Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1914, p. 1

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Sû 33 .WIBYp FE BRUAR,Y 19, 94 18 FO0 .0NOT BE TO0 NIGHLY ESIIMATEýo à Our Pure Olive- Oui i palût- able, lias a ricti tlavor f nil delicate arama, and is inn- pqrted direct fox tsplro- Au=es -It's urity is iuaraîîteed. IN BOTTLES ANO BUC. J. E.WILLIS Drusgglst and Optlclan MEDICAL HALL Brock St. a Whltby. British Amorloau Business College Veïge amolilit#.. Tometo, ont. la Mea9 ler h!Fh grade Buannlesa hool Of c2ma Un euwmngement 1: ii d -lns better wonI thon <ver Write tun il Yo wit to pËepare f r a goàd position. Henry C Word, Principal. LEMGAIL Darstoe, Coussty Crowi Atorney and County Sollcitor. Office soath viug Court House, Whitby. AL CRIUISTUAN Ibrriee. $eiIcitbr. Netary PubIIc.ýI Etc. O0ffice, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank, -Moiney to Loan. Money to Loan on easy teris. Ofiçce immed:atcly suath Royal ibid1, WVhitby, Ont. * Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court ilouse, Whitby, or reidence. i Dé A. %le SýmàANS - Barrigtir, Solicittor, N6(ary Public, Conveyancer, etc,,, etc. Oshawa, - QOta'rlo *Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Blockj Residence-52 DreW-St. Phone "Office, 3pi; Residence,ý 326.f - DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, Office, Dundas )Street, Residence No. 4, the Terrace, I3yron St., Whtby. Phone No. 122. - I ALTO I IONEERS - JAS. 1BISHOP shawa; Ltcenaed Auctioneer.- Sue- eesor ;o L. Pairbanks. Éor terms and dates appiy to self or G. Robb,, WRM 'MAW! LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR.ý MIl kinda of snies promptly attend- cd to. Arrangemýnts eau be made for saies at the Gazette office. Terme reanonabieý Bell and Independent phxonesi. WlITBY, ONT. OONTRAOTORSi J. I4EWE LL JAMES - Carpcnter, Buihier and Contractor. Plans drawn and estimnates furnished. Repaîrs, Alterations and4 Jobbing. iagent for, Brantfo'r& Rooflng 1rX 467 WHITUsY Phono 149 A. H. ALi!4 Corner drugstore, Whlthy No W.tuoeoerequlred. MONUMENTS A III Düugumd laterll lept l Stock III yUl",pay yU enati Uatt eur vorku ad tupeel fer yourself.. Dorn'* homisiet! 'by agents, va do -Mst empiothems, oosquotly vseau4 Md do low lctets commIion, Io pu omt., "vhicb you *fil certain- t M' i by' puacbs n rom Us. A. Cali Slilctd. Oppuits Standard Dauk,, lbi, Ont 4 Shave Business Sehes s Teroota.O~,adaInelude Ihe Central Usai- ltiveCttylronch echoola. Orîdentesre unlvernlly aucoou<sl. Unter esyti.. WrItetorcmdolq. U~.H.8lww, P~ee. Eeod OSeen, sgt Touge S~. ', 7 MIDNIGHT FIRE'DESTROYS HOUSE, :ONor N \ i S 'Wl IIR T lO\ i of . thtie present lire figitin1 equp- * IIML rment of thse town, een' tioujh it On rTucsaay nîg 1 h, Slortly a[LL ;ti. t tir adusittea tisat thie brigade,' inost o! the -townspeople had retir..!, ai a whole, is worthy o! well-de-' tire was discovêreal in tise , traine served praise for past services. iiad b3osk lnd y A.W. .Jacksoni, onthe tire occurred 'in tise business sec- Brc'St. soutis. opposite tise t-own tion, andl a like delay been experiene-, park. Tise(laines practicaliy coin- ed, a conflagration woulal have re- pietely destroyed the building. sulteal that wotild have Six ejît away Tiseisouse was being occupied by !tosnso olr et-o rp Findlay McKenzie and his friend , rtY. The old adage,"A stitit in bot ofthen hvlg rcenly om ;'tîme saves nine," mighit possibly ap- ta town to work at the Asylum. Mr.j Ply an a condition of affaies such as McKenzie's famiiy bail.nat' yet 'ar.: bas prov aileal. riveal, and tise two -m-en were -t1î -- anly occupants o! tise bouse. About M va ~ .re* s 10.30 p.m. tise ciimney caught lire m.,u si. anal tisfenmon once took mensures TaIk and Sint. to extinguisistheflames, visicis tisey Ieventually succeedecl in doing. ne- turning to tise-kiteisen thcy sat chat,- Tisn- A. Edsons Kinctophîonc ting about tise ire, anal soon feil wns seen anal ieard ip Wiitby !or asiecp in the warmnth. Wvisc Mr. Mc- tise -firat timne an 'luesday, ana tise' Kenzie awako ise vent upstairs again isa saw and iseard are congratulat- only ta final the roof in fiames. Ho ing theniselves that. they were so ran Up town, gave tise alanm and fortunate. This latent masterpiece, thse bell vas immediately wrung. a!oftise Wi zard Edison is tise wonder Whether the sound of the alarm anal admiration o! ali who behalal it, vas tao faint or not it is difficut t<, and*tise 150 people wiso vere at thse Say, but at any rate only about - a -musîc hail on Tuesday evening are tisird o! tise ire brigade tsrrned out. unaisie to Sud sufficient adjectives ta Tiscg 1V wau disçovcred Vilat Vthe pack. oxPrePS their appreciation. ing ta tise ho"adof thse iydrant - was To illustrate tise superionity o! trozen, Pwd a lirefladtg VoDe built- tIc talkin1g pictUrès over th ic clit When this vas tisawed and tise water kind a allent scene vas thrown upon turneti on, anly a -thin streani came tho canvas firet. It was excellent o! fron tise nozzle, - and it vas nome in': kinal, but tise tisat !ollowed time betare a sufficient force was se- were o muci sauperior that tise irat cureil ta tirov tise vater ta tise appeareti like tise dawn as Compareti Iroof Wlie A1t1s force WaU obtained, vitis tise ullight of day. oniy tise one lineofo hose van - uned. In lîaaiîng at tise pictures and llst- In the meanttme, o! course, tise firel enlng ta thse vocal anal-instrumental vas getting a good ti 'rt, and it 15 music one forgot the canvas on tise nat surprislng that thse louis. waE stage, tise lantemu lu the gallery, andi ccimpletely destroyeci, oniy part cf >the talklng machine behinc tise thse valu suad a shack at tise rear sereen-anti 55w as It vere tise liv- beIng le! t standing., On 'Wednesday ing, moving, spealtîng pe ontise moruing tise lire broke -ont again,and otage. Mr. Jackson ha& ta ýsen oui atr The'r progran gven vas adirably houe te extinglsstise fiames. * choses, and covereci ea vide a range Tise occupant. sf&tise bouse sticeei- 'as te show tise vonderful possibil- cd- ln carrylng out ail theïr effectO. Itie of tise Klnetopisone. Ne better Tise houe. was vaineci at about $1,- program nom more lnteresttug -bas 200, anti tise 1oss viiibe- partly cov- *vér been ishelci lnWhftby-vbebh eroil b unenrnce. aylng s- great desi. Wisen one sc Tiseme le ne doubt tisai iWMtby's aud beaus Ibis great Invention b. la fire brigad, lu one of tise -best in tise luclinet to wonder if there -remaln towas of, Ontario, andi non çDensue au yet &'CF furtier t riumyb for .000-, be placet! on tise menvise fougiitishe 4rieiut£"tic bauds cf even no groat fire ou Tuesday ztlgbt.,'flore w«e &,master *as E)<iSo.- Dot esougi, boverer, toe fIgit fIta---------__ àq« ; ve ýlsTueni t o r AIOTMIR -CAR1LOAD Or the valet turM ne " u- Surely tmre-- tWng sbouid ho doueby tliee vie W. 'J.-ýLuke a Sm lbave tis, voi bare eiage or these.:-afars tO avodd tOceled -mnoibar earjosd of Ford a repeittlm ,The racSrn seti- ibe uIOIIImbg. Tbe ve i lruady sunl ilitYow wa mus ycar not, too, .Jack Frost and a cold al o.t wind large, anal thore was plenty o! rooni ,conspirel to f riglîten people away forprom teaig i orhestracerc- [rom tise annual social event at On- hcupied tise afminie p ocrto tarlo Ladlies' College on Friday halleanal gaesaThsfane tregra-a uigist Imît. Tisey were onîy succons- wlen bes 1'a aste f- fui tioa linîited entent, however.1naous Enton Orchestra, of Torante,I ,Man!y townspcople anal people !rom anal dîvas thought . ta give the flnt mearby towns and country districts pragrain ever iseard at tise College. wc-re reluctant to face tise-cold. Not Tise refresisîents were served in si, howcver, thse Toronto, people, for the new gymnasiuani by caterer D. apparent3 tise usual number came M. Toal, af Oshawa. Here tisere was isy special train, arrivîng ab-out 5.3(i naile rooni, analtse usual 'crawding L orok. andl delay was avoided. Thse (ollege was beautifully pre- *Tisis year the custamary prograM -aro-d for lise event by hanalsome antd o! vocal miusic was amitteal. On for- (artistic decorations and-by many col- mer occasions it had been !ound dl!- (:Td~lih$5, Tise tudents went ta ficuit ta secure quietude enoug toi ge-at rrbe andl evinceal mucis ar- hb1ear tise vocalists, hience tse omis- 'tiisMt.i riginaiity in tise cbnstruction "O011 o this orcasion.. of their retreats into wisich they de- Preciselv at mnidniXhý,.Mh Toronta sireal ta invigle their soeocteal part- contingent le!t for theli'tiain, wvhiclj Tiers- and al et rienals. Tise Jun-1 pulloal out a !ew minutes Itr lors had thisci retreat be-sidie thse pipe organ in tise nîustc rofui. IV t-as o! lattice %vork into w-hii numieritus spiders' wvebs made o! twine were woven.. In these wcls hnge spiders stealtisily -crouciset awaiting thtir prcy.- Tise iooth was ligistfd ilih numerous tinvicolored-Jannps, srnie of visicis -cepresenteal singing birds. Tise clans colons ai purpbo and gali rîloember of Vthe Toronto Board of TheSeios'bootih occupied tise Tende, ise vas Presideut o! tise Mli- emît side of tise concert hall,?sadvas ers' and Manufacturers' Fire Insur- Véry beautlful. -ance C'a., and o! tise- Pire Insurance Tise Sopsoniores' retreat stgo<l at Excisange, anal serveti au a gircetor the niorth east corner of tise dinlng oftise National Life Assurance Comi- roani, and vas aiea most attract- pany. He lbaves a vhdaw sud tisree lvely designel. In tise draving room daugisters. Tise funeral took piao tise Western girls bad their retreat, from hie late residence ta Mount -wIscis, as usual, vas a very cosy cor- Pleasant cetnetery on Monday. 1>EýAl'H 0F JOHN L. -SPINK. 1 .J, L. Spinit, 150 Albany Avenue,! Tloronta, tise weil-known grain . andl milling man, died on Friday lant ai- ter a brief illness. Mr. Spink was for mare tisan 40 years bonad o! the .1. 1-. Spik Ca., Limiteal, millers, Witî nMills at PiCkering, anal ieaci * * * * IF You want good service and quick, - Von want good work at fair prices, Yoli want work done with no labor on your part, Bring your work to Downey's New RÃ"ouer- Mill and Grinder. Running every iawfi day and hour.- Our prices remain the same, 6 cents per bag. Mach.inery>perfectly -nolseless, runs like a. dock. Feed of every description for sale. - Je.HI.9 DOW] [EV bevîuîe Oranges, the reai oranges for marmalade, lai ge size, per dozen....... ....25t WE LOAN YOU A SLIÇEJ~ 'A.aT. LA W ER. Phones: Bell, No. 47;idenet No. 47 Win4itr Sait is oneC of the purest braîîds -0.f sait in tise wýýYId, Wè la"ve just received a carload of this fine B3rand. W. uppl ordita ry fie in barres. su-l Exi-a fine for butter niaking, ini cottoil . bage, and coarse sait.' AUDITORS' REPORT EItTINWISON - PRESENTED TO COUNCI-LI BORD 0F,.EDUCATION WTRN tN~MSINUr POWER DEPARTMENTrý Ased________ B.teW.ri eigMev., Askd 1Crd1 tg F t $1200sumatC Aske fo Moe Moey tb Wor Be ngI1e~vy Ased oFit~p atCoa cf ,.a PHASE, 60 CYCLE, 4000 VOLTS. Ainnge t>0OMUncatoli rad irean Ugt Çmmite, athoghWe are offering îsowee n any quantity fur îssnufacturisg proe Ainngt Ju cnuuncaton radFie miIJghtComite, ltouh1Meseirs. W. A. [olixday, A.W. W. J. H. Richardson .$a.8 At the fallowszsg rates . ta~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y# 8,t L. l~ Mn lhybioie o I omite. JakoL.W ' Trees, T .Deverëei .. ........ 8.00 812,00 per year per fi 1., and ini addition 1 etprhp,. u no tiay night wgs one from Mr. W. G. À- -MaCachen, repairg .... S 8.716 and zW.J.H.TRichardson coxnprised a J. Gimnblett....... ea cguarnntee that it-no came wiII bit. for powf»r exe.,d 0 25.00 1per n Il. Iood, of Toronto, in -which he Jas. Sawdon, hauling hose 10 o ahhp fnixtttidmjti ëd jdovut tiQn wJu1* u witb c td upon the P. . guivý-n.........07 o si ' tnaîîu eîîdue.W ,u.iiyo ofpsk stated that he had purchaied a brick to lire ......... ...... ........ .00 -lBoard of- Educato aftimeng J . ae .. .......,,,.. 0.78ue ii graoî u sd zi "o!) niea ie _ i _ ýe et.î -yard on thse outskirts -of -the 'towri, Jeu. Hears meetingeJ H James,...s..w..... T0.e0 an wud n ew- aswe oi g o afire and taig4.00 psegdth o- z'tn' ...4.50 lu aetsal praetice for a teu titr day this te,, .ii' figureonta bn-, hsant rmToot woud I fw dys b Wagoeann niation which. bas for in abject D. Wilson..... .............20 $18 00 per li.p. 1per year. ansd mitit the tlisenlssnt foti: 4olff peak" o, bis lantfroi Toont to'hiy. W.Ali Young, -plan of town 102.30 prévldiszg sanie place of meeting and Tise Property $omte eott 14:40. Tii rattc colîstîtareq ftîvorably with rattes ff.r leutrîcperPls He rferrd t negtiatone tbatR. Pasktt, ork . .. .30 receaton for Young Men. Messrs8. -hat they bad secured $204.75 froin poer, adyo ii el ûbeatg y u wten lor!etjt'LJetî'i latoypt ftunder way laat year with Jos. Heard & Sons,' teaca- Holiidày an-d Jackson were thse tpoieInuac amatsfr wer, lu nd oîîhtid1y sîih cea >-r otuai tst.s r as t h ieer sou0rce te-ceuni for -the, supply of power, .n...-...... ... ....... 10.00 Speakers. The eetthyphfr e d imae s the Dundals fcor oihi lAî îtrîatocio~Jyl îdb cde<jiaplted as oer be eted onMc~l ok 2.0 was that thse Board should fit up tise and tisat $253.ÃŽ5 ug ibeen expen<jecj .GEO,WP, ZVERY, pt ed W id plnt a.d als tisa tue Peter Perry, work,....,.. 1.3.5 111gh SchooIý gylinfasium, At a cost of tat date in repairs.- ______________________________ Council -furnish h4m ith a site for A. Mr-Caohen, blacksrnithing 2.00 appraxiMateîY $1,200, for theise Oof Tise Mnain tCmnto re an offieein thse centre of the town.,. . *-n fiïgst' work ...... . 2-5 High S' o uis n h soia otdtafFt t Dundas tSco, ____ Mayar lWillis pointed aut that an J.S. Fïnn, electrical wark 23.00 tion oét l l Anthe ani 1 frant.Shat offer had been made by lstyear's J. H. ùwy& C.,coal <32.1)e8d______________________________________________ - last Dwney ('oup2.y)Mtr.pay fr the piVilegO SaY 850 a, classes hall been returned .thitiser.! Counil e sppl Mr Hod wlh A T.Lawerrelef -..93 yea, wsic, w th ie grant wisicis Also that Miss Pirie reporteil that 0 THErrisso power at a certain ràte provided ho. On motion, t.he salary of the Fire cou] d be obtaineti tram' the Govern.5 xetdt eal erti,17 too tent brnepoerbu tlat Che!was ordered te bc paiti., ment,,)Would repay the -amount ex- Iduty in about three weekn. position. 'thie Mayor referred ts todnels ek ttiemeigo in o cZthemo e îd TeSho Mr.l-Iodladnotaceptd hi ro e evdne lat e eeot a!etinf't e for , wh iteot n ieprid Ts Sho roperty Calmittee communication to the Water -iuid'Of the MetTopoitan'Area Commîttee be borrowed th.1- - Mgh recommended that Mr. Elvidgeb LgtCmiso.iToot.H cdttîallowecl te purchase reference books R Ligt omision jinToono. 1ered h~commnit- The ýAWeciafion would lite te Ob- requirea at e, cost o! about *20.00' Mr. W. A., Young forwardedb-te tee's report, wisicli outlieti the o.b- tain a bulldin5 dpW'n toWn, but as and that Mr. -W. A. Hfendro bnX WV plan of the -town, asea two negatlve jecte te be aimed at in Ostâabiisiîîng there was noue. svaîlabléI their sug Uple it ap !Cnda, On-b printa. for whieh the total charge the areo ea enrgsinte'inteHihSiolg- O10, Souwth Amea of uaia.on B wa 123.It wstise opinion o oealmrflasium Seeed. to VheM the MAVINSouthpoeited and iUstrbeaL motMr. MoIntyre, seade iaw lte higitelft csmnate c A. W. Bell, of Midiand, applied- for bers o! the L(ounceil that there *was leasible plan. Powell, môved tathsBad p-F C NA A ceoLWhdwl fprtedi license to operate a bowling alleV noting in tise movement tiiat Woill e11 eaofteBar xrssdpoeb!te a t Baird an lu- gl R WJIICalilatD Ob.fa e- in Whitby. Referred toeCcommit tee he o! benefit to Whitby, and that 11 tise fear thet thse Board coul-tinot leti-ge in rnîtisue o tisAs u-' am eMayboad on Applications. fute xpense -siouid be gone to undertake thia xedtr aad-smir ats i Sho odardwdotda' Mr. Elvldge, an besal! o! tise aud- in tise aatter. tient h te ev elîone ' bl rn 51 th . Usapo t - t~ tse otser bavy Cpenie flO-the Old Girls' ;Association for theéJO O T itors, presented their report, upon Mr. ilarper referred *ta the sewer- cessary ta put these chools in cottdi.. practice o! Alice in Wonderland.TO N O wicisMr. Elv'ldge made some fferbal age question, ansd saidth iat nienibers tien o $te eUIc rquirelenlts Of Vthe Several ruembers of the' iolard ~V I B R N I COMîn1ents. Ile referred te the lige of Council were se busy with Court Edlucaltion Departmeait. spok l1pnTtie mYioR-AsoeN-Cil- amaunt of extra work involved in of Revision duties- tbat tisere wae 1no C. .G si~ al obi alparting, sanie poin.it waon ie a.B the audit on account of a particular tume te givet eeaec ie-cnîA î, epezomcc lu Y. MCA . uhall orýna opiibi tattc s C. A.ee>~.& ~ metisod, emloyed by -the baik in *e.. aVion. 'Ne suggeýte the 'lb - us.work, ý d a1itaDieuop.o ay m a iit sc hefrtie parting ta the Tresuer the receipt jeet;be allawed ta stand until the tat thse bUilig 1i çVW8 !-thaeholpxp.o oli~tb o! txes Herecmmededthat tise Court had finighed lis work. Hepe, tus stelrfontiegatdwlottseanine te naine of every persan paylng mrnuey thougis h whnt uereisonW8 usnes t o !tse to where m te Bard, d to h a tion »Zy te to the-bank, vitis the amotmt ihere. compi.eted thse anaesmént would be .ocnmegBaryad i 40tim, b aW o! soil b ep, n ecb aya ie iateqabeWhitby- ever bail. vice- in the wsy proposes!. For a The caretaker lhad written thse-A U report be made to the 'Pressurer. He This wae not due, however, to, the -tume, whiie thse novelty lasteil, tise Board compliining that on two oc- alto recommendd that no momigbe warrantthtiae effort, casionsveUhoteadnco mnd tiserant the nffot,_camons_____________the______________L received ou tai account uniess the no credit for thse work hoe did. buafethtteboswlditgoteAebyronevratîlce the iee biaccopan taiedymeut r owi ai ht ieepo-t h~ remote place. Thsee«per-. the practie o! -Alice 'in Wanderian,. To find the connectioýn1between FIS H a.nd MAR tis duilete tubbe etanedby isement a! Mr. Marsh as'valuatar was ience o! tise .M-C.-A.ps, he nail, was began. Thsis shawed the mMO eOL D ,bt sbt rei esnjs o, Bank, for thse Treanurer'n use and lu- tise warst piece ar work last year's, tlith erb-dmsms eo mi h or httsr at- !le01 frai-.Council did. TIhe Court o lvao ter. w l mtp frutouit ntéBadtA heewsM L D ,W sbthaençaol.utn On notion'tise Cierk was -autisor- was denerving et commfendat4on for sledne à a qn iebLiCtg r uhn-btlnr o lltu r'Wrh naine dangereu aIbo-wl*à§111 buîîîîaig rreheushinbebote&nes for ail bvy ar worth Ietohave the. usuai number oi the work if was, dolng te effeet ant Tcrqetwsrtre o~ V emdfrohrttnsho pur- Iere are some prices that makeïa..break ith copies etishe repart printed. equal assesaîzent.r Prapcrty Camniittee for conzidera- poses. - j hg oto iig Mr. Elvidge askeil that.-tise Audit- Mr. Hallett thougist Mr. Marsis set to n eot Miss, Powel lntroduoed a.-resalu- - Deet ht ih e b......i2 ars- be grantetd an aiditional suni t? a better Iasis o! landi values, though Ail tise memfbers o! the Bioard were tion re medi*cal inispection iu sohools, Dresis Hddoteksh per lb------------------- Se caver the eXtra time spenf uPon thé ho hadn't done wisat ('ouncil expeet- present except Mr. Pl'ip and Dr. which was referred ta tise Manage-, CodSteHadks, per b..............---4 audit by reaohs o! the con dition, o! ed he would do when thev engaged Moore. ment Commnittee, for - Cd;whteorbal nb pr b .. -10 accounts. Colwill and Moore moveal him. The Fnn«Cmite eoi- Ts aeo e Jones was added CoSa hlmorak fs rplb................. 5 ibat thev h - glveh $10) eeh adi- -MavorWillis safal that -the Assess- mended thse PaYRt o! these -ac-. tûtise Scisool Management Coranit Salmon, wteke l us, per lb..-----15>0 tional to tise $25 provided, for in tise or, athtie -instigation o! tise Court counts tee. Frazen Sea Herrings. pertaloz ....140o by-aw- bta isi buttr iti- ! essio, as lntredovrrne___________of____Révision,_______________________eredt, o , vr b .onee drawn,t ana tîhe niatter o! rurtiser re- hundreal appears against ascasments, Oysters...per. ..n. 1oC muneration referre< te tise Fi- made by hitm. 9in tise hope that a liet- SU C S EU O V RS Z O ESbrs, per pnt -----------s0 isance Comnittep. ferr equalization of values côuld ______ aem m Ail thse accctunts before tise l1'-'n -uI -e expected thiat tise resuitr for pavrneîît were presented b1v ie bc lienio(.St satisfactory. -S D T COMPI IL IN I3UILD- uer andl typical o! western ththgs. _MA AD - --ING BOWERS. Thenuu uu41i j- - --e--.--. 2 y in saake, for stock. Fish! We have constantly on hand, choice, freshi, Haiib-ut, WVhite ýFiahp Salmog Trout, Ciscoes a#id Haddîes, at close prices. Fresh Meats! Choice Young Beef, Pork, Veal and lnmb, at raonbeprie. 'Our $ausage, $pare Bibs and Tender1oins are of.oucli' a high grade, as should pionne the most fastidious Epieurean'. W1 B.DePRINGLE& 0 j PAPER, PEN -AND. INK ilI BOUGHT AT -t, t 'ty i 'w u . BROCK ST. SM'T w'1 IERY 'n s 1 lrà 1

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