Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Nov 1913, p. 2

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Or, e dû n.t ing; we to eaduc-aj en- and1 LarlyJ!en EL schoiGo1i ftke to de 0 g<C~J oy1 andCCive dd t thorouh ;.' oust, y't$erP cou sai- vfdotBear au-grudre o fW a boQ 101J1? b uoilWO.R' ~a!fin ~bre, you "Quwý-hav4 R.geyou W an JC 31IIeI O ouo a! on !wahn o1 iii n xiury oud-.ny bSO S Th Sp ihdctretle .betweefl un?"»i, IW large one,,for,-'nQw tbatho 'WaB ~dead, e ýeîn anxilous abouft 7011. -expeflEive th C h0o> or stealk. FQIr a g on of! 'Water and tien a ted. ,ï "You kn$YV1 À0 fot, att a îayýpesna.f n he he ail said -live. "I thanLady nd.- 1TImY ~ ~ t5 xnetrtd vgtala 9fi,-Toy itîÈgra 35 eda rous .4outnd tho tYad " WEIL g4 ~1 iV.hpeLdyo roeeitome ma warpi mixtfure oIh.!apourid Ofeo h g uA 3td op ad~èt.B h t2i, eâvJ.oeý*è uh-n , w8 .re anxi7oiâ-1to b. re ' toe Is- tbIi-rte -W li'IWBboIit..1 have iz d ckirne,.-eaeh weighing fr< -r oud 1e iesiedi ap i n t he r~iod ~A ~ ~ fv r i alt fvi 1IMiee'aa &am a414. it burinir. -lOCi oe-wa- 0 lr- edtraeligi-a nfÈýni.tM al<hear ~rF~o n'abOU dei eCIr ie ee5U aencfor 'al ~»three te wfourr. suitd jt e&l deait- i a.w À '0 kneW hJs hara oer., or was a 17 on su r fdX h .t t ogh eyed- h lm a0mom W h5at- c lm sot in ini buta10 f e, i pree ý he waylu wbieih Olive filUed h sonsly and .anxlouhîy. .ý: a, 1ý#n fron r ivom.d he orig uvevt 1 ol I1aanté-d11 .r1 .&? ewmnue..  -tW"ea r = l~ie ', EsoT'Jà at kanew C1iv<e' . .ý iD~ ho.ad. "Your ' father'Adiehes' tc okv.-To enabie YOU teth I;es ma neor needie i Ol tha ugu ea -iiwiha&~ r1bigcp tQo~bU5Y "Wben t eBtO baddeparted. sud I*1de.4'w a1flVbL ?Leh '"'Vetchthe birde,, provide a fèw a. thett n jue hepie d he uontàt s oldg. l ecp peare Q epoer, be .fit ro t t i d.hsutbe rm iusw;~ il a< ee aenosgto gflblOldbeeigbedd' *hllbOS con ! oîtc. IsupS o f8lY H eadbsrone lu the esman, oter tig. ano * o«tb t P m n o i.mui h teia- - the p l are the rsI rap:aboerou one 9 at hae r. o lodigie a ueikrmed -n tfeeor,. tktm n.ctsofth re, si t - esue or te ri ay Whs. uiiz is ner iinreue i'cet.by-nai. i. don. any; se a ea bkoit" - 1obi bdrom. ud l i e'c-o'a i1" lie bteedhl,2udusel.he d meti ate entaonashU ea rec Irsinpar:Tre abe a tis e w Up he oud îag enuhtie -iharsoa Ot-t to i 5 nb toirs il ooclax-1d-1-fblul sud up . Xemlbovw'-mmbei'5 us e ghd on th tbl, su bldn ti. pssed th t o te r l oi m Miu lub~ .iug hlm. a murmnu arose. tuai pecuch angeun tu - ud -hli is e t 4e ii 1 iatd orwulY mngtta-ters- ou' b tbe; ath. wh icb den<, tthe trUco f'aopar c e , ) in r.&fuiseil ad - ha taule h- tinaoeeeulopai on!tiid ' ihw en utrdinf .~ourolie70W mohe'mova r't e dnt, go black b ho eebrdesi eme h> a eabs£ttmetni: lem itosutblepicsas fr p-auîcteJ.,a eg'l o t & neapCIil otw rty-_ecrdiî t ter nen fiîy e lewe o ,-rëýÏ o eth Ir i lvd.uhe. il e eih ed no dded weii, t e <p * spoon i on l 1k br y tle bera<1 0 th Refs,- nd. aenyMssets aPetnde4 bisbaud sud-il uso ý fi pse-m r f an r l er ah o bqu iàm in a l e - d .Ches . l iv ' iou-gdvht e k t> astor a m tois i d. ' 'b y ii 10Utessrst s h - rea,,a er T e a e a u i r colin orherV:o1. - abiit-uyd 1* 'litue iut e 14 u mi.te;n drth wle -'wsx , 1'~a e soft -et,..as t t 'wiO o gonboii'e a i ln s rom'4001. no He e oubiu o bs estemari u . cdw hte*et~ad T h te wr wte rinawhich ha y hdbe tev<tm "Td6pw ri cm se don a ; se a as o-1eu. ;kne p.oeyyenck 5U ow m cith .ngi art:d rew'Lb din oue ppaer a n~ ised h~ i$o-xv e h ree rotdo rvi e . 1 Onro 'floo ;o!" ae bs %aejy g e d ilt; oe el-'t atrada'dycoh n hn ' T ohth iie e eèr tdte'ee !gra oceineaso ae wLoîe tlserwaydown11 e s ' 'doit o(>, r: I hiiei l<r.d tbh agtazt O miersçsy'Wtbof c5P~' ~ i~ i 1 2 tà'm ei s of't'woth.-e i is Aùdp~ dit i.l onte able, nd holdng w- b el' t s th e nt. i n et gira 1pl w o s iirta ICiOD, I'v beendoiug h~t'Efieh -lir.B 'em' ii I'veba oareabsnte0110ti hem;,O B iaked lacp'eurear,, -ut',ix-Ail éai4 en1oo bn te 5 i5 kid e!s u ;tbitpL ...i. wte srîlflf 7 1RIêi fO 'e h-Y'e ltike bai um0 e.« vn hé-d \ e t go lqug; h hudt e rh7T lf 411iodo!ai. vel theee merintthe- sio eigadd' 'he bacteo . p r edohm,in a - e n ed t in u U aieprs ic o ti-soVyo>T O GA __f I0 itr 4 - t'err o ! y en toù atise. o 1--1 oo d, e"tehoRendmp t e, a nd. e nI'ou eatsieten dhid bn d. ud eÇà-hl f- i casé fownt cevejig-,lpr t lton foeýr bo T his s ou ghr e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tbetciie lvr or do'<> go u waou i n ,obloe u ,te dv r i oi f or s lu aI ' h E le e nd lb e d. Co iveletto k ý n, ud b Ah ed-t o ut a d & e ,o t é - tip i Y SO U dhë ý'f r it re eT o wurc e ' Tp n n u t ab e - u e v e t r a m s h t ti . t b prom. f yhowou kl bOrenoandho p o c- ethe gui WO1, fr r l ôm a adO -NO'Ris e ll-b utlubi ofs e s l a t m5anid. sudapèt "e îukýtun til m a~douheie p ie o u'w rand d do n to.onewaem.d e - apïmbtth lii lwow t -in'ùth and sea on'boytii w leters ar pas 1 Tee B - ' Ga a adle itne nt4. nsafaràle- n i ji.ft he-, W.roli ehpece' n> wwater, reai1lye té-uiue og nle le Ushaslita hs oar beaut Cfave iiot th .ma-hsr o.M ýtèeï alttevng du iore'I tal e t ut e, lv a L.bn fora- oe, t elr s crgoi f bis'cr 10 a muioplaçed pepptllw-wA" . - ____________________and______________ faIo . Whosa l Cll0 r I? - - ien-etel!tat ibing kn ' - -isfkig -~ a e -'.h -- - ügrte a v erymu6o elo'oh"vlad th olA aimu'd su nauculos. nis rh - hav snffedes loe.and la. ioel toeterin a thry o h and thein, sd n ry'g-.-- ,, -~ - *.... a n- era'a Be wt I7tacumoue. He4kuet litaitboP i 98eo the - fleurean -rauesfo di m r iau deored'Tteo IrnblssSIfIknw; 'biiaI, .o i toey v-norabe. ith te l w in o a lite o!eii uie iii n r wlc nitie - c-. - - 3*1 oifeless; ho triea-i whinbtOlive nor eee e berdoiag itroagit hie sneecit aok tinkwor thde, IV ere t e -lu theo, y ý-Teyvorlte slway U fls±hil Ioue a 57. ou a mlena hlst.Il eeedtrClveligam - to- me e o omtie à" i lg I an d B t eface as ca h i ui rund theotii eer d57j i 2. d-wO ibO boî tr far' b Oter et a whou. n ebcup!uten o!rstock on-v e t -, e i pre eut tie. ju- e rliil ll - cgian-I? c hevinol ad i oudl yo livo-slivbah. esea m ýe-- btbm.Tlae kier ."a Oie pt ii its (obIcntnlS)pachacie vn n adeu r vr ne ie.vn.'Ti.juc- il -' Dd , btnI arosy Ilreeuho i' te aud I' uct ebig 1n ed; s butg lfh ba lveyonh befrs go th1-eedl sleepy Iha r e oiwa 0-gv-m.hbei RenIZi, i b- th/to ckpfus -o inilk wh e lns oc t wyU no'h acrn ____ imagied--te' fô 315'tfS0 - s Utoi YOU coeulee. d.ix't grl lo yete - uo rghl .wi hing whieho È1eve do- g w i ai;'1 grtuly ot necl e ter - a"Il niof,' tendnk ter. Whe-n X lk al d ou .hicic..he , E ; i e-.M-'n ue" i n hara-u a U- ' 'n thni. -eeamed t s o ieman' ud ; alff o - oli t b ?Teysor'n r e a n .~e 1-theuo ' elrdo vn nong eid g t i igi roi-tîie jd tii sofaon escaof, héjuc id e dfaîl 1 -' ip 1 71 a téor. ltyiÙeive r Olv0w0 kqucli' njk 10 iero m LOVE, rS OU BRAMA.f- 'j, efid- - e' ' -e O vet ow sd et wrehoÂdlhu.-lid ott frm n tsa e±iuhng e Goo S try o!Frethegrvy nus b rih sd r-,y >o note i. -'" rpete ftebs ovga e ie oinaie e. o ' oa t idim or of o ehon a m nidoe lwa b d n-o! course.ve imeite shqu rtsofiiidva me aiy ma1 iveer' ing ike: , _NI ondeasud uean eyt d1romnaevarturel mbitn aGdat Tu'e partbepou" d lti iow te ikeofvm fu epolhherism T ' ' atuneW.oveYlteenv-oes &Wt eveil a d nthe dGeruo sredseaatly god -t. Lebrte curtaiu.zo4d in'Se lt ohéerloiIlli t emagino poî'Me toroplac: lheo-h- '1 1g -' liînge orr~ le hur nws: oue rnpati, e1ii pheanU cam Tey 6nt e 13'rù flek t e e f 1- îru g o pnm u ui lkd b blyee~m±reogit llv h poa oated ofase.-a Clive. 'l i contalne d ahie 1wn boit e uteYter- Miaad31 - a u no!:the ,racoi.S hida e- e ea eeyan- ra ue slip on or abot;an. Paceon tu de w Cie, rYugwit iaiéfr_:ibo leso d mothple ar e 11 . ain et eant colonet l inbie ru- ed-ry su Bread atop,-thi o - aysol a'i wl oA, ed tiirtrolil Ithe ulgiti m'TyIeirbD's u st'or hatoe dit a u t titaetos le o pl >ie the.fol lwir ir-)- nre:ut:Trc. upua whih oreth thae rds ahairs ace promse.n t -ohngbe. sud tolu lite n ±ô istrjeleditIl nt Inladbeo te iuii, o!celry tw cufue o 'bred anadneniletpoiton u te ewTh Olie ~Btbi tbeçamho ~ta10u o 1g rl'gtlen e. V or te.l hlm iti it 511n< stry on l ove itinibe or aunu jd doTii.s w .~ ho f it m rn ei o f ~ ae an s hî,, e urn b ; he ýr h n e h 1 owoffcesui d ber s- V r w n-ie n is- rum bs, e ue emtn l o io , th a ree i gn ov-mhèlil b . S A m1%n a du Saw afr e ho d o v o e ' w -lt or 1 1 h . ws m viei self u bert pu mmd10 he st likvnbon s annocnt futrfue.mi a hit.e litare aButhcl ose o! tii..the enn t abepofle! btete t Tepao eb etiigo "f or e ,1davst ar s uttee51 l nBtittadr Marentitn Ùr as era Webi-ar iurtunà,ed thae kiu to satree cupe ',ol nlk, ait, epprcodton iiui'ntstn-gal - atter. ý -o'causeS hi ber natura tremu àiùlC i-hO s'y tee-6tress an sbo îla - ' fate 10u."said iliasho CS l ite tan - , fite <a he iig. eo -th ea ilo sahitent:oýIe; brou an cu <er of-ihe itYeu mi d affaire; Un. , 1-fleha vo -been affrighted lai' bis assIon- itldeoe t ou, 1duhus. Bataiho limb _eedfor pttin hm off.' der.that h e iuney-t egh rbe -cvrwtqwaeadsnmr uit. f tie key be1Cýome ycllw, -- bis mmd pase duivided biceI ahe01OV r U"Ixae ssu ifIut o w;. a 0b d i';ucevery eft. Dr a i Vhr oh af rt.heeapseo w uin n kta,- lied sMl -a.e e ie -pueer. e mS n Wt u U e11 ,i t e n h o b eoatlo u E u t l i ta tca ndy o a- :,uii < 1 1A5 o sudelovlng etr,. el Mli teba' litai'ho tlhs sd icr od huigtmO e- ît 5-a rinho edek at te rewa moît itep reshe d'-hf teCudti'lyi o iesudlares'macafoni--- -Ntoa Du niCeia the ould com ho h r as oon asor u d hi . t s eü d I <C i e t aD e -t & i -ý,h o c u t f a e - - an d e t0urr itted an e ei uyFeeio edmgve*0sl ny rle r'pee n- salbt--T'hao ! i.~iu dsre h not r ývng av repl1it.m tee gein -withCthéPwax - = oeru abouwtsh aalsInade in addthe bsot rnil, nd 'teon eu -,,Whrre l e s tla 14 baesd tber l ovfe, B orne i o îit «lii" thebotser d87-ver' bu- tii e re t eue x-a.sera.ted te taste Place in double olere____:____________________________________________ - ws'te mros'fo dubtorfor. - ub. orn ornlnasg eit Dutg 'arecoinetm c eife e nd eiur ne r ul f tc oe o p te yo e enS of-il hanSi Ratmetorgt camon Taukmemers etvaat-Iubb pae iseha ite boutîlida mate Jlv'earia. i.nlole e tanei nlis.bih 4volau ward o flfty f i uedli'o!g pdfo laei bkin vbre a d i.ameuonte! v t h.oe.-Te-ue olS man ronsad from l'e s ati eo! cm a 5- occlier a d 'lie. v s, m e var lta In - 'H r e i i m ' bo ' b ot aiS val < - I o ! m ort ita ono a 1bt >« ýO m a carco nii ma ke-l pi. y, rso urretre a o rno Tite essi on b4e, efedwau',ii'it lieqndd u4r.e.- hiek e Sa-the che ri-ëken ti'b".né à Èà# ,ian lae rge diec.9Olie. ly nr s m-oue ouheeshoto te 'y - -erme ba-u' omt S re, ' O Fbeg axio IeNg AAi -v etiTeo he flet:nalr Jt la le<a odi oadieLruopsîo-uSeI ,"omxa.ybstup rom-- dicd- orecetoppedescapes, th"three or.Clvete Civ w lkdqucky aesl> o! it ecul e.drioha for t'ail disoov- - hmie oeib. a ý ore u ho tit. f amlîy. G a4. lyanSidoliee wsýoftora e lie Qpshoti kfi! tyh p snt oul dbsaurp rie te madgrestorodil docl'eWi reiai' t nire o. sdds toato o ,reutpbi upu tc, n r T he l lS shoi Wm eknews it l s " e' e S vitit. le r t i' -liept e 1 Ho u t "" ""î'y o F r e e i th.reat T hiP c*PP e pi . o i r te iittlA o! but- -o h lâe i i a bitnuDli sa rc etowh ro- p ovr a tSeb. Opovs it ver uieada M er'wt -,baisc tan ro et emiabir b rou-b ie ho". n eWsyou'1 c m aien e,ol' ia 'eonu G-,caeu'upo or woiuld - -l. -A Free buthereamber dyeurroya $agt ytc, oee bt lu m oinC e u -'- se s ro! .se ei t a g n e i aau, i a S c o rm e i e h- t e o eit , In . clu' Amlitcult l.e'to-rvl e ut nh 'ls-olfi. I ioia e luleo rai-uaVcourshee 'ings ed em poi wf udeîdr' nogitte1.drbsmeh1te eotvilIs' alme D ndy' sing backsud seeu lte oies from o- T meofthans beatBo qualify-testaeaer ad réd aue. - o li thDolpit l - L eraaifnn l ioeeerv uth e- a n d t o tonelinfore r." - Cstîry.uta .sockrand ad -th mis 0 -9IaY ell'i -il- ý1, muie.t ient meoiu es-Snd"lpoore-oeetoo.it-lus' lt , taious momentlu -Ti. rigAccîtingh 'stlïek i-îis ipers d' ctheke.Stior fsud t se-oic qu' aal batè esr n thI.e liaS;d- 'uehe k n UCI w to v itter ie y migi .tnt -lae thi es iPm theadn xrm y u ef-arars utMthcy.dto ea n- -' thouveu th e cout . a (lo od s for Tit cofeeb tin fexitemut, at@o iedtoo teotcr adseuy -atd bra. A lto-piSO h ru hstsatin reuelsl ne iigt n ty h f' -în tuîiy te ifortoesgtid,) Ige o! hre.ùll hihcm ihilerd n w tien il neSt' bi' te and nathmarvshav re eve h o tluA e lobe. tcbrmtos'g ni.wi be a im r'm ul elso. o! te ri o Mina. ldiva,10 rinte t ersons lWv, e d isd nft0.ory of clretw u pfl U1edi atnein oitionaoteewbg beihf,,aré le r' aislb. nx i .Â' onnlv chm e! ilnes. rou al eto ah Lo d ts iem ny1 fsm !.Ie suen el 5 kre ibouv , -e b a .-'r o ! evthi; sho i' t e.rb ronw ru t1h va el à,a T e ofc r -o h d b e i- c u b , n m l n o ,.t r e i g r o a sel i'*ear ad i,ro o-l 44a eî eibe igan inet sudbtrfugoeoha e auf peen tabep o fl f utr w o Th in ,t ek 1týJt go d For me d yo'he E rl lY,'n'the eo!e, h p an Se lu lit rýe . l 'i as. IL Y e ke titim ple t e sd gihe int t h -o cupful -of canned bualt pe uppe o d to ,s o l 'o t n g i , stu pb ctunatetMb Wear1 ofjtkes anncesu and celcoriito tasdai MthbutWabe au'toneiese-a -ndalo,, 4o<craokers. Mt b bl <-, 1-.Ter a tl o edn bt Trend , bheilcomo 10 a masit- Mkfroarmi.i un l afrdunr'. Paeaayrelhes éue tan'- -- I- vtwa itetei a IY 1.ýI oeS e Lrd (btesteit*à ý ft a liei T a 5O - u i a r- hsvon't passsedlbal! litetme tare- Khe *aspro-s-uthe lietant colhs oel a.rive andteest in puddin dish, c icelcede-ver wtii &- a.Zt iNLLe IVeal&18rO etgcrnnyum irait; aIblite ousn.sa o! t bey bae pae ti 'hom efu a lye !rhei'rcèt~ u i o e eid io h zu~ twe o en n h t as<lý ilei èede LtWsY5on1 theî'o irvi'.LOt r, Spa dali d a ptc»b gave <ow - »uttneut Mjz.theL cii 4.ehenkb p e -'- -m du-re insid-~e vey'a'oandad e~ieti hoogl iva .We- co hepl e o tem v Saî'v cetSl itI jtti e mA du-- '" th edstsoAdlvQ, utU the ', afo haî-inq ninreff thal it. vouldut ip e le ad- cver su t--brat.e ad'slrptèad Out.' If th e ese <huai nlesitpas an'-in. e and littelira-lngb t the viemi veof a lu vdeo ~lIevnied layal mandat e. l Ln: - o t. D rinthru--fr it f' to- a - - eery tes h lB no aandwedto leav ~'akngo iW-Ru --1o! 2le-Po Totberr Somti.Cii "Cils rales-logi-ef~ ia ' ' tem l an, lvn atr. el. ir. -ht1h io nd-i ee ta ufae -a 's a ter a- mo , bitter Prs, h dd t#thbutter.and te li t th7 Yand eau e forn4 u aaaCret Weal done t lir à soo asposible -bnde.libl aaiAs bi maestyappared bradwhic mut b Stae ad horsthe pole1, Montreartcle -n are llteeof -. Li i . - >prac- tbul, awn ini cuçder. '; with whicli Mnd tin ircd by' aneu s~ets, ee! 'a fwlay', Theyn- 3tsar if:yeul do nI hua a.nd tu-cal educatera who km( 'side o! the. schoolrà4m s-Oiuies o! titeui proU 'l, hnppily, mn-eh coul-t -tirvity a&long his li no, anýtb. long in-celin -Science, vhs! etupidi t.red un t1iy namne by ecC mat.ists! A rman Câlls ïm$dolog4ist and in the. s3cienetalcs wild nowl geiïeral kiiowledge, visa -alld'brain power. 'sAmpa Almroth 1E. Wright, 1 Bnitie'b physician, wh4<z-2 -authority 'on -the muauY -volvedkiu the ýqýietî0n. ace uiid fun.ction in ciety. -H. haý pu'bliW wbh iÈ- clIis""The t Caîe 'Agaimist Wuuais bomt wieus e btter - TIhe -omplète ÀntiýT Sir Almrothi makes i Jurqiions -cf1anykid.d il- t ,t Cmnan is the rmas t< -feuninine ia-d is infe mascutiline; thtb societ physical, force; that m to, -ha grate&ul fer ail h ul ene. eshe 'nover could- ti «nafly uarrow and aUbk>rdin".ing justice,- ab traet ideas te their- -lilçes; that only unmar -hap'py vomen 'wanttha the - remnedy. fo4 femini heax'y emigratiou te th A'book o! tue sofmrt autiioz ud doe A-itiui t-ho movement lie a'sa - l f .Iofe vihuzn, croeh( prejudice, gros-mis faut- te hurt ithe se-ca nieveinent. Even o pp, man, suffrage or a.iy. lar proposai willlaugil absurdities. CAIUSE OF FOBEI sun's Rays oýuns Emnpty Ilott - --Govrmental suit-c -wa:ýâ auxious-to l7 e! omest fires, si-nce. u'nffered severeiy'in t] m ent years. Acçori îc*ôria,"-the cause i tinpty glass bottles. thie rýe - rc ken-who' taieîh drink, and -they héet-bey throw tii glass ucastintie'a bu le swjIll catch the. suri sudéseart a fkre li filin glaswouid. A n, inspecter while, i a wocdIed trail orne da curl o!fsinoke anisiu's uesýby. Hl ir e-ut- to cause for the fire.c" A ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TOI ONTO

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