Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 1

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dl. 1~ -~48 VBEE OFFERI ,W. give free, while tbey laei, Thm loi.bscaksPl* OlivelSop with ea&ch jar of PALM (OLIVE CREAM or each- bottie* of PALM OLIVE SIIAMPOO Fs1pxnliv*ëeparations have a wor11 d wl~reputation for 4uallty and purity. IL will -pay you Lu take ad- vantaige of this opportunity. JEnE. WILLIS D" glIt and OptiClan ý HALL Brock St. Whltby. 1professional Cardas ]JEGAL A tNO, E. FARIýWELLy Ne Ce * Barrister, County Crown' Attorney and County Solicitor. Office south wing Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHIRISTIAN 84Brriiter. Soricitor, Noie"w Public. Etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard B.znk. Money to Loan. JmtS RLTLEDGE, Barrietel', Etce Mny tor-Loan on easy termns. * Otce immediately south Royal Hotel, Whitoy, tOnt. -G. YOUNG SIITH9 LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, or residence. i D. A. J. SWANSON Barrister,, Soilicitor, Notary Public, * Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontarîo Offic e-NO. 2 King St. E; Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. .36 FhOues-Office, 321; Residence.26 * ENTAL W. ADAMS, Detlst, Office, Dundas Street, Residenco No. 4, tire Temae Byron St., Whitby. Pirone Na. 122. ~JAS. BISHOF Oshawat, Licensed Auctioneer., Suc- cesucor ta L. Fairbanks. For termi mi1d dates appfy to sel[ or--G. Robb, Whtby. WM. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER Al AND yALUATOR. AUkdihiof sales promptiy attenld- ed b Arrangements for saes COl Me mnade at the Gazette ofile. Tera. reasonable.ý' tIlI snd ladepedt phones. WIIITBY, ONT. FARMS AND FRUIT LAND WAW-TEDI Ne soit al classes of suburban and countryrmal estate. -Every day we have enquiries for some cias of property in Ontario, aud we mayhave the purchaser who use eau what you have to seit. jeux pISHE«R ~e0@ . 409 Lumsd n Building TO0R4Uro ,ios. iIs&~ & Sm ianne I -1 Ilunmiu ;.UUgi lLlulcu . Bot and Dray. Busines Bus to ail trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE; aise lEacki, .Carniages and - Rigs of ahl kinda DAY OR NLGHT. Bail phones-89, 14-sud 74. Stables and Ofie: fr05 St.I.,WhItiont. W&!TBY, )NTARIt TIIREE YOUNG MEN CH7NROED .WITII THEF i-- Acquitted in Couri by ugMcnye Three Port Perry. youmg mon -sp- 1satlsfied, Wi when he ieft the, gar- pearîd ta, Court hoireoonFriday isat , agi,,shook haün a*I-ith. s'ome ýo! -tii. chüged with the thlt of 00 [ rom boys- Joseph Sinson, a farm laborer. Th.1 Gordon Brookus told SiDOOSthat aecused were F'red ,Seheil, .aSged 29; 1Il ho thought there wau anytilin a:s George' White, aged 20; and Gardon honest, he would miue lb rip. camp- Brookeso aged 20, Match Oth, waSs'bal told Sisoon .tbuy did lb for' a the date ai the ailegeti offenco, _,. joke ta teàch hlm a lesson. Shortly sIfter the Ilo0fbtha MOn- Thls wias Sison's stary. ey i was. returaed- to Sisson by the TRE DEFENCE. acousçd, and ail conoeruid apparent- For the offe ce the accus.d tesbtllled ly regarded the occurrence as a prac- on theirý own--beha1f.. Their -story tical jokie. was that Sîsson'eamo into the gar- Howevîr, it was nat taend there. age office, befone noan. iHi "Tas The Dipartment ai Justice*at Toron- druni. He sent out for a dolar bot- ta sent a detectiva to Port Perry to je af liquor, and latar for a lunch. investigate several roliberies and Soon..h became siek and went out en offences that had bien committ di nto -the . zom. bîhind thre office. The in the vlage of late, and while thee boys i' the office heard him f all,and the "tee" heard a! -this. huu.dred dol-1 tiey went out and carried hlm in ..nd lar episado. lHo made iniqs , with placod hlm on a louage. Shortly al- the result that the thrii yoiffg mon terwards Gardon Rraal1es discovenc-d namod abovfi were arrested& a purse on the floor where Sisson had .Joseph Sissort was first calledl by [allen. He apened it and faund tOO the Crown. His story was that- an therein. Campbell suggested taking March 9th, hie had tho toothache, and'*thle moîiey and.dividing it up, so 1ihat went ta Dentist Murray in Port Per-1 Sisson would not blame any of thern ry to have the tbath extracted. He:i in particular when hoe found they tok wlth hm a purse in which ho ae f i mny carred 107. Befre oiîî ta bue Whe.n Sisson woke Up there m~as no0 dentis's Sisson had a couple of one in t.he office, and he Nvent aut. drinkls of tiquor. Afttr thîe tooth' [le anîd lis brotiler soon cameio hack, was extracted the dentist procured bath badlv under the influence af for hin a 50ic. b otle of liquor which, drink. Schll swore that hoe talt Sissan drank. .Joseph Sîsson that fie knew where Sisson renwînhcred w-len hie lcft bis maney was, and that as soon ui the dentist's office, but where lhe hc was sober enaugli ta take cýare of went froîn there w'as ta lini a blank,'it, hie would get il back. Ho thon until he caine to birnself in Grahais went aut and got $25 tram lrookeg, garage some hours later in the dav. another $25 [rom Geo. White, aî,d He gat up tram the louage whiere lie $24 fram (Campbell, which, with his had lain anti went out ta a barber1 own $25, made up the $99. shap. Wlhile there he apened his The three accused men swore they, purse, anis' ta find the money gane had na intention af keeping tihe and strips of nowspaper ini place o! money..1 the bis.- The Crown put in a statemnent He met his brother on the btreet, signed by Seheil, obtained by detect- and with him wont back ta the gar- ive- Miller, ta tho effeet that thre other age, where ire asked Scholi, wha was en boys intondod to keep thoenîoncy. in charge (the proprieton being tb- Sceol made but a pon excuse fen sent) for liis maney. . this statement, and denied its truth Ho saîd Sciroil doaiod knawledgÉeephtcly o! it, but whon hoe threatoned ta 1Mr. H. L. Ebbols, in addressing Ille have him arested, lie sald lhe wauld ('aount. admitted that tire action -if try ta get it. Hle went out and wlien thre young men was most f 0011mb, but he came back handed Sisson $67. asnet ciminal. Theu Schell ivent ouf and got $35 Ris;,Honar Judge Mclntyre acquit- fr * ,George White. A man namcd ed the accused, thougir adinitting 1'lanhpl iYro i, rn 15njt1inn S971that lhe onld nt nv there was fn at t eleie Tlg URS] JE 4 1914 tu 4b èky OR wu as -baky At itheCouncil m nong.QMonday oa the 4qmtmOBtOP UI1 woild fO vniga.$portanit stop was t"ken back up <Ibhilghan heM olig bL> idvertfeed -à the . -ÀEI Club the quustio MESin- Conventlon ,to 1be bail *iu Toronto MOxords, Laèd, and ButtWned. ciàrk,-e, éèSpéiàly -h.eipenditureo ewra«o 'advog$js iTg .latest in Pumpu,, Patent LeatherVici. LKd, Gun Iletal, New one and ia qr illio dollars on aié i uufca s~ alBuek anýd Wbite Calivas, Etc. et C«anda aut"rhe' Éfi a ùu ciD. Coiian, Sec retary o! the Sanwl seil u Ie~lhn Association, bi<Taddressedth asml-f, t B1Ïgî SO ùrMnsRgBadDéb ot n xod -whne themee- ~"A~iééwu .appboîn to* ~ pcials in men'.and Boy'. -Work Boots, aoldWolse'sdRai The Maianic s theeo'wthe Whiteela'briagiliw_______ lng wu heldi -w%# fillto t m ca- toh, 01 etin !ràpiemntaývu -paelty, among the îrowd belng a < -auatrn o~n'le ~.d ~ number o! prominent Liberals. The àa6u0*'u so~yatuted two chief.spea&ers occupled the time * .AfXO'Ver bUts~s S t r tilt~ ~ ~ ~ r nhryf'epook 0that f"0 nre to'be supplemènted-bY a f6lder tunherdisussonraa aviîd. or booklet. which la 'L-be printed,, The, gathering broke Up with tbree' W. A. and E. i3roughton mnade the Brock St. South#Whilbv. Ontt.PL e15 chiers and a tiger'for 1113llyll Sin- request that Ash street be opened UP'A clair. across the C. P. R, right of .wa3t Al___________________________________ * - ~motion that the clerk communioa _______________________ W. L. Smith Nomin tret t b o;ened was passed.',tef If au u W. L S f.h OMiiate 1rhe Toronto Eastern Railway Ca. has so torn up Mary street as' ta. I n '«est -Durham. mako -crossing --of Brock Street P4 inconvenient or dangeraus. ; Com- West Durham Liberals on Tuesday1 plaint was made, and Mr. Rothery, nominated W. L. Smith, editor O!, replied that as soon as possible the the lVeekly Sun, ta ho Liberal stand- Co. would remoéve the cause of corn-TT i an acivantage semetimest&., ard bearer in the forthcoming Pro- plaint. This was nât Suffcient, hoW-1ke akacuti h m vincial election. ever, and a motion passed Couaclo w pos 0th iw n that unlcss witilin three days the e > ~ a May Make withdrawals. &h condition af the road be made safe accou. 18 calda *,ou-aSs applicato WoUhIhC e, aad ta] paedeî caînpel the Ca. ta attend ta it. Application was made for a grant' TORO~NTO__________________ for B. C'ompany, 3lth Regt., and a' ~H TT B ~ ' response af $1.5 *as made. iv IT B B R A N C 1-J jF. E. Calverley and others wroto i C. A. McClelIan, Manager. the Councill coinpla-ining of a stable I eméssoat nowm...l. Uo kî.. (C. A. Mcc1ýHal..nago léw. !on C7entre street« that was a nuis-, ,&sI )es a~erPcei2suPr ~y ancre. The petitian was denît wi th by the following motion Laidlaw-Warren-That the Clerk- request the Baoard ai Health ta en- force the provisions of the Ilealth Act as regards su~ch buildings as th.At C.mPameon wrate, accept- ing the position of electnical inspect- or.W- a e 1 itructed ta purchase a suitablo flag r p for the town of Whitby. W. 1L. SMITH. The Mayor and Treasuner weni authorized to sign the deed o! thel Pnire- ;nd Hiorhpýçt GYf lr F, sth qt Mr. Smith created a favorable im- lot an urock street purchased hy ., pression by the stirring speech he Meintyre, and that the purchase delivened. He came out staunchly price be placed ta the credit of the -8 ,~ WPtP.r . n.Ad N4.+ nmini With thisSison said iro was stain pntheir c'tire Lîberal a hComi . .' aul-ae>I. ouu,.., s waë la,, .... tîs uin camater pyauthorized ta purchase a steel 'dnag - for the streets. CIN rI A lI ~nin:.u * The Streets Committee appraveo VV L . II~ ..flI -in .-John MacCari, work ....... $.%0.6 0 I S CHO ICE O5F LI-FB R .5XLS ,i W . *Wddifield, of Uxbridge Tp., R.Plskett, work ........80 wa cognatBevrtn nTuesday 'las. 35wotém ... 16 ta be the Liberai Candidate in Nanti, s.Collins ..... ...... 9 Ontario. Mr. Widdifield is a former- ln Convention in Soulh Ontario. County Counillor, anid wiii ho me- _____ ____menmbered by maîîv local PCoIyý.-m r. ')U. L. fliîc h parade. avr-W. S. Ormistan, of Uxbnidge, an aid ____ Tira present mnember for South Ã"In- addtes- Uecrciticized the Gvr-Whitbv- Boy, at the sanie meeting w-as The annual churclî pârade a! tire ha I)rnný.iD ,P Toiol atre. filnt- epxpvrel v in the niatter of thre 1elected Presi dent of the' Liheral A s- c.in uM Pnir.n..d'. i rf.+nc.ip. a ta W. Li lt' - E. N. Sinclair,, or Oshawa, w-as fledristributian Bill, the Sý'tatute R4e- sociatiôon ai North Ontario. jh.e iosen as the Liberal, standand-bear- vision Conîmittee, Prison RZeform,thp frc inl thre fortircoming 'electian, at a Education Department, and lack ai tel Lass meeting o! tire, South Qlptario active work for the henefit o! farrn Aùto Causes Accident. c* Iberal Association, ireld in Brooklooers. Mr. Sinclair also made it plainof ii Tuesday aitenaon. Mn. Sinclair's tlîat i was detenmined ta support th ame was the only one praposod, aitire Lib eral . Leader on tire Temper- Coining down Brock street at a Idi, îe nomination was declaned clased ance question. "I heave it ta you," moderato speed on Sunday evening, S. an automable struck the milk deliv-2 -. * ery wagon of Mr. F. Dent, throwing n( Mr. Dent and iris wife into tire ditci TI and overturning thre wagon, witb ca seritu s nesuits for Mrs. -Dent. la 'ire accident occurred sometime aL- El ter aine o'ciock. Mn. Dent- was th driving on tire right sideofa!tire raad, bi just nantir of tire C.P.R. tracks. An bc automobile approncirid tram beind, te and ire turnod -out ta tiere igirt asc far as possible. Tire next moment se tire automobile had struck tire loi t ai - rean wheel. Mn. Dent was tirnown th forward aven tire dasirboard onto tirein -whifffetree ; Mns. Dent was hurled Out hf inlao tire side o!-tire rond. Tire wagon was tUmned over end for end and tl ,*as dâmaged almost beyoad nepaîr. ai Fortunately Mn. Dent was nat veny al badly Injuned, and ire ImmediatelY hi extricated iimueif tram tire wreck- t4 *age andi a$tended to Mrs. Dent, Who nr was unconsciaus. Tire owaen ai tire1, auto, wag, o! course, vcry deeply Il concarnnd about fire accident, and s lent al Passible aid. Assistance wasv obtained by Mr. Dent, 'anrd tire infr- ed woman was conveyed In the auto- mobile ta. lier home, wbere Dt. Me- Gillivray attended lier. Sevîrai riba were fourni ta be brakon, but owiugà ta ber condition a thorougir axamin- ation was not possible. Mns. Dent wus rçstng a lIttli more com!ortably at time of witing, but lier condition ls stili serions. Thre owner of the auto dld net ut- tempt to ezonenate mminelu.Intire lait. Hle iad iris ail ligits burnlng but not tbe srar-' ght, and tire niglit1 -betng particula; - ' -'ik,_ire did not1 a" tire vehicir -il until too late ta turu out. 1lie".-'dail affsit- * ance possible, and v, s veny muci *agltated by the mshap. Ne expresued S fi;LAIRhl@ desiri o! making prciper amende i - . E.N. SINCLIR fr dmagp doni, and subsequently a vÇttîmment was arranged satis!actory by nGe.A Ross, Preuîdeut, o!1ire sald, "wiithen I havie<40ne rigit te bath patleseneenned. Whittby, flot more tirai a minute et ai- i sPPOrtiiig 1Mr. R-ovull" Tire Tire report tirat thre driver o! tire te-eing thnowa open. 811t was the ceeing ici followed tbld plalny meoo ear was intolicated vas qulta m gt emphatic, spontaneous and ex- tire feeling efthtie audience upon thes un!ounded, as' the manu bears an ex- ptious nomination 1 have even poit. - izplary eharseber tl is homi town. sen"said Mn. Sam. Clarke, M.P.P. Mn. Sam. Clarke, vire tollowed, flWest Northrumberlanid, In speaking pald a fine tibute t. . Mn. Sinclair, Mr. Gardon Sirephmrd, Miss Katli lai«. The Onomîiollwua made by WhSiihiraroua te iMý. Hi tben ex- LOW411U snd Mass Gertrude Ftlght, o! È;am. Stocks and seconded bytaldir Llbera1%,*i#er, Mr. 11ev- Toronto, were week-end visitons wltb] X,.FHoWýby.oel. 'I bave bien a memben of tie r. Mnsd lNs. Jas. Smnithr, Port M.Siniair delivened a very able' Ifouse f qn sixtean yeana and hav*IWM*hy. ï,ndo a ngunay a! enir oolast, an arn oi Sn o! vie o ur laan- rnoaccposinc fai f. thmoesinsuc- enssful ovo neod. An addod feauc-. tiru er aind.yA tiredreeae o d te caiorps,.he alstenedo lineCservice. Twe members o!ntir * O. E. etc. atbthe ode raomt .3 o.'clock, her the rweneat 1,30 by tire he 34th Rogimontl and. m ade. $1 $.38 that can' be Gallon. Tins A.TuA LE~ WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bel], No. 47; neendent, No. 47 -Se ed Potatoes For early we have i10 EAÉLY fand*IRISH COBBLERS SIX WEEKS EARLY 0F DELAWARES GREEN MOUNTAINS' and VULCANS - GCarden.--Seeds New and choice Our Bulk S.eeds -arethe finestobtainablé. W, B. PRINGLE& 00s, WHIT15Y INTÀXRIIe jWRITEL-RS DEOLARE THEM RIGIIT PAPER, PEN, AND'JNK - BOUGHT AT i BROCK ST. WHITBY *SThTIONERY 0F ALL KINDS MAG-lAZJNE5 ..AND BQOK5. -I rho Band headed the paradea; next ,me- the Cadet Carys, and last, but lrgest o! nîl, came the Sans o! Englaad. A number o! membens o! te Oshrawa Iodge joiaed with tir oetirn, and the turnaut totalledl a- aout one irundred. The Cadets,, six- ioen strong, undîr the leadership o!, 'apt. Chas. Bascom, acqultted themn- selves splendidly on tiroir firet public appoarance. Tire new uniforme gave Lhem a handsome 'appeaýancî, and rany camrnîpts of apprpýval weni oeard tram tire spectators. The Baptist. church was chosi' n as the house o! ; woruhlp fon tilayaar, and a large crowd liled tira building af ton the participants in thre panade Lad flled In. Rev. G.A. MeLean, pas- tor o! tire chuncir, dellvered tire ser- non, taklng for is teit 1 Cor. 18 : .3-' Quît yau like men ; be s3trong." 'n bile discourse, ile Urged bilonS Who mbt befona hlm ta follow thea high *oad In 111e, and to b. mon In every sense of tire word, by tre graee of Giod. Tire choir o! tire churcir furniired. speciaiinuic, wirich was viry hihlry sppreciated. 1914 Whitby Horse Skow A Three-Days Funetion. Tire annuàl meeting aI tire WMtl'by Hors. Show Asuociatlon was ireld on Wednesday e*enlng of -laut eek, wltir a goodiy atteadanea, -'Prealdent flateir in tire chair., Tire Treasunrrs report was raad and adopted. Ib was decidd te irold a bine days' show tisyean, tire l2tir, StIt, and l4tir ai August bil»g the dates chouan- Considerabli iscussion o! an In- formai >ýsont boIt place on vanlous mnattens, and lb vas decided te muet again In a veik te furtirer arvafnge- ments fan tire comlng sirow. Tir feeling of tire meeting was one of optimuom, and great bhfngs are expebed fnom thre show af 'tis year, tire -<nal expenlence iraving bien ai unquatfid uemas. 11 CLLIU llwoi. %-J 1 CLUw "e Lil ato,

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