Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1914, p. 2

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very egeetve on the ékirt Of - deep yvoted to: her - Roya.l daughter-in- gru ,itenyas1rnnr red rgd ohie mdel eenre- law-and her numeroýe cihildren, - eenAly.Queen'-Chris&tinais '"resting uipon 9rig - sýers1 ..dAh OnCeto the rttie*ttfaihlone for 1W lrlsktmI," and well mai she o -sorrow ¢ef aeeeing her so>n'ei country1 -the hi-e elge sO!so, for in àspite of .considerable Per- Eeprived In'wrfal. l 0 soh- -V& Ttero insàfoÉundetion of blue Eàilk, sonal unpopularity, in Spain-where colonial emplire. During the -ix loosly' dra eandgabbered about sohis«spposed to have the devil. mnit th i Aspsed betwten thé, i" ý-ûwgB'Re. < as e e his *t eye 1e awh ny a f Knk A to e'X . Quee en a ' of lce.ýthat reiahes ters the hewrl.i Christina's ldsadugtr was* tothe . eedesofths se-14tis àa wonderfuí sgtory, ho>wthie Queen of ,Spin. • eêt are -Wshed wit alittle- lace simple Austriai archduchëes, wid- This Princess ýremained heitessr o rucin. , oedata osttrin ad untimiely the spaxnishthrone for ie ie Some of the new blo6iiies Of thini hour, brought lher one son through tweny-two »yearsoCf, her lifel, andf etuffs haye a little ,silk or ý linen1 the gray'est dynastic perils, and has when sihe fell in'love with one. o COrd, ending in tasels, irun in a liVedto Les 'hi rmly established tho.*hated Caserta priinees, and in- - Wie easing aroun te n ek. When nthe msrceytrn nE- uo ma&gÈrhrl t\blue e e, a . s i' ope., Only awoman of .tremendous i-th dý" -rnoy 4ralwn -up oadd h nd r n personality,-and frsgtcould gthwdig rmn. ýoops. The efoot ia very a Kng Afoso XII.,".he oyal - .Sehdoo ,and then'd at d ýy to u4ceana ]y, though're1uIitantly, oee. gantermIIng te" neck of eloeM'ade ýblouse heSana d d note smsister' died under précisely the sam¢ chfnor crepe de -chine or slkhiin once mare they were charm>ed. circumane.Treeestbe ofuld aw hek lne --a try, >They 'behield &a smart and dapper af Id n th tohrhp igieu er the home ewer. ong mg e ntirey aterethir Naturally enoýugh, the deaths of i ig used onewha.t lav °" sad h yn be e«.both her aughters haveben -yohe ndel &r&îora. bne·eetf.petdin the Land of the proud sre triaUt- he Queen- oth feta silk, with'f re h kn.a ntaloe oshe was widowed, And -ùhogh not U@t gmen. cee àch le remain, a bachelor long., r a oesei asi ePee ra 1. a ntwork -of la 'r-long,,heri.hed a . en affto forela"se g of the spanish f»eople. threads in dark blue andi cusn the chl rncessMer- eult i hmn. haFbags made cedes of Montpensier. The Mar- om je ofthe p.ne sapeg.havermage wasnot a popular one, for i [ ofvelvet, in pan&ner aevelvet 'the bride's family were disliked bZ.h vio vae d Tcrarcry withj a the , Spaniards, but it was a "l'ove ,, velvet oostumes such e bag is most affair,'! and the Spaniards are hârMonjýuIs. nothing if not ehlivalrous. I.NT ER NATIONAL LESSION., due.igs re urey ainng On the wedding day King M01180ACI 1 gound as the seaslon advances. OYne gave his pretty younig bride a beau- • ofthe moet interesting uses ýof plaid ýtifu1 l uy ring, and almost from --' is n é %nma traw hatb a broad- that moment the new Queen's srme nm k , turned âiarply up health began to f4il. In spit fLso X rsigi ihsa r jefttie-idhnddaotteevery attention the girl Qu-een of Trusting in iGod. Luke.12. 13-34.0 . thn with a ope ofi-jrish crochet. Spain only lived two daydatr her234 - aru&e ornament of Irish crochet, eighteenth birthday. ..te Goldén- Text, Luke 12.34. holds phe',turned-up crown in place. She left no children, andth Verse li. The multitude - The ï B roeaded alippers, in silver -and heartbroken young King removed crowd which had collected while Sgld ae well as in colora, with Pat- the 'ring and gave it.to hisgad Jesus was denouncing the Phari- n Ileather heels and vamnps, are sees (Luke 11. 53). _ lmn-teattractive offeringso ~------ Bid-The maàn does no>t ask Jesus ythe boot-mrs to arbitrate, but tO giveadeio n, some of the niew setraw hats sho0w in his own favor 'and command the huge bowers cut ;from.brillisùtlY rt.e o iid.. rcollored velvet, fastened flat against Divide the inheritance---Accord the crowns. Their edges a'reTew-ing to law o0ne third of the pro -ed down under narrow braid or else\ perty should -go to the younger and left raw and sewed down with col- two thirds Wk the olIder son (Deut et dusinders of various 6ortsi, are 14 ati-A severe form of ad- j1 fllonTér ibcn man - e. ., piedisapprobation dèeto wear vithi separate ,whp msie a udge or a divi bouses.,Some of they *will be made derover you 'was the offce .J ýo the wonderflne ý1adt-the courto tàsettle matters f is- ar - ide, and worn quite sabh for this purpose. Jesu-s absta9-i! a e o åe hoMesand gsome- ' rom in rferigwith thelr dutieà ýnties the arë narrow. oeie (Compare Jo>hn 18. 36.) er ev are *;gt.ned tan Odl il oeutosTa 0 tb -, waistco-at jbelt-a belt like -the1)- T y dsre aver o - rpa w dmnutive pockets man's request and he takes oce9 n wrd the fot sion to warn the whole Mutu e- * agamat this loin, o common and i ot Nx-IAIs F>D LVE.• nan's 13le consisteth not the abundan_4e of the things whi or, -an incre8$e-cf $zo. That t#ban issue could Dot have gaMeid by ¢conierence and dis-' eon see=Sna arange Stat hs dia. ý hLe 4 »Mth'é eduestiOnal aU4ori- dotda"No surrender" while.de National Teach- 2 UUionencouraged the strikera bpmiiseiiofifnds and moral uP- bat has particularlyditrbed thaverage citizen 0of the countg d"'àtte teachers -pýi>npÙy adopt- e'Iemost moern methodms of. bit- nustriaT- warfare., They plae- epickets on duky teysa to it dltesdi e take their coni ngti1 es ct men an women are asking Swer isthat Society ia.<e5Iwy coming to cmmn ense ways 'avoiding strife or ending, L'it. Ses of publie ervants are particularly Objecg4onable, but in -France and elsewhero ways -of preventing them have been found. LegisatiOn sa proper machlinery are neceBsry$ but, above all, common sense and •utc en both sidesusie n• 7-A scienti,%st connected with an ea&stern university has fieoe " îýe hat musselo are existt, ýan-d ed la,in • rMus quantitief and 'he suggests their consump io in combating .the coýst of living. ýh didiscovery" iS onethtayd Who has -walked , a shallow oceai bah- fter a big blowlandwàrd bCssrlyhav failed to miakelfo himiself, and the es inate that lus selsxmay run e,ooo rehulie to the acre be omes credil enh a faFually )teSatein them for a <1uarter. tut how are peIýple tO ber/t( do iti muèh perseverance -anc new foQod. Considerable changes 21 the tasteis of nimr and in th ,etandard of living will have tooCC eur before the unesteeméèd, diere gièrded muRssel secures its Place -bi the table of tihe average house keeper. Even then it would serv onlyý the edges of the country, nc ciad ofadeioec ocàp ad roelnic&mowamë4u OUduedythe! oison, ,what. soldiers, of asèlfsh priests and'an- are God's ei ever it is,, is the regultof the ichemli- ry prpes to the quiet lieaofpar fredà wr loo'.,*meknes u ieo in the di- the strengbhI of the nation. "These ing unto Hlim. OU esietractTo relieve the co0n.. were the potters," fiaye our text,, to seek the rank1 d'tïion', twe nust aitend carefully "1those «that dwelt amonir the plants, gilded trappings a totothings-wýe rhuat see to' it and ihedges"-the humble.. toilers -wealth-and fame a that the-'patient eats littleofhewoeoms er fr-rmvd world. Our businf fo'ode that Produce. these harmf.ul from the great city, of the-king and another in the raci toxins; and ý that the poison. thatwh knew nothing of, "wars and do a rivàl In tde is formed does nobsMay in the in- rumors of wars," -ofthe clashing.of OuBsne8i testines long enough to be absorbed dynastiesa nd -the->-- tnga o B sinerssitle into, the system -» priesthoods,,of the strugglinge of ta dr e eKing Me" is the fsource of mSt of the great and proud forpowerand it 'hig or low, ae theýs'e toxinsi, and.anyone who, giveés wealth and fame. -We are tempted hw-Wems evidence of suffermg .-from, u ric- now àand aanto forget that there ý bwich M tthe a o u t edto 1e eŸ Ëal t eh ae a famous sonnet: thugh itmis not alwave awise to stop thie -shows tt te eealo h Buddb all meat Mi once. However, if the time, hvmng.obscurely and dying ,ol ddb h *cem orte ona arsp te nkn ,j-Ua&s ev e w e I whtb a god lanto bsainfortwoor Until the End of Time. in t1eir o n task bedad butepkaosan Now as 1 read this text 1 ami im- p n rios Suh adie wil ofen urepreesed by the signincçant statement a, ri-a-idskn diseesee hat hae re. of the chronWeer thast these humble see- sirted all treatment-for months . toilers were doing the king's work. I 'boa In addition to dieting, the patiest They were -Working for' the king afameo r afi must be very surethat the pol«Ilnjust as truly as the greatest nman 2n. rEliot s ,i- does not remain in the intesines all the realm Of Israel1. The ob- Th &YIn-l long enough to be absorbed. For eurest pobter aopgre hemdwell v go ttni this puTpose an English sur.eon mng the - lsot etch"plan et hend o triea* r has introduced the use of hqu4damog*h eoedpatand n- r ong trememblr paraffin, in dose of two table- hedges," waS ust as muemiaee-ontaiongte matb sponfls a hurbeor mal._ soldier in the royal armny or tbhe human developmn is not a inedicine, for it îs nOt ab pods ttsa nterylldjyadsr sorbed, and acts only as a lubri- Pod ttsn ntem a ldversy and suro cant. Ask the advice of a phyeician Palace.rih eeItk ii heteter loes beoe you 4ertae e , hower, for tial thing in huma.nlife. Not turity and old a soml etimeter are esons wh at: essench have weganednor how believe that it is thuldobe rous.some o-have we climbed, but. regard- quiet lives like 4; emeans of eliinn g.. less of pòvertly or weakness or ob- andý- upholds f 8sons.-Youth's companion. scurity-, are we-doing the worlk of John Haynes iH emevs&nd un- 3,o ther , woloS ks all ®erPwm hy o* oa lley, herinan,,,r. .,W. 0th Sife orfone of distnebnfame', )rance, bu" 1 does erïial f.sr a, normal Dent thro-qfgh Ming- iccess, and arkugh sof Childho-od,.-ma- gel. We,,cannob but, ýs juet for countless this that GMm a this .eart ---Rv «ng of mepreýsenit advanlkdiv" that < Tomnthe«e conc rimmhapt been Then xtiber of Dà han ibeen Increased a vtiual Repre&cntatýv +ffetevvo. ne mark the ir frra Fe Vngbeeh I1 tOfto ated 1il-ewor Miio fpower See er.-The ConV 011.a n hedul e'i4 ff"mmunTrie : Witd Mmieion1,er .Iterest, aicndrist Prilyleene Commnsin æanz hnOe màuwet. nd Ul0iJ Érit i'mD . PiHS and F Energr.t WMiýAtead r - (t.spae).One i istn thetell er fa they can ntree ne-Pn.That ërwun abotdllem Ttor'ld" z >hea wIwh onrKsismin Mrsl&fl. :&kot cndn, IHfealth Notes. To iel11eve and sometimes cure a cough roast a lemon very ýcarefully without burning it. When it' -s thoroughly -hot out and squeeze iti into a cup containing finely-pow- dered -sugar. Take this9 while it is still hot. Coldness of feet. and limbs is al- most invariably apeviencee oai- tth eakness of the heart or fee ly eu sed but to the contraction -o he ema l arteries, preventîng 1 bioo from enteri g the parts. the one in which one breathes and absOrbsw, whether it be puire or im-. pre, air. A dust-laden' atmos- pher Weill clog ub thé lung in a short time, and b a mr wil wyth al the horrors which glesh is heir to, and which co'me through careless neglect of the simple laws of life as Thn mgirof medicine, dressings, A*t-MPýný in a sick-room can ls ýn te M- de Bc n ia- --~~The fling that strucic Andre mocst about the applicants was-fat, the wa mjority came -from ,people ---- ~~leading théestaidest, ms intu SCORS AR TO X». us and most respectable lives. SC ORE IRE DING OI EX- ,Another Great Boomi in letters of appl c&ion *<> .plc - whe lB rta ndFranc, fiat Fifty Appeals Fromi Boys Between cross5ed the Chabnelwby aerolane-_ 12 and 18 Years To Go To lmsoerou d e on 8the u-1r man was offering £Qtoanyonewe Anew plar expedition* is béing would shiaro his rItuin OjUrneî fltdout. Thouh it will not saii Te eening new-sap'e 8 8iiel h plications have been put in by peo- pouring in f-or days, a num hr co0m ple who want Wto in. The eXPedi- ing mcergymen, and l o'Pia tio>n will have o)nly 45 miembers, so nurse& s -. am rof' ,th that not one jin a hundred can ps. airmanrPturiled b e o bl & n's" jbly 'e taken on, says Pearson-sme-ns o tr in anplicahios reno -Sixteen peers have, volunteered, erely the o>utcome of '-a diseased" one being so keen that hehso.r uist or desire fer seneWt on p ed to become cook's boya l tei io- ge o e terpa is for me purpos come from eop in every rank of of saving -life_,, voluniteriýig ai just as keen, or keener. op~~~~~~~ea --s é âewb-reieÀ oe tran rt musse s in1 nd and -W Craf Ltsttïas Cnntn a - Dowager- Queen. hn ampo ics n ean hndrpignabut e gn ng d r eg1nya Id atfreh...,.,.es X t is not euriplhed by Matrial gain oelt e l, f e .n do lwnonod' tund e rig Appiain or'ftoewovlne'e f in14 et frSesh-wteon ies o' Te qestin is often raisea whe- mother, qÇueen Christina, who o-nly except as this gain may be an ex-à ist.a *tes efre in- ef ume, in fd' ndromthosnso hems n hee eadstmsudrr thi musselsuggestion like many raniml mi"Mt suicideand survived thé git for a few weeks. pression of an earnest 1 lif. - aTah i vaid would apprciteinfeikly popl, a rn et apasn arhote eto e u o'trs pes of acraLdmi mi-the toy of the dog Who soeeyeasThe King then gave the Royal rg 6 r ought o l tat athe Or, na hatd soel. prke a cm rm rmsa d oss swsb yfre.Ta r ag-i aoeo uwarntd nIl agoheld his-head under water i in h 1y6nes.sstr-nla, hoThr ws o ng l gqut.ltte rondCofe.Tne P ad ro edel prsnstrulePpekwaohonlehef ations. As people never n'86- the Frog Pond till he was crown el e n. t .o hyo er gravo tree nt h hs la- a a nwea ug etonbe commtend-O , o o,-a dh deod oe riing qua withfrhm taics c ol os v h tt eb n frsur ee X a t heliy'hiave never heaTd 'about, is -hrought up. The Journal aof t, t i ergaed. enonh l- ma ' eh vin managed iis a rm so it is Aro atc pe rfum iýe a an d unte eb ldr ed .srce o m k hirwls th e m u se l l ig h t w e ll h a v e re m a in . P a ris te lls u f s t h a t th e g i a ff e - a n tA n U nl u ck y R i n g . t b e omen d n o t a n d b h tin g . a r si"n g 'M a n y B o y s A Ph ei ed - un n usu l ume spem itge en-in & They said the ring was "un- M1aoehwtemn eeso apo-umad1yn r h nieSct ePdBinwa'= e<l unment oe . museum f at ei.ty, grw dm>el inky," but the King's English t i , NM barns, lemgan, m ter of fee Th e oiM ndl ang otind ben thq ut henmbrofa-8Dse choy afornigt ao ** " *9 yginghadmad hi akptial o fruits, -Yn bnsygg, He seema to, quite h ' an d an eA ln i rs ha poed n -B ITAIN S NEW BAT TL.FES H1P. for several days.. latE s rÎall superstitiqua b oefs, ad'o f ee h t e'-syooli ai n to of ae is. ee el hee pdiinwa ....-..its nek low y freim eide to ide. al pr eed d t r ithi sef, an On b im el, hee s o * ig ra f rt e p eet o e WlBurn Coal and "Carry Oil As The movement becamne quieker, sand He tatgvr soon a strce e iinfth oko h e-Srei eun vr5 eig.eee rm b ALXilliry. Fuel. the animal nearing a w al, mahd pg gpainsfrt nc s yo ; prepared lf. the r ousn d . nmornn tech n hseunder 12, th ob y p leai - its skull against it- ~~~~~wasan heir (a11 the bloodshed .for nr o o,who ae the gincrae sadntvrysrnl u-tedoeh he u e +i ttlh sRect aingowerldnt W ad le nthe iraff do- many years having been caused by 2.Gdsadut im-ThiS i toa ia t aver trnglimsu-they gdozen ig he lrueuns the ba.tlehis Ryalaovrrign d n -Washe dnothmee ntl d ,efiueof direct heirs to isbu-t astory and not history-. It3 n n sg . He w as psdtoIdrngscs. .T sePntaon ah- an oya,a k at Po-Prtsmouv ad mied? In t e d ys oKthnR.o an~fo so promptly Mar- u ncsayt eeoelt qie a m n ePeso - elk o nA ci xl rr asd a 'sg e arn md vo ora n w p ruewas ieits a grâfe was the talk à d a ain Hethis ti e c osefor how god SDokere t , o q ieouttheman. - ig. HBut d i ed h e asd ca Tet a m nnaehl aar f.o ch ol o e a m d bythe British Adm rlty . P ris, and the followers <f Hug .o-ri s brgiden eAu.i narh uheforth oSre urd-Ltrll .P e d, t a ager i e o pte st hain- esely patc . ee1 gva a e di nth v o lan Thes tw ehi a, iththre ot eTswrOte p asioDatly aout th' a- h ws r e Autra-n iec th hess e l rq e-iey arld$ andng t y t1 un a wet. Bn, laugh nL ' h a eehuner f rî r at ic v nn d nV c a ot p ro s ad to b ad don At rvt e Yards mal -in e tie, " he great a ti-l- l- fated a res t iett-m e - t ee"peha s a va ue re enk anti und n y a o u,ticth s in tes he n ni e ad st at ad s miooe n uchhn this year, wlll be considerably max," as Thomar HvedcalledhimMa riA ne ad bf ten To he av ely powers.Th re stofof livBuers fo s 9m aer and slwer than their im- "so very loTyinsts rot, ut so rifortune amost from word tr as ate gs u e" so e n s it e ey e ' atoleast half of the letters recei e ha m .9 edi ap ed css rand they will dwindling at th taiL " 1 English d g dbrt m¯ nd whn e ad r e- "jite." meaI f eY ou Bu Her onc, bt h f jesog nzrso nex e kd " hdouht oMa ea burnayfel-, carrmg oil potghave preferred to speak of, hr bi , and wit sh ad wo little.e higswhchthufas pe- Y u Wi!yCome Againce arte noreall n de obet nsa ou, . uxiayfui-Ths easthe giraffe .. ha cmi arai ntied lier Xing vrto i paed, nwh e hl lone e -°~ h e chan , A nt nsd "asrou1.Tewieswatt tW rrn t, ohr orm any battlehips ow u der con- h ug o tgomeryaij,:>a r ave augh e annot purCh as l pre' - n u r w ayan ganed a e à d a a o gt erfred nh n ue h m n ,h stucio ad peaon, but it i ae pta nd shh oU r tened e scnd vr' u bral i w r-ev en.thise ma'l l ash iseya t e i a a h atr l r fharga p tti k t e f m c - believed that -t h Admiralty a ak- syllable ;&The sorrotng odytfrom her to dispose of, hae arie his o s- he rhis gn e .u t orerincus- ent he WeY.i, l lm narhp e -d n g} ng the de sion >was guided M ore . moedThe roil- oyne r gide cidç-e essis worth touhim i lCompare some WrtOn f nodde anod helned ;Màit c amsbinO td ott rost e Ido e orei d p r ar on ti i a aand a h n edliring ; pa br t eni8 0tWofa ht- r i o wssg eer, h a s t'r e n wte r. goy o 11 ce a b o:t one, thstben ml rth Pha.ps this a r1i ai'a an, n h r t aws u efrnet o ,w ob -- --- lt urle UE eång ad. T ey n mb rdei, n apnW latélesips un e s on~ the sm ujdto Cf foolihde-tand day. ba d's h a w Or ce i th seso w ~to i ( 'omp e Sa nys» °" u o h s i lcs h r eelt dl r afa trcio e xcptth sei F anek e i. r . hl Robinon, a Eut oul ad idw a nd w e , Rcgow r o -oin b v T hi 2 823)m er- hady a che rsaon ernt into Ca g Thusa d fA i ad n, y i ea1a u f. h i e ) f e e b4 o ut w ee r c i n , b e niab e A d n e m i n n g r i t h e r , " ' t9 e u b n s G n s w i o r p e s n o· md a d a k d t r a h r - i e s l h u c m f á d s u d * u w woude em n b a, r ne an En g- tihs a d ie athe ee: or o h a e tto Spa n er only s- éoeste aabe b o iled e- . Atererakmg he top c in o e s19n xli e éarn w e e and 9belian d erstandiheng i th e t bsyrkg animl, th t opa nes thé ren t King lfonso, she M i ept illée rt atil li k e looe -ou uly at Oncth e n~ A1 uts h"bnao-me.pit-ra t.To c ud a uk y eras lloth r ounras anhislie,.o, o pea , loo mg ot ent e uon ad w r eer.-pa ro m A p ren cfe ra lcm e ru y ff, o tent . . i " • 'haCeoew Yok ppic ns or ed ar un atng con.it o iIdingshi s f oo o ssf a o rt -toeuedwmt a t a itretng m met Q ee th uahbA rcuourl Bue u at " d o,"sidh , hHe , lb to p urt ei isp oitme8.ha, pward0ýtos.,. oksdo n nt t e r ' ess s hrstnadevte h rs1f.aar ad ar h o rnt's t e a ol ai hpes an e n et o e ano he r as n ru -! " e c ud ', ele B e a s m a l v s s l s " w i l h v e t r h a w s e a ,îa n i d o \ a è s h e s o ui n t o n d t h u p 1'i n g i n g s of h . o n r i l i n g.wH eUte 0 " H agn s i t b e e n ok d o g l c e t .e n c n m h e p e • " n e a e w i t n j p e d f t n o e , a d h e - g o u d x e P w e n i t l i s o w n o n s o t h t e i h t b e a b e o o l i t h m o d e e r e e th o d , i v nw a c -eou g h e - t e w d e - , , , b s t o wd o h m - h u i 1 I i n t n e d t r i e 1,v i n ,-a Tt gh e linero ndr r mn n the posh1 ha asb en' ut - ma h nao s:h pet at al o ld d e. T iso- o thts h"* e" n il d 1°cab e no ,bu he eraend° e ' inrcbneg t ith4 n gu - 0anoe b g bu t ua en olay.n e 0W 0 ......... - .., M r . É h ut-y e n d ri h t W Oà h y h aw r es A h s t o l l t i a b e r t h l 6 f r - { g c e P Í R h d # DroanilOut --Dan ized C uld NoAB - X II u secnd wQuee n Ohitna-arstsope ih at t setan•FoyF x-.l Tforth P e tl ns wo tey r n ,ecr • carefulemotering m. Timeandnhiring-l ee inhabitei n* . fo r idy M -Fe• "re a n e wsntha Th e u a en oud*ife ish a a * i nd re w's gra d m oth er h ad een h : I l n nth g hte&of in e. r t ti m gi n h aterh e r i d a th1 e i h a e o e e e f u d r-Pr s n i n a e o M s ol - d á u s n i s l w n o t e w g e g el n g d m Bibestri e, i s ao -ri g wtgp h "n o in tth." any a nn-b r - o nd o lwn d y• e RtI a l ' n, hicaw uldbe ir xpo -y - enfndrhee hare keben t ato D nilinth io a h s ,y o con ider ," t u n de r om n old hae e ovd sp of o arþo dsuphde rgF31" ha !Whe ishll o-.w k s o ir nd ac ht-l athég l a o0'n d,&ten. A &I th erof ou r e a e kyi . ,, lokn o t on he peio s agen from gAlt n to s - was pouredinach ft hese ho ýle • et Ade m raack.ng -he thadb m- posbl ot os. m rs-T eE a g taka tngo á cs footgrt im30,0" ot90m da on . her a vlani , b t8lo4he1d5f w1ng f w ecnd b* c 'i, o x. "Obieell t! Arae yo n-u I i ust o p nsenh Whdn theh-st 1: fon , aat r # ed od y a n throue e da- anoA r .ep idro c ade r e, qAhe o y rs en - - -A n u fh s v u T ei v n w n , b d . M - ' ne w e p l o e e - a s b u l e t ri o r t o h e bea vi onaf ea n d e ' l . 1T h e r s l -u lr s a l lB u e x p l o s Io n k i k l t l e t Gl d , " t e r a nw l l t h a ct ra b n w ng p sand ~1 down heâ tl gedônf \Be ,. the, hrist.ina 's late h sbanltfth u dt h ho,$l wi t-sonae ne gase ,t t , mt áo - 'pb hshu l un 3 a "1 diaf e a s ee n b c a ef ul h o w p m d r a l e ri c r o t h S p a a h t r o n a n d -k ill ed t h e r a t a l m o s m - t h e y ll r od6 y, î-o n " - e t h e A n d e o and vit acty in- s lk mw nd hadrm ' by olow, et %o

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