Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1914, p. 7

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A.Dark Shadéo; Or,-A Cotelnt Vçug.a'oe age. toForent--iee ýa ýDamage t. Pou'..! nxcseds 5i at CILAPTIÏXXV >( nued. could 1erve &a.uy ami tsAt ain As the.resuit of reebt mietiflc Tibby stired at hlm wih ber hega on about big. bride. - th« c"00O ef hie-; Wfth'- - ee see-usgas aswasWoIt : muredrawal freux the Paruafnko il'nwatin f nec ,ag.i sIt the Joint cof meat ouered or te ýi- or even hMa uhereaboute; and -whèeu bs Britii ColjUmbla lt wsfcund that cher or lier- approsa-iaen atî he&ved returiied te a Zaborouglx-0 as is master, '.nb k -a long* aigu c0 tempasxona:e the Interest 1n hlm and he bride buen B moeplces teore*t iscté bv 'Ind saldina xmlying toetne,n Scst[ooigfr5d dtroyed tweuty-flve per cent., cf 0 tsa slocltlng txxng :t suinis of awlth auneager curtosity te tixir a-Ili ibrcc.I "I' o o~r, beipiegà lulot wanuerin' about ipeaa'anoeinIt n lmdat. p h tme MP nClfr pîo Cd w 'oriti alone,,and, we:tng Into ail. And presently they aipeared. TheJ the Sierra National Foreet, heI 1102ti Of -trouble, without hating any- bouse in Baton Square baS, for the ilit dam bwày.to stop hlm; no psuppose1 muet!" tie for-aà lençthy period,,been putinto d& g <I<>ZlDneb y insecte laut suun tira t a -double weddixg. Clivenhrh.dand oua certain evening.-early mIn rSCOddVutdoeb ie M ggeated one; but b th Quitton and ln th e seasn , Clive ntroduced hie wife l mu e uCa nada the. bark bestie loy declined With th-anks. tu o Sot iet a lUtoÏ,rscspUon at 4ady On thseine, the. bud-worm ou the1 *Ir onre k»ew 4~ donolje weddlrxg.5 shallalrme's. To say tisa Socety 'vals Wthot Quec 01the brigogromuw. hon ail hsr levellnçs..and o3wthtul Pace have doU e onuhiuy -with the wrong bride. of course 1 ,Preganted ta the mental pieture whieh. te Ùh ijUr to-týheI 011011u7int Mind eXchanring Willam Saciety baS drawn--I b eileve Bbc w55im lgil tin o 96snry;J 1, Tact, I desmaY 1 uhal' hbaye quit@ B commets person,mny Sor; i fi- tiheir control bal bee aedb ta advertIse lmnipresentiy î in f1tory girl, or oaa of tiiose lingna amdthe iboe apes rbee eope ire-ta ex. P1e'e-ls 50 deucribe the sensiUon p=-the F-eral iandl Provincial Gv -hangealotho borie #114 btes a d4y adeQiit*.t oî2, eclys.- t- a rn ut Iîd, &reitf fora elaakln jacket: but lira -only, fair -Site W at eovdntOl h-tIi.oontinued rvg fiswi tu g'lve him ialittie trlai.I 'ta favor. bt t a farvor o amia-rage tis'ot ,,,,nd Qlltn^ba nOcdédCOMpeteap- tion- WI5IcbxJSDClive laugbiugl acae netenmy(à ag'1r OUI o~f li~' er njmnta! aï- asc'g ae d o roe. nI 8e 0(u are-l.rhs ..Ye ; ibbyý'ad -care-hanciMthe da eor l"tainarack'ii Wal 01n411,, nd1 hal myige he 0 wll X rned scarceiy be- saiS. haw- gr&dual vcmmvrviaj 1 1ýe j@190i boandlmbg * a It a10 lclbore la d . kurelsfberetu u it m u n gtuarriedIIl nc' ledcty ï ,a at edThi.preeut plothor* c 0 ne1 4 - otveddingo, thoUgh notQuitt . ,ot ame mOdity con frMed thé ferveof ~pe, ut~freso aam.L eaueal, were ver yquiet onas. mina 'vas ber admirera. r ,. n ,he -r . married firut; Ti bby waql :or bridemraid But If Mua's social succens mnar b. due îargeîy tga Vn0 rocent ravajges e0 -Busïh, cof courge, gvie or away, aj demribed as xtraordlusary, thoré a f ôly foreut fAres, whieh kiiled or ýek Quilton 'van Cli-ve*n liait mam. 'Thora dule Word by which to designate that-of 'vere lenLeigusaIs' They woremmarrieS lu Tlbbyt wheu, ylel5ing to MlnaWo Iniust-- ened thç, tanding timber eand thus -a que 11ecountry place tlu Devan-i ence, @ho appeared at Minas aide. and rvdt as eeiggord o sbietand they -'ent back ta, the rugtîc , that word lu phenomenai. Bile ieapt into o4c vat'edn gou fr Inn t s that 110W generally obsoiete ,ýPOPtlaIâMy. at ans bound, and tonllalithese insects. It je for hsi resrz>n hiMéaithe wedding, breakfast.. There aud Clive stodya n > Sid 'atched'hei'. the t4hat foreat -firé res 'ver. plenty of flawers. but noallieeches a ns lalghlug Wltb dsllght. the other .»es.re 0 ucdreSti- unise. a few 'vords whlch Quilton spake, wlth umpasslve cairn, devaiS cof the eti by timber-ow'erà, for it il nôt -19 litti, viOle before the happy couple séilbteut aigri of surprise air Ttbby etten Vs'ts grave ta the train can be. counted auo. ~soared, tHrphantly througftuht tie-e fis. destroys the,. mer- Xie amadtihey happened toba alone for! 1ualnmeaof wbat *she callet"the up- .cixantail. vanlus of the . timb-er.- as few minutes, and, lie took'out a maroc- pler teon." Na. function of an>' Impart- Uuar Vi h odbrn u 90 case' fî'onîis pocket aud hanSed it - ance 'vas considered complets 'vithout Uu,1 ti h odb-lD ' t*obMine. Bbc opencd It, and, uttering the presence of the cif-lika forni and the secte which tcIlow in h a~o an exclamation, loakied tram one ta the prtt, shrOwd facs cf ibm char-ming such fires thatm nketh i-er un- other. foi, the, catie- cntaineS 'a magnA- M re. Quilton. ý_ k letme n --flcentispray of diamonds. no large, soý The falilanable woanS patteS and car- fit for luinber anti have a large <brilîlant, 1ha elle hail never se nny. eseS ber; the>' copied lher walk, lber go&5- ain eatig teilisc thirîg like li. 1tures, lber ver>' accent: tbey quotaS lier teMlirý f 'lit -lu fromn Lïrrd Chesterleigh,"' salas sharp Cockncy saylits, andC 'ere neyer do>llars Icas whîeh the nation suifers Quilton, lu hie expressîonlems voice, tired Of laUthAng at and ap îulg irannly The celer faded froli her face, anda she wtt>' commneuts and rejoin ers. Thé go.'-# T ~ h glauced i Clive, H. returned the gaiince, clit papers preseuted ber portrait ln TcSi.vinpt h wholleeale coutrol 4. ind1. pa pnhe rç ~thelr supplements, sud embalme ce fteisea hmev ol i inTher'o mresnimeletters on l," lha said epigrame lu Paragrapha; sud itbrough th netteislei'u-db lu 1w volco, "MCe"- -ffl ti'ange ta say, anSdr-at not strangaa hopeleass ta 5k, but il olimina.tiug - " Cl" Mhe exclainîed unguardedly, thon t5tosY, Tibby kept that 'vauderful 1Ji1e Iro-aae wd ypea et .the blonS ruAliéd ta hier race. She kiew - boaS of hors perfectiy 1er-el t fr-ailWdspe nwt tiait the-c atuoti for ChesterleIgli ýand1 "Tbay are lust like anybody cIse, Wil- daniage iay also be a.uton-iaticaly il wam ouîlY-natural that lierb-eart should liam leury,'l uhe Iiformed Quilton aftorprenofrhalytesae ilve elle thl-01b of Ptie-ualno for bier bwn . ne occasion of particular triumph.Pevntd fo Wà ,tr&ae sake. but for Clivels. - Thar- are Juet 1ke the peopee ira aI flot esaeptible te attaek. ]By seg- ",Youim ime content, dearest2l" hg 'viss the lients, only tliey've gat the habit of fratrsrvs n he prl.,waghing their faceg,- aud always ù.ulng rg&til1 fret dures n in "'un tui onen lise respondeA n lu vimitheir fors, Instead of -iheir kn ves- the percentage. of fire Ion ue ik aslîw a voice. "No une neeti knowtblut- Theyre Just as fond of s larlç, ands ut tt u umrwt mle ht ouriks, jie:but-but 1 u a a as eaily ta ge.taiadyuvenygt know. t howr that you couel1der Yourseif quiae on 0any samlilarîY r-pOtected areaa in t The atheîr marrlage bot place, a mQntb seugo00d as they are, If Dot a littho bot- America, the Forestry Braneh ofm aimtr, wlmeuu tIAve anS ,Mina hati rat*ru- 1ter, te (et ail)'vith theni ail riisht.the DePartitmete tey teir ed front a honer-moon which had Tîeý'herels ouly ene thlug you lnustu't do,le nri sp one Of such Per-fect ýhappliens thatZ in;: Yeu minnt be afrald of theni, They taking a ieading part 1» in le con- p Ufteî' yetrs tlley stolÈawaY together ta ge~ tbs ePull of you then. P'inatance. rlc iso a repeat lit ot ' ueAa charmile andS ia.st ulght 'vien Uic DL1cbe»s of Mi bury to iinet agefs.- famry-like brid. ansd Qiiltan, là hie wea- asked me If Minai 'as once slower girl iniuery lookei no abuurdly youug before s)he 'veut on ths stage-like lier that Se, alared. wlith 'vaîl lmulaed cbeek. WasnIt l?-][ asit yes.; and that Inîdignxationm, thât, after ail, she bhaS mac- sho madie uxi tue bouquet the Ducheus PATAD ACT riemi augi infant. -Ilcar-ried on lier' 'eddiug day, War, you, F TANDFNY SClive haci retmreii froni office andi ram see. 1 happei ta know that the Ducb- IVarlaaieni, and ho eanti Mtina upeni 5a ose Was on the 'halls,, andi that aible raiglc t-ayl wt uce cansideî'able time.,It mouewhai extenu-jAwaY wlth that softy the Duke, w 'vbilofen& d w icè s ie tral11m19. HIii etrouýgtîi came baek mlie 'vas Lord Poultr>', sud used toeiang talle-r, -on tise average, Vhs.» lierU tIxnat lia blomsm>imed ual ans>'; about the stage dooro." A lutoaë1oveIY 'voran, lut ItoonetoniQullton iaughed with a <quit enjoy mothlr bi.tleegh.nt Iu lVeooutdoor spartn.. $ ho learunt ta b"Y t it re, and 'vas aimait as mucis centu ry c V liO e licuglit under, ' ride, te Ssi, ta walk long dlmtaycs- lu roquent. on accourt 0f hls musiceal l11 tact, sime bamne that precious gîft t w gifte, as hl@ bIlllant daughter-Ellsha P a hliabaid-a companion., baSed rather aga»at. Thcy uigmt have (,.(ntinUe4 thleir "%'bthid t lle ah.sy, Tibby" lisosuieS. Because a heu cats tecs, it'a fia0C 'vandeîlugmi foa s miill on ger peulod but -"l she'snat a bsê msort, tise Duch- aigu uhle $s goiîug te lay s carpet. t f'ou ami appm-ohng aVenlt anS s3one sUS& e @,"lrlied Tlbby. 'vith a irn. "S3ha oeod nhg.yadvoe deOn news i h taîsdoll their Imniediate 1- baSeSf me upand daim for -a minute; tW odmhgn adviltu l(ltuite Euland htalîer ative. live then lSle burst ont lsughing, a regular '0,04tfor inlaying fnefur niure, bî'ogiî Ils -mew telieqa she was mlt-, music-hall laugh, anS malS quie good-.reu nosot 1Stxc uic tiliz ila, ailoraentine tgarden.. Ho baC an' temperedly ar'What a sbarp iltila deacin Opein letter i lu hl' andt. andi, seeinoç b>' rou are., plucky tool l'in very fonS of thick. -te hisç faîfaî ihat héis unI receivod bad- tiîS' bilsiter of YcUrs-hugh how as Agilhdo eau ha h in'm, MleîO mssuickly anS wenî -te bu. cauma ta be your eleter gooducseas o Agrlui>'lmen wa Tle p~ut fis ar-an -ourmii hou- and sald inu Sars ha's camng ta siay iilmena eys, but semnetimies by nliltake she II a 10-wV oîce: ait Mlbury, anti rou muet came taMnsyswa ieMas 'S'sllia. Tmv luotlxr limi-ie le deati. Re il' ake mno refusali 'YOU'l1 keep Mg ,myawrtsuneas didI-"Iic l-wt hon,, lmima yen' ',<uekyvue:u norSon. AmldIS ike - Wrinkl-es are caused, net by wor- ___ K jc ltocl, 3o.ry', buat by au ing. -l Of___ '.Clv astproud ciMinage < fsute-be almomi -aas prauti of Married mOu are signpoet.s te xxxvîî~~~. Tibby's-but as théL Sesban 'vcie an andI liappine.Se ten hogi 1%iradiiLord Cueteceghs anS ]Lady -Eýdlmi'.0eM hmtwuh -sý itatemnpt -te conosole Clive, retuiu 'vas announeed, h a baS men are danger signal, wlthwoi bui ieramrnu mtois round hie guave, anS anxious mnomentsi; for ha Artificial ice dates from, 1783.- nea'k.sua maie î-a hi b pS tax , 10kuciribat the oiteal cf meeting with ~ ~ ~ her, TJhey veU nt mIthe villa; andS Clive -theM would bave ho bý.gone truh IS ewOlfl8-f wllfl tnornseîvea hf gavebalime., l'luec le isati. 140W ir ouid they tacet? 1Lady fldith a-tistim becajîlsc they peacil their "-tb oum,'naî.,ed, T;rowng"' ba T nur-terminaitedtheir egg-ecrw n a bOut,' lit a,'cli, 1091Klua it the Pliet Of- Imetl y a nlote of twn a iwtéîh<iiîl cxe Slim ii'î toi A it'îvpel iTalitarmuir soonhtafter lier arrl,-aL ioesfe-r .rywd's h'.. tat tnîlianically.-and rad (3lknew, Imore by Qulut.>'aq unanar , g.a.l. iows s;at'tteiI um.d mtte-oS i tfalaiior>'. forio 1h, - î,iflits19wordg, thât lald.V !Bdlh dThrycoig a kis il.ae.ighk Wz- -dl,ý.. à o %le rt'ht l , onment0d. probably c-lthouoî ho.,- Troig&ke s eontjn i- erl. e'.Ftz-1or &.j-gU,dte le tiht'Fg t ie extelit. Or the mui<erous chur lue!. ib i~u'i t Ftrbu'oug. li eu ae of' thbbcplot, ho Sarits att,.lt ho-<lnîîg in imagination on the nicll gj ii a ha- îaet; o Ne #'.e teavenge hec ýnJamtrex's suppoReS wrong bihl-et-fare you sec -puinted lu th e itii', Io Itumîtîîjîghu, hy op eur Ieties iho"0 aolmltdera £8m lkOlar fpapoers. jtedaoiaPlti. ahilem Bara hadnaOv .ieath. ' Itlaey 'er, ,tle,,t for a moment ,eariy c'arn, aut 50 Kohk'o -)rwo, tuen ho adeaInlua whIeuer: 'r u vt ohi When a ai i arrie-s ho 'valte an Yaýme. Iln a com hua au î' resowiî, ha: ofPnceýtrned In in t tht hi enuô t)sly auge1;, tirn, alter thle lieueymoc, a m(,tj4i rbensyur e rred hat uT O"w1 l ba od -,hw n ,,,à, è14 ue oishe yn, TillAhanrebae bout 'vu rherself ut their tAret. he grcewlb vecaîlelieudnt get asautast tmao sacrifice irbiemiyou mhav~e t 'as tiierefoere,%Irlîmi sorte Irepida- cok tale-', 5<> that lie licard; onengtWtlh 4willimiéçlv, m ly; I (c ýi l inen :o mcuu 1ibtwhî 1 A giî'l, like Ytilil hhadcw, le seutlmeaiiiruaatcinoreiatoniuî .a..î,-etcus. 'b>wr ha.r-e-fofi, adfàkjS en e secret ai ec,'utlo, ai the F,'ench-Ei liMeh bail , ut' iie Muii imebt c-l n iite -*<, il -ud l i;for wa-s .'uurulied by t-ho ehickenistheni- foi wiac'hhoh,,i Sa. s. i- ,'-l: bl .o ri,~hersl iaae wlneý i l isI«aj it e wveïm. One e1 tecounaineme er 'I- - la, 1Lady Rat- rorS '1 he*meMng Our. oenI N ~~ u~~co JOamirar-s at a dise it atîtage.on the»e00 m/ilibot eepoumh yt'owurd. the 1"~WiWs, ~ u;aedIoîno tb- a 'bwasof riS tLUrY iie I dieat.d %n. tve,0;- i l mathe \rx emu filere- I lies0.'y nIe Oe on t>.the 5rac , the i do tJsem froin thse lwruitmoet COLt> 'J LtWI5 ' 4)I 1 èe o f lAdy - R&-av.f louzdya A tchIhitul suw-wlue r4ugb, 'vhtuneIla rWeleber as, mumc *B ie.- let 0&hi livyc er la. ulJI , 'e e- tole pcpramo, hlh &s;,inomn ndiost ba? cornomeax, anS bath the womaux'5 -arefîil Ste o2d 9 nalf bd <omcl-ettèr. ib ee iS te;tanLdy Eitu .Xnten». iseati at ny 1stage in the I Spiendid'for chated, ;-fà» aW (lad to imeet j'on, Lady 11sf- poecue chapped, sca kin o oug-111. Or u nmband and 1-are -olti Iii ~ opalglas Marset * ri slhm a lii but eloquen as'-- mynt-1. bi on r-aur s. a3 fii:-the> genlta Minlatlruie î::y otif'taCf S < the mh~ io> ey ~,.. - - - --t -"a arfelt- -ani r"'- '-bMa: 0t i- m 14d ehI A' -. u oi eî take epécial painu ~~~~po iponCUr*PS tJO3 ~I~ <lry the handi thoroughly, and gom (peu w211 gave mueh disemfoet rlovec *frein ohapping. t~ ~i' o~n ~ OP~ ~falunuui ooking vemlo6 gpt wbjleboflinî fut.a. eeorceilda t6rpete"..Ml wainiitq o, aiy f1 au ounde j f ,'ofltsraetei.HI 1, ~ ~ ~ r rin E aand boil t fo 0mi#nutes. IY %, ' ' Etracta for .flevorîng eakea oréekrsorýiake;--be4, aotlet hbuld b. ,umed- paringly. -I the long, ceO teW ,, i e.ete4i~ ' 'Oàk.is w.ll madi of "the hest ima- ffl,' da.W oyeuce pepper, sui- i Micent il k et wate !11011ite the tecrials it requires very 1. itéfl.v- bread or eracker.; add tii. uts a dd 'g. iwhole-whe" t our te make &a eili,7 ber ni lum l n -aMdr a4lyho Ven aoitt ty Min-, GEORGE FIINLEY O'UALLOEAN 1 e e hota r oold< i n w î iceaThe Canadflan Depty Kiafater of i an 1etuce.Agridulture. Orange and Pineapple Shortcake. -Itis OM4j lý Iaid' that the cilvil --Sift twc cupe fleur, four table- service las overicaded with' repre- spoone' bakiug - po;àer - a« " - o e ntatÀves of onZ-aith and of two tea*spoônfuI milt, rub in -three tea, races, and- the.nube' c "!a spoonfule buter, - add milk toe akeand "mo." snd "Jean Baptiete'i" a ýsoft;dough te roll one-haif ifli 0in t6e rauks 16quoied asevilenee. thiýàk. Cut .2n twelve amall cakes Whether the fact i à so or net, exnt or two large rounds. Pht'tûgathêr muet adniLt thatthe evldenoe is not' with lowe-r eneea ai»ead with butter always oonclueive.A xnl o s.tnd bake flfeen Miniutes ili hot thl.nslarg .Anespe-f even. vkence 28 the pre- 0 9lit, fi11 ana cever with s5entDpuyMnte f-Aru- frui sd teéand ith w thzppe su Mr. Gecrà ne yO'Hallor- Faüe.t #ne>udrbcsmauJeerv a&little an. On the basis of -nam« es ý _wlere ihédence for te proàèutÀion. Bubae Wa-r, ý t ýht. aplain1 matter off 1ct he il a ioin.4 ,op rénd teak, rtT more g ber of the Chu-r-ch of England. 1 top ru nhsea ik , Lêaer onre m ci cf n this pazria ox li4o a pietee mt.Inh tluc L av a-ontree f finteresting fa.mily history. Mr.1 Jouthscupwater aud baste every O'Ha.lloran halls f rom the eastern four*is up fron-h eîbourb townehips, which étand for Protes- ing idi a- moderato eoven. RemÃ"vetantsm in the Prmovince cf Quebec. f romn oven, aprinkie witih a. salt- The tamily, howeiver, ie not eue cf spoon ef sait, ouo-h&alf saltspoon of the originalset s'a.The father pepper and cover with a laye-r of Of the Deputy Minister waa ber» ulîced onions; bake flfteen m1inutes li Cork and caine. out to Canada1 longer; iprinkle w1th a saltspoon for Missiaquoi, &iýd took an âctive malt, then cover with layeT of chop- Part in the deliberationFi of thatt pes4 t<matoea (the. solid meats cf a bcdy.. Theologically lie d esribed ca» of toniate will answer). Bake, himeeif as of "noe religion" ; but again fifteen minutea, eprinkle over hie was a, member of the Protestant it two tablempoons graited Ahee'e group iu the Aseibly. At the aud place iu oven long enoughi fer time of, Cenfcdera.tion lie promnul- oheem o e met. There wil] be a gated a. pl4n for separating the thick gýravy, deliciously flavored e.astern tewnshipà frein the rest of with enionsansd tomakoes and the Quebcc, and so reicuing them froin steak w ill lie ver-ytende-r. wliat lie feared as "French domina,- Washiag Blankets. , Au easy method te wash blaukets aud hà,ve t-hem as flffy a.nd star-sot-ý ive as they were when uew i.s firat le sec lb-ett ,he boiler ie ful of het wate-r. A piokage -of bormated sop perd-er is needed ýfor every two Piîs ot blaukets. - Into the fi-rit laexndry tub, put âOt (Pite iWIt lLUe-o- e eap powder, ee that it.is perfectly dis- Solved in a littlQ varin'wate.r, then 'alf fi11 the tub with 'arzn waiter, pot liot 'ater, immerse eue pair -ot lankets, pounti andi squeeze until thue soapy water lias thorolighly reaoheti every mishoft hesmurt me. ÇowvTiig ontt hs blaukebi. Two >e6plo cn os»thi ii.wsrk se esil>', one -'vniuging in oue direction anti tho ollier in Vhs opposite. Neyer under- any- ciriouin-tance use a aringer, se doi-ug sO mats the liber. Neveiru mb op uce âsurface st- te-r wninging them out; put in the second tub. This second tub con- taines. tiie rmaining haîf cf soap iewder a s -athlres parts tîll f warin water. Tlioroughlv ninse bhs blankets in Vhs e 9apv water, wring 'ut, andi hang up te dry. Leave hfem on theHUne for a 'viole day utS air again the second d.qy before fsing them n »the bede. If oeead- oeres fà-ithtul]v to thi6 plan the ro- ;uît 'vll lie ail thmaï, most ca-reful ousewite tan desire. UTse ccit-en tihread in men-din g Iki Dot xpeQt to have g00i Cao wit-out f resh efeggs. A wooden spoon is--best -for ýi'eaming butter &nd sugar. Corned beef ..hould alwayq be us- -i aioen £sfi-r it le corneal. Fer taking ont bloodstaints, ne- uing le be-tien than a:miua. Never meit sliorteuing fer cakes inIe. Vise recipe se specifies. Neyer elaru Vhse ven deor 'vien -î.i ave a cake lu thc ove-n. Tiers iu greater -vaniety in sait mdcureti figai h i nemats. Nover try te balte a tielicate cak-e vi1h thler things in Vhs oye-». Parsiey and ceieny are an im- ýroveme it, -addtedti telainli stçw. Animal oraokerg coated with iciug te goocd fer ehildren'ii parties. 17ise the sa-me kind ot fat for 'eavîung cake tins as that useti in li cake. When brating whitmos f egg uc-p t-hem ircl l ite cent-re et tthe o,'l - Reep banale andi feet warm, anal ho rest et ths body 'viii look ou-t r lIes1!. .Aggreeive w'viii pprs ehoulti ever be alloved lu any reoum; they r. unîreetul and ugiy. -à "alow box fufl-oI sa&nt kept l : t e rrrf 'aill b, a gr et re Théi attie id far beUitr tQin thse. siiti toring canne Ifr uis, LIioe ~ enis -eée 01,a4eon. A gis-iaeuriug enp tePal- riais, " guo as pgr or fictir put'a bit o! gtu nC&mtulir in tiisa' se when >iou put aWAY cuiver, If :, w-eud me1 Wty '1 - e 8 s eboobine ~nfod Mr. G..O'Halloran. O'Hallo-ran, the se», to berrow a Frenolih hbit, et speech, 'vas boru into thus atunosphere iu ths town juut mentioned sorne. 5ve years lic- fore Confederation * 'vas consuin- mated, Hlm father wua &lawyer, anti Gerge Finler- iras deesigna9ted te foIIew -lu hie tatbcr'tsfootbteps., Accordingly hoe 'as sen"t te MeGilS Univorsityo where ho took the de. gree cf liaebelier of Arts jat the -a.ge cf 211 anti a.dded ütao f fachclor et C'ivii La.we Vwc years Iat.er. Fer a whila lie practimeal hie pr-ofess--ion 'vit-h hie father in bis native town, but lAter nioved 1 0 -Moutreal, where he 'vaz eugaged ihcn hoe 'as due- sen b>' lon. gyànuey Plshor te h- corne head of Vhs permanent ser- vice mn the Depar-tmant et Agnicul- tu re, That the department cirer 'vhicl Mr. O'Hfalloran *presides play'& a large part in tlie national lite -ot Canada je a conimouplace. Yet it le do-ulittul if 1V le generaly rea- lizeti ha' large that place is. Just no'v 'voare aIU mucli caucerneti over Vhs higli test cf living, sud eue peint that mee= te lic pretty geueraily admitted iu tdue disons- sien is that oesof the chie! causea cf eaid higli coot l e e "rcity- of the producc etVhs tarm.In. u efar as that ucarclty i. due ta ineffWcett farniung-aud - sgricuitura.iexperte tt ns Vixa Our' faims miglîýIlyuai> produce double wliat they produce to-<iy-the rdmeâ1y fop ;t ies ;0 the ha&ndu of the Departznent :cf Agriculture.bI thé pamt i1ha's been tii. centre o! iuspim.tioixfor a gre.at mpT4e mci t o agricul- tural ieth.ode, and t "lb lIse lrg oppcrtunity aliead o! it lu the smn But Mr. O'UIorm pnost4ce tc ont>' cer ise aqrléultu.ra deatnies of tis.couutry, beolitr-ole ae 'volS the Springs od initisIsuàd me- chatinical .dvàao.- At bout-,if lie d&MunOt C'Oioa th iii. dlspring. lie duos contrai thsfprotecotacp Wkkh the Stata £1404 tii Vhoaé frons Iargely te causes beycnd Canâda'. PMe-o'Org4tw,54519 eontrol, 'aud there 'lu much criti- by ràëài-of la;ntern a 6lide. i4mit the patent office ci Canada. paz",ot central Ati, of But uo' doubt ha. been thrown on Americs, of- Australie the capability-'et Mr. 0O'Hà.lloran in ïtern Africa . Iùew am- v5» thes.felhéds. He was, inatf hc- -drying up. But ho- ada'i t $I sen by -Mr. Fisher -for, hio 1know- 8vidbnce which hlàbh lecIi$ lodge of -these very subjects, aud lowm-of other ezplanatii. it in ouly the pressure of more ci ing with norther» -And nu4 gent publie buuneMe whioh liai pre- era Eurmpe,-he'fin& tirtti veuted, refornfili trein beinginae. -been nqi iporti' &0J 16190' - A Glantl Physque. xiate during the last ieO~ lu p ymiue M . O Hs.loran h ArvhaeologicaI and biowr" l4 rê&minime&nt o! lue giats. In man- deiie also shows tiâWt O"lt- uer he hm tVhe quietnus.whicob be- sud the .eoa.ts of Pii~i a~ speaka trengtb.-- ilu OOioe haa the Ë"4à à6.,ÉL -.the &1~i I0~ rivhnt5no if7 the Irish tongue, but, a which we hiave recodes.1044 native et Canada, hoe doei ntet cr-- v!, C4ermAny, -11nngaty, 1 ry the broeelike thela the emteru the.o ,.b4rf, TEmeraId seil. In. hle departien ! 7 &ÂAmeIa sd p$ý he i. eMcient and know8 the art of AfrcO. &re e hara éterzec-a W- keeping thé nWihinéry 0! gôVern-.ý cressed-huniidty, n hrioP metwerking sinothly. By hi& e vidence, of -the- same echangÉe -fdOlIW- sUboTdiflIftfbd h'a« rétd - ki aadry poe.glacial peuioê ii hie farneas. In the ýw<ri.d <u-tside E g i < 'ut Lanlgevin Block he ig an, unu- h em h& ti ol 11 sumng citzen ifei a member of be "le to go -ou a litte wuô Chrgj Church Cathedpal, and j.lu ofloir with jf4 pTrèlet SuppliesOi regular attendant at the services. Mo1Meure. Re is fond of golf, fihingaendlihunt- . ni; is outdoor life and hie Celtic t6mperPament elaim joint credit for Cn~asFaix (rp hies gobl health under' the burdens An enorm-eus increasso luthe. Area, of office, In social lite ho. le a club- under fax 'j» C4naM lh" been 're-; mn, but a home maau, s well.1îiHlm erded- Ton yedis mgo th 1ere.,were, wife is a-dâàughter cf sir Meihour'ne- 2Ã",00. acres; .in' 1912 tàe total wals, Tait, and hele saIso a relative cf. -1,66,010--an ncae-of 5,450 per, the proeet Minister of Justice.- cenl.t,. and thJe value, -as. grown t:ý F rancis A . C arm an , in - T rot123 o c oo . Th000a l t i. m r Star Weekly. e triking as only the eeed i , utilizýd,' -the, fibre (which is the'mos valu- EARTTI DRYING un * 'ble part cf'theo plant) being des-- t-royed as u1selese. Mai'tiie fibre( V r e s n t~ u p p l c e f M ~ ist u e ~ f r O i n V e 1 '9 1 2 t r o p lice - n e x t m ca ote d T r é e n S u pl efi O' ' ? *1 t u r W li th e v a lu e o f th e c ro p w o u ld h a v e Last aW~il1 Lo~gr. lien at least five tim"e uhsatuall Ie thie earth ctrving Up 1<iIn nid figures.. Spinning milles are -likelv' daye the imcst, dteaded c&taétr-opho te foIlo.w thle grewitigg-ri the flaxýfoý' w-na the end Of 'Ithie world by fire, fibre; anti a grat îndu*try is,,zkati Qnght we rath V o cead net'tee t unlikely te be developed - Where, -1:u1ex fire, but teo littie 'vater l capitialists devote tieïr attýen!tiont Prof esscir J. W. Gregory diicueftd the profit in the bu,ýiifem. Iliherto'- die quetion at a meeting eoftthe it lias been hegleeted, the eeed be-, Rloyal Cicographical 1ociety at Bur- i»g iieed on]y for erumhingr pur-,, lington lieuse, ever whiel, Lord poses. C'urzon presided. At the, ont-set tlie lectîtrer quot-ed the opinion of Yncnepe yu uiest Rowland Thirînere that Europe is ,ru its xe1t t yop.'r busa1 is L almot perceptibly- he.steniug te alabendcoer. minimum of spring anti summer'_______________ brightpsesad tlîat, before 400 yetrs -L4ve pAastithere will lie Yi more 'vine madie in Champagne nor luBurgncy nor the Gironde, sy the Le)ntienChronicle. -Prince Kropetkin, lie eald, alec, HOME attribuec the everthrow of the RComan empire te. the dwindling D rainfali of central Asie., which turu- th& ed whole tribes into nomads by the ANYONIE repeaîteti fa.ilure of their creps.,CoD Similayrly, Profé6sor J.L. Mylee1 ,ottributed the v*ricus invasions c, Egypt te drouglit in Arabia and' Lybia. Prince kreùpotkiu contend- i sAl tha.t if this doxi-ccation of the ra»th w... te go onl it must leacl te fnrther great political change&, for I u gneed MOt byx or- in time the, populations c-f the wrld .10 Ail Kinde of ait. would be forced- eout, of the centers ef the continenti andi crowtied into the continental margine. .2tr giving theffo quotatins,- Conqret. T"-ksmaudTros NWeyerRot or L.ak TU à«peeýetak, w1ee le or water 02 sewage, arc bui f e oscreele. hcrneyer tra rot,. ma e ô o-1eelè. heynove r need nMW ho-e wlcumksteIMI i gmi Mpire tspk dut -Ci.»,l iuiy Wa01%tnoilu Imm- à Bot a ~ a t mc oelhiy#&v*r - - --Wl ---î~-i~-' ~:-:C2 - -

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