Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1914, p. 8

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ou' #vi- -, -- - WIVsalibreon Spèsesy........~ tôr Temagàmn, where le blibecurod "Y %~s.y4 1 iOTOBcf 1fr.n MisOlver vsitI laRý Toroito Ibis a »1ôok Olt asGa me,18.4 Cl:Osta wo.jMayWad wil l e absent abouit tour'nra t, -lv TherÎ wus no servicela heMq _moaulu. p-, et8a1e'ioemeber.. Tii largo __pS, oisii church on 8unday. j 1rs. Tomltu»on, who ubasbom -,in.- iubr W eVe prest testdiWd ioCh>u e Bor.--oa atiarday - May gl, h, t tag in.,Toronto, arrîvol homoeIJ'is thedoas D Solra amus-piest,0fChornantl kt.'sad Mrs. EJmér Iehart, 4 son. week witI hor danghter, lins., Me- d $had . M514lra. Crummor Vie», "-dfueovre a -ýprescrlpitil ofl om Mrs. Dr. Archer, of Port PenyDonald, who wul lremain fo, 5 vd f or -a-yssvr fte~~Ù eu0oed 1 ~ Brn, .Per 1 W"s a guet o! Mn.- Walker tis vlsè.M Cru*nier sud son, Wlho al profebuion, lte world ov«i,,asa hotsPe weok. kMis. Sialgo, ubo hbu o iLulsiiig ascSmpaWed tbe romains, t e ameu u uc ele o hs EAT, POI Quite a number camée trom irs. Somorville In, Toronto, ,canin malulug foras lime, tril flcinLmao aiBt w. ÎO ttS l n : e a r on i r -h om e on T uÇo saY v eolg . h$ >m an y lTh e c o n ceri r ib e fitio ns,. a d er lb. us- ,.. a l e , * t Rev. ~.C elwl rah~ friends of! lira. .Soinerville .viii ge- jpices of StI ThMs'churchcort! Tg usln oeyl aI4 aboc fareweli sermon tho flinalSunday la peIbte l eain, liat i ercondition ta ibhis villae.on i. vnu o iy elgdo,' bspoed , i . - ldHoge, dresse June. W11 e b.j7lub, vas s ecided sucous. Al suds libai lu' cases o! sevore iïtybvus H~~sic W lic h ' fo r D lS e y 's s p c ia l a v . l t M r . a D d M is., J o s . V b k r y a t t e n d - th o s e c o u o r n e d l u it s ~ a a e e î p i , a o m l e - u a i . c u e l ~ ' P our 'inext Issue. od the tunens] o,( te fonmer's father, jdeserve4lb.beart>' tbanks-o!-tbe wil afford quick relief. Su&ers Ducks, per il Rev. MrGney, of Toronto, preach. 'Tunkeysm drib la in the,'Prebyteran ohurcà h ebre j"den aad _ un xpf etted~a i Wz' a o u h docded excellence, andi il Nerroous drl m ne- Butt r er onDa'2,lorg aet- ;rern'sal e r>'. s paft oelie"I DdaL umber onlie prograi. The siuahzg 50 1drc elemuuutrn b Lard, per Il Mr& - J aMef'o r nei ed the MnA. Leslie wiaba benlu 01 Madame Le Mar supeni, aud ail wlJljmmediateîy forWad YOÙu8 large, Potatoos, Pl ladies of St. ,rhonmp 'chucch o charge o! 1he Br'ooklln branch 0!1htzo hse Whbo ltnë o 1the renderlng tu e h dX LmleApples, Per1 Wednesdaày. Standard Bank hbo f onr 5everal Oof!'"Ave Maia", vene dellgbted witli tour Sa- -miss DWetPurdy, of Pr enmonths, « as booM Môved tb Beae- 1 seii> hoi out~~ otel was he gnet f Mis Jen Hacraf towMn. esli vasa vey .court, j splendid Selections reudered b>'ln.y hO last week. j Sulsud obliging o onha (Dr,) Archer, o!, port Penny, ud MYRTLE Mr, and Mrs. John Mayuard, S$r. mdehinneif veXy populan bore. Hisglia. WL, ker, of Bnooklan. The>' vere l rs. -W. Kent jse*pceihm l spont Sunday viti the latters Place -ilte bsnk »has -bèeen lakea by Ilol ldygven sud sptly chosen. fnmSeotland Ibis ýwek.j brother in Azdiburn.a Mn. Redditt. lilas Purdy, 01 Port; Penny, gave two1 Born -04 Apnil'28ti, ta anud Au you1 The' Whltby District meeting wiJiansnlralg. iela e Is E. Co4ard, &ldmgien bo~edl h eids n W. J. aynath fl, wb & o.large- ver>' si où duhtr Pmu e bc4l ateMtoitchuncito'poe m1i zs.&C.lre eoO b a frot-cîas eocutîou.. on.--On Aal 8 ~ ~ 5COli to cat WecMnesday, -May 2tit. fbutcher sbop lu Edmonton, sentise5v- lot. The violgn srciaAb'li.lr.'ie.Pnie , dau ir. and imlY Il Côme alozmg and bring youn fionds oral famPles of cured meal ubicit are Harris were excellent snd Ihorougt> We extend our sympathyt>lo Misa's tohl to lhe Irookin Spring Pai, M on exhibition la Mr. A.C. Ellotts enia-Yed by -ail. The. ciaruses rdr Fl cil y e e et b ne v m u. lnu i Mon ener-Fith t lj be reentberaveent ui WberevMp day, _ May 25th.1 store. This meal la packed lu a ed b>' lie chair aud !nlends won lie Mn. sud-Mns. Wm. Biit, Jr., and tmtpi>' if Mn. W. Christian and Miss Helen coatiug oi gelatine, vicit makes Il aPP recIntIn !ci te audience, and lte Binil>', 0i Raglan, spent Suuday ýstjp uf: Hasycnaft, of- Oshawa, spent Sunda>' frosl proof, walen proof, ettc., and Commente iheard altenvards ver. full withfionda bore. "itaadest ulit the latter'. motion hore. cnb ipe n iea i or 0 rlefrIeyugpol !le Ma>'Day was ibellilu lie achool on lzead titat 1 Biggen and botter Ibsu .even. Brook-'I Elsie Luke, Itei two-ean-old daugi- Viciait>' vio Joined bearîlily logetien Pnida>'. Cons$equultithere wss a likel>' la des lin Spring Fair, Monday, MO>' 251h. ter of Mn. and lins. Frankt Luke, t> ionden them no beautifuli>'. Mme. goneral elean-up. serions. Mn.. Dr. Glibson sud fniead, lira. vas badi>' scalded about lie miauld- H Knca&- ccontpanst, Wss ail ' Onu.Fnida>' eveulng o! lasI week ]oMI]Ba *Vinton, Of . Lynden, spe t tih w ek ors &sud bodY o u M onda . 're abon liaI ould b. d sied, snd the sud- me tveu.ty -i eMelerl e thea Bali wlti tie fçrmer'. ftlio, Roy~.J. C. vas an the stove, and, tli 111e ttlfonce dopanted aller singing lie Net- Bible CIas met ailie haone of Mrs. ointm.nt, pu Bell. -Mn> Caic, t nni>' 1e hehaudie Ilu mre a u. liAuthein weîî pleased vîit the. J.,AI. Carmîcituel, la spend a social with s long, ý o.M. lreofTliy o.ýuetgte boiling vater aven ionr- Performance. On ovenYsllde coUld b. Ovemng, sund le prosent Mn. adb' .Tii tl loge, T en nt , ne o edt1a , o self. A d oclon as i1 di t b ui - Ioard expressions tat le ve uîgs C arm ic iel i li a .iandao me dock his Cittl congregatiou lu St. Tbom-as' Churci moned sud 1the vounda dressed. Il enteiKlalument W as o! lie vemy besas a.slgit token of the esteem i~n P fUto lie j en Sunda>', igy5h. w.vll he oen.ime before lte ciild qualily, aud 'Of a higi standard. Theo vilci tic> are belld. Mrs. D. G. D Fo ustoin« ieed grnuding sud Otylb rui gl.corvi atsial ltoge vie Rosa read lie foliowing address, sud the trouble, crusfngW. 4. EvigsbasMn. Fred Hoiliday had ratier maan u*iited theM, and aia lite publicelira. D. Black made the presenlation. clean Ibmepui oruing, W irs l.ns lvle. bs ven>'- exciting expeenco -one day last for their patrouage. To lirs. A. Carmiciaeî sud lsi"ng re lin., Norh . Blggs ylsitéa lu Ou- eek. Hi. beain, hici 5 la iewial y hemmes fte1 e o cn t ug allia' on Satundai pntdIo ngli t ai apsasîng KIDNEY HEADACHE. Claus, bave met bore tb copv a0~ ,Ntoa auto, just asulin. Hôllida>' had lDg pveyUOd rourli unod oin lhck-goo WtllMayirdleaes hiswee let l casedfirm te boodbeig tIck god isies, aid express lu sorne Of Canad, L Mm. ill ayua d b ves bis oek is o me, sud ran at a terrifie ap ed enod u6th u nîc aoid Poisons cIrculat- ta ug b i. vay ur appreciaton a!t the _ _ _ _ _ _ Inn heb. ead. &nti.Urrie Pis gcuregood vont you have donll liOur Suui- all farina ç kldneY trouble. The>' day ScitOOl. We apprectale yor1 ore s0 900d sud go sure tba , . E. vîlllnueCn tbhelp lu aliOuouior Wiilis guaraulees themu. Be aune su d as a aligit tabien of aur regard, gel Auli-unlo pille. B. V. Marlou voe ask you bo accept Ibis c dock, On eVen>' box. SI u> and rua> you and your iusbadle il always brin8 back b >our m .id THÉE I TI C SEA SONPORT WHITBY. yth.80itos n red fyu a i PAINTINN 1$ HERE ,missa eAliuson iluhome Carnýug- Wevsiyu udyun hsb' for er othe, *10bas been ver>'Go-eed s& Yu d uhoy ud happi- The ýrequ'sites for a aigh Standard House Paint iivîihheanttIrpublo. ne tiPednou dtltemud h opyod vii M iss Ethel Goldinlg a d, M. W m. b th c ontind hop e viitus inl are '...o ver ng ro w r, ~ 'p ead ng Cap ci y, -' rau iiY' Gold nîng spent Su uday viti their te S uO tuday Sco î, n d e wih us lu / C O pM I ýWearing Evenly, Failing by graduai wear, and leaving Parents, Mr. sud lins. Franki God ie vnkas vo b avedoe lusliten a od uface for re-painting. ring. d h oka : aedndsrpast.eIn h 'rie ladi s a St. Jo h '. W A. S lg ued on bebali o !f lte A du lt B ible Now, Lowe Brothers' High Standardl Pajots 'wiIl Who attended the sunuai meetings Clans.ý -- utt'hè~i~cjireensand wili produce the best re- CmiMs.Bo,,Mn. Carnxtcbael made a. ver>' fltlng suits attainable, when fairly applildd b a sunface ini afit and Miss Donnally.Mî.J.W1~ served. le iihrfeheit ee ,jj>>, coridition to rèceive paint. 11108 Orlena pô_y left On Satunday In Watch fit theTomoniPlue dag"s.vîtorn nondaHealthy Hair- No More Wath fr te " itte Pue Iag---og1 Sar "_ecltement vas eaused an Dandruif. Piote.ion Monay6y lie escape tram the lion- r.' ,gioplai grounds Of Ivo prisouers, oneO USE PARISIÂN SAGE. Forae ar ill f wom as aptued n ln. . î's entîrel>' neeflesi b have un- agiti>, matted, Ibmn or taded hain. a] A, lttle cane leail that la needed toi wNT. M I [< i.'irence COLUMBIA RECORDS rake ît îhîck, soft, Pretty, pentecti>F-J'IUFN CW ebealhysad fee from dandruff.h r specî5îM fe Brookii,, Ont. 'lemr se andsIo PefeCtiy hamîess Il N151, ~~hair, sud 1h ane o! thebet onis 1h e MHut inîont it capad ae i _______ Iwo. D"Wuim ci 1t rad e -m ark..-.-f 'rThe Opera hasj cla,3ed for the aca- j * Z'~Zthey are a symbol. son-Mr. John Neabilt now sports % VVLi..L ~OUIJ~IAUILSeveral tramn here are prepaingl o - lok or he usiceoxiiit stock at lte Braekliu Sbovw, UP= o- ate Carimark." Buy by Ethel Dai willcoxs-on and1IUisa ___ ages this trade-mark. ine's home bere. .AeyU J1lh-ýlas Haýnes, runs',Clu Ba 'Miss Mabel WiIboxsan sud Mn. Oran «ine ier e S9- The tesCoole>', o! ootmtocc h Mittsand Gaves.11018No avn Suudtye ormer'a home here for The-Frst & W od -Ç,We congratulai. Mis azol Cook e ult v a o r a e e a er C l uou hon success lu gettig tiec Sals- lu b Baternan Wilkinson Sprayers for 'every Disc Records ar malPpl oug- purpose. Also WÀikinson Plbws ueceld nqulty- FeklsTheuse of i Suc<ssManure Spreade reZ.$15 of to ne, re-p rod uction DNT TuTIMwTl EL e atrii REMOVE THEMI WITH THE Wah~ now . $0000sur face. and uuraoiî- DO.r oDnTHM WTHA VIL iNo 2DeLaaiC0.0Sear 0îy.OTHINfl PRESCRIPTION. Olupi i No 12De L valCrea Sear- t Y'Ths proscription for the removal cPFor your bu, of freckles vas wnlîben b>' a premîn- (Prepared) SWP. wtrregu F'1$8ono. 9 $60-00- nt, piysîcia ansd la ususl>' s0 suc- pure Iinseed oailan Page wreFencdeFull. 9Guage r!C8t8c. cestful in reminug ireckles sud glv-- cdnin 'rhei PFI hUm t(> 850 ing a clos", boauiitul complexIon lihaI cordgt e api per rod - - 23c- ItlaI sold b>' druggists =nder gnan- foty cia ansep Colmba GapophneDeon- $t50ea. o!euud the mono>If' if peain hnncol C olu bia Gra hop one Dem n- « - $ .50 @ac e D ntbide yor feckes nde dpa it v nfachj strator Machinre reg. $65. $4,0Vel 4 gel an >ounce, o! otiu ire 'o- sbe n i~ ~ ~ ~~c plicslonsesbould ihow a1 1 lint ve ie f51; eV 5J ~SUE improvomeui,,some o! hliIgilon W- o' [ Z .- t a re f«lsvanlshlnge e at tho tdruiglml10r lb. doubleslren tlu luîn; Il la tii ~1ITBY eNARI. Oooklohat s' soid on te monoy-back gust- BelanIndpnetPoe.Bokqot vJLTR'l, AND PIIODU dneed... 1.254o018. 0 welght..50$ota ...........00 168 l. O .........0. 1t:. 1b.,......... -b. b........18 to@0. sed,i per lb .... 0.18 1o0. eio, per, lb. .20 10t. 0 lb 0.25 o. per doz ..0.20 taO., .b........».0.18 t00.1 per btg . ...l.20Oto L hoo oldi ln the bo,"catciing a ôd un aliowlng thc germa Of tc you.. «0i gra, vici abound ologegate, gain tîxeir d lie mucous membrane S5l>aaie. Here the>' ammation. nd1îfolckiy Dbring, atuffed up, fel n-that eold ilu the g pesing and 80 relop Imt aometiing more lm go0« nigbt tbthe spot, me sud checks the coId. 1làa au tiaeptic, healing il 1 n à collapsible tubeé KIIrzle-shaPeeopening. nonale, lnaerted lu the les hé Passai Bal=x veil , sg e, v it quick>' lthe lnimd membrane, luuis tht are causing moches tie irritation, agesd glves gratefui ibe cfPMsal Bslm frein etcr write for it direct ta 4 m Cical Ce. 9fnabte Strength Dividende id full inform&tion pply to Qlleen & Vie#j~ tq Toronto, »gr, il liàof New Ye>q .00 u uuuwuu.a *Kan, AL^, P*oowSl -W. 0. MATTNWVis4>sglu oo C.A. bloGEa? Gamma imifflg.. 50 This Bmnk OMbera Fermera Il .s onbtrla . -"w «).ýM dv4 A W o 20 jI J>S~ D si<*nelgoa -ad#* md soust d.puloy $W F 20Yjt«s icStrt la puld on dos Iaa m. dliar dd uwrcdi 25. ___ WITBY RANCI4: A. A. ATKINSONs Mgnoe. OSAA " .H BAI, Buy Fr-ost Fence at Jones' Hardw*are,- and. what yôu pay for. A big stock of alkrd.l lans -din s, a* ail kt drials URI[-'JONES I Brookîj -- O Bell and mnd. Phonos. Hfave YOu any Property, For 6-aieJP yonr listing formu. ~frmi. Ka 'mn NÂ R ................................. . Aland ces - - -i - I Farm-s For -Sale Upvands of forty farme fnomn 25 acres up, sud ~t from a3n acre, guaranteed ta' show eatisfactery -resauits from investment, Iocated in Whiîby sud Pickering Townships. EverY couceivable requiremneut of soi], b~uldings, erchard sud other mmprevements cau be met tn the vanîed list offened. j. Es% WINN, - WH[TBy 1Bell Phono 109. - P. O. Box S94. 4, t! I -j 'J J, -t s, s- igood paint around the town or country home io a great C COIny,. of paint to proteet yoUr buildings agaist the ravages of the is SM"l compared with the expense Of repairs, scon neeSsary ulcîius use Sberviu-Wiliiams Paint .Sw la rade Of Pure Iead, pure zinc, and the ncesanry eoiening pigmnentsasud' Ire Put together in correct proportions, t ested scieutifle formula, praven best by - cieuce, sud are mixed sud gnouud b>' Y. 'rie resuli is a smapth, fan spreading Ion sd givig a paizted finish o!. great protocte your buildiaga for lite longeaI Phon~ WHIT~ i For buggies automobiles porci umitro, hast. daubes asud otËer surfaces suI)jecrt'ta sfevericusage, -W Buggy Paint-gIve on gest vear sud iooks besl. For shinglo roofs sud idings use R-W Creosele Shingie Stain wici proteets'sud beautifles these surfaces., For buildz;p of rougit lumber, fences, work shope, etc., use Sý- reasote Painîr, a sui-fatr aita an econoruîcal pnice, for auci vork. >~ For wagons, farrn implemnents, garden bools, etc.,us S-W Wagon P4iut. lb keepis the vood fronteckn "no~. M. RC EVERYTHING. IN HARDWARE We giveiýre S Thruo 150 CRI with PALM 0 oran ec 'a world vi C qu_èlfty and vautage of Drûggist MdO. E. F&RIE Dtipittor, Count>' Cm Couuty s Office souti wing Cou B Arrs . E. CH 13 r s i cli0110or. .N Olyms; Brock St-, Op Moncy te dmES IRITLEDGEO onyto Loan o Officeimmediately s Whutbyx MARRIAGE L _cort House, Whitb D. A. à. sW B auistert Solicitor, CoP veyan cer, -Oshawa, - -ONo-No. 2 King St. - Residence-52 Piones-Office, 321; DENTA W. AAS;Dentist Street, Residence- No, *JAS. BIS Oshawai _Licensed A user to [L. F-'aïrbauký ansd-dates appl>'Ir)0 sou Whltby.* WM. mi * LICENSEî> AUCT AND VALUA AU kkeds o'01 ie rc beoe aw tictheGazett Tenu reasonabfe. Bell and Independeut7 FARMS AND FRI * VANTEII. We soit ail e!a'jsue' il* -u couintry- rmilctae ...-we have eraquiries î for -r of- -Prop rty iiOtr Mayrhave til.purchauîer' 'peLyu have to ýeii. 4-09 ,L uinde n TORONTÇ Bus and flrayin Stablee sud »L 1-hone Vol. New., Perfection Coal Oil stovësi in, the ver3 en- cel

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