Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1914, p. 5

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QM çwç pplç tg iind agift or weýlding p Ore- sent, but it is notrouble when you cal .,où us, becatuse we can . assist 'you i9. making a select. ion from the large stock, of useful'as well _gs or- ,nanienta1 articIei. For the xst aqd 2flc weelcs;m[n Match'yout cholée cf- any piece of chini iln our window au' grcatly reduced prices. It always pays to look over oujr stock of Columbia records. Hear thé latest dance records JEWELE-R AN D OPTICIAN WHITDY, OTARIO A STRONG TESTIMONY. The . meeting of the County of Peel giwuday 4Sôcoo1 Association, a few 4ays ago, -adopt.ed the following re- solutions: Slât. luIl convention congratulates méoat heartilly the people of Calodon Touzip la tue tact o1 beliug able Ibohoid the. townshil; in -the Local option ligt,,for the- 500G li àt tlley Jkave toughi, and the viotory -wn for1 1110 cause of Temperance in tiioe oun- 2nd. Wo congratulate the town Gf Branlpton. and surroumdlng eoudtry upon the f act that the Victoria, the cleanest and best oqulpped hote: In tlal part of. the country, A onwned «nd operated- in the Interes ts af ilem- perance by a. syndicate -coinposod. of 92 townsmen and farmers, -mnakijn - he accommodation problen botter * han before known in the history uf. Brampton, a- standing ,pron'tthat the bar-roo0ms are unnecessary, an~d would thaxik the mianaglng boaid In -Ibtr. action forbidding the sale of would heartily recornxnend this hc-telý le ail têDrnee Deple nasdamrty-1 mýS o04 and cialxnfng their patronage, ~Loc a1 Happenings C. ChUreh heid à soiRa1I the mamie Mail on Monay evening. very etioabeeveLngn was apenli. Tii Ou-Miute WasbsrMakes W"U day easy. We bave u3oid over Ifé l in by and VlclltY, &Haigv- lagper fçct.satisfactionl. SoId by 14ÈO M. Rien. R.. ' .Sexsmith, of the Meth- r TabOoac o as licu cfzduot~- syaev&listie servie. for the. pet wêek ad aàhit. - meetings are .14d evexy <evenins during the week Oniy 14 dayu birt 10 attend the. seaet 80-day-sae -it Molntyre'S hard- rare store.. FlüLevine baid,àù brother lu=s .hMw1id beoe o Mspt00o Irper llt week on .a ebage '6f otIlZs pouttry ýwhlch really belongmk- ta, Iaý, by the M Oft1910é. reprepnla' lons.' The Came aaadjourned tli Yridy of Ibli' week tb 8110w te:O lhlfig imore witnesses. -OLD GIRLS MEET. A. meeting o! the county o! On- terio Old QamIs' AssociatIon w*l1 hi --el o..1 n Thureiuia>'Femuaq 20, at - 4 -p.M. ln the Couneil Chmber. %ten lamp .........o. at -geo. M. Rie'i 3.7 ô 4k IRISHMEN TO BANQUET.- Tbo Irlob Csaadta Auslowl@PI held their aaaual meaeting ilu" week, COlvtlug fporsor *v-ypar - ag de-~ clding-,te hoid a banqut ci March 17. Thi .followlng wre appointed. Ve-Pro.-J. A. 0, *Coihr. Sec.-Treaa «J. JvFoley/ lArtangeme u s reli"baud for a ftràt-clasprogtam mad au Ai eup- per- il I veputatio a -of us Gife.la.Wilson- Photographer whitby - E wondef fwecan convi-nce yoù of this fact-tha t this ver February, is the m'ôntth fai yu ean > g émônèy ôn f OiesoeRb e 's fie- Bo sotg ndS1ierifltb. à Men. k~he-wped en' loe ,veshos, en' fet os and 6o pairs mi H4eavy rubberrs. RejuIar Pes 1.50O s.lippers. g lippers in Reg. priFe 20-50. am 200.i Clearing at. and blackk! Sgale n1rL~ic 17.Ç At:i.L..A..... lod M oPln untyr0dy;Of a fin .o- teapectators were w.11 uatlsftêd. ~3u rc .I oy, but savng money on Zoode gt The local teani Certaînly ~Ladiei. -feit boots, 150 pairs of la4cies' patent leather, izn metal Lde'fi lpes qiiallty a09 what you actuàlJb wt. Up lu fins style. Expressions )fiap Regular pie foicalE, vicilkid 'and tan calf otg ot aced ReKular primes 1.00 .~ e ead al ids 'ftI ~ 1.5.tQ1.5.and]ûùttoned. Regular 3-,50 to 5-0-ond..3] Xx.* Fred Warà, toIler la 'ictereice to their good work. Jack Sale'priieés o32 Sl rc S Staâdard Bank, bas been on. duty1 inSale nw RB. oa'u ho2fl90_______à.26__ for a couple of weeks W'aqjj l * store, and if b. oma De lnduced te~ pqlsonlng in his foot, contractea stae itL town t.he Ile-up for ueit f rom a eut recelveit wie Pîayîng wlnter will put loy Into the. hearta hockey, He lu' now able to walk a- Of the hockey enthusiaîsto bore.W h v lo r ei d a sip n of a e round again, but la not yet back atlThe. teame W ý1e h v lo rcev d a s me tof ldes' Queen Quality patent at the. Bank. whitby--GoaI, Jtzbb; defence, :' o trcw lr* 0 ae ro 3BÂ1 ~ 1 '~> E R >' latyre and Lavery'; centre, lUe. îleather b os rg lr 50 ,-sl rié 395 oa fine of P . a.e rover, J. Smith:, right wlng, W ee rtd o trat-r# 5 sl re -REAL ESTATE DEALS. immç left wing, C. Blanchard. ceQrtdb os r p a o45 ,sl rc 34 taken ý]pla e lately, by ,whih tbree M oRse ad M eKenzie; centre, Jo*D M ' u s o k m e e o u e o l u k -f r m e s t properties Iu the -town have chsuged'rover, ýCleiùdenlng,: rlight,lrleder-,fr ori alCaib owneshp. Mr. S. G. Hawley han -son; ef t, Purvis. frsprilg. W e have baýrSains.fo you i l ines. a dccvn ed.a purobaved the. old Dill property p'î ona d be u i Co1borne etreet. The. Lynch property CND.J1F ,W IB In thie nortiiera pait o! the t<'wn ha-O Çn Tuesday, evenlng the same loca &Io* beon old, Mr. Peter Wilson, .1~ team plaây#d the Canada Lite team - Chestaut streeot, Toronto, being7 the of Toronto, chaniplonh of the Finian- purehaser. The third preperty te hé cial 1LCaguë, and composed ohlefly ofW sold Io that on Colborne street west, O.H.A. players, nmornf> them sam- fornirly ôeupid aiu ewno bv helr. The _visitorgsbsoWed tboir resl!4 late 0- F. Smewart. 1Mz. as. 0IMoore, clasby 'inig4-1.*the half tii...s - O I - -sr oge of OUr owu toWnhpeople, lu ;tde 10010 bolIii -1. Two 19 Wltlflj Ibe hoUme himmeif, Imd Wili MoV0 lu- Tissie Waugh and Hatry Hndrson, 5 PHOIjK151 w BROCK ST. tic town nmre Urne In the near fu- Both cf them are great players, e»- ture. peoially.Waugb, who now travelo In senIor O.H.A. eompany. A large -TE ABRNCL. crowd saw the gaine, whlch wua > ~ ~r Sunday, M i. --1 Ynare cordlly invlted te attend. wa,: MeecWuh sd 1r. P. C. Smilth, lim. Chau. Smnith,I Camadian Pacille> Railway fmomn the special services held every even-t Goal, Laird ;dfne ag n ootadMs .N rne nai ons(zlaadEs)a lng n th Tabrnale. hev lllThornton; centre, Hendersen, rover. Trno dMm .N rne nai ons(nîaadEt t-- m . cntinuentheek Crne aîy sd uril i lgs o«r n Wo-and oidren, cf Scarboro, vislted very low-fares--for exsunple, fromTD O- I N contnue-net wek. ome-eary ad rck.their parents at Port Whit.by lait Toronte, asuc West and Northof To- get the benefit.c. week. ronitc, tc Winnipe& and return $5 MOrning servICe Il O'CIOCk, SubJeet RPtLYIDS. Mrs, Collins, 0f ieHin, sadMr#. to Edmlôtoa md retnit M4. Other wnLMNLOult, MP., oswmlef«N? . WO AITItIWs, vic.oE-PUIi -"ResisttngREvil." GRO>WING INU- Mbrrisey, of Newca-strbe, .'nd Mr., Lou pointe dn propbirtion. F ares from. .A OET eea aae E4vcuigng service 7 o'cloick. Siubjet TRY. hîandel, of, Toronto,, were in town points East of Torontô wlll Le Do Your Baking Býr moil -"'.Jesus cornlng." I In keeping with the onward rnarch last week, visiting their mother,Mrs. sllghtly bigiier. Retura lirait, twol li4 1ou live al a distance'from a branch ef, The Dominion' Biai S.S. and organized classes at 3 cf lndustry, the firm of J.11l. Dow- B3audet. inonths.- De$osîts. ray be made-cash wlîhdrawn-or'any other Bankng pan. !ney & Co. has lately made several Mrs.. W. A. Hlliday lias beezn 1lu omneseekers' triins leave Toronto Business may be transacted by mal], just as eaziy as though on I i~~~mprevements and additions to itsUbig uigti at ekwt each Tuesday diiring - March and 1 made a speclal trIp to town for the purpose-. I.O.O.F. BOX SOCIAL. plant, which now places it in ahe noteMsJmsHaro, April. Each . Tuesday duJamns Harrisond a'WHITBY BRANOH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. 9 Ou' Wednesday evenilng, Febiuary 'splendid position tg handle ail the wlio has been suffemlng f mcm a severe EaCh Te di pn .1 OSAW *'- AaHndO 18th, a box social was held ,in the grain and seed busiess that çan be attack of niieurnatim. April te Canad an Pacfc wil runOSAA.H.BAK I.O.O.F. lodge roomR under the sus- secured trami the adjacent communi- Mr. W. A. Holllday was lu To- Settiers' trains to Winnipeg and,________________________________ vices of Benevoleuti Lodge No. 132 ty, A visit te the plant a few days routa last week attending the tiirce West and for the accommodation cf Daughters etciUeheksh. Thé early' a rO têéÉld a Ourprislng. change "nD ay meeilng of' thé Ontarié Grand setiers traveling With live stock and ____________________________ part cf the evenng wan speat in the càmpaay's 0e'quipmeat, duriag the Couacil, Royal Templars of Tem=per- efed o th elrsefts raino0i§et carPOUill b. atrtacld- WANTED, progressive euchre, atter 'which thé Put few motithe. - nce. The, reports show the lait ta tester' fetsrîn t ed1> oopeador0 d- sale cf boxes teck place under lief The large attri :tion mil.-was work- year to have been oneecf progres luThis car will beave Toronto on reg- liver to Mis. Joue Perguson, Whlt- A youag man te manae rnc able services ei auctiluneer William' ink at full capacity. This machine l e patenta. 1Mr. Hoiliday wa ular train at 10.20 a~n. nd ountir- by, Ont., oeeof the. executors of the office lu Whltby. A partcualgod Maw Owngtoothr-evéte n ownha ben I oeraionfo soleturne, eieoted eue of the thirteen fepresen- rival at West Tarante it will be at- deceased, thoîr Christian naines-aud position ,fer nlght min Aplcn on the sanie evenipg, the youug nmen suad ensiles the- firm to crush a tatives froin Ontario te the Doin- tached te settlers' effects train- as sumuames, addresses, and descrip- must be o!, geod adifresssdhv were net as plentîful as was hoped large aineunt of seed. In f act, Mm. ion Council of this Order, whicb méiltioned Illove. tiaus wlth f uil particulars cf their sunail capital. Persona itrv fer. Nevertiheless, the sale was'TDewney iufernied the visitor that meets ln blennial session,. lu Harnîl- For those not traveling Wîith live j datms, and the. nature o! the se- will be arrauged wi1haplicn. thecaaoiy ! te lan 1 gratr tnou arh 1~.stock and effecta secial coloniet cars curity, If any, heid by -thern, duly Whitby. Addrese replilies t0M.1ld quiite spirlted,, and several boxes sold wthe b attaced tefegular trainscertifld. ' 1rOtchad ParkRdsa. omante for figures close to thé $2 mark. th5il sny of these.iu neamby tawus. wl ea- hdt rglr t ai nf rtiie r take notice thatraiter The eveaizlg closed with a toucli of. The machine is driven by an ebectrxc HMSEE% XUSOSfroni Toronto, runing through to And______________notice___________ thé hîglît fanita&tic, sud ail appeared motor, whl ch gives steady unfilhing HM SEE ~ U~O SWinnipeg without change. N4o charge thle lOti day o! March, 1914, the te hve njeed henielvs t ti' poer. A srin of agos kepa AND, SETTLERS' TRAINS Je made for accommodation ia colon- executors will proceed te distribute InuaoG. ~hasI~n9h~la twn 'or e staff b s al day long unloadlng T T-ElET.ot cars. the asadtsof the said deceased among The Mutudl i LE f tha hs ee bldinton or ev ad ttndngtoth orders. Those taking advantage of above Tourlat sleeping cars are aIse op- the. parties entitled thereto, bavingiif eral~~~~~ yasadsewlwa heen Anew rolier has reenf-ly been add- Excursions should. bear in mmnd the erated ou regular trains leaviug- Te- regard enly ta thé claime of which- ingl nyed thata n u erouws -teqîîr- d taia a cost of over $1,200, aud tis înany exclusive featinres offered by route at 10.20 p.m. they shall then have iiad notice, aud T pl< wer mae taï noter e hlddur-'n, ensileg farniers te have /-their the. Canadlan Panadian Pacifie Rail- Pull particulars from aayC. P. in. thé satd executors will net he lhable a uv 1de3t Coi n u Ins the present season, aud it in 'wheat or oats rollcd In Whitbyt way ia connection with a trip to the agent, or write M. G. Murphy, Dis- for the said assets or aay part Am rican l OnUne t qsxte .probable that another event wlieme tormmrly they have liaito ago' West, Il is' the oiîly sIl-Candin 1 tridt Pêsagem Agent. 'l'routo. teefa dnrbfdtô Ïauv pê!OÃ"n e! snilar naur p anenarçlte more distant places. This ra- route. Oaly line openatin15 -threugb _______ or pensons cf wicse dlaim they shal sclewli u ed ore im tschine le driven liv au ludivida ee trains te Western Cnd.Ne changeé-nôtth n a e rvedntc.Pi lvecst oiy sawtn e hl.noe. e hi al! herse power moton. &Tusr, coin- et depots. Ouly line oPerating SALE REGISTER. j1aeFegsn Tii. Dsughters cf Rebekah I. a blned wlth the emusher, gives Whltby. hrough standard aud teurist sleep- Wednesday, Matdi 4-i - ImportantFegaJnFruo, hldeste np aled m ladies branch of the I.O.O.F. wbich! a plant than wbioh no better o! lits ers te Winnipeg and Vancouver. AIl auction sale cf hlgb grade shortiioru Exeetitors, by of was nrgafhIzed hère luat May, sud la iiind can be fouud, and the capaclty oqupmeut Io owued ani operated by cabtie 0f ich miklng utrain, also Artihur E. Christian, luall rwigI numbers. Thefr of wblchis le uy surpaesed b> milla Canadign' Pafic le allway aafording honsesan otbe arn stock, ImpIe- thefr Solîicitor.20 ,7 0 4 objects are o! a purely social sud in larger towns sud catles. - the. hlghest form. of . efieec'. menti, etc., thbe property -of Robt. Dated February 11, 1914. -84 $1 y,01-7 Philanthiropio nature, sud their pre- Another leature o! tue new plant Homeseekerasrs' . l lîî .In effeot W- MCAvoy, lot 8, con. 7, ]Pickering, icence bau been materlaîlly feit Inu s an electrîcaîlly operated hoist, sacli Tueida>', Mutch àrd teOc(tober 1* mile.. noth cf Kînsale. Sale at Miscellaneous Advetts in the year 1913. ever>' commnunity In whîcii tiey exist whichlifla ieavy loads froin base. 27tb, incluslvS,-sfd round trip ec- 12.80 o'clock., Wm. Maw, auctioneer.- and white 4ii.> are a branèh or!th ment te graund floor and vice versa. ond CI.aie tickets wIll be sold vie Tuei, March 10-Credit motion LAUNDRESS WApaTaDl Indepezideut Order of Odgfeiiowso yet This Baves a Éreat Geai of time mand ____-s__ale e! -far soçk d Implements, fbetr wcnks of benevolene are by no labOr, and wil more than' repay the e 31, cortWiy Tp. omne-1hif mlt pI>' ait o le D fR. a efg. À> , 70 5 0 0 peaus enttrcly congand wlbbln tue fun .for thIiinvesîment. 219cm.1Wi tblmoldl . ,ale a locmle PFFtOum r-SLE.wy limits cf the. Onder, but on the cou- In addition %o the large grain and ato i bray, thcir acta r , rlyt n ces .e usnssdo.Iqt andnan, ù«91iIO'I@ hrp D- Mv ocioeà,O n.fe al1Aplyt M. Wedôfotaityo o a cf kiadnegs wilI b. mnanifest lu al they have a large ceali uh.d, %vierein Thuruda>, March 12. - Auction John Ferguson, ýWhitby.--34. nedCo.nensadonc la this lune. Tbieir trade i Our MOttO mie otf an stock, implemtnts, lbay, O SAE Mgrain, roFORn frnSALE.1ýpop lbu very largeiy increased 'hal>, Ot deAlivery seàrvie Will ty f JhnWlear, lot 1 , % s"adr co 2v.Goda C.yorpois eY on: the 4efence the beau preecat- Toette, are vlsiting with .Sb.Rloffh, fïý IS R N E ed e g94at <lirw n-usd tii. g aand sud P& I 4Yiur buuinea friend, Va t hP e I' tHe ree,if N URA CEtr ama.uotmtmas ..~ 4,a4 1evé',nA n Iifsi Mise SalDUiZV. 01 tli.h:dI ifil BAR" m ÉwRD - ifau*àet j.im aineaim a- eY ire. Lie. Live Stock. Plate Gfias. Cyil Jnea former WhltbY Jun-1 lor, ' ai aI centre for Afkenhead' Altbhogh ilue score ws 6'On-ee-E afides!, tii. gae .as resl>' faut, and 'i Tho$.

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