Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 3

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- "l~wite o tce la ornx bac. ns 4 ahda j 'weiL ih aeenu a douce of l'a.£î I; in- hthat dO ItDlinhILEStAN>hlm1 JIOn mot" o.aa orrititieuivl ian 1shllgier as ho ceau&sbimmect-tell'UU ~ 719lIE XfO s lii iaUl>iS at »Lae la ready to, go on with ber en- AOTO OHRHIAI tfuvther frouble >owrveat, UI' o;anh'.e oito ,aing neXt WekHe8O eiRqie uteCm - Loin- te. and vatoue bout waY of wnts -bar *te Seo abroad, ta Pauis or the1 eililngthe im» WlîîÏ eby on Cnio b> , ' forge£ whloh." Clive claJp-FAO Tf URri iis D a011 >thé armae ofbts chair and rose. 'ITOU -[ ' Oâe ontest, ,V e aaokd Cve t iiapoîoày needn't Jznip up. ICeei, tlL elheai.t . f *hPN.,Wo waU4ChoseD ADTnI RQN for, a one t, there a plenty o, timne. But 1 Lieutenn. ot, NDTRI'BGN e&urtous chante came ovaer Qulton'a £hft 1 ought tO corns asud Ytell Ive it nÀreic. ar At nsavna emdt ra teonly the fair thlng,, aeein' -how M O I'Vet a mri= àr a~îh£aiiC AIId aohthln; AndI we o . ne a avlfl? thé dÙtiesào!Cil i~gti uts shaowofa unle a ouioisau te er If y dUbt aS hne on, the tmano-Atlantic chane inhià oUntngna, a a 1 lke to yQurlovin' ber truc and boncat. that (n liMa9640,tananoe ail 1) nliht settled 'arn. Ten; 1'm ont your fligbt financed by Roduia Wana- Quit. al Number of Thema Tell Us hi i arj~t. 1mc iet ly o aide, 3>4. Harva>..-AnuhU11_ll antme.makoir,interviewed by the Ledo TTlEry . t hof dreeeiv1y ,ii1. Icen tel you. couraseyvoun cn -MalIIOf"tje4 l -oOflieg About Real * b WTi llrig- ' aoe-what MnnWa reoltzx'; chea Soi; au Daily Misii I s*ln epo t*»j net ill,, by that-that Idea Into ber 'cad that she eu t te have ýflight, but quit.ar nlçlî'a; > rnumured~jy~ died that night-th" eleah.astoult ,ghfr'rd I "'Not ai ,",Qull' azaure4'hlm, with ake advantage, as plie calla I, fwa hxkw h.ld t eknw Many of our best-knoiwn elil-, luit a-nllapicion f rd e - i Civç ~ e n and wlp"ed m weat ought te do it in twexity hourg, dren',stQishieafrinci of?¶,dcn, or; h refusai of Elliah foi i ae ' m koTl- mai ns over tInc are icnow. - whiçh girachen-gin, and aeknowIl in different to do40 i tIhe toidfilm, Wouid break V1b..b>.!" ho ild, wlth Imotent Impatience.drdmeahu.Th mahn e' ioerte o, u byt, t rirt Born day. whei oyn are *'And 1'm tied hors In this beatly chair,.rdmlsa ou.Temcieversions ailoe -tewld but atr ou tabear it, te rvey,1and yCan't a o b .will 1K6o aSa f ae'Uti75 f .mhoula Wio te tlil 90u what 1 thinik of 'an e u'r . t1kthr-sn a nd .a.vo a spaniabo ut ào f 1 Tibby. 1* wIU Ctake "toetime tin à, f you> don't.keep quiot." Tlbby adt- adalnt faof 0fo:We ac, ayLodnAsr. îclliniç; tor Tibby la a study Cc wbich a Jureo him îfýlrm,' What yau've Eeot- te wil not ha've any fitebu a very W aêja enhaig o luannlghtt reaacûnabIY devote a moder- elat e wilenough o'siome te heri "feet bufel ntaee hat Mether Hubard ndo Uely Iotnglire: and tChen held die with- aoon, even If I'a on a 'strrtcber. - tell light boat, 50 fe y5felk ntne htMti ubr n o'ut knowing much about hier. 8h, ba yeu-strite, 1 can'It do anythIng, witb bier.,pne if we corne do . esali *tho wiud«o f a fernale Selomen, Che no more can father: andt we've both ofane Piuek 'if a l'ublin lienoe, and th, e n- ua rled; for'fair play la fair iplay. andfld ont for hours unless the 1eri. oh aievon-.cThel pt ouse-n * dcilnes O a meother With her Airet baby. Obeth of us know that, In a mariner e' ruh u hwesal01YyW 1 WRN 9OM o n eadd (fiat ahle la .one ofspcaking. yeu've got a riafit ta fier." ouhvbt hn e hll nyfl x*keeper et' the nmanor hquse .o the NqAturec â,' leieomen; but it wouid be . *"Gros blens -ou. 'Tibbyl" salisClive.calm weather. ln fact, 1 do not-l pariah, and a Way narod Sa.r>h anf outrase to- apply 'Suef i alckaeitY"eu; the right thatà love alelie can - ~prRsouto A ttilikô T% ie hn ive. 1 a n &, .CatherinMr reetirhynae. tink ci bar ani talik of ber- But_ Jus, *0," 8ais! TIbby. "That's a po-botherabu-h etr.Wwil an rtehsrym apae V-l'h s"t tde neltber new. i can floar Per way te Put lt Tou Aiways haZuaottewate. e il At -n aeti hm per Sthe, 'urie On the ttairs; and l'ni goîn I 0waY 0' apeahtln', Mr. lHarvey. 1 a. probably' start in AUgust 'or SeP' to linve firet aPjeeared ifn the. oki Ci> l iy ln tn O earn a llttIeýrmenoy, and mitteit that. even when 1 was mont aln tember, when a apel fin we-O _d "Gm raut'sNc to te 0 lriot yeur troublefome ex-* you. -HIownomever. If you want Mina.,lc iewa 'md -Gme utnNc istenc~~~~~~' ~youd bttert get woll lu double qulck thex' il certain. de"wihwsatdbfr ue ~lole,'m wjich Chse btad deinrtinie." 110edolethes, fdlite- "Il we aie ttarting fromi thiu Elizabeth. The sanie play aloo con- I e his- band gontjy on cnlvea f The door o ned,.-and!- Quiîton came Si i'L lm va thasentie a prossure, f oa Caim In eteohe;ln!ide we, ehali keep as pear La poSui-tand LtieJkHoer d d;,'w th &>no, dW nt out, Clil' »O or Che frît CliOmo eperilonco, bis to the route 0f the linera, mo ,j.k and 1"Itathre irjttd niculyappcareit erbarrassed h~a uhip can pick u» up in case ~i Mpilfly tar&ds -butLf n rtXxxit . .v. wu.i £ î who afterwarcle became Bishop of ir4iliton, wli» 'pont notof bi 11* 'X -t'wfa lc d1 MisT10." enal-store -cf *mergency provisions - btir «'Oen ak Véry hilih. via s "it ?j'edýotn al h aentT'etotediby.au wé are l!tik hwrkdlu t dWlu %WeN..0 -* % ot rth qusion n," om- twne? rtre,ýIb.marinera on a raftb, and not & a ïl Pie and 1£. Purpose. dawhenRIÏO , ad ru ;hned aufficient da."orneiiatQc» if.ui ha! ~ ~ 0l ittengtlý (Opermfit ef 113movIng freinAnne le dor tu1nnel in ight ,* "saltra'e-' tfehute aI capacioua chllir, ho saide Quilton seerned quit. abashed by Chia orne houri-in thi dark, buta littie LA/ l<la onrwsas Otera lchg slence: ' oelaught. -and. hie oyez wanderes! ever 'ra esnadSilwudko I,amngoing Ce rosi the 1P1rasident- ber figure au If ho wcru trying to think inatallation eleotrbe îight wiu ena- r9 esn nI ilwudko aIUp na M'y seat, Q Uif! 09 e onthing eOeeS@us tse ormal.uen h« bs tory, as ho niarried a grand- ftc "À now.réhe eny eis e I t e Prk eute eopinrmns.Te 8 Qutltôhnondded " lThought O no"A gheretrnareix peinti. piloes *qua-týera will certauniy o1nic f -the. ori nel. Thersiare Wocuid. eho »sais!. " nin o'tor There's a good many More outalde bo .as!bopogtdtwoVrouo in.soyasuu. an oIosec; but r th inh Yu'f lt," oald Tibby, "#YoU zeem te b. ful of comnfortabe &aleprtzd Ilght. YoU*ve giot toe mue*i on gi nallCy unelemb Information Chia mernlng. Mr. from the. weather by a acree. ith tohd, but'both are mythe. Accord- for a Premident of h& LoCaLiovern-FQulton-been liatonin' Ce ether jeol awudw ore o tanpret m Jack Horner was a meOnt Doar', andt Indu l e In adventures CiinIsu ppose. No wonder Pe'P" a! soulhion at oflaatrnburarentey, which are quite unoulteI tome grave and Mtr, Hanrve>. humped te dcath, 1 suppose substa.nce ike mie&. FExhaust pesulin tGaobryA e, liliportCoat an oftice. Te;, 1 sheuld 9matitlshad ot0 ourncey"ppsadwe er II isle h a change *f occupation. 'Hewn-wouîd (t etuilton lookeitoef solet " wi.±t divertcd snothe.t the.fume. n hns.r II isovdti dleYuaÉ4-l do frs Ce p mnveo-e oCie"hsl Chqssîy,'appaîiingîy b rakal -ruf' a, I bolle v assahaooctaCaive,' h.id e . 1way Bbc aiwuys *il!l ot, tréluble us, There ije i. nnasteies, ho sent for the titi> Wfty et 4ecrbing t-and atartod off Tbyee l wt cna aîonat o1>o f the. engin. for twen yhuedeeds of &Il the. landa belonging te 1 te iiknon ew'1»urch cf hldden gaewlCh which a mother imlght aurvey or more, but I do not think it, wiIî thea.bbot. treksurol Ur- >-onmight go InCo train-,ber Imbeelle child. .O.i o 'or p1140 lotC. re >';ou'd mako al"Ne obtu Y Il be " te etletch te gîve thus ail up, tho abbotauhad in OnePrs yba St er-}f i P1ll sw erol<>nlstiiet, ntwanting c&Peîîng (In'the Pirate bsns.1cen self, as h, me» aeid te t h, belle'! et ut',cmii. icur yu isl tenn a Wc: 'nof ce u ersiîs ~ ourselves on "the floor' of the boat alarge Pie made, and put some of1 odtltyansi unruly crow wit HaIirvey; and. don't let hlmn depress you and have.cifrel.hioe the 'deeda in itî, which h. gave to ravsler. 13orlouly, voi are righlat u- mer.'» yeu can belp.11"motbl.gozs vM',. Arsyhow, gi vo Purliament andc poli-" Notwlthstandi#g is anxlety, Clive "Il we do it in twenty houri we the mululion Jack! Horner, to 'take, tivs a reut, anti lot the penphe)--wit a coU Id net help bursting tntô e laugh. "&I. be easily within te ýîme 1 mt te e trusty fribnd. Jack becamne aapltai ,- i aa-l» nother 'frient' -.Oh. gotate .douce." sat'! ullCon: imt tit t t ab.îue and> villilfy.") and! lie went eut 4aal, slernmns the In the conditions onf Tii. Da1Iy îîuxigry -un the way; -and tvîougîîe aho (,J'ive 'book hi@ heud.i,"The pecipht are dour Aftor hln., et a1il ,ight. Quliton," hfie seli 't 11a 1- INo conivalescec uner1s0a iiMalmiî,000 0iz. 01course. would sampi, the. Pie, no oand It. folo otde'yeu tînicIaai .abscttem whose recoery ta- te him as everything dopends on the 200 Finding the deeula, he abstractod te g on? I ontte o'h 1fier, I rniptint lgo lite anaI Ooath, TW dU ê ni. 0îe n ou,~n ntro ruh i ýtqrivtnlfOr £1si't f),0bel.aym.alteî'. dliv. twled de wraoe» %ilton'> hôrs-pwè nie mlere-tte n âtro ruh 4 îiiti plicture ber as u ei a waliir arm te a cab. ans! woaadriven te 1ensoni' gin/es of tic saine type, built bv forth and ola.med the> estate of rin-deatia." ,Rento, quiî£eîî lielped hlin Up the , Oitati.ohrvrin * Qhitontoit Iii bau flrly o Clia btter knoeknzg-at the ,doè or"h frimlr.fr hryher esasheÃ"h rpr seaedhlmel o th tp sep -lnao ertesting purposeai." According tote vhrvrin *a-T.h ics!oretalkla I.not s.lowed. voice salit "Coen, u" andh, with hié ThlîtwuY 9maduesa item. You mitati90oheart thUrnping et hio aide. <Jlve en .- fhoe dleda were..sent 'ta. the King teabe*Sroar ta 71 ow n-0 oncoaled ini the, Pie 0 that tJ@y t. a ly t ten pèàe«.55 hat bar- 1 f1he WU »ated at the piano, the notes n e MiPAtq* 04: o ýwilebonlouuly PEAULS 0P TICUTII, hould not be atôien on tbo wayà rnit thafe rhworry hng out.: me h I» n lerose an'! llOWover$ thç.Pi jSamvthi 'but It t nMr ut>. tepoint eut te you ;hoeohiiat hlmbr ae rmon'ho nP'Y that thé more yen worry, thé longer yôln White. lier banda preajie'!ta ber bosom: Self-culture haff !ta end, its true Iorners 'am&ni was Thomas, and,t etc imes te rCliv e r atitudeureao ; end, in seIf-devotion, - Dea.n teod o1 houng &iiulion, ho wu 'T)I9you gi ve lier ly at1MnL eIn his atil feebie Stubbs. a Alch man, who 144"e the Mells &siedClvewiax u iiu!hit Ce.en tame. Minai"' '11 die mlmentifbattilng wâçCîdA me» never riscs so -high sas esate froni the abbot, andi alter- 1 .-noriîg, nsvî' R"1 ay ran 'a hrself, erug îo wt bCh agneitthe okw nt bbr w*dbuhj fomteKn 1 - tîue o*lqîrî' s'Mîa',Lt'thé , 1ù,jMoo!19vie, lth tne-mgunt £0 O o in. t w4, a Icte anascornteb 0. u dre te ebey,. Wfiere or. jl on.CowI. aoranys earbepaeuo -t ie laa j oeidon. " bond& sunih Ca. and msy woli Mo a(&lx,& plum. et knale 03, , -cita men-ra ie Mn-.faioy Ans! ail mi tes upo>n m»a e»bug That ilcrry Ot Soul. flaurvey , WA4prpoçigrg favoî'[Ou ilnir k j gt 1hi âla libi f bs » èà pQnayg a vDIvvs1""'croIDy Tay1oré » eleecergnîà L'u lvr côon o n fe ia e Wi îs (>ZlTereta sthilng thAlt as.mn X-Va-r *~ ~~wie flOtI* Iv tltîit-----" cundinir abthes'e tii.inâ -f tea- t !we have kJone-Maeterlinck L'uideUase a lfeec o pno et th llc.rand o"enusI t: ter, nhurnnurink hoarsely.'t love v't il, fa Mt'ite'W»a andinq onsthe Clreholit, Minait" Affinit ber will seWAU drawn Bh'uteu t l, btitmt a-c"0hoielvw8 QUilitoil smîd Clive, (avenn lf itm 16Y et twrda hlmg: *ii.moveittehmî wly;wth lkw; and lot thoe ew b. well lhe was an anc;ent tritishl king who1 iveeing ber) werestruckodurnb b te i amsweround ier. ber head waxi- +o gvetbmyor id lita heatriquarteretbColch 0r tuiy nl litmnnugh; but a itw transferin- on her hair, mue raieed ber head, and, eonfidene.-Wsshingtn. i 0t4rothink lié wau a certain cioth- 4il Ti1bby, R$Uit. nsdt'eaaUI, nÃ"t t» thé With lier eneadrowned In» ears. ah. Any n.nwoge ncbsne ae fIednw*lvdiltef »nndescrpt, garrnnîn, butin j a -taller- niî,rmurss! in brokcen accents,- &Oge bl uies nk'ofeaig h ivt i h mallce coat a!eifkirt er blt;o serge; and, "Oh, Clive, Clive I cannot help IiI1Iand doein'V t trow bis beart into ft ld"Y& of!Henry I. f the "fddiors ,ÃŽl lceO ti xtrln-rdlriary bounnet iehe love t'u! I canit Jet you go. l cen't. oen 1 coeWhy not go into thr.e" being a iiter, weavcr, andi ancat ennd cxcoedi»gly becoming can't!" & jed M1a prroperf disPosesi on an eiuaIl n t ulen he Lord's work as earnestly atn-til4 eust tecosn sy rrange64 lica it o{ h Itý« lt eIga;ctte and sut on h t<rWe hewouf- Sit, loehed'elcceedinghy, amzýl et- 1th, statra with admirable patience. Pre- te i'lti -,L. )Ido heoheweeth wonte-. ty: ara'. om94 iilrvelious change oîal, Cetl asep nd rom below, an'!ode bt ,tgh io tunate Babes ini the Wood o! East RI tylà fia'! hdi smi udelprr sni is" »aîiî ee:>Anglian extraction, Who xnay be dî A tteInto ai Young wemnan 1 "'eu just corne off tflem staîra, rounur and overything goes ogaintz >-" t rr su i1ftgfai -lkeiplroportioi»a l Arry Marke. I u'poPe cyoun mether tili ini o Id o.hld arwazgafror ttu<13 A11l Y ei; Wilvlch fer the rne unt. tinu ihle 0w»a the whùle oet hiee ume .nCO itt on ,âeOUk ota& 1 eorna as saLucera. were.quickiy us!- Incteasi or the to,, antic aneý 'au thei a minute longer, neyer gi-v. up il you go ,thrýOngh rWafung rWy don. uc'ier Uiu5r tiick ils!; anca with his -ritrhitealet ber id,,play aeap-bubbles lé yI 61han dIu (01 sto wonf! rpcîrbuiîyle n'! ig isI or 'the plar, Iand make & 01ODDY Cxutfor QU »jugthO JIMandiU "9d WÃ"O, - Indt;u Th ien est- roatiitchucsk ae-ybody- down? the, lime thet the tide'il turnm.- Itmberlev iii3Itorf 12C 1Hetoryin. Y, ni ,r cée on,, min5g'Ëubhy. rentrn-Tierel tiers ai»'t rio occaIontean-echrSkw. O Otlufi!i a ônlrbud f iWlnvaiC'J lo'noW on viw, A mrisditiilOut n n nereap, 'ven'Pt yer? W.-m !,P-81 fi~L B.Pp trQiti 'you, 'iibby!" us> ual'! a&lTntZi* üio,îl e"' t litr i h. bw'ald. siine"s , ioalitishe toem sîu'tDmr hietill o cf ."tat on enii haive you get ta be » "VmoUi-eneuàwh tO e . our fatficî,"ý lbihf len we 1etteo pardon for?.-Tahî ie about mille.- lie sais!, sfaklng hliqbeau, ane Ir île werf',f i ;o.M thae #Vû atbltli m..d ri bywithj. .IVPYIbY an all-compelIng fate hivt I Am ghtCtefoe !th msy(ooue'u Meothes fr (iîrn' t satrp retumo of iser odfor,. "Rui- '1uelengto fIght againct in l'eata h loe rýh am Y om' reois o Aide. c uxoe irt and! plaeurq ut'ter. lleêld0»i1s - litknew bettfer tbtan W make a .ecd I s,àni asi tll il wu1n ogtlio My.cimeut; ît'a ioi-it-1,01olfutin)self; but attlil 'm dolng 4" îinaygo b) heSoeo6edcfficlax1 tnie1 atiogytu1 l.4a lI e os) fer as t6 admit, If yOn themor f nAmerican dammee. ou.*sud tl i J'ni orry ta j11 amI»ii.it UPoC»L.hat 1love you. xt~ stweîiyn a»! ine l'u nnîsUîî Soumi ircieusbut tCIe mrorpecui-ious Thfsrn s .Itlppary Vofat ah le ,ca etifn T yn iian Mia. ita; 1 tl tSîing I.ti-i ? eîht Do'jy 1 t.c C w uott, fW e cUnig Aouto rnt'gin Al. 1n t i ýni '*ilOMSnn- soVoedrnnbol thatm t i n, t pi'pis. do wh.î ix iii tt1istIfJs5',t5<.'J ho'iflu irun/ehot asEiabt maer ______________________________ i "lie10P, o a eanibst-haPet-ted a finutakeil tai). and onre ________________________ 'le 1t he i i c àni uuy you ViiCle ay a Student îîauied }wltoij -t ans uhepyimeviillDe'tHoIVI , ViâWtb e «901001,911<1 8/t once eo--a " ' .. 'v5OO tînr h'tila tran 6e" lm Y ost 'ivl-kn<t-» 'verses. in ha t aa c f Ineslty ,WhI1O1 in MY .casee t yratOeW11 roequit# - WIici'Ïjiroh o!inîî al Tre orre?, lt ak o IIyBetty-I e-haIllnoS t wtiuni 1 an uge thi» iulu0i ontj dL* Ay; E9 xanry a6 bero, Aiioe-We-ll, my sat fo iobe ' slggisdean, jUSt ,*laOW any Mn i . -opro-IPU4 NaDrux-Co Laxitivoe«M R Psst o ,eleus~ genitie, timely aud JAfler tbce Eugagenient, Mc-ther-I -' suppose, tic-an, Chat Jack wili be coining rouind t-o see -nH said hfiehati ceeuS'ou anti b. jwanted te mftrry mejuSet;the anie, --- - V& Yvuïuc - ttu'e:out andi if ie ont -iitr (meeting a 8mall boy <on SRun-day atternoon canlyiii strn e!é de h);-Johnny,' Johfny,d' thea& -bekong te youlf 'd"Y-e-s, sir. -Yor i~, ii..ts wlîat thy.got for QIjos lOlt Aïtmed with eoId ILét-this 41Ã"u5h rise oveérni$ht I iik. infc, una.1.1eakes andcibý I a Wl1-buttered an, rd Ontnea Waers -Into about' .hiaf a und of! o&tîmo lfour.mii a itic sait and make .a dough by ating a* teacupful >of boilung w-a- ter. Turn tuis on toi a board wel Éprinkled- with nieraitknead lightly, roll thin as possble, -and î ut inio shps~eî,s rowu #rat ou one sieand tho'n on-« te - othef-, and, w-n the ake&-, re crusp they are ready for âe, Breakfast lolh.-Sit&ap'oînd o! foeur on the. table anti rub in- four ounoee o! butter, make a, hollow ia tie -centre,iani w-orn. -eone egg anîd a hait çake of, years dissolved in a, littie wanxn -vater -or lIii (pi-re- fte'nably), and set te riàe in a warm Place. Fornni a ighktdough and al- low te nino again. Shape iii roUs and allow to é~se ini a, arn place -for. ton minutes,- brush O'ven with egg, anti bake in a mctiium ove» for Vwenty nhinuteg. Baklng Pot-der Doîîgheuau. - Cream two itabilespoenfuls of but- ter with a cupful c>f uugar anti two eggs w-el! -beaton andi thon a cup o! iniîk. Mix two Cupg 0cf four to- gether, with - tive teaspo*nfut, -o! bakj'ng pewden and hla i eapoon- fui e>f nutmieg, and addithtue c- the sugar &nd egg muiture, RMI thé reutng tougihaon en-half inch ihiok, - eut with & dougbnut cutter anti fiy in dieep fat. W-hec cool aprinkie vitit powdered sugar. This 'naesaoui tw doendoughnut. Lambl Chope. - Have the chopu eut about a quart", of an - cnli thick anti niceiy .tuimmiet. Di-p t-bon in beaten Ogg and tt'el roll t-hem in a seasoning of finely mincoti paroley, a littile sait andi pepper, grated lemon pool, a.nd a litCl. grateti nutmeg. lient a large lumrp cif butter in a deop rying -pan, Put i inteé Chopa, and fi-y tlii wetl browned, Put a tablespoonful o! flour and a email lump o! butter into a, st-et-pan, etir cirer the fit., pour in one-h&alt pi-ot o! clear verni gnavy anti utir tilt boilm5. Drain- the chops, place thein on a bot dteh, iitir in one winelamsful o! reti vine w*itb tbhosauce, rstr-aiin 1 ovor'the chôpa andi sere_. Dreiseit Bi-etet o eli -R- mfovaé ii boes n t-a re&gt. al ianib witli a sharp pointoti knife,, geaon lie nieut weil wiLh gsatit nd pe-pper, anti iollit i up and tie se- CUniy witi twxne'. C hop fin.eona onion, a riteS of! canot, andi a suice of tui'nip. P>ut st-heoe in a braiuiag pa-n wiCJî a himnp of butter and -stir >s'er a briik lre forr ive miutes; :-heu put buntthe tamb, sprinkting iL weli witi Ilour.- Place the hid on indi standtith.st/et-pan t-ler. thbe nos-t will coqk slowly for ançtr hour, basting iL ftreeluentir-. When 'ca-dï, remove the meat, cuit -off the nt+ru'ng ansl place on a hot, hdi. 6kim the fêt tilt tho grn&Vylst>r#in tie latter ever -ti. nea-t, aced sr n-*-le very lw i-Vwth a rasuçcbo*b QI tanato aue L~amb Cutletsa--Trim ne.ýty ont- let. U'mit-- ave leen- cnt from' ia neci of aml, scraping théioto f the bone' tilt Clean. ?laOetbem in a fryin< pan with am lump Ï! butter and f ry, - When cooked drain t-le -utteta anti lcavie tit colti. Put lin- to a sa-ucepa'n two or threo-nmubh- moms, a finely chopped onion, a Rpig, o! p)anmsy,'and a lump o! butter.' Stfr over the f£ne*t/hi hot, ffn pour ini ono breakfast cuipful f) whie ace, the j ui-c -of a. temon, 1,u & ian uto!thro, wCl bea-tien ýo lks o ! egg a an t i » e t bi s o ,'i -ç! powdorled ulîgai-. ir tuis nma4ure by -thbe cide -<if tfie lire tiill à. _,t.-thek -2 cfcr .1n Vte When -tbe lanju wick je &hoi4 111(and r cil la burxed !ow. -put vatel- in- t-hc lainp boul : iltrif taise the Piuke- lank nibif>an d laces cII be wluiteni'd by $Oak-iug tuent ci'nigbtitn:a toit h <' toilî'î- <-r- UIc iteup. A mttnoivuni a %v r(n-1-nie VQ $geasu ait' fi-tiiw-bite guuics q)akitho cii'. anti let- Lt dry, t.herî iasit iii w~hen-1aujucdIng put jctli! plae âet 6bottom cf the ace-pan. Thig, wiif, prevenit tité idding f rom sticking. Try rubbi f heî very da'y ité adryfIunl' f;iwlmnt Lve to b. laoiwtbalvrpl àa 1nlyo often. tue 7! he ld itothtbruh iey arc gooti for mauy -Aliig, am cleaning - comibmto cleaning , ,rbi,e an th-h Di 0don jamniits. 1 à doeku$ auld j15nmade by Atil- tomatee w-uh muneed pin.- wii hav Tiie Mi nA I umi #0 a b onob afayyIg Your Druggfst wpi oonifrm our »tate st thrd-ff oti 1 aneyUi it Ihfcan harm heart ororve atte7' ut W NATIrONAL Sf110 ANDO ciimfCa s 'L* hEE 124 pou9 "sel qu&ant / Brn to y u oltti fragrance of EngliAhviolets, V~>ou wUll îever know how delighklul tihe bathlng- cf Your face and iuands can bc rnttl you bring o k the delicate fragrance of jergeus Violet Glyccrine Sap. -iere is the rta! odor of violets, caÃœtucin a moap the. olor of reh, violet leaves-a betutiful, trui-, An' water, anywiere, IViolet Glioerinc Soap Jain crsm as frouy in O o In Iti0 te 1h r, l itV I an4hgiyçcrine li ci make.ypur $ii sfî, aooth au d wlsko. G o o y OUI drugglit and g ct a ke. M n s a uhave ,been nmide'o ilite lit-e *surethrefore, tht voit sec the marn .Yi'genr onthe rappr a the ti.cake kncif, a d fou a' a np iecake tad ë I ou ec " lih 't 1£. s.d eOaak.-ulaswo for 2ie. et a quartees. wMtki ~Jor > '1 i s the. appies t-bite. - -- To kepj a glas or cup f rom - - bunatiuig wiiefi sny boum miture la put lu try putving a. aiIer spoon anipourun« the mixture' on it' H L ^ L-g e te-t geuenatly keeps t/ho glas& froniIKStfl c ra k in g o r break ing , A H . R A f 4 . TO hang picitures on a plasêtired 1307 VITAL. IMPQR7ANGL. WaUtl ry dipping tiih ai ot oCruOHALY4 water before edrîviug it la-to the. w- i. It w ill bite i n to th o .p ie ter f tu e d on ., sand 'wIli' bold a beavy weight w-lthut\ cosenng. boartia vaisit w-be» ightly rb lýe% with a flannel diiuped i11 parafin - - In ortier t/e do: aw-ay wt-th tfie odur f4 of the. oi-l ub -tbe door down with % dlean flannel wrung out in hot wa, ter. To cîen,» the bono iiandles ço! kubves or a-ny boite -article it L aa gocxi - plan t-o use mlt. and lâmonA juice. Fih't rub thei. article w-eà i with te lenion juivo, thon wlt4a the Sa t, T h! i ili re no v o a il k in d a o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ staizz. anti grease spots. - For simple tapioei pudling soalc one out.4t:aimoat zýegulsn1y. 'Và'ry tw-o tblepoonfut, cf tpioca ii a yor etume-freely..- This ill not' pin-t o! milk for an hout, thoen put on ly ôôntiàtently",diîtribuito ' tii it n to boil, edtinng it.S te pr-cent ier, but wil tio «W d anp to btking. Mix lu (off the fiê) one y-Our daily gêt-up fi'om a stalad-'l 0 9 9 an i a 'a p o On fu l s g a wn- . p o i ni t <A ! h a n g . J3ake ini a 6reasod riie difi til! niço- ly rowne . ' ]Def»o 80 ené to brd the fmo- U A O T II D V L IIi¶' chouki ho iipt i cli -.e and! then rublict iwth & ro git Thé. 011 R ing of W urternbrg andý- T u k i-s --to w e l u n til t lîy g o lw . ~ f th e ! f S ry n t . ter t/hie troat/ment alie-water bot- A retr«hiing litte inideWnb o! t-e in bcd wiil bo quit. b6neftoial royalty without it4 erôwn wu re-1 in keeping np the. texnperature potd recenly inth e-Yr ge-ineul by t/h. cott w-at/en and rub-- Tribune, - bing, / iAo'mpanl.d onlyý by hi. dog, the! De net use. wt-aen te ny kind of old iKng o! Wurtemberg talc..' matting. A -wiser plan i. t/, damp a lmany, long- vaik& along t/ho asboyas clot withl paraffin and rub lightly o! Laeko Constane d nn /. us- o v e r t h e s u r fa o e , e tte r th e m a .tti g m r Ç c u i o c - sdu in a li V l b ee ho u W ell b r*t beëd . If -it is 11'no- m e t ae smt o se a i , cessaIy t/o use w-at/c a, pineh itcfst the 8w-bsahior.4. As a simple t/i-- aclded iil help te prevent wite veiler b. entered 4, re"taant, and- mattiug f nom t/unning yelo, but orderèti asandwichi, - do iot ue S906p, "You bave- à beautiful <log Befoeo aweping tuuoleumn or Cher.," remazkoc t/ho w-e-t/su cork lino tie a 8ot, danip inuslin "Yen, more. beaûtbful thonani, eloth Oveîrte brtisi'.-tlis qheiîhd be th. Xling repliei,. t/led eas not te crush the, haire O!f That is true-" esaidii.gil u 'the bru-h-whieh should tien b. iply ; "ând certainiyhae far ceci in ti i.. usu el w a . A - lio u younger." , ' - mwpt in Uii. manner.looks beauti-' îy. r ,rlcf rg e" fully lean aidfi-euh, anti tcea n-ct When ho hud icaten Ch. entwif roquire froquent wahurg, -thé King depàpfsed, l. Iv1ngýî A gôld rTo remiove tfe deposit f rcsnxtihe pec on te table. - The, irl .'ran in-side cf ke.ttlég fil! thé, kettie with. alter îimt, fo- say that h. id for-- wte-er anti adi! t 1 a drachm of jet/Cen hi. change.. sal-ammoukoc. Let it hoiu for an "Oh, no," the lInMg sait, -youL- heur, whe» t/ho fur found on t/ho are te koeep th te N pooo as a ne- mét al will be dissovesi. and ars ho nminban-ce <fA'th. Ring of-'Wur-: 1asily removet, Iinse Sfio kettle temberg, o whm you hve.-paid' wel, then boit out oneo or twice the. unacustoied comnplu'met 'ef beor. using the c. -nit. sincerity." A good ule te follet- in proer- lu g o e 'a w a drobe àia tedit ib te A ndelN o Me rt f r ti. J t h s t- a r a d t /a l- e q u a iy siuo n g T- a n w h o i, h ls " 'n .- w ,r t -i i -I

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