Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Feb 1914, p. 8

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thç~eL h.h"se 11w OCPI T~ fo OOcut., qCWSti hcariddet R111 »> 51 iEI5 , grU Wà ai~aO.tIagon ,the ei odte l1U0Om ' a7surxe m e naurl deiis ë. UYLJ& 0u "Re "'ber the auction sale of- MP. The amnaa etn tti ~fI ue ae u iAmi~n.y ~oOVlO'B buseh Id goodg on Bal' ers, S nicate was held on M!GP4Y an bxCePtiIOullY PromiPt4CtÎuâie. urdayý !rebnyary 7th. nighl la the AgriculttUtBl rooms.. K ephaidoimay be -tak.u -wltbout Quit. a' ,number from rn at-here wei a good, Mltlot et!-lthefear. There le uotbli in It 1 " eg * tn4e1 b?,S.S. onentiou n liWit- memberS n h anlirprt of tise - to bmd after-effeots-stothIizg to tned th ie S.Su n ati alsIersadthyre n ncilb.epaotmu~~iy1 ~w'cefip r1 i by laI wleek, the Treasurer, .1. Smith, was tbeO injure lthei ea t' other organs. Sonday, Februny 15h, wili h. bet for years.. Tey have mde 'Touends of leters from medical Mehodst andI Presbyl.rian churches. paylag ail accouft and amill bave a 0! KsphaWdol le dispel ýpain and ban- Mns, WM. McQuig, 'ot Kinsae a lede l enpeScnt. to dividêea- l1mb agonlzlag dlsense. Gel a-50C. inoyed' imtolbh house owned by- 1Û.nmn the - -rnempers. Mr, Christiani, package XfI~pao alt or (bu. J. Blightý lately vacaledby f jieamsville- was present andaclt-" self ani experteace these benelits. -Ur. A. Nee4ttý ed as chairman dring tb. election Kephaldol, Lmited, 31 Latour St., Rtev. G. A. ý4ýicea; pastor o; 'lb.of oflîcers for the coming year.. They.-otel d1ays Ibis week visiting his parishoa- for theiriliberal- patronage, and hope:KNAE ers la tbis nelghborhood. _ t1 ha-re their, support hie cofiiing «The tisttute mMet4n held la the The ,Wtlling Workers of St. Thlor- season4 hall on ensn astas elaI as' Church wiIl hoid a social uýt he tnWed a ey mucb appreciatd bore o MrC.J. peneroa hur- fl~~gaA The musical selections betweea tbe GOOD GO D fay evenng, Februa.ry 121h. at 8 e'- G od MILâ n speeches Wè~re enjoyed by ail. stock. Congregation ,ad frieads aIt l U - 'wlcoxe. -' nds to god heth-a-ndtS tIre Mr. John, 'Lawton'. bas-. received G O OD. SEI - Th J3ookin Wmen~ Istiu~e trelgt ortndceerul- word of the dentb of âs 'sister, I%ru. theBrokia'Wifeu' Isttuesten comfor n heru Pbilip -Mowbray, in Western Ontario, vîli meet aI the, home of Mis. -Fred, neW which deend on thecofldi- Miss Myrtie Denny bas been bo H~oliday on Thursday, february»,ý tion ofealt-aýre the faoUgy Stoufiville under Dr. Freel's care. d h at 3 p.rn. SubJeet- "How lta ceeptime-tested, afe and BPWeY ,She Il e m IW usuai health again.do th Youg,"by rs.Hoiida. Cntat -Mrs. E. McBrien, we underslnnd, la soèkng arnng. it7lad w.- ~wili shortly remove' to Brooklil. .ome. - W~BEECHAMA Mr. Young, the purchaser o!f'ber tarm Dr. John, J. Moore, Reeve of!th. will Inake possession Match lit. to*nship, whie moet gttig the c"- - Ms ace -o aktbw liëed 'Position OU Warden, wa. e-a>Ms Pp-, ofSsathwn pc4nted Chairman- of lb.e-Roadlnd md speal a few days aI C.L. Mackey's. P E Brie Cmmite of th - 40nty -so qvryher'. a b&w 23canoi Mr. Fred Parins purchased a 'cow Brl~s omitte o 1. -doaty 5uS .oeih.w. Iab.r2cwa. at Mr. Hogle's s ale.01 Couneil. ,-h î~ a d d f Mr.- W. M. Lawrence's sale bau COLUMBUS, be MYRTde frE been a great success. Purchasers Lrs Mi ssi Mary1 Ruttan, o! 'Whitby, vis- on-nModY, Janar 2tb comiag for' miles nround'-le seeure i lIed at ,Mr. Wrn. - Scott's over 'Sun- 13e'r. andMn. d . 0'BouayIe, - on forne o! the many bargýalas I<r. L&w day.uhe. Com early rnels -offering., -Tii.extra staff -of IMiwDaisy !Wiicexson and Mes ughrs.Loa srcvin om i salesmen Mr: Lawrence ïhas ernployed Gerty Lyons, o! Toronto, sapent Sun-r svere atlapk of appeaiicilis. make it a 'pleasure 10 de business day at the forrr's borne ber. Mess Glient, of Enfild, visIted aI -there. . jSeverai frein ber. attendàte 'thelb.horne o! M,. Levi Tordif .làtl ~ , i A U r. A..- C,ý Ellot '6ld -a bigla class aàdi. aI Myrîle last Friday nlgbt, weeic V VU * ho~eiat ee È-Mr Evans, Of and report,,an excellent lime. Mr. Laize bas purcbased Mr. Wil- T. .L Claremoatit, W0 ho' ipped lu Ihtoý Miss-ý Lueila Elleas and Miss, Louie fred Grabar's' !arrn, and, willI tae - PeŽceRivr Ditrit. r. Ellot .arneswerei. delegates Ito 1he possession Uhéortly. B OC got a hlgh-flgure for Ibis animal. Sunday Schéol Convention aI _Wbit- Thé Melhodist Suaday Sohoolhave' Mr. Geo. GUI, who is ber. from bylast Fniday. xbne ter lxr ih rs lbe West on a business trip te Mon- 1 . 1. . - eol. 'dThe 'lbrary nwtheqnPos- *treai, vited >us father lihee for a, WONDERFUL HAIR. Wt ubro peddvlms tew -days.. le - - For somne menthe pî . esdel o CI-eananad free f rom dandruf sand,- th. vllage have beea very mucb an- psessng ail the radiance o! pet- -An Appezàl -for Gopd Roads. The arguments pnesented te tbe noyed b'hy boys., inging door belle end ltecl hait. This je just wbal Sageine -. Commission wilil ne douhI be given tbown msisaIdor. henmesmeans to Ibose wbo suferwilb 11db- Permanent Goverament organîiaý due consideralion-, and Iheir'« report, of the boys have.. been- laken and iîf ing scalp, dandtuff, coarse, dry or t ion f 'or rond construction and main- wliicli will be maàe aI the next izuet- * thi!sSwork msili continues lbe,' proper common looking bair. -Sageine 1sletenance, an -enlarged grant frein lb. ing o! tb. Legisiature, wiil h. awall- i autoti ies 'llltak~ boi ethb ew lite t' f aded unattractive hait. Provincial treasuty, and n ciassifica- ed with vety rea neet seil Smatter. - Sageine teede th. bair reet wilb th. tien of higbways aeeerding te use, î>y by 1h.ý reeldents along the laite The an4ual. rneetL4uI& ethIe B-atist; neceosary food for promoting a were tb. main, tentures lurged upon-ieeam KngonrdsTooe Cburch lart Wednesýday eenn'èa healtby growtb. Sageine le thlaint- lt.eHlghway Imnprovement Commis- is Jg wslb.th question ot good tonds more atleuded by, a -oodiy nuùfibrof mem- ilest 1 toaie you coutil wisb fer. Il la sien aI ils public meeting in thie Par-imotn thnlredes aen be, nnd the business 'o the eues- not 'a dye, and. le not stieky or liamenti, buildings, Toronto, On Ihese bighwys, and lb. Commis- * sien was trnnsncl.d ila'a prompt mnu- geay Alag shkrtpboleTurdy eJnay2.Ti wsin will doubtless ernbody in its -net. One, itèm worlhy !n ewscosi s oniy 50c. and Mr. J.E. Wille j the last open session et a long ser- reortsre r wîoercm thé f act iaI a lthe medting:. the suju gives hie personal gantante. te r.- les et meetings thal have been held medations. o! $160 was rais ed lepàyto epie ind th money if you are net peri almeet frenom-One end o!limhe Prov- me te h.shda drnge npcty by f ctly - satisfied. Be sure to go' le Inee l e. other, Otlàa, h îng- #eavy lbaU of. snow. Il'L-E. ills' rugstore, as olirsten, Lno, HmloWnsr hs So ah Rm Mr. AXrbur- Coakwell teok Vosees. stores cannot suppîy. you. and rnany other points being visit.ed. sien ofthle - Temperan Houa. on The report of the ComnLsi<'n, %vîî.b Helpi Your Friends. Moaday. Whea Mr. ~kel*gl ALMONDS. Ils recemmendations le th. Legiela- iollled sud' everylbun la I prpe Miss Ani. Carruthers was hobere ture, will b. ready smre lime in working erder w. tee!$ute lie wiIi ovenr Sunday.- - Mareh. Alinosl eyery day somne grateful condutthe bo huse lna fina-clame, Mn. Henry Parsoas ,spent Suaday Delegates were presentaI lb. pub- ponson cornes ite our- store and busine8s-like inannen,, aId -gîve tbe aI, Mr. L. Puclcin's. lic meçting from .muincipaîties' *ai tells us of benefits received frein lb. best apcomrnodatlon pos lN~ e, limte Mrs. Moody and son visiîed witb ever Ontario. ýWhitby Tow ware use 0! Rexaîl Dyspopsia iTablels. travelling public. He ne wil aise con- blair cousin, Mrs. W. Hall. presented by grayor Wi7lls, Rýteeve Knowing bow much goed lliey bave ductl j llvery lu -oaaec'tiloa wIb lthe Mn. J. Le. and daugbter visi1d at Batenan, and Alderman J.B. Laid- don.e thers and knowing wliat bliey. botel. Mn. Coakweil le an 4nergetic Mn. W. Lee'e Ibis week. law. Whtby Township sent Reeve are ,rade of, 'we feel sure bhey 1w111 Young Mn. Hie pices are moederato . sdMs.Aknon, -e! Elora, J. J. Moore and Couiciller F. T. bl o.S ra aetfibl and w. teel sure flsi house wlli be are her. viitiag Mrs. Ed. Atkinson. Rowe. te tireytweu tisk, wi-h eut pet- well patronlzed. - ir, WIibur Dingrnan was borne The centrai tact brougimt out by enieai ,o ik ihorpr ___________ over. Sunday. - ' yesterdny's1 discusion waa the f util-soa promise thatIif they don't do -'CatanrhCanniot be Curd -Mr. Isaac Brown and son, e! New- ity e!frnakling large expenditures fer ail you expeel tbern te. de and malte -wthLOCAILAPPt.1Q&TIONB. u the cn market, are visiting 'relatives and high-lass roadwàys unless some your stornacb comfontable and toscbles t 01 the, QI isette, c rb gsfieo sbore. a. ae yotmofm!raintenance is heallhy sud, your digestion easy, blo o onttuo*l isaead uore t rs i n satBwm iledvse.Ontispin r.J 1.we'îî haml ,back yôtir môiey. consuon dleasse leor~~,o Mn . Dagmn l aI ewmnvîie evled. On bispoit M. J B. We couldn't eadotse auything more *ê1 t ç th%e di. 8k ucomîilfasté%e î. Ii okatnig11 QttlV impOo iv Cunty said limat êtalyouhehloo educons adcne,' Hl't; wot L ue Convention.atlil.C a ee fstroagiy than w. do Remali Dyspep- Catarri, Curlefthqek est ilne .Xth W88 s Hilda Cru r a hm h is oug oun-der he ei sm Table-te. Conaning Pepsin and laçutyfr er da reel'pr&cit1i1 on t ek n. hwyBismuth, Iwo e! tbe grealesl digest- ososd of the best Mcules known. cout, b e a. improvement net many years age,Ivniskonb edclsen, wledth ths aboe ' p>1 er .acting dir- M.Haod Stataton came dowa un o h edIla esncm-Ive aidsoonwthe med lom scien ce, Flnailos-o f t-1he1 twoo Inhegoo tat asaccdp ients n+la ,+.ha +,m0f trambl ctoek Feeder's Attention! e beg leave Itu advis. that we carry 'ia stoekOil Cake eal, Linseed Meal, Flaxseed., Caldwell's Moasses Mea!, îidwell's Dairy Meal. 'i. LVISS1 Brooklini Bell anld Indepe'ndont Phones. -----'1 [ice Feéne! It your wire fence?4 ng. ail -kiade of wire fonce, and steelI pont, for ra&nd gel your wir. home. Yon do nol have-.4 oer. - vri - me for terms. Do not send yoùr money e. Our-prices are as -low as any mail order &me grade pf gooda. - Mantenance.. These rends 'eeuld net as feedPms 10 lime main ines. The ceel sbould b. berne jointiy by the Province and ceunI>'. (3) Township ronde, te be entitel>' local under- ' takinge. These 'eouid nil commetl wiîb the arteries leading tte emain systern. Contrelier McCrlby,. epeaking tor To'ronto, placed empimasie upon lbe neeèmsily o! sîarling lh. propoeed trunk mine bet'eeen Toronto ad H1arillea durlng lthe présent yeam. -R. was 3supporbed -by Mayor .reath- erelene aad - Reeve Poster, of Oak- 'ville.- It was cluted Ilial residenle alag lthe lake-ebore rondeanad met- oriels wouid b. 'ellling te belp -de. !ay lime esîlmated coîl, $600,000, of Ibs Toronto 'eouid eentnibule $125, In a * ýaacenlstIc addrees Col. Farewell, Wbltby, mid thul Onarioe couaty wus on. o! hlimefisI le , lake up oud Improvernent. He submil1eJ a resolutionaouthlb.CeunI>' Coucili supporliag lbe movernent. .- He 'dld mielth& the lb.utnflbial. sbuld escupe Ibeir iliame o! tbe ,poposed imprevement., The use limaI 'hihs. machines gav 'e lb. coutymuids had necssilated a higbem'1 standard et iconstructlon. In lb. nomtberu part etf the .côunty ih.y evea 1"molemt thb rgilet.19 The. mi..4for roa& would SALE REGISTER. Saturday, Febeuary 7th.-Auction sale of household furniture, the prop- erty of Mrs. A. Sornerville, Brook- lin (opposite Temperance House). Sale at-1 o'ciock. Terrns cash. Wma. Maw, auctioneer. 1-Wednesday, March 4., 7 Importanut auction sale o! hlgh grade shorthqmn cattie of rlch niilking strain,- also horses ami other farrn stock, impie- rnento, éôte., the property of Robt. W. McAvoy, lot 3, con. 7, Pickering, lj. nile norîli o! Kinsale. Sale at 2.30 oco. Win. Maw, auctioneer. Price Iprpair, Ss.oc Special ground, 7,5< ERViCE3 LOW PR1(l work. ES IALS Dm. day to day. and' often. tr E. LOKE,- f69 Tonge St. TOBONTo Low Ratesl To California, Florida and the Sunny Souith- NOW UN -EFFEOT The Grand Trunk Builway-is thc moat direct route froni ail points, East througli Canada via Chicago, Detroit or BufsIe' - Full particulars at Grand' Trnnk Ticket Offices or wriie C.B. HOR-NING, D.P.A., - Trento, Ont.' ir .EMrec IDI SNEY 1-1 slerai Dirsotors1 Everunse 810m, 44 SimoosSt. N., sham FirAt. exclusive Futieral Parlors - 1the Çounity O sîaÉrto'. . F PRI V-lTE-MORTlARY. - Private ambulance beadquarterg. Day or night cals piQmptly attend- ed lu. No extra ohàrg\errdiitane Phons4 r2 a ai-.~ Netaundry. We wshte acquctint the .eopie of Whitby sud surrounding country wlth the, faet tînt weý have, opened upua irai- cIassiaundryun Brock St., Whitbymi Hewis Bros.' old store., We.are prepiredÀto do al-kinds of luundry work. Farnily, orders givCII special attention.- 'AÀi work-guaranteed. Pareels eailed for and' delivered. Chaie Wa -WhitbyOnt., '.1*1 I Il I-.I I-I USUEl 1111 ~ I I I~LI 1111-I I lI~ 111111 III S WRENCE il Livory, Carta qe and. Teaming.-,! I bave recentiy ndded te Mny wel- equîpped livery stable naieavy teamn and dray for ail kinds of cartagp and tearning work, and wiII be pleî,sed to receive orders; which will have Prompt and careful attention. ]PHONE 65. John Gimblet' DUNOAS ST., WEST, WÈITBY The Mutual Life IlInu-F' lo00 A. E. Donovan, Esq., Manager for the Province of Ontario, The Mutual Life Is. Co. of New York, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir; On February Sth 1907, 1 ap- plied to your Cwnpany fur afi Qrdinary Life poiicy for t25,000., premfiUM on which was $i2xz. I was very pleas- ed indeed, to receive your recent letter, advising that the dividend for the year 1913t onl the premtum. $1212 payable on Feb. Sth 1913, would be $283. 1While rny careful investigation into the strength, and earningpower of your Company, led me to anticipate a fair dividend. 1 must confess, 1 was not prepared for so handsorne a resuit as this, which worlcs out to be over 23%v on the year's prernium, This ai an investment is mo e than satisfactory when one bas at thersame Urnme, life insurance protect- ion in the oldest life insurance Company on the 'Arerican Continent, and in the largest and strongeit rnonied instiutionin the world. I have no doubt that when a resuit like this ks known, those anxious for in- surance protection for their familles and estates, will not hesitate in placing' their insurance in The Mutual Life Insuraxice Comnpany of New York, in preference to aIl others. Very sincerely yours, John Cruig, President, Sturgeon FalisElectric Light&Power Co Y. J. DUPF, MIL. A. ,.-DONé VAN, Epecial Rep, Queen & Victoria j5t, Myrtle.' Toronto, Mgr. Es W.- EVANS PUM p manufacturer ISbop end Resldence, DundaiS&reti WIIITBY -Èbm .doèrsu '** o! - Wtby Nnm; Voe, m pareM IUtMlsiilwed o« trou pumps on short n»tics, iseo aa to ailkiaSiofrà-- T t 4 1~ __REAL ESlTATE,;- c'Duni homes, mnarket gardon proporties, fnuit, stock, grain, and dai,>',ýfarrns, beautiful lown building lots and ýresidential prop lies W. might nanke speciai mention o! the cottage lately occupied and owned by tbe Inte C. F. Stewart, and ndjeining tle Baptist g eburcli. Bid quickly if you wut Iths.. W. 'solda, property last. week the second day afier listing it. - g FARM SPECIAL--Dew farm o! 209 acres, Ltrge brick dweîiing, fair outbuildings, 16 neres'of orchard, running water-, specinlly. adapted fer stock, grain and fruit. Special prie. if taken quickly. Groater Canada -,improvoinent& Land Ca, RIOHAROSOR & RIHAROSONi MANAGÉERS ' WH UTBVo, - - ONTARIO - ý rv -' ww*wlg ww to Vu MEDICA 'J, i 11551 U111UUi1511! III! Il I Il ~ puts the ee's (ease) insweeping IT KNQÇ13 TUE DR1JDQERY OUT .Of. SWEEP - DAY Cleans Carpets Order a titi to-day at your groceus or frqm yoivî hardware mani Dort ask for sweepbtg eom-poundà SAY DUSTBANIE BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES FIFTH* ANNUAL COURSE 1HN AGRICULTURE To Be Hold infHardy Block, Uxbrldge. Four Wooks, Fob. 8rd to Fob»,2Stho' 1914ý $Under the management ýof the Ad-visory Agricuitural Cornrittee of- IOntario County. A free courrse, no examinations an d no text-books-re- quired. This cous pianned to suit the needs of Ontario County fa'mrs and is open to ail young men, sixteen- years of age -or, over. The studios i nciude,-Leading Farm Crops; Feeding, Care, Managemnent and j -udg-. *ing of Livestock Poultry Raising and Marketing of Pouitry Produce; *Eruit Growing, Apple and smail Fruit Culture,. including spraying, prun. $ing, grafting, insect pests, tungus 'diseases, etc. ;-ýAgricu1îura1 Botany. încluding astudy of Weeds, and Weed Seeds; Methods of eradication- Plait Nutrition; A study. of the,'Soi!; Import;ant Constituents ; Soi! Moisture; Methods o! Cuitivation; Underdrainagie ând Drainage Oper. ations'; the nature and use of, Commercial Pert11lzrÎ. This- Course cornes* ai a trne, whea farmworkis not pressing. F~our weeks spent in, this.way will be a good investrnentf' Like men -in otler professions te modern Agriculturist mueI tuya orde-oati hlghestdegeeo! financial success. Write for caleadar, glvlng particulars ofthe Course., Address ail communications in writin.frci ai dng applicatioU, o io :furher information to ro R. M. TipperL DIstrIGt Representatlve., (i~ I r i / t JNO. E FARE Barriseer, County Ci County S Office soutb wing CÇL A. F-CHI Barrlslor. -sollmtor, - Office, Brock St., Op Money. t AMES RUTLEDGI Money te Lon Office imramediatclyi Whitob, G. YOIJNG'S - Issue] MARRIAGE Court Houise, Whii Barrieter, Solicitor C'on veyancei (Ysbnwa, Office-Ne. 2 King S iResidence-5 Phones-Offce, 3 21 DEN W. ADAMS, Deni Street,, Residez1ce IN Byron St-, Whitby., AUC 110' JAS* BI Oshawa, -Licensed Âi cesser le L.î Fairbau - ad dates ap4piy tle -Whitby. - WM. Im LICENSED AU( AND- VALU. AIlkinde et sales î cd te. Arrangement forsaies aiIlie Gaze Ternis.reasonabie. el and Independen WtIITBY, îoNTELàC 3. HEOWELI Carpenter, Builder a Plans drawn and estixr Repnirs, Alteraticns A gent f-or Brantit BOX 467 WH1IToY -Marria-ge L A. . TL lamier of Marrlage' -Cornrer di tic Wltuna*esrequlred, MONIJI of 811Dezns and lu fll 11pay' yî womks amd In6peet Dou't --b. nl'smcd not ampfoe>'tbr, àmd do allol' lbhe 10 par en't.,wh'eb IY v by purebas A Coli S5 - Officcau Opposite Standard -lihe bus masi sunds of or w~ the si r-Z--T-Tj &-dK 1 lu m WT-i-T4-ý - 1

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