Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Feb 1914, p. 6

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odo 1 j, t.. gexted by the woman wiio aas It lies iin "owii'ing your own izïës/ý' aie asserts. Instead of :wi.lthe¶ troddea path, which [ tbhwugh the. businegss colle he sionegrapher'. deek, l:t tue" -st int.o souieth'ing 'whieh ul- &têl> will lad lier to i.ndepend- enterprise. This applies to the wâh " a college e4ucation '" I. n4d of being limited, vir- Iy to ýone occupton-teaching1 t' heoge into a, !actory a.nd mas- StrÂd. wlilel she eau later turu ocount idpuuety îo day of the -mamii, busineâg, it inted out, i5 zpt ovetr Thons- Ilfl o iti usIn.egs.à, like un- ry estabmhpe ms hr il- m Tiiy' réquire amali capital. sraiiy týiea stores ire éàonduýct- by me4with the. aid of their 3. Frçqnently, id"O, it î wlie, thst 'dos irmost o! th e agernont. thie ,Sto1e-or opwIivli tre ridwc>marhs.vng In.house. an.d zxiak *ftr, cn 'Conduct 'M'keW'y.6ghi te bc within 1m 1 c,!d. ûn marriew na, es tbisispokýsrnan for the 1self- orting gil.Tus a. suggée 1ha.t is de&cide&dly different fropm ionv4nuiônal .vlewg'-ôl wliat thse an's eld should be induatirial- t ut t s aLvie-w many 'wili ae- lb in qUit. eident that we'- s elci et a.týW m ieMds hrc.d- r, and the moman voeot fn' -est liv-e and meede work 19URT WhIm Deea-1e-Ud ot 1w lot lita Deec4s, siaeýem devu 1the Morgana' M 1ita Ktêhell paiked amc àt ireeOlutely. "Four cal].suaýd ee te"00are asm mii smy con-ý at-on eam st-sud iluone attejr- ww nw, y4 ruiug le a me was at bomaa. s-be Ibehec np k à fat t t hé Oôtmd f litsî,' ; n t-h. dU«orrWay. Rita.'e g4y ace too* iu Aunes sirb waist You ahiri:!> ix, édrie.. You ?n-'t beeWoirt te-day. Anen't yen imed 1 Vhs eouehall ySn Swai bu.y, Ana. Teplied, s tartlng a* revolnt-îon. ' A~ revolitlonl1," Rita echo-eti îl. Zlodded. "In etyseif. About lies il tume, sud severai othet Pnue Marshall, -ihl yen kiedly lainl1" Rima crieci. "Do yen VIcike k V).tefelsuii Ebe An,"Ane repiiesi, obedi-, 'v. known on. o>r- t-w-ot.ina *gin that4iway befere," Rit-a mzuresi. - l3xuatly. Thus-time, I gel nai àAunt Sarahu. Mot-her eene hd41 be-en to ee -AlileeGrantl.y, I si hacle'h" i tlue, lis te e .nakér- kept Ime go .-Ansi tihen Aunt Sarai ne- -kd thàt Plè*used'te are .e about oula'than abtut thle àe hthid them. I ftred UP, delive'rod a-n ad-dr-e,.upon.t-ho grees O! théa &go, thsé ôotmnlo aig-. isea.e ofciet-e., ansi My -ova 4ei..êri- in -, tli.mater. was abnlat peeofe- I have no donbt -oit4,J1Iita , laughiug. W.]., 1 camelupeorla a gbow i-tuous uùdigaaMcn. -Th"epI lie- te think over "the put tW d»e. i tiieu thtle rejolution- begân. e Mlichell, hav-w you sny ie rit-ci jme o jY> .nd on your in h l e&- it& *S nswer- four times fors &Y. I'suebien mee timon,ia a hlai! hurs t t-luse morar a at home. l'la aowln g to etart te' be w'orked, [ng gafflej te 5hbad 0W, as wheni, this rabbit wUIlnot carne and' pla.y witlî us, we will go and pla.y witli "Yes,>' nid the little girl, "Iet's get-sone ,playthig. Se 8oithe ttle boy brouglit the. pl table' and-four plav chairs; 'The lit- Vie girl bncughýt. abasket. In the lbaket were Play diýhes tableclotli and' napkine. -Tihe lttie -g irwiipred to,ý the lit.boy. B e .ged n The rabbit wrigle ii u girl, ase<ie,prad the cohad s' tii table, Ikow that you are ýfr id ofdogs-" - Athe wcàrd "dogsu," the rabbit jumped. "But, rabbiti" *aid the littie girl, "lwe have« g<>cd dog-ep The rabbit tuired; ho vwas ready to, darb -doôwn- into hie hole. "Oht, pkaee, ra.bbt, wait: criled thse lutl ir. jeloth d-0g -agodod 1çasant cloth, dog! He eaU' t bite, ;li ca.&t ru, h. '&n ,1ark 1 HRé just sites stili 'and ]o>ke plesoant." - The; rahbbit tuiêned round a.gain ànd watchtd. -Heos*w four places st the t4ble, and lie- saurthat the Ilt. boy waa cooring back 2arrying a dog. 1The. rabbit hurrie.d down int-o hie 1icdUs. "Oh, 6reelack, ralbit!" sheuted the Iit*.Ie boY. ý"hirs tÃŽ 1Thie rabbils ea.me back, esat. ne-ar lss -âà-ie, Iwrigîllâ hà nôgé.Ala Th e' littie boy pIl.ced the eloth dog ebw, a- chiratte table, and- teck a napkin and tieýd- i 'round-hite -cii4.. Th &9g @st ÉtillI and Im'iled a' Plea4âant samile. 'il me* thc thinga7 yon ma.vý Mridgthew.e-f o h çoId wa&ter in~ four -littie vups, and 1,11 lit *ll<uli eahuc ehe bro-e tii. bread int<o four piece,, and put *ne plêse. on eal le gor.the jo al]right, and lt the nect five nionthi of the session of '76 iightly answered-the beck and call of MaelEènz ie (Whoe watthe Prime Minis-ter), Macdonald, Bie, Thompson, Tupper, and incidentai- ly Wilfrid Laurier,.whose antago- pist-ý he i. same Oonieons fitithe- years to corne fate and, decred him to be. That vas a stirrimg-dzession, as ou r politi-c*al histori'ans have not nected to 'note, andi the youthfui page imbibed 1in ' large -draughts a love for' politicai conflict, and dreamed of the dayg ,when p'er- chance lie, toc, would strike a heroe pose. an& deelaitn for- the "tplain people.e Being a pa-1ýc, however exciting it niay appear:to the juvenile, la not vcry Jucrat-ive financially, and "Jlmmie" Taylor, like the majority of other mortals, nieeded al the lbose - chan,9a he oouldaccurnulate.- A prining press had that strange abttraction for him whieh 8seme notcd nmen .-!f lit4e' seem te think it had for theni, and% the foilowing year hie forsook t, p g âgme to become a printer's apente i the Oee o! fthe 01- tawa ÇfCtize-zi, graaatinx au a fuil- fldt@dTy,.ogratihioa1 IM'-ôi, n. cd te cail him *wth an irresta.tible foe,iand'afler- four year8 at the riting business h Wentd-own'teo ,montreai as a reporter on one ef thé big ailIe g ~e d a habit o! getting ut the heart cf thiri.gs tint oautht théft êyé of ihà ehiëfedilor. and. they sen .eat limto Dte ta-wa tg, tred ýthç pr*Ovçiug& of Parlia- ment f rom Vthe Preis Gallery.,H-_ wis ýhràrti1Y WIClome.d by, -met. upoàn an equal -footing, an-d eve:-. mildly criticized at times, by the same mnen for whom. flot.- ten years wa.s prejudiced. 1,I ffinia ais e b-f have instea COrnes a. labit. The patient is sure bni," w1xicl1 she will *ct.sleep ýand lier wonvie- c f the nsn e tie'n Thislira~k.fs ile-ocfpif.!' It is cou~rse-. .uppsnig tiiat the trouble Jeva identi0 is net- 4 t atuI'..e;o I-t fu an orbelié. t4g otlier band, she"a'n éonipo e ,î herei sd -givre lfèr-minci tiieidea 1A. 'Soug that she ii no a restful sieep, î; héaven-Ai it wiii eften LenalkIe her to break, tempta.tieni t-hrough',*t4he Pt'isgtent in«Omnij Jesus -ii.re that, àimainly ,dependent con théq miracle , fio &tâte cf'ti, nrve. hoing ,hil 'Berne people viii say that if this1 17, 18. Jel; 'be rea-lly truie stih patients are Mt' t nreagônabý aMctua.Lly ii u merely pr.t.endng throngh thi te be go. But Very-few ever Pr6tend power leie te lie il! unise- 'thev have somc-thing; power. ofS te gain by- 1k Tiiese sufférers are eout one 0fi in thrail te thelT nerves, and the his inigdek bondéige ias ie irksome tho<t they woiild surel would ceutainly lie hankful to caist' A hlouse it off. The, longer it-goeî3 on th(>, Better,"I worse it la and the. longer wiii it th"' He- take toc ure.. What ils wanted is1meGflt toene mntal control of the nerves., but tieon brought before hs mnse b obtai-ned it la kingdom, an- neeesEarv to, streegt-hev both minci Matthe w ar, av-d body. Best, and-proper ne,ï- house (see ishnieut aMIthoe hi4 et NtOrâ. The 25)' first dlies not always means !dl-e- in,20Y fl55f snb s Qi~dVivi WQUCI Ù in-C'it5j Who U~ toierecble ici sanie pletzents anA doinste <l'àri woiI4 1.<1mlc agQu4-m-teth-rir niaadv. disease anc4 ChRnge -of s4e ne is cf ten heneficial; 1Y the, Ai greaet excit-emeiit sheukilibe avoid- (12 28) savs ced becar"~ of ait frmath o!f f- 21,t 22.. Thi tige-s Fr-h air. with.gent.le exer- suggestion ( tise~~ f ,ib. eaneeeitv. P ieterng iMau sheuliti Se sml.acl-l fc cnendi te., ce-ouid h a-cda fl,-,Yi ti- -n-ci-ar Ia<. M hedb'tahrn epiarïngly, but t95h .'nd eoultn-v ca-n b-c - ,cate.n pi a chnngp rui, -gr«en ey t-Ùi od ire-eh eai-Oare c-Il .c.l int- tr, crmi m ard fPt-tv fooda, go- long e-s h-tycan lie di.%rest'-d well, -are would -avers m. T.e t -s-ainst me- éhrist and i oe can lrei Lvea nîm se ne a subor- poweï! th o! him a ,4gn frein reneural. of tli t.hird <Lu'ke 4. 9-12), in t.bst, juested: te peraim a, F- -the mer. purpos1e . us sows; the peoplthe enesa8 -of blieving tt assistance .of. an -evil uld cet out evil. If the stan were used te ýcast his own subjects, then i wonmld ha divided and ý!vîded agar'nst a bouse lieuse aiter hou&e . ll- re Luire apýparentiy large upon the desola- t about by a divided ~d dici net refer, as'did d Mark, té a divided ft. 12. 25 ; Mark 3. 3nn sons-Jeviah exor- <cd chaue se-4incan-- va avay tue snirita 'Pl ot-ber spiritesetfe-vil. iger oet .dMtt.t "tespiritai G-ad." î. parable ouVtains s If is-h 49. 24-26.; The would then refer -ta inthe entrance'; f his or mans-en, ýand tic udrefer W Je-sua, wbo mre himan sd take-f r-om or ie which lie trusted. tai -is not wvhxmeIl -Tlihe contest between ýaa aS &ck h At ýn4e îain nentrai.Inifr etlnivaient teapos- L<fAbb4< wusas-hk Ihaé!" - - -' - - -'atsfr-ou dninlc<-.Cr a clin -of t çpcvn u nrh cald -h-e t-lie ho sa- - ml -e5caacev .apfoe thora bacela,,sie siof h.m Tho r Mbit di 'n g uoa ubMunîî , elfqr, t-he'r debire foi-as miracle The littie pgirl muid ne-t guesa s- c-cTe- ,k ît -a t n - te test his power,, Jeass-iepicts , rbt " houtied th itt l-V . ,- --~the-ir spiritu~al condition by - wi 'Sal.t taiiesAn. vwblc b'reacà iê1rlîr of dirgýtio.-A IIAysician.f the panable Of expeileci demolig, a lie put sone sait en each plate.- subjettt~etoottegi e 11111il bring yo-u ecrmething, rYýb - day, but M4iving le the region if bit," ssià the. ltti'. girl, ruenng î TTCI?'Gpepular opi ino lsdy h avsy. ShI came h<ack viteh a fine - point o! the parabie for us l'si 'the rit g obage les!i. 8he pu t, ,ect tîhe - Jfthod Empleyed lVlth Conslder- tact etfcoun on experieace wihich it rbi-t's place, Th rabbitwriggled able ceubl Cblmese. eniphasizea, that ho 'wholias lo nce lsu no" ad hurried t t<>Ule hîs <tp o i Cl e-~ j-expenienceti t-h. g<>ecnins and clilir, -lritdiViosle Mercy eof lehGexfogéveheof- l'h Iuti -girL {.da.napuuempole y u&.l: ajacenit W Amouy min and tesi»permit§ the iOld round hier nci, then sIitest ii eeht qemthee htiab-its t e-a'ie t-alrepossesaon ai &",Jown&ýhm 'botn hu andhia 11 1 sre to sink tegdily ! ta litt. by u-t low ani pt o ti ~ eg.._-le- ts --n..tio may be lever and i ver ievcl.,. The : an- u-s.piee. ii. ce-ti dog e-t 5~- of 'SiteOS ViV 'oii u- g tro 0butil figurative -and asi iean ail.SUI 9nissel Éfn.) iu37. Cna, tat t-he det&ilsacithe panableieustnot bit,- Ïtev lhl bba toe-alfthedabl no me yea-rs a mueionary living be forced in e thein appilication. hit e 61eecisd ail he i, lad W -'ne-ar Amàýy sugestedtha.t a patent Ws-terles iplac..--Deserta, ejime- di rk i hc and&I r; ic ti-n e 'American incuba-toýn mgit b.etoft-cries, sud clacesuneinhabitesiby drack&Il eerate au i. ie ,h- :grea.t service tte local Chinee- men ntere tiouglit to be the hIlunts re-ý,-hej oer ad àt &Ilt4 ceth nlv te leare oft-hein o own process, of de.nons. dog's brdandc] .and sirmnk which la very econeinical. Usual]Y Sekegrutanifidig ee 'hie va-fer. Rut tise cloth dmr nit a large pe-rcenmtage ef t-le e99e pro- The demon is seekieg fer a pla4e o! set- stll and smlled' a- pleai-ant -duce Hlve chick-. - bde ami. - - r. J."D. Taylor, >LP. The breéder finit taire. a q'uantit y house -No one else has Vaken- "Nov, nabbii," e.alc!t-be littie- . etofuehu.red 'tic. s-nd]roasts it, cool- My ho fit o esil alsï girl. vhen 1V s-se au over, "we .9," in- it us-nby fannipgo-r iy ailes- ip ose.1yt s i thiclsi giad t-hat- yen came te dinner, and :before, he meirly ran errands. It ~ingth<indoy p trg h n "ulHfny ho-use. ndgani nov. -we, vaut ye te play a gaine vas a long stride upurards, but Uay- int-h. vmewand t e lour t-rough u-tii H.utncemt It- vpt ud aner Jattienabakngdg a jto ros. alleory ilsterfmainsthe d thrc e-inch layer of the rnec iu a maneetiy o ercome eelY by pesu- Just thn a arkng og rn ito ressGalery is ermnusand1 eosi-etub as-!places about 100 tive gooi, -a bad habit by a1 goacir te, -tdr. nwrel hie p'i6e boy dreaons e 5tereon; another layer o!frFlet one, wrong ing b! i QlUt TIx. 11Ce, be-r Anà 6e Ile irel t snime cday hecornieg sammen ber<of t-bis Isecond and suheequent lave-rsselfishncsysrie Icokesi qulck -t the rabbit, but n-11; ' Parliameet himacitf. being but two inches iu thiOkIleSe, 33-30. le, bose verses Jeans car-f tlsev sa-ws-as àa sd ofe-ithIe f-il' Bem uEio. i s.redee.h ma ahtbre h .mno i ls5us tviekling dovn t-be long. sa-ie, deecp Bcm nEio.i ira -ertee-s sl u istleai-' et fh dfeu hole o!fVthe rabbit's houae.. HL. ent threugh th ise rce es-rn- iihae-i lyr-c!re sdkeiuntpga-be.Ntonyma <'lie l~aver* e eggs, se t-hat there Wiii indit-idual allegiance te thekeg Iedid't geV so vçry weil usd paign o! 1891, ani hie vit-id reports '~ers uineiclitub. dMo!hmereutl pciVt- t-e doga bi s sidng vit-h t-lus - good. cf'sore of t-le spectacular meetings The rice sie-uic! be heat-esionce gcnsbtta odesMs pleasint clotil deg, <.idleai d wOfe modelé aring i-apiC ~al tr g evéry 2 obeheé98hing tk be 1hClpful t thers. It ca-mot re- "No-ho , edidn7bt oeeVse veny wllv emdeléf rpi ad'fi.ihfuil en ont s-t sucli t-lune-s. Wlien t-emarie as a scretesiprealps nani t clca, saci ii.uIt. grL- reorIng. s work att-ract'cd such eggg &Te again put in the rice the session. Thé two illusotymt-ona ilbed1 favorable attention, ludeesi, t-ha-the bott-ii laver in piacesi- on tep and by Jesus unlke t-bis point -perfectlyQ Yeouth' Companion. received sud accepted a flat-tering oach of. the other ]avers cone row -cie-sr.1 effet cf a position on tie editoril lover clown, w1àle the eggs jure- 1 The 11gbte lamnp ianet no -nd GRAINS 0F GOLD. staff e! the Victoria Coloniat. That viously ini the centre o! the tub are jte be hidden ie t-he celiar, or crypt,1 vp.sti 1892. By 1900, J. D. Taylor plaeci s-,thVe e-dge. Tie entire t-nb under tic i use, non iset- k.lie -t The$. ils aometling gaod in evèe had become a fores ta reekon with il covered with a. cotton MP*Ptret-s wcverd ovg r wit-h A bueblt tbet man nd ornn-Bihopet ar-in thie sameviat t-sgled - political The ctiieks sud duakliieg are pÏro- bo rlii ket. usedt o e -t ligie. - situation on t-heces-st. He mot-edt duced je tventy te 30 ds-ys. f iggans !vgtbe.I.kia 1 He that bestevss-a gift ahoculci te Newr -Westminster te become Que o! thé great dîiffloîuties with t-heu' intendel Vo give light aud t-ilisr fenget it;le thatrecve oemaage etethcd ie oumin t hsmto etle inabilitv te tell to serve al ho enter the liouse. LI ah hdae ht, cit es re m angi o tirr of Te Colh. s-a n, hos. ut whe-n the eggs wilî hatch, like manner the eye serves net it- brnc.-alu.Aas the Ceeservati-re standard- vhioli, of course, tenders t-hoe self sloue, b t tlic enntir bolv.ant -It la .tii dntye!f every young mn lesrer. Tsyîor's party vas almeaimt he6ngo!oheyone"vey o f vi~is4c elnh videpeed <. 1e-- t»o Ma.ke huz#àeif feady-to'heip his annihilateti, butiîe blaiseif tri- thibêe r dTic neaur o uccaso! ceS oingle n ti s aety. - c - cou!nt-ry l -ine -cfneed-Mr. W. umphed, and tire. mont-ls later led.bedr eed agivuo ge e -ie arii be, ans i ont-ci-vIl t-be lieuse t hihe ability-t-es-r-e fer lihe chicles at "soued?' a nra, s i Comînons time. Means '"diseft e Gi-v. not reins t-o your ie-fl&med* Aglit it-b and against some o! the- -e i iht...b e pasilons; t4kS time and grant a. lit. mn uwhose Page he had been in the-'---- a'n-alne thyBel a-nd' se ies siebky; lmpee-uosity mi&anage&a£a- saxne 1icgs1ia-cehamýbeir t'wvety- leMeUplitcd. if tt it caof t-reccîve t-bý ie ebt- When one la t-mpt-ed te write s a Inthe Houseof Commonn t-e-day The-re vas reoently lisled inteO clever but bartb thing, thouighit- there il no more higbly *respecteI court @ i--eIihont hmtb rnay be difficult- t-e test-ai1t-, it is' sud coescieetioua memnber ths- this thîng vas a new eL]Ie! H . Otelyurace six e-ludeitlsrtcrfie als-sys. beItterteleave, iV in the.as-me ,J. D. Taylor, ws-leaili sits wWYIxosever, tinsbasheci, andtesule -begbeiocpei nukt--n---Sils.for Ne-w Westminster. A thonough- voe.-the, air of - Is-e determined 13' the Il-i-t1h loIes. 'Be-R cheerful andi seeir noV eternalDi goi dernecrat o! -asne conserva- net fo get thie sorat of it. "Priaon- ,- help, nor the-le.tx-anquiiity which: ive- tendon-oieshis whoI6 caree er- eat -to br" callietiont -t-le clenk The peet Wordsworth useci Vo chira We.A -ah uetstad eiteize wla4 luo an1 prse "d yo w hdhi tïng any "0 coumpoge in led At night. Nudic .eceh,-and not b-. kept erect by verseo-c ose-do -wtti h oppotnu i e înrif" henupnte Osl ui,ù.luesu-i u_+-.to -otez.-a.rusAuêlus.his ! , bemedd POr.c.-MIcked tl, inmon in -î1-4 ' xover very e-gy-: "r)ia ge4ti uýp, I-vet'bouht< MioaV people. think i<iey are 'çirtn- Grattan O'Leary, ie Toronto - St-arre ya-c!-wflx eye. ..0a goltlii < ~AJmri cca - "WelI, I t-eii yeti 'h t nsi v rép et! ort àc'ld nIs. stleepily, lieb. ous metrely bffauge they. are tâm. Weekly -1101"OM net exaotly le framni-', but candi. sud write ýaIt her huaband'i and. Éinoftxuve. Tîameneae. isnot- 01cou-Id pull off.aïround or t-vo dictation for tl'uor fAttes minutes-. à. virtue, it l'OMrey' tIx. absence Keeplnt IHlm Off. vitix that fat eldtIboy 1In t-h.cor- lA.coruple e heurs - laiter -Worda- of a vice, je, S* sckikMt -BÊr-ldTattler iur orthwould wake lier Mpm. "Ge a- is yourain.uxg very f smillai-. He - -npMau4a.iveg- oc od iut-e-Ic!ré ].But-ocre i3igut Men wi-Ulhelp you tO, nuake MOneY. adthe insolence to -salut-e me onlIaiyJ5lIl%<.Ms cd t nt &z e.e il youI nenil t-hem aned th.a-n-t eda. t-iieks hpeo 3ane-Missus obWjectat-- - o bis-ecct s- didt.tian. when they'io t4lking inCense. i pie sÈhould lie kepb ab a distance, niilk.,- Wa keep fnding bit 0 WeOd husband, aw fkining h'r with :the Rbtee'. notirg a 'na-nhates--se' Mn. BluerY-13 ld-Well, MY dean, andi thinga li- IV.- - -- naa], "Cet isp--lve ltîgit -af a- much ieaste b. c6ntradicted sud ar--'unm sure l'y, de-e ail I could. l'use M;lkman--Tha's-l niglut, miss. g<eod v.ord,î" 1w" éta léd b hbr e gueý wklh; ho'd mciier be robhe.d i't«-'d hthail off now for two The ftt luOur cew's8 got a woodenl ply: "Oh, geft -npýurieffi 'l, VI t-bau cenverteci. - , -... --tiiongli 41 -bsd Word/!' - 4 ci Meu PiNJphet< IhUW -e people of! 'ýrfi-itive tiues toàk religion about,! as seeri0onsly and gave -to it about asi mucli of thtir liv., as the people ef! our.day. Human ifature, and not1 merely history, repeats itself. The i deity of the. idol-maker was a rem-4 nant god. He .was fashioneci only1 slter the. tre ixad vi"eide-d ail ,the1 timber that wyas 4eeiiï,ble, fçr cooi- Ing food -and wvarming the. liuse-1 and probably, ije a good proportipn 4 é! êaàe, c ut l o! ooci f at w*nld- net bnrn very weil, anyhow! -Andi go wieh us to-day 1 Our religion,J when we have any at ail in this- age,4 lu a remnant religion, largeiy.-made1 up of the ecraps of tume, shr ede o! 1 energy md ocdg add nds 41 devo-i tioe, which seem to be unusbl-e ine any other direction. We give toI religion tbe heur or turo on Sunday1 NOTES 0F I.XTEUEST>FR0'.! UF. Vrit la GoInrg on ln the flichianda end'lowlands o!AuId lshelie- nl Kilburnie Post Office. Tàe ncw wivphçne lieadquart-3 at Ilelenshurgh Post Office havýe nov b-een opened fjr rservice. The c epidemic cof scarlet, f eve-r>ait Dï-sart showe no ai5n o! wÙtftcua., andi grea-t anxiety i. -feit- Trhe anznu-al report -of Vheî Edin- burgh Saings Bank ihoqtg'an in» cre-aae in funss-of neýarlY 8200,000-' à n-ew Labor Exchange, con- structed at a- cost ai $no,ooo, .ias lke opened in lidinburghi by Lord Prove-st Inches. i C*reeeeock merchants have been warned not te sccept base coin, al~ larFe quantity o! which La in circu- la-tion. Commenementlias lise-n me-de with the opi>r&tigno cnnçj>d w -tii the laying eut of tic Ca-stîs Park, - 'Plie Cun&rd Line 'hbav-e placeda contract ie Greenock for a,toamer -D! the I1nternecilate alitasfor the Oses-dise trade. The eutlock in (Costbridge i. nèw most gl; wieg. A veek ago several o! the large work-s elvsed owing te the. vant o! orderà. 1 Mr. James Murray, ot Rocktort, recently entertalei-abýout 20 e thfe olîti nesideets of Milngavie t dinner in the Burgh ill. .There is a prospect o! a ship com- -ig to Leith at an es-ny date to b. used as t-he headquarters of -the Royal N-aval Velueite-er Iteserve - The fouedations are being pre- pared for Mr. Gsrnegie%. st-atue, which la t-a b. placet! cn ths hiffheat point in Pitect-9f - Park, -Dun- 1At Dumfries, Da-id ITh.-rowma.n. farmer, Oakrlgg, Moffatt, was fined $10 Ifor*killing a salmon in the River A ne-a'n during the annîtal close time - At 4 ineffing o! tebie n! rew Ton 'ouncil it wq agreed te ap- proach t-ho Carnegie -truste tet a gnatnt -ta enable Suitable lia-hs ta0 lie ererted le Renireur. Paisley Tramway CJompany have under cýoneideration a -revision o! tUc scale <f fares over theïr sys- ten, which cxtends Item lPaisley teo Johne-t-on4hand1 entrew. T'h noei spectacle cf-aù el-e- jihanton 0he une wQ-î wit-neeied st the Wave r!ey stastien, Ecliiburgh, when an animai on its wav te the Zoo Liereival, Cllasqgov, got loo0se. The death is announ-eti of Mr. Rtobert Taylor, t-ho Laird ufL Dar- -whilinu, Fenwick, who wasveill known in agnîcultural circîce in the West of -Seutkand. lie wmiin bib nieety-,niet-h yes-r.- tsN!a yearoLexceptional alVW' low, owne4 Ùy ItIecra;, yWlay lBro- thers, has-been cleseti. lhe i-et bas given vînployuu'ept l'o Sihilit hoozu.et du-ring the gre-ter part- of theie van. Ln view o! ù-e long tartinued cpI- deice of s-e-net f-Et-in l S-tr-ý ra-ar. the local aîuth-orities have de-j cided t<> lestruct tic Pr-oe-ITvt-t Fis eil -to progeoute Pare utlâfcuwd i k>Wring 0hidren - te expose themn- arte- w. have givejj as irniê selve. te tue werld - -. ' in rder to É-in a.p4,uold4bà o! the world.' It would. be aî teD moat of 'Us te give .01 wholly to God and uscrifiei Ris-n luHbeiaîf las i-t i'ot been sltrange te the idoi1ni ,ne the wii.le-tree, for hiis g, »tit la just thus, ad Dot0 leps,wlxi cos reêlq the trueftee of'the word 1 Élius Ilt.e-èan rightly b.eý 'narit thing. It is al or- m Moses sund'Jeans- are In ereent when they - say ftrit of aill thé eornrandir this :-Thou .shaît lov-e-the GOd with a""l'hy Iîàrt, An4 Soule &TI<aItynid îd strength le"-R. Jh ct ait eh Seen ln Paris Shobps. Me.ny new- cuits show- thetunic Ther-e is a fis-r. un ail th e uw; The poperafterne>on -blouse ita Ia luttons, £Ciies, -effeclu are veryppuar - Xhit4as cara-eal ila mediah icr- even- Ing wrzpe, ýAil bodices will ie L6ose fitItinge Y-s,&are* a leature oi -ny -ai -the ne-w garments. AIl] iwn.giohdw au ino~igfl.$j ness in the skirtz. . Avel sud chic- a.re hats of! straw- andcolored crepe. Fusiion promisesi a vàriety of cordînge and braid ornamé'uts.- Jrocks o! blute serge proinisie t-o b. fawhionable for es-nly sprîng. - Young uromen are weisrieg ecarfSa and ninf s of beaver and sqiirrel. lin n-ck'wear, the soit, simple, 1-ow n-evk 5tylvo wi]l prwçtonntv1 Ecceedngly fe-ahionable are the tirop Qrn4nlcnt& 91 evcry verktyï- Tuhenewest hýandbiag. are <fAit s-ndsic houki match the, suit ta coi-or. .The jaueîy dutdng liat ls jrImrned vith broad, full fe.ather quilla. -Theî'e are morÉ evtjoine vorri bn the etrepe-t than - ny other sort.-, The fas-hioeable Coire b aclorn--i «i vith a -flat banc! ct pearla or bril- liants., illoutes §andi dreese8 viii be mae; 61 a wvonder-ful white croche Crepe' that va-shes. - Newe-it uraiiste have the pepluins. cee-t tails, ; andi girdles shovîeng out- side the sjkirt. Tiiere is a notable- absence o! all black costume aned t-le whi-te bat. Jeweled Pins are aunes-g t-le papi- lar c4>igure oreaunents Iûr day anîd excins vear. Bllacuk crfP epe lloino eWot nre nov ta lie mac]t-e vear vitl- blackr eveninag gewns. 1The n-ew line-ns arc in s multibude of necw French colors, besidas a pccv crepe wCaye, Fur seuthere vas-r dsthe Vs T nains-s are triaimeti simplyvitîx wht'-e chiffon and vingt. - E-very one - argue. that the suit, a-eket s-lu be short thii. s»ring. It- wili reach 3utt t»theve-isp lice. It 01k oia ' s th4rugli fic long vs-t-, coat <t ricli ma.terial vas go-gt-o h'e a permnanent 'Mmebr-of the fashiyn-able wcixiae s wo.rdr-obe. He Uated a U>pocrite! "do Ly"y 1"Nov taire Jackson, fer OxArpie,. he-s the bfigeeii hypocrite on e-a-rth. ".1 BuWt ypu appe&T W'obc ie bet "Glu, ye3 jI1try w ,Ã"pperr -ieo1- iy tseaIrda hl It plu-Ys licter lin the cnd." [7rli Frouuî 111e Outlsoi,-ý, - Pa-t snd--Mike ha-gOt- lîIii!way - ar.t>unit the me-nagbrie. tout ,w'le t- ç amo-to -'tu ope-n anc "Ei" "W zdr s-bat kinci!of a ! aste that ili1" s*Md P&t. - We'Il go hand soi, a.nyhôw," aaid Mike1 Inibn 111e Eraof "Seiil"im ti«e. onut more ablyt- -during the. Teor, Vh«ý malreduetion lin tiiý 191 a ompar -ed with ~POe3,uaMade up $4ý. ! 0-,çtoanci f onde. - O,72 3. lno rilîîc.?in capi * fie amur1t i<f cas' iaid.d11rîn7,tihe >-far wu itrutdas folouws:- isrtacefor urar. las. like wl iii, I1rmt lord or the admirài ed lthe reputation of! being tiI.. mnister. The colonsel Churchilli, wtts formtrl>y a 901119o04r ~tdi Litelberal D .,Onservat_1-eo adoptCed tari the douth Afflum Wal' and h dee - he - iuceddLord * - Cii-il tîead Of- thwurmnw A skerleii or picturecs 3<ý show the oonel Oc pa pi Wight. -in &1i[k-h h.1- a..ý In ail sorts orÇ%-eather; as been up ln svery icind -,r', 4*-shovsqMnî ivaulting r-jlin Liis o troop.. and thOc took caeh set o! ,raiL. -O a. tal s. other show. iii. m onurnnt îuunv feet RÙQî, %a-hd ben tïv to anv, menît. but the.,-tring becs& wfLn le pîiilf t ici îdtheE s8tet - ,tkly<uilxebed up ti a d dhic uxiveilfilg front The. Eefond -of the. Roui Wtýhen parllament tnicetsi Wut Al present -s srhem -?'Orm of tMe houtçe- or lords. as h e WIc or ond R 46t ew r li s Mai y ii f oued Pesunaa t114, (eeraI-,tsn, si1tte Vti ins .s9 a "ehe.,or le-rd., wili-e fcc thi. aclei 1&. bI91r. wl Lt0iîî -; orit'i îslerj mera '-hion. Alîhoni hn.] fi CiItreNt fllèiglê -of-t 1IiO.ue <r -! î.-t.a h ile1r rlfc . - Gent eMesires the 'Unit fif ted- StatŽo bUt this Conrîi ne& - '1 li -King ilîtfîî1ýn t(j Cent thei Indust-iaî -centres. Thi wil v lait parts of Yarks!.l ah~buiiàk. gcentroiq Of t1i. Is. ntenaetti'pp a aiAt riouth,.eopecîaîîy if.tho Fr t ený n nci'orq off Sugitl ens oin".pect s lerelgni nlera wIc.ibeh h. Ineitoted ia.. -Were mnariceti w1th a ccprnblC freq Pt '-~îîîî lrîid çs-et h j,. ti-alét,,, ion li rallice. usuaiv < 'rta-e. - 5to Stay- gobs aiou '1v.l-eOilitfîfi ag<îi drrij W, giclcpî-îve Lît-d Ma vv s--Iinw<tco.re-o ore- d ' n,.î-or tlpIa. faldll , frsO<fffil Ac1)uï ifai f liiiitîg. iL were- nwlvïa., lVýritggi» îîrescAtî-ll to qt't Or cOôurge- thé Aid.i.menrl -ni- elIV 91111 111il"r li i tial the it-'..îre%-i-,t,ç3er Or :h t ritain Go - - Mibitph-. l,-eo wt.n Cý t,î---- -th-e i u- calv.îrd I)tlv mrkümwhée1ii t 44"11i. rhe Pvene mi-dl. yes qsnd pJ f atrr.ted b>- the Frei IIAMBUR Serv.ice XViýiI-Be p A > rl eàsatcl. from ?nr ~'t~~-there ig a big lrtýdo e*,<t u-to diectservie, not know anytiiîxg aboi waîê6' bcyond mvhs-t 1 h1-ei thp. entn Of -t-ho .Iamburj datLine lta tteCe-ns-dise- 1u Votile veMvAZnv'abe

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