'NTARIO' -~ t: URTJltSTOCK is.large, well assorted, a'd oôg' à ;be, oissible ~one seson to another, hence -'our special reducinsl thi day ale O~i stck mst'be edueecd, and the prices will do it quick. marke ts.- Mime. ~o 4e . Wle believe it better not to carry over goods fi a ean expe et -woiderful reductions duriri, 0 Giur io$1 -0-,g00Stocklu eRous at tost ne Haif in Ten Day5,-openin .31 Th 9 a.m. Dain nby odGrocoriO9,Bootsa Men'sFurni hi ngsHardware; Et' Dry Goodeà 9P eclals Tua r h t-wellin -reg.ar12 ý4 c for u.I-ea.,,sh towelling, 'reg. 1 Y24for 1 2;4c Stripe flannelette for 25C R-ingwood gloves, color assorted ladies' and misses' for Ladies' white hemstitched hdkfs. Sale price 3 for 6oc lIack silk per yard Navý blue serge dress goods, 48 inch wide, ail wool, reg. 6oc per yard' Fancy dress silk, cream with mauve and grey reg. _5c. Sale price Newi hystal ,foulard dress goode, reg SC for 2 Ca ds pearl buttons for I2 Pà ir boots laces for Children's felt slippers St r ipe ticking, regular 25C for Fa ùcy strip e wrapperette, regular 15c on sale Prints, light and dark, f ast colors, reg. 12ÎC for 9c lec 834C 15C 1 Oc 45c 45e 45e 1 8C 5c 10e.I 1 5C i9C 1 0.: 10e Grooersy Speclals 3 Tins of first class cocoa for 30e Black or green tea, per IL 5 lbs. for 22 Lbs. (Redpath> granulated sugar for (Limit customer $2.oo worth) 5 Tins of good salmon for 9 Lbs. rolled oats for 4 Lbs. washing soda for 3 Lbs. good currants for 3 Lbs. good raisins for 7 Dar-s com fort soap for (Limit customer to $ 1.00 worth) 4 Lbs. best sago for* 4. Lbs. best tapioca for 3 Cana choice peas for 3 Cans choice corn for 3 Caris best tomatoeg for* 3 Lbs. ginger snaps for i2ic'Plain and fancy biscuits pet; L Des: American oil, national J ight branci, regular 25C for .3 Lbs. good mixed candy for. 25c 22c 1.05 1.00 50C 25c 5c 25e 25e 25e 25c 25e 25c 25> 25c 25c 9c 19e 25c House Fiu White flanneleti Sale price pi urnlshlng Speclals" :te- blankets,'60x76, v ier pair 1.19 . Wool blankets,; 6ox8o. Sale price White bed spreads, f ull size, reg. 1.25 for Cclored bed spreads,reg.i.io, Sale price 1-eavy grey wool sheeting, 2 yards wide, reduced to Flannelette sheeting, 2 yds. wide, white and grey, reduced to. White lace éturtains, 3ý yds long, regular 1.25, on sale- White lace curtains, reg. 6oc for White lacecurtains, reg. 85c for Linen table covers, 2-, yds. long, fin- ished, reg. î..jo. Sale price Laundry bags, assorted colors,. reg. 35C for White and colored scrim for-curtains, regular up to 15c,on sale per yd. A150oaal scrirns worth 25C for' Carpets, floor'- mattings and carpet squares all.reduced 20% 2.95 98C S75c 1 59C 39c 98C 45c 59c 25c Sc 1 7c 201/ 20% 257. off O1. Men's lineci regular 2.5o The balancê of ail our. e1id overshoes greatii SBoy"s black curi caps, reg. 50c. Boys' and youths' sweaters,i an(& sweater r oats, reg. 1.000. Sale price Men's and boys'y shirts and drà wers reg. 50Oc for Ail other lines greatly reduced. Positively no gQQdb 5o1d at tlhiese tore, open every evening, during No coupons to be given out or Every article inlhssl savr reducedprkefl befure Saturday, the sale. reemfwielhssl s tien oe bcidsrd Janu 1y54st-at9*a&me Extra hepscred canried on. is our guarante IMIpýORTANT-Juast beoe toEnqdpr1,ouoo O'UP@cfl 5verdi complet e lines or trilvelera' samoeswmscoves of m@ehant lt, 'hoè Io*-aamples M o fzFinnlt owingcinga , Pnts, CeonLnes aà biings, etc. THESE WILL1BE SOLO AT UNE0f PIGO Strt Janjuar.y 3s and Ends-, Februaryi o and ýDrl'ed- Apples taken at Iighest. Cash, PriceS.ý j Lt nothing keep youawafrom this ýgale. The . sen&a- tion of the ...day, wonder. of thé. hour - ........ 42c 4