Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1914, p. 4

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T.orontc tb and sur [" cens of S hierwi 1 èilc11 2-2« KTRA SPeCIAL Carpet:Tàcki 2 for 5 cents cou: 'WI2 sand -Minerva paint, halS Pinfts,,piintà, quarts aùd haif gallons. Wholesale Abo'ut'75 shades to choose from. Snow shovels Spécial 29 Wash MOuse.1M C an Openers Scrub Brushes f.--Metal Polsh, Basitis 'TraPa -Regular soc' Reg. 1 î-jc j Reg. a2P 4ce«c]6 2. for «5c : Special 6c Speciil 9c ISpecialI , 16C Tar Paper Reg 6oc Pure, Linseed 01l, reg 3Cqulart, Special i19C Tea Ketties, copper and nickel'platd o 9. Reg.,$r.5o Special $1.29 4 Weatber. Strip, Frost King. Reg. 50C Special 43c Plain Building Paper, 1 X'cg*. 45C Special 34e 'Wringers, reg.$4.5o. Special $$.go Lianterfis, regular 75C Special 69e Lantern Glasses, reg. i oc each Special 4 for 25e Wa~her~ The only -washtr that makes washiîngýa, pleas- ure. $10-00 EXTRA SPEC[AL ini FOOID CHOPPERS Only iS'on sale, reg. Special 89C. Don't fail to corne to oui1 store'during ths-eat sl dbSonied of the ýwonderful f BckswsAxes, Files, Eàudsgws, Manure Foks, IIay Forks, Guc- ,iRifl's tr or ndi. phone 64. number of yenrs. He was also a promnent musfolan. and baudsmAn,ý raid ai such was 1vell knowa te many citizene. of Witby. The funeral was fheld Wednesday afterncon by train te U (xbridge, whereý burial takes pla&oe to-day (Thursday). 34 561I DEATE 0F 1- GEO. P. HAWLEY. Os Tueida' evening, January -27, th. desth occurredat bis late rosi- denee, Allieton, !M. ereP. Hawley. Deceased was- ln hie.usual healtb, and alter lîaving partaken of a b earty evealng meal, lbe proceeded te ýattend te bis customary chores about the ýpjace. Shortly' afterward Ieýwas'discovered by hie wite, in *what sbe belleved a dying conidition. *Medical aid -wagl at once summoned, but ail efforts were uîavai-kng, as he *had paesed away, beat (ailure being tbm cause cf bis sudden demis.. Mr. lawley wae bora i Whitby 63 years --ago where foie pent bis eanly yeaxs. Fourteen yoars aigoiihe came Vo Aie- ton, where ho bas ince resided. He Iras a mnaiof retfring manuer and kiadi>' dispomiton, wblcb won, for hlm the -esteeni ot a large circle of friendi t ,wbe kaew hlm as anu bois aMid xxdutrious man. Bouides hie wlfe - le aves te mouxg ieislos tvo uluterü, Mrs. Rose ,Jobnstoî ud Miss Ilawley,_ both of Wbtby. TPh. tuner- ai took - place ou Fnlday at 1.80 p. ., fnom hi.latejmldeice. ÀA brie! erofooywas hold -in BSt. Andrew's 4&uffili at te Whlh Ibe romais WAV iaiid tO irem ,THIE WORLD'BES-T DOCTOIfS HEARTILY ENDORSE, Here are a few! opinions exp'eased by promineùt British and European physicians Who bave tested iCephal- dol, -the great pain reliever wahieh bas just been introduced iîtô Canada. These nce extracts trom letters on file .iii our Home Office, whose g -nu- ineness is guaranteed by4 a 85,09. 00 bond. "Kephaldol-I -have found the above drug vexy usef ul'la alieviating -pain due te varieus causes, and that wilb- out Mental or cardiacdpucn. fiKephaldol lbas given satis! attory results ln neuralgia nvd sciati3,a." 'i have found Kephaldol most effi.. cacicus in facial neuralgia."2 "Ihave found your peatto *Kephaldol champion for bendaobe and la grippe. 1 J"It le one o! the best reineies la epidemie la grippe and mont useful in ail cases of rheumatic orîgin.", "Wborevor 1 have usèed Kephaldol 1 hiae feund It satistactor>', esperillI lu chronie rheumatlsrn." Gel a bc. package 01 Kiophald61 from your drugglot. Kephaldol, LIii- Ied, 21 Llitour à-î*, Montreai. et ln th. Alistea Union KNAE Mir,. H. Sugden, from Calgary, vie ___________ Ied friands hore.. Mr. Fred Rogers, o! Weltoî, hau Prenv Hair. bom rnewiag oid acqusatancs.H VU ~ ~ tro a good DUsaess t ytr ia hlm àgardoainsg operationu. orr, FLUFFY AND N o U ouig peopleofo our Churcb JUpp-U.qr PARISIÂN have orgautzed a.Voung Peopi's- SAGE. .cielty s"dhold Ihoir .meetings On haïr fi loîing 11. naturaleu h Friday ovoing. We trust Idiat ffl Society wl 11be'a eu su ad kg out sud splittig,oz il meet wltdi the bat upr uaviabli solttitigl7ome lth l&erhom4 athe supor de net despair, -retty e b ie ebr !1.cucz MlY a Mater !Ofcare. If - -4-From siillier VottVpOltI.;) ln.-mske. t grow. I la m R. W- MeAvoy luill gilconfned te rit9elo Sfflen IrPl bIb bebut at tue: Of *Wnltlng WU f y-ou have daudrui- itlaimboter Ibma for sorne lime previens. 5 scalp tu too 'dry '&bd -I would bo a great source ef-matis Preshea up tb. scalp wtb -fation.,te hie mai>' floieIf ho bW age - aýil daudiuff d*«p- testcrod to his. former hoalth sud bairamg ftcblîg beed ileui. lo.. fa oubiy beautlful. lts. Mowbhray, 'Who bus becs 111 Mie 314, bT A.îH. AI"i f.r.o4me , ceusi1dorablo Urne, pasoed ecezi eters, In lust oMr t.-the GMeat- MaJOrit>' srI>' iii-. l1webottle motsa MOuds>' mntlu, Febrar>' 18, sud e. It mOUWy mkeshea b.On WednosdY .ftOriOMn lb.tfeizuoral = Sm lce as ahin- Vms sld .idSautm CÇeoter>'. Rev. t édisappointed In B. -W. -T72k- o"iqaimd. lire. «MIow- L 'Y. 'bMe, hd nad)1he Q@ripé ôciA ge of UO.siT -let> ' ymss, and bdliud frd wau unty"ruliy respcedsdad- Victor Gamne Traps, Regular z5ç, Sp<scial 17 cents Lamp Burners, lIarge, regular iioc Special 6c. Lamp Burners, Medium, re. 7c- Stick-last paseRgua 5 Special 5c Special 9c Ail Mltts anid Gloves Greatly. Re- duced. bargainsi we are placing before you. and Paint Brushes, ail of whichý are The Hardware niext the Post Offi1ee. tei der falmily of Jones' la this vi- F U it Gf çIuity.. Tbey were a family noted fer jteir stirllng q#alittes, their word being as goed as their bond.A RI J She le! t te mouri her departure one soi, R.W., at home ; Mns. Jobaston, S AT UR DA of Brooklu ç Mrs. Holly, Detroit; and Ms. ?May, of Westen. We, witb IIORNINO SE88IO their many tniends, extead Our by Prof. J. sympathy.1 FE ON -S Some frein here attended Mr. J.N. FEN O E Rogers' funeral at Pickering î..st Orchard, b3 week. Mr.' Rogers lived the younger Pr'-f. Crow is thoreî' part of bis life here on the farm îow in )ntario and hie a( occupied by! the- Tripp tamily. HIe ive. Àny one intere was a godly man, ever doing hie heee meeting8. Col part te turther the beet Intereets cf the whole. coînmunity, taking a .MOst M. . TMPER,i!)iàtric prominent part ïn the1 S. S. and _______ churoh werk, havlng labýored ver> Mr. Wm. Redman, of sucbessfullj for many yeare as a k> i nhs o n a cal 'preacher on Ibis circuit. W'e rùdons son e.Aud m tender eur syrnpntby te Mrs. Rog neet hlmý and extend ors, who le ieft to rnourn the Lees oc oe, a dear ene. ,odellowahip. Frank Harrison now drives a teani Mr. E. W. Redman is aid mind you, net an inferior 011 i e erection -of anu u aither. ouse on is iarm. Mr. -Widdifleld lias been out nortl Mr. Frank Thompi cf late. We regret te hear hiù eto Calareniont, healtb bas net been the best, eate lre ari Mr.Normai Adanison gesWst rnC.J.Suees on. the early sprlng, we understand. Cas*J. Sgtë eveo a, Wei bear Mr. James Ledgett wll rsgigt evh movo ta tbe corb ouse te neai urchaaer for hie tarn fultute. lot. te moye, îot Javil iome to bus likiîg. He Mr. Thos. Richardson la confined to derstand -!rom good hi. ýroom tbreugh, illiesé for soittanding off er cf len1 tirne back. We hope ho nia>'sPeMdll ara for bis propertir, recoer.» maate by. April1 Bent.ley Brou. and Mr. Corner sold Was coriay limited. ,orne valuable boof cattle te ýMr. net hein looking for a Demuy. TIi.> wre loaded st Grem- d,,mot wonder ho dit!- bura station lait -Monda>'. motis eluewbaoroalu lire..Ed. Mcflrieu, to thoeoet -of mcmliii.'W.h'p à eur vilaPp , liablut 1iMay' 1uti Stovzuson~'*Illir«Wan mnors t0 ber new ho6me in 'the village morne yeas t e cme!, ta ot Brgokllni and 1fr. jas. youpn laS. S. .ud cburch wo Willl take charge cif h&mvmcatWd 1>'misseL premisesl. lrs. MoBrien lmas lved la R. MwryW thus nieghborhood ail her life, sud -speakers at the Liber wlliii muo rnuo aeft. Wo wlsh ber a in Brooklilua 1le-dajr Plount hbeuad klud frlends fi a put up a geod poit Brook%. . i Rural mail dolivery Mx.r HiearY McBriea Io mmkýg ex- slow. Farcol post lishi toelVe repmratons for:* Ïetio 1juil tkéep bâllevng And of a aew barn, ment sesson. il will becorne a rsaiity lins. Neal le stili donfined joolier re'Om tbrOe Protrmffloa iness..WC jCOLTJMBTJ, hoPe aS inMay soft' be rstored toi lMr. R . . IdgÉon hmeall g51i1. Jdriver. itl' ad!ndy. You Getiý-Bjitous, DeauSo» Your Liverism- Lazy von si a"filu wak wb=7Wyeur refuses taIdc Test mmeu atea4 omd dgestug. .yehaesa bu gVi" Lista. Thae much becoi»mav reA a nl taras micc--vemutl&g,'a"violent ébeudsa e,-'ru rowers' IntItute[ -TO BE HELD IN THEg-I LTIJRAL BOOMSf, WHTBV , ON MIARCH- 7T19, 1914 ON, 1.3-12.O-Pegro, Plume and Small Fruits, W. Crow, O.A.C., Guelplh. SSION, 1.30-Handling a Commercial Apple )y Prof. J. W. Crow. Diecuesion led by local men. xghly conversant with Fruit Growing conditions iddreeees wiIl provo both interesting :and inetruet- îsted in Fruit Growing rdannot afford to mies Dme and bring your neighbore.- ic Rep. A. W. SII9ETT, Assistant Rep, f Scugog, cali- iW. are sorry te report the death mny ether old cf Mr. Jos. Parniell, who died here Il were glnd to Monday morning, aged 74. the hand of Mr. Alex. Robison and Mr. George Taylor intend going to the West is preparing for shortly. [-to-date new Rumors are thât Mr. W. McLean I ntends moving b4k to this burg,and monl will 600n1 le going to occupy* Mr.î Jas. Luke's wbere he bsbue 1 as bouse.l we au 1wiOIA who we feared aviig secured a =, lias decided Ing socured a [e bad, we un- iauthonity, a lheuiauddol- on condition lo-t. The Urne ami au ho had purchasor, w. not vaansd M, tllantwo x. -M air s. Lwlth Usfor« an ihoir efforts ruud be sovor- 33oesof the MOI convftion ,ys since. E. rcornes ver> orse firet, but id byle and bye ;r. a Mew1 1t Mr REAL ESTATE FRANK E. JQNE;S' LIST. Several houses and building lots fer sale li Whltby. Farma forsale lu the Tow nship of Wltby mnd Plckerlng.. GLEN DHU -209 acres. A goil stock, grain and fruit farm near Wbfby. le acres orchird; good buildings and a good fa =- at a rea- moable priae. Apply te! FrRANK E. J-ONES. I START RMORTI1,pn 1TruchIbIO'IfWIG7D bas a ileegnedimdial Ir fer -àRatteU "uin"»atruùclr mesudfoui.tJUD* ets- sechoolse msot ealke. lwi4t.toda)p for our -= e cLtalogue amm the mdv..- Ise l us effets. Openau aI er. cor. Toue ansd I W. J. Billon. Wantpd for uyoPte FÂRM cft fty tô seventy five acores, withbuildings, on Kingston Road. wilib good water nuply for stock JOHN PISIIR Ili II The stock a1sol ieoni§ists greatly reduced in price. Bell phone; 60.- r b' a. aý4e Buy It Because It's'a Better -Car, MOD EL T Touring Car f o.bý Ford, Get particulars freni W. J. Luke & Sen Agenits, Whitby, or L., W. Dudley, WhitbY. (I MARM1~IL7ADE~ TIME Il yo'u want the best results buy your. Bitter Ora .nges NMe large ones California Oranges' Lemons, nice and ripe- .25c doz. 20%; to 50c doz 30c doz-. 4, b -I I i -'iii Q -~ e> vi- 1' 4 f .b. .4' - i I I I *1 Use our best sugar tSget beat results. eaifornia !eIery Extra large sWaks, 2 for U Scnts DON T 1'0RWET F15 You can buy frozen flsh now that you will not b. able to buy'later, and ýit ià chcap. ,,We, bave ail kinds-try Us.- Jno.,E,. WATE' -WHITB' For theci st ai weeks inMarcl choike of any pi china in our, wini greatly reduçedj It always paysl over our stoi Çolumbia recordm the latestd-ance n JEWELI AND' 'OPTICIý WHITBY, ON W.'C. T'fLU A 'TOG TESIMO T~he meeting of the Coumt] etmdary Sobool Associatlion,' izys ugo, adopted the folio S8Olutions: Int. TIIs, convention çong muost-heartily the people oi Townhip ita the tact of -bc $0 hold the to>wnshlp -lnu Option lis t, for thie good 111 bave fought, lnd the victorj the cause- o!Tremperance in« ty. 2nd. We congratulate theci Bramptoft and surrounding upon the f net that th& -Vièttb *clea -nest and- best equipped 1 'éiui paft o!. the country, i Sild operated M'-- theintereasi Peraice by a syndicate comi 92 towasmeu- and farmners, Ibhe accommodation problemn *han before kinown in the b4 Brarnptel, a staning pro the bar-rooms are unnecessaz 'would tbank :-the managing 1 thetr action forbldding the cIgaretteî on their prernisi would, beàrtily recommend ti Io a-il temperânice people aE fag cf and clalmlng their -p2 The R. C. Churcli held a E the muic Hall on Monday A large number çweepresen MrY enjoyable evening9 was 1 'The- One4dinute waslhr Va.hday eay. WC bave 8o 10in Whltby ud vlclnlty, ýbi perfect satisfaction. *EO -M. RICE. » -Rév. X. E. ýSezsznith of t qqisi Tabernacle lias been puft week -and -a fal!.- Meel e1 very -vei gduring t .zopt atuday On]>' 14 days- le! t te çorat 30-day unie at.Mcl waro ,store. ~âm Lovine had ls1 ,WÏld before idagistrate WO&k on a charge of eh, votry -'which really valI, tb>'tho,,use Of ta]i -lems. TPle case was « P.riday ct ibis week mallI-ng more wltuesses. t th& :o somej a gift or Special 49 - ý,%wed it tisl Li Cal dful.aq 7.-7- $1.2-4 1 now. 1 r Rav'f

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