Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 2

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(PIRE AND [ÂINE I1%SURANCE) - . TO1iONTO AWNUAZ STATBXBUNý for Yr iaIiag sMec. 3. 1913. nd Marine Premiunis tinc'uding Interest) $3,185,863.10, s ad Èeenes(Includlng Taxas and Com- .... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... 2,947.487.49 vFOR YËÂR Ins . ........ « ....... s at Set DecembIer, 1913 è ..... 3, W 7,345-Z Z - .....ilftloi. oe ...........700000 ESOAW ])OUDiEZO1]TOIo. renident D. B. H"à*a Augustus Myers Vice-Pres. Alex. Laird - redszjc. Nicboliff ike. M.P. Z. A. Lamh.it .C.. LL.D. James Ker»r Osborne Oea, A. Mit)rrow 1B. R. Wood Col. sir I*jenry Pelatt. C.V.0. -Jëhn HoskIn. iX.C. LL.D. S JOHN îiml " Cs, OT1 nwr Aga't Generai Manager. ~ cetY DI N BSSTh ne vaissable Flcld Iteats on tihe 1 ý ctqsaltesaof the Stgar.Dcci wlth the bIng kee n, le SfI to i lit fthe bMeugri. Wroffer tn tiro co ora, Whtite aud Rose. .),11b85,10 lbs. 3O-- R'B GIANT YittLOW.II4tËRbJATiK MANGSL-A îverllose second ut White c emdlg et, and rquaîiy easy ta hurvest. lb. 1 20, l. 0e ESB NEW CUNTURY SWEDE TURNIP-The he-t islippg vrHety. ns c-bet fareooklug: handsome hape, siiform growth. purplr top. lb11. 12c, 2'S GIANT XING SWKD 8 TÙItNIP-An i î1proveseentcil Jîisibol, or Bwrde, tankard shalird, laî ,. good quelity, hexvy yidrr, and gocid bkeqer. sra hrc-Add for %tnge, Ita he malled, 5: for ý4 paueid. 10e a pound. ast WlsItoHast 1Bruce, Mba.mmth isteruuediate Carrot and Bruçe*a Oant King Id AliýthO Other. lâth$.8 xuMdmfttl tets, OtArloAgrlésltUsialC01140o fOr5913. iînndsOtmly 555ntatriZ.-pag =tnoueof P1i-stY 9111. . a, rdell IMsPIeMneus, etC., fOr 1)14. $and fôri L. A, Bruce &, Co,Limited., on ~venta UP1 TO ONE DOLLAR.- M1axinsuniinAmoîsat to Be Carried ln *b j Ise ocis dieu»d. tthe Mails. *Att .rlsevenaI yeurs 01 ef el tho A despa-i hf om Ottawa us KCoeh tabercuoios c uîr sàeema (t. be as $lissing fairor once mi-e, U lge riortect "The necent regulation agaixisî t1ia thé. Kocoui tuboscîshiti %%îhen u8e0 lnsunding moxie3 tiîrough thse mails, minute daue" cur'es 100 per cent. 'ot thse lb Don.e a50i lln;.dCaes ustrecit h IfL It.i ave by regiatered Tpost, wiIb eures 100 per cent. af the cases eo' tuber.- m<xific d sa as ta- exemnpt amounts culasS i" orthse lunga ln thse fit-at stage. Dui pin' cent. lni the seconîd stnge, but van noV OXoeing $1,', saiti Dr. Çoul- isot b. unod succeslifully lu the t1lr5.t tel., Depty llùstnsasterGeneral. stbge. It la osald the.t he cas ose f hriY the fallure in 1891. -ias athedo e e regulatuon Jagaîisb sendtiu ws.s tea larg. Tis a weeram oaussil-e lion to tei million tfimea as large as la money in isnregistered lefforb was ths dose whlch lnhomel usedti t-day. designed te remove tise t'vmptatien Th1'e announcemieiit ta oaitrementudla rompostai esnpioyes ta ateal f nom Importance asai surely wouid nect have * een madie withe'ît proper, authentica- t-be mails, severai ott3çs of this Iinti tan. li wouIld be a criminel thilsg ta ao i ex oetc x ain selna out tiiraugi thse news sgeicîes an hvxg.e' etýbd i aiu Itemi ofthifi nature withaut mailing citios. At ýprescrit, lettons violat-- ,ure that 1-t ls correct. Tuberculosis Io ~ nu %Jnown as thse Great White Plague and ing te ue are being sent to, Vhsh thje death rate tram ts ravages ls enon- dea'cl]letton office. It lias boots iou.Tisousands ai people ih6 ilve lu point-eti-out ta t-Le depart-ment-, Loi- !teertalnit ibntes 1 ngte tiseir tendecy tul) , 1110CILi ever, tsat it is a hardship to com- miann cure wIicil. by the way Io saîdto aptto rgsrto !tîln be giving gaod resuits lut Germauy raim- ametints, as the hazard o! sending ed their hapes trernenitausly. If the t-hem tin eered dees net justify Reeli cure osisido ihet I& noir being nng claluneti for 1<, t lu tise duW aic govern- the extra exipexise. alents te ut once taise tiie motter up antid sec tliBt511 isoaptalo'a eauobtalu sraper -- evdüruce and i lustrucýtions lu the une af the cure. Conservation of i the. naturel reau'cem ofai c cuutry -lae nsldrscd thse iILITANTS FIRE' A CAST4E. urap)el'duty oethtie goversîments ai te- !dny; low iueh more then le 15 s dutY 50o conserve tise lire aithee seopile hy Fillie 'Wua-About to, Beceoîsse a P'ub- inîerî oansaut thein. dlspoael. eTc ia'Isiue Al1ýAbà&rd for tii. Arotto Circla.li eînclIstu. A ctusrter -of *ù century ega lie iriOA tiespa-t-csf rom London says: wouldr lat'd lied-thiboltdnesso mi rediiet Ilisut îîithl» tlairty' yeurs trains would hls Suffragettes tid t-o blîrn .Blsbui runusii' tram N:,w Yari totahie nartiieru Castle, Count-y Antnisu, Inelanti, tl (lm et Alaskae sould hasve bren voteti cènc of tiat i-ast uîîa.rty ai which Car- Whicî was îerrmeray owned by tise lyle mali the waoridiraé casposeti of ln bite Elir John Mutrray Scott-, who lis dayv. Andi yet otly a few davia ulli L Lihd bu $,o, ý now.e- eiapse hefare s5urveyOrse:us be cquitc bu 00 0 t insligigeid inap)pinju eut the route for a Lady Sackville, a-nd aven uwhose tre-ai-Alseka relîroati. wiltit liirf'ie-al illteeia- itrcxta-ms oithier tîarteir or a century Canîadtt illil hr a itrcnetls bis rutiulng traîna ta the Aictie sisoreffl July. The castle was abolut to. be- aiea îviti, prababiy. a-seesoli excursion rferry jota he nortis pale,,anath ie waîrus corne a. public te.chnicat. institute. udii tfise oiar bear willi have ta Slnd nwInflammnables anti the usual Surffra- qarten, as didtise ,uYalo aud tIse elk is evizatiou advanced nortis as aur gette ppapera were f<nxnd li the western îprauieg bcccamo popîiati. viciaiVy. The dtlnage t-o the castle "Thesa thunderartea" Pie Raducad. was silt T k e (utictof tie price e! the lion- Ma. Rielhardson, tise militant dosa T5snee train two-peni-ee- ta a penny. or fromnfour cents ta twt, centa ot aur Suiffragette -who slashcd the Rokeby -fl055YtiP, itt indiceste a uîruîos)e ta inake "eu' x h ainlGley the fainous oaid raper mare ai a populer eni nth NaoalG lry lnstltutoii, Tise trîsclitonel style aitihe has biter on a hungen stnike aince -Ttineqe'Isuus lin oer tise heads ai tise she iras sent te jail fer six monthai coinf»tal. people. The day bas pant whenu sl 7< twi aper eu thrlve hy eppealing ta on %jarcis 12. The aut-horties have si l1ialtifid, and ecelumlî-a oâ ostitueney. Dirsre - ecbe!eig 'Hi#e coîssiiervatlîe asti Jritoil. who was o rertdofril edng glildlta pu&y thae etîuiîaieiut af six Cana-____ tilusecuta forii ' insesandi was chat-k- edl whii lt Camne dawn tram "thippence" te 1'fupî,enwel citer Lard Nortisohiffe IIUI)SON'S BAY CO.,S REPORT. taak lîold, sut regard thse retlsietion ai tise Thuiifeser tatthe. pennsy clans as no- eio D thisîij short oai netolution, Jot ta say llu itinties laitihe Sale o! vllieg A fly1lol on«r. - Farni Landsi. l tr Tlsuw's escape frein Matteairan A tiespatch f nom Lo.çnfdon says: tlisum lins eost the btate af New York ofiaietuu !ladses! .nearly 144,e00 ultisout hnlngiuig tise fugi-4nofca eu flndsesl 8, mOen~ t@ e rner thse criminal the HUdo's Bay Comnpany f(<r thoê rInisanle loApiti. j'ractteaiiy ail a is at1211,5sos eiusdm arnaunt gees ,ta îawyers. 3r.rJerom~ eat1 etssosana dm lisadhîtg the luit wlth 181.260 for fee a-ld nution. 8a-Ieé,of! tin iajndsi dé- expenses. No one knows how nînci more £xxo~ thse tate w1ll have ta psy te iget Thaw clixied by 15d, or neeriy r50 per bacl If t aVer doSa «et Ihlm, anc It 191iio cent. Town' lots decrTeasd by *woiîder that a. senator apposes --an y more expenditures ont thet y "un247200 or more thian 90 per cenxt. di-e1," and -Lbih 1$aCtU;IY Penidlng in Total receipts for Rie pas 12 tite, -New Trt As»eînbiyi tadrap -t re mnthe ucre £'458 400, ns agaieat Tbaw sraisacution. - _-9 1 Iliree uuggent Ti«oug. £70ô,600 in tise proeding pes'uod. emany pair layai çlalm te tue tîsree blglçent thinga of thie r respective sinda lns the r sl - One tal a bank, tise ABOUT i1iÃŽ,@t> INERS IUILE, Doteo fIei'liî4,wuhh byabsorbihe -capital and reserve ta 106,250,000 anla ri~ Its ltîi t at5IOO,0 nôth4p'ti a Yol.IretlrSpeiu at"ïnalisp eoxnpany-. thse IMsmbUrff- , ng Kaapidir. Ainenican, iritis 6,75,000 capital ani LIdD ï[i oèai lét f otV081@10 and 1.907.. noAmri: -The str.ike' of 411 tonnage, AriLdthse thlrdIn a brewery. Yorkshire rainers la apreadin.g nire r - - rapidly tlan b M been expected. Sarnia la to be known a.a "The 'theore amre now, between 100,000 and Icç9oI Çityl" and .lha<s 4çpwg thé oo oQ, UeQUI r~~a boa" ~eTime ,revent auy foi-in f Kideey trouble tte ;-lleys In tdir wôof et teniurig tungocoliplexniqn, bigist yes, A 1intct a Condition 01 ge»rcI a - luarc lolG Dy 4ai rggeol 915%1a >or direct fian f dCIei*al Cc., o! inaitunt Ti onto Vaiwxa tln'i5a liot tUB. -d il nto whDI e ~ at-1BaY ~orts-N0. 1 Northern, 19-c, and 2,. s. 9B3; Gaderich .e. heNo ~rth xsay; Ontarlo wh,-at-%O. 2 at 9et 1 u- uide,- accoruisîg tea îreght,, and $1 on traCk, Toronito. Oata--amNu. 2 Ontario oats. 89 taiSiti. outalie, and ut 41,t 42c, on traek. 'To- ronto. Wemteî'n CajULOa- oatoquased Ut 411e for No. 2, cml suat 40ic for No. 3, ;4a>, portm». I'eas--9bC te 41, outulde. 13are-C;ood iîalitng barley, 61* 1a 58C, outside, erîigtaqaty -Rye-.-N4o; 2 t 69 te 44c, OUtbt4O. Buie)cwieat-75 ta 76e, outstdeï *Cern,-New No. à3 Ameicati,7Uc, al Bran-M~nitOa bra ._'ta $25 a ton, ln. basa, Toranto' ireiight. Shorts, 110I to $7 Butter-Chol dary,22 to 22c; In. 'ferlar, 1'8 go l'je; fa." ers, sepaxrator 1 1to 82c;-do4 atorage iprints, 27 ta 28c;, solids, staragîe,- 5-to 26e. lBgge-20c.ver dozen, In case lots. Cheese-New ch te, 5516 2e for larg, ad 11Lfor' twills. S$220 ta $2.259 par bushel; prisupa, ez.15 t 2o 2 11ney,-iLcxtraeted.4 intins,, Il to 120 peri b. for -N*o,. 1:combe, si ta *3.25 par. glezen fur No. 1,--ncl $2.40 ta $2.50 for No. 2. cpoutry-Fowi, 15 ta 15e sper.iM. clckpenu, lUte soc; duçks, 17 ta loc; .geene, 16 ta 14c: turkeys, 20 te 23c. Pattoe-OfterOS95ec Per bagç. an trsick, sand Dlawai'es eat 95c. on treek, car' lotii,. B&con-Long cleer. 16 ta lic per lb. ln. case lots. JIains-Mediuifl 18 ta 185e; oa. hsvy, 17 tu ]Se. toila, 15 ta 35î,e; ýhPnl tbacon.. 1 1 9c;,. ifc.~tks. 22 ta land. kst prýobab.y1 -yof lier cr xw, Ke a 1nsignalled the steamnerg Bella- whle a.s niany igobre,, it: is,-ieàred, ventuxre sà)d 'teph&no, wbieh -wo1!e will be inani-ed s à resultc f expo- nearest hlm, -of tiie bsof' bis 'men. sure, '" 7heee two vei!.1s, beiDÉ fuandozc The me "t"re far from their powerful, unashed- their way. into shiPs, killing"seals,,when the&sitorrn, tlie floes ia seareh o! the missing with blindig- sncwý swbaped down -msen. upn e. TheYît*ere.éxpà>sed for -,Qaptain .,dlo h el~ 48 jiouiý before aaistance 'arrîved1, venture, sent-a wrlin easq.ge afid iiithzt èiibjiay Ucllibed.- that hehad tweu y- bht1ivingý men The !je'foùndland mws" neo a aboard, and there were:two Othl1rs fleet -of fiftýeDn sii* ary"goeronthe ice thàf hliehad nçQt yet rés- 2,OÃ"tY mýeesatteied amn'long .the ice oued.- Ha e etinited. fort3inien, wêI' Mesi e f klie 3~] .6 e Tt. Tf he de4 ad ere w'ce Vlirty'still un- .crews wereon tlé è i* '~huntiiigý aeunted,,fpr. U.ýe tated. that the ,wuis which hav4 'their bornes "on, uuylvoo swere. oc exhýuïted Iiat thée ecryst.al 'plaips, and t , hunt, the culd in>t wàlkand Lad âto be liad taken the 2o ou o i hit dalioard thie vee. m3e'~ m 1ro O.t6 hIy Wlhen tbIe"biïarèa.ne theerews oteit'rs of. e a-Mtéà~Man*g ed to I A virelessi ,eýorL *W îv e t t.egal' teir ienýee , ii. fc othe'yd ' y, tG thé et';cthtinthe wlich , the Newfound1andei men, meaIin#steaner Sonthe.rn Cr~,e wee ~i81g rîte aaytrm hepor ,4overdue,-whle., 1V wés fear d main b&Y-iy o! 4nd *hèn dirk- had been Iôt o disahled in the r.'e- neÉsa 'fell hat .nietnof'one led, re-,cent aetoni,, ho;d arivdefe turnéd., The. shupl'a cewnumbýed fùhannel,. Nid., w ith a MI atch of i50, O! "whom'n 120 exe on the ice. sess T 1 RAI.NMEN )ILI1ED.SIR ioUnR C WOrý Train W re ked Owiing to 17n1-EîigJand'sLeadisig Soldier, -ýOnce Lard-Tierces, 13ic; tubs,, 132,c; palis, Adespetch f romn Toronsto seys a - tndermlineiby -the sprissg fouds, i- Wlsbesie eedineebuît ar seîsna, cuivert on the ssew Lake ýhorü re-cee eaned seeds ta the' trade. on the Lino oof the Canadian PàN-i Rail- 300-ib. biaiss*-Red clavier. Ne. 1. $19 ta way eellapsed while a 3sork trainîs $2.1; do., No. 2, 117i50 ta $18,50; aistike,1 a.1,$9 sa (I;o.. No. 2' $17 ta $15,50;, wIi riluisg aver it, hurling t-lic Tlmothy, >a. 1, $8.60 te $0O do., NO-locosiotive and tender te the bottonst 2, $7.26 ta $7.560; ulfalfa, àNo. 1, $14 teo!atnt-<>rvieis dsl- $5doNe. 2. 818 ta $13.-0 fatwnyfxtrvn n eal Xontral in theengineer,. and fireinan and 1 MNe, al ZelAw,77 t 7- .OeIlarad-seriously injuing :n. mcinb2r of thet an WVesterni. Yo. 2, 43à to 44c. cio., No. 8, train crew. The ciastialty Iist is asà 43 tu 43ie.- i3arley-lMaitkOba leped. 49 ooi *KledG rg VnctJ te D0e; moatins, Titita 7Vie. lour- flOW ildGog iext Maiitoba Bpriiiîc- whcat riatonti'Ntisuengiboer ',Albert rSiuelfir, fiî'eilîan.r $5.6o; do.. seconds, $5.111; .aroî,g bak- IjrdAbr h1Wéýbii,5 ero', 4,S0;-Wis ttt;eesîî, elce, sý nue-iet~esasbats ta $s.60; itagi rollerm. $4.70 ta $4.011: mai, injurec about tise boiyý and do., lni baga. $2.211 tu $2.25. 3-olled ot-ilarrelsç. $425 to $4.55; affofhead, believed ta be suffering f &om go0 ibg., 81 tae$22. Misfeed-lhrati, internai injuries, but will recover. $23; shorts. $25; niddsnge, $05;.nîouil- The train wsss tise firt3t t-o asîsJ lie, $28 te $32 . liay-No. 2, per ton, car lota. $12 ta s14. cheesui-FIiest west- over the newlyrecon-srueted rondf orna, 14à ta 315e; do., eantersis, 14 ta h&ya.I ascletn vr 141c. Butter--Choice-5t ereernery, 28 tatha er Ifwsclctn wik 28ie; seconds. 27 ta 27ie, L.*ggn-"reah. cars ic!ft aiong the lirce dttring tise$ 721 ta SOC. 'toe-es ga'lt, patt scasan, andi arriveti at Lhef 72 t -Cherrywood culvert about il o'cliiekt Winnilpog Grain. ini the morning4. At the ;time the( Wlnnipegr. AÃŽrli .-as We train was runniing slowly,, and whenj No, 1 Nerthern, b9ie; Ne. 2 Northern,~~i nieraht the cenreo!th 871c; No. 3 Northern, Slî:Na. 4, 8,25e;rahdfiecnreo h No. 5, $oc; No. (;, 75c; feeil. 70c; No. i1 viaduc!- the structure- coiiepsed.1 rejacteti seeds, 859c; No. 2 rejected seeds, 1 835e; No. 3 reJected eeeds. 81àe; No. 1 î The locomotivc droppedt tventy fect1 amhutt>,, 558e; Na. 2 t4înutty, 83ic; No. into) the rvndagn the tenderà 3 emutty, Élie; No 1 rea Winter, 891c;rai-,dgin Na 2 red Winter, 873c; 'No 3 îed Winter',' w;th it. Fortunately the coupling 8552e. Ots-No. 2 L.W.. 3l49c; No. 3 C. connecting the feiiowing work car liv. 35e; No. 2 feeti, M2e. Iaîley-No. 3. à445e;No. 4. 42ie; reJected. 415ie; feed. snapped, but net before ithat car 41c. FIax-No. 1 NWI.C.. $1,37; No. 2 Was draggeçd r ý s e raîis. L'A1V., $1.34; No*. 3 C.W., $1.23. Egne Tcxtfic ela United $tatou Marxets. r from the c.ab, and ulhcn the engine Mlinneapolle, Aps'll 7.-Wheat-'May. roiled upon itasidâe at the' bottom 881c, Juiy, 90 ta 905e; No. 1 liard. 929 ftervn wspne n" ta 921c e;1. 1 Northeso. 891 ta 912e; No. fteraie va pnedue- 2.' do., 8,71 ta 89le. Corn-No. 3 yeleaw. neath ià and M'as -instantliy killeti. 61ê ta 62e. Qats-Na. 3 wvhite. 35à aYrmx Snli uccddlilap 361e. 1Florr-Fansey patents, $4.50, InoFrmnSnli sceddi ep wood; firat cleare, $3.455. Iu jute; second ing f rom the cab, but was goSeri- patents,. In jute. lBran. $Z5. Duluth,. April i. Wieat- o. iherd injureti by, his fail that lie 919e; No., 1 Northsern, 908c; No. 2. do, tsîceuiibed a fêw' minutes leter. 882e; May . 90t': ,luly. 918c; i-eîtenls)e, BaemnSestn -eo 72e. Linsoed-Cas5î. $1.68. rae ln hlsayas-n h $1.59; July, $1.008; September, $1.609. foliating work cer, and when it waa Lime --deradlcd was thrown inta the ra- ai stock Xark.ts. Tordelt'. Ai)rll 7.-Cattle---Cisolie buit- ~C chers', $7,60 ta $8;. good, $7.25 to $7.411;_____ ____ inetiluin. $6.30 ta $7.2r.: eonmon., $5 ta $5.60; t-bolce cowx. $650.ta $6.75; good. $5.601 ta *0.25; conîmon, $4.411 taelES Ii~iBNi $5,50; cuttersansd cannermi, $3.15 toi 83.50; choice buille.86.6o ta $8; gond, $5.00 ta $16.40; osnni. $4 ta $.25. ais Io Exisi ln So i 4! wtlftern H4toekers and fees..tes choice, $7ir ia $8.60; gaod. $5.40 ta $6,30; liglît, Ontarlo Towsss. $3 .50 ta $4.75; s;pringeu-e, ta *80; suilli- ers, ta $90. Ca1ves-Good vpas, *8.65ý A de&sp&tch frein oodstock says: ta $11; medium, $7 tg) $1. shéer» and laiibs-Ligl;t cires,.6.0 ta $7; liextvy. r There has been eonsideraibie Police $3 tu $3.56); Sps-Iug Iainbe, $9 ta $5.60,1 investigation into an Élleged 'Chi- Ilags-$J415 Ia $9.50, red sand Wxtpredr r $9.65 ta $9.75. off cars; $9 ta o lr iese -opium riflSt, N'i114t-10 exist- in f.q.h. iLro.I flqic lê .Nbontrcaî. Apri -ri ineevs7erLs.tn tw 'zllt1<t' îa h la 85e; a few extra stepex .lei, a,,(, drîîg lati b en t- tisu'ire frein large- fat eawm. 71e ta 75e: meditxuni. 55e 1Wo0dtokadîeera ,-rriet ta 75e-: commun, 49c tan5v: cows. $14(10 tû" adfivea 1ttil 1.e't to $76: esî e leta 7ke.8 1liepîs, Ge101 tin Ontario townli ( ' tifLPolice 6ie: lanlls. We ta9c; so-mIn, anîîr. S5 Killing w-h en seenli re.gard ta tise 1.0a( teurd. Ilogs, lue; Norti-Went saeet adle hIl. ,neda _________ -oring ta get ont', tho trail fts FIV TO ~ îOiEL ~ tîff ora long tuemî.bt h11141been Euisu eslul VIVE 'Ot'IIS" 110£LS 1 Il ( Mdît 'ene !>î-1h'en .sitiIy. ('ladl late the treets. A tiespa-cisf rom St. Asîgtîsetin.., Fia., says : Flanis tisat swept tisroîgh twa long blocke inftie heart a!f St. Aîuguistine along t-he bay clore destroyed five tA.uriast hotel.s, a theatre, the courtisouse, and nusîîei'uus nesid-euues, wih au estimated Loss o!0b$500,000 t-o $710,- 000, TIers was ne hife lacs, but numbers'o! gisesta lin the hc'tels were forect' O fnee scantiiy clat iàwi the etr-e-et-s, while o6thera irere car- rieti down laddcrs -by firernen andi 'Volunt>ers. Two pensons who juaiped in thein fiight freon the flames icre serions- ly iîîjiîred, Miss Alice M. 5niitbg aio Amhlerst, N.S.. who icaperi rcr tise seoond-ficxan window oetithe Fl-or- id& House te escape the tIre, m ii!- flireti a broken baSk anti leg,* anti il l de. Sevenal' other pensons au,&taned miner injuries. e L4 l t 1)wirïî rôî.uëE. ne ascril dSt. Piêtersburg RieS- saya Tfie strike oaused by th& eépi- demie o! a mystenlous inalady in fiactoi-les hererla apxeadirag rapialy. Imully faotonies a-ne af!ertvdo andi tihcx number -et irkena - -ho have quit tlîrouglî fear of Contagion is noir about 76,000. Tiero irwere arr- oral denongtrations in thén -treetg on Wc-dnc--lay, and -hcb ee oClâghÊd with-t1im nlté. Oo1t -drcd <>f the rioera wcre arretid. gôté wèvohdwlThoe 4wtirsi of hoTrug<cinic r:Rubher Fat', w4ih o ne of thot;e affected, , have grantci a hil-iday, ith pn.y, tea tha ]LA(,ER TO W'OIIE Ii.sItis Rtegaiied by Rigisi Fiood. Thx' average healthy ina-.- cr',tv- mats is îisually cuger te hoe busy, at ,orne useful t-aski or crapl oyrnent. Bttjlt dysperpsa-or irdigeiti-i get ieltio! crie, and ail endeavor be-ornes a burden. A wemsxi write- "A ear ago,; after novnn t ram an operartieIi, my atemacli and nenves begsn to- gîve me Ml "4At tlnes my appelatte was ig 'sa clous, but u-hep induiged, ilndiïes- nhcn f-01weýd. 0te ite n no appetite 'whatcvcr. 'the tfood P tce,>k dicl net noUrigh tué, and I greir we.aker»VLn ever. ,,I lost ixiterest in evýerythiii anti irant-e t te balnone. 'l ad ahusys had gord nervm8 but n owr the Snuerest trifle wOuld u-psét me andi bring on a violent hè.addehe, Walk- ing ýcro(sa tishe nu mwÊ.s !an eff-ort,j and prefeibP(l 6Xer(ofePV&8 out O! E-he ques-tion. '4ha-J atnOll r*-eNuýtgadyer- tis'eti,but dîd n<yt biie-- at, r Ie-, AIà thpe timeè. ' Wh 4< lnà iteeii2d as if 1 ve-cre litcrally stnrv- mg Ibegan b -ent Grape-Nuto. "I hadnotboen able, t,0 work fQr a yean, but 00 a w2r i onths on Grape-Nlito 1 ai» cagOn tabe at wark agmÀn. Mfy stemach gîves Mêe nô, trouble low< M'iy cO aU rc s.te-a-dy as ever, air<rl int-rest je lifé and mbiihtv 0 ôofllO bck witI hie rl-r i hte .1a 1 -h. 1lfame g,ýVen hy ClahtlPootUIT Ca,5ý Windsor,. Onit. Rcëad "T'ht Roatit cltil 01. lg -"Thend'saRser" ivrrimA thé' àbOvC lediT? àA Dow ou ,.uarS fro= in lo te -iime, rilo1 are cîgeniin, rne, wa i fUli ]Z smZAM Sir John French hms been much in the lime iight as a resîsit o! t-ho revýoIt of the army against the Bri- tish Government which precipitated tie7;worst criais which Premier As-, ruif it- ha îsi efacfe in his stormy career as Prime Minister. Sir John is the generaliesimo o! the Imperial' forces in England, and wouid have been in chief conIand o! the Bri- tish.troops if ciWil war resultcd as a rlVtif l iO£ii in RIJ'11 i' Mar 'There îj - a. 'nuîn',surPr". In Store 1for thô-se N'ho have ths in.ý mcIt atiton bordering on the. Arc. tic Circle, if they, ill epýead, eut a recent ma-p o! the Dominion of û ' Ad& and îtudy ,i4t for an instant. = 1il immediately b-e sçeenthat al- mcqst the whý4e d4gtriet Wo whieh rPe- t-ene bas been- mIaainî thes3 Col- unina ires south -of tie latuclé of t]be cfty 'O! Winnipeg, wb:ile a- largè poktien of -tii. lay belibt iie9skuth of Ithe iatitudP, of the.international. boundary bet-ween the- Caiadiai, N4 rthwest and the American North- -west States., Having located the town ofCc- rahe, at the ju-actio6n-of -the T. & N%.1 O. Ra.iIway' ' anid the National Transcontinental, thoentrace a, line wtcý.ward inta Manitoba. It will bej found that the city o! Winnipeg lies soime di&tance north of that line. A Aine cirawn -estwar-d froini Englelsart will la-titini norther-n, Mihnesota. I{ving corrctiy loicated the dlay bk It ail tsars of aretie biaat6 and polar boearr- will lie dispe1led. The clssy belt is a Northland -in relation' It hsa aSouli-Filet Region * FSee stli reatiy frai- (tho ui-ontor.Cin tise avoraige tise ylel4lFi l rse t-ho aboyé lougare 1%grfater tisail.they we-re'.between' tiwo aDdthreo yrars igo7. -Write for Our complote April 3012 iZ4si~ Oraers rnay be tpiegraphea or telophýosset at out- expense. nxn~eea di tu hi di 'i il WI J'ýhn _wâs not among the original n rltîon ta the' city -if Winniipeg, nutinecrg, but resigned i sbse- Wl t s fan in the soîîth wher CouTi- qucntiy becaîsse of the repudiation prdwithEd 1toAlberta. a -f thle guarantee.q gi-en to tihe ne- Referring -tu tRie climate, "Op-< bellipus efficers.,- portuisnties for Setiiera in the Beïides being-chie! of the Im-r- Nortllanld," a pamphlet iusuei by aI Generai staff, he is likeM-ise Vie thâ Timiskaming & Noi.hern On-f fr9t miliiary inember o! the so- tarie Itailway Cmi sin ays. calicd Army Cauncil, which is prea- 'The climate of the Timiskaming a sided over by thle Seeretary o! Stmte country is attractive at ail seasotis ~ for Waî', Ho woîîld retain hig posi- of 1the year. The rainfali is fr-cri 20 b tion if tbere were a change of Gov- to; 40 inchea per year, while thd .w ci-nrnenit7 Ris sala-ny is $205000 a .gnow5 o! thse inter are fairly deep t, year plus numerous allowances. an~d generaily caver the groundt Another of bis duties is that o! f rdm.tlîe beginniing o!f1)ecermber teQ president of t-he Boaàrd oi Selection, ihsexnd of Match. Tile winters are a board which seleets the inoat suit- brilliant andtihie suromers average t< able mexi for the vanious consmaxids, froi~m 6o ta o5 deg. F. Duning thea supier sson t-hoe mid-day houtis w i in, lined te b0 intense, witJÏ cool d e 1r .............I -0 pprtunities lu New On- f( ta -io,.A a bookiet iesued by Ernest t Hàtin, Toronito, the climate is ne-e ferredti teas hot -in .summereold but dry i winter. "Summer f restsa -arcnePare, the creps nipen more rai-b pidy*t-han in t-hosc.uti.,,ow-ing- te lo101ger heurs o! sunfliglht.n Tise writer has vitited t-ho day S beit on several occasions anid foundd Ithe climate there b)ut- littie different- frein that o!the- MEt ecutherlyn portions o! the Prine -~ , lIexiother pamphlet, ied byn the T. & N. O. Railway Commis-a ision, entitlcd "Tise Great Clay Boit o! Northern Ontario." the lilmate is dealt wifh thus: "Owing to tise long days and t-o tîto greater nuol- ~ ber of heurs eof sunsîine. crops ma- ture vcry quickly in Ne.v Ont-une-. w ïy '«*-" The air is dry ant i lîaltlsful ail tise Miyear. To spexid a Septenîber in flhe North is a delighitftil experi- Sir John Frecth. Thie Air teI's s:1lI3 Wariti. decides on Promotions, retirexnnta, hazy and invigonitting.- lIt-le win- etc. ter-, while the meretuîy somnetimesi Sir Jon as rtouches a lover net-tch tisan at t- f SirJohnwasorig,'nally ir.ended tawa oir Mutreal. tice coid i-4 nct for th rchîîirch> andi hisIamily by l iar F."e satche1 way i-f training bina jnn his boyhoodir place wny su theî1i as atofithe1 for holy ordleis %es-e wont to dete- niryeesaith gat.e to hi,mtilt- ta-k ai reding tenu- Tise rare prodîietjvefe3s <.f the ily prayesr,, He diti verv n-cii as a- la,;de o! the Clay Boit is referneil bisdding parson; isitil 01nc morning, Ite a« foilaws ;-' There as -no place w-hen sn the presence <>f the kneeling i nai hr igreù4o famiiy and -servants je rcndered isOn-ara whe bigescrop5 a!d th, asag. 401-),(. utIl nthay, rc>ot,,bnepa.ct n pff as c ag e O r d. fsth g liS iie it-eat can be grown -. A f lfa, too. or! s etmberrs o thegraînd" quite at home i-4 New Ontario. with considerable inction as, "O Cç<>rn tea, cen be grown, aithugis lord, eut US nof off as cucurirbers tasentndbyoiyafw s o! tise ground," wiieil conivulsedti t », entidbyol e . his smfall congregation a nd broîsght Agi-"heeclvra!aft the devotions Vo an untmlycoe. gi -Wer clv, aflà Ne wa.s rendened ros'elndiganos fieldi reats, barley and tiet-ongrains this rrevoence ist i nared ycen be grown uth suchi phename- then'sud there that lie wouid nover nisiccess i t iray prayens &gain; and irbile if t tatt nîly- idi'a.l cndition* exkit foi hopcd that he bais don ui n-dayi'sg anti beef cattie naising. . t one ss In prî- iS afe pro plOY that- in vate, lie ha-s eeitainly. nover At- the iot distant future, .:New O- tcmPted slince -te ninister -te the t4iri< Wili be detecl ven with checise 'pirtual- ned oohes P le tried tic navy for a whiîe, and factoris andicea.ie and lie then went, into the arme, serving - unden Lard Wolseley in thbe Nueé 1expedition o! 1884-5, andi snaking a- great reput-atieon for huansei! as a. 1 ji I gentrali n thle Soth Afnicaft War. 70 L TIhe Boers ueed ta deacrib h lm as8 "deil" bçase ue50enei ade Tbe foilowing Cunséian Mu nivîpal 1t-c, aý_eeyhr týn ttaeative croup ta selectfrein. b-e cverywhere at onde. -Ta.av a2re or utiiiree. 'r, rar Wos@r ai GATE '-NOÙO.UT ROpk.2-1'hey m&tllre at ipractïteally i GÂTEMSOMOUTflfOP~3-They are offered ta yieie tram A despatci item. Winnitpeg uays: Tire years iie é,petitfltim'y Wvas the 1ýntencç is.ýe»d, upea Robert metcnibp" a beýitnder, frmeriy, ean- ployed st a& locl h*tl, for a4ntin- iaterng Iteociout drapa . by me-ans r o littor for the purpose o! rob. bei-y. Ipscampaxioersinecrime, Join PendlaIc, tue hqll porter st the rAme hot-el, -iraï Z5eniced tç anc ye2r n vu MuDY aIsrLeIlaion. aiA.- In t-hoebcar cnding alrh 3, 88,401 Immligranits arrnîv.ed t8 al fax, un ixicra-e ai 7,208. Town «i Qin ï @QuIsM#ui41997q Tcon0f*ev1ie, ont. .5.00% 0- TQWI of Loffl 'é ' Cty,oitS S2=0 5.10%I, O iii i f l " Ont- .: .20% îown as one'o! the foremosat dairy istricts. in the 'world." "Fairne&s ini every. detail cherac- erizes the writinàgs of those 'Who ive unilertake;a te introduce tb s1ý world. tle. xnagifxcent opp>or.. unitieô wbýivh ore uffered in t13w and. of Timiskaming. Lt haa been- epeated-y stated in Vtheu ' coluins bat the chief ý_requir'-ment neea ary to -those who enter the Clay - S1t, are 6trength adcurs.; The 1ay beit is ne place for the, weak ýr- faint-hearted., StUsOçY pioneers, sen prepared to unde6rgo the pri- rtions whichl- faîl te' the eommon to!altose -who -locato on- tbe eontier wi11 make geod in I&Y )elt. Tlîousands have done Ezo, and~ Lre doing sE, and' willý continue -to Io se. Miàreprosentation can only, roeharmful ta, any, country ins rie. long rîsn. One kneckcr can do more harm, than a haif-dezen boom.- er can overcome. TheýT. & N. O. Ry. Commission issue& the !oileow- îg warning against giying Up the >ird lxi the band- t< se4lk the,tire iin ýhe bugh, yeft il Points -out bo those wha are empt.y-banded thnt there in ibird 1er two in'. the bus'h ',of tbe Aay belt: "But if a zman lie aking a cei- roteble living- in other, perts, hé would,. h0îwever, liedoing blunseif Knd thoP4 depending up-on hlmii an injustice ta throw up eVerythi»g blindiy and . nîeove to New Ontario rithout, fir-t iookLag it ever and tien aeking -him&s.1f if he can mke lie best af theFe cop.periùnities. Too0 nuch thought cannot bc puit on ths one pcint. A'maxnm; hav.e abîuîty - to make gooti progrees in an older Set/tled district, but~ for him te go whelre Conditions are as diffei'ent a.. lay and ýnight; -he may have disap- pointments, et'firt. Thon, aga-in, for the m an -who has less at »take, the man who find-lih' cannot niake ends meet, te New Ontario anid a' homleîte&i- farm, is the answcr. In any éventa nman- with only erdinary business, abiity, in possession o!e gcad healtiî and ýstrength', th:eýe, riced lie ne fear a% to hi tnaking -irogress. ThouEands o! othersare, doing it, and lin the niaj»orit4 of cases the atart .was made under tii. meet adverse conditions. No one îeed starve in New Ontario, md- ne one, neecis te be i1 if ýhe is able and iviliing ta work."- LODINE FOR CÂTTLE DISEASE. Radical Cure for, Anthrax sud Other Ailmcnts. A d,-qpatcli froin- Paris, France,, says: The Academy 'of Science% came out the other day in -advocacy of the us(, of îo.dine -on .diseased cattie. The acaAeny asserts'tliat i4odine is a radical cuire for anthrax and -other ailmenits.' Prof. Porrier eaid that &Il cattie which showed signa of ertifIn on thie hide i the Ehape o! bouis or other sores ohould bc laneed in the sore places and a clubie centineter of! ixdine applied. The dcath lias occîîrrcvd of a won- 4lerfu1 performing horse, Alpha,_ wqhich belonged tc Mr.- R. Dl. C. Shaw, of Great Hale, Eng!a.nd. -The animal, wvhich Lad peilormed before several members of theý Royal Fà;-. ily, could play the National- An. themn on a- harmonium, cculd write ita own name on a alate with chalk held in its mouth, -and' could do difficuit surnk in the first four mies. Another heorse, Little B.~,alsob.- Ionsins Vo 1ler. h.,avcrpne AIpb-f on 'Show, and together thêy could plevy "Home, Sweet Home, w4th bells fastened On their Iee.t. oG~ i PÇhent-urçe cenotilsuts an uliallîlS .ning from tise fs ret tO -tis0' t4fi% ta 617. nterest., ny YIu!d, 2eWst or BaObîslâ'. ÇSt. . 5.~ - Tpwa ot UP. ~asum$, Pi. M!~ OUi- oS Nalson. U.O., . - ,.8.40% TowDab.ip ef I0~OD ~. Q. ~IatsIot et Neoetb Y530U- - ver. U.G.- -~-.~ - - 8.80% ~OWfl 0f gu4buzy Uepaate Tom et 'ixanicoma. I*aa. Tome af ~at#vsa, Baom 6.00% Towfl cf Watrous, lui.,, I.5O"Au <t -1259 have f allen, upen tic veterane itii .SSulmedby the appointng officesý that becau se a nan hu as ased threý Wsore years this ends his use! uless iLd any discussion of his value a a publie emplye is uppoaed to b cd hl3 ae. This rule .is as absur as i tw u Ld e tO asume th àt a nma when he is. M mu.,t weigh so man pound, and when lie i:i(W0 se man POîîndi mre, As a rnatto(ifa-&C the World's.litory iii full-of il stances lhere men did ot arrive thse fulil -splendôr of 'their pcowe until they had passed three sec yars. Thn, with tdie ripe expe 4encefulli mental a-ctivitv and Lnowledge (J licw het to apPly tii powe.s, th -, did t'ie greateSt WO f their li-e s. - The w ork thati1 fheen done fhv these niMrn int cotutry affrds, the strnget. I lame,J._11111,whoi) is to-day forernest rai!rv.ad mnan of Amier was wSa seme iOuld cal' an Man When he began iS grea ,work-thaT o! buildinô the G Hethr'. 1 e snuw 7-! an«d fu life andvior-, riienlcd 1b ki ledge. 4 'on anamaker, crIe < 01 mrerchant kihg-s e Auerira is 7-2 .s go;ig ahead !aster thah e Glasoue a t S3g'avè.the -B4' EmBrpire an. admi-iistratilon of usuel vigor and suce e5'3. Hugo~iidgo~dwqrk at 0, -greatest op(raat,8 .Grahaiiii ut 73is- St weik, crn hat Il,- £1 wil- be hie gr-eatýest oeîl. f reiliT'll,'f w rote whlat ti11vugl t -as l iebctît 1>1, " dîgfie ai"at go, anid A Bl1-e Mrlot-c netlIii , rmosl eqva l ipotancte at', Men - oY .'t e iftLUOr by ny ~h uicdisease, cr nlv xpeetm f-o reach the be',t - fhPUill W44~anti ýability 0. î in u,:The.y -have c n .ing all theix live., anid pli pîli fai' b terr-~ul- i yone'inatn c-an orth quaiîtan e escî<-e:t fu - aebec-n fo'ears n a * servieeahtlrx meii - l'layes thaîi nvi- !tevriu r urreundîîîg tlcmn. - They iceî-ainty ù; ifts eîuîg -ight, -tieiî' lcs N e;sTt f"l Dr. W o s Hai'îî. t 'il Short üf absl-ter. a. Oleiqxnei a Ii c 1l>t eaflCCpLlio new -ile-ii?, eXI t-hem at. a]]. c.5r 1'<i nier p prtiear- -îdiî, wr:t. Pfîîî1') r o r .uLe <i fî)r -sh m enfrtt-isx-w -ute-r-- -il lia lt o ,4enl1.t lia. I l ie i. sîlsi e hslllefiis -,-ftu \s rtltî Y armplihat titi- jrt( aid b null' A lady Mrites ta t-lic edif-1 ulltiuu a-s fowus :--'Ib1- ion -fr oai cem pxi s-ory t. traîininig forî'MYîny "(ilVI d 'hooti f.i ilnw-msostt âuge mwlîeu cfulub lft, wli li f lupon lira. niy rqeti n 1 shatl'l- ave- mistrahît, a] * saking II.PlansV-1t11tlIis The saute bîllicidxî fi -; 1 oçai paper thé tact itt -I ernment <ûf the <oiionikt Txpefrntie o dicc the nte. rt.n 2 6- i. lý Wtheisel;ke r etisad cf i latien, ioakInrit- Is>le llig4 - baonde!ay c<îjuutr inthse le is aIse. potinte-ouSit hat unwhert the frexti dlevelopel iI îuuttt OW 0pf-r aimîn Yct t'se nu e.ssu red -lac eopl to lie c jRonom For .111. $01110 men are unanppy Ilc.- a L 5,. TORONTO ý,/-R 1 millitingi Toronto#

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