Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1914, p. 2

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iMn. &-oug5y aïseffI'I 'l 0 »en .àmufti. -Itiatea ny the irvo" L. omwUor 11,. runrédthosAn woldb. ,noue Wite pIM$d tulle je rnuch th& Oanadî&n Senaîte, bas to be -i ored thouNendWa, odt, man *ithfor sleeve. fr111. a. s.i in .every insaliceand an6 ew wanis and ig planning to retire tNarrow frrbande are mizêh ussAc t cif Pa44ant c4 oste ial the wa.y à )nt mere.l.ooipetence, tiiôuglih on ehildren's coats. ffroni $500 Vo- $5,0w0, a.ccordiiigî ta 005 mkeý=condition. A few 3sailcr yo rui a koi eef charied by the la.wyers wd' i ,ý pningbhate. thia e t parties to, he0 go ho would bave beetisaisie Fl7ounced, tupý.cs_ and i terý rgkirta*mansd their witseseés liv*.f remu- gitb. twenty-ftvo thousàýddlasaeâain led. ttw,.. [n the Maritime Provinces *itelater witl& fy thouaud, The intèrest in printeci cottons is i ud in', ritish Columbia. there are utas his earning pawe'r bas i nreasing for- spring. ~ ioc cour.Cl. Northrupýa-c-1 - ,I~~~ger Black velvet suits are apt tohba-v odloved1a t=.Ho -e f, rse etmettinvc9lYd5 barg riRatg e vet girdies. (rimisthe other day toVtie acrifice, and h. feels that£ in justice . Snàrt fuT .ickups"l are made Governinent shou.ld teke the qxea-, Li) hi-miif- hie capital inuitb. large 'fer bats out of natural lynxC. tiïan iïto cë.nsideration with. yi0ew enough to a-'saue hlm emething &p,- Cherry blosson parasols are.. al- 4»r, .orm dun4ug thé present eî-J rou4hing hie prosent standard of ready bèe. in qu.aint desi n. sion. Ho did InoV ,dvocate ncres- - Flowered taileta- je useci with i u g the gro>unds of -divorce,, but thiat'1 living,< , -much taste for tango dresses., th-ore should either be no odivdcWs Tho h wil . asc~~edby iie ilv.ery ha.r sea.l is oný of the fa7-4>r si-se there-should, be divorces'1fdr4 ThathO illbè tfic"te 'bytheY«rte furs'for autoznobgzd.ats. rich sud pooralike';ÂM a. resuit ,io! Iatest etcry of boîrgbîpio 'uMre F104 Yonggirls' 'winàter co4ts are fre-îthe debate whichfodb we .kl6ing doubtfu1, for it Msumbe disappoln~nt tl mdeo! utralkhý> ,clth. - rm-pt.ity ue .cneec wI itug to one wboo ie ti.ba .. hit. notrbon dets e d ltv e edwj41ZeBnaea. . t wtimùulated by th,. habit of readiiig bnlian olred eiioi rfs are oonmitteâ aPwOit o biveuga tit.eV. . the woeqet o iha, view Vto ilhe.fojrtuneii tems. 'The grOS-&ua I ee ooe a.~c&swhum1!igP4r.liaznetary Piioce- efths fortunb i's only $4,950. ,This Bordeaux ied violet nuits are one Of dure. Apparently the D*i)omhdo is, a ptia.ble um in the opinion oeithe. fahionsble coinbina.tiofls. legislatons are, M,&. Yet wifling to tb~ itudat ho as eased n mi- Fashion in goinigto the £oppoite 1reeegniye divorce. _ tathoextreme ia tiglit ewetliing, flew Ccio. *Northrup <ebtained-hiç e sI- lions. Ho iais-calCul&teQ coah6eôta and other wraps being pçSi- menitaiy education 3,t elleýiJe wýould need at iest liai! the amoutit tive-iy voluninoiiB. Gramznar Schoul and UVpper for~~~ a- ue!ierefor himWof Ix-asnahatèa kresomet-ime rini- ade C0lleçehaving the. dijetin<dtion S~< hi 'wfe.If o bd ojîdeamed with ccares of! na-w illi stencil- <of being "hedboy" aet th8e a- thtwudn/ rvd o 1arled in color. ,?ODgce doneiugnn~e d Inoit9tai4andcaptéin o! ti.a oudnot rvid,-olieï as a-good effect. the schoocl cricket team for two: sea- êdUcation. 1V oil ly_ hlici bc- 'One o! the.'prettioit nevlilaces 's_______________ -cause lie ha. no chldrea thathe e anf the- velvet coll1a-r wlthils Pendant get ilong with sôlittie. B*t it ap- r, buekle«. S0torig !vr p arS ithathe foreigner whP in- heavy beads are a.1so liked. herited thé fortune ha.s both a wÏfe Sneo h e ot>qcee have a d".h -o!ililk mixed iu witbh:.x and seventeen ehljdren. And he them to form &a de-ig-1,sudthis de- in going te opeW- $1,060 of hie es- -sigu is otten as no/t ii color. tale to got back fo Ausiia. In planning a, blousie or gowu, be - , mu~~sire always -to have soft lines about ~ - "-"'/ the.din neck. The womna-n doeni't 1ike Wliali is a elf-denyin g adauw1o s!tipoebythm .the fortune koved bydohei -;ho réadeto otueitm V o Broad amhes of Roman et p 0.h ue acaas that 1 -What ribbon are a. prett.v note ci! brigb1 'tiý41 ako of i. rigid eôonomies, nesia thes imple dark dresssaP- bis prlldehsq, hie auxious t toughts propniately eliogen for 8choolgirl%, o! vs fd~ur4 'hie ange sail Coate Vo the ýnew "sweater dr -Wih anes" al for .pning are cut verv fa'l fetaeio'ra l,,,raI eàsaY 1I- hul hanging borne from r esn udr au *o talk uhasympat!,ketically o! the springiag lato godets et the hem. , courage o! ignorano&,*d improvi- Quoe cof-ths mont radical French douce or reprove the, tileddity of ,dreeiaakerfl in <howing- gowns wlt - w Ï 4 -on1bdaed skitof black satina'sud */i-/- the ortne untrwio s o boice ofpeau 4d. peche iu bright povrv-/ ment «0 far a-s duýra-blty isconcer- co. 'W. P. >orihrsjv. cd, but Ià ii e rbivea fer ite on dei4ul texcture. W001 vs-tour ikat h inîg veorge nos SCflb an inter- ltsYiUe jtlp*4 y'vce, sqnU. The eaxn» year he w-<W t esting littie m2essage/to his Isubjeet.s Cix'on taffeta leads itseel!pecu- chaupiôn.hip eup At tèêii- nimal iu Great, Britain, Irelaud, aud the- liar1y %well to hp aud bustle draper'- races. colouiçe. I"I have Vo work bard my-, Jes-which may heonoa resson wh tTinot>ITiestyh i sel su I hin bad wrk s gociw e may expect-to ses a great deal of di8tifgiimlldl iniseif, taking 'nu. oefan 1thnkbad orkingodthis taffeta for spring. zaerdus honore and obtainlng the fer people,"says thie ssage. Veri- Sanie O! ths mont enehanting em- 4egrecs of B.A. aâd M.A. lie wu ly, biard work je good for -peÃ"PIe broideries <orbehusehold use a-re be- calizd Vo the. Bar lnu '187s, a.nd ai -As a social niora-a'lis !just told us iag done on eoarse6 natural lin&.i once began practice in Belleville, *l i. . .sU-g 'of bis native town, and lie ha-a remaun 0, book ,engtit1d "What Men Live tepatteru osn xgoteeee -owers,'wôrked close together àud ed'thr ee ince.,FIe iras cre 13r"wonlc, love sud ]Play# are the "js. e,4, .è- n s ad rtelit teshn/tla-le o! luapplasse;-da-adntork, colora CU lAi 13%15 A iSS 111 ý Comme -il u/isLet-le greatest ol these. It hs wo lardmrle that kila or i- pfircie'ncy, It i-s eitlier merrï <.....1...im that-or elei'c oahard. to QUEEN IS A BEAL ECONOIIST. Uer l<ajety's Chidren Ta-usht te Avoli Extravagance. d h Mr. S.B. Burdettgi 10 - niion he had -c eeu -t-ho uneuceasfu.l esidI-date ait the prvim aeleetiôon. Re mw« des/ated at thbe gensri eleection -of ISOO butele"t.in u100, mô notonous, t.oc mechaulcal work, Que«u Mary tikes a great, des?! 1904, 1908 eand 1911, 'hs&xnajs-nmuy thaV les not pnoperly reiieved liv d o r nitcretst in the servants than being 1,0868at the- la-st eluclion, y m estic 11e, by wîîoîesome recrea- le usually -'the cms wit.b as RioySlwleroas iV mas on-iy 71 ln 1900. C0ol. ÙoDby oy drivd fo ntur, ouseholder, a-nd aleienl said te Non0hnUp, Who is nôom fifty-eight1 tion by-jo deive frrn atue, now the naines oi every houmeniaid Yeurs -of age, ha-a been. Vwic nia-r- art aad scialin/tsCotSSit.a-ad ootman both a-t YOrk Cotte-go nei, hie prese-ut mi!e being' the- i - -and Windsor Cu.tle, aud not a fem dom -of Mr. Ciemow, ofO/tta-wa, andC A moniditIxout lia-rd work mocld of thoso a&t uclinghani Palace. sister of Lieutenant Wmi. Fitch, of1 lie a l'world o, - intolerable todium lier inother, ha.ving but a- ouiai-I tue Retyal'Greaadidrs&, mlic los/t bist Rud bOredorn. But whill me cannot househoWd, oxpecrtd lier daughter lite inu-the ehaýrge cf , Baîtoche luin eoepi-a a-nd nost tuliess e e Li kû<>wâAornething o! hoiusekeep-1885. Mr'sud Mre. North'rup dur- ing, a-ad tihe knomledgo ha-s slouck ing t-ho - -sloné>nterta-in la.ngely tb worcfr it I. oualytre Iat n-ilonte the dis-ma-y of LYA-I Ottaflwa, IIin kt nMoro thon *Dy 9 wo canqt euioy liard 'workmualeis 00oks a-ad housoke-epens, who tfout-d, tIeCOcxsrvative cincie outaide oi me netura te i/t. efnqesl'd sad stin-- wlien once Qýueen Mary held thse Mt. and Mrs. IR. L. Borden. Mr. 0-ated by elevsted pleasure, by rems, tQati t-le amouat of mouley NonthruÈ,p in al-so ou-eof!thse active glimpies cf beauty, by stisfacetion a-howes-Ifer-food in the servants' niembers sund beet -players o! the of fe nblet e eu aehall iraS Vo ho triotl1Y linutec. BUt- Ottawaa- Golf Club. cf~~~ ~~ th ols/ !srt-ultise. Theter aito îs. 8d-. a pausnes &'aabo>lish- ' ctemhilg rnaorit.y el Imn WÙI'k P,j, d whon tli- butter frM nthi-e The Teueber Thoiigitu hsrd-tsey hia-vs to-bu/t too ms-ny home fa-rnis- pro(ved tarsufficient i-t l .twso ac ieta v of +,hem.alas, ha-vs not learnescito h&tl te hé ôrdered Wàbêmlà l~ em a uwa vr ntea t sot a. e-tain fa-mous storeo. M-<>sfu-toa.ytaspa- o peeby. u-hVVOne wo r n e n 1 apies iuîg 8 iueat tan. Waa errVed êher 4rst nains, - êvén whên oneO avnotlned ta 1pTh.y, te s-hre for. rD-»a?.tY aloe, anad maiy otiser wOýld. nOtý do i'o't thein lac"s. T-Im2 tluem*ocive5the varied intereatt hit ecônoiles mo r -0ooeed VoVthe dé-butchen 19 k len u "Joes" Smith, are tàe,.ýPics o!VIte. SocietYshol auidps#nent nesponsible &rVsar h rcr - Faa"Jns h organize play a-s l a-s monk be-t-er rangeentVof houeehaid çxpeusos. îawyer as-e Will" Audrema-anci no 1hn ide.Both VtheKing sud Queeu have offence li c-t rtkn.-01 realized t-lat 6-t ijeincumbent up-on day a tniendma-sli olr a- és-chner G<>LD. them Vto keeÀp expenSes duwn Ms of tiie indugtrigl tehool to put 11198t mhlua-s Possible, as wtib3u> su ueh anad coats on 44) 11tle Ob5 ! - - i utoe epl n t ie m anç- ti uutra is ktthe kindergar-teul ll. WO i litf' Thn1 s utoa 7pl n- .rmpa-u ths allo0wnncSgfor thêln tow-headed girls sttrae5ted 'er st- 'wdrld, sud thatV i.the body o! mn. five jione are not ikeîy ra ho gen- tention a-ad as she ticd tii-ir hooda Novi.;lis. -eo whsa provision' has te b. she asked -"Are yen C-ha-vils Por- As'-ai4ce- aud luxury are pesta min&e for tIi-sm. Lucki-ly, Queeu te'.' littie girl 1" Tw j senloîls blUe evy ci a âe.-r beniseni e ayli- eexr-a-at -ase.eyes îeoked up as the eider replied: - evrit'~eat&a-t.-Liir.She'buîli ltii'discrimination, a-nid "Hie ni-e mas Chenls ie su nho -Confidence ini another mnan's vir- la teaching brcsgtrt olk-,a 11eby esM.Fre - t-o L nemil-h/ evdence ! oe'ewie- ~TIIe allowaac< o! the Ps-inseeno. own,~,Iuitlre - o!~VaIesIs - gc&'cieî aailno- Thse nature' o! chs-ity ie Vo dram àl thizga VO it-sef, aad nake then parts-lera o! it Self.LeaLis lu the love o! a brave sud faith- fi- ma-n there <slu wdays a strain of -iaternai l -u.,GeYe-El- Thiuk if lin" 1TliY !if@, wsrt -t-bhoù t-le pitif uilost <>ta-Il t-be sons Mf eath, igt no 1dl dream, ebuit a 80- If yoiî wl-ah to have sny goodi work mol] doute go Vo t: busy, not - - e Vi d, ma-a. The fermner eau Su tume l'revenytbii ths latte r fýr - - t ld' thé Bib le satii-e wold'g esupreme. library claissic, a-ad ad t-le IîetS rEIaS1re 0o hs' he-hger tli~~tu~ mdfeeinginMas- mtudea/t. a t Oxford, a-ad it ilu li.- pened -that s-sus-lier pnineslks- ha-s several Vlos -5 .v*iled himsel! of pnoffered leas during the autum-n Vernilm.-achool. " Upon one extravaga&ne Han Ma-- .jesty à pArtieùl&r1Yy hard4he ex- tr&avssanee <o! inudisoimna-e ch&r- I ity-iaind the ar/V of eayiung i'No' ons wM-ech the Princess have- isarrat in a ha-rd Fohool of- neceSity, - IV- is a lassons tisai Queeu 'Mary cansiders an importan/teue, a-ad l niot coni- -mon ta tiei Tecks, ses-hoelias ma-de ita-n integral parýt oet hs educati.1î of e hlie, - Thi eetsiow w-ho14 a chance bas nde a-Ira-id to tske,' b'utsineos ttil A youug insu returned to tVh ceuutry villa-goemiere -le mss bora,J a-fter havlag uccessf-ully worked hie ma-y up Vo a de4sir~bî eea rusas offce. 'I suppose tii. peopleI 'bore, .Thomnas, bpve l--ard o!fthe -honor that ha-s been ecnserrelt on me 7" b iaquined e! oae o! hie old fiends.'-. "Vos, they haVe," W!8et thiegraitifyiag reply. '"Aad what," said tise mn cf la-moesgerl.v, "«wl-aVdo thieya-ysbout it, Thoni- as?" "They don't sa-y anyhiug," repIield.Thomas, "'tley just iugh." l3ix--"They ay that mozuen aMe 'har<ly ev er -stt--TIhu. rers., I )x- i bî îey -ha-vs eo much to 1sy s~at thoirY ca.ut .aosoi it~ e a s -g 'V 'i n gr and, âh4~ il '-knoé wonld like. o." Thima'd lifflé cTeature wa<s ly-t Ing iu the du9t while hé iWasse 'eak- ing, but heb-stàIy arase au'fd'crept' into a barn. There ho st -9aye .î stuuie ~toligfHi ansd put Wîanter came- aa -le crep tôVa; hotise. U ;PO' e11P.8053 to>,ho niing wr,,gher lv1,-untilc hl'e fouad'hblusainluthe bedroôi-iiOf1 -I~.Ve ar. R. crawlu uV s-ny idow "an-hogan to-weave, aweb while4io 55ti eesw.Vb ed the little breature lhreak his th-reàd-,&Ildjoin laau sse watched'- hlm .her tsil~t u hita .Iender web 1là davisnotioed1 oaly by M£ary. - One day when bermiother came laVa ihe voon, Mary'Èi-i', "Ses th". litt-le spider, mamma 1" eci, "bu/t let me polie, lim down." "Nomas, hê pder does 1me somu0 i MC-good1 :âe ileso beau/ti- .futi and industiOus. )o not poke hum down." Thé èpÃŽdeT's heart gave-a Cry o1 joy when ,he 'heard thesc nords- Mary, had Mid that! hr' irasbeauti- fui, so heworkcd harder t-han-ever. sO Mary' mother -let him stay. 1Tue girl alway's càlled hlm doctor and hs really wussàoas, because lic madç ber inuch better. :One dytbnew maid .ma-s cea'n- Sing M-ary's'e oom and mashed Doc- ton Spider witii her broozn. Re na-e noV d ead, but lay qluiveiing ivith intense pain. Mary saw him there enad Saidp "Oh, Aune, pou -have 1killed 'Do etor -ýpiden.1y A 'tear I droppedolf thie amali mn-gleâ Iform it thrilled hinl rough. Ris 1heart gave a leap o! gladness; it 1burst and he was desci. That tes! . f sorrow aKt bis 1055 crowaed bit lita aand ho, died in JOY. FiIEAli FAMILIE80 One o1 ihm 1lune te Jî-DéMri qere ià. the remnt t4n iv Vg -l,- p4i a Inily o seveliwio 1etween tempoeaeas nô fewer than vu afn ee ne > of has 23 fingerg, another 21, whiie of the remaining five eapeh eau bouts of a. couple,o! ha.nds witb. tweîve fingers apiece At Kosbiliwo, Rus- Ria,, a vepry 2ïàlar phenoinenon ex- istes-in the ý50 or -more descenant of a. peasa.nt with extra. finger& oe his ha.nd, who inarrIed tthée Ix ginuing et lauVoentury, all of who-x are deere£lwth f roôn n.to flvi 1-in e » in ce s ci the n r u ,hat wa, pens-ps, tise reord fa-n y irîth regfkrd to meiglit, mas, lic perea ?~Chanle," AVias, afey -cars aok cnt.iatIan-o.i vcle-d- "4 s/toe, e tbroeaw ,rcdeceaa34e-hnm, bisg nolee Vh 6 ste(oe a-ad 40 aton. Anostho' heavy falnily' mas the, Dudftelde, ci if wliomr, Robert, :abrewen'. dray ma, mighe4 at bis death 32 atoue -no âaVons heeler tii-sonhis Vwi tfother, miiose 3() Stone mas equd. eif noVtopped, by their tmo sis iFor l-o-ftiness o!ft-aturc t-efarr Iy of I.a~ÀIwômm h 5lave mas on exibition litn country, vwould be ha-rd t-obeat.IL grandfather,;tho Uta-Ilceth /e fsam ily, stocod siLgi-tifot, eleven iache, seven lunches m-ore than bhis f a/th s-boas -heiight -ma-e eiglittes/t, fet ghe: a-ta i "imelf beà con-ontwt-h a-mode-et els-lt fa, th lehu 17C~, 4Vliýe g. o! 124. Mit fati liveci- Vo celebrate bis l0!)th biniý day, his graudfathe-r wa-s 152 aVt t timet hi destii. 1. aloug-livi f ~ ~ I Jmlro! wbC1,nmdSo s-l-la c-nnothe t-liamre number year ~cnipVv t- the a-nrs, asunddiy lold-9 the recorà for gel len wvdig, ! wich, five h& beea <seiebna.ed lu tue fa-milY nit la e>o4iparatively receut yeaLrS. Oue;C the«mos/t ne/table lu-st-nc of pri.Iifienes in hs-t meutiOncc tii-e Hanrlelan hlisellafly of a. SO' uoeraund hi..,wile, who weret podparente of 62ý chidren, 50 wiiomri,wahed t-leir u-aori . Fi tuntCl, fui-gentlem'en of-, nei-lbohod s--l -e<!pcd t brougit ulp by tleir- parents. 1La .tg aa -Véiéfaily ma-s, faine pal&es beforeVhs/t o! a Rusai one Tv- I.iiWho 'Wbs l ied t*1-e. By hie itlî t iife ho 69 chudrn -tue followiIIg on<l four~~~ ~~~~ tîesqadupO a/a-bi.r sevn ilms tipets sad sixti times IVwins'. By,>bis eeCo-n sp- ha. hlad twîce tr-ipleýts a%,d tix tir Uipi-iitinr, Draina- -it ..-Ugh AL nô.ta o bu'erydil a îsid diesà. 1~ v 1? 3 c r M a& t. 25 ,.W '- t'ý h as d n, eve WheliealiIl etorsud nobier ïhings aste t h s U a .r i i a g e f e a s t - ýT t e l- e r o w * o , t he. bouse lise heen iuvited to st- ' All - orare -is this virtue , of"Con- tend the ' uarriage Of 5 ffrieuid. ýA i e, U .~ ~ i elil doing;" ncs cu- thb. wedding.-festivties u "t.I l à lSt- doulted ,ly thê se oa nise whieb ed a e k . s r a t c&ul-d -be is be.M>wed 1UPO U 1V lu ur teKV. letalone fotr 80mB tilDO. hOP a fj cojmo n ugh tolee an indiid -, ý allel -,Passage In Mark ,mentions ual *taat ut in 14!. with er.lted t ,ii- m str'a- Meouru lu anotherlideals, , cud -plU Dp fe dnle ly into couut.v (ark $. ~~blmelf, h- fght.for the. blgh ti-ge o! the i-tiie nverit on o r landee, h ego btl maste sud servntsVhs lrd1 oqus thenin har.-n iyba!ndr, the uen-e na P W. Have- a Breaumg- relu:, Ms which body and mmnd may -- ok~ lapse, and w. bave Vo yrield;' Now and again thon. comee a ol>die- Uk Bluoher, or a statesnu tike -UlI!- atone, or a. .oientist'liko Wall1Acýe, who hiolis out uuwenrie8d*broaht a long lii. t"e. Biut sucseli oa a#e esn.plaoni-. moe4 01o!us have the- constant probleinof, k.eping fr.eà, ,cf maluDtainiàg pur a piritmai vital- ing Vhs wonk o! s ;Iave in gratitude But the H',oï Eestasy o! Youth, «~rg iditie n aso n cobled. .And this '-ans, in the spir- fo ti . sevat' fa itlnes;théswe ea.y, in cuir ma.te-r o! <set fua i ule sin the- ibysical,- re6tl 1u a yec h. ,prmsdatVihion, -pasesocver mta thie prudence- àau& refreffsnient. le-w. would conB- - Marriage 8uiàýaer cf the Lamb (Se c iîleae ielm.otcftnt nwI on sm tse -Bey 19.9) Th é nsu &l oouree b- en- h e- otdanb h los -oi*e " iets aadw o tweq mste su srvat egivn ment at &IL. What lbas rea<lIy ha: É444, rok in a mnarY 1a$" whb»h in Lule 17. 7-1i0, pened is Vhst no/tmenelyyubbu9 Gddiko!ta lents'rf 8Inthr-h Rmndis the y gond Ior ha -s lded ta-i sud "lio dof l'the -get i,pas- the aight jute four na+tehes, Vsthe vulg rit atin !s feahtrcnd(se nd ' in tie stilln war - Jomsrr uto the, Jsuedivpobtaly isoetimes he--has surreudered his irhicli are0 H1.6peso. - TI-ars oulnY rsee o Vh Jowis hrvIsosixat deals to those base' econsiderationsnif a-y ou-r s;,ui-sbe retoned, su.~a is,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~O twle tir.aadthe o i xedieucY Wbich a-ne Only other we ehaili not "grow weany -Mii el-1 o'cloion usmes fer selfliihne-a, cowardice andl doing." Thus only.msar we hoen th n. f se c ilstrtio o show -rde' ,OnOe lunsairile he hm ,bar- abled to fieintthe good fught la -sufeb heneeo! wai-thulet s . altered lus soul for sonme nortihisi wiee tha/t our "la-st nriàre.more I~nw hisTh vn l pok biy daZZltogbauble et Vhs wornld, than tue fitV'-tev,Tàhàlw Hynee indicative andi wul4 -' *erefore n,mr often Vhs-n net, I beiéve, Eolone. - Ro would have Waotched, and not - have left hie bouse to ho brobken WHAT SIALL WE DO WITH-f througliExe zia~ g th-e' rich, OUR GIRLS? Or sun-dried brick-s, sud would of the Royal1 Commission ou Indus- I'EA T HL be ea.sily "brokeus-" or- "dug triaI Training ad Techuical Edu- ,.4 through. " - caVin, delivered a-n a-ddress thé ~- -e' s- 40. In an houx tha-t ye Vinrk no/t îhe-r d-Y b ef o re tii W oinen's Ca- the Son o! man cometh-jSince tht -tdiaa Club, about girls. Heomust lowt< AvoId Influenza.-. f Sou o! man may cor n expscted- ie an, igd pergsp, for wha-t he W. isolate a nialpox or -escar- ~ , iy, gVhhoe i iciples tVo h. e anaw a-bout girls would f11l let lever -patient, me are àIoWvly coin- -watchful. -.It à wsmetim'es weill VO j ibok -about-as big as & b a-rn,.-Ha-d irîg Vobelieve tha<t epideniics niait skoursle -tVhs clos- te Vsday hobeen a youag gaffer ho couidbe'aedof-aVimanwabt if Vhs time has been sPent a,$ wme ,mvegiven the olo -idrls some point- so far we bave taken but. brIfeè note rwould like to- have spent it were frs about the -youug -cnes that cf influ-e-za-, Yet 'bth-iequr'e a-se 5 thaV day, oun last.- would b. worth knowîag. catching as é,ther o! the dileasca 4 41. Thie verse gves another illus- WhuVsgetF-alim- l-amd -di etk nocons dr- traton o! Peter'. iznpulivenes-s ing ha con! esaed that lie na-slus/t aion Vhe la-cttht iV je often folio w- snd his acting sapakesmaà Ifor e.Tigt ly h iln i edi by fatal results me -musti l4rnk onf"-. the tweivs. Peter' daubtiese bas ia ail revereuce, ma-y I ba, perniltted influeza a-s a- most 1eious diso- nund the promise given inlfrae 379 ta hope that -ho is to-day finishing der, There e nrdoubb lihat it is ansd wishes to know nietheth"tliis ~musical tudss 6n a. ichool cd ca-used by oa mricrobe, penhps ---.. hgh piiee sofrd ôal-o tstr, a.ud wê niay ten A&Y tar would ho More CorreoVt o ôy »y. reine vdfrti pste in.hiroa athie very bes-. îgroupel mier-obes-;t'hougjzit le -oni-, Compare Mark 13, 37. lyhen mdle-sged geilemen like ly Mince 1892 that we hve'l<now2 - 42. As nas Olten;Is' tnDr ôs'tsagVlc/umgo o- anything, about -th-lie oiin, o!ln#4,- ô Jesua answered Pet-er'; - qu-stinm- ston s ttota lsugh. There aura, iLs effeetahad been famî I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ no byakis-oti-n eds ~ l only eestp from Vn ulmeeog og befone. Even no- -f tell what ho wished 'Vo kuw, but to t-ha. idiculous, ad the Dc. ianthere seems plènty -f room for i- t holed sci as wo berd hm VOseverl places cornes ne-ar being de- vestiga-tion, for inluenaza posesses ,e recognze that be was a- steward Iightfully funy; indeed, if- ha. were a power o! appeaing ia. many dif- >- with responsibilitiee. Le go iuto vaudeville mith bis littie fei-ent form. -lI the close foui air r-Their portion o! fod la due se- monologue about tii- girls ho would - cf any overéro wded place Vhe in- s on-Theuppel' setr nt, or 'Ste- ho a headlinei iu no tim. fluenza germ flonîribes, sud 1V 'je n.qu nar gulsRoa n cte e erfoed Dr. R.obeton na-n/ta Vhintynmii- liens that a few whose vlitity le no/t' M-~u aprt rnegulaitheinerdis t . odlion dollars Vo start vocatiolbal stroug enough to resisti are a,'t.tarh- ne 4.S doonindlioer è te 0rischools Vto train young nonsea. You ed. Prom tliaýt point' t/tIiamarci a! -e 43a. îso ding-his wrkng tib otherscan't train g. If You ds)n't tbinlk fifeetion goeu 5tefidily -on Vurulih ,.1 hat Le, oin bis worr f Itfuly 5 , ry i6t-. W e iba-e tnied i/t on wtti t hh so uss.o a , bbt hé ool r the 44. lNe Iili et h111111 01er~lti1 Q king MhmÃ"1a. ftr yôu deveur ofice. The onlY Way to provoif l e f lie iatii-IncreL5'.d nesponsibility. te msiddle of o ns cf their pies, you spnead o! t-he dise s s ta iolate -. nt releâîe, ià the reWard for luith. - e&b.U#e he r W osi f pith qi.wit thépatient frorn tue time whefl tue in fuine s. Comparé tis pa alpda o! ih The -t-rouble ni-t-h irl's isnliea-d be ozues oa te , o . as ss ý the pound, in which the éervaiit Lhey nia-le a fuactin of every- sometirnes the aLto, irben the $ymp- àe iioe wag foin athl la s.ver thiug. A ladies' college le a. con- toms Vake the fonm of langor, head- Wm h Lit-ewa1g0n. uV17). oertinuotis performance lunctiou--anly ache, -or ahivcring and.!gaeneral Paina , 4. T ea qtd'dink an tobethie a-nd nothiug more. 'We wouid about the body. du.enTo e s van t Wn,"sdo be -pend thinty million dollars estah- C'omplete re&t. iu bed In ame-Il- ~t- runen-hisservnt-na- ~n~; ishiug some 0ior functins, a-ad ventila-ted roi, wl/tii or -ithouf s.a ,y hv sbly d is tgou h eésvants we have enuugho! tIi-m nom. -fine as required, gve'h ain eurhav ism.e t h snaie Girl-s don't na-n/t Vobe tnaiued for the.,lies/t chance o! recovery lan tise' In under haltlm. rn as - - and a calling, trade, or prof ession; hey ahorteïttîmre. -lHé Shoul b...kept appin s otio .sith deun aut t' go/t marriod. ;Any one o! warm, s-nd ni-en tlisattaclkis aa-- f pit is p tio eih h ti them v-wuld leave ÃŽchool in a Min- companieci by intense adhing hot fai hu-Ufaithfulservants hstute ri Vhs igit oha-p came aleug. fomeutatine -will cten afford ro- is. tho§e whe abusd ther trust, 'nt9 more punished with violent dc-ath-h - ning, theefcre, t-ha-til lsheplil. The diei muit ha liglt andi- le i.7ae lieg~5<l a <> pnjii:thCM out çllght to I0o prffliitçd Vo uorithiu;; ereals, elg', fnuit 411. ýZ+1e th graâuthonA tiegs. LSMent howa in ths pana-blina-ms- the poper âthitie We a-dver-juices, ba-keiapple*, oranges, lîglul lis tiF &R ove the rld reehome- mili Pudýdingo arc alsitablet and n- may ips orwilfl eg steada for youg me-n o! a-ny na-Vsptetinsydil eyo na-- ~' ecto! duy; en tniosforuncn-ticna.lity. I mouldn't a4vise giving er or wesk liomemade lenionàr-e.- un Miolls negleetSinee the eer,,an a- girl 160 acres o! la-ad, but I wpuld The grea/teat es-ne is aeessary Vo Run ma-y h na mea ur espons7uïl advise 'giving hen oae theusa"nd dol- avoid exposi-re Vo cold aud damp ng or et avng ouu o. ie ordsJa-ns. *Loet the Goverameat luer after an st/tack o! infl-uenza. It is t , ui. L ie 1. 2-1 aie asse bs e ny grl 1baby for I ,OM 0 whea he ofien &aid tha.t lit dusesa Ism ore > do~rAPm ! pllnimunent. s bora. As soon a. hon birth i-s fatal te mensthnwmnes s - -t 4. Mo -wbomsoeNZr mu<cli n given , regsterebiat the <ty Ihall or wâtlî hëô&attë thélt ur ra -o more rashu efd hlm éhai1 mach ho required-Thobe oaCel h ea.oniia-asimr a-sr- esotaa bu i nil i t-besme- as t-ha-t atatd ly iuunsJIfor ti,OÃ"O. to Lee pald hlier.4 ft~Ã"ilAgt -lmtt i. ,Iù MeolQuence i-n u te tlent su th poude.Scewhon si- c-omes o! a.ge. The Gov- thesy s-ns more pnons af-e -itm er ai-sa comment on verse 44. en-ment pays th;e otiuai. Aunt te pne umonie. oend other diïeases, th-Lucy sys, "Fa-y it Vo lier when si-e whicli tee otten follow on the heeIc -ho ~ - geLa rnarried," but Gld Twilight cf infliuenza-. ed Beson For Hosillty. thines tha-t corne of them wuld geV 'iSo lcng as propen pneconfi Iaie marricd s- fifteoni just Vo get the observed lu the lnatter of clotŽslig mshlie a clu yab.sile o -' 'ilgtib' : - sei to '1V IeVpi - wrhena-/tckm-tmii. oweven. - - why n hatle eta rîan py aO cauduenagerio Insead s tou, elderîy ýwom '?if Sh eI'mai-f t-sd yoo lî t mien 1 wnal-'h.y by. mers13ng mater rfacd in te oraycarrylag - aupe-tmelu-ûh viye ta ivWnlO e-h seh i '0ig i~ae" h ad ' ~ Wel,--stsles (:uîre î1W53 '4T! ellIuw - ho <isooPrinciP]O i &'r -- thuglt i w~ me~usand" - -.cba.ogiù ant -uei aathpt espCWTig«Rem Tue Li" <C&MTR£S 0r ami K 1 i-2., and No.~ . 2, $..23. Oàta£LQ2 o.a.-95 t- t-dc. à(Ir)rwlç ýJ freigbt',aml nutais. <, uc! et. 912.0115 W.' WetM aadaos-té, 43c 1, Ut A«0?40tL for No. 3, 134tY poi -'p'." e W, 9a e t e. si. , xtie Bar1èmy--L*od maltng, baley. ý lk 2 futlJ, 75t 76r ctsn-isitba bran, $au..i o 1 190; fa rmere isepanor j 27 to 2ke; etrabe-pribu-,.17 o.21 Egpo -VaMI lots ofnew-laid,41 Che<-i - -NqW doet-.i, 14J.v7.4 for 11), for No. 1. carabe, 5$3t.) -85.25- 91e!.-1.aa 240 teO8M.60 for Porulrýy--YowI. 112 10 13c per Il esl, 16 u 01;dUCks; 13 luwi t4i 15r;tuies 19 Vo 22c. poa oeii- -Ou arirm at 83 t-, 85c on traqItrk iielawares iai 9Me. - Provisions. eige lotip. ork -Shuort eut. $28-'4; te: hoatv. N7e. 1.e6latue1, Vuil iat -~~~ ~~ as -te'ts 1 -. .(, 14, ' -CI00U j lai P -. mr. ieh 3. 'V ie N 9i~e 1), 2, S- mbitr $9 V *o ';: o. 83 i 1-2,;u 7 4i -i 1311-î', 1No. I 1 red iffl 88-u91e Lied ttay ad lIras "n ra.k i'r': N.35,; -N'P. ..i.mk. 17t-"N'o. i'N,.4,îp42.!-U-;reJ-ls-3 . 1W 41 1-2 No.3.71i-.' l-e .6331?: No $117N 1 Z.PcPd~o 1. .e o. i rl Marts.9k A Wlh. et l -721-2e 3r.'d W. -(t--no. *&Z2 c; ..N,3.W exitra 'No> . 'fed, i43 -4: N D.1 N-)wI. 4,4'102<6k;J-s-ivd,i is-Bkwno. tN:go. , A66il 167.-P I1.301-t; ý0.30<'..($17,0 ine àM ontoe,kets.'I TollerlI. $. !r to7$4.1- doCltti .ser,.0 Io.. 44<,;4do.. Nx3., 7. X C. 'N. pf er, < r1 -.-e -~ ~ ~~~~1 t-oli 8bSO;*nl-n aeo4r#i;do, 30 r pub Uiuretnited ' cholue. 56t * nouera ~ Mai ri-4761 d.- 7 - omol qUU'bl . 3 3.4 3 ULiva Sttck Mrkts e7;- .ut - emniori 9-7, 3 - h.r96.2. ',Ci 7.i-Woo.-6.75N,,tJ 50ii 11-t-. o- yW ur. t,.u> S. -Ai2.Lee and-$1. pff-s7 -50 (l? V. bSt59 3-4tuof La l. $10:4 -4; a-1.Notu n.f. . Frnt5 -4.-. Monm-t-r lis Ue Sok ak Ats - Io R , l' other to weilght. ý "1... 1 Smeh ls Fame.

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