Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Apr 1914, p. 1

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____ ___ ____ ___WHITBY9 SE TOO olive01 i. spaint- a rich flavor andi aroma, and- is >io- ireet. fro mthe pro- Ite purity ié; guaranteed. IN 8IOULES'ANO BULL. J.1 In WILLIS 'agglst and '0ýtIeI'an MEDI CA L HALL ack St.« E Whltby. mg@ imd McOliii t.. Toronto, Ont. pioncer high gracie Business School adunar new managemnent it 1" bitter work titan cir. Wrîte u ýmamt to pEaef cr agood p..ition. EPenry ýC. Ward. Principal. ~,ofiioaa1carde INO. E. FAUIEWELL9 K. Ce Barrister, County Crown Attorney and - County Soicitor. Okc South wing Court House, Whitby. -A. E. (CHRISTIAN mcrd.(.. Seilcitor. Notarq Public, etc. 6oc, Brocde St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. JB RiTLEDGE. Barimmsterm,-Etc. . àoney to Loan-on easy terms. Ogme immediately south Royal Hotel, -Whitby, Ont. I.OLNO SUITH,9 LL.B Issuer -of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court- House, Whitby, or-xesidenco. D. A. J. SWANSON Barrist er,,solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyanccr, etc., etc. Oshawa, .Ontario .Olfie-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. Phones-Office, .321; Residence, 326. .DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dent Ist, Office, Dundas Strdc$, Residence No. 4, the. Terrace, yoaSt.,' Whtby. Phone No. 122. JAS. BISKOP Qubawa; Lloenaed Auctioneer. Sue- oesmor-to L. Fairbanks. For terma TXF' FI DAT- 2 5 PHAMZ, 60 CYCLE, 4000 VOLTS. -We are offering power in any qnantity fer menufaoliuring purposes st lte following rates :-..-I $12.00 pur year per lr.p., and in addition. j centpor h.p.h.,.and.uàtder- aguaranteet bati no Ã" Case will bill for pouer exceed '825.00 per anui. for àe-a bp. of maximum derand uad. * Where certainty of "off peakw- une i. guuranlaeed and maintained, a discoutnt of 20-per.cent. is ailowed ln consideration of suehý "off peak" usè. In actual ptactice for a ton hour day this rate wiJi figureout at about $18.00 per h.p. ,per year, and with the diseounit, for- "off' peak" usfie, at $14.40. This riite compares favorably witb rates for electrie power ebfëm where, lu undoubtedly mi cheapertlihan fsteainor «any other mource *of power, and you will ho holringZy ur own municipal,'electrie plait by pst. ronizingit. Aumy informat on eheerfully furnialied by GEO. W. P. EVER Y, Supt. w w - - - - - - - - - - - - TH-~ BÀANK1 or CANAA WH IITBY BRANCH C. A. McCIeIbmn, Manager. ~ . e aat fmanvle Broolin(C. A. McQelJan. amgri 4.wca.tw. Oo*& Ohwa (J. P.l en, Manager), Pickirig uzdf P*-7. 1115Ull4LiijWiUV~ ~YULlL i The tax rate for-thé. year 1914 will @vÂÉâ1 by- 1 W WgU O<4-I>Yevatng ut< ùtThe Prsbyteriùýand i part of hie time ýto the Luiness. lie 21.70 mlle, .ccording to the esti- Mr. Hlarper - mn!î,-,asWed(L Theiffrot Baptlst TJuraday - eveniug. meetings ____matef. ot labo Yeu, , dcpted at the wAi. **N i >W for,18 09." w itliraWn go5-tb*it their people (tônnoil meetingo on da ve g 6.Oier b-*8-wr a als ld- attend the, Alliance imeeting. JC~HK FiSIIER 1t had been the.ho'pe of the Cotmcill 208frLyi.de'5 Oreek bridge; Notwithotanding tithe.tf3ibHC ho istr1ke'a rate even loweir, but it $425 for maint aance of the R 0-~ wase net large, four-out of five o! 409 Lum sd en""Building9 was Impossible to do"se, la VIOW o1 separame -Schol;$600 for thé, Public thoe presenft being women. Prob- TORONTO 11w fac ta W 1I~receipta froni te'ieLbrary bita re t0 hgho@d I bly thé men of Whitby are afraid toe Water* and LigltDertment wIi lié miii, a4d 86,00 )l'or,publieic -sl. bouate dr.- _________________________muci less1 tian- last .year; lan lad, -A cômmunltièi -was'*read' from Thofiesorlbyarwr a- t4ey ~May hoii.I 93téWtr1 aheWtr and nLgt Commission, po1e s olw Md rbt Commisioa.turùed 0ver te statiag th i 4 pecia1 meetin rsdn-. .Genod W A LL PA P the town about 1$G,0O O*'This year, ld on Aprll >itwad.119 ht~ViPresients-The local cery. 1 N OWis the time to corne have te be met, soe'likelthood o ô each flire hy4rant anid « o Treasurer-H. W. Willcox. Sin and have a gooci look 1 àunvr evr1mîlnwtr frtéss~et.Teaouit~ Executive-The above offcers and IClerk White presentedlabo esti- paid laet'year .tor street waterlng Messrs. Alex. Wilson, Dir. Sisson, L.: at our new samples. Sendi mates, which'provided for te follow.! was $45. The CoUflcil will discusst W. Dudley, G. M. Gocxlfellow, W. A. your fr-iencls in too. ing rates:mile the matter befoibre reling.1 Hoîliday, .Judge Molntyre. You illbe dligted itÉ County rate, 1.75 il; debenturea Mis M. J. Smlth asked that a Rtev. D. W. Snider, laho Provinlcial Vo wllbedeigte wthand interoot, 3.00 ; }IighSehool, 2.70; heajp o! rubbish,-opposite her nes- Secretary, was present te give the the new styles 'of designs and Pubic 'and i8eparaté Scitoole, 5.50;! dence ho removed, as it blocked the address. - -11 the novel colorings. Lynde's Creek bifil-ge, .25 ; general ditch and, cverflo wed water Into ber! Mr. Suider was for tnany yeare la We have all Papes at aurate, 8.00 ; publie llbrary, .50 ; total cellar. Referred 4 thé Streets Com- h ehds iity ohsbe We aveWal P'prs t al'1,7 mille. Night walach and utreetqittee. tsecretrhor let iitan aHeaen prîces, and the cheapest have waterinlg are special, and do not en- Sixteen ôof the rate-e rslvngOn Freaa foraleMrgs t ida er.de abeauly which isfa a-ter into the genetral tax rate. Brock St. soulah,abelaon Trent St. piclaure o! what life would ho with- vance of what you usually fiiid nqîe ht$10wilo m horn rui rde-pt. ut the Sabitti. Society would ne- hi ow nied ood. uice for county rate ; $6400 for tioned the CouncIlfer street water- vert in twenty years te conditions Of inhew re a ey g e raget pubooc sciiools ; $3,200 for lte Higit ing nlong that part of Brock street.j centauries ago, for progrees downward Thee i a er lage ang t Scool-,$425i for Separate School:, Mn. W,. A. Preser and -Mr. -Smith, smc more rapeid than progres chos fom o c' ae 4 135 for water for streets ; $300 for briefly addressed- the Cocý uac l SP upward.t Chto findjsc w50 M1 ilke . ranlghtwatèh : 91210 for ecernnt walks, pôrtl'nig thé eito.Th,,y sel tai Many of the objections that are! to fndist hatyou,;vil lke.and $600 for the public library. the clouds of dust' mmced in sunier-- urged against lte wotl of te AI- Ro rn Mo d fl5 The total debeiture debl Ais 8195.- time caused a ver,' great annoyance .iance were answered. The Alliance, 40-1. For' debeatures and interest 8114i iconvenience, t.0 11 the residénttVes pekrsï,hsisiel ia LEVI SHEPHERD 1951 wili* be roquired this -year. along lahe street. Pedestnians. laoo *picpeadpinîlsaentlt WHITBY ONT., Thé Water and Llght Commission suifer from the duet nuisance, 051)0-'tie. The smuggliag o!fabila 0f lace ONT. Will need $7487.78 for debentures'and cially ladies wihh whilae' armrents. acroste lino is net diflerent in es- _______________________ iuterest, but will. in all probabiiity They asked for a 'favorable coa4lder- sence fromn brigandage., Thé sale o! a talce care of thie ameunt themneolves.; ation o! the mather. semali article on Sunday, !orbitlden FOU R L EA DERS local improvemrents wil nequire $2,- Thé Finance Conueittee rocommnend- by law, ceontaine In it lte essence of - ~~~422.119 and Lynde's Creek bridgé, ed soverai accounhe, which >vere ~fiutc n rn hc hw 6iScranton Coa." *3063 passed itself ianolahors respects in colossal The total asssement on lte town W. & L. Commission, frande. "11Youghlogheny Stoam C08." le s $1,596,648, o! wiich t amouala Towa hall, llght......... $6.802 Canada bas the best Sabbath ob- Il'Blue Grass -Cannel Coal."1 $374,345 is exempt, ieavingý a total Streeta lightlng .......... 1333 servance iaw lI the -worl4, because af ,"Gerge reekSnithingCORI taxable assesment of $1,222,303. For P. J. SuhliVan..... .. ... 12.76 labo work o! the Alliance, "GoreCre Slttg'Cul chools oaiy. labo taxable aseesument C.A. Geodlellow à 'Son... 46.44 The Alliance ie not a narrow, big- No Ceai ta equal these. Is $17,350 ; ioaving county rate, gon- F. N. Burt Ço ..............6.70 golated organization., for its execulaive Scrnto fr rngs, eaersan fua.eral deuenlaure and iibrery $1,204,953. Wm. Ay±es ...... ...275 le composed o!flte bnainiest and Scratonforranesheatrs nd ur O1titis ainouat 8133,200 is fazîner's R. Plakotï.."*« .«.... ... ... . 1.00 bnoadest-minded business mon In labo aces. The best-clean, bright and dry. asseesment, go that $1,071,753 le tex-I John 'MacCari'*.*.. ...... .... 15.12 country.. Cane orfreu~ce n gaes bieon general rate. o!thebo total Hospital for Sick Chidren ... 141.00 The address was a.splendid vindi- Youghioghcny-for stcamn. None any taxable assessment $77,075 le hlablé .1. B. Trlrnm........... .... .74 cation o! thé work the Alliance is GbtergeCekfralkao m. for Separate Sçhool rate, and 81,- Fred Drapo±,................ 2.87 doing ta proserve .one day o itl ing work. Fresh niined. 144,328 for public schools.- Ina lab absence o! Mr. Laldiaw, Mn. seven lao the workers In Canada. The We ladinquaity nd üantty. Last yeer laho fax rate was '23.27 Harper gavé notice o! the Introduo- 1"wido open"l Sunday is lt& Suxtday We ea-i quliy nd uatîy ille, labo 1912 rate was 29, and thé -tien at rixt ns-ie 11f a bý-l1aw te wherein multitudes haýve te la-bon. -tf11 rateý wae 27'9. Cîins o! Whit- appoint e tex collectern-for labo year The obeerved Sunday le a day of! rola ,EýA BL We Whiby'by hve oodreaon e fel asene ll4.for nearly ail classes.* E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o R.sLWtishfy y actiodnetaot ct faelowatne 1114.was dechdod to notifylte Bell Whîch le preferablo '? Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14. bas been struck, even though lab o Tlephone -Co. to move their polos _______ ___________ lown je now prosponing and gohng a- on Brock utreet nortit, seans ta hoadbetter lahan formany years. A allow for the construction o! cornent Recital at the Cotiege. tax rate of21.7 it ould -e a uldewalku outuido laho lneofo! lanes. N ew Launilru. 'plendîd attracton te prospective ne- Tite Streelas (ommittee wae autit- Mr. John Hardy, o! Leicester, Eag- _____sidents. orized te purehase a rond. drag. land, a reader of -conpiderable note, We wish ta acquamnt the people cl-- - gave an evoning of reading i-n labo Whîtby and surrounding country with I- ~ College Concert Hall on Friday hast. the fact that we have opened up a 6irst- S c*4- ..)4%)LS IN PECis prograni was a lengthy one, and chies h aundry o n Brock St., Whitby, in, nvohved a very large amount of mon-, - We, are receiving -Fresh tAwice weekly, and wiii have a Fish assortment for the remainder of et Pure Lard to Fry Thom Matthews' Pure Lard, 20 lb. pails for $3.10 per paîl.- Au. .LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. Phones.-"Bell, No. 47;. Jndependent, No. 47 sait! Wia-dsor Sait is one of the purest branids of sait in the world. WVe ave jlint received a carload of this fine Brand. We âupply ordinary fine in -barrels. Extra fine for butter niaking, in cotton bags,- and connse *gf in saeks, for stock. WheU sait is freslh, it handies freely like sand. We have constantly on hand, choice, fresh, ilalibut, White Pigho Salmon Trout, Cîscoes and Haddies, at close prices. Fresh Meats!1 Choice 'Young Beef, Pork, Veal and lamb, at- reasonableprc. Our Sausage, Spare Ribs and Tenderloins are of~ such a higli grade, as should please the most fastidious Epicurean. W, B. PRINGLE a 0 WHITBY ONTARIO WRITERSDE AETH E IGil PAPER, 1PEN AND INK. BOUGHT AT Wu J..-H'. RCAR»ýSONS BROCK 5T., 'WII -STrATIONERY 0F 'ALL KINDS- MAGAZINES AND 1300K5 -Wanted, Gentlemani with godd kn.owlcdge of farm land valties, residing in' FRE$H0 FI$H. Hewis Bras.' aid store..11 We are prepared to do ahi kinds of laundry -work. Family orders givemi spoc -il attention. Ail work guaranteed. Parcels calhed for and delivered. Charles War - Whitby, Ont.. and daims apply ta sol[ or G. Riobb, _______________ ,Wh4by. WM. MAW' iey. atg LICENSED AUCTONEER .~ ey A..klndu of sales protnptly attend- a d T ~ n .d te. Arrangements cea ho mode an -aig tor sales et heb Gazette office. Tere-a eeadon t phoos. 1 have recently added te my wve1l- WB-adIpetBY honT. jeqipe ivery stable a heavy teaun __________________________ and dray for ail kinds o! cartage and ÇONTRACTO4s- teamring work, and will ho pheased ta receive orders, whicit wili have prompt Ji- HEOWELL JAMES b and careful attentioti. * Carpenter, Builder and Contractor.- Plrns drawn and estimnates furnished. Repairs, AIIterations and Jobbing. lAoeutt fr Brantiord Roof Ing 0919467 WIIITtSY Pho)no 149- Marriage Licenses. - ~Immuer of Marriage Lt.?eues Gorser drugstore. Whlthy L46 witue.ate.equired. MONUMENTS daiIDozlin i ad litorlal Kept in Stock it wMl pay you te eaU at our - Voika ad inspect for yourself. Doun-t b. misled liT agents, we do sot'employ them, conrkquently w. eau 'Md de slow tiie agent's com~mssion, P 'Scàt.,which .you wtll certain- fgr ye by ýpurchaslng fromu. A CaiiSolcIted. Oafce and Worke oppuilo Standr Bank, Whitby, Ont I Torono Inlclude the Central Rust. ne.. Lo lg Il OeCity Branci Sehooloi. Or.'dute aeU. versally gucceqsf ul. noter any time. Write for catalog. W, H. t3haW, rreu. Head OfficeB, 39t Yonge St. ýIWON &ELDON Phonm au WH ITUy PHONE 65. John Gimblet D)UNDAS ST., WEST, WHIÃŽTBY EASTER. Wo nover recommend what we havent tried and tested. What you-buy of us carrnes our peraonal guarantee. If wo baven't got what yeu watît we wili got it for you. , See aur Eastéer window. The fineat mild curod Hama and Baconi in the worIc boere, deliojous and app ing, isliced thick or thin, S PE CI1A LE 22 Ibs. Gr. Sugar for $1 Ricli Oid Cheose, lb. 6 Surprise Soap, 6 Comfort Soap, Our famous black tes, Youn business filer WL -MEEK Phone 94, ý WH] BY BOAI New Schools or Repî Tite Property Committoe of the Board o! Education, having been lui- stîucted by the Board to report at RDMEMBERS airs Greally Needcd. and too uneve'I, amid the sidcwalks require repairs. When one says that the Hlenry St. the next regular meeting, wlîich was andl)uflerin St, schools ýre now in- held last evening, met on Mouday ai- as good condition as at any tinie ternoon te visit three of the build- within the past two decades, it is ings te see for theniselves the con- not saying allything to lîoast of. dition of things. Hlenry Street and Were it not that the Education De- Dufferin St. public sciioois and -the partmnrnt reqÈrients are keeping lîigh sehools were visited. In the pace mith niodern pro.gress along all evening the committee met to pre- lines, there miglit bc no present need pare their report. for any considt'rable expenditure of The visit to Henry Street school nioney foi schools. But the I)epart- showed the committee that the build- ment is moviug, and schools nmust bc ing was soumîd and substantial, but up-to-date, hience the demnand nppiîî dreadfully behind the times as to the Wbitby Boail for improveinenis. lighting, heating, ventilation and Old residents sas' that there have sanitation, and With a danger spot been ne new school bu'ldings here for trom lire in the frame structure con- flfty years. If se, hitby has got off taining the stairway at the east easi0y. side. Wjien parents reflect that- ther The Dufferin St. school was found Pblidren oniy pass th rough the public to be in a dangerous lookitng condi- scbool once, that many childrcn do tion. The east wing appeared sound nçt go higher than the p)ublic sehool, and substantial, but the west wing is and some not to the highest ferm a thing of wonder. The side walls there, and hence the children are de- are bulged ýoutward ta a great ex-, serving o!fte best ln equipment and tent., and bave' been se for many efficiency o! the scitools that their years. In f act long years ago pillars parents can give them-this' siould were buit. Up along the sides ta lead parents te consider whether they strengthen the wals. It May be that' are not doing their offspring an 1ln- the. building !s as sale to-day as at1 justice by refusing thern the best any time durlng the past dozen, possible chance durlng the few vears years, but It does not look safe. The that the-y are able ta spend tauechool. two *rooins ln this sehool are large, The tnembers of' the Whltby Board well lighted and cheerfu ,* and were of Education have à welghty prob- It sure that the. building was isafe lem on their hande, and their LeSpofl- the school n-îght do for neyerai years, slbflity le for the future as wefl as yet. The playground le i too smali!for the present. MILK DEALERS TOý BE REG15TERED cl are petiz- Thte quarterly meeting o! lathe Board o! Health was held on Apnil 2. A communication from lte Provincial j Board advieed of the coming a!' labo Public Hoealtit Exhibit, and asked lte 1.00 Board to arrange for Its appearance 20e llite music-hall en Frlday, Apnil 24, a!tornoon and evening. The a!- 25c -tornoon meeting wîîî ho chiely for 25e echool eblidren, but labo even.ung meet. 40c Ing wiii ho for all. Dr. Geo. Clintan, - District Offcer o! Heaith, wlll -de- liven an addrsu, Ilhustratod by, mov- i, ing pictunes. This wilhlho a moet In- ER tereslalng occasdon ta al* for jevery- ERone lu, or shoutd - ho, deoply conéerned - about .tit prosenvation o! beallt. ITBY The Sanltary Inspector wau là- .~struclaed ho make an eariy Inspection mu i of yards, closts and outbuildingu, also ta Inspecla labodainieslalite The Boardl nocommendod labat labo Couneil bave a by-law pre'penoed un- der which ahi pensons selling mllk ta labo public shouîd ho rogîeterod, Wtth- out charge, sa that labo Board o! Health ! would have a record o! ahi dealers - la ordon ta boeable ho mako proldial nspeotie o!flahoir prem- hues and tests o!flte miik-they offer for sale" The Secnetary of the Board and labo Senitary Inepector were euch grant- ed $10 for labeir services during 1913. At labo iret meeting of thi.9yea hetd ln January, labo c>ly business doue wau thé appointnien-t oô!C. ýA. Goodfeliow us,îchairmian o!f'the.Board aud JOs. Whlte su# Secry.ý tai effort in momorizing. The first number on the program' was taken from, Mrs. H-. B. Stowe's famous Unciê Tom'e Cabia. Mn. Hardyis too Enghish to perfecthy im- itate tite negro, cîtiter in diahoct or actions, and this firet number could nôt ho said to have made a bit. "Gwen, the C'anyon Story," from Ralhb ('nnor's Sky Pilot, was much better, excepting that *Mn. Hardy got seme o! lus fadas wreng, in pro. paring his way for labo utory. "Boots at the Ùloly Tree Inn," by Dlickens, was interestinig and enjoy- able. "Mr. MiacINunn's Last Courtship,"1 and "The Last Test Match," wore , some thougbt, Mr. Hardy's boula num- bers. M'.r. Hiardy's sitaro of the ]pro- gramme wns a -,arge one, and hé prehmahhv did it -pssabhv woih, but bis style will 'net appeal strongly *to ('anadians, particulnnly in Canadian or Arnerican sehections. Miss Dora Patrick and Miss ' M. Messer, of the ('ollege, contributed two vocal sehectiens each, which ivere vpry heartily applaudpd. Fatal Accident on C.P.R. at Cherrywode DEAD.. George L. Vincent, engîneer, 484 Chendenan Avenue, West Toronto. Alberta Sinclair, fireman, St. John's Road, West Toronto. INJURED). Alberta.Sitheon, brakeman, 1,672 Dundas 'Stîoela, Toronto. Two mon wore killod and another lnjuned, when labo engine o! a con- srcin train crasbed tbrough a cuivera Inta a gully on lte new C.P. R. Lake Share lino near Chorrywod on Thursday nionning "laut., 'The two mon, engineor and firemes, ýwero caugitt wititout notice, and lte bod- les were found had)y crushed "and scalded underlte.debnis o!flabo on- gine, wblch was badiy wnecked. Only one car a!flte train folhawed lteon- gine,, which alten golng lhrough labo culvera, rolled down labo ombank- mont. The injuries ta Shelson, labo braeman, are not seniane, and ho was- takon t lte Western H-ospital ln Toronto, where ho le rocoveriag rapidly. Dr. C. -F. McGillvray, coroner, of tlbl town, went to Cberrywood oni Fgtday, ta praced wlth an Inqueitt. A Jury of eight men was empanelled, and the bodies o!flte dead mon wero vtewed -at labo station. Tt was fôUmd that Sinclair bad beon scalded from (Coeitlaued on, page 4), rc vi- vnti TQRONTO- A ReductIon of 15 ii SEIEN~ oeqto amy pohxin - dL. Unked Swat«' Fin-"ps i .. ee.oIa cxpemm wwhm Mhia nk.da Mmd Mq urmdm e meud. -t p. 4, b r lb 1

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