Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Apr 1914, p. 5

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i, arsuj, . Tim ODflÎPPLLOWS ENTERTAIN.> 1Tualt im Oddelows ira royal Ilai waa gl mlypoo e P r ld a y s e il g l a i t , w e E a e r Star ..odge o 7,..OP, hol the r' annual "At Honu." The large lodgé, roonie were illd ith gýUet Who enjoyed thenievesto, the fuil. The proaram, whlch commenced a- bout 9.30, waa of particular excel- eiMce, consisting'o! music and read- lipg, ail local talent. District Depi- UJITH th1e May and june wed Y!ding gift buyers particularil iid, we-have purchaued some nove! and purse.charming ideas in wcdding ilver, Nothing mnakes a mort gratify. ng9 gift to a bride than a& hanti. soaxe piecce of eiiverwane. In the lashion centres -this season silven- ware is the approved thing. W-C carrY a- compiete lune of both solia ail-ver flatwarc and the .finest of0 silver plate, besides a very large range of other gooda. SOESPECIALS Pie4ced Design -Silver Ple. platc a 34050 aveF âanUwitcf l rate SlIver Bread Tray- 5.00 500O Wedding i ,ngs Whatever the aize you may want, we have rn stock. from $3.00 to $10.00 Jaweler and raduate Opirian Opposite Pett Omfice Whilby,. Ont. plat don uturlure polilku rgtà urne UP old thinges àd keepm new "hIgo brigkt. The moat reliable litai fciepoliah, 25c. and 50c. pet bWlu th.J .WIlIII, druggist and op- ti<ïga. ipiand tobaccon, pipesand amokera' reqmlejtes. j. E. Willls, drugistandopticlan. Ploor éoiîclothsl1 to 4 yards wlde Remembor that we ha výe them, and will b. pleaied to at .G.Walberl.place Que wzth you Perry, waz- present, mnd was called j~ ~ WG. altrs' . I l ponfor a short speech. 3Ji. Frank fon trial. IlMat1ioùn N. G,, made a very able ReY. Matthew Gold, !orrnerly ot It will- pay -Y e hairpian. -.Alter mefçeshments - h" Whitby, now in Somnersetý EnghLnd, been 8Ctved the flo'r was cleared and writing. to the editor of tIiIs paper, t0 eall and tee. us the audience was treated to an ef1fl- desirea to ho remembnbed -tohie ucaig bl01O Cthreg t. nà S maiiy'friCnile and acquaintancés here. befor ere ito it - Scothereel., et, i hite Mr. Gold enjoys robust physical and a machine. a lrged wlth - ohe rt.coii h mental strength, and Stijlipreches a lrgenumer toktart whenever the opportunity prescrits You know the itself, which 15 olten. S IN C E R has a Lord RrS, 00=11UtE.iOow --0- suae, ile b on Lldgett, lot 2, con. 7, Tapetry.and lush-Squresallckering, Molsday noon COakwell's eizee at exceptionalîy low prices at Wl hotel, Brooklun; Whitby House night. W.GIatr' Tuesday, Wm. Miller'é, Pickering, I noon;..Spencer Taylor's, Rouge Hill, plied for a license for a,,bowling alle>-, Çeo. 1. W ison Wnit. *Wc needa,; . J 1no's, tilaweek stateti that it wae hie ln- lVhievalco, noon; . Johny bston tention ta seek another town in Photographer staight.-Thursday, hie. amak',o wbich to start business. Mr. Bell 19 Frn 4 ida>,R G CanÏack ,ot bati commenceti operations on the lot' Whithy1,born. 4 lkrnfo;to recently purchase<J on lUrock, streethoe south, but the delay in the granting of hie licence, led hlm to caet hi isceJlaPneuts Adiverts attention taward a iîew iacality, and - -. - WANTED. any further worlc bas been PO;tiPonedi' After the pragram the Whitby League To'rent, a dwclllng bouse in Whit.. 4It was Mr. Bell'e intention t0 erect serveti relreshments. A goodly num-1 bv. Apply to Ilerb. Wilson, at V.an- amo)dern building, in wvhich ta in- ber of Whit'by Leaguers were present, stone's butcher sbop. staîl two bowling alleys. anti a very enjoyable time was spent AE KRWNTD by ail. Fo rEhtAKEbo wlin e. Ap PUBLILT(~LBR1iflY OPENING ** at . aFornWhtbo wling gasre. Aî PROGRAM. New stock eurtain imuslinsat .rtoneoTh.Tsk. Admission by invitation oflly. G. Walters'. FUR SALE. Dedicatory prayer by Rev. I)r. I' -+ Furnished summer cottage at Hey- Abraham. A LONG WALK. denshoro Park, Whitby Beach. Appi>- Chaiman resets Lbrar tato Mrs. W.S. Gold, 50 Vermont Ave. (.'airan resnt Lirar toiMaY-J Mr. an1 .rs. R. 1Iartley, o! Mon- Toronto.--46. or and (2ouncil as representalvso raWr ntw nTedy n -th ciizes. reaedagoocf deal of Interest mn a SPRAYING OUTF1IT FOR SALE. Col. Farewell delivers opening adi- f cat which tlîey are endeavorîng to One seccondi-bandi epray-mnotor pump dres s and declares Library open to perforni. The>- are on an arounti- anti harrel, with baznboo roti, com- the Public. the-world trip, and have to walk Plete. ApplY ta Jos. Baker, box 103, flenediction. every step of the wayi cxcept, :of Wbitby. Doors thrown open anti publie ad- course, where it le necossary - Vo PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING mitt.ed at 1) o'clocJ<. travel by water. . Their walk is heing Dane by the day or cantract. When .6 undertaken under certain conditions. you want an> work donc drop a line Men's suite madie to measuire, l--ach af! &hcm started with Only on@ ta 01. MacDonald, Port Whlthy, or $18.90 ta $3.5 at W.(!. Walters'. dollar, anld they must earn the .noces- phono 123, ring 0.-4. -e-- sary expenses of heir jourliey enR-SAE O IET S. 0. 2E. A T 1-0M 2 rciute. The total distance to be Fm& OR ttAE atR HENshae The members or Sus.seX Logge, Né. c0verMd is Over 3f),000 Miles, and 1 Park, fve roome and kitchen. Appi>- 5, Sons of Erigiand B.iS., were at muet be accomplished by March 31 to W. Bunn, box 16ri. -44. honte to their friends in the. lodge 19, . 9, giving Mn. and Mrs. Hlantle>- noom on Wednestiay evening last. The fi%,e y6ars. If thev are succesul EGGS FOR SETTING. Orl room was comfortably filled, anti a they' will be paid $10,00 by two A cross between Rhodle Islandl Red Ba yery enjoyable evening was spent. À Mantreal gentlemen, who -are inter- and White Leghorn-a eplendidLlaying Br( good program of songe, recitations ested. The young couple remainein strain, lacking the propenibty 01 the and gpeeehêg waS given, Mr. P. R. town aven Tuesday night. Mn. Hart- lieds ta brood. A llmlted' number of Blow occupyiag the chair.' Sandi- le>- aiilging in the Royai Thueatreil~ settills gan bC 5UPPllIe at 500- Per wiches, cake, ice cream and coffee the e-venintg. Mo is also a skilled me- cetting o015 eggs- rum were .served at the conclusion of, the cbanic, andi earns gonshiderable by C. A. Goodfellow, Whitby. pIy prograrn. takirig shor t jobs at points en the t route. The yaung coupîle are in theirW New stock Pen Angle Rose at W. twentiee, an4ï therefome bavc Ioutb G. Walters'. tw' rist them in their steimi,,,.-. StLeele.l3riggs'famous seed4 chu I iti dertaking TIIE LTflRARY OPENINO. -. [ .The catalogîîing and piacing o! theý Ladies' English wate.mproof. coats iW C. T. U. books in the ne* Witby Fre erilin gre>-, fnwn. blni'k. and navv blue, t _________________________-.negie Library lbas been conîpleteli, at reduceti pritves Sattirday, lMay 2nd, and the chairman and mem.bers o! the;rit W.-C. Wnters'. $12 rrducpd to A THOUSAND -SALOONS WIPED iibmarvfBoard have announcedthe $1i1117,$10 eduredti fa$7:90 ;86.50 OUT. oYpcning of the riew building on Fmi- edurf-d to $4.ql5. Raglan and eett-in day evening o! this wepek, May- Est. sltitvt style. Ail sizes. The result af the local option vot- The eeremonv will be a -most inter-0 *ing in -the State o! Illinois- on April estugolan ilduti ) TI AENCE 7td, s told in t olo:ing extracts îrg1 ol. d- wl obles1 HTAEtA thse t.-i at This is the last quarterly meeting flw ingta oIN T EJU1ORIR OV-.ýr,\ . o! aur Conferencg year. We wut Jll4nois satocJn4 feit the "wallop" MNr.J'MItr smkg soe1eaful tennc W wud yostertiaya!h nw womeq's vote . 1 clt lmaig se 'keaulateice. The Lave ~ ,Tnornlee etune <rm te 15ver>- nîarked and advantageous alter- Feriet and Feliowship meeting wiîî -taVonshipg voting directiy an the wet ations in the in terior of his bard- bc helti theicSS. momr at 10 arin. and ry qestin shw tht moe ware store. An over-head office bas Sharp. than 1,00oaloobns vere put. out 0a! i n cons;trictt-d, situated tiitthe- Morning service, 11 a'clack-SUbject commîssin an tht th womn'srear of the store, andI moched b> -, - 1Tts5u5 Our Hligh Pricat."> At the vote was respansible for thic result. short stairs. The- soîîtb SUit- is being close of the service the IOl>-Sacra- 'It as otaclen swep or thehuilt 111 with ,heves from fonor ta mont of the Lords Supper wili bel anti-s-alontfOrcesq, anidthie gencra linadteworiji evni-1 niitrd l 'ri.stiîSa re te-uI -wa far !rom he otîmi ttet-ri,'llv inrrease the flnor spa'ro a-!weicnînet-o the ç;iiprr telod resut -çva far-frm te o thtvaula-hle for lMm. MTltr'.s roweng i service,7ocok ujt foret-ast matie 1w the dry leaders t - i>hsiness. t-n r owin nig , g'to1 Sbju th irs rt .lection i whi4-h the ' wo- -niu huh. iicn w4tid have'a chance ta show - t I A Tbîîgbot"j q . n h tbey tbou.gbt o! the liquor OR w ilT-F N fll N TRT hcassi oiet- qlstion "oid be an overwhelmiîîg OlI ~WN - victorv for the enemies o! the saloons -ho afivertisement, of Mr. John ., L CT C L t I-Iornsbv, huillîer and contrat-tom,' wîll E C RI AL I RJlNG ~ ho foundi on page ono of this paper PMr. Jlornsbv is an oxprt inn l kxds AND SUIPPLIES@ j % Local H&-upeninith the 1Iaving purchased the 'Electrical - -. ('R. hing an inspeclor on con- Business" rani Jas. 'S. Fîin, 1 beg <rot ani buihing. M. Tomnhv:ta annaunce to the public that we ~ ""' hadI charcme o! the brick and encmete, are prepareti to do, al bouse wiring, lawork on ftle- new .l. station, insali o!falteatiori beaves yui. eune you stng dt sheds anti tank at Witbv. 110 bhas I intalng moorsanti -' bai.If yau have not 1 anre ~- epaîring of ail kintis, electnical sup- V ~~~--~t Baeisett's.rainig ad, i nacîietu a elaspa plies, laxtunes, etc., and will warrant fichtminngadi ini~pOStion1 finst cas work Én strict, compliance CuntaiJi stretchers Si a set at- G. glwl ondrki ricf. aor Who ay with underwriters' rules. .Wç wlhl M.I Rice's, Aiso bave' jiJt neceived reurwr nbiko oree carry a camplete line a!f fxtures, and a new stock o! ganden tools. rin-TTTTTR Ar. NOTES, invite inspection b>- ail intentiing - Ipurchasers, when you will find aur *-4Naw, what about dlean-up day andi prices are as low 'as 4n any city in Among the liet o! degrees announc- the places ta clean up ? Wantier ~teDmno.W u-u h lae ed on April 2M, by thé Médical Fao- the liéwsy riewspapen couldn't make cash market, anti will OnI>- bei too éity a!f(Queen's, University, Kilg- a day of it, and dean up the ba/k pleased Vo f urnish like fuxtures.at ad- eton, wase nrame o! Mn. .. W.yard ? Ilow about the brick yard vertieed cut Ptices b>- City dealrsto ]rouer, BA., son o! Mr. and Mrs. O! the town hall.? Thon, again, attract aur peoplei wyfrm hi * -W.A. Fraser, o! this town. wouldn't aur fine rink look btter in O-ma rn hi - ýa setting o! cleanliness rather than I own'-town. Special pnicos quototi an qmafitty lots. We ane just now put- Xave your eyos carefully, tested' the Way it le now ? Then, wondeof itngo pealcmagxlxd and propcrly flttod with spectacles , odnth cie woVie Of trie flat irons, anti combination hot or ey-glasses. J.E. Willie, drugglst l>0aUtifYirig WhiVby,, lot hlm cnet the plate anti toasters, rit ver>- attract-i and optlclan. tx Voe nt en nitii- ivc prices, anti wouît ativise ail in' 0 thenuins at tbe corner o!fJhndas tenested ta Investigate. We use aur ' iand Henry Ste. Yes, vétntnny, jet vert' beet talent tosur fr It.bas been defînitol>- decideti -that us bave dlea-n-up day, a nemi bonest n OSéoO a ur, tie Whitby Bandi will go ta Niag ia'enu a.Cu8toîners the best in the market-. a *amp this -year as tlîc 34tb Regimeri.1 :The Prosident, fatt s houlti intereet al wbo toJ Banti, Mn. Cecii Greenflelti bas, îîorticilural Society, wilI stto acansider. Note a domn- bbom appointeti bantimasten, ant isl ~.....panîson o! aur wire dnawn tungsten * naklng. arrangements ta take a gool(OIO lampe with other mks ehnl gan1zàtion o! musiclans ta tbe an- Ttirsdav, Mas'ftP.E ue and control thie beat to0lie hati, and i n etumn sobÀiit Youn support and f al camp) art4 Niagara-on-the-lake. Olît. D.,- Toronto's able oPtictin, t-an 1 ac 0 -jho onuloIfa A. Il. -Alun's d ru ptoage. Open Wednesdayan Sat- r~sen Star Lotige, No. 72,- lnde>- aoi e, Whtby. If volIr eveýs tn 'urtin>- nigs ýdtOrder of (hldfeliows, wili rit- o cnuî l.Sisatîm î ~exter antial service o-n StndIu,iv ntnal T)undms St., Whlitby. enItertnon nPext in the B3aptist citmrch, wlmh e-r. (kA. MIjeajn wiIl preach (lSI1-A He .'C'ion. 'Meibers ire re ruesteti Vil-i to Iett dlthe'bodr'e rootna rt 2.30 In:lorkf. 'l'lho hretlhrenil ho bepmecodeî Aot ay -, jfIe 1111 lîd on Ili ardi ta o n tho"luîr-h Srvi cînmîeee jst1:mawa, ar 9'elac. t.1i... gîte to ctlient Oshawa atdmcess tions, d WALIT l>APFfiAND) PA INTING. Wlien, you want votîr house papcret 'Or an>- Panntng donv, st-e otîr sample hnoks. P. I.L lrmtibumy, Mary St., or box .176, Whltby. lw.'x ITS l'Ill; 'hA \Il-PN A('.iut tl sixtv - octng peophe froni tlue' t(-'cePt-d Ilic invitalion cxteati-' tep TJahemnat-le -lEpworfli l.ea- spend ,i social evening wif h n Rd 'J't dy vening. An (eY- pro g-ram w.as gi'.en l)v 'tht- ýLent-u, conqisting o! a sltort ' ;'b> the Pmesident, piain spOIt-l- diietts, soIns, readings, '~c Dutchi.Sett Oniions. Our Teut and Coffue (le- partme't is complete with, ail grades and bleiîds. 6 bar# Surprisé Soap, 25c). Arumonia Powder, 2Pacae for 25c. Good Wheaý for Ch)ickens. Pickles withi the home- Toîniatos, 3-cans for 25c. The best goods at thle lQWNeSt. 1'iCe-3. Your business l'rienid, WMm MEEKER Plione 94, .-W'HITBY Di 1iu lîtear wlimt1, saidti Slast- week'i Hlere it is again, I will seh yo ur Iawn niowe i for 25c. $ 01 YOD CET THATP $Again for ton cents extral cal l for anti rettrn à to yoo. $With out up-to-date machmin Scrin give epienditi satisfaction, Scigeors, Kiives, etc. sharpel Wh R HQUINTON # Itby, o you iarpen by. E to in., Wei ont at oLi .ut u'iv atlusawm airtu - JAMES McCLELLAN m.m. anti 4 p.Fn. Jas. -Iolden, pro-!- Box 393 'W bîtby, Ont. Pbone 129 prietor.- [Ceaves for Brougham rit 10 amn,-- Mm. Edwands, proprieton.- ide. SCleanUpiiPminî U C'~ OME ON. Ltsail get together next week. ,. Let's make our streets-our gardens.-îour homes-something- to bç proud of. Let's'- dlean up and paint up. 'Let's turn our town into- the brigliteit, happiest, healthieot spot in the whole province. Let's refleet pur good taste -in home beautffying,- in the painting weC do. - Next W.tk l "SPIC AND SPÂN' WEEK' '-.ý Let'à make Our Whole Town- Sphe, and Spanr. Right now, take a look around your home and see what you need in the wayý of Paints,_ Varnishes, Stains and Enamels-ý-tiien, corne in and let us explain the advantages of Martin-Senour " 100% Pure"I P aint and "Spic and Span" Finishes. W. m. PRINGLE EGGS FOR SA-LE. For hatching, fom pure red ýphingtons, $1 peý sdting IrrecI rocks, 50c. per setting. FOR SALIC. ôt bp. gasoline engine. In good inning order. Cheap for cah. Ap.. [Y J-1. James, phone 149, Whitby-. tf. WANTED. A capable mad for general house- ork on a emaîl farm. No milking, ochiltiren. Comfortable bouse near B3lack of 1 ion for sutable-person. A pply at Phoness7r 2and-dl 3.~ mette and Chronicle office, Whtt- Ne a n ry. ___ WIRE PENCE FOR SALE. 1. We wish to acquirtnt the people of [ y~,1Y1 E lght w ires, 48 inches igh, and 12'1W hitby and surro unding country w th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the rod, 27c. per rod; 9 wires, 48'1 the fact, that we have opened up* a first - 12 to rod, 29c. ýBotbh No. 9- class laundry.on Brock St., W hitby " e M E S EEin R S ro P u tr lr , 4 e t { h Hewis Brs.'-od store. H O E E E ' [M.de 40c. E. Sory B4se ;,19W e are prepared to do ail kinds of ý4 e U R S IO~N s etands , . E .tf. LiBa eUn Iaundry work. Family orders given ____4___ DstWhity, aent.tf.special attention. AiH work guaranteedl. T Parcels called for and delivered. . AITOB3A, ALBEHITA Train Time lhble. hresW r- htyO t ASIATCHiEVAN Winnipeg and I.eturn . t- 3,5. 0 EdmontoandamiRet,-n- R~OYAL. THlE AT R E Pri'irnt 43 00:t,, WIIII3 T7 CTGMHON CLA55 MOVINO PICTURQ8I t-4Esto WHTYJTCTOpen every evening. Li'um t t 1 4 Gza i ong Fast ... Z-o an 'Ne have installed a new Simplex lriia icij.'UlI, n k,. 933 .fl Saturday night, aoc oal unda.y trains leave for Toronto 13AIN PERRIN, Manager. i2 arn. and 7.56 p.m. Froin Tor- Bfr o tp-L o ha to-trains Stop at Whitby Junction 1I freYo Sop.-oi Aea 8.15 and 9.55 a.in., and 9.30 p.m. I SUR N E Acit. P.îaii UpergorAil, iIi. If U p - 'ro w N S T A T IO N . F d c i i , i 'l h u . i j Narth . ., F 1<,g î(t~7t ire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Gi ass, L.1 JO p.xî.i .f P JAccident and Automiobiles. Agent for the bestCanacian, EnglishT T - Tucsday, May 5'th, F.E, Luke, Opt. D., Tor- onto's able Optieni, crin be comeulted at A. l. AIjlln'e drug store, Whitby. If consult him, satisfaction ruarrn- 1ou ees tr ubl au" tE. UE Ç~ E. LUKE, C PTICIAN. RÉlFRACTlNC, I Exp ncia I;;Qe. DI-SNEY B IS I unepal Directorsand Embalmers IEverson Block, 44 Sime St. N. Oshawa 1'iret ext lusive VPuneral Parlti p Prvatc. în bu lanee 1 e-nl 1iLreI. MÀILs cLOS.' F13r %Vest- 6530 R.. 12..I0p.lni. 1 or1 t-.îam Fr Ostîawî.-2.3n p ni Round trip ticket, to points in Manitoba, Ailherta F OU l.-J LFA E z Fo I.I Iand Saskatchewan Via Chicago, St. Paul ,rDulunîî - iwill & .30 p.n., For Nonth--6. 30 t. nir on sale ecci ilueetiay immtil Ociober 27, InetisiNe, e a t o i., ne, we Thîroughi Pullman Taurist Siee)- "Youghlogheny - Steam 1CQRl. à.oonl~. rffa ing Cars ta WINNIPEG on abave "Blue Grass Cannel - CORI. -ned. IUULU1 L UI daeleaving Toronto il pi. "ereCre mthn o. ICH LO RLO aesL6RN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS. Coa LIND RTAK RS rNo change of cars. No Coal to equal theso. PhOnej31 WHITBY Scranton 'for rangsrs, heaters àniti furn. Ont.lime Grand Trunk Pacifilta.,ilsay ix the -shorteut aces. The best-cdeanl, brighît anti dry, Ont $àand i limikest routei hetween Witinipeg '4aokiL.t,fn 0c:anti Edlmonton, wltm, eemien t hrolimslî-servie-ti Cannel fôr fire places andI graies. Rtegina. TrainS nOw running into (taigarv. Yougbiogbeny for s:eam. None any ý Z REAL ESTATE Fiulparticilarsart (i.ramd 'l'rumnik Tieket botter. Olileesor write C.E. HOIt-NINCI, j P.A.1 George Creék for ail kintis of sm.liîh. NTS FRANK E. JONES' LIST. Toronto, Ont. sigor.Fehmnd antioece E. Stephenson, WhltbY'a ingwork esh mmiy dc.u-ni t I Several ouses an ti building-lots fer 1 tow n ticket off ie. Phone 36.We eaI u q alt - a I n ua iy Bni.- sale In Whltby. I ----- . R:, BLOW,, Whiiby tilvise Farme for sale In the Township of! Il 1gb Wbltby ant i Pckering. i:2rt2nDT .4,9. fiot-ie Tel.14. En oFIAKi. -JONES. LIV e UIL5J y In a WIIITB Y. for s 1 OUMN .n TainE. W . EVANS S a1t1sad aeilkpti.Sokj aercntyadd1Fi> ei ump anufad'turer It w îîî pa>- you ta cal at aulr cqupp d livery stable a heavy teap S o p n -elece u ds St woks anti inspectfo yourseh. land dray for ail kins o! carage and I B * D - ~ 1on t be m isle ti b > agents. Ve do ! e.aing w ork, and w ill be 'pl ased t a J c d'dui a e p o i td o s ~ ' a n o alo w . then, conse nuentiy w e can r cc ve or dercs,. w hici i ll o T b h ree or ,u f W iftti>- Il» u .me. an-o- low te agents com iiqslDn, I .1, fo ateW 'îu 10I per cent., îvic b you mii wiî certain- .'dVifiittr i l-e are preparedt o instail wood or 1>- ave b>- p rchasing rom US, IIONE 65.I irn purnps on short' notices aigo A Cai Soicitti.atte d ta all kinde o! ne- . A C&I 5oleited CARRIAGE TO MEET ALL TRAINS. tPd piig Aetfor thé Ontario wind nmlll, Ums litb c/ he- gim let gasoline engines anti the equane-gear- Office and Works - cd Magnet Cnam Separto. pposite, Standard Bank, Whtby, Ont DUNDAS ST., WEST, W+lfFtiY Phono. No. 50,ý resdence. For t.hWliy in luflý1; lFlIl Toronto. ont.- teS(1001 ilîmi umne the habit o! doîng a clase of work that bears th-e siso pof "'Superiority."- Oîien ait >-u';r. Eît'r umyu~- Iluîndmle cne<atalogu~e Senît tu 'îtt,. Cor. Vouge and W. J. .iIIotu 'ARCHIVES 0F ONTrARIOý TO RONTO 2~ - ~ut - a'-.- -. - - a. - - . - - r - j- NOTICE 'TO 8100EI The management o! Slîiw'm' nees iicioole;, To)roiitolhegm ttua rl lSenior i'il blieSi.hoolandial] tielool ettidents, tuiaI t i mpre to nmaili a coji> o!fil.n'urriculm h an>- onie wlîo nesires t( i ililif: short perioti of!(3or 8 mîontîte, groM1 salrriîd oitinrAd "Iimîv' iqh, TioronitoCOnt hlînti fililce, Yoiîge & ('em'riurc i P v t- ut ; 53 40 4NQT(-/F/? HIPMENT JUST ARR/ViLD The latest ini straw shapes and trirn*mings.- THE MISSES POWEL.L Brock st., Wh Mme- 1 teed. 1%, i-

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