Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 8

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Seu1tbread, e,hatii sures you againat alum snd 1 torms of adulteraion- that iwthth opledbrm#ý Gathered, TRIOT NEWS y cuir Nus r i..sfaia of temelloi-known IlurOpeamL remedy, Dr. Stohr's kîephaldoI.-. Hit&erto the uee of most so-called remnedesbai beon attendeti with the graveot, danger on aeunt o! their ia3tiriotis effect, on tie héarl and oth- et organa. Kephaldol May be' taken with absolute safety. Tu totindsof cases KePhaldol acte linttgntaneous1y .-acte 'wber other reniadies have provedl useless. Yel Ils u0e ls neyer *allended by mny IR1 afler-,eflets. It bas been recog- n.lzed as a per!ectly barmleàs remedy by 'the m ,dicil erofession, -who have MaMe regniar ând prolonged trials o! itla t.heir clnîcs, on lhousands of lf, yau would e-iuk and safe re-- lie! from thôse distressing pains and ace,ýget a lfty cent tube of Kp ladol tablets lronvyour drlugist to-i day, and neyer be without a supi>ly. Kephaldol, Llînit.d, 31 Lâtdur gt. Mr. Louis Rogers, ai Ilamllton, BROKLI4.ano convention at Masuey Hall, Tra. spent the week-end witi ils famlly BO LI rente, lait week. bohre. Mr. Stanley Dlsne11Y 1spet a couple 'The tremenLdous iuirioane liat Mr. Irvine McBrien bas relurneti .1 dys li Bomanvlle h15 eOJC sweî tbougi v i u-hbomne rom Uxbridge, havlag complet- ai aysý i Bom»VIIOthi welc. swet trouh cthe country o-SUn le eshort course ia agriculture. Thoro dled -lu Taranto on lFridays day nigil was the cause o! mueli Nkbruary 27, aller. %a, short illness, serlaus damage la this commuajtuy. The Women's Institute met last Mnr. Futmey, aiter o! Mr. A. C.- El- on day mornlng the nati bound. Tburaday at Mrs. Brignall's snd Itt. l'hTe funeral took place on train was stalled on the grs.de,north B1>021 a very profitable time. W. un- Moîulay troin the G.T. station, Oghl- of the village, but Wau Puild out bY derstaad licy Will have û social in *tav unVon o eterTr. She lbaves B treight train which fortunately the near future, ta which they wlh a hueband .aââ coe hlld ta tm-oufn came dowrn thyough thé night. This Invite Vhe gentlemen.1 lm lssýWe eten outdeèest ym-dela'ea sedsme îrregularlty la tii i Mr. R. W. Mawbray lse onfiaed to patky ta 1Mr. Elliolt lcihi. a&ad b.- train service. h.baben fr o m e timeola svoey T emaThe rogular meotulnizof the Brook- Il a enfrsm iei ey Ut, Ry Sualliespea Suaay .I linra the l.Womens înstitute feeble condition. Mrl'.. Royll be bold la tic Masonlo lin l ont Our sehool was closed on Tuusday Ml.. Hol Werolk, wiWhI b, Thur d, larthe12,aoii3 e conk.owlag 1<> the ill-bealth ai the teach- spen Suday t U. Jhn Vpoas. ubjataMh1, "How 3 Koep oung" byr, Miss Harvey. Nèxt day, however -ML W. M. awrtUT ohn bas od * Ma. Frd olllday. ÀAilladies wel- faunti ber la ber place agaza. Ur.- . .,Lareceha mqV con-mrs-e. .Owing_ ta the seifere storm Sun&. te th bi ouse jul vacabeti by Mr. J. cMe.ad- .He, fTrol,,lay eveaing there was no service N. Hertop. vlslbed at Mr. Jas. RoutleYps Over bers. a uns, MioBicalla moving Juae ber SundaT. tMs.Wier Rogers bas be en under aLew borne bore.* 5h. «as pr3isenr.ed Mr. and Mrs. WM. Peer and chlld- the dct'ior' cn. A ieo rt with. anaaddreis and a large leather ton, of Toronta,»Yisiteti at Mr. John ig8à~Iipoig chair prier te ber deparlure frumCnÇoîwell's over Suaday. On -Thunsday 'evening over fi!ty hanaIs, The members of!* te Bible Class a! of the trientis of Mrs. -E. MeBrien Durlng the beavy wind aturîL on tlhe Preebyterlan Sunday Scbool are' gathered at ber'borne before che mo*ý Bunday évening the chtmniey:i on Dr. having a social evenlng at Mr. R;H. ed to Brookla, The eveniag was *Jas. Moore'a- house andi Mr. - Aloir. Walks' on Wednesday ovening. M r. Ienlveneti by vilan music, siang. ganti irotchen's bouse were blown d'nun. and Miss Walks wlll shortly eave 'adpaig h olwn drs The large- front window in tho bar-. for the city, where they will resîde wai teati by C. 'L. Mackey, and an W e hp was aima demollshed, and la f uture. - asy chair was preseated by W. Roe several baras 'in the .vlciity were ý\Miss M. Scott, o!f oley, Ont.,.ls- ers and W. Stevenson. x9roofed.' Iteti reoenlly wltb Mr. and Mrs. W. To Mrs. E. MeBrien:- -Mr' Urlab Jones unloaded a car of! Ormîston. 1 Toa nc Who- bas lived past thbe mer- Frosi wire feaclng lait week. He re- Mr. Arthur Johnstoný who bas boss idian of lite, and bas lived tint ife porta a gooti. saleinlathe better class 111, is able tb ho arouati again. intesm mmnyinwchle o! fonice for 1914. glas Margaret Ketchen, o! New! ai bora, 1he severing af! lus lie o! The township council diti net meel Lewell, ban been vlsitlng ber grand sitabassdo bmunitb s ogt thi en Manday, owlng ta tic stormy parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. -'ýetchen. t epse yiihu oie ,wuthe'. , Te meetng wiM b. he d M n r. John Laz-n!'OrG bate 1 Your frienda and neighbors asseffibý *en Moatiay, Match 91h.' been vlsltlng the formef s- braîber at e iht hwteraIeito Messrs. Holliday Bros. purchased Mariposa. l'of the years o!fnfiendly inîtercourse koram Vie ýJones' hardware-500 rode, Miss Dorotby Vîipend, spint "-*un- chirhY.Mandhesku ta acccpt Ibis e! Frost colleti woven wire feace. 1 day at the home of ber brotber, hir a teopoudas !yu *Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Wbodwardo the lakeshore, Whijiby. new home bc soon filled wlth as Osbwasp a ewday 0rofl many true frienda as you are beaving Oghâa, Pent-a ew dys ecenlyhehind you at-Kinsaie. In yaur re- wltb Mr; and, Mns.. Jas. Woodward. CLMrS maining years, wiich we hope Will ho YM r .for Bal mey , bs bv en Mr. Edwin Asht )n izmstÇd a'l.th many, ln al things we wish yau God, very pworsyfr oe iel ery frieads aI Little Br' taila lat weck. speed. Mr.,ohrd -I. .n iidof1A few froni hèce nttendcd Mr. -R. Sgned Mr.Rihad Iaa ad -rieo!McAvoy'5salrge Ibis ur-ek. Friends and- neighbors. Wb1t>y,1 apÇnt ý5UndAy¶ at Ithe TÃ"m- Mr. Wm. Richardmbn had thé roof p rancse wt Tit.and hr.toru off hie harnese i.hop on L*uuday UwmTla her niht. Woffer Ose i..sdred D1.lira ewrd for - ra. J.1 Grills . e visiting br The wiad 0r- Sunday hast p7ayr:d Bl a se O1 Catarrh that cannaI bc curcd by dauglêc,! lhaLtidia, . havoe wlîih a nurtnbPr o01 ,itIdings ll'i C aiarrh cure. t Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Stewart, of an wind mlîls la the neirhborh;od. - FJ- c Mirel . & .,Ted,0 WCmuiltcrolgjlcdl bave knllilF, J. 11CI1y gWhéey Creek, vlolte over SundàY One- of aur young men who toL4<bi ortheat is yer; and bellevehlm preetiy with Iieir- daugiler, Mrs. Urlai usual Sunday ilglit, came home min sObelai ab ar usis tan ùsactons and n ',iegs, ater attending the Temper- us a cutter. by hi. Suin. IWALIrO, Kiz4NANz & MAlKvXiS Iusecleaning rri* . -AT- FURNITURE TI'ime Disney Bros, STrORE r tirne cornes houseclean- ith housecleaning cornes Look Not a store in On-tario that can sell to you - ~ a t less money thaînwe can. We hSave no expense hike that çonnected with town or city; and havirsg an extra large stock we are going to get an introduction to you by giving you a city man's profits for 15 days Spacé wili flot permit us to announce the prices below, but we jusî _give -ou~ an idea of what you will save by buying in the pext. few days. - ON AL1L BUFFETS, TABLES, DRESSeRS AND 'STANDS, EASY CHAIRS, BEDS AND BEDDJNG, HALL FURNITURE, WE ARE, AGIVING * 25 té 5 Der cent discont. - Iverything marked down on large price sale cards, showing the rogular price and the sale price.. Vry' speclal discount on-White -Sewing'Machines. Fnera' ietr Disney BrosU mamr Calis promptly ýattended tO 1Bell and Independent art any hour. Phones.' V.hisaeDrugglots, Toledo, O. Hali'. Catarrh Cure ;a taken inter nai,: acting dreciiy upon the biood and muccuas uraýces af the syatem, TestîMonalaSsent f ree, 'PriCe 7 cent. per battIs. Soiti by ahi druguts.i Take Hali'» Pamily Pilla for constipation. MYRTLE. March came in ike a "Roaning, Ilaving Lioni." Miss M. Millet bas gone to Mon- treal:ta resume ber duties as bock- keeper there. Mrs. W. Kent set sali for Scotlau.d on Wednesday o! hast week. -Miss Lane speal Sunday witb Col-] umibus tfriends. We extead -aur heart!elt sympathy la Mrs. Bail and famlly la their sati bereavemeit. KIDNEY HEADACHE. la caused- frem blood beiag thiokeneti wltb unie scld poisons circulatlng -in tic iead. Anti-Uric Pilla cure - ail tonms o! kidney- trouble. They 'are 00 gooti anti sure. J, E. Willls gpar- 3ntffl thei. fDe sure you get Anti- Urie Pinls. B. V. Marlon on oTOr. box., Sald only at J.E. Wllls drug store. THE OLD GAME. No more npt titi. Iban thb. abave could b. giVen, nor more sutable sub-ltle, -Ant i How Vo -BelI Wlth Water,-for a study o! lhe- Il- iquor question for tbe leading article under thms captions in limt week!e Saturcday- Evenlng post. Since! jack Londoa's automdograPbitl )-stor-v, "«John Barîcycora,, whio] Wqe2,0- tieed la Inteue columna ,ilut year wbea the saIniePaper begantheir Publication, bus Ibere appeared a More notable aontrfbut4ori 14 lie lterature on Ibtis zeal sublioo$mThe authon Io on. f o!s t mil nons public wrllers a!o b. lme, alk bis «exruces as 1asnattuglY tlid la timbu article are bigbly Important te Oeffycue !atérested la tli e ~.tiei, On Tueeday 0vm"lg at Oshawa, Onilîll Juniors tied Ouhava la &44 lame, tins wiwalng lb.e fi*-fIu. by 128. TheéiDelleville prolat a- si OîbaWi-W" asdiUolied cg Tuemdzy bthe O.1l.A. 38xesutviv. Wh:tby Mercliant. Married1 HO-R.-HOLLIDAY.' The fliriagi o!1 Rena Margaret, youngestý dauLghter of M.J. Holliday, to Mr. 1eiçhard Hoar, Wbitby, wus solemiii.zed' at' the home of the bride's la'ther, Glen Dhu, Whitby, on 'Wednesday, February 25, at four o'cl&ek, byý the*Rev. DÉ. Abraham. Misa Vera- Hoiliday, of Cayuga, cousin of the, bride, piayed the wed- ding march. The bride, 7rho was given away by ber aher, wore a gowa of bisque, crepq meloa, aud carried a bouqpet of cream roues, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern, and wearing the groom's glift, a peari and peridot pendant. Rena Coakwell, of Brook- lin, niece o! the bride, acted as flow- or girl. During the signing o! the register, Misa Vera Holliday sang, 'O Promise Me," Afler the cere- mnony, the guests, about fifty in num- ber, repaired to the dining -room where a daiity supper was served. .Ur. andi Mrs. Hoar left on the even- ing train forý points, west, the bride travelling in a tifilored suit o! brown serge, and brown hat wlth touches of bilue, and Alaska sable furs. On 'their retura they will reside on Brock St. north. NEEDLESS-USLE PARISIAN SAGE. Now thal Farisian Sage ean bc had at any àirug counter il is certainly neediess to have thin, brilîle, mat- ted, stringy -and. !ded hair. No mat- ter how unsightly the hair, how bad- ly it is !alîing, !or how much dand- ruff, Parisien Sage ie ail that in needed. Frequent aplications and well ruihbed into. the scalp will do wondr-it n9tà like Matgie. The hair roote are, aourisihed and stimu- lated ta grow new hair,, itching scalp, dandruif and talling hair cease -youi head f eels fille. Beat *of ail, the hair becomes sot t, fluffy, abund- ant and radinat with life and beau- ty. You wlll be surprlsed -and delighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least one fifty cenit bottie trom A. H. Al- lin, and he wiil refund the purchase price If you are liot satisfied. LOCUS'r MILL. Rev. E. A. Lunan, o! Goodwood, will preach on the Whitevale circuit W.M. ELVJSS, Brooklin Bell and independent phones. ~ Ose Qaaity 'Count, With You IF 80BUY4 Froait coiled wire woven fence, and galvanized. gates. The bout fonce and gates the world has yet produced. in the ring houe. cleaning, do not forget t hi Oravity 4 Waulýer. I have sold over 40 of these machines on 80 dayo, Try one, and be convinced that this i. the bouft vYalue you ever regeived for your, monhy. URIIIJONES - Bell undI li n& s Ontarjlo. resh mined. lýbuiy ~ them are exclusive designs and -cannot .!J8, Obtailied iliewhere--Cornein autid have a good look even if you do - I'ot "buyjust now itsgreat, to see al l tese new next Sa lath, March 8th, taking ahl the regulafr work. The service' at Lo- cust Hili at 2.30 wilI be- under the auspices f! the *Wnén's Mission-ary Society. Iev. C. LanSford wili 1ev- ture at Lecust 14i11 an Monday, Mardi 9, n "Why 1 je! t the CIlurdIl of Rome" The Markham Methodist Quartette will sing on Monday even- mng. The sLColTecUve and prejventive of the nuinerous aflmen ', caused by defectlve or irre uac ation of' the or- gans 6fdigestion-is fôund in the ý safe, -speedy, cei-tain andt1zýteted home rem'edy Sold a.ý.rwom. la ho«.. 25ent.. 8-'61 008811 b risoM11 COUNTY 0F ONTARO.. 1914. 1. WHITBY-MIss E.L. Macdoanell, Cierk, Whitby- Jaa. 18, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, April 8, May 4, June 3, July. 3, ýSept. 3, oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Jan., 7,1915. OSHAWA-Misa E. L. Macdonnell Clerk-Jan. 14, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 4, May 5, June 4, July 4, Sept. 4, Oct. 3, Nov. 9, Dec. 5. Jaa. 8, 1915 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- wood, Clerk-Jan, 15, Mar. 6, May 6, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov, 11, Jan. il, 1915. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burnham, Clerli- Jan, 17, Mar. 7, May 7f July 8, Sept. 6, Nov. -12, Jan. 12, 1811h~ 4. UXBRIDGF- R. J. Moore, V- May 13, July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 20, 5. CANNINGTON-Thos. Il. Foster, Cannington, Clerk-Jan, 9, Mar. 13, May 14, July 51 Sept. 9, Nov. 19, Jan. 15t 1915. 6. BEAVERTON-CIjas. A. Pater- son, Beaverlon, Clerk-Jan.. 8, Mar. 12, May 15, July 16, Sept. 10, Nov. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. 7. UPTERGROVE- Daniel Leonard Alherley, Cierk- Jan 7, Mar. 11, May 16, July 17,. Sept. 11, Nov. 17,, Jan. 13, 1915. 3y'Order, J. 2. WARfWELL, Clerk o! lhe Peace. Dated at Whfthy, Nov. 28. 1918. .R.BLOW, Bell Tel, 9- .yaa unit Whnlby Homn el. 3,&.- 814B9FOAL LENSES Our- Bifocal Lenses 'are really two lenses welded ita one solid lens. Price per pair, 5.ooé Speëcial ground, 7.50> f.4L~. ~IE , NU-RU K AI- A Lo'w 1ýates~ To California, Florida and the Sunn"y Sou1th NOW IN EFFECT. The Grand Trunk Railway' Io the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Deiroli or Buffalo. Full partieulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write C.B. HORN ING, D. P.A., Toronte, Ont. E. Stephenson, Agent, phone 3e. New- Laundry. NWe wiuh to acquintý the people o1 Whitby and surrounding country wlth the fact that We have opened up a first- clais laundry on Broick St.,,Whitby, in Hewis Bros.' old store. We are prepared te do ali kinds af laundry work, Family orders given special attention. Ail work guaranteed. Pârcels called for and delivered. Charles War.- Whitby, Ont. ESTIMÀTÉ0. "Experiencla Doct" DISNEY-.BIRQS- * Fune"siDrctnrs and E-mbatue,. Evepgon giod, 4U Simca st. NL, OuIa and Chapel te be estab'xehed im the County of Ontario# PR;IVATE MORTGA2RY. Private ambulance headqtiarters. Day or niglht calîs promptly attend- id to. No extra cbargelordiotanoe. #honCI 41' 2 and 4T pn. Livery, at9 and Teamiog 1 have recently added týe my wel, equippeti iver stable a beary tesi Il- -fi' and dray for ail kinds o;ai cûtage suad teamiag work, and will bceabîcoi receive orders, wbick will- have- proulpt and careful attention. 1 ~ PHONE è5. h John 01mhb/et DUNDAS ST., WEST, WH!TBT- à l&aan* à &. m i __ EAIL ESTATE- Country hcmes, Market gardon -praperties, fruit, stock,- grain, and dairy farm, beautiful town bqIlding lotsiË andrednta properties._ We might make special mien tioxi o! the1,4 story framie dwel. 'I * ling one the corner ef Coîberne and Athal streecs. This preperty is worth buyiag 'as an investment, only ane block fro-mn G. T. R. up- * town staion - FARM SPECIAL--eIow.farm Of 209 acres, large briçk dweIling,. * fair eutbuildiags, î6 acres of orchard, runnlng water specially -- adapted for stock, grain and fruit. Special price if taken quickly. ratrCanada limpravêmont &'Land Côn RICHAROSON& RICHARDSON SANAES WHUTBY9 aONTARIO HOAR§g MIDWINTER SALE Hoar's mid-winter sale of rubbers now on. Guaranteed NoLi quality wool lined, nien's, 87c; boys' 1 to 5, 69c; youths' 1l to 13, 59c;- woments, 65c; girls' mIIto 2, 54c; child's 3 ta 1-034, 44c- Aiso reduced prices on ail unlined rubbers, to fit any member of the fainily.- ..1 Men's heavy snag proof rubbers wth heels, No. i qualitY. 4 eyelet lace, $2.89; 3 cyelet lace, $2.69; x buckle, low heel, $I._75 ; 2 buckle, with heel,1 $2>25 ; boys' i buckle, low heel, $1,40,' youths' -1 buckle,.. low heel, $i.2o. TWO DPORS SOUTH Brock st. 0F STANDARD BANK Whitby, Ont. Farms For'Sale Upwards of forty f arme from 25 acres up, and aI from $35 an acre, guaranteed ta show sitiisfactory rasults -fromlù investment, Ilocated la Whitby and Pickernag' Townshipu. Eivery coûceivable requirement cf isal, buildings, orchard and otier improvements eanbe met ia the varied list offored. Bell phonoe 109. -* P. O. E Itesidence, Dund-as St. West. JHITI Box 394 wv 4 ~A. t Our Pure Oli-vé Oil isp able, lias a ricli ft.îvor- delicate arormt, atd h pofted dirêet froîi he ducers. Lt'! piirity i at.rati IN1 BOULES AND BULU JE.WILLIS Drug2jizt and ODpti MEDICAL HALL BroekSt. Drts merilai-Business Co Venge and McRli St.. Toronto, On il 11e Piqnccr h h~ grade up r 'd Cnada. Untlr newo-i,,atslsg 1eî.eI CI tug better oris kthsn rýer- W, if pun want ta-prepare fi r a go p Her -~'Ward, l'rlî Pro fe'ssionaJ Ce JNO, E. FAREWELL, K. Barrister, Caunty 'Crown Attorr County Solicitor. 'Office south-wing-Couikt Hase,V -'Y A. E. CHÈISTIlAN - arstSoliicitor. Notarýv PublIc. Offire, Broclk St., Opp. Standar( -Money te Loan.- JAMES RUTLEDGE,_ Barrise 'Money te Loan on easy te!r Oace immnediatehysoutb Royal Whitby, Ont.1 6. YOIJNG'SMITH, LL. - Issuer af MARRIAGE LICENSE Court House, Witiby, or resi 11. . j AN SBarrister, Soliciior, Notnry P Conveyancer, etc., ýetc. Oshawa, - ' ,Qntario "'Oice- Ne. ,2 King Sti: E, Mack - Residence-5i Drew St. ]Phones-Office,- 21., Resideicg DE14TAL- W. ADAMS, Deatist, Office,ý Street, Residence No. 4, tbé' *Byron St., Whitby. Phone N mur tà L. Faibanks. For -'. ad dates app)ly ta' sel! ýor GI Whitbv.- -w LIÇENSiIO AUCTiONEIE AND VALUATOR. AiU kiadu oW sales promptly éd to. Arrangements canb for 'sales aIticth Gazette office Ténu reasonable. E i BeRand Independeat phones WIIITBY, ONT. JOCONTRACTORS j.eIIOWELL JAN Carpenter, Builder and Contr Plans cdrawn and estimates. fui Repair t Altérations and jobl -agent Ior Brantford Roi Bo«-467- WIITt$Y Pli Marriager Liceni A-. H. ALLhIN ltser of Mariage Lienseq - -corner.drngsgtore, 'Na witueeC5required-.j z-- CHANGE, 0F'.BUSINESS1 jFIRE INSURA(YCE Mesurs. Richardson &RBichardson, having bought the Fire Insurance business coônducted by the late 0. P. Stewart, wish to announce that they wil attend earefully to 'the reneval of aIl riakà placed by him,- The gentlemen have been ini the Insuranée business for many pears, and- they *as -aàfirm "-have juet cause for being- prend, net only becaume of 1h. large increse in their business during 1he, laut lwo yea", but because of the teputation they have gained throuih the prompt and f aîr, setement of.losseso. Ton caznot do botter than continue your business wh ihis ia. MgONUMENý 61 ail Dodogis aid'llteriaI kept 1t illpay :You0la oei W Sai nepect for yours4l 7 Damet .-millod by agentag and 40 allewleaen'co W rpu con., wblcb you wiII ly mase by purcbaslng from ACali Sollclted. -fc an WIIUBBiIs Ogpeelie Standard Bank, WlJ E'- lu n us nE I I i W0 M0 LA~RI~~ÇE. URQUftLIN, I soIe Agents-THE MOUSE 0F H0BB~RL1N, LIMITED. With'the Spring in g'- tîme, and wi -Furniture needs,~ Poultpy Feedl.', There is good money in HENS> if properly cared for and fed. We carriy in stock feeds such as- Pimatt's Egg Piroducer, fleef SSlap, 4Gran.- Ulated Bone, Oyster SbeU, 6rIt and Grain. To*y Pratt's Li1ce Killer, we have t. w ïj i - - - -Ci o» 1 1-

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