Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1914, p. 4

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iter upofi clty' affàira4 The i by-làw t9 aPPoIIiL a Inebber ,or.the ýrs ideas Upon the ,emlpl'- DBard - oj kalth for the ,yeà&11> wy The saie was read threetimes and, prison Jabor ure identical pa&sed.- aw;n whichJweý have ex- Movedý by Mr. McKeuzie,.,scne .epeatedly/ thrpugh these col-, by Mr., Glôver, that NfMr.Beath be ia recent- address Control- litructed to aeept*$56.43 for taxes- so squoted a'ap o !'g f frorn the C.P. Ry., !rom C.L.O. ion l a~aproVag iW. R'., - and C.1,E. telegraph hunes, n o! the goverameat In er,-, Carried. hep4ksouers la road-build- Moved by, Mr. MoKenzie, gecondod ,~d they were paid' a- fair by' M r., Pascoe, 'thàt the Clerk be viïges. 'He did not' think -it, inStructed to order the Municipal offeadeîe agaet -iaw shotd4 World for each' Councillor, Clerk and. y joc~t(i~ whiçb tuey sqsr CarrieL- ýy J'se ý û+ Y.Mr. Glover moved, 'seconded by'Mr. atgnement fqr their offeace McKenzie, that Mr. Beath> ho i- the>' should1 b. paid a 1fuir structed not,. to collect taxes froni hich, If they wcre inarried, Rd. ,Chatterson and Thonas Fowlor. ,o te the su~pport o! thèir Carried. -1 oil- the>' were ,single,' Movcd b>' Mr. Glover, scconded b>' or, Mr. Pascoe, that Jos. Greeatree bo. Dplaced to th i rdit aud, paid $15 for e~ty rods wire fonce. them when tbe4y have- served Carrled. laée1 order to &ive thenia - Moved- by Mr. MeKenzie, secdod t IË,l , .by'Mr. Glover, that the followlng se.. a fl ansd -towoacuabýle treaM%.4 lea ta reit ,Cathatlem- inoes ffctive ln legula- tlug atamacis Uoublc ansd cMe stipatioin for 5h. llttle fol-ae tabîci going te boit means a *unzay face' la.the mornin. Pleasant ta taise, tlicy nover 9a9L 25c. &- botile, Drumm and "oern or by maIL v -- -. - - uUbage tnd 'Uarey, *âÂ.l±a uuJonn mÇator risotre. Uner-the pro- EfQdgson, 97; Dr- A. A.1 Farewell Mq YSZ multitudes ot familles $8.50-, Jos. Greentree $3; R. Stork, M rgg are lotti dpoadeat upoaï the-bouat>' $2.50>; Election ozpenses,. $59.50; for S. i Fi of their nelghboçuo' ~ ot le Roads and -Bridgea-R.E. Hodgson, Lands in thte Township rs r h"eto lu minse*., $10; Municip al World, $9.30; of Pi ckering. along uPan thel-scant>' earnlngs a! F. E. French, V. S. S, No. , 35.1l, the mother or eblldrein, whiie 4h.' Carrled. UJndýr and b>' virtue o! the poweis governmenoaV applbos te orab o Movod h>' Mr. McKbuzlo, secondod contaiuedý in a certain mortgage the lread-wnner of the. famlly, who b>' M.Glover, that this Council do which will bo produced at the time In iiicarcerÏted, b to wa " ur1 P . 'mno adjourni to rabot on Mcmday, ,o! sale, thero will be oftored for suis purposos Marais 2nd, st 10 olook. Carrled. by public aucltion on Saturda>', the t* T more one conuldors tubs, côndi- Columbus, January 12; 1014. 2lut day o!FlraY, 1914, at the' -$lon of thinga the more Jatolerable - WM. PURVES, Cleris. hour o! 2 o1cloek bu >the aiternoon at and unjustI lb appeîrs. Whetever . the'-Royal Hotel, in the Town o!f forrn ôtlà bor prisonoers ma>' be~l en - Whitby, the folIlowing proporty; Do n ~ t Tf FIRSTLY-Part of the. eust hall gaged upon some ofthir ouraingu ut 0 0lotut - number four in the Broken leaut should ,go to ýtho support o!f eî eifta h inee Front Concession of the sald Town- the'r familles,, or bç saveil up for siued eetv cino i.o-shlp o! Pickering, ibu-the Count>' o! tbeir' own. use- upon rêlease. ..But the gens Of igestioà. Most serions aick- Ontario, more particulatl>' described enipoyinnt t uuh. abo -l tho ciss get thersetart In troubles* of by motes and bounds as !ollows-:.- eMlyrD. osc ads I th th tomaeh liver, bowls-tronbles Commencing where a post bas been construction o perst o qui ckly, p ey urely relievcd byplaatod, at theoatera n, it> o! the .one~ of -the, beat suggesti'ons "yet J- -sabd lot a-t' the northefi elruity mnade--he vr.nn hudtlojo! thefront one hundred acres of thie over the mAkln,ýg-nd -up-keep- of!-,théc salit lot blounded bu front by Lake leadng fghays an upn teeeOntario, thefi north sixteen degreesl -- west sbxty chains more or lessto the convic laborcould e easily andsouthern limit of the- Base Ln od protltably; employed. abx%2 t. then south seventy-!our degrees west The preus could renider a kôod ser- i~as< ten chaîns more or less to the mid- vice to the country b> p ressing uo --dieo! the said lot. Then south six- the CIerm tte dato o A SE -LUNE WEST. teen degrees east sixty chabas more scem Messrs. C. M1cCauland and W. Pow- or less to the northern limit o! the chm. o! paynîent. for.workc done ell were last 'tSeek soliciting sub- I front one hundred acres o! said lot. b>' prlsoner&. scribers- to the rural mail, and met!Then north seventy-four degrees eatj i wth good success. ten chains more or less to the place 1Mr. and Mrs.,.A.E. Stor>', o! Mon-! o! beginnbng, containing sev-enty-five E.ast Whitby Counilj. treal, spent Suddàay with the forra- jacres more or less. !er's parents, and left for Toronto Ti ai a ni odbr Council let' this day. Mleùïbers and Buffalo toi attend rate meetingsi with stone stables, and f rame dwell- Present, Messrs. Gifford, MeKerizie, o! the varbous ÃŽ- las.1inghueadocad h ol GlovradPso.leèeofor n Svera carpenters were badly gond cia>' ban, the- chair. . - e 1! roenlast eeh going to and from -SICCONDLY-The north quarter of S Coîxnuniications 'were read' f roi their menîs at the W>ilis house lot number twenty*-two inithie First -egsrs. A.W. Connor, CE., Cýainir- Abgsegla rnte-sln('oncession ànd the south-east quar- an Trull, FP.E. French, C.P i., Abi J' hloilfrit he -A lu 1er o! lot number twentvý-two in the Inispector, and Union tar o- in er t nModa> niht. ileco-Second (Concession o! the said Town- jMr. MeKeazie, seconded hý Air.- 'l'he Port WýhtbyvSndct hoped' loverioe for leave t,, iniroditce j(Syndicate loer tehn1 hundred acres more or less.4 aby'-law t poittdior uf-we ,btthe rlaver tare shinothis Thjs is an excellent farni, and is if the oa pouns b int Au tos tiiad- Wie, btt e radires hoke ituated about 14 miles !rom Picker- accounts.Tesne ws te d obhsnow-hti WiIb dfiu ing Village. On it are a lrick dwell- tlre ties nd asse. t doo. - ng house, barn '45 x 72 with stpne çstables, hog pen and henr bouse 24x 86, implement shed and box stails Mâke Yourk and 16 x70-Baigocrd Tcrms ;.-Ten per cent: of the pur- i-ç ha-se monev te be paid dowen at te -~time o! sale. Balance to bc paid - within thirty daysý thereafter. For -further particulars andI con- P lar iediti ons o! sale appl>' te ~~a 1 arpieA. E. CHRISTIAN, Wiitby, Ontario. STOCK.AND POULTRY SPECIFICS Soicitor for the Mortgngees. At a coit of l1s9 thn I Oint a dar par bealth stock &rouud. bis plaue Try it ou Dated at the To'wn o! Whitbv the huad Of«o! t ck ilvli in40efel ivalue 25 tha boreat-.eoudltîouadanfimal iou have snd 20th a fJnay 94 ver cent.Peaneutl,' cures Colle. Debilit, , vsknew you'Il b. aurprised at the rmh ayo!.Tnurvof14 Worm,, Bots sud -5kim DîseassToentelp & short tresSaient, Cattie sud hogi fattea ' rtun.down -Ulliai.go0that ,5h., aniely D à n t ______éh. £ 1ht~ ~ ~ ~ . su vge Sce.,tj;1e11 os tbrss tafiva pounds a day, rbIzUgthequaiti a! 'tlw milk. 'UPLE la set i food. St isa a-con- r w. would beo makiug- 15. It en- atoeki th est the natural *od tht,' and â«t the mat boeitlfrom IL. ,ha adeife of Ail hborougb iveterin- ra-ý"Fdd our stock on food -of growlns-uo pamper tham vith gaested Minh *'»cthat sfter s time Wt diieut80od, WbOluome feed. 860a food 1grown ou enpour ovu eas, bran, ebop. etc. You know im Mtlgaoefou sud what tho, 'UEPiU %. àla aid to, thesa ns- s u à " ,'o" se*1 as . d r e t d . w a 9t«a bSe put than if pou 01lb 1eosseof!oss offored on" the *i Poot-Codmw dAnia sa ,un-dowuPoo17,'ourisbed jour as., s.s whst ROYAL *PUCIC IjCyl dé for 1f.. A 60-- me issis s eow or hos. 70 dais. ta so trlfing that iao - armes lu Ceagi Upel# ,for.ca (Wil!! Sre anp ordinai ap). 50c, b,' mail MO. rOest Liniment for Il spraiuad tendons, e1e. m Worm SpetIfle- fr D~safatau 25éi,, k to ,OLLOWING- oifr usual 'custom Of mkig ah seaso' F take care of that seasoll's buying, we will start OU January salé on January 17, and everything. in the st ore will, bc in price. There, is no other reason for the tremendous ,reduct* durin-g-this sale, except that we don't carry goods over from to another. Look carefulIy through thelist. SALE sTrAnRTs DANUARY 17TrH AND ENDS JANIJARY 31 SPECIAL - 60 men's-tailor made tweed suits, the Me &Richardson Co. and llobberlin,, ,makes, sizes 36 cbest measure. Regular values, if. made uùp to measurements, 22.00 to* $25.0ô. Sale rit< - e.DRESS GOODS Re.5oc qua-liL>y alceilors, Reg 65c qîîality ail colors Reg. 75cqualîty aIl colors Bieg. $îi quality ail colors' Pen Angle guaranteed al wooî cashmere hose 50c quaiity 35c quaiity 43c 49c 59C 79c 43c 29c MEN '8 HAIIDAND 8QFT HATS Men's 2.50 and 2.00 hard hiats 15 Me n's 2. 00 & 2.50' sof t hats 9 8c Children's (ancy and.plain feit hats, ail colors shapes and sizes. Reg. values -Soc to $i. Sale Price 43c 17 b p - k ---t EMB corset C( ,îes re, 40C 6o doze tO 3 5c p - 2 f(- SPECIAL--m 700 yards white cotton, regular8 34e Men's coÀored camhric Men's overcoats,à only'a Lac shirts 14 tL) iô4., fast few lefr, but ail sizes in - V colors, regular values lot, $ îo values for ,6.90 r( 75c- to $i Sale Price 59c $12 values for 7.90 6o prs Engi islflan nelett e $ 15 values for 9.90 blankleî.s, giey or white 25 Youth's 3 piece -tweed large size re-gilar value suits, regalar value $5. 1.75 SaIt 1>ice 1.39 Sale Price 2.90__ Just rcceived a maiufacteturer's'set'of samjdc prîcc5. Aînonc- the lot beincr o nly one of cw diseouiit ol* 20 per cent. off. TAPESTRY CARPET 1SQUARES AI sizes and colors tap- estry squares, sizes 3 x 2j regular 6.50. Sale, Price 4.9 3x3, regular Sale.price $10 O00. 7.90 3x3 j regular i - Sale Price 4x4 iegular i15.00 S Price lo Doz. ladies' vests in white andnatural shades drawers to match reg. 30c each. Sale Price 1,9e SPECIA LS ---C oats' thread 45 c doz., silk spo, cotton 50e doz., 4 papers pins for 5e, Furs at at reduced prices, -$1.00 overails 89c, Dont Fail te Visit Our Store During This Sale.- Thirteen Sale >La -WHITBY, -ONTARIO- g 0u5- 00 PBckSýg65 ad 0l.50 &Ur4lugt tins. overseers. ~'W W W WW _ALSO SELL J "That towns, villages and town- tag an Eo's PupieLi. 111. fo pult, adships adjacent to the Kingston lload ______________________ Sy cougbi animalI. 25o and 60e. b,'=*l m a an sd may have the use o! this road erip 60.iment and advice o! overseers at the understanding that the var-ou mu- brigade. It is practically the. sane la providéd with ai Roa EEiolp.ile Gall Cura for getcu request of the municipality. - nicipalities represented should bel as those ùsed in the City o! Toron- that the-three on th( uas scase&!, op'en pores, *te. 25o and anmi:50c,; 1> mail 80e and 60t. "our committee also .recommend asked to appoint delegates to the to. It vas mnade by the WiE., Sea- ail press with their ibru PSOc, Roip -lpechfle for To-dp, lplp, that the width o! tires of heavy ve- Good 1loads meeting in Toronto, on grave Co., o! Wlevi hTo- lever and bring the ..4su d1arrhei, YPhod leveri canker, , white bides be incrcased to flot less than ianùtlsy 22n4, at wbiich the abovie truck is supposcd to carry 1,000 feet la short order. 1 25e, b,' mail Bor- four inches, and that the tax -ôn resolutions would be presented. o! hose, but 1,600 .feetwrepton ared nthtuc aq automobileg, he graded incrcasing without any appearance o! overload- On thîe whol, it i TO. STOCK AN»POULTITIASEP with the amount o! horse power,pro- Th eFreTuk ng. It will crr tea' men comot date wagon, andvi W. will mail for the ssMldn s aur nuw ravised. 50-b"q c eeds o! .suchi tax to be applied- to T eN w i ruk àbly w tem &Xu- a h h en feali book on eomm»ou alimenita of 4tael and poultry., Tel!,ra ytoa u à~ou tteth en o nbi bo ~ fedlihtsu bsv',hosu, olsm rad building and maintenance. bac1k, and twd on the seat beside the make mueh greater s colin, esivea, seahou&:80Im how ta lied and kuup' "'Your ccimmittee also recommend The, new lire truck, for which the driver.* More than this ýould jbe car- the scene o! a fire. rnautlt r ti ,' awtura olrs' somer. k d01'O the uqe o! 4' Split-log drag for the Vire Brigade haS waited long and iried "if necessary. The driverssa tZlItY F17'0 Writa for your cap,' todgy, : improvemieni of mud ronds. patîently, lias at last arrived, and is provided witha thbck leather cush- - ft"Yo)ur cornmittee reconTmend that on Tiuesday evening the firemen i- ion. Undernenth hia !eet is a rubber, EvangelUst Ranton g.è Co. London,, Canada-' fegt ae ncusbed atone, spetedit andimade lt, reacly.to runme, ind a, large gong can b: 1rung duclgrices l and Bookiets n-ay be obrained frcim Jredueed." . It is a beauty, 'and should please large. n1IkeI-plated lanter Asl fasten- Midland had a V '. 4LitL~R . ~ lie metig adjournièd with the moV*éldlouo nemùbèîr of the. ed securely in1 a holdet. The truck weeïk, I w W W ~ w w strong brake, s0 SALE REGISTER. ec front seat uMay Cfeet against the TueÉday, January 27th.-Big dis-. vehicle to a stop persion sale of reglstere4ý -heres> Ladders are also1 high grade cattle, hogs, lImplem'entg., k.amstu-o etc., the, property o! 'James- a gle, ýïIno doubi b lot10, con. i, -Pickering. Lunïch ai ng.the brigade to '11 o'clock.- sale at 12' o'cloasatp.. gpeed in reaohiug Wm. 'Maw, auctioneer. Satùrday, February 7th.-Âucton. s~ ~~~~a -asen Olsaeo! househô,ld furnlture, the 'prop- m hbas being Strnetrty o! Mrs. A. Somerville,, Brook- )shawa-,. lin, (opposite Teniperance-'House).- $70,000 fire asEt PSale at 1 o'clock., " Terims cash. Win. Maw, uL00t -i- ;, ~ - ], JO - i Yr -r'.ain - C ,lhiùr iibl 2w- iiid' ' ii ri l:,r-î v îI i wîî ili rj, -î* w ,. 1ý-iî i 'IF th rî îui 'ù "rn fin--r îi.ir T liii. i--i-ioil 'ii srif) 01, r-oc at i r i fi-il fo sent a i-i-e(t0Unciil, 28tp t 8 --uîd-I prl zrisrîput --j sh oe store. FOI" l'l 1v unîleri- ont, a the i' - -- t Means FOU 'ave ae month'a feed sud &C neec n iotR a mouth's labor. Youeunbrins six tige te C néec nG o ça thé. pink ci condition at tih. cont o 81.50. Stees atrcated lu tha sema va,' cent ne more than $1.00 each te put lu prime atat. Last Frida>' afternoon a meeting for Market. ROYAL PURPLE spECIFICwahederfotepuos o!cn fAttefus sud keeps viii bose., mares, coltes, hl eefrte up fcu cows..-eive, stuers, hom. 5o1la lu akagia. siderting the good ronds question. lie- 50e, and sir-tiffht tiir. 81J.50. là presentatives were present fron a TrY ]RY LPURM nv JLT 'aumber of adjacent municipabities, ROYALPOUIT1T1including Pickering, Eastad West SPECI[ 011 YOD!! 1BUS Whitby, Darlington, Hope, etc., Whlt- DO Feu lcnow-that ROYAL PUEPLE rPour- b>'toits. TIT SPECIFIC makes heu. Isp u lnfantr as 1 A discussion tcrok place in which wonal su ummar, and'keepa themlfi>..frose 1 dises., It dlots, sud lilps tiaem; over th much interest was nani!ested. On moult, fattens and keepa th.m fla vigorou motion o!flMr. J. U3. Laidlaw, sec- health. A é0e packsage atas25 lbeus ovar b'ReeSah !Pctig 70 :dsps. Bhould't Fou tryif? W. have ne yRev p oficein, huudreds ecommeudations from aIl parts this resolutio;n was passed of the COUntw. If ROYAL PU13PLE dots "htteb slot giv;e POU botter ramIt. than anpthing Ta h Kinlgston Rond b takenli pou *ver used, r44v o satisfaction, va over b>'*the Government, resurfaced, -wll refuud p'ormoy. .omtter vhas@: pour opinion a! ather preDisratîone, ve vaut grades eut down b>' fis or cuts, orj pou te uive ROYAL PURPLD POULTIT b>' devijations where necessar>', the 81PECIFIO a chance ta show vhat i t eau doe oonmn aiti1tern for your poultry-aud a 504, package Win ovrn n o altith rod show Founsome fine reaults, Bold lu 26o aud -and supplv necessarv mtrihinerv and Wu C. -WALTERS, v and-good va 'lu, WALTF WATC] Behind ever y WaJ clear, clean-cùif', *good for ail tirne. that *guarantee -is t watch factory in t] -Thlere i no need t he supe riority of Watches. :- That _ -e8tblishèd for neai foufths "of a centur =jNO. E. jEAFIEWIEL~ :ýarrîster, Coun'ty Crçu4wa County solicitor ,,fiesouth. wing Court Ho% A E.AèECHRISTI fOpffice, BrockSt., Opp. Sta Moue)' to Loau AIES RITIhEDGIE9sari Mvoney to Loaflon eas 4 flc mniedîatelyoutbi iG,- VOUNG SMWITH, Issuer of MAiUFUAGE LICEF COurt lionse, Whitby, o1 --DENTAL W. > .AD SDentisi, 0 ~Street-,RsidnceN, o 4 Byron .St.,Whltby- ýPhoI hwLlcenaed. Auétil y -- o toL. Fairbanks. ddates- aPPly to sl -p itbyr LlCENSEIs AUCT1 Ail kinds o! sales Pro * - ~ to. Arts~rna8 for sales at the 0-aZêtt Termereusoable. Bell mald ILdepçndent ýWIIITB,O0 OOÃ"NTRA'= j. 4EWeLL Carpentel,, Builder an, PlIans.drzwn and estirun Repýirs, Alterations- a~gent-for Brant1o ÊtOx467 WIb arime Lar, " 1 m -.9momb.- -..dommmmm.- - . -dgommob- 1 à a à a ; abâilon

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