Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 3

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vin~>umiwai-s Wt> prUW ILnt. -A huge.,urple, ýelvý sIM i Vsaoiok'~nV wr1ot rosé, with many putaIej 'or a bu untionis of t'hése problea. Thr,ê red ulimelesa flâwer, with fou .1%, epily, mucl oh oùtr~Ietive me- sqa4'a seUwcn. ~rU tlvit~y alcýng thii lins, and resubta lng aind inu" good M~ WitÉi VI -'ýnotb. long - i eoming. increaa.d ns. of vewei lowers tVii beaut« lias increased. Prhal their price .éincrsaued, oo, bi -scenc, wat âtuidiiesareut- tbey are really .*ortli. ývéry coer t~din thy nei by'eocksure dog- t>hat is asked for them. For the4 maütse A mn alls bimself -a arecarefully made and are in goo * ~ ~ ~ ~ &I . - L .e* yland color. anIS give iber owor, anct at mght ale ye -j e a uu"vý c draulc ail the cocdent -and cesrest vçrbà,a66mù' àý n now -nor.'of dropp's of dew to.give lier periunie; .need _w ë Iink, of' aticli a'eommu ni- wj an~d wlieiithe s'of t niglit breezea cation bere. V h tii gn1 fev -:,oe around lier aie spreadt eût th e eeacrýàdhistciria» *i fgtrsve t'a rien leaveof!-lier itein axi{qiver-. an a nV1rooa<'Me doe8 iinot de- &P .4d with ipleaeure. traéV. frcânth vake !cli ,nra i Oemorning, -,when ihe Vve O Vý'cotrary, i' aMlda f: Arîing,ahàe rised herliead, -bathe4 muech14o its foroef!ùlns and beauty It 1in dw, and as the firet rayefl and gieto thià ancient record a ni uepn lier ahe.. opîned. eut>, red sud 11Wsd more ed rn naing is glwnandztood ,there,-,% f uIt- i[Ïdvaue..'o bloinwn bauty..- Moueès' »miit-For fort erà, il When »oen came aJýcl- the -,un:evîr inee' hédeparture. of thé là- Vu 'w.hu, h oehSàard;ý a.getle, raehites fom - Ept, Joshuiý, had a hu m-ming-, and looking dw h been the1 principal assistant- and R sww abee fitn >~~tfo flower a4viger, Vo Mis Vo flower close tVo lier.'Alab once' 3- Every plaqe. . o yen have Amd the bée -fle'w up-and sotWled,611y on, I given i uVz-A, auprme, calenge Vo ier~ iui&veé. '4W.atý.d-ïD--yi'u wàt>cv nust and,,ih.i frU.M9 ?".àid th roee A8.1 paks unto Mo&s--ThP. prg- à "Ihave cohue Vo as y'ou fora mise. referred-Vo is iound an Deut. life -of yeur weetnesâ, ' aid -the 1.$.1Uke-~ ~ r lc - wei~onthe solecf yourf4>ot;shal1 bi ciety. Is~~~ ga Aèist W lt wliih la bette' "Tho Complet. Aîý ISir Almüroth mai cewAa4'isl dO danv kîi, feminine - imd15inferior'Vo hs etWhe Aopi4 Maiculine; Vbat Bsce~tý 'ess son tetoin These sios m physical -çure; tiat womàn ouglit sioes. to e È ratedn1 for ail lier blesainga; ' Chenille t aince.she 'neyer .could g« e isuby Cbeilfn f1ghting; VIiA wouien axe cOnstitu- of white-.cheéi 1scualIy uarrow anid "peranai"- inches longp, i a'uJordinating justire, ýjaw'un,âd ail f'Wd alis tract'idsasiýo' the'r-lilces 'antdis- nt-ýïii end' Ji',s h only un.marriëd and un- gilk, ant the, i .appy womsn wan'the vote -' that black atùIn,>as littîs ,'bow. t-~h 'Iipdy. <or l£sinitniiuurest i at SI5aeue~wt ~e'r "heay emigration Vo' plie Colonies. ineVs V1p:àd'anilwiV c elle en.~ 4 book of thia sort relieves thse Givea Point to a' Garmelit. auithor sud dois ulttle ntamge o A tonci o!f'bac iâ atwayei u place"'1 Vlhs movî'meut, hoeala.'Ybla toco ~V vn oawiegret ful- aù.i çiea,' An ne mattir.how msny 'predic-A ,fu o! WUna crohttins iers may 'bethat bisck -,atd prejudices, groe s- unes tane sso'white wilt ýnet haVei hig f&v'cýr *lu fact o huit hseao-callèd feminiet coonbination, 110 mattîr how miiei't Movement. Even oppc>nent.a- of <- VIte prEdiétion many, e provent .to'e e -man suffrag-or asy other partitnu orc,. a sVevooso h l&ýprposl illlagh t t:svi.1-ntprincipal materiase'f whieh.,gowris lar ropsaI illhing atite iolnsd suite, and coats are macle are aburites ~ - concerned, -a Vcuch o! black çw111ai- 't Ob ~ways be 'uaed te give character V oi -C-ISEOFFORIE4T RE wit.Mauy o! thieWhite tuile CAUSE0F PRES. ruchinga"have a filmy black silk - -thread wonlcsd -over Viete, hemment Ssn's BRaYs Foesûs on 'Discrd edengeô!e. tulle.* A-single lensth EBMptyBottiesofetblaék "i--etTst ribboii; vory nàr-' _-- Ge/erénMent&l uuthorit,îes are al- r0w, 'hangu ip*endant-,; *itb sûme or- 'waý,,a anxiýusVo flnd ont to canantènament ou'1ts 'aud, !rorn.thuece o!freit fes sné CaadIl 4 !of n' -6! the"*diàti 't'- 4te net iuiferd seveeely 'n-'ll i4 seet -ini$us.:t~.if4I~~ recent years. Accrding"Vto aowe aei -6f a-bi hk.4tuc 'tieorieN 'thé oauùé&ïs-a,'ry-t t ieuipty «- lama .botttss.". , oked -into w té It is an ênüfortunate f set that. luin Old,-Color ,$eheiue ineFikvor7.' 08,11toaly' vr":hui calP Brigleèi; an4 aiu k lior 1eeare ~u' ho' are, foûti "ef' èoniio that'~d elV their drink, iilàd 'ù~y are, careleas' us, in,ýonur-ohildhood, is a ombina- ,~h'etite.y throw their diàiéardent tioï' ,uomw favorzed , by faàhion. A 'flask '-dr bqers:bétties. Tuhisv.a"y,,yeùng girl'a ro-lis madte o! pink glas4 cuat into 'a ,bùndle; -,!f'4ry' ehfon~, -pink affetsw,-alL-over'creamn leaves wiilI"-Gatcli Vihe 'rya of the j açe sud bright green afeta rib-ý sbn, an' st.art sa fre.' lust aisa, Magni.- bon. ýThers lu a chiffon slipsud an An inispector nhUews1>tkig, uoidn 4 daru helbitboin d aloaag awooded trail one -ay, 8awz a thin 'tle edgess!ci te drapery 'ti'n curl o! amolce orisiug ftram eaýves cyoses lu front wit a-narrow h- pe.arby. ' eweite'h pea id.fnruoing. ,'Then tie:are,.twc lolctiôarefully, but c6tild tau"n iéuls et af, ta ed wth uf- j -cauge i£or Vhe fireew As ho- w* s iegs, ànd s 'sort of- invertéd tunie Vo te éct of o tampiuit -Vout, ho dlis- serve asa agir-dî and te iower part covereith ie bott.om qf. a beeër.bottis o! the -bocice. Tc tiiis la. fatened, lylug on thq 1baves,'ui3pwvhlh Vie,'in tie mlddle o! Vhs -badk, aslge', sun wassplayinrs-a d'idayLb> ad"g'i~ne-ci!bjglt green -a.ppea..r Vo bé'-a' trivial ,roason Và iblion five.orSIX inciteS wiade. sccou-nV for soin. of our greatIo.rest -.-- - Ares8, but if le Vmis tia.,JWt firce are llRobert was about Vo have another e>causent, mieasures ta>ken, Vh pro- birthday. *-In he pailte fnn-mak- vint hunteruansd iubriu1femIing liant alwaye, been so bhard aud "throwing eMpiVy bottlila .çarseeiy prçlonge.dthat ýit -l'eft him -làVigued ~,wa'maymenutueprevention 'eof at uight S h erbfr i nuel' cocstlY dostnicion. -' went'tc> bcd hs niiglit efore, w'hen, - - - __________ , I le hlid aid lis'prayers, hi begasi -) - 'over again. -4His m-tler,. snrprised, - 'h r Myon had sight pen-, &acidnt - y are you aying, -n -es -and'fiUy had four,- sud YOIyqu ourpravers , twics,1obrl h$o isanadipnV' tbem Vo youoea,"Oh"Ilreplient UoberV, "o-morrow ~* tàt make VI "Tîou--ni9hit I shah b. Voo tiren tVo £&y-] of GoL sndfNotre.Damie t be hsyjar - 16q >y simon,-Oonui--de 'MontfortV" son 'Of ofaii' F « - 'w ' ;m -è #ox' Who' ýby th. waT. wa. the oEly -bidder. etonly the "carcans" of thie histor!e Obnra for hie - 84JO, Avili Obesly ln Childrsu. Mot.hsrs wbo âre naturally prend of ,jieir fine p1umpu tb.i6 i U lbe tsuninlas ~olaatbata"-fai infant la net iecee- Atarlly a bal p.ou.. >. aeweek e h Eu ~ ita1 for Scar Ou eParia po 4 ver;by PrMf1 eter. !Dr. Leendr of tii. Laribolaler. Heepital. ue, d~a whou, an infant teomes fat lEte gbbMans thé. nounleliment- bus ben peryert*dé from Ita ý -prop" fPo=m eresuit te-t hs vaden- chrn the d om n-nbell * VhasitW, rod't ive infan%.a uha h ïý!$only developv 'infantile obeefty. ai4el. foa Ar the . child. ýOn-taie -ctber- hau, neommedsd s crsfor chuIr* dnznaéàd frbn-uahze ebrold- 're edlrnlnlohing frorn yex' to !ear iný Iwtera d 'd lhs Urnee not fer'dl,:; tnWhon uLlndr.da f "home embrolder. e *, ownlng udoperating one 0 -Ze hn machines. -wl have' tao eé gof for -thsehhfimodal ' XS f th.emboIn ;coosin-"the St,. Gal -diatriçt. in'En l.wIlh t thxroughly.,Vo train theIi u pils in the 'whi fornierir vere uneible to'accommo- -dat.. ailthe. pup£. report pow- as bi de- clin* in the number .e1 au- ication, 'lalmine that ycngmi are tnrnlng- their attention MU Eh. soiiMachin. Tii. solifflli machine bas net dniven the hand machins ont of existeice-and that in neter to b., expeoted-4roit havi rendered ýjo ino iofrtance and <suite changed. -he harsdterof-thes induatry. Thes lu. ividual oôrnera cf .band pscinre -- the -ottaïke ,'wornere'--have oom»ieteiv louE. éÃ"ntrol' 'hifnÉredited . to woek aS etitch *ageu; for f4i. manufacturons.- - 11 -Utuleworthy cf note that. t.bs production ~f- peoaitee~nd iaticnlarly of mataI andf %rtiftloJ.'eik 4tobU1danlés, on bbiSSE1 #ÃŽoflbjIs l, sIMpluiMr pi4âly. Tbic'claus' o!r éçoQcfb *itq'iretqoPS ay. :ýbeen ei.' ,in"eivly menutactuu4..oa:hand-pa'bneu.ý Wf e -"tokjiiore we'd' sese 'iýéhýe rioli Filipin o's ýé' ~reis a foot --A msu',sdot hcrsesense when he eau s aay"ay ' 'Mark Twain -smokéd 3;5w0 cigars .A.wflly simple girls are simply The' fac »,o prevent., ',rinkle& s hould be iped up-nover daî . n. The -t-alian government-'h»a -a menopo-y Ofef hying c ard.! ;whence a revenue ci 85,000000. >A Woman eau n "n man y Slove withou-1t Vy zgbl he'p.ça ît keep -Býravi1 lias a taihe'hbù,ge sna>ke Vhe -gborja. that kills. rats. Speculation leacIs Vo peenlaf4on. Tes lier-Ha-ve you']o<'kedup Vhs msaning of the.-word himbibe,- Fannyl TeMoher--Well, whi-t,. dos i Faxuny-To Vake in. Teacherý-Ye&..-, Kow give a sen- tenee'uising the od Fanny-'My"aunt imbibesS'oard- ers. eaV VCaunnt- iWeeVb';o , & pare' n79&DY Y P,ýy, o U Myfait '-,Ïe, .let'me ta" -a. Iitt.nei V4 ncjw' _ýeven mors t4an you," pleaded th'bo..' Bo thq-',rose lot lier. take ms thong, vry uni4i9g>Y. At enthaA-ay came, whenî,- Vhe rese_ :febt, her besnty fàîIingý' Th,6 hsavy shower came on, 'which wash- "éd'the celer'from hérIlsavesand aostteréd many on Vie ground. Just AaAhe ah wer hadeeaèed theàear ber~ 4If down - aud 'âettle upýon 'jr beanty "h one nèrzd-, ' ardesete â114'alls he wept'ýý taeOf ram.l' "IDeanro sasid 4hJe ee, 'P-ido nçt weep; he #M te. wweetruesa Il gaàthied frein yen I have'made sweet .honey, aud you ~ lf therein a Iegaoy whid ifl dilght mon long- aftsr your bea.uty han Iaded forévr." - The.rois îhkiivered as Vhs, wind carried away her lant leal, leaving lier golden heart'bar. to 'the ligh~, lbutshe rem'enred the words -of- Viebeei and 'waS comforted. Pat Vo ti Tesit. LiVV'Ie Willie's father'- fund hai y outhfil son ioli4'ng u.p oes-ofhie rbbs'by ' thé sra udsaig o èouL~p Hee saiother' -eneý-- six and six îe how muahI?'- ,Wiliiee what .in, tue .wqnld are. Ye "dugwitlh yonr raLibit " aked ýthe at, '.Willie VIre', h abi "do'wn -wtiidi : i C ke or Veelr was lyîng Vo us," wae i ,he 'said. - Wh - hewV, asked 'the failerWhy, sehe told 'ns Fthis~ rncrning -that rabbitè 'were Vhe greateSt.,suuflhei§ inu the woriia, and Výhis-cumnuy ea't sesel. Either Bittes or Stuug. ,ýAnaged colorent iman was pagssig afli' sWWýe 'hen lis stopped','V examàine a-hu@gý.tu2rVle chainéëd -if Vths :doorway. as an- adyertisement. Re lia'dné. ner eMen a VurVîs lie- foreasud' lie prodded- Vhe ' tÉange Creature. 'Suddealy lie popp'àd .his- finger'into,-ib mmouüh 'wiVh:s, ho'wl'of pain.' Ater te fIngerliýsto )péd, bjLeeding le "gazent at"it rpsëfully,- then eyted Vhs tuâtle' apprehen- sively.'-' "What's the mnater; 'Itàstus 1" agked the fish <Jeabr," with a ,grinu. "Nuffn'; sah,- nuffin'. Ah was îe.st w nderinlg 4hethér' Ah',-hadý been. bit or stung." -L.IT... - - hmV fe hindertweaern> seas aau be your -boï%er. 4, Thé boiwndaries of Vhs iand o prom#ehi'ne* home o! Vhe 'reïýý- ,deeilied nation, Were to be the wil- 'derxiea ,on Vhseaouth,- <ii :oft ,monnVaiu. rangeea-of Lebanen >on the north, ti..rst i e, riVrer. ýEuhrate's, on tVhs sat,-,and the great'ees. toward'tlie going<do.wn of t1hwsn, ihsla -thié-M diter .raipean,e on Vhr'is,.'ot Vleé spjetiflo dugatin ! ta beundariesý, compare 'also VheA. fl-I lo*ing ýreferencea: Gin. 15. 18-21;* Exct 2. 1;Num, -34. 1-2. î The land 'cf the Hittites--North- eru oyeia,"extê-i 1~ awrd'u Vo- .Ai Mne: TI. ittites wîre néitliér Se'té's nér Aryasut probably Monoins h they :reemblé i moàt -nsatyi, hyig .nomy .and dreasa. Theïr, facial type i. said setil Vto persiet in..tbêëpeas-, antry 0- Capadola. Their miost .preaperous -national perlo& was frem .ebout S., 0.' 1600-1T00 after' which latter date t*hey. were- ab- sorbed. 'by the Auayrian empire.,, *.5. As I was with Moea-The, 'nar- rative'la digned -to ipesupoù Vhe reader Vhe sense VhaVt te cen-r tlnuity of -the nation' and of its higli purpiose was ' ndependent of, and flot'broken -by7, a éhange in the péreen ci Vhs .leader. . I will net Leil' tiies,ý nor foros.ke ihee- promlSî-0 quoted by Vthé 'au- thor cf Viii Fpitl4. te Vhe Hebrevs': "Bse y&. free, m'the ove*of, ap opey;:cnet wV uI things 1- will ixLnoneWise fait 'thé4' neither wîI 1 in a4y .wise ,-forzake thes". (Heb.-,13.5). compareaiaso Dent. 31. 6, 8; 1- Chroù'. 20 - 7. OhServetj>-doac"'rdi.ng te al the law-The -law' e sricly àaiid'care 1fuIIy-observsedif. VIe ireat worlJ tqô whièh JoÉhua lias bée pliase. 'fle h VO ý're*ad,, mark, and iIî*ard4lig jest:'1 Atha t iaw 1, carr*y-ý ing onýqt its poSils ote 'leVier. -~Hâve gooc success - Literally, 8This 1,ok of- the law-"This obviously 'refe re Vo Vhs"_'law', de- 'scribed -in'Deutt. 31, î-a written by Mosnes and deli'v,"ed to, Vhs le 'vites coùsiderïI1e nucleua -o! the,-' enta - teue-hél' -e gis]lation, (inclndin'g, o! course; 'Vhsbulk ef Exod.'20-23) f ew critiew 'woild deny,"-Dummeriloýw. R. ave no, . 'raddtes-- For 's ýla ýemPha4is -o"n'-thé"pÉrF ffona, leadrshipof Jehovai,co- pare Deut. al. î,.8-23.- Di Taste Auy Different "Waiter -V' - Tobsco. ?hrongh ua4tication aots iu two Abthongh tobactco 'las 'ben amiok- -w&Ysto duai', Vh ano !fo ont, che,ýved and' Snfléd 'by civilizent ývou, take. ' Ma ProPsr"'propoto ~mufr'iee hundred yarby ni 'a!Vh i yte'wpéntof Vhstib1s l ]usana e'very oee ndersVu#dS its uin . h er !~ùiain j.ciééè effet,.pon its hian' or- tii. amun of fo<od-taken îsiiatnr- gmu;No erop rof e!leanli-aess aUy lesê. Furthýrmore, thoise who or emxeÉàeit.Vakes tuiffor 'chews 1ch É, propèrly Do ooavefu tobacc, èas;it Ti5 Vie practiceeir"o,1rhydiett hey o! 'mokigenoily ht -needs Vte b s wallOrw, and aiive e, fràu*li- coonsidered;Wbe'euan vi- natural hunger that7t«Mssii Vhes ulen peon,:ItOO4~n, o-te'at'kt rapîda*e.~ ~i.'~r -thi dit- 'fulti'&' aniét eet reunly'ii>-he etiIW ar6a attriýbut,é-;b'Ut t1aà3oàiblé - tlaVaua biih'V-de"' 'f héath, u ceriai ~rduts f. cobusion ~vgoi on'amuch amalle-r inéuût -o! 'pyidn, aé4nmenxii, pd 'tha n soei tinik' e -vlaieci-,are 'àso lhurt fut ' ïe5..' - -te 'Tha toaect des fce Vie ln- Anoherreal danger tothe health inu organiam iniiuriolugly, is cer- *erVâ aidcter arises !rem tthe ain; te enly question is how unneli nubroken liumps o! food: Lhat, Paui tobacco it takes to produçe.those inWohxýs stomacbL i somécasOathê' effets.digestive 1ý10ee atruggles wi tZ '0r *Fir.st o! all, t.here is 'VIe ilemenlt in.vaau, sud Vhey cause .mucl dis- e! idiosyncrasy, hihentera inb ,comifort, and -efkçp 5&1O, B d tis acltion cf a.ny drug, ,"1*&0'e lorer s--:prhaps evn.apsnd .it1 or ctherwise. A few Men, amoke' fr Cil4e ioudb eu1tt a long ifetime withouli 'suffering c'hew their' !ooà wsll, flor*'tle healthy, any apparent hàrm; but ô'th'ers-psyI condition O! Vthe menti'anudteeth ln the penalty cf a very moder ate in-1 - -e- 111e depe nde upon théi d 9n ,dulgence by continuai indigsio's. f'teWw does ot 'gro w pro hardening of the arteries, or a uer- perly, there lai noV enougi room for vouùs breakdcrwn eai'ly in life. lte teeth.- Now, Vh g ofthe h Th' snIft 'ainayman jaw dopendaiý-ýii.largemeur 1 who e-mokes Vo 'excess. Nàoee eau Vhe masticat ion i ac lleiperi Vo ea'fely' sinoake mors, than,,:four cg- dol. -the;téith thLeùmaves s uifer ars, or six pipes, or eighut. or Ven' aima. They miss Vhs active. circula- cigarettes even, witnti'ali.ng; tien of the bIsentO, - le' etixsU noi nucut iýnu likd better net use more of "'the'-gumi§, and the cle&nlg ouf thianz"hIs-aliowgnîe'. -'Th. eSynptoùus i te "inouti,, by .t4ee ilvary glands o!, over-iud'iulâence 'in tobacce' are thàt fello* uPon Vi'ato ie tien; keme 1me s. ailing ey 19lit;- su feuen anlirriale héart, A "ii,ITNJING-ELCUL&TOEý IwLth a rapid pulse, fri tuent pailpiV-- aion, irregniar beat -and occasional Eatielt ntIAsylumn Canet Read or parçxysms dl paini., Write-$olVea Mental Problczp. M'ost of, thèse, diÉtur'bauces are ' ' . ' - funetional, and disappear' if te, A doetor. lu an- asylun ab Nantisa~ smkrgî'es up ýhis tobsoco-; biV las disooverent iinig hum-pnt4,entI, if he i&iss in the'indu igeuce nfter a "lig4tning çalculatorr ho 1'- these, warinàgs, premature -hardeil- thongitho an pca'rceijre& u abunii <ha inges nS IioàdpreSSure 'ietie problema -iiivoi'iug rp fromuwhiobhehocan. bardl1y r e over-, 'ubr. - -Al. titis i,;- applicable obuiefly to Asked- 'flow xnany' seconde-are, Vhs y.ýoung and .'Vhs middle-agsd tiers inâCyeas, aI'mnths àMuùd 1 ad'i. !~us" osadyu h 'i;9-Ê1" heae i>orro~ shouki oV -iroe- ,n' - an4C -civhg - i- -.- , . y10 .1> living Vhe u 5fa-ta se Lt as is ni!d be -serveý

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