Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 5

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Saver - awapaign of -ing,' don't - asIc for )ntent with, djwày5 put ovdigfor Iife, JAP-. pan. d à piece of nake it look ins, a b'iiià- tLCcolor ne UtsE.e T Wàtson, ait North- Xi îars. Il bct-it Op- 1Iî'y willi he start. with anser .edin ' yôu .nuch ibout' VINS - r - J//I t - h - - - -- , - - ---- - - - ' -, -~ ,----'-- -----, - ---' e-","---'--- - -------- --- -..-- - i. - --- ---------------------------------------------------------- -'i - t The people on Gross St. tblak theyIMOTN.-NONCR T hbàe, thé sicest Md icleanest Street REGARDING- ý'CANA3>IAN PA. - ln towi. Go and look at it and SeosII HNC PT Su- h ble t~~le better than theirs. I -H A & 1 --+- laconnection witb tecoing Tuesday June 2nd, 1914- Auction saeof household furniture, the prop- Have you any pictures lyngs neof! me cm the Cnda Pa-' Y OU are, perhaps, perpiex- :rty of Miss E. Johnston, Dundas areund that nsed gilec Railway, effective May.8Sut, mny improvements lni train service ed and cannot decide St. E., near C.P.IR. subway, Wlit-rnm n have been made, notable among these wha wll akea slitble by Sale at one o'clock.,rain - or rftAheinugraio o 1srndd what wilIniake a suitable Wm. Maw, auctioiieer.gthingutl t1ol U aBVacpal rsn.I o rn hmt nadw luxe trains, carrylflg comapartment - arId accptabe peset. I so brmÊ tem to u an we library-...<bservation car, gdeetrWe Dr. Reid's cushion sole shoes for will attend to your wants. lighted standard leepers, together W hy Môn andi- women. No tired arhlng' lt tadrddnî .a eriefe Wh -feot ln cushion sole sh<.o. At M.W. Yu adasobete naesnt ~ndaMo nntroTrntseroi te nôt corne to us for assistance? Collns'. Yubdas etrMiea wmMnraTrno eri Ourexpriece boud h ofappoîntînent for those Chicago, vfa Canadian Pacifie anid S o l D u s t o y o u O u s t c k a d i s f n e h o e a n ~ ,~ P H T O SM i c h i g a n C e n t r a l R a i l r o a d , c o m - mencling westboumd May Sist,ad 19 euet o.Orsok newest designs. Styles up -t0 the POO eastbouaid June 1. of rMost desirable' goods is minue, adt.Woles'd at bargaîn have been pronfiaing no long. 5Th~eepalatial trains will be hUown prices at M. W. Collins' new~a No. 19 and No. 22, the formerÀ P a n f' r t e I 'l c r well worth your inspection, s tore. Leave a cal], anîd we will corne leavlng Montreal 8.45 a.rn., arriving Aîn Fo Nw efeti011Soesa4 aiy tiue, and niake a inice ' Torornto 5.40 p.m. Leaving Toronto SILYERW ,~RE Hot 1Point Eletric Ironîs, go Gpot o ouWoue n te e:vrn.,g rrLo ndoo p .5- rrvm. 7laatPC S IV PW R .Rice's. Everything in hardware. «i îawn.LavgLodx9.3pmaringI e r - WidoI2.0a. Leaving Windsor STRAED O STOEN.12.25 a.m., arriving Detroit 11.35 p. Anad ' .1;TAE RSOE.DEVELOPINO and PRINTINO m. (central ýtînhe), Leaving Detroitrea -' Oeail hrown driving mare, aged,l for amateurs 11.55 p;m., arriving Chicago f.451 Information gladly received' by W. J.a..A d W r. Taylor, box 75, Brooklin. atteîîded to prornptly. Train No. 22 wil) leave C'hicagoar A7anPan 9.30 a..m. (central time) arrive De- arHE e umykids adclr i lo Try the new Sundae Cherry Melba - troit 3.5,5 p.xn. Leave Detroit 15.05' -but thie old reliable EN U 'FL O PA T ait te aple Leaf Tea ltoom, Rolîs ' is n s S u io<m eastern i ine) arrive Windsor, ao I W ilson- Suifudios,13ron nd.515p.m. Leave Windsor 5.25 p.m., i hI dy9 fthm Nt FBread, Friday and 8aturday. arive L.ondon 8.10 p.xn. Leave Loni- Wi the ladies leave their ordersdo818pm -rvTrnt1.2 eryfrsmacaep.mn. Leave 'Toronto 11.40 P.m., ar- FLOOR PAINT was stanigtewan ero -4--. - ., -. ~~~~rive MontrePal 9 a.m. Theetwopieedy-oay t1baufyn Ltusakn eeal, SEE TiE ICr ' 11;IIOW 0F WllTEý street is not the only street to trains will bie operatrd through the and-protectingyit i L e t u , s p a k î n g g e î î r a l l y ( 1 0 1 ) 5 .s u fi e r . ( ' 0 w s a r e a l l o w e o n o u r M c i a e t a t u n n e l b e t w e e n ' f l o o r s in t h e f i n e s t h o m e s o f u o u t y Esuggest Silverwitre White canvas, paplin, and Nu-huck front lawns, and if %- complain we lindsor,."a.nD etroit. In PuaiPs, oxfords, colonials and' are called an oid crank. I know one The new Toronto, winnipeg. Van-' It Survived-becauae it stade ts (sollîl and platcci articles fi oni boots at lo-west, prices. 1:' different woman m-ho îs tryiag to keep he'r. couver service should beP gréatly ap-i bcus t eatfldooaee atn 25C to $ 50.00 kÇis b elctf roin at M.W. c'ol-' front boulevards nice and neat, btPeitd h h rvln ulc' Clocks - 75c 10 50 00 lus.p1 is pestered Nvith Certain peoples' NO. . nnw leaving Toronto at 10.20' -because ifW m ,adwerndwaa Jewelry l -oc t 5-0.00 (ows runtiing au-r and îtîaking holes p.m. mwill leave at 5,40 p.m., running! f~ w tsntx.for-losta i Watches -. $1.00 ta 150.0 'i rs. Alber.t Moarp recrived %ward 'in t he grass so that she can hardly tbroiigb sali q ta Winnipeg antd Van-J fyuwn froin .Mlnneapolîs iha1t Mrs. Rate run t.he lawn nîower. When she says couver, carr\.ing onlv the highest esl etî Rings - 75C10 30000 Jsac tactwitîîa serions accident hv anvt bing ta the aw%ýners of thequpe cos clâs ail et pe n pa-om nan e Fountaiti Peng $i.2s 10 5.00 heing struck with an automobile an; tht'v latigh at lier. There should be' New train known as No. 7 will a color cardi Ebony goods 25c to Saturday, Mlay ltitll. Sh stken' SOme protection for thdse m'ho seeki leaveTorontoi IA.5 p.m., runningi 14 atfractiv. g e.fo hc omk cotnplete setsIl25.00 ta thie haspital, andti is likeli ta re-' to beautifv theýr suirroùlndings." througb solid ta Winnipeg, carryingiyu hce hvory BrusIles, MCover. Ietc.standard sleeping cars, d4ninz car.yu hie The iig Selnol(~aets ecCvedtaurpist sleeping cars, colanist cars,l Grafonolas $32.50 10 100.00 PAINTING AND I'APEIýiHANGING tlîeir new tunforins on Saturday îast, e isicaq nachês. etc., Parti culars1 I Umrela 2.0 0 15~, .P. R. Blradbury, Mary Streett andi look ciote niftv in. the sanlie. frnm ('anadian Pacifie ticket agents um çaC 75C f0 12.00 dosfralidso pinagp- Witby, will De pleased to reCeivc orI tgent,*Toroto . rh48i.rrtPssne China 2 5c t Cam Piete sets 400. 00 eranglng, gramning and si AJM .X.XE1 WXTD. agnt Trata- 1 Pipes $15 o 6o ing. ' See aur saimple books. P. 0. , ust be niarrieti, wtbout large Leather G;oods 50c to 15.00 box 176.-tf. !arnuly, thoraughlv aceustometi to' FARM FOR SALE 13Y TENDER. ~~utGlas '- 50cta 3 0O-+-farm work, andi gaod knowledge- o! CutAITT50ON.3000---torses. C'apable manager will re-- Farm o! 77 acres, more or less, sit- Fiîw farniers , ringittg cattie in ceive g0ood salary and steady posi- uated on con. 41, lot 2A, Withy Tp., townto e wigltd kow hat tbe ion. Farrrt cansists o! 125 acres. three miles nartb of Whitby town, Miscellaneous Adveirts T ENDI-ERS ATD {)-~ NE mav do to lawns, gardçns, etc. Thev E. W INN, Whitby. apl toh.P esrP. .n new2railes ne, DENT'S D.AIIY. - -dlersigned. up to nofn h 1a1 2s'u N. uasse IL ofre rsnibe alangethv'o uteuatcar rm-'edr iI ercic oen come with isfiin inueln elp to 0 anti 3 miles tram G.T.IPret..ad ram Monngadof! -ne, 1914, forii upyo!ca ala kepthem in thbe road anîd o<hf the PROI'LE WITO BUtY AND SELLï Farm is well suited for mixed 1 ue k.n cei oniganis)f ~ o the varius s l a n .f a r m i n g , d a i r v i n g o r m a r k e t g a r d e n - 1 7 t . - u sno ? t h e 1 1 1 b a t i u b l c S h o o s D n ' t bew .i s e d v a e n t . W méoe à rdmt piinTe following transactions o! Prop- iag, abundance o! small fruits. splen- 1aI t.use o n fheth e- 'ot 'thn ertv bave been effecteti by the 1 rhraotS Xeln 'hith'ofnpthee6sown of Opposite PotOffice Mr. Chas. Peacocli, o! Oshawa, has1 Greater Canada lnîpr<vernent andj trocs, ahbout 7 aceres good tumber, I'aan Sle:lîv erantED. Suigten ear r hnt e wsra~ an oalwteagn' oris WhlyUU for F deiXthenParlow's îç J3,roperties- SQld. - ouse, excellent Jbard and soit water, h1. tPopUrrs. lmitee - -A Cli SlIcted 'companiSt, and T-amburg recently. 11. . in ~ del akbr ~i~hrbidns ua A"..-.of uservUo- Ilssttsjeclying on lByron stre8tto J a. - MIdXp tters-<ONY (ON'L.Çj\~y~; WfM U store or mailed to xiox 55, Ophawa,! ,nof Whitbv. t W akmail anti telephone unes pass theMatiwied. Ap nte1el '0U will have prompt att@ntion.....if a i.1dec o r.M'glvry 2. A. %V. Jackson, %flàiitby, pair o! Farm has an icleal location for club q V (h for a Outing Before rrong- s5at- l'ort Wh i t.bv ta Iouit isbn'. Agli>n~r taec W. __. _Ohforan__UNorthaîn, WhithyrTawnship. *ng t-o stock a trout stream for LFI.lie adjournetimeigo tleCîn ____________ ng trNontrsthtphnsn opoit 3W 1'frtterToonto, dwela couintrv home, or for an ent-erpris- gat ,arpin.1rporaîoleae of theCi ofouetîtio -;adr 3nW'ithv). ('hoice o! In.gon l r ot t.rsortonta, dw.1i.tîng farmier. j ia t 'letC(Oire, of Ontario, for tliteva 1 ,wl iOps BEFOIIE IT 18 TOO.LATE. all ocean stcatnshjp lunes, ail railwav !r Jackon. o- t.suhtoA . Also two lots in Town o! Whitby, 1 0I IND.,i.n tle "nn< Vit,,o esadr lk ~ty raits r oa lnes. sutiner tourist,.Agenîts for the aboie are Iîlrl îlt tNrh ai, *\lu-hiînon iA (ati-ili liailer.t hir Il you -have a gray-hairvd inother pant;avwbep I',,hv i'ur sonchard- ta'dien-pad PnoAnt c-s-oe' -. aet' f A 1 l lItelnd 'li-tof 1Nonthn.'av In the aid home far away, 1 orotendie'rdafoec.,th-etsah î.îs olotl/a iaiahSubiviIo soli & 11fhardson.r1sanie b% proinig îîrperlvyanditi f nt, h ro % 'rentiertfor fan anti lotc.,eceiveti . alfor Ibis advt. Applv ut (iaSuttivhoirnf tiio ni-lac-k 'n the a?- t (' Y±.N Si ou dow'n anti write the letter lclo1frintcest rfa- rî h rae~(oaaIpoeîiis ravtne o eesr SYou put off rom day to day. singlý, roiitîtittip or prepaid, a t 1.iaer aFd, upoe Tighpa ratelyuptender ntlî'Ilce-1. rn- A-l-emmo if- Don't wait until lber veary steps Stephenson's. . nRnt .ander, '(O. ' lt23. lV accepted. RFA11 AL?. I olincil iiiistlwl <ra-c.pael E ATD-L Reach beavýen'spQ;Irly' gate, .Il...Y..W. ihTrno os1rdv eor h n App-yIo HA.W. Ç,ib e-5jh.p.gasolmne engiue. In good crh dtIlf 1w CkIllsttre T-rT.AH ERNA (I C17 Wngh, oonolos lOi ctor, bx59 Whithv, Ont.-2. nîînning ortier. ('heap for cash. Ap-!di eo-îemc go lc<n TI-TeIl bo it , t"îî rs I mmi ta107. '9 îî Or a îviîîg wordt say, ca.t1..1I-1., OT (FTTVSO . 94 P o n t w a it tilI v o n o r g e rit "l a t c h u î n e s'- T . Dil.n , -.1~ 4- Ou.r do ton, nt .11 ~~-' - - f - 1 J i.- - -f Mn am l'es - -xtrbon' îucOrnc 1 nnce baby boy, flIve w-ceks aid, thatt î'rencîî jicas 1 can e j r nam10cn or utltin 1a ne - have' in this shelter, a brlht, Trfly the new turuip - o 33 "Ahby On Pon I2 emlmnî<-i--t-,--i<.15d hLoUec on IJundas Sf. east. MORlE Ilri STATE ('IIANG;ES'healthy baluv in everv xvav that w"e -'flis 1-INDS ar aniou. t ge adptei i a ooU seed.Ne -Plus Ultra, Swtede. WIJITBY .JUNCTION.- t j W e h a v e 9 s t y l e s ' o f s c r c e n d o o r s o r. .1 . 1 l . it n , îa r m s p e i a i s t , h o m e . 1 '1. . ý7 3 c a .1,1 . . th os foî a Ca. M. Ilce. bas lately closeti the following sales t th e a e in te a nt i rl, 6-,53 ni j'~~ P n _______ At*dr t.Piep -Remember Miss 'Johnsf-on's sale ol ofUPPERsa( l iehath hl,, ihbi ee tl jtri,'eo usdy ue2dna Frank Brnadley is the purchaser ainicthe althy chiftio, wit -le 1ys Your business frienid, Snay trains leave for Toronto, NA ON ~ IlI I - C.I~ R 5ltWav.Whitby, '. John F. yar.The' napictoasa rsent %ho Is U l f &f nte--trains stop at Whitby Jucton 5iîîgîforiti t.Mre 'n~U Mr.FrdH-thWIlrdiv ame purchaser bas acquired 76 acres not in the Shelter. If vou would in- RMysan vauran F sert these t'bings In your paper we * rot Tmna hatV8o1a:111due ridair, Ma 29th, andnot again tis8.15 Tand 9 TATnIN .3.rn Art GustrilFort W f 5lliaesm, cotuttiteeflcing ,Jutte5Phoet9,iWHT13 m a 's l a s , w a s b o u lâ t b y À O P R i p ..-. 54a.m' . ..1.1f e c i e J ue5t WPt'Sd t v S z a d ~ e o n 7 0 0Gea. T. M,61lhurn, a! Toronto. 4.WRrE Sp.-...6.40 1).fUt, ~pani wiîîleaveT"oronto 11.15 .m nslugt~ts t o not forget Mr. M. M. Parker, Two lots aw ned by F.W. Disney ===7 STAGES. bnain e, nort Ath o r tSTfi ti- l-In St t , tas" cer and Lone Puekrin on the Base Line,- ' Leaves Whitby for Oshawa at 10 -poits in Wertern L'anaula YfOung M' neestudayi s lu hitby, bave heen solti to Walter R n ar a l a.rn. and 4 p.m. Jos. Ilcolden, pro- IParlier-Cafe, Parier Cars nilrteaei-îsA rabrGa les5 ot hots and oxfords. Finest in Canada. A eein o -taSantingJWh 0,arf. Loetprices at M.W. Collins!. Ametn fthe Women's Institute In Summer -iats this week at ML.eas, oprouar . a ën attarfiaite.arinT notii.t tr - ta ýjf9 i 1î îî'-- - 1. Iwill he helti at the home o! Mrs. ALS C OS .Fuli tcuaman t i ~ ~ - ., .-- 'îýdd ea. A. Ross on Friday afternoon, r Dk A WgWw -- CorBOItNIN -' ~.,'i'"- 'g '> j une 5, at3 o'clock. Mrs.- Laura THEMISS S PWVELL orWet-',; RM.For Port Whtby- -- E .ILWW ib ~~ ~ will. address the meeting on -What I1~ 8.30 BelTe.. H m eM j - Roe Sephe, o HutingonP.Q. , roc St. Wet-6.30. 6.30 5.1 -u" owe the world," anti also demon- Fo- t-.3911 or smhwn-a.30 P M ie strate "Tece Creaîn, Mousse, Sher- 8_________________________________FrEs-.30 13-"F, r North-.oa nULUJ * Mr. F. N. Burns bas a quantity of, bets."1 Mrs. Stephen bas traveleti-- ___à.11 elti shingles at the Arena that any tram the Atlantic to the Pacifie in alt e person mai, bave for drawung theni conriection with Institute anti other _ _ -a d T migE.W E VN .a W av. instructian mwork along bom em aking -N IC H O L S ON___ __ __&__ __ ___ ___ I hor o Ai "4anti dairy uines. Her practical and I b11 11 ave recenty a4ac ur çhi fAlSaints' church on Frl.j livereti in a pleasing manner, bave WIK\IBy MSASELhopPANUR[ 0: day evening last. A very enloyable placeti ber in the front rank o! Insti- lAt ELLV ANTRUDRAES eue ive ry tableaytasu eidne Yada liîme was spent. tt workers. Ail women and girls ~*t~WW uw~..adda o i utso atg are crilyinviteti to tis meeting. S UJIx A R DF I lN E R e- eing worker, awh i l epesd eWIT Y -.'ARN TIMBERS FOR SALE. Mrs. Geo. A. RosPresident ; Miss P A'NA.EI!L4I REAL ESATEredcie rerswattention. rmt he.or wa iWityHim. 115quretqua esrer10 nhesm1,e.ratea8 Scxtay10 incER, D eteRTRS_15,____F.____________ ndcaefl ttetinW.areprpass tJIntHONEo e 2e and 25 foot long, for sale cheap. -4- - and SIGN WRITERS. FRANK E. JONES' LIST. POE6.-io uP nsotnus M.W. Collins. - COWS SPOIL BOULEVARDS. Several bouse and building lots fer CARRIAGE TO MEET ' RIS tedt i mtse -4-4 A subscriber writes this paper to Country orders receive immediate attention. Distanqçe no object. sale I hili airng Mrs. Albert Moore, w1Io bas been 1express approval of the sentiments Par= for sad le irng.the MgTeownshiSpartof 111 'for*- sanie AIme, la again able t0 re- contaiated ln the letter la hast week's 1BOX 6539- W IT13Y hz!îîsandîPialering.~~îpe oh in /o oole nle aid' sunielber dut1eýi ai -nurse, Phone 101 Issue re cows being, tied on sidee o! ,41hl0 'Or Write box 224, Wltby. 'atees.The ite B: Br o 9 -_ÂNKE. JOST.ES. WHITBYeDUNDAiST., EST W"'Byronno No,10, reMenas ""i r- . - '-Ai i !'

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