre. WITBDY reccive orders, which wiii have prompt .Tnree daoons west af Whitby ilou». and careful attertion. We are prepare t ta nstabi woofloe PHONE 65.' -I ran pulmps on'short notice, ahý CARIAG TOMEE AL TRIN attend to ail kintis of ne- -ARAET ETALTAN. fpalrlng. - k Agent for the Ontario wlnd mill, Mu do,,n Gimb et Igaslne engines anti the squarýpW W.î 1 ed Magnet Creani Separator. DUNDAS ST., WEST itT3, Phono -No. 50, residence.-- 1 ý Chestnut'per ton Il

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