Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1914, p. 8

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__ IQ)ftac fo çsrryilig tem"' rm ItflOmnus liiornw iêto Mr. AIt. Haeam. f.Kl' aco pa ~ J~ d hy and daughter,, of dys Toroatoi lait week. ý.orte vO bb avisiting aiiMro 3Mr. 'A, ç. !lliot4 boas recelved a 11h iu1UUle l3ôwscareof sugar. ?For rOC4 ot~ it Trnd tolg 3onProscl ru and M uG i.- l'pn dY fi Toono.The many frionda etf ýGeo rge Moe -?:: eW' 1 bhso sle inSt. Thom- eilof Teorqnto,ý fermerly-o! Brook- Oh on Sunday evening. Tbý- liai willI be; .pleasM te learnltbat he ýurtùewill. sing. l zpoli rzIbsnont Ilînees. Miss Mnnais Colwilllspent a 'few The Adult Bibleé Cia..are prepan-, Amswlth trienda in Whtby li.it tng te give their dram& about 'the mlddlo et Marob. -M.R. K. Laurence lae agent for Messrs. Ralph iWbts and Charles 'tb 'COLUmbla Grafollola anid records, Elliott spent sevýraI daYu la Toron- &nyone wlshing to hear any of the to this week, aa attanded the mot- recer410ors sholMd tall at lits or shoWwhwble tlkre. store. t If yen have aay drled apples brlag ant.sdMrs. Jas. EjX Kerr leftIou Ileni aloflg ta. A-0, rlllott, s. the ýO'uesdaY., for iti r home ln New rnarket closes March lot. j3rigdea, Alta. Mrs. A. C. Elliott was in Toron- M 3r. R. Horto , et Oshàwa, Ufr. te for several days this week. -YJackr Hortop, an1 Miss Laura Hor- The barber shop, whlch was re-B tope of- Toroutol were with- -their ported to have becu solde Io etilie parents over the I week end. carried on by its1 preuent pwner., The M[àa Addle Vlpond lu vIsitA ag (cal did »ot ge tbrough, frienda la Shirley.,fTbpý house mat racated by 'Mr. Hor- Mri, Hutchuson, o! Toronto, i vis- tOPl afd .tanilia lubelng nenovated. ftlng- wlth hMn. Jas. Kayuard. r1 Ilawe e pts te more la th. MrO. Williams, of Bowmanvillie, s first et the--mealli. vlsltlag wlJth Mfr.- ad Mrs. Norman Nt. an« Mrs. John « Hall, Ennigkîl- ColwLll.. len, "and Miss Beathuna, et Vlrdlen, Poultr'y Fee'd! There .is good money in HENS, .if properly cared for and fed. We carry in stock feede su ch as ePratt's'Egg-P'oduceu', Bee crap, Gran-- ulated Bone, O'ystem' Sheli, Grmit and IGrain. Tsay Psatt's iceRlerl, we bawe t. We H-I ELVISS9 Bell sud Independent phones. 31rook Il ~;~psp~ps=*eeeeêp Ln: 66~ . r.Jas. (urusu nus, renies th bouse on tire ,Ilayward farm, -au will movreabout theflrotcf i SPENCER-BATHE. A qplet weddlng to>ok place inAI~ Saints' churci,. Whit*y, on, Sedur4 Februsry 2lsI, ai 2 o'clock,' la"-ti presence of thie Immedîste *relative only, whes ýMary E-, BaAie, Swiadotà Egwua unlted zla Im"rilage t M.Harry - Spencer, eldest sona-c Mr. sudI Mme.Chas.SpenCer, Brool lin. Rev. ýR. W. Âliený -perforas. the ceremQny. The brIde, Who WU given awsy by ber brother, wr tr flln uit of nay piOe Berg, an lensd white hat, and carne4 a white pirayer book. -The attendJ ants were MeEgB. Llalsy Bathe, is ter of the bride, uni!31n. Sydue Spencer, brother eflihe groom. AI ter the cenony was peftormed Mn. -and' Mr. Spencer drove le lAid homene aar flreeklin. 1Mr. and Ifs Spencer will ho at home te thel frlends atter Marci 101h. Catarr Cammsot bu Cuire! vtt LOCAL APPLICIATIONS9. au ber catna -ach the scat of the dtsesa.. Calai-rh la b1isai« Or pMlittleaidioeus, end lu, «der ti Cotrk euM atabmu rnternluaind<ne Hail ctiyo tue blosi uad mucousuface. IHall Catarni Cure là setàaquachmedldaa It w. prewseribi!by oe o ae bbetg pbysa laluthi eOuutry lOw yease ed tea-rular preseniptlet Itlin cm'4000"Of tb. besf im Ïles tmoua talud htt Lb tat losi! puIîI!ei, aethugdis luaiileaot the îwe lureleta li what pro ueure wTnttuntinre.- ur gCaLanb P.ICxHUNY& CO., Peopo., Toledo.,4 Ssii byà.Du,~ ~1:r~;siatu MYRY1LE STATION.- Our kockey boys Save the For Perry boys a great CamÉ 1ILn Pey Ferry on Monday evsalng 1ai.TIN core WaU omwhat large owing .tc -tire' znk heing Improponly 1Igbted Hait.lime'score "- la faver et l'ori Penny. Pull trne ucore,. Port P"rr 18,, MKYntie 11. Myrtle linae-up Goal, F. China,; point, IC Britton coeF. Dlchînson; rover, M V BROOKLIN OUR PRICES ON FIJRNIURE Make 'a Visit talJUsUh Worth Your WIiI., EWATCH FOR MARCH lst- Whe n we are going to put on a sacifcesale in order to clear oui our large stock for epring. W ha-ve, without a doubt, the largest stock of furniture everl shovui-n Br ooki. We have 1a, stock whicli will compare£avorab1yý with any large town. - DISNEY- BROS. LEÉS taellasdl. Phonos FUNE84L arefrot te Ç7m ui il CICLO01 Çîitt- ÇaftiIEl 'OUplIg Ci argo çxiy ïthe - r rn i.îgworic. Fresb mined, ture amount and uimlar térnu foa N ouseifllobboplln, Ltd. We lead in quality and quantlty. Tweftty.,five Paymerft Life Policy. At - il n hof*111 U7are Is fully paid for and bas a Cabh value of i~.tn them ~ « w uiDy$898 o, while the una ash bvalmWf e-clsive deuigne and the other poîlcy at the same timelsj$720. LBell Tel.,~ Homne Tel. ze. The -aun wio utUdes bis own litegg yl -cannot be obt ,nd" patT0flzeThQe n ntt~IPasac op 1oe nL. W. (JL f.i-. SUTU5IRLAND, INVISIBLE Whhtby. esGaet. IW4 an hu ave a -good look weI'ont. ToNons#. Ioe i you.do net, Our Bifocal Lenses are buyvjuet now itsgreat- really two JenuosWçlded liet Bdte Bee althese ixew o14mUdlaa."Epeirincia Docet" linme.i rico per, pair, $;,Ob aSpécial ground, 7.50, j DISN EYT BROS F. E. LUKE, E RPEÂOTII « IU Ii umF1 1.#edI ____________________________1__0vorunook, 4Slt.oTC.N. Ouha .y oeS.TORN Fr xelusire Fanerai Parlor. I w M an sd Chipel 4o be establiohed in W&ieLAWRENCEe BROOKLIN. ithe PRIVAtEMîfOtrTUÂR,Ï a.L ITD.tPrivate anibulince headqluarters. 211211 W R t' es edte. No extra charge forda*ano. To California, Florida r2sd4 U ,pond centre, B. Beaceck 4. wings, T. This New Medicine Saves Curie and! W. Young. Ilefoee, Wm. ooe n u u n o t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Io Ingrata, Port yPerry. _anth_____ out r- We are very sorry te -feport the NOW IN EFFEOT "m dealli of )dr. Richard BaIl, of our We are' druggîte niglit bers in ,village, on Monday evenlng lait at YOu town sud make a living outo! Thé-Grand Trunk Railway i theh very, Cartage Ht~fvelock. -Mr. Bal liehd been hom the dnug business, but il Js because meut direct route fromn ail points East for th. euo!01tbê. whter, and enly people bave te have drugs and net through Canada via Chicago,, Detroit Sleft où Sundy eVening te slart because we like tb M u eo pesuf8 e Bfao o -leck Monday morning. He and îm- the beat. service ws can, aud. whpç Offices or write C.z. HC)RNING, D.p ., n ea i g other COmpa.ion were cariylng ce someone lo aiiing we are înteresie<l Toronto, Ont. î men acos , heC-PR.traks to naeeing them tk tebest 1 e - '.Stephenson~n, pbo» 30. 1 have reoenty- 'dded te my wü the round bouse when -they Sam cino there le for their partleular -anpd ray ery aile indi of cartage am snothered by the ateani, and smoke jtrouble. We don't necommend,. "cure- *w i's a nddaao Uknd fcrt ,m $ro ginesa nd they stooti stilî, alla," as ws don't believe there are U VY U IUttiing ork n elb lw o frain eàg i dewli bynagyaNd doa't.wanan!owill Ne'pisusndrte on011Yyt such tingu.'liTe oîatYantdyo te--recewo orders, i;hIch yl have Prept, * glue, thug a tkng off botth o! Mr..,aPeid Mors titan you have te.- Some, WC wish te acquamnu the peoplSe o and careful attention. _ * BaiI's légs beiOW the kîees. Hae detOfYen gtlumali wages, and iwheî Whitby and surrounding ýcountry wlth 1. # ftavelock Monday evenlng, Feb- You'rs sick nous ut ail, und > you the tact that WC have opened up a fiit PHONE '65. rUmary 23. Deceaaed leaves a widow should get the meut you oan for yeur clast iaundry on Breck St., Whitby, in yand four girls -and twu> boys. Mn. mnoney. Hewis Bros.' oid store. Bal'was abCwell respecteul citime,. We. recently cam torous a new We art prepared to do ail klnds et' -an -e wllbe iaedby veyon o -remedy for lncreaaing strength andi laundry worLr Famiy order given J h this vicinity. Thîe widow and famiîy, builIng up peopie .wil are run-down special attention. ,Ail work G iînbleted have the deepest syrnpathy of ail and smaciated. We know that a Parcela called for and delivered. tbis communlî. asliglit trouble sometimies grows 'ite VDSS. W S, W I a serinoe, and te stop il in the Charles.War - Whjtby, Ont. WONDERFUL HAIR. bglnung willr Save you money in ;the end. ,Tht. new cempoun! fa scailed >Clealn aud free from dandrul! and Rexaîl Olive 011 Emulsien. Il lîïte41 t i.411fi poasesaing- ail the radiance o!' perfect beat remedy when Yen are run-down, iait. T'bis à just what Sageine tired eut, nerveus-no maiter wbffat R F &E T T moes te those who suifer with itch- the cause. Il doesn't merely stimu-ý iîlg scalp, dadriff, cearse, dry or late Yeu and make you feel' good for Country hcmes, market gurden properties, fruit, stock, gan couo oku hî. Sgue ia a rew ,hours, but taktes hoîd, o! thc and dairy fari,5 beauti fui îoWn building lots and residential Me likteto Iad8d unattractive hait. weaknesg and builds you up te *a propetes. Sa-geine teeda the hair root wî th the healthy, normal conditdon. *It ilaaf We xnight mako spéciat menti0Ofe the 1 » 'itory trame dwel- îeceeary to,4~ for pnomoting a heai- neal nerve-todtne n uJdre ing on the'tornef ef Ceiborne and tho e~-Thspoet thY groWth. aàgeins is the daintisa od lost on muce d- is Worth buyung as an investment, onlyonboc rm .T.Rup tenfo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o yucidwsbon 1eulgestien. It centaine h>'pblÉphihtes, onsiin adys and is net sticky or grea-sv.- which tone the nerves, and pure Ojive FARM SPE-CIA'L--Dew tarm et 209 acres, large brick dwelling, A A lage hakr-to bole ôstsori Oi, wich ourshe theneresthefair outbuildings, 16 acres of orchard, runniag vater, specially 50c. an! Mr. J. F,. Willis gives bisj'iidm b Iesse. 'es adapted for stock, grain and fruit. Specil piei ae~qik peruonal gua2r9antee te refuni! the1 ant te take. CouVains ne alcobol or- _____ id.Be sure te eb te 3. E. Willia' that if Yeu are not perfectly satisfcel anaa f drug store, as other stores catnnot wtth il, we'l give back yeur money «r Mpra g DDU Do nt SALES '09 suppfry. eu',as 800n as Yeu teli us. Sl nyIUflSlluS IIUlfhqjl AA ES Mn .Xntla noe eliiAu. ___~ -IYTLE. this town only by us. $1.00. A.I.* wHoITBv, a - ON-TARIO Important Auction sale. i houas iaaat 01 J ICe, ,y4 ,JV4,,.. We are Pleased te see Mr. Chas. Hartie able -te be out again âiItýri serieus attack..of la grippe. 'Much sYniPatUy l toIt for Mr. I. Grant, in the -death of two brothers witlzln a molith. Mr. Iec&ley -returxed on Wednesday e1 lait week trom a trip to the West. He reports it te be a good ceuntry, but -i s ,net to be cern- Pared toi 014 Ontario. Two cases of German rneasles wefe reported lait week. This is a very communicabje disease, and the part- les infectedl were quarantined for the usual timhe. Mr. P. W. Hodson, of Toronto, »Pent Sund ay at "Glenhodspn farm."I The pile tbat bas been ble'wing for Borne tinie past, is not at ail sug- gestive o! a "dying Ivinter." JUBB-At Kalasnazeo, Mleh.,- on February1il, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. George Jubb, a son. The fWorIdfs Remedy Yen make nô risky experimnent when you use oecasionally- whenever there is need-h jmost universlly pepular home remedy known,-Beecham's Pise whieh have stood the test of time with absolute suc- cess and theirworld-wide fame resta seely on proved inert. Cais.unswered promptly at aay heur, day or night. No extra charge for distance.- andi -systel and ,the numerous alments by deteciive action of ornacb,ier, kidneys oes.Cleansing the ,they»jlfAY the bbood Ofl2bQlybx'in , -and Be6 re af0 Plways eand i of higli-grade Shorthornn mllking strains, horses, larm and implements. The underuiS recdlved instructions trom SROBT. W. McAVOY [lot 3, con. 7, Pickering, li north o! Kunsale, tô seli by auction on Wednesday, March toliowhng valuable proprty: 1 brown herse, 12 years, H.D.; 1 bay horse, 7 years, 1.D. ; 1* bay 'horse, 5 years, G.P.. - CATTLE. 2 med cows, fresh rç 2 roan cows, fresh * 1 red cnw, due Apnil 15 ; 1 Ted cow, due March 19 >i1 e! heifer, frssh; 1 red heifer, due May 28 ; 2 fat belfens ;' 2 fat steers ; 4 heit-ers, 1 year old g 8 steers, 1 year oid;4 veul calvea. i1 Yorkshire sow, due Aprîl 14. About 80 liens, Plymouth Rocks. IMPLEMENTS. 1 bînder, Massey-Iîarrjs ; 1 mower, Mausey-Harrls;1i*mowen, Brantord;- i seed drill, new, Massey-H4arnlris' wagon an! box; i set uleighs and box ; 1 wagon ; i cultIvator' *i1roîl- 1«m; 1 herse rake, îew, 10 fi.ý; 1 pulp- or, Bolton ; i huyrack;-,i1fanlng milii; i cuttlng box ; i single plow, Ventty, No. 20 ; i single plow, Ver- Ity, Na. 10e; 1 National; iwln plow ; 1 gang plow ;i set harrows ; i souf- fier, neanly nsw ; i top buggy; 1 turmnip drilli; 1 bay fork, mepe aid pulleyu; i creuni sepanuior ç.wheel- barre-w;1« bag truck ; wagon jack ; 2 long ladders ; atone boat ; 8 dozea grTain bagi ; plg craie'1 4 Iogglng ohulnsç,2 mon- kettles * quantity elm lumber ç grain, cradie,; 2 nduoneug 1 4 horse blan.keis; i binder covrn; 2 stores ; chunn.. FODDER. 25 tons tlmothy huy;* 800 bueheis SlvrMeosîs, 50 bushels- barby,. O.A.C., 21, 1000 bushele lturnipu. SleMieHARNESS. 1 sel brauis omIe! banness, , 1gb ,top coflans ç. i set long lug harneus neariy ,îew; iset bannaisqt1 palm j bigh top ceilm; 7 cnlur; 1I. sad- 1 dbe; other aticles tee numemour tel Tem.- Eeg, Ifat catllepuai I hmv, en, hay, eg"rai m 8 *ad aImm suu Of $10 andd men, nuabIç ovef tu~t aMout Sir.m onto ais'crdit Win ho given to -panrisf r Ids approve Joint notes, 5 per cul. per- aauum eff for euh. C. J. S.wm-11 vin, oie*'r; Wm. Vair, aue«tOnr.j of nlch Istock gned basý miles public 4, the I i. HOAR'S ýMIDWINTER SALE Hear', mid-winter sale of rnbbers now on. Guaranteed No.r quality wool lined, rnen's, 87c; boys' X to 5, 69c;, youths' Zi ito 13,i 59c ;--. women's, 65c-,- girls' 11 to 2, 54c ; child's 3 to 1io3y, 44c. >Uso reduced prices oh ail unlined-rubbers, to-ft any member of the family. Men's heavy snag proof rubbers with heels, No.- i quality. 4 tyelet lace, $2. 89; 3 eyelet lace, $2.69; 1 buckle, low heel, $1. 75 ; 2 buckie, with heel, $2.25 ; boya' i buckle, Iow heel, $1.40; youths' i buckle, low heel, $1.20. TODOORS SOUTH irock st. Fai Upwards 35an acre, inveatment,'Io Erery concei and o4her imF Je JE.,V -Bell Pl rnf isPowWw WI 0F STANDARD BANK Whltby, Ont. irSa le I s ef ferty farme from 25 acres up, and ai- frein guaranteed te show oatisfactory resue from ocated in Whitby and Pickering Tewnships. [rable requirement of. soil, buildin'gs, orchard proements can be met ia the raried hotI offered. VINN, - WIIITl3Y houe 109. P. O. Box 394- - Rtesidence, Dundas St. West. iCHANGE, 0F BUSINVESS i j FlRE INSURANCE Messrs. Richardson & Richardson, having bouýght the Fire Insurance.business cenducted by the lat. 0.,F. Stewart, wish> to ýannonce that- they wil attend carefally to the renewal of aU riake placed byr him. Thes. gentlemen have be.u the Inonranees business for màany, years, and- they s a &mit have just cause, for belng prond, *not only because of the large increase in'their busjne@8 durng t ii lait twoya. E-bùt bteesue.of theý reputation they have gained.throughth prompt and fr settemnt of ass You canot do rt~i than continue your businies with this firm. - Our Pure Olive O able.,lias a rich i1 FIt'ts purity iii AN BOULES ANIY Drugglst and.E >MEDICAL HÀ Ba'lishAmerloa Buin wo uws d OllSti.. Ton dasidthe ploÏseer big"i grade Dui 0 f('cida. 1U'nder uew illn I~'« lt want to prepa-e f-,r a g r Henry C. Wa ,£rofessionat uINO. E. FARtEWELL Barrîstýcr,-,County Crown Couuty Solicitei Office south wing Court Hoi A.I E. CHRISTIj Barrlsturi Solctbr. Notas-y P Office, Brock'SL, Opp. Suu -Money to Loar, émuâ RITLEDGE, Ba,.î Mo-ney te Lean on cs Office immediately south R WVhuby, CUnt. Go. YOUNG SMITHo Issûer et MARRIAosj LICEI, <.f ourt lieuse, whilby, or- rBarrister, Solicitor, Notar, Conveyanccr, etc,, Oshawva, --Ottai Office-Ne. 2 King St. E, M; ResitlenCe-52 Drew Plbenes Office, 3^21;,esd DENTAL- W.ADAMS, Dentlut, omfl StrýeÈ, Reasidence No. 4, thi Byrea, Stt, Wbllby. Phono AUCTlIONEER' » suorJAS. BiIH 'Oswhawa,.- esdMictionb çaSte- L. Fairbanks. F eddates apply te seif or LICENSED AUCTIONI ANO. VALATOR. AI hindi o! Éaes prompti -04-te. Arraunlgements caa" for sales ai the Gazette et!i T«mrmaeasou'aible. Bell and hndependent phont -WIITB-Y, ONT.- CONTRACTORS J. HOWELL JAI Curpentez-, Builder ýand Conti Plans drawn and estimnates fui 17 lI l'

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