Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Mar 1914, p. 7

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Corornuph aw p a d k m p d c bs Lt 4. 4 s s t. h a h u v y i ¶ V hvtoe« M « b -m d ingp LeeW & o vm tecm-'bc Made wldu Cro'wn BrauudCa»= Syrmp. The Ciiaaa tatch Coi Li*tëd Manfacujo f Tne Edwardslburg Brande OUR FREERECIFE Boo]Ký la ful Of Ide"s for Deliclous Dis'hes. Send for Your Copy. ~~ E ~ ~ i d t ih e q u & r - U a b o d u s ,eï'i6poeh «..ut "rand floii-rub'. flned Sf~~ ? ~iia ire be d tà , 4h e . w ith p o rk e c hop e.O S V L U P 8 t W A O 'Cu ry 8 teak.4 ý>utb steak r= s ' ,IA t -a recei pt f r m k n I r N l H O t W ' I o 4 tO f-rud hýoiig1ÇMeachoppàer on your Medicine cheat door. Ifb will aï'UL U Miwee. Form iuto fiat cakes, broi1 be convenient in case someone un- .BUFYI1CI1EN? IN.CtN1'lV2E 1i t-111 tiboroxighly hee.ted t:hrough in aceustomed to making them lias to THE O'AREYUL HClo£SWP a very hct -trying premovctu do te. Io l'o0v! 1ruiomPo;TANTr' hot piabter, saft lightly and serveý When a. white'enamel vessel hm OoIE *~ TETO aç ouce. bOeOMediséïuJored, sinipiy fil -t'he l'o WNIC- 10 J s UI? LV£EN- * Mapie Cnofard.-M-ake a cuatsrd, vessel wi-ih weber and add a tee.- IL . ungtwo eiups rihmik hrce spcc>nful of chlQorlc of lime, Let Home f~S1A<N t be4neggo,, one.,half eup ,gra.ted boil &. few nunute. maple ugar end'a littie sait. flke In rezncviiýg spots, Putea thikk pad 'U , eS HEH@ ouT 0r in- buttered 0ap3 s et ini a, pân of hot o f ehee1te or iorne c4~her m. IIGU ESNN U Watr. Serve in the cups. If eus- terial uierneath the sp tt h I 0 U I Ve< zx-pz<NSVýc tard& are to b. turned out, add two sorb the-dirty cleansing iquid tbZat MFAT$I Rgci ;o TO m,1upb extra yolks. soaks through the garment. PL6$ NCRBRY NOUA- Hurry-up Deofsert.--One can of Instead of jiut beating butter IHMN 7 U!ID.Y., best 1ackberrie, four comnon and sugr tgether for , ed ,t.WsauceT o.~ orackers, crushed té a fâne pder. stir into hit oneIhait cup of whiOO,,peJ Place on table in separate glass cream -and the white of an egg, beéat- TC>Or'roNT.ONTr. dighes. Serve y putting a desssrt. en very light, I N P GM N I A apoon of cracker <lu*t uona mer- When a cork falis into the vinegar vice of Vue berriee witeir jUice boUle, Vo get it out tie a nail on thle and pour over -aIl rich ream. Tt loop> ef a string, so that it will nt lasiinexpectedly delicious a.nd is float, and lt will' 1b. eas .y to, get tiue and làrgest in tile prov ince; as nue q.uickily prepe.red ini emergencleas, trig into -place under'the -cork. -of the fovernors o! the Rosa Mom-j Strawberry FiIlng. - One cu>, When e. tebleclôth beginet o look oral Hos'pital h. hà reoognized as o.a thiok cream, ûne-third cup sîîgar, thin in the *!old, cut an inch> off ione- thorough, busineft ann; si; vice-I white ci!-oneý egg, fon*r t espoons aie- £fnd e.iso off one end, and re- - hairman -of the Lindsay Industral stra-w err a , ve-hali teaspoon -hem, end and side. This changes al 'ason h a~ agl isr- vfinilla, Beat ceAm until atiff, us. the fokis when the eloth i. lauri- n a in ec rng f u spe id Ing <lover egg beater; add ugar, dered. neta nseiig1or p-a white o! egg,- beten until stiff, A wire clothesline an bd leaned new industrial èencers fr. thef sVrwberry »am and vanilla.. Fi11 perlecty by ibbing witl, & ooe . e e er; as chasirM n c re a in p u fs . clo th gÏ tu ra ted w ith o al « oil a n d b i d n o m , t e o h o d Hot Potato' Salad.-Waib six .fterward with te sane cloth ib- of>r!A.ucatj<>n he las given the townI medium-ized potoes, ind ook in> erally sprinkled with leansing po- pratical knovidge n te c2I boiling s&lted water 4,éntil soflt.. der. . truction of t-wo nagndficent Pub-f_ Cool, renove tkinB and ut in very Take an'y ad, diÉecarded tota- lie sh00ol;a& owner of two aige thin &lices. Cover bottoin of bak- brish'to blacken shoes with paste to)w-boats'h li as been largely i: ing ligh with potttoes. - Seen with lackng. It is betkr ilan .1 t truienfal in, having the Lindýay rual and pep per, ,priuklç with fine- t i5v w-d on the noriket for gruing end of the Tren fqglley Uallâu Pro., 1,, e o < OP eOi --ce !er , de u w tlý Ane y Into racks, w here d<kxt j bound t e per îy l. dgm djnd i nproved fcr ail! eoons vinegar and four talespoonz Put a cupful of Indian meal, heMthLLldaycurling lub he ha.s: olive Qil anid «ite ie of lemoli a etipful of white flulîr, and tV*ree been &. Prime taetWr in pluwîq i i .mon-vuuru in iricK ring w o, &espoen±uls ef poweedbr lE ï~ j~ -cover, andet stand in oven intilneed c-daning can b.ptno Beefsteàk Pie.-Ciut roiund or Union suit* dried-ouacotlin ________flank eteak; int-o etrips two inchee er and with the tapeabtthne ---------i 7.> ft.caerwjI-drawniup sligrhtlY willntd immdia.i. a th 1ad i he tai. Yo5aaebo *~i aen oI sid, as* water or ,tbock anmi-o lowly lm- -of shape abput the ec Il be > itoIL«Ydadof » d1pe.pe4lu, 1"AW114 # feUierly Zdi'io,- 1h fealyJne. Line a lxiidlng d4.h whenh¶uug on the lni y h so ber the -xiiture -waeu p1,2lxffl teeýIt b.- a chi-I in te evei>ing alr.. wîth pastry'> put in a layer of mneat <lers; OYe i3Y drame sud ioa thobde.Abcîoo A e tnmàËüUbod, wit.h .,, px' and ehôpped oni- 'L) reniove grena isos rmw "Me akèa, hP nM 4ord. it wouldnIt the opaqu~e masses of a#àUukyC4 dOut InÎ11 î%-, ýhe Place aént ___ __ __ ___ __ __on tifO IIn l tua ludt o !f ie :" your f .thbe tarin g Jbore with oùp?' o d .boi4ed Iptatoe m, lic ed thin, per andl d roa e f w d s o e aba». -ow. tituenigm.eà and gIont- * eominir -n erefe bt r.repest until thedi- isfullottininconi 1 Pe.eth fd u h. robed In the nner came Nçoeea (Je iandladv she d09%s krew, FS steak 4qu top. Tihicken the liquid on the greraise spot, anple h abotLb c andi., worsh. igure haro yet.1 met. ulopraiet a beave a Q-,r, vaIrrzedto a a iry . v 5Youg lr5 B lede is- . tt -le. hilj 91va<,e with flour browned in butte>: and irn on the other sidEo!tebote ZwWIgMcven ts,"ftt ah$ 4,*or18ts4borpour ovcer the imeat and p6tto. holding it there severlmnes = ô ia.4ke a falry eme.u ofn 4 be love music. dOnt et Yeplyov-Ce whparggbui ih *uieE thsq a living and breautblng creat ...Syapa oe.Cvrwt etvgs.buhwL I 4ho 1 1 aere al ometbiftn b#41kin thébeaten egg and bake until browîîi. CIIATi~ theLb.laborere. e.Il etood in drens 'l'mai 1 t ongi,.,, or.1 ha Bsnalier ,thisoee nIýffl. h easd n.ye fld >I - AE~o .N g beer.~i>beIe Way wok 03 5adbyuie; b=t.au o rmhe l AIo e nt h ne ber t-fn#iddace ItWàk ie azdrp (hleUoUîIcle,- 1~~ n ~ no »lu , Z a > ~ c~ kî g an tbh g -M or ôf l D ll t d ha ï r gl ga e i ong br 1itt i. w hft . te e laý Prýe r e a s iaet ber l i e ut of the T oinatoe 5 and (od f lh .- P ut t G reat c ap tai . of I d s r - a ~i1~ oure #e riefltnlkcame Resdd &nd dlaio ab u r mou, wIniow agin; ple 5itt&e uon ve elde, l po> fî fbu erI as îean MiyItret O tld etP - Va" Jou r T lé,or etig roome.' i fear me <b. aids! wam ln the iqnld elearneu 01cfber listolntbeou l u bUri.aslepn, mn itrs4O 4m.e.oru~ ub uo 4ameRoeey b"Crown muet b. by tblo 111110ln forgenle.no binée <ye. thon, ludeod 1 I TbMe', alark, lanIt it? oho eleaed. an fry in it ane anion -minced fine, tories file Coltc eme tile .tto.2rmaaummer. shboet ealtzeeSthat thie exqnlafte embod 1111110,ont I.W" 1.1 i tbiq ixetï When thua, is a delicicus b wadd a:Dw4letev dinu sa ào4oeed-IL wau a onae,tery building in twoa mage. of! amen andedues. wa a moman IR the Th"*t* X y 1 lootu chusIn . eibwn eiWl&uf penotrtliug the eu.fae of Teotwihcontined, thi. chiot on- lh ft et li; awomh m >~lo b. ymne.,» loud «aser 1 iIcv e, ng t of o.c1kh, resene1,, minod John i. his nm, tr*nc be br, tw o;mlliadtlm nte Pa 0 usedstubby gras. saf blstered geae.b a,îasml altsc y o pr.sdsiett oek at, that I nialce me feel geed sud Jorely.. Maetn't dsuee IL ie he ote o!ai i Wt. principal eepn-ro..e5 :Iedmvbeiia asediu ci ber, and -the blrde «feel reod alter eayntirilr ayau a e îiud alhl utplirak =4hluàafh le ave town, but I wmuemare r eht angles with a.second, compsedet cf bauked Heaven that Ibhad Io behold PZrerelke ibat? Ob, aren't tboe.mare. canned tomlatoeS. (k trn min- and few apply the Mr 1laldlfferent4a raja, sRa My frl*ndWlurg, low.reofed apartmenî,t anou#ber'. 1eut lier.eplisebl n abeautiful I'd El tle t. o6ete. osJi etunader ý above the aiber, wieh ci ld Sb. ]et for LLtsi.ou I rea.llzed tha-t iebe w« ponr3yte Saiae over the top ci taem V'ids or more, gtirring weli, auJ Re is a big-hleart«i,go-uae oinÏg doim"paur from theekI»e. concerta or meeting.The upper one hall even ehabbiy, dreaseSilaas gem ai gray 1Tbere W5aa letfuTh'ere 'In hler blue eyes serve hot ont butter toaxt. This per4on, and ceea!tof dli 011 asQt be baek ags,în ta a great attraction for nMe on acceunit of Cotton, veyenear. ndfe. yfamblened. se eh. e tared Ot on e ea. abe am» tani aksa, 1lcoioipedsh. iaWw<ry-pivgi bèahita su ad ItS four wn . e;thone "nIa~ nd omn'- bIl o g ane loke jîî,tlemre edlook shaZ one ksa<Iicoasaperdh. dalwhsnpyroaawiite ID*de u m tîie hraajouît d&assauireat sdaln ew Ra-<>iedsoffan a cuIlS ai poeetbly iv tenor c vr Yug hy e <er on te a& concert. Her voneltsu& <<.lgadl t-u lw wl.ognt f FTa Yong e hiidre.a » oni'h te (,e odlh SoUfi>e-Boii acýupfiilof '*boys" and inake g«o.Soeo xWOe on rtimely rngomte as got huis and gre of opina1 aeaIwxj e ten iaa el goand, sneouhber ë t-be mortS nS tla adnef.. nic.cin a quart af rniik untîl a dest .. ltie lack e!ftha blsadgenulnO hO ewrth eotwealmy above tsic average. heshe gvea a.litie tgle sus ndsurue<i Co esie nweg ira out-wg'tpe Snya untIa =y outIfoak was fher ettl. &s veet-paneoms lovely lhues of berfI)gtlre mere rmemî-lbibarl edlîe laa wîmî Wh}ile Jhot, be<it into it a C-1ptl!is andb ls addlgn nd r'bî,, ot-ted bore sud arked liye einsoosd mmremof be eaine by elor os 11swE1 wamtnkind remoi.dIln<>of merulasd, lnteriqpcted by canitie. anda acu Is amInn h. ~ l ber eye. ah 1n, aFter7lieodwaad. Nv tel oeadthere y vIllagos bar horj, -au I sa tireS" aie murmues i'au5 o dded eodflsh,, one big spoonful _______________ ett -a.ud queet-. n 0erberlon. an I emmbrocn Imb0attt '1kemrrurd"ad e morê thoroughly i lueheue.d bordered by as rom vi martesuo -.towmr, thiat o a'h.laS danced ber ugrhyfat-ber1co1Ve.. 1 doof -th ree cggs auy Pep- hIdMi ,okl«eino elnS&Ihaiih lIaIei* s bn oiostanc bmy e rtu tate. 'hen c'olJd d the asts. ut-e l n ar,>,e o he mi toas alf ra pt h j ýai t.he B-ed Lion IIet» niyhe. I leu beaten wsîtffl cf three e gg aud noa &ion of Lytilauge, as<de. grand ïiào, nid sud ha«.erced, vurchseed. hi bave aîwayg, thelu a ird aaddi' Colrthat led tme te taie n*,dolia i.ut- a sale cf &.)Me gentleaanne1 av lu'tlnenselr laveS dancing hmtbesbc 1elJadedmau-balke i ap ulig ditih 30 luiriltes. êw sjanv Mv rIVIut the noaxret funturi.r;! t-b e&derti6en e tookIas nt hl at-bang edrîsnit"n mil« tOuaOct band Serve with reltedbautter for a n o f Cohargt-IW"îrgir -lthocolt s a rien ile e. er sceD.a ndI l00 *, S> *h aleanti w a ven, as d an ti t'O e mincelsh ISauce and 0 ràP l- to mlcmgn!eo- t-elie ffiuture o! th.- axiatmnut-'thie gilnovmýemeuieva un l1-ncaneIdos now-weu eug etth img O Lythinge. on lise 1 i nt ii 031eunropunith~ etybrdilke lhO>. beaS, "daeSwtth-b hydontTeouderd fsope d nexfor iht w. ufl <b rq ilIi îî ldws n e-igIb t-ngwe hi0 ierumbic fret, 1111w r sd tfyYtulpm~idpttse vxwt nu emftabInn,. rs4C '61jthéaI froul thé u strmy *t'e. and 1bither 1re- a(.f4he wffl Inglîtbed anid ieudei'. hIdre . bve L ny iacey, ejxiugtfltiitte, .ee gdaye, ituq>< s.j, > a>ved t,. eturn aftr a Ik Ithe ni hoof come bi Jiýn1 de. Mu<,,, sud be7 ea en g ualiaIt eîl î,l nira or four ecic,eroaads iu thcopse roun , il I Vdt gt u s pea.inIbeî ru Inber'; fer, aitbaugb tat-t- u at -berMO oke. IIIWU is.im loui'o u vtbe îmudeg upr leendhv ad ttcO ol cdn't vive credit. Tbaata w.iy 1&rot Ir, a and pepper to e s.a. Put lut-o a' lue %VuwaaacjnuwrieAeourgeneusJofytic,. i ber art. her twirrand iOC)e.bit of practIe ut- My dancIng. 0 nSO b Th ger £ lpeed wiy leune5 Lent " boyber 'ofa!woven ia4P" w v ca redy to work for Our' auppn ,well-blîttered dpep eartben plate or el ivngsUeOle iNetliit rit 111Klîe nghanda. wnîîld havé made thé fortune cnst'pdigdd.sra 't-e g Sre i~dl ho èîLrýune. Thé rauy cLiftti& f atl'uth heepaS ?aarnera eueusoi.unyata i Doaumna dciT oîrlv h'tpad 'y At'POOK4 teconta» abont iambe weîie eouieu..tdiy mu,cin -of Enremer -1undr'edJiubabit-au±e, but though .lie lonlrs rl i1ta îîlB'thaeilii ,msBaeu uc short nold r,,,.ba qPtIi. ie>iigaudîuîjîg afnbem d 1har'dly kniow hoir long 1I Ito het akt ii ei~iur ici ny a i-et oier pAdd i t uwiî utee ad t h w h taie l:,. tJivr bd&eth i flbÏ the axîlet-ntwork Si-cw let -11ji-r iuiieni ionilLIt-a ýIs ing knoeliîag tIere o e, lpf m tho d'houaht }p i'.-t ay ont',. thlnk thle rz>UaalI caiai, Conthed my drv tetdrrt oMiKèbôund4e<I i tiiiloor. nWedcotefUiglfi mkue.el rmflpih01àhtùIp 4t1 otwime ÇOeuftWeIfd :Y b aVitJe Wiâbed,-s aéi t 11hithé Pfaghecabree'e. ttoe.ac igh m rr . rean itureo e cf bryiawb.pinÉ ti-r, garnish witdiciirie-ilparslev Sf sain o!tue ais» be pis o n ai-an witb tain -t i ild >hcw ,f ti>' resu-aia 14 of > F . Jad eirt i2e-e îbv e w ild iXld55.lit-uir.(oust at g s.& k oe mwbiob the. sPn.v.y Ous.ated diatnict ap.in- aurifini lifei îoiln , eîe O it haer s'ha or angd a'. bt-$hoite irs i---c. e n i nua.itt - u îe In fLl jsta ev rri ld a local "vet. wwed isIlido!t» il e hoe, t-bat-nett-er. s». oily atared ait me for ><i<» 'uter anS he 1a, 1e09 a -in r mI C o gl i s tfi 91-ih forvii. r i- ~LLthlui~efhee 're~ideS1Iooold taire a cottage il, te quiet spot- cod ihiiny euîe vs .î Mthra.seetuuseîiî rI W O n d i w r i t l i lu a t . y b u t - m o n ir e p o r t . a i l . w e i i t - h r , f r e e f r o u n t l e m i - n ssi , ? ag a g fla -b . u a e e < a c e v i e s a tahv 6 eut- ab-aq o Juil-n .o<lOl ti sacutanI mehutaildyat l br eentoiuht-erpiiMas mau e -bewaeti fy ig. i-nyearo ier. TIlthe rucrning drajin toff t1e1 th oebesrt-îege chat-t-er, the teclvua - raill ao'f goaom. ho. hae'Id lave to be ou tii tg,'cecn wt'r ulr'luisiwt 'udwa .>s-QPr& iO )fwavai91 fo rh-ien iliy dJoaipotion, lt-ho ff-xsP"atings esune- RaiS. ',an Yôn pay thea- f'cd u r iglit oryes rowing brigbt-or aeto rth siwt vl w - hcI ny.a A iang but a etring oi noifflcf my ie in t-awr. lttpiece<. ruo i-i wyeI HIle'upawç 'Pemrle ckfau nportwiuu, !an% i s oxut->n - I noledlmntdeJ > itci fslry 'e. Inainbojume, You lmow, ï ater aud place Pit ou the hîîîk of ue- %étrer;lie anfrapIlfllli 0AIl 1,1110 Wîy. mis: et- p c, ,nndlIay -e t ,n. l'y. hep» tr î ing .I ,an mr i-n h. t.et r d i ;cv h r t illef theli bine-gIor) f ea. ail CC>i<, In -hA Zt' Ofcir i c enet Iun ici anuinled to hum»I , ei 1-tdait . - hp-d ot m. buaayn0t-eiLt b tfltho, If tîefeh vizo epr55,.»t-d t-be ea,"dI -e aiste»n eteenedit O un ognl oltaî fil4aV lgtu y ieîv~>1~-"' of ani5 .umou 0eoan' Bot, alrhvîîigh 1 woîll îilot <îwu fl, It yal Lmtn ri, " a à 4-tee<reii. 1a4 iletiaauge sd taltvfthe- wmter ra ed tb An 0 A' woXsýneiirch. mitJ ho rt oq2zo t-h. thc[Uigha ai uy fo,-t-hcomnfielv-a, eiuepe.-ddttun ur er he transiofrmatoa »iens! 1 don't t-eink -- ma n ta b lu liAandhgray, , liaie th-aaithak 1wav erboat'hAI- .ecboiiaugla wal'un nolndCaabcwt te er s a. ' tbe >. nirrag~b~ t-jk 1»li tact i. ~ Poh lerdy hilCn orI lL e cîAgt agAin, 14t it Cok inthe 3r pluiy lit-t-le tehyea car, d nlai ' e o bCcave me mith i hm, andi bee batw e top. heur or soc. Tlien <it ftttl lr el.w,,Ç.,the pw a loone plae0lngafad tue ps lent j»cuibes auef ry cat, poaîrig ovPrayiaation a t-lieprdimeatd 1 stTom. VOn eclI, c0Vemrd <loge aunte,, serff ai &w&y lîhre.. Sape wih>aout- Iavlrig seked bY y u- iae. cpeued ihfor me l eniled eadadFn brtti)ihb efyhj-tblr evn, - piat. ote uie gnan3 Nom. t. eus. im'Dgrtong9 R-iigfris lan m re eg, n ,Oai grouvtmid. nor teid er mISea- iaven ne. hsanmln t-l-. abule It-ic-ked g -yigfr a gaement aoi;vfll a i-sI belonse serviug, aise tsehie uit mater. ',-t- iwnd oO 'nîiiiy~at ae>m uit- the chorde. hberzt-umbled yell"icwbu r ade î eredI e 1spk, l esoil rieA g, >j frec aârSndthero broken îr-'gmcut 0 t- 0rr 0VothL tmrbt hn efiwing ovin uMy vosteicevo g@ She vatel>. oler f n. ]Io- t-,îe unt4I. ltmayue W ____1,101tern lil oob i oiyt ge-tiad qUyfIsl. a! e elatl nu pro ~tc ma@ e, pool-Iu1g pp thîçîuîof tee filkntrc msrîe<1 I shah îîothidlanient,' ahntdieifié.agenaM4pebrs to geV ailon'Oe.l], auJ diM *ro h .1ýelLjnei' marshlind hn 'aid l iid 'ber wmcc ai la trteiat.,ti.. t di. î-na ne ian, b.> -t ana-. t.b. a . me. ata. -n- d wit-h an egg sýauv>e, #or but-ter pay n aune aa -t.e ~ ~ . - aUA bci-l niaiue-d In Dry-Mina WitiîUnu-r h b ofaet eu-dn niirs e i ~vulgarfty nabotit ber. bewftsas uns!. îîl liard th '114 0rdune tebm(W j r aen *ati Ime vteiy o86 a o t an er sui <hoai> abe bad een an 't he hol o! aci cal erp-rinc rom ~ a e me Çit- taefridi t-ed. « le turne S n. k 4e Iue cn i ti a r g r e bouc f «h o io> V ian. au bo l d gg s Ii d l rd k o k g i ed b st ug n ri 10 tho ailp abeudliteaeÀtrtote benomare, alter ai, thîe kucsht Fli ' iig I5'h. 't-mpisiuaug MY troiiiikii suiatM oaf tinfti lii«rove 1îP andti c dbe hndo. o Hrnjo ano s@ SnAn ft --t Z*i,&o*ldthé111 tnberikn relilned theY ho-k ad111 een thued lie.-pre a OnpOi I aiceal Sou int-I etodai-ed,, l'Rnd »i udt enwbOast, util t<-day, M.Jh las ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W e-ofeîhlger bIe aunai ns- e aebi uat neltîi.(r Pr.Care-w, the dynamoebeid h o sr dn n Oe 'iSe- YJisip yf rmnîgre in 9n ii ia ereiJa-î l-i0a~ etrsmtiavka pel-u o ie00 ht la'yuln. i nbi,. ny "P0 'eewt and isaut- wjth t-be andeinraiglat. sud berl, aghiug -lionet-Tno ugy, h psprdpen-Jh ae ubrC 'iod the oltair Osu t-rau'n& Y tivey Sa>l gy, h li ete*ln- UnIesi une tsendi lier furi;stoi b. ehu(rwLmbrCvo î thuepac akep îtoyhitrafteiIôoit enenj iho elu nIliglut- semaS tae ime e hiaS ber cyes. in*'YeutelS me uSueic-yu v ký 1i-l s-rg uin u .u- e athe owuer of One o i.bs Wseeoeng ie ~r b, evety ud omace raitînecibatvoe a-of tesfsand-dune. nihtvdill t.bey Sauce anS enanhle; aqSdgut 1 saiS. :"Nair I lovedancing, suiS 1 w 0 ha me o I"b leut-i waxsud t-bwe svUg uil a %-ry eairintny , b tri hu -aVe >e'-I neyer c"en> nayons <tance mare i>rut- - . ihe slî<.uid see ttu h.&t e".h and most îîp",to-de.te lianbm i etigi. .,t.ea 0~iriii.t-a an lt eeti ueo>,theuries dw' Wthn vibu o aatucxie ms'e u hn luthe Domninion otf Caua,hsv ___no c ilpon me. buger nRim Leni"tua-n i suaai.ad t-ettre Vhs,. ve oea-roe. athln nglor eciectai. itons7 w5<el *}irobg arîg uJeder xtnsvelut.tr<t-ghu b îgef '-hw o î in t îhî.rnfu ie e n(e@abeêe i h ugiven aHighlanditlg ndffin ati al>mnd thre omr cogrt lesnrel-part O h vPIwdnie -ihrnecurnedp rte e ri oae -me u ya ut e n >yb ng these e-arly I'prauons.mThe notru oth I f m e Ct m y f it- Colriv. îî. lîÎtîg uî tkipng ii lou> lhe s of gray f Pr eently. i 1 m asteréd the tune. & o(Tabe ________h n w l ri g I 0119 h ià e g' A H a i u t o . N i4 a et-e espelrn frc-c!Coler bal~ t'~ in~li..îuu hîMbeskvcienha iiaug tq er es- nS agn e Suc (T b cutluor rbeinrmi bin nitisand gg o Hgiiurtaa f-i0uusdatncewn fum4me. T'el!be i andsuSCrî,i) ~l'rit o f .Uc-IlPa-r aaju. unvtng #ean m»t-eps wtît-h mur. egul Et tuthe msurfave If t-lre ar'e auy con-iietcf a thitiug b»ox faýîiy.u~ ,-âcs laprtnc f rfo 1 t ' 4 ..m w . i"Y't miti, oetetrc eddext-erity. eSaul li p4rwJýplani.ng nsill, -emplayiungaltd prerYeuai e a callgux t -.' and ii 'y O t he Inna d ss- ean . veiu grss sut-Evry now ~IaaoaJjala4sS 'ux awona sud f "'Ir! n'~a uiSa, u îand lienoeh. cried "PnAter," sund o 3e - ehi.. muug suS au luîv 1 tre5 thon d sgt er -alla ivlîicah are keptwit.h - hnrd tm» uantJe oug-uan.dwonnwowth j r.We abot-d enI nt tber lbauna alirlo I rect-oe u chpedl agndnii ew s one f In- àù9 g"eqo.rblore. 1usd tuaia u , i ensIar.î.e - il ifty ijewd ier nuche nitil cie mag ïjn wîurgs lpdBnagrdni eac*l. . iginuhtm b e a nera îhu ti+tel-,vu h,. iteide t my 070" e» lb. Mocuebit-ion tWbr ll a butt-egy flutter- Avenue, 'Peterboroaugh, Englaad, bargrin, Lire at 'îytîluîgs asciW~all.M -ttedio uch ajnly fiat-,04, l U iln a fgmmer..ardeu. Net for ene haetareu t tailiu oanosFor nursing 2mothers butsy buf-inesi men, buit y1oo h c ln a titi lind. sui le f>iuaer aldry th.ou- sud face', mermt-h l>d te -gaze ilpon ber gladassa whicl they swalrw .whole, -The - N4r-C aaivs 1nnir;ectv t r-Joa-a v ai leo "b r mr >,Ille a mi ot- m as tins d i ffi u b, A i ra a S t- he h h leS ,> e n tg eo m e l- g u l s l ba v e th e fo o d P ro -id e d fo rti n a e - n d t e PfjIOenberniugîhuo agîîe. - ~iuulir - h reebled uuy ea> , yS'O:andS firy note!fber volcr, wtLn a d ete d tie hipnÇhnt Iale cxadjetos.t athe-ibar, lokS dom» ou i .teat"ed'y 'aetO1JUIin Io Wa lot oV&r&LrôuIg anSoud }ovàlem ieVmeIeanwe erte - ,i itýpa .&vsniwm. - Nn oth fuF, r ay Sa ual disturb tilleetwde-u tsi-ciai higbrenkfastion with -a iasaont-et-li-li f d- Uc g ll' beakast jriîîce Of thle est ot the systetusor la the fawn c.0 LnUlA y, u bra ~~~ ltne -ve«grw tired ait-naet.and op ,t-hemn. -~~~ b -il a k egn« bv tjeuee l0114.--.,--afcttechl.town, wlere, ,hieiss au-goeo4<iiznj t- a knet-uiaffect thelo îîé1a vervrespect. 1As presiieto u ai . ~~~~~~~~b r hluamed cheek ltu. ter haSi, C la pis aciced in in-lined wm-odtan ' rg~'.cnoomaI uu stu i - 6 c/ 4d oCtiiut- tjward th, M0un-a.e n "AI ld 1k fie.I oUte rd unet orbuldng at ~ ~ <.u..z ~say Central Fair, he is 1 d>Io -AH rail -il th.lirez. lII l ik a . it--es tuùeiifr bulig - r,'lbt-huuuG 11- .uiae.-î.- thehe L day F r ax Tramne -ofLindsa.y on the tpi:n it in Curlingdc;m the world -Over; a is one of the first moyeïm in the butild-! ing -of an wp-to-daite garage iih ~-Linriiay lie lias e.betted t1he aux>-_ kMobile mndustrv in Lindisay' and ut vici11it-; as the own-er pf n5eyerLi 0 hundred feet of, riverf roîfûLAnduua 1large nuruber -o! boat-housea on te &'U9109 l1e8has bettée&lthe côndi- dotins of!'the yach"m~en giving theni'j a- excellent hoîi18ing fadit'ies; ar.ýa n- (irector o! t.he Huru rs. Wo4l -)I: 'r M i C . in t d an itnstitution >l r-emýploeying ov.er 150 liands, lie lias; aided ini giving emp~icyrnent to a. large number of! the-Young girls 4j£ Sucli a man is Mr- J<,hn Ca-re4. of Lindsay, Ont., ne uf thc» foýrp- m4>rt captal#ns oitî 'ndcustry inh ilie 5Domnionof Canada.-F. W. M., in *Toronto Star, Weekiy. William Geîiiding, a well-known Cailg&ry man, fe.t f roma wilndniil a.nd Ijrolce his neck. - k. -t <i tis iwhat thoasuds baVC t-adtheur frineeuu cout îhia soap. Now il; la a huge w;lt bce qually enlusiaf For this saap icaves clingLi to your hauds, your face, yo bain, that swýeeteluive Pc fumeofresh-cutioletgwhi( everybody loves. YOU wilI b. cuthuiutit about 1, T-y i, Get s cake main yo, for 25C. Pa a iuindlaag in»s.4 la =,."Oz:" col l - MiSe ~ C., bld, O Sbei...h. Sa.. tc. ing )Ur Pr- 44 -t J tu po" ~ F~G 41

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