Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Mar 1914, p. 3

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iul--Rnry D. Baker, stationed'at Y Vonvcluted tube wells' designed ioniët the difflult-y experienced la _.many part/s of India in obtaining a ,ufftWent supply of w&ter from or- 4h~inary wella are beoigà,,sunk- by the ~everment in large numbers.- Mr. ~13~~er tMQta te, report 'cfý'faliine - peratvions a' the B3aroda State for 1911-12 tW the efe ia i >â f ficiai year 3,300 Wells were "con'- strueted w ith the 'aid ,cof '%roda. govemimeint ]"a- and -,400 welis îvth.- privaite capital "A special grant o01 80,50," con- tinu1W1 ir.-Baker, "'as allowed by the governinent fer boring welsn ~FfrTllvilaeswbore no water was obtnnn.bo, ad *1,200 additiona1 mwaii mllottecltut- he dir cctor of ssg- r-itr'for' purchaiing buring sets Ir ritxn(atinpore, and another $2,O fo)*lrellf3in siignali elîaii punips fur dc-)4instràtion and, te ixduce cutI t.0R etsuch pUtiliSwith tIlle wp cf tule governient bans if nee~ .AhI 8,~ du ring this pe riod vaiua, district local boards in Ba-, lislia appropriated large %iixms for ý,ixîking-nme and for repairing,and <1eeperiiiug existing wolls for t.he Nva- tm r uppy 01 Villages. Itterest' ('iargem Bcd sîed. 'fli cîcnm alet- i) appi-opriat- -qd $1,2 0for pihiing, wliehilul be grndamE1y rec-ove:eci fronxt-lic -culi- t.ivatorm w-liut'welsleave been. stîocuusuîlyiurd.An expert bar-r -- - irg rîitahmlisliinwias îmaiitained C - te) guide tîeso operatieus, and a set cîf uie, bceocnit/be Bruiti-lm n'ide1 - -i-ile-v--a Ls scmmcLoue.l fin charging - - - te et-,tpeace tif working Wt-othg culi-- vkito 'rs aipplyiiug for t-be use cf ber- \Vithila view o! sxt/tmdiug wiel- siitkiîg ini lroduia-s a ineans o! la- staui< gainst famine, t--bnMîia- irji b of that st/a-t/e haut n ,w pernman- - "<titiv rediiced t-le int/erest chiax-ges- 011 <aw at-cessay fur uell-iinking qi -cueratiorrî to oiy 3 1-8 pen cent. fils liîgîmneshas aise*4 ordered that zgtift% t ime i-aine <of t-euxper cent. oqi l1e ttal expendîbure ma-y be. giveit -sxkaguiciltitrists womie ik Ivclewitli 1th'eir ca uptal iwthtont - xsk)rt-i:cg t/c't/hum governiieit/ for - lu rn'a-îs uowt&kete imake avail- al>he f4r - rops*tlie- memarkablv fer- 'b-) leing ircrke4., eapeuially u - - nir.0fei-n India-, ini coxiané-o il - tiumnalItp: w ee, lý ti i iaidt-ath 2,400 Sgallotii per heur can b. lifted -30 fet ara airo u *< ac! thie m-te foi (lise -,-ih.ait attendent avenagc-4 about 33 çent-s per de.y."*To -- plit doi Ekte»m ior cli plants t-o puîuwp ts-cIi samal quaixtit-esof>!wa- tg-et ig sa-id ncr.to b.uecatanîIieal, buît/ --if afsW a ïa4u'ýrsio'e'comnahe snd Pitt dowin a M1cJum%-sced Weli cap- mible (of ykhldinigt,»A.Y - - - 2r.00o (iaionit Per Uuum. - umiillfigabout :"0 feebt-.hie ciet- (1411'îd lie greatly dereoffed. In t-le - - 1'mnjab, foir instance,,wliere,- W5-de- gre hmrl.ene çcnite 4aut- inirwen 41ents ýpC-r gallon, iLt'. îeitimated il-twatt-r oaim h. puuiipjýd iii t-his waY at t-hic rate of a>bout t-we cent-s per 1 ,8M~ gallonsg. Thme cogr of a,!a plant hviixîing '2rî,f5I )gahloxns e! X arICer - Lotir.- for -x it uof 30 feet, suaedit -uabout -~o0 f %hu1 1à .6ff) le for 4cil engine and ]iinip, aot$~)faor etuipiete tube w-cil a-mu4 uikirig o!f<a-ie, anid t-bu l#àlatmiie-~foi' qugiie -hoivise 4ru-et -s îîîîit' here aro iow- TailiSsuiel ceuu V(Ah c-d tu1)e wuu!le w'crkiuîg iin irh-nIJidia, eeiauîy t-be Puîîm- -jaju , 1-(4-e hu-hfor-.plulh- -a-/o - mn<11 ,4tid foui- rrigatimm pîi-- \fi mni i('cwicuewmii uîuuîufa-e- 1-ucs ic-mibe %v. e--Ils csitlu'd, ig îimuigim xliiti tii-c-iancui in ilmi- h.iii-, cîtii-, }c t, ivetIieý mlly tait1i'î--ci 4Ju.' ,!wkiPl' 1- f c- ii ýjij-f î÷uuc t îc::ulu- tihe andi-c~ irrigates 36 acres per day iloir, Former FjInanee )LIJuuster Gýýt. Vrgd1t-,for YaklaIterviev.. A St. Petersburg edi-tor b earing that Mr. H. G. Wells uae- in Russia-ý ,n coup)le o! ueeks -ago, gent- a -rc- port/o.r Vo interviéw hlm. The -inte r- vieu ira-s dulji published, and ca-bled- to EngIa-nd._ Now Mr. Wells irrites Non. -W. S. Fiehllîîg. .o t-ho Daiiy Express t-bat be iras not interviewed a-t ail, adding m "I do net ses interviewers." This reminds t-beirriter cf aest/ory txat Hon. W. S. Fielding t-cils about interviewe. Re bad juet de- cliaed t-e be întervieucd on t-le- iewspapex- situat/ion iMont-resi, and hoped lue uould mot ba, treatpd as lie ivas -once in Washington.' Mr. Fiéujdiag lied goesta t-hé Aniorican capitaîlanbusiness connectel itb te Higit Joint Commission, and was in Neir York on bis uay back Le Ct-taira. He iras seen in hie bo- tel by a repreusen ,tative o!f0one o! t/le large daily newspapeis,. who îuersuade4 I hîu t-o give birn an inter- view, but on condition that-the capy sliould ha brought te him and ap- prove d before publication, and, in cabe t-he scribe could miot a-ad t-li blinitr h. was solemnly boune Over net .to publish a.lino. Mrý. [Fioding is awfully particular in .theomatters. .ýVel, the juurnalist failed to fiznd .Uir. Fielding when ho -had.prepared the interview, and, fait.hful to the &greenient. did not publicli a lino in his paper. But an entirely differ- ent -interview' wit1i Mr. Fielding, i:ýccupying, a column cf space, ap- pear«I iii another prominent paper the, nexKt norning. ';Now," ffaiJ Mr. Fielding, "I had- not seen another newspaper man #nd liad given. no other inter- SBubt the hc4t of the 'stoiry is yet t-o ützPime. "'When 1 got buck to Ottaws, gadninjte ouoncil that dyIwa,# congratulated by one <)f my col- teagucs,, who had seen the publish- cd iljterview, en' the diplç&ma.cy of it, and the ski]! with which I had aveoided the pitfalls ini discussing the very delicate international mat- t4vi's then at~ issue betwecn the two Afr. Fiefding adLle-d itat the in. tcrview must have been writt-en by a inai who mwam very weil informed oit (anadian affairs. Ile told the Stoi'y te IImtit'low welI news- paper inen-kcep their word wlien (211C43 à is given and net, as lie smnil- iyagly a4dd, tv encourage faize in- SAIIDINES EN 'SEA OF' (AIJEE t empuy l io ermemd for lEstilb' isiutit o iet mccaius. ~îî~ lii mîlu- îîpîiy il 'N~<Tim ~j A Cumml-le y abtut telwuifined w c~i~ --r 1-i d rcct- pumuis.tig f i Il 'li e st-ablieihiient of a figli--etir- iMI :- -i aS m ir ei. iit i ing simd sarinie factory coi t-le aSta-t -i -. iiii h-cue- -f ue t-il t' apeai enys a Jei'uRalem jour- istl t-iacce it-t-t tiiaiîî -ni-teau-a uni tua-t, fer 'Iclle a t vear or t-w-c lef thut -a u-t (A ücmdiiiary of>1thf 1gît-at sthiîl t midiujuhavp ap- -imili- -sclat'iy. Jai'-d in t iat!e wcm anmd iis Boresf r uini % 'ell. thiiiigliî I liat ma meiîii -urati/ve induis- (i-y ciii d he fui-ii-d( if oliy a Coii- "h .bt-ges fori- ut-iu9g ci wfln h-cii -oi-ile cbtaiiiu'd fon -a long uit-t: Iuilu W tIls -e eitted uitel-ni o i-eau-e al;n a iif:n-um rat/e. fi-ut Q îem cue/ fn hanumg hii p l entatieîs oit <hie suîltjet-heî-e c--ei-îg;ale up t4,) $5'-i -.3hiuntmîor;g tu- lvautlo utp t-e JI f'et" iithi lt--uiu'i'i~ Ta'iiibtam/ ) iîii-,ilc iîgJî--For- saereaumg twuic- -iii- -; jfTiý2i.sm- îiî>') cfWkait-r ia existiîigWf-cils ý%î b1-f; 1-Xti-eiiey pu>r, wuild cent-ain- - t-i .,yt4jce t- die ttc)iàii ofly hie great/ly bciieft/ted, addse-i muîe Ou ctut/e icumrîal, îas t/le predt-it-wceild cr-- li-r extra. For îrizmg tAl,. - iiiv hfe IîAtr-ocii-zc-dby lews sud *yjbIVI,-& i 4idgerll ireimr, u- j(lirinui s slik? for, be-sI1es ix>s- -aiig- eo- fifrmly se-nawiuig ilitt) iAn Ico-cia emperir .(ave.r, tlme.fa-et o-f bor- t Illmie C4ont-imuatiiî <4if t-ic -icr coilirîg fr-onti tlicSes 0! ia-il- jýpiitinsjt pueket fonjiuing at kîife-edg tc wouu%,,tld facilita-te t-le disiposa-I of t-i iAu4foi.,t/le' vali v',, w-ic-h Colmihîc, ieen n uWîsterîîcountries. 4C. 44 i rtical Steel. -Xittidle workz- Thle Tîii-ki&li (4overnment recent-ly ~ b~~<-k-t.grnîted a Fi-encli a-nu s 40 )ycans' A ri;bbhh-r 'pad qtt&lca t h emrsdnfo rrunaîing a tramway lilea i;î5tl-î #I air-tilt jteimît on IDhe fi-cI'ii 'eubaleru to Bethlehomi the, ri--edgel seatingi. -nd a ccxi- itud for igltiiîg eruicalca uit/h 4amuI' iiul ,î-cvr thle paud î-lrow.s'tlie îihetnmity. mlic<gt,- duuNunar-l aas itL ic4±oced up t- cm!f i-siîdger la like that, ô! a- fi sie~-L-ilitr mni hmlnni a,rkiîlÉ-b aietreke ofit-b ecd-lheMort/gage !Act, stikizig eut ho)riug pipe anad' ohîel. Whmcn t-le thue clause, uhicli provide-s for six sludgsr le lifilcd th aieis lo*er- tiiicnthist int-creuf't t-o lic pai<ton over- a-t, f-rmiug an air4ýigb)titmjit hîy te ie.pa-ymontt. TIhe bjectisato pro-. - u-ubîen vpau essing on' the kuife- t/ect farmers froin unicr'nptilous cor- et dge.-i satng Us dge i5 t-lie- poratietis.- The., u<1gon's Bay Comipany lias Jet çontracts for its, new -depart- ment.al store' isn.. lPronto.- Che coit will be over a milIlion - dollars.ý SMore than tre jpillions. -will. be expended in new sewerage systean in and ixear Vanoouver.. The mon- -ey wiU b. raised by a-sale. of bonde. As the resuit of an investigation into the working -of Vtho civie Staffs at Vancouver,,it was decided te dis_. penise with- tih services of 47 civic employeu. A'Iiner which recently 1sf b Vaiil, couver took $120,O00« worth, of farin- ing ixnplements tû Siberia, and $200,000 worth ci electrical mia- British Columibia now lias an. offi?ý cial conser, whose duty it is to look alter filmns for moving- picturo shows. chinery for Oriental ports. At Vanicouver a Spa*niard namned John Alcaine was fxnedý $15 and cests for catching, et Burra.rd In- let, a cro.b lesu than six inches A> its greatest dianeter. In the police court of Nelson, B. 0., it was- hel that pigeons kept within t-he oit-y limitoa constituted a nuisance, and owners were ôrdered to remove thein or be fined. Fire Chief Davis cf Victoria has, ben a fire fighter for 25 yea,'e. Hel iras st/artoc on St. Valent-mes'sDay, in Toronto, ini 1889, and has'bten with Victoria four years. Chargcd ith attemupWting to de- fraud the public by collecting-fuiîlz te form an alleged loage of Free Magons, John Gateman, at Vancou- ver, iras fined $208 or th-re nonths i jail. Mrs, Ray Taylor -of Vancouver wroto teo the papers there object.ing jo tii.city giving $500 te thle bon. Spiel while, se she said, there irere 4,000 destitute and workle5s people in the city. 4 Twé creamiery companies in Van- couver irere fined $50 and costs ecd for seiling butter which con- tained more tian 16 per oent. of water, being au infraction, of thie Inspection and Sales Act. ,A Vancouver Italian burglarized a vacant hous there, in broad day- *liglit and in plain 'riew of a Police -station. A consbable sou l4im and arrestecl Um just as h-e was'eoei'ng ont of t-he huso with i5tolen goode. Nelson, B.C, bas reduced.itgas rates te 01.90 per 1,000 fect Therei Le a minimum charge cf $12 per an-rt nuin, and'a meter rentai of 15 cents rPer month'. Va:oU4er'a rat-e i R. ýWhit/tigton, of Victoria, B., 0., lied a.iplaster round Ms neck in which iras a quantit-y of radium, yhidi ad been placed thère by a doctoras a. cure. While waiking on t/be street the pàtiont lest the. rad- ium, viued et- $500. John Durham, at Vancouver, uaa femnd guilt-y of paýdding t-he pay roUa cof the Westi Coast Granite rCompany. Before sentence iras, pro- ,nounced on him it- wa.s ound thal r ho iras also a bigamist. Tiree yeârs in ths pen iras bis portion. every mont-h o! 20. uorking <laya, 232,000 People ring up "Cientral" te a-sk uiait time'it- is. Titis le 8,925 timse a day. To supply t-hie infor- mation it costs t-be B. C. Teleptione Ciompany $3,500 a ye-an in salarias. Anot/her -of B.C.'s pionecrs le dead, in t-le persen of Henury Wain. Bora iin Kent 883 yeare a-go; lie usat- t/o Victoria in 1850, ofi t-le occasion o! t-l i snt- att/empt cf t-be Hudsoa's Blay Companîy t-o colonize Va-iieou- v-or teand'umicen iLs grant f i-ontt-le Crownî. Officers of tlie îinerple3'e-d bureau in Vancoumver' îce reiusedt/be îglit te/o ud cnceretsiq nSir.clav ovan- luge in rder tu i-aise fuit-le t-o4)]îelp those out o! work. Tiîey saàid t-hey wold h11d C)corts, minyiiow-, e-bargiqg. ne adîmmiission, buit t/akiag ap collectiinls, wffiiît-hey lainli tliey have a iglit-t-tudou. (OVNI EXItNS 45 (h NhAI)AY lit Lunuber IBusine-ss. Jut.ipeit ';rmnîî.a dc n lu - c 'miîyocuirt- lrligs forth Sain-Pa- t-heitmimm, 113Cnoi,, Tie. fane thra<etînt wt/hm.(',, A ftmxiert Gdueatanî ion Euîgli happiiersi yl edtiin oit'in-lý,l t-c> apaiui minle hiad iet- paid a ddet <,f $45. Ha lîad very lit/t/la -vrk ha said, and lis camiingg since the debt- ias con- tractoc lia-c!arcraged in t-le neigli- hicn'-hc,d (11;f lie estima-ted correcet- ly") o! 415 centsea day. He liopec t-o - ui alile te psy off t-hs debt before long, aus lue iras eÈLablifthilxg bim9el! ini t-hue wood bur6iaeus in Fialhguard eStrct. At prüsent -ho wu lusiug ni-sns v. "Bt ifychât-ve nnoneyIliow ca-u you lac lt-i' asked Frsak Hig- gis, oounseh for t-le credxter. ',Ca-n=-t &a-u-contract- cebte 1" neplied t-ho déit/or. The count- ex- plaaed t-o the court t-hat- lie ha-cla prospet of Anot-ler job whiel would yseld 'ii $30. ccThen uhy don't ycai» t-ia-t ïa- fsteod ci prdcceçling uit/h tlie lumber bufiineud, Atis lidiYeumare losàilig nnyi" Iii rcd counsel. "Ishah dfý o seait-he earliexst me- ment et whicb I cati undent-akeit uwit/h t--le >gr>atest/ possible ceon- emy, reéuliec!thecount, addino t-bat in îth. lumnben'businessIï ýà gaining eý;pei'iencc cven if lie tvas kloiag -menyf s f I i f i - lue dièr.i ilanjonazxneauurgaa in- its eutïkirtà along' t-heReef, bail fxom evéry' corner cof t-he globe, thîouI the Par"Easstern represenaa- tive-lin, t/ lsLpe ofthbe îueh-missed Cihinam an janeo longer te ho seen; Ever»V' natioaityý, f romt-h.e'Pole, in ah-I grades of successu and cleanli- niess, t-o*t-le"bsekveldt" Boer, go 't/o sueli t-li huma-n hive -in Johan- nesbiurg. Sat-urday. niglit in toua is t-beniglit'of't-lieweok. Frein Boksburg t-e Raaidfont/ein, wrkers on t-ho mineS hlock te meet- thsir friende and pals. Chanmglng Qumrterus. It à uit/h àn effort one ma-kes- onela uay t-hronglit-le croirds that- are aastmbled un t-i.etreet. -Sat-dies of conversation float te one' s -eas as one sibous a w-a-y thriauglit-be little groupe 01 men. taiking together. ",What 1 Have you lafbt-he Simmer 1" reaches one's ear. 4"Yes. Mine çaptain fireci me 1"' is t-le reply yen have just tii. te catch Iefore yen are in t-be midst of a little group'-of "yengs," -Le., younmgnative4e--whit-e, by th-ho'ay- of t-le countîy, heat/edlyÏ discussing that- afteraoon's miatchi on t-le Wanderers'ground. Yen go elbowing your way, ca-t-cii- ing stray remarks of t-hase uho are "ftred," are "-shift-boeing," a-ad "'trammring,- ana are' "fed up," t/lus latter expression Ibciag by far the most/ frequent. Dunînig t-hie s-roi-I down Prit-chard Street yen -lia-r.gla-nccd np at coeor, t-iretea- rooma te ses if yen can ses anyone yen know sit/ting on toie balcony. St/raine of fiddle music reach your cars a-have t-be noise a-ad chaott-en; it seunds allunung in t-le, distance, se yenu decide t-o have 'a coffes in the "Baloeny" tea-rooni. Yen seond the sta.irs and enter a t-ast-e!ully-de- eorated, rocin, 1mIl of little tables, round uwhieli ohattering groupe of men are seate. One or twe of t-li fkir -ex are thlens, thougli rat-ler conspleicucus by their reri-ty. Yensat-roii.- ieiurely round, nec!- dinïg iere and t-1ére tzI Oseye a-a- rathe tme. - find~ndsitdown. *Alter'a few minute.'-V ait, mre .or Ifsu,'a -U hâaihtv.yoxg y arrives st your t a 2 é e ay l#ofter. Your butnooeI,é-eteaucn bonest/ly, it -i-eo- wqVtWli lStiig L 18 t-ho Cra$ Thichens. The'- learM.taphere of Jolian- neeburg must- conia-an a gerni e! dia- "ataaction, for ne-a-ny ev-erycne at tiewho lies t-her. is "éfed np.p if a min gets sacked, it is only be - cause-se lie aay-' fe<jup" wll t-he job. If a miner '*iteping" in an eut-crop bhaet-s cown lia-If t-be manager . agardon' a-ad'thle enrost/. it lus oflybecaue lie iras "£ed up - uit-h t-le rmanager, or t-le lions- more ]ikely t-be former 1 Haiingsat in t-be "Balcony" for ha-if an heur o oi is noir nearly nine o'clock-yeu st-roi1 out aga-in lut-c Vhs street. The crowig enoir thicker. Yen direct your stops t-o t-ho Anglo-Anetnuan, where yen mili -be bound t-c meet someone you know. *Yoît puaI your uay througli thme erow'd anud reacli t-le caf.. Ycumct/raIl in a-uc!fiad a seat with- out- mimd difficult-y, as your ne-uic ai-e amali, Should you lie a-st-rang- ci-, yen -Il aze round and tliak that- yoit have pessibly -eutered a Tuîrkili-bat-h esLabiebnîent iuistecd cf a cafe.It is ne-t semmch t-hie at- mespîxere, thongli that le tliiek enctugli with emoke from ixîuereîm puipes anad cigare, a-e t-le w-iit-iled wails miih-t) forcibly reminci"youoi o! s bati-huoitîse. Thetigli uigly, t-le Aiîglo-AusI nia-n ileeeof t/le iîî'oct popular rasonts 'cf Jchauîimîrg, anid is the- ouly place lu t-hic tuiv tiia-t prov'îclccsnn cIil'irtuiiitilt/)i nili- sic levers t/a liu-r Soine ltcalIy (Good liMasie. YOU ia-ve fecn'd a seut ai-m-s yomm sibt- ewn, tliiiîgilî net cxufrtably, for thbe w-e cluers -of thue Anglei- A1ituiall auv, notorions for t/hein dieucomnfort-. A haughty lady a-P- proaches ycuu and siipplies ycmtl it yonr reqîmest wi'îliliglit m'a! eshimil Yeuî pick up 3ex programme auxc find t-ht- ext- item - is - P-ieL and Pta-ca-t," by Suppie. A sympathi- etic audience eiap aud encoeswhten t-le pÏece is over. An awfi dinana-d chat/t/r o! spoons on sauacers funtalier denotes e-he uudience'e Jippreetation. Thé muusicienls emile anad look pîcas - ed, u it de> not - rspond te the eriez of encore-, a-s it in 8atiinday nîglît- W'lilst waiig for t-lie next- item yenl gaZe noîmad to-*sce uliomu yoi The et/eai cf people Comiimg in and ettle, hlouever, an attractive 'aiglit-t-o astnat-cf human neture, You eipy1 a faM~ily Man. wlxo is talc- ing ont h'i le 'a-ad kicidies for an eVening'5 enjoyinont, Yuuu nec! ta ltim, Ior yon kacu lim az a "elhift- bosi;" frein off your mine, rreient- ly yeunont-ce a young felleir coUmiug ini t-le'dcoor, - wliom yoiu kBou well, You catch hie eye, a-adlie cornes o-i-ent-o your table a-ad ite lowýn opposite, ha-ing just fore-st-alIedi anotier in-aw-ho as going t-o take t-be empt/Y chair. Yen excixane anesi or swaple," au, le vulgarly taid,' irhie- tucinext -item ie belng plAY9dbyt-lie-Orchestra., -Presenthy t-molt-aiana ceaieéü 1 tA t- ti p fi ti ei È ti b t- i h u b p: p il u v C- ti A p v t t4 n d ti a ci. n - ifraught timons a d ti iiie lu -iîîed ci 'i 1,i- hs knowledge -of a ihooi. Coantry Maûii and C(y 31.nIsml.e a r«i ' eut- ie <iv hef4c'i l ie ii l)li."id >'ou ce t/le SliOt l)iIT-reuît methued of! Wkilîg. stio-ii- a li isiiIi ti-No.-r./ -k.cX, ('oulitry 1pe-ople ,and £t-lie-ll-rs îiy,:' l ~ mx ~ j iJuîia fly inr t. ---lg-ci iicit-ie have lifferpnt- iralke uu tle eksî ccci-lt<-ic-e is 11iot-isuifil.uty.ypîc cording t-o Dr. Felix iegn uî. Atic4,lier <uv yflic Timuos irrit/si 1w j lgi,,a--oSteviy. 'Step The Cit-y aut-n imets hort stepg, c.kdaMxcnwa '.rsointdoiuim*- The wi-sspr4oceeded t-à liohds Ilim& -hîocy ereet, keep., hile legs whli ed ieen reeîtatILSthhlIcim.tiin' hox. and dit-petly hi$ baek st-ra-igb4t, sud etrikes lcî,îeebfgî t i--ee-i'Fdr. o: rasna u-îdlîimglieclderiqiveiy. Tie Sharpiy witai hieltu sef4e-re put- h-v-ý r, -he.i.sidfui~-g!surat-e. iîtidgna'ýtt at ;t-blis tig down t-be rêîît cf his fkct. The ini lorrified Voues 1041('41, -'44e I'îilî c Çrt-, amkced hli ho i country mniake-t xaalonger e-ie, leJr ~,oeî"-ied tu Ilaugli l /eCor LrO-cŽl. he loins forwa-rd, ko-eping lWui knees et--'>dyi e~î ~ b oi a ýent, s1ides i-lefi ot-cver tlie s-u ir-;lut.!Iardlyen. groeil, ac! Jeans hie weight upon -Teaehuer1hî"S#»py. # (Wich i'I~ Lo aisqtkY th e wmie.sole a-b onceTm imucplc acleewailbe-ia!c e. wihîa w-mîkle in Each snetiod of walkmne lias fs - rn i tffc!t-chîer-s, up-a)i 9u~ee t1bscîurb'yul owi merit. fiiuy Wmt- u emue.xcept Itle Magistrat/e. The country_ ruaWs xneth.od cita- c 'uud hie thoughît of a glicie-nuake Oîc-* fSingle Tsx.- bics Iint get over 'greet/er dýio- wilio t- /ieco leiesao folrimi 01.K 11o tacc i*oit atgei le roa iS --e; par c, f his stoc>k raturnod "oe n ist lint tiere ouli fily eivn. 'If, -loeeit1 pxhbe-is b eerStandlard re- to be*a tax on hàeJlelom. - br roken l' at oleaný « t~c Jqir-el iWby - slcould w-c xe- "lie nitut he onae t t/Ommingle- tively 240ptes t-he m ocf i t-be' ciîty quire a&ee o n drdpr n effi- a~ hoit. inan,-' - - jcieney f rom t-li gloî-c-maker ýand I -only ninety per cent/-o!fsà-taeher 1" < Angry fii' Wi-r oilr Pi~ice upet, ~cC, i$ tliae. falue," 'responded ats&enet-fiLtote sr"e-a pg. Wait/er: ý1i Hy-dro-Eccrc yteî1o týoa 4he s eetbi ie! i<bng My boët,- sir." 'i,- 1- Waheo amr.* n via in anaz'tiý4im lie ~nedot. aout--t/ie a-Bplter obGogiet 'jiheir ll > I tehiebesdsIed by J esui -h'4 lehaw,-nts ha rfse t àolý.t t-e6 paic -hseciidrn ue n d-a t b u tidthe t e h d -B"Y " ecn I- h isin $ t th bse ve i tbe elep tant- eôyS ni-' 4 s ent bl toe w h jst i W t di id - da t v he o e f a wig rdero n- :#(' 4ý/'/'k Wlmthe did li _ send before hilil Almoat al male nimale, ieMeaid i'y i *'-'zinth eep'n 'az 81Mwr hessvxtym~-t vhen contending for a feanale, sett-le ..5~I~ d ht' a - . hi es he question by battîs, usually te ge ?1 What were .they given p r ;h'death . The Burmcse e1ýphanta '- ~ te do? WhaUW were t-beytl2ei ,ert- ta ne sucli aavago r iet-hod. ce~' " rning their recepticm? Vfhen two of them ýdesire thý saine , iÀY~~ esson III.-The Good Swmaritan, nate, tie rivais stand a f&eir fot Y - ' What--did a&certain -laireyfr asi tpart, while the fema-le takýs' lier- Jesus 1Iloirdid Jesils mak, hiiÙ lace seme distance away, and plu- answeî bis own quesztion 1 Wi4tl idly airaits resuîts. T ite eîoi n I elet. whtother question did thl awye0J First, oeéof t/he elepliantsý truni- A c lia ritng-gw bu pnn eek te ju*tify h'.iasf 1I- ow did eting his pride, tears off a %ranch -vet..Tiboe, trimrned with eiease -i usinIWbt r-om thle nearest trac wîýh, hi. sku k, in worn over a chemisette cfi tb.soy of ýt-be Good- aaaritant _ runk, and dashes lt on the ro u~nd fillesspot-ted neb,. ecît in orange nW h at ad hission o did 'fth e'la e- a front- cf. him. Upon t4bis, tlie ct-her charmeusç. aleat t- d conlu ien cft-bedpar- lephant replies to thle cliallýge by alesopIVWha.t i JSuid hum oi ieizing a limni ad urenching it off,.-mas4edt eu a o raee -or perhapgby uprooting 4 51181 amaianthrughGalileel W-ho iras among xee,--and flinging it Ilroudl doun theEL4g M wderWM ~ in 1j Whit -bac!Jesu» !one efoo h. -j ln - for Miry MagdalenêI'-' Where- did Tliereupon thbe firet .. e ephlant fli'-- -e silàers, Mary' and Mort-hajive 1I ;ears off a larger bough, an filage What types; of *e-vie'-did, they, ren- bt doua, te wichiei isrival replies COMIC OPEI14 W.1t(VARV lE O'dr 01"{wdi'Jzu lo y tearîug off a st-il larger 4ne. - 1 1 'ro ' 1 . ide is? ti9fa'ctltîiit-alf-bsahow This test cf strengtb cont-inues d 'sel-vice? intil one cf them in unabL> t~ match- Lesson V.- The Ufred- ,us opponent in strengt/lî; I irere- Correpondeîît f Lonidon ii Jbes Nihxî~Wxtdd u icpe apon t-ha defeated oes calnil - turnic.aský Jesus to teach t'hem'i What nds baclc upen thle victor snd hie Te Aîîiiiîlg Stol-les of inodel :-yî did lie give tlhe'?' prize, and, acceptina defeiit like "a' -_ What cuality déict lie:, was neces- Philosopher'.goes his way ifito hille latis.saay mn lprayer? Hom, didlie illits- junglei. The successful me >ýtîterec- "The cndeaor of each 4ide ls in trate tinsi trîith i What 4se0t-ho'- ipon joins his lately ire» mate, whc nîost *cases te avoielt-hd otiier. A sLoiy 4A!thflinfrienillyneiglibor I ilways meekly abides by t-be! ekit. train fullI, & soldit.1.weth utt Wetli -eussy fGod!s reidi- - -Tampico t-o reeorinoitre. It sight-ed jesi4t/o give us what ime need 1 Whi ROMA.N'!îl I1E OF' CIPRIANI. a train fuxll of rei>els. Eacli train aboutJesci rmsg tnh-fobwr I~sape Frni eaît nd 'rka-' VTis instance is eue o4f many de- )làssonVI.-Darknes4 and ligjît. Ec pesFontiticl iadPrs. lightful littie st/oeies o! General -Wat knd of a denon d eàux ~uerts0ary * l w-at did thle .Phariseeà accuse Amlcare Cipriani, t-he soldier of Tixies,' by that jetrnal's special hiru? 'How did 'hie ansWer t-leir ac- fortune and revolution, halo lias coxrespondent i Mexico. o;. i i benelect/ed as Socialit de-put/y Gilbert could have inagined noti- usio' ]ywatpwrdd-le foeen, tli o livi qit n ane hnacmadrw de-lare ha drove the dem6lis uti rerMiln, ta-y, s nirlivng uie- ig mnie tbana cmin.ndr iboAgaiîîst wiiabdid 'licMarn t-Pie iiiaii. y at Bandol, on.the Fr-encli-Medi- foreboeote datDoa beateli enemiy fo whom tle demor i hd -been' terraneari coset. HIe us in listg09t/h bcahe it nia-s' din-neir timne. .Yetrieî year, and shows ne inelin4tion te t-his actually occurred ini Mexico es~VII-CiiWrist-s Ratreèd of lcave his present tfanqàil suerundý élimie fov.-Diîîîîer." SIamns.---WI'mere irasg u in 'ied ings te Plunge again into thý' cliii Ata î3nal1 bat/t-le i h tt -a cinie 7 hi 1< hthi pra-i-fogh u-hof Moeolos the F-eclerole by use cf W'lien Je.411îi cntifted' tu Waguiîbef!ire Ausrù':oltr, Éaji arib aldi -gi~frcdthorbb tu s-&tiflgOf w"-ut did !Sesus t-sn againat -t retir.,Then»atVeacf thaccuntrjyaccuse 'tlie Phàrizees 1 Wliatdi cd ..w V ~ep ,h rxi e id e aayfrthrre ftheoutry ieut/eagainat' theni î What o ther ed~ad in' 'Grecefor dt-be Levetr, ad cia- d id haiiîlude iunhis dernu- ed i- ad, the evantandcut oit. But the Pçderal colonel cia-t/ion -, ti~n,~omig-to 1'racc, e ult looked at bis uat Il - 'le t--"a"e for tssnVIII-F it.-i D eîýroing jbied he 1Ctxiiiie a.d fr ic ~nr,'li s~dand todd bis bu-Fear>---Of irliat k1ldJesaibid bisî ue¶rnd Ve was' séïxteaud flÇclathei. er t-o sund' thie 'Ceaie fire.' The dis-ipl' es l-wre? W-iat'did lie cai -Thîs' ~ ! s-tceiaséoènrued-àîd âlsîiurely ' ct taway. -liy:pocriey 17 Wliat <3id lie Eay thb c. iraslue dteandh .&ftc-,'t-he o eüocf-ren ûsinful men miglat III f sar 71 kw' -ettl sen~i t ot /li Pecific,, C4'na pra.1 Xuçmgîtli Wa6 tred by- iiy'u fxwe' avedfi-cm which l ase hie.tored:1tochefý.ir. * ~ c purV l~e netonsd ear'? In189 ipiai etîrîe t<, wasto shoot him. Thîî 's its< ,siiiî.-T-stug in Relieg, In189'Cpran rtr sdtoad Tritiug iii(n d-Wointer- France, snd quiçkly çnterýd mpon '-Mcivcould I nîcet t-lie -ebel5 ini rupt/ed Jeis§i-n tlie'midtL f oee-cf an anarchistie propagauda iýî a now t-i'pni -sae;t/bey fight lie s'di-scourcas1 W'hat <did -thid'ma>n defunot newspaper.' This actîv~it/y in]<><'so formiation. 1 w"-as cbiged reqîmesi-? What <id Jesus t-li himl brouglit-limii prisoamenit.Ii follow- to hkeep mytrodpe togathier. If I 0f vha-t did lie bid ieeii',1rers lie-, cd b exulson frua Yriîçl teri-did net tlîey irould i tult away. De- ware M baît/ lia-pee uth n- tory, and he teck refuge at- Geneva. sertion -,s thbe ie.upperinust in ai- w-ho t-rusted oxly' in ii hi richles I On hearing that his fatiier was tote-ryslirsniu.I'ieali'ol eessfol!owers 'la dying hae datar nined t-o revidt Rin- 'X g ai h-uw con-ld I -rder n y iuî tl eir treasure? w ib ii, liii native place inIitalY4 Tlore offi'cers t& led -flte;4r Mc l o t-lie at- LBuhX.Wt f1es<'î1 hie was racognized, arrestc-d and 1 iw1ermnu we-.uld .dîd ~eu sho>u1d 1e'tlie sign of sentenced t- t-en yeaî'u iiliPI1801l t- ttùetdw sto -le-tlie -iieginiiiiig of Gud'ýâ i4ernal mient for ccxnplicity ini an 0id rt-vo- ll n 'l'dw. a 1l'reign ? WVhat do,-we know if tlïS lutionar.r- plot. Tho Italian dGov- got the echance. '*- tîinie fitis eve-l it? 'at tilpin crament, in responsie tu porîplar de-. Cmplofliowers. w hould h o <tr conýtnfit atLtit/ud't 1 mande, sct Ihin at hbry but lie At s4-,tto-guni-trials uc-a-r tll- ca-pi- Wh'at «viii ie tlie rewatd for falih-. iras again sent tu priscnu oi tcuiit tai thir-generalsj' ciaug-hter, enni fîl î - Wlat t/le pmniehinienmfor cof hiie s ouint pxioi. Çîar -fire, a e.'arge; feli(M iig dio-Àbedicuce 1 once more regaiuing bi 1 fec-d-înî, ifa iras mrged t4, show lier cou I- LîseîXl- leLaw-fîîl ie 'f Cipriani again soughit- refuge ii a-g, thleu hie Fous must d4.,likeirise 'thut- ýSab1at.--Whon id Le iai' France, This w-as anb-_ut thbetitne. cf It iras imore like sutsîfternoocu t-ca, :t, a l'î-aeaii 9sv-uag4ogtîe 3-I-lit long th. death af ?resident ('ar;put, uand part-yvtlitan a snnspiece of miii- lýad ilis NVOfiaîî heelîî fflicted I w-auý a period of great .aiarebii4ti taîy buîsinies. Wiî-î ebîîkJesus foi. tiîs deid activity. (ipriauîi was nt, omce put (h-ee-h Hueri4Lc <a-itle ci< oi t-î-ey eVla.tweré 'tue gritinds aci-ose t-he, fientier into WB6glîuînet] 4f npgle-tilug i114 niiiati;a Icoiii- ef P .ls)ît- î Mw i- dl a -ertin bu- /ic(n-rînu o hit cu i fort -if I b4is, -ai. Vlpat/p- le ~I~Ic-iise- i-hia-Hange je>i'-î ictttude -c.c --c-' k s - ci j'- 1-~ 'cm - 's y c 's' cm s -

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