Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 7

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Ve4dt ngý Marrled -to a'-Falry overegn l 'ber XCUé. l uUW5rLwut n.tt ae- l a'lng tj-souiderec. utjîhls ona Kgirel s es Ë- - puZ-1t aoeà .gnn 41 1 a he han , been aelll4eflal tltwhom 1 oc-h 91 YUwlit3 ut-O Ocaëiona.1Uy filet, but whom 1I nvarlab Y u~e4 etbav rI~d inber - w- , ou?" elhe added anxioiifiy. sune.Auani ouqlg girls frem H 00 4.1I promise 1 wiîi Bay nathing about tweW6 to,.seventeein are al gef-Con- I 0 oqpele4 her eym viwde as oi. taok Lhe It' ol*,,* 1 si lciausness awIcwardnea.. empty.ltead- aid ho. îîlntn t brfeut, e. " l 0'àeP, 1 Ysite. 'dneuuvanlty. an ri ien.g oo 10 01to mi dsusoed abesia the roomwitlsKlee., I can hardi>- keep îma> eyez open. be treated se children. 500 ,younig teo be *b olei;'D~iouknow, shouid ilie te go te bed&" taUSced toa s womezn. and at thoir warat S lra de1ýfiUngp Won't 'l make aid Mo- doarnt Pto' lhan&,steaningthé r eider ,sistei'5', fabe- srNokss oit up 1 a Ici bes st ite anY moment and mlgist want te play>' po a ~~onnta 1imle", rad eibews. Yl fflotn 11buy a hew piY ofboote. Do o ano admaeJI1ICOf hresan ROB girn,< ~~ *ta over-ortua- an anyb, y bout teruire il ollectiu 4e e9Um ~ ra. nd f 'dgenes te boid he'd be bw and ribbons.fu Wel, -r. Adriu.n Harvey, ber.', a dreadfuiliy -angry. 1I. wander If 1 might 1Te tfair in loe w*lth elsle o these.haiT- thi 4119tt8for von; aud bers'. another irigbt curl myseif ujp oni bo nota and. get alged tlhigacu!sorc>'curta 41ewn tthe graîsadf Yen iav.tn't tht ais bit et a daze? sane mari; but were Liith Saxon a year as5 1 1 ne ude for running. awa.tlu youeve no "BY ail meais If you 1k,. l'l ring r" twa eider,> I coutil W011 imagine, a mani 44a ew ungy l'a e e Irat ta have the tea thinga cieareG In any ranis of litesrnaking an utter teol p ~ganaian'tIl '-~!"away andte taput yeuz- la M,.roi eofethimsof fer euch au ele. And ln Lthe Vwnkl e01an eyse be was' charge until ,Yeir i?'ther's return. Il'mi My vision bail became a realtty. for one. Eut ai j turnz ai nd loa1ked out of g on ut myselt tar a- stroli 4and a thore betore me -au though evaWved out VoI'f.Good nght Minet, t." oftobaôco-cIaus elle e~tood, a tail, "lstoop down von>- eact," eh. crled.' 'I cnledi "Miss Lilithl 1 waader yau dfdi~ upon her bars head and siveriag ber an wal t wihperi" nt suiy Miss Saxon; that weuld be yeîîew bain., 1 i tmy .head, and ne I did ose bslçle. grandâer otil. But YOU'Il b. comta¶ - She laughed as I remaineil moioriesti e4 imy, ciieek, and thon railva-. laugli. bacis tram your waiis soon WO' t Yeu for a moment. starlng at ber tr iience. thi laKm'rl.1youad 11k. ta cee me dance?" "Dici yau thlak, 1 was a ghost?" sho Itweteklsi of a gratefiI ohilid but I heettateti. aeked, In Ibat weak, sweet voice ofbers. no ýwomnn'« e sa iag evar givo en 0 11 Nûts again to-nlght" I said 'before "I woke uo a feu, minutes, ago. and i inuelu pîsaeure as, thfig ,ans4ssfrom al thase labarers and people. I sbauld fouaci it vis ton a'clocls aad father bati- a Dnni«o waf.a ltle bSnîIee 4aflcer kliow 'ou were t1red and W- pltytng nWt core honm.Te ee, s~orn labo- ciZ I Wanted to learn anre aboôut her, foir troubleci look that fianhedt tta er eyes; Mrs. Nokes vias crase, andtold m1 e ta go h miy hesort was f1111 of the' defpèrt eyyn. "andi 1 ike to renember your- happy off to bédý But I f e]t worried about fa-l hii patby for.ber bard unprotectçd lte-, and dancing this evening, vihen 1 tire t touaid ther, andi I tbought 1 woulti like ta alinnet ag o on ,fi' i had returned to the- you. CGood lghtllttle Liliîh, 'anti 1 epeals ta -you about fl, as there wasn't i other part of ths inn, and let nîyoelf Il!- hope you will do nothing to-night but anybadly- sise as wauld l heen taeune. 1- til tc' the Ilia-Ile pamrsie<onriiniainIirg«~ith go. to b.d ands seep off yaur fatigue." doa hope no harm bas s'ore ta hlm. 1 ai- thep, tarler net aside for lnv Uneo, Mre. "Gooci nigbt, andi thanis you eveç 8no.way's gel frighteaed when beis lato like- ca Nokt~, as aile brourbu lan. m y bain ,-ad nucb," thîs, becausfe wben ho takes a glass too i og'nî and tea, bier iolé idea otan Oemng- I raag the bonl as I vient out, andi, luch he olaes Ie temper eaaîly, anti nipai. broke unselied mbin te subjeot. -Meeting Mrs. Nolieseln the hall, 1I lid the least thîn g that's nali wil i aise thi " X hope t.hat Saxou's girl wanI- boa-er. hOn that tihe child *van tlned and wiant- hlm cluarrel. ado oe i ail right, eV In «i, ol?' eo ui. -I bs-c!no IdMe d taresu on the sofa. MrB, Noises anti on'tbe' po i very cross when he cornes èo ie l'fn the pJi-it allii, and I'e tolîl was clearly monewhat scandalizeti by hoînle--comen here, I rnuan." ai ol ,hae1 vagbondi. ber fathex', I lIith's incursion lttamy parler, anti 1 <To b. continueti.) n Sweuiln'hîve hJlm belle again. Wboa I bac! to pacif.y her b y aawurlng ber that r tQurd thé plane a few minitfea aga.I the chiid had nlot bothered nie at all, ___vi inasde ne doubI- bu ~yoil wene ' playing toi but that 1 hati been amnused anti Inter-- you ree ýhebeliczl JUt 1DOW, esteti by her ohattor. t ridtl e n odcarned smne moIiOY "She's been quite spotheti by people CT SAVES MILLIONS. mi danclùg taeCou, ad 'he waited aome- notietng ber pretty face, anti thinkus he 4 ng t 40est. 1 dj> hope. si e banliset c'un do vibat she likes whon the 014 ma-n 1"3ug -9P yu! be ain ojd, f-rward lisaf bore tae ke ber la oraer, At leant, but ~hro's no renil hm in M h1l UobaËd and'sante athers thlîîk IAI. poputlace NvsM M uikrj Igad el u"aw*nder, ns 1 01t,011 ithe Pretty. but fer ma>- part 1 C£an't oe uI uee nU 0*, omybabaridSo El 5lghe vi-7se. it. In our pars of tecutyteZero 'Weathér. 1: :.If"'""' - I I.É P; telrbonn. ay1e ae'1 -bocIountryhe .Ûoltdwea*sher cos-ts milll4.ons o! *J'v i, he b..tthéari oh's abitoidr, houg oh u» b.dollars frextra, heatin.6 aad vloth- of. ôrtor etr 1<fi. ça a all *0a bi offiftten by îîaw, anId to ad ta go about b aild niIris a disbrraee.o m-idesinorende with strangers.' ing, but t pays for this unany ïme -Saonn1 lenier pnop'ry 'tte 14ma ber fathon, rea-iiy over by ,eaving us titue. N'tbody and ti n &hr Lot the couîtry in thal cruel ta hon?" I asked. gtus* faoih on , My ilItie boa eare asAofeus -"He'n a roguier brute vibon be ac! I oiters in «c'old weather, wo taIseb o eascn be -ld .mu4 sav eloe bac a drap too mnuch,'" Mrs, Noises anseie- short iclite and hlie so tlîat ecdi a w wIth uhiftWren;,But 1liay ed saiplatlcally. "But he loaise aftoe k.-tqg e.gr ht age dano' ber sharp enougb vihen hen . sober-I of un, savesomebhing by extra Iii, abou -nnn and betele,, àud -ben a wiii! se> that for hlm., led taIe On speed . Al okdn udoso olergym&nllggranldds-uebter, sI"'yè arcl dreatiful If be'ti kaown about hei bother- Et on oldoso eay. EIieu». ùm now, air. but,-I'= waiitadl fîîg yau like tus-t thie evening.. Anti 1 sven in chilly morne is speeded Up l the bar-' muet Bay 1tus the irat tinie II.ve san t-o the limiti o! emcieîîcy. t Forthwitb Mr.ZneNaisebuelleci eut, ay lirty waye about-ber."M and almest' mmediatel ' uftenward Mrm,. Noksoa waa evidenti>- vsxedl anti AIl this adds nillions of dollarsh thtre waa 'a tappin g, an, rathen, senatth- I lefît theInn for auy vislis, annoyeti byiv okh -I,li st tle doan, and rnyi-it-te frned her coarsely exprezeet comment@. An>'- to the.suini total of eff ectiew k y ,ll Ow bad wàf Ibruet la. thing laes like "fliting" than utl beau- done by the nation -on a eold day. "Do-let me hive ray tes- wIttb >'u, Mr. tîful chihd'a sutiden frientiuhip witb meBu Adrian Bsrvey," she vihlsapered. 1 bave neyer sean, andi the expression. u greater than this is the indirect 'Trheres enV-y'a lIn> bal between youn Jarned me. : resuit 1!oopeling the davidien inV e tiIn g-rnasnd tbe one l'mrila,.s-ad it's As I Passed by the wlndow of I-be lit- éu cmet no duli ail b" mynesîf. Tou vilii eI- me lie parlor. I aaw by the laniplight, cîean a crowd to viake -up and- movo r lfjg mille ln, wont ' >oll?" hy i ata the nooni. Liltth was aiready briskly.r Betore1 coutlianaien ele habsti vill,- aeeep, hon lusbhed cheeka nesteauleiUpon 'in nadote!tan I< dravin ber usac, a-adelhe reappeanedti the bard blackS -horsohairn ota througb on nadou ftan n a veny tevi seconde, bearlng 'a tns-Y UP- a tans-le of Yellow baIi. White lido and cars or vihereven thene ls a crowd r4 on whiclu ber nations of harrpý egge, tea, long, broyin laah'eîi'q eiled fer eves; andi< wo. a-tic!breati andi butter wye.laid ont. 'tbrôiigh.n softl>- parteil ips ber tewoemultitude sets ita passe à -'huinsellePhacet opp01oste e ,Io sad breath camne sa§regniarî>-acilightly a-s vo accomrpoda-te the ëkweist and IC then sat douVn te ien meailanbigh gles. thlO -Jlsleeping chlld, Wliile- ah. s-se abo prattled gaiiy. 1 Anti Wth that pîctur In " a> inciMst wOrthleSe penson -of thein ail. lP have iîevçi- soen 1111Y co enjoy henself antiboart. ibera It vil remni-ngaav- There may be îîinety-nine people 61 cs tluoroslgiaiy au diIl 5h15 chlM.Loveiy ethenll s, I enld sgI 1-vhoso tins. ie valus-hIe, viho have a a amseh' undaubtetily uves, it was the Ioy Iwadh.s-sre of living ehillnrg tram ber-eyes vibichi purpose in life and hlate t-o vaste eostîtsateci ber chief chanin. She con- uneesr I t ntaipr Ileda hes-ty mes-I.but bar ms-nacre CHAPTEII V. tuinnecesa n mulent ntaap vulaeti lii, dieoaefani be n- Rose anti Crowa. eveny one has to wait till some fs-t ides- of greedîneuse.althongh ahe bs-c! The stonni and lbe wiati hati pasuetio leyod"fdyddy i ýfatedforcloe o elvenheue. away, ati the evenlng va-s beautlfuily or4le py o d wn t-ho sairs To usî ate fa clse ouelevaîlhou, wma- fine sad chear. lsuord nthsai.T p h " p ràhe t astrh.ca-lid hl, lias. s-p Avisy ln London,-Ms-tge veuld ho ho- .nate retagyonstritence.bOc, isitoginniiîg ta drass for- Lady 3ashford's these leepy individuals a-ide is - heRvag o aond ëexIstn c.or'n.,0reception. ant ild1Ibeeon ln oya 1 oouidered rude and ill-maunered. r,~0 5a-d, o a-t '~oo s- ccI-r, anisbould.have badl tea ccompa-ny.hen. Oaa mogother avocallonsa, vhichu ho a:- of these entetanlmants vissno 1k. aa- In cold-weatluer the temper of the pa&rd .1o ha-vo mono or loesuasuccns- osher tisey' vero nianotonous. The sainie Covid changes, and leven if tise tul lyattenihîtell, vere thoàe o! second- Peol, itu dlieront lathes, the sni vibeY.in a -country thestre, ring-master dia-monde on bs-ene ecks. ever> cunrve Idavidien doesn't wake np of, is or 'In a circus, stscher of depotinent sad of viicb one bati gosta know b>- baru hem ovin a-count, the 'othens viii ~iotoconiri'ca-il 'îvaler, a-ad freni seeing tiiemno 50canstantiy; the pianist stounasilt.iances. Ilh s-mne cruels on th idwce staîncasa-, -spnsh along witiu am.t ceremony. "Fatben's a- ver>- claver -':zna. she the top of vihichu the hostons, tineti al- l-f a, minute saved for 11-0 p-copie confldçd 1teni li Inpreesivé'elloes. "He nea-ti>, a-nd asiliuug echanicaily unser linown such, s- lot utf <bs-lepeare, anti hen ronge.vionîsi ho standing hour -a-t- in this wasy nuesas oeaheuxs tînue lte's Iedt10teach niesome oetII thtusttan liaun iecelving ber gueste. The sa-me rsn. ra on ow-1c scene vihone thé hI-si. prince doesn't bsad one hs- bard nightI aftar ight- ecdfrmgi tWa1. «%Vanl hie 0>-as pht out-, he louIs a dca-i l vs the Bine Bohemians I-lis-t ere , It inprâbly tuis occasional uf trouble ta tes-th nie that. But il a-lI-hoens-gb that partie nia-nsssn pelgu vhc coa- h 'wouîti a-lgo ont cf ni>- lîatithe la-st oult ha p rasyi ng I-bee s-mnetunac viich peigupwihacuni h miute, anti lie, hadt lelcepromptng me baitiba-unlti oaa for veeks pasa;! ,anti diffenence iu eharacten and efficien- ali the lirne, wblch tnia-de hua mati uithu troni 1henmomnct that1h.eunaies. L aYheraeonpsnd vith me. Salrnehovi, vien'I lesrn. I can't ne- Carchester, Lady Margaret Lonimený cy -o! nortnt a c meniber' Ev'ery iîow anti thon, ivhen Mn, Atiln Hervay!" bcd been gis'ei southern races. * ve'vo been, lonîg aaîugh lanslova, fa- ont,.iantIl the lime vben I1virappeti p m-i-iuisu ther cent me taerbhoal. But, you a-ce.Ms-tes cloalc about lben shoultions anti - histheony com h xpe ILvo alwasys Snovn 1 shenîti have ta sqneezes myseit into s-animls-i ps-cala the Etkimo t-o ho the mos-t efficient traamp again as scoîîsa lie loft off ps-y- thue cardi~age via drove on te MrA. Mac- !cneeh-i tne n 'ing the bille; anid 1 suppose thuit un-; clemleltis tdanice, nolhîng vonîti happea o! all.Ofcus eiEtndad M-etîletimeîan -d mati e aiesowdor then -'ti Ihat 'wa-s unexpecleti or thaI- bati lit handica-pped by aimost insupenabIa bava beau atbenwla-c. AndtinIsu oin>- tliokn pla-ce daons oetlimas hofone. for iny încîuîeu' va- a lady; a-d l-n1 Ilînti neachedti he 014 chnrcbya-rd b>- natunal difficulties. Yet if he viere. hhough fs-thec' say-s lii onà. ltuo, and Ibis lime. and pnchiag the gale epen, I net extmaordinarily cfficient lié, l.,,'inat to forget it in wha-ever comn- enteneti anti aat davia on s- hi-kea tras- 'niJ~Uli I dont loo uislch iko0une, suent atfvia-Il vih cnownedtih-e gnaasy vould net ho a-ble te kecp! alivci at do? 'e~' a sr.fî liff, to soke and think.If 1 were uaAl en Ihig arnAci c ils Sie gl1col eut her tans-leofsffi oai1 ldmof Iwu lot liain,. langbing at inn arirose tise table. l' rather lcad tise life of 1LiiIth Saxon than Wisjh I coulti coîîvey Ini vende the thal of! Maige Lenîmer. The open-air .>4 chanar aou everrtiting a-le sai& -and tramrping, the censtant change ef ecene, dî vaIi-aIo -mouae eunk -epei-iert fret-dem ofth-leexistence led siloke i l Indefactlvo eI îuigîlsu, ouado"' b>- tholitthevia-if sad etra>-ce.iiet Inl- Grcatly Distîmnbedp ~ lent lulise fa-ehs, i ed sibie it.i's Iin-inuthi(-f lu-jugerfatigu.th Il -a- ia lve>- 1s-le "mfaIlo n nt ()bo' sen ersohile 5laîs. u-a-yics wtl ?seen their vive-s. if a ma-n nover gt as 0u wacî ienera' hiuu iho ucanerit iru on su cneiar>- tcadenne..' gav4ottt nd-O erl ou on thetrlîliint face, but, a-s 1 ocni-nedti t nie get4s lniaî'ied lie is> bebter off tha&n -traaip.unter Ih. aky again! Tison 1 toIt for Iho ist tue. noI- a wup-Menu. iwli dc as If 1 ruuld broatie. anad wssn't rhok- Tss îthasbe danSoye e*t iai-s dos, becs-se o n vit .4e up a-ci>-mois. Anti 1 love danclig. lookce til.mcd sad tiushon ber Iiiglu their liusba-ads to buy therni bd- iicti'; aller ion't lot a-ny onoeI-ase aie, sîtsieg-i - -e te ii b rooni icîits and viandrobosý. SO yN1 *onrha îrude ta me, you n kau. 0f ceurse 1n Irts neI-iuiîa otis- ensuiîi S I gaI-tiroti, -ad î111Y est -s-che corne- lietilien ife -lhonoughlyN, but i1liega, -sco viomon as-nont saîi-sfied Nit-li tumes, sad 1 gos ens-lis anti raids la lui hase monenteat quit unacetion. ta -tisate but the aet etrie' the'sV nter. thon gliIs love Ih.eaanw, anti doubt. vuiether a-ttc- ail, h noe t sni»là ISean; tlaind leacite 110W - u'aeneieIn o l ier uîî-<-Oîit f n hos lives OUL. dwice-, But svery-Ihng tes-clIss iie tIhît leeples u1ts I ilea rhloma-HI taliet Iin -birds a-e they Il>-. the femose np I-be its deiaînti ffct. a-ui. raonig hume Hf- chtinieî-. cndi clontis tiia- I oxîcu. Andter i-neOi1hp eist nineistIc the m.nîl ther use-nin talis-nip s-en l otf tic nîonuîiîg, silo vouiilie ,tri à là é; ~acres I-he- ciiew at a-wakisinusi.liiî t-af e a-u lait.%w-s brenut is-hlt 1lîg lts of a villa-ge.I-be iico c Io bei-beisido feelinîg. ags alu -ira owui- ne! --éin loni tllîo-fçnge, cyd tLiqnilie & - i 'Qu hIte ot-al e-sabof wariusai- ansiil-i11911 whoisîsn CAùa. si- aimaurs le ýnn donc' aopensan -d Wvo90golh b5 ve tisane- tuam n>- a na-a icia-ci vec met, lut-h trts'Ics Son 11iy a'yelai ls leÏO, r are noevionc-e macle a kotahI of lier' uwhile .- he --ty'ey n>-ig. yeu scee, a-titi hoY ilskedtiIo. atiobier naijeSInla isstîudio. qatrh lhenÏs But a nise io st eut- <c les- Nichois aliad tîse fa-ca-il>-oret iings - t - nthe bar-parier, If theu Iandlady'c at cat, ln those oitltule"lpesoa" ! 1,i11slîsd. Is viorth ivaitins- for, and; i: -- lit-Q. mat tit oualitIez ini lis sillons - hgiI-I-s s-bit tSinus- canietîmes t - ' h iy weuid w-ls to vneal ti-orni ils-lce aftae- s- long traamp, Irvia-r s I the1outr voniti and iI-btis sketch ! l of.Ã"HR * a et foot -adiseps ofy echiiblailns, Ma-sge these nstles a-tnesas lsndenli-ng ib ï slateesufacebitli"nyoat lubnausuie va- -W "Are von venr' fond of ymcur fathenu-' sketch,-1I ornpba-iztio.h ie ha-ted h- 134 1tareti s-coss the, table st ns'e, ocu tsv,.lhul hepeedt ooaklng a 11111e puazIeti. 1h. va-s rciI-- I- h caî-nr-dwi t I. ssput awvi sus- ber chia on ber banadue gaîts ajW- , oeherc asa-oin s a-e t causLe tta b se mh. ind ciesby lthe vilniow, nnd her pmesoi nqn n'hd dacac '4r-neblne el-eu lPieguxleo loks Inaguld nt ei sI cse, lBat nov, a-l1s ost- aýnd ti si.%*--A Inns duc>-In Ihe uvliidlan!dIfils L%-l)lge nuurhyarti b>- sueoiilight 11ai, faow'd i îsdniical sad lookieci uposu ber fa-ce by' lie lislit lad oteuî tsar. n - - bleMea,-, 'nocy. lic bahernulsa-tneca- becrne h y itclr ~"tî,I is 1'tlei u-hn 1 t lm niXfan chas IrsI- tîsue losn asnue.)ec'outraeI- Ti.Dy a- closAN1YKIND. sai -îwrd Icaa i.hlm iw cd viîhu tie lîsppiest face 1liaià cec'l aClatb Perfectly, with the s liapIci 11rc vsnss- îonssu i- syucîslue *-lie es-t metI'nbni Ivas-c densof fn holunse d- -7%-arg.inot'u Image fadte Inlisrings woaeosas il înoitPç MY lt-idta-siîi ftfientliaflra-!'1eed <t olîaece-smlieand n tnis lace I reU Sto «ge= ob" c -ris- cne us li uuecit is -h-t evi" aliliithaofLilith isizcon, Incretas Tiiae. -,PU yen esn I-)s sac>' Iht be actnaiiy _1she t iln I-le golden - niaI-raye, . - - ilUIOUlya- 71. uketin la orner, -could! ted I-be ight tonch ofaier lips -a asil4e lva ot MseoT'WU .tb oe-. BridÏdn la sending a con- ù -to -viait tho e-pot -whëeeBenten. ,is killed., and it ih ,emtainly vith- the range-o! possibility t-bat Pros- ont ,Wilson Wiii b. !enced te iseud àamnued force iinto me xieo te Pro- >et thbe lives o! foreignens re4-dent ieno. There was a repocrt a few d-ays a-go àat Oea-raI Villa intended ta de- lre Northe.rn, Mexico, -Uver w'idch t ie nov auprenie, a no-public vith imiel! as president. It is more kely, h0Nweveý', that - iii con- inue ftgbtiug until ho takes the apit-ai. If ho iaus -Mexico City it Sas eertain as-'anything can ho hnt ho viii deimand the.reward tisat very Mexican couquener demnands id recGives8, the Preidfey o! the epuhiic. And y~hat a President illa vouid nu5ske 1 Even thle hought of it mna-kas eva-ny decont- iindcd nuan in; Mex-o ,iudder, fer luerta, thougli cruel and brutal, je ,saint compe-red t-o tha -'ont-la-vof se meisntains de! Ohihualiua. As lias o often been t1lie case in 1exica oesrvo-S tisun-unsed laston>-, ýAai5z -wAS tde place f rom which ega-n t-le triucmphs.cet he nehel hieftaifl. When - t-ue,, Ma-dena revolution s-arted Villa vWas a -hunted ma-n in ,e fa-st-nosesio! t-he Chihuahua [ountains. Hie- vas-sthe nuost- s-ted na;me in that part o! MexIco. Hlf Indien and haIf boa-st" is i0w an El Pa-soan once described ls-. Ho ici haif Indian, a-ndvisa- bier the othen haIf ici beast, lot the record tell. Tise comuploe licit e! murders, thbe responsihility f-onrviuich dirootly on Lndiîreotly rei&ts-upon.tise shoulders -f Villa,lias nover been vinitten. -ut probabiy nover viilbts. It ca-n be stted, howvu4r, that a score is a-n est-iate 50 moderato that it would General Villa. ma-ko any ordinany Chuhua-luan la-aglu. Villa atara-et! hi5 kilinig o! meais aout nine years hefore tise fa-ll of Dia-z. They t-ell a atory in Chi- luia-jua a-at ho kiiled his firat ms-n beea-uso that ma-n hs-d insulted a us-o-ma-n sember -of t-ho Vit.la cia-n. But net ms-ny people believe tlîat ya-rn,'for Villa l isno-t-tue kinti cf-a ma-n via kilis fer mat-te ns cf simple lienor. Winen h-o fights it is for re- iard, anîd 't-be reaard, if lie ca-n -maîsagoit, imust, hapaid is gcid. Was Jluuted for 10 Years. Before lie becs-me an cutis-v Villa evned a sita Il ranci in Chihuahiua a-bout 200 miles sontduo! El Ps-e, Texas. As a a- n- asnhowsi-a-aa fa-hure, andsEo in course o! time ho becsna- a-aâdit. 'Sucli ho contia-- nod t-o ho until tise adveut-of Fms-n- dce I. Madeo, Jr. At tisa-t tume Villa via-,a amandit outlawy, sud tise ruralelî o! Dia-e had been cluasing h{unm vijIhout success fan neami>- t-en ycars. It vas said that- Vlere va-s no-t a-va-ter! Isla non à t-rail non a- cave big en<ongh to hbide un through- eout tiseie-stnesses of thse Cihua-- linn unit-ains Vhs-t- Villa a-nd lis mon dit! nott-knov about. IV vas alî impousihie ta-ait to ceptume hilm,, a- -Diaz'. menss-oon fund Out. But oIt! I>onlrio iýappreiàted tise menace of a live, Ville-, and so t-he rurales kcpt on chak.iiug t-ie cutis-v. Whea -t .hps ill-clad vetenans e! Màdeoe ciichttho vama-gaina-t Dinz into 'lishiuainda,tVilla camne out of hie retreat a-uit! ouÈhsa- in- tervi ew with t-he rehel leader. Ma- deoesa-s impressedt! iihîtisa ma-n, ant!tho1 a-pprecià-ting t-o tise fu-l the he-ndit"$ vicions nature, ise de- -ekle-d tuat, Villa- wa-* a good nian tw bave arouiid, if for nt-bing elcia t-ha-n hie lia-tred o! Dia-z. S-o Ms-deo t-ook Villa- inte t-hea insurnecte a-ny -and comnuisssienot hlm a- colonel., Tia-t comnuiîssiounus-ade possible t-be capture* of iJus-raz a-nd Vihe invest- meon f tise Cii>-Of Chihua-hua. Villa-,Nvilie ince ieft Cihua-in'a a-s a fugitisove %,nted for nirder in t-ht fin-,t-degre,, heca-use e!i tisa-t-fa-vr e! Me-doreva-s able, t-on years inter, tsQ ne-enter it- a-couiqucror. Vilas QU5UX1 k l& ic Voet ' wne nanifo 1usd been gis-en lm. Ile mes-- iiz Cd tisat ùis ifighting against tise =en vho hs-d t-ied t-o bring hl*m ta justice, and wfr. ha pie-ce4,-a1 money.eward onhlis hend. Ha-as not fighting for constlititkn&l igluts. He, vas inspimed by ven- geance, noV by lova- of Country om his feliovmia. When Ma-deo entened Jus-nez and praeiaimed the City as his pro6vision- aI capital, Villa expeeted thaticotý- îng would be permitted and t-ha-t Madero wouldtake no pains Vo cqre f-or hua Federal prisoners. Villa dûes flot bel-jee in inercy even Wo a captuned enemy, and h a as the s-ngriest in an' in Chihuahua when Madero ordaned a-il the 'tyhiskey in Juanez dumped ito the gut-tens and gave instructions thnt bis prizojcns of wan voeet<> ho huma-nely t-re-ted. In t-ho veeks that follovied the fa-Il -of Juaroz, thse veeks in which Diaz through bis- trusted agents bogged for. tenms of peace, thsat vouid at leait permit hum t-o quit Mexico with hon>r, Villa rmnained suiienly in his headquamtema in an adobe hut on t-le western outskints of thivt-y. lie Reappeal'u. Not -much ha-d heen hlearci cf VIls- for some tiiie intil -11-e usontlte a50. Then lue- oio.aed lange. Inste--ci0o being ai thebesad of a few hundned mon, bandits like lirasoif, ho cones to t-he front as "Gen. Villa," vit-h an -a-rmy cf noverai t-houaa-d, an army tint is, groviing aIl t-ho time. Severai big cities fs-l hefore hise-ad- vance anud in ail o! t-hem ha de- mands and gels tri6ute -'e! money. A menti a-go ho appeans in nortl- erux Chihuahua vit-h a-biggen anmy, under hie command t-lien Madoro had vben be ovent-inevi iaz. The biggest and oeeof Vise riais- est St-ates in ahl- Mexico ici Chia-- hua, a-ad Villa- ici t-s rmien. Aili Villa- nia-ke good hus promise W ead- vance on Mexico Ci-t-y? Tint-is a- question uppeninost in the mnids of thoaese oa-n aatching Mexico. FRQM SCOILANU N~OTES 0F INTUEST F11011 UEB BIANSS ND IUAEBI. Wbat go Coing on ln the Rlg9blandt aud Lowlands af Auld The cost oi Perth'a- nov acadonuy is estimated aib $175,000. A seconsdiont-break cf dipinther'ia ha-s occunned- at Langliohu. The c>id cîhtrcli at- Buittie is't-o a- nepaired e-t a. cee-bo! $1,260. Rlot-hesay police force ici nov oe -o! thoeiighest ps-id in ScoVlend Renta l Glasagowi are to be in- creased «>On by ô t-o 10 per cent. Mn. Robent Hinris ha-s etired as a memben o! t-ho Glasgov Hors-la. Rotlssy is t-o have a complet-e sua- s5eweraga ystenuiaba-t - goalot $120,000. Lçiti çonsta-ble5 are requcsting i recons-uceration cf t-h.scia-la ot tel . L.a-st year thse population of CGlas-- gow wats 1,032,228,annceaeo 17,063 -over 1912'. Theo KinrosTown Councillhave agread te poestp-ono tise punchs-se o! tha- gas vonks for a- time, Giasgovi barbon rates lha-vonov heen iucrensed, and ship-pers ae nov negistering t-hein complaints. -1 Mr. Ge-ddes, headma-ster, Rotahie- may School, ha-s ha-nded in hi$ na-- signe-tion on aceount of iîl-iealth.- Tic des-t-h ha-s occunre'd a-t -Loch- niaddy o! Mn. Douglas Mitchell Qib- son, Deputy Pro-cumator Fiscal. . At Grantown an Anglfing Associa- tion ha-s been founded recent>- te regula-te t-he fighiug in t-he River Spiey. MONTREA TO TOINTO. t-entionf-orxachochcljdren lu Du- bartn during the coanlng year. Co- Plana have been submitt-ed for t-ho C.P.1.- Short LUno AlMocit m ereetion cf a Tuberculosis licspiai plcted. at Cs-t-bridge 4t a- cocit -of $5,525. TheCa-iphilfrd Lake .>< s Report for besshire choyath &Western ailva-y, in et-hon vends number o! crimes commit-ted un 1913 t-ho Can a-dsn Pacific's short line ha- at 290, a-s agiinst 375 for 1912. t-veu Montresiaad Tenont%, vili Dr. Wiltiou Johns,,- Na-inn, ha-s bc practically compieted On Vise fif- been appointed miedical officer a-nd teenti o! t-ha present month, and oni vaccinator for- t-le ps-nish of! Ard- t-he flrst o! thse yea-r a f reiglut service cia-ch, vili be inaugure-ted lover tise lina, Iu tise dcat-he! Color $ergeant aIthougis it is net likely ihat Vhe John Hearncf t-ho Settisi Rifles, pronuised fa-st pa.ssenger train son- s-noliser Cnimean votons-n baspsas- vice v-il1 ho put into commission be- ec a-va-y. fora- t-ho ca-ny spring. Ail thse t-ra-ck A îa-ndsome nov scbocl, vuicli is laid'f nom Gîca Ta-y, fiXteen miles hec h een erected e-t Kinkoonnel ha-s west o!fRniths Falie, t' Agincount, been !ermniiy opened by Mrs. tisirleen miles ca-st o! Toronto, a Svaasen diatance o! 182 mile-,, except on-.tho A Pntheîegicaî ResearchliIstitute cnossitig c the Mut! La-ke, se--ca-lIed, in memory of Lord Lister la t-oho somo doyven miless act-o! Glen Ta-y, erect-ed in Edinhnrgh a-t a cost- o! ths hbridge hcing' a-n important $50ooooo0 sînsicture.- Thon. are, in fs-et, fivo Ere t-oya-niciout Callander vili bridges on Vise nov lina meassning be ip pessc.sroion of au î8.hole golf 687, 1,493, 1,800, 916, and '256-foot, course, co-trolied by thea munici- ail -of vhici a-ne completed antd rail- paîity. cd exccpt tise coeai- Md La-ke, a-nd ut ils probable t-list .Enichteide t-ha-t- is -vell sînder va-y. Wlîexit-bis Wuorks, Blairgevinie, widicis vene Vo rca-d la compiete tthome viii b. ne higiser cia-s inoa on tino entire sys-- tam. Tise permanent viork on t-be bridges and cuit-enta iso!fath- nuost massive and conîplete character al , alcng thee une. Il>' ah- ol oias-!th-a distance freni Montreal t-o Torontlo le 338.7 imiles, aad! vile thiss ev no-ad is 340.3 miles, t-lie grades, - vihicis s-e cnly fou-tentins cf a fout te t-ho hundrodc, andti-ho cîîrvatures in preportiolu, 1V se-ans levideat Visa-t <>. Vise camps-nyvil hc, a-hie noV oniy ta dravi much heavier trains, hbut- viii eut devis thé' timo very consid - ers-by helvicea tht conimmerciali me- tropolis and i-li Qucan City-yof On- ta-rio. Tise coatns-otors,,sre the Dominion Construction Comupa-ny, and Vie ç,..-- viork haa-bssen ca-mied out under tise supervision cf Mr-. C. W.- P. Rtam- -a-y, chie! cn(lneèn -o! construction. Tii- short line passes througis t-ho iending touns o! the sibter provinole ea.st ut T-ou-e>nto, the falloving heis- their D&amos anad population : Belle- ville, 9,860; Trenton,, 4<000; Co- bourg, 5,079; Port Hlope, 5l,0Q00; BovinvillO, 2,814; Oshava-, 7,433; it Whit-hy. 2,247. Cate lng the Car. We notice. absently t-le fiaring ligbts o!i-a movîng t-man'cinema-to- gra-pisshow on tise ci-lionside c! t-be streot; vie areé jotlod by thle pss- ers-by, t-i a-tMls-t vie decido t-o go Wo t-ho Carleton a-uit have nuiother ligit mes-I. We nos-ch t-be Caàrltoni, wbich is nov crevidet! itin tiiestre- geers, ha-If-t-mei being1 on. -You ctroil ouI, short> aft.-nrwanrds, - s-d viander back t-o Pritchard Street,' ih yen fiad fsst mptying. Yenu make, your 'way Vo Market Square, at! you ûiti lnea-niy elaven o'clçck<, and docide - W aiso go -home. Týotua ca-t-clu yonr ce-r, viu ebaves avery fcteen - mi-nutaes te -TurfonteinÃŽ, and one more Satur- day on? t-hoRankt is paBset!. H-o askel, «"How ' muelidid Remue oI I alvays do forget!1" She a-need, "TsaV deliends, you On wha-t f air Jhe. have beo-n di'maniiedý, v:I b r.j ctant-ad. - ',- The eturnof Pumbantolu vital sttistias for 'the yearn I3d-1s ciosed- Binths, 64e; deathii 291lj inmriagee, 125. - I* '«Mr. Lane- calIed a-gain tis moraîng, icm," seid t-lie new office boy mi Mr. Stuart'entered the. of, "4Did you tel l-im' I'dgo&td E urode, as Itold yau ta, Edvwi Td 1 - "Tee-, -sir'" ansvicred the ho . 'i toid him yon stanted this i«orniug." " Tisa-t' s a goed boy,'" Ysa-id St-uart. "And wh&t did ho sa-y 1" - .lHe waute t-o knovi nvyou'-d- ho bfck," neplied M4wrd. "a.ndm1 t-ciid hlim 'Ahctr lu11 sir," The hig lish- in tl-e ýt& ncànLtboý cauglit on ama-l-luoir flhe Ay théIaf'ly-G Piano lr Orpanin One Rouir. W.ndeful Newsaw m Thot r a LM Ue, vi oda p!SV a noter" Sh-* ét-.l Il lsrned to Play in.or«0 houri b; thé wooderfél Easy Methodi Muai.'"I !mDoIble, Ion 987? Loi us proveoli8 éur expenie. We wilI tûiich >yolita Playl the. piano or organ and'wili flot asi one, cent untill7011dan lay, - c1hca A musical cenlus from « hcaohas Tnvented a woncierluL ayetem wýberebyr an-ý one caa 10119 to, plairthe Fiano or Organil in coebhur. Wtîth i 1W xethad y !o - dpn't have to kicoW one note tram anather i la an horîr of practieo yl au lbou playing yaur favorite riauEle with till thl1 ehild oan noin ester niuele iithout costly, Instruction. Anyono eau, have this new znethod on a free trial merel>- b>- sking.ï. @imhpiy write Bft ing, "f'eid nme the Ensyj ,, Vari Muuie Method as announced 1L. this pape . FR £ 7R 4L The comvlet. systoim tozether Wth 10~ -p jeces of music wili then e sent taeYeu Free. aU charges prepftld nad absolutcly nôt one cent to ay. You CoepIt Sevail dayu to thoraughly prove h Ioa al 'tlîat Iis claimeci for il.t, oin If Yea rc satifilei I send ius 1.50 and ana dollar a montb nntl SêJO la ail lsa i. If you arenfot delightci.; with I l, aend hIt ack fl savon dayiî anaki yeou will have risled fotIng andi wfli bi under na obligations ta us.L e sure to state number of wblte keyson >-anr piano or orgaxi. naeoat of"iG. Ad- drens Easy Method M --(;e. 23 Wilson bldg,, Toronto, Cunada. - - - - - r-- - -- 4 -< - - 4 -; 4-' - -- - 'i -~ - - -4~ - . '-~ - 44~ ~ ,'-~'i~-' - c - -- - - ~i - i Il

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