Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Oct 1913, p. 7

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MIi. T.LJ5WtOVp4v the. Cha;elo rm. ledy the. gruve'e4 .I ~es i'l thi countr'Y" mnd "w. have g&b ýàWet of -'-he .l i4eby anx .abmIutýI deiodi leached a i ef the Cabinet. B.-Qora, Amerfoan NO.t de No 3, 390;extra NO ÃŽ, *àan teed, 0 -,a JiaIt- ut@, cho'ice, $5; etraith4 .76; 4o., -b a.u ffl t4 barreis. - .40 to 4.5Oq io. 2. vr ton eux lot##1 , instweters. 13 14 arus. 12-5" ta 12.3-40,~ umçry* i4 teL7 1oJl StO., i*çs. tiWA 400;1 *,ck.,- SUa;j Ne. 2 Vtoc]4 p er bag, car loti6 10e Marke.tu kO5iard. Montaia q5È4I th t 6110 No. i 40 No. 3 whiite oalu lr-i'rate patente inta. *836 $4,06 hr, ); saui4 c1earu/p81 U1-4 to 8314 May 3t14c;fontanx No t ee3 4 -8 -0 rný -ID MINFe SlTAFT. the IIer9s- Body., lioken. mi Iren Mountain,îý inn Yeare olde- waa ; the Chapiu Miné rien h. feU salue ru la shat. John; s lieactand oery was broke.n STATE rior Is, to Bë [eteniorated. h, Ms not b., laid- at butohers. Tii." hedIdofthb. 6 puid si, Icent y othuer masrkse ln' fahpm, and hv cattlo Fliat cani b.] .îe-d thenu te the Ls;, Tue conas,. y..tl'e infçrior r- Ad their 'way into, and owving.t t deà- gexa-alyevn le %t qrt.haeoedi aea tc tû bé I. - .uuuru alckneuo~. ona.w.kts thenluet aim ait, ti.o, l. ,goVe irorkers ex ' v o a u l a s 4 -t h f f a lo.gaermeat li h. ecr-oasd'taxen, they se, 'a 2'gibood -deal 'oftruth inù charge. Mh» burdens ofthje à ixaasebcoming: heailér, Slier. Still tte - prop r, > Iigtenmiddle Clausu burd bûy verloadiixg the. working xn1 There a ~uuatendon.>'z 'C~ent y'oars-on tii.',part ci- the!" 'tornentat stïdenti of godai blexusof the àsé»o traceniaxý - enginsand-çaus..s. Tii. pnluç iment, îly by* ths iddle ytè a r.- more pro. y o! logic dplcs et -sugenica ae, n. ome exteu thle product o! tio. teudono>'. â.t8 delvlug into the oengin et tnah of eems likel>' liat the aleeo!. *ugenilcs, aI leaist negative - eýagen.- les, 'mighit came te b. recognizjeda a-cur elo- om'orne t ar ciarI ail- -A -British autlirity-euthe! sub- $oct .1f c e'redity, aiter yeara of 'ex- perîilieutfi7 sud. study ,-anna inces -that >foeble mindoduesa is a jtivo- 1>' and invariabi>' tranemitted j ram piereinta te cilîdren, ThQ ai4nti8t goes rveu turtiier aud assorta "lihe niamiage'o! the, fe eblex -ed, wlio are , mare prai-Iflo cthers, 1, ut-lie root ef hait social piýeblêms." lun oth6r:-w the àcientist funl>' agrees witl than the- ords, -the-, lheor>' that one-tourth ofthte ýniun- - mals whieh new fili enr ma arae not criminala, but- feeble-minded persous-defectives. The advocates et engenica may net b-s on safa ground wian_ they tuggeat positive ways for iuneresing the' race. But lie>' canuot ho fan lie wrong ou the negati-ve side '-wIiçix hhey advocate epreventiau ci marniage sud procreatien cf lthe deg enerate and- lhe feeble-minded. - -Illurinat.d -Fiels. Ane* speclao havIng liae appean- - ace vt au electrlcali>' lghled ferry ----boït, has been secured lu tii. Âne. traIgan -BIght* aI 1the great- depthh ef 2..,100 -test. Tis curious flsh, - whici o- is. ltblre. bprilliaul ligiorgane ou afttier aide eg ils body, Iwich ilseif blues lies m imeur, has been named tise ludor. It was haple le lishe sur- - face bYa lrawler and will be placed oxt exhibition ut lhe Ausîrali auMu- seum at Sydney,, N.. Wales. Moe 'ihand a h1undred- othretr Iml> naw iranialies werae btainad; ail tke speof- mens - lniabitlng liteue submarne deplis befng more or l'as -lumineus. & -5veral fii O--Jet black celer, wIli - a ikin _If k. velvel atndded ail oea withi sCfttliting encrualieni of bMu- jiitg ht w 1ere -also obîafned, soeabe- ing shaped If ke a- pair et bellows. ~_f - made Te.e-People. 'ciothos dan't unake lhe man," m uated a sage. "'Tii.> made me 1" said a retiri-d "wiere shouW - beif o it 4wasn't for itaJI"cim din a e.oun law- Ch .-d. 4/ Thé Way Of ItL "Issre iad alit witi Jsack] Ithe fire «lane faheie ave hlm." "i se&aOort o!flnig e. -Nayevery max i s tru. i Warna them -Of ooanig trouble. BUt ilitt4à ohIdfren oaa 'only aeeep t -tLe aIrthat isI thrust- upon thezn. Tii vau o reýh,âir la o well unDarý- ~atq4-~n~ J't Mnuea ppiý,e keep thdI*itldïen WOUlbdCbrS nàuCh of thé, -me. If they would onlyle.ar a"t- they oliten- undo ail the. good thàt- euatdborplay doesby'the. boa-t an»d dry»... bftheir.:1iving, ap4dslêeeing ro OS, there wau]d bé a great d.er 1658 igckxioii., Toc Many Persona think that b.- ing, conifrt"Ile .sud being juaf> a littie too'varun are sytxonymc>us. Tii.y pride' themielves on . their" care. of, their childrdn, and - W, they forcé thezunto endure six arti. &W s!temperiture -of seventy'-ve der.,o ven more,. That la lit- I. lau., ýIthan erCuelty- On. -f'ing morWi the temperature- hould nef> bo* attx. o dious~ionor is- CodLiver Ol1., -ê.as a. 6àd ithe1ý thih Ï- mèdiciue.. 'e élle! poer liles in remevxng ,ex- liaustioxi and luoreaslng- gen eràl- tfons. It in ver>' ben eflcial for build-'- wrg pthe sseun sfter a isvre li- ios.e5peoisîl>' for the Old and middle-a.ged, - whose reculperative Powýers are notie ogr-c.ta;s,2u child- jeuo." For «'o- uptivo paîieutiit i univensIJyâkn"ledged ta have no equal lu-cheeking ernaiatioxi.-t la ~ ~ iz aie enfcii asen of chron ie niieumatlan, - gout! chaulie ,bren-- chitis -sud chronie kixi dleéeases. It au attackoet scanlet fever, meailes, wliopping .ougli, - iékets or chefeéa Il sliould-n4Ver b. given îdinig any active forrn o! disease, a-sý- at asuci time"tiie dlgeàtlon la mpaired, sud the mucous memibrane irritable; theretare, the. cil would set up furtiier irrÃŽtàtion. -Cane must b. taiken neyer to gis'.-t-oo muai, - if tliere la'any. appearance of the ail unchanged luth, evacuations. 'flxat is a asigu the -quantit>' muat h. re- duced, as more is gi-ven than eau -be digeated. It is better aI first net t-o take, mare tiian a teaspoontul- twice a day, with or immediately afl'er'foed; and for youug-chldren ten or twelve dreps a day. Wîere there ix a difficulin ' uretainin gVie oil it is better- taken. at bed-time, psat before the patient lies down. The beat qualit>' o! ail siould al- ways ire obtainecl, -as the 'disagree-- able eff ecta are net se great. Saune. people have foun-d it a ga<xl metiod te have the ail made up in bread, in tie proportion ot two or four tablespoutulsa et the. bil ta '- one, pound et ýdough. Otiiens prefer it taken iu'c'aret orginer-wi.ne., The ail 'Siauld be pouried upon th~e -wi*ne, -so tint it flonts as a large globule;- it must ne6t tauclithe glas$. "-A littie, o!~ ~ outhg-haviug- a pleasant taste sliouldiilien b. taken. Anothert -plan is te take a pinch of! sait lu- mediately Iref ore and 'after thel- dose. -A Phyaiciau. -Eduoatioxi. Father-Weii, wliat did yen iearn1 inf sciooi te-daclay1 Johnny-;Nothiu', but I guess tiFê teacher i.earned sumpin'. Ris Ouly Opportuaity. "Do s your wl!e talk lu hen aicep, major V'." - -No, I talk in her aieep. It'a the ouly chance I.get." politenes., Tounry's Aunt-Won' - yn la-va another plae ofcake,,Tojnuny T<mmy (on a vsi> to Iank Tommy', Auipt-Ylou seem ho b. sufferiug 1£.rom .losof;aýppeite;- T*lm>-That- îi'tbs- qf ppc- tiI-e. Wial I'm suffer"gtrm a -P&w Knoua 1i'vei7MtIusg.- - -Willie- tPa-W> is. Mau ananimal i Sa.w-Ye a, un>'soli fl tOf'themn 1aw-You «e e bdL IIÃ" sum une 5U -indüsrialt prýospert>', we2jàfié m. ployer nlà mp à e liè~na P esteïd ltseil èven lu the wrtpn ôds o!f ý-tradedepresidon d ingthe lait flfty years. New sud Wilul Iethod. St simpbs.ible-te se>' that.etî themasersorthe men-areîoEàl1 state o thiu 71%e-i.latter, havýi edcopted méthod -whieh sceem to s< ,r.dqta tradeunionit- as, ~ &xowd.n,, .P.,te. be "wiid"- methodz -wlrlb, however, a re in eeaf-ornli ty- _ith it» -r evoiutipàr' deeotrines . i an aaki -Ben Tillet. Indeedp, thesew mn ow seu te exorciea More plcw-rftr] influene over the m-asses cf tii.' woYeru- tihàn -do-any, of thî m-r# offiial trade union leaders. Th4fr polie>'ls-' one -'o!_milltnyh 's>'~ ~ ~ ~ t thtbsrk."uê4dawu pno> i mlita i'lune mestxre teýrme, insistilng thiat i t wi l rUiqnth*. trAde union. movement if it b.. nef> 1subdued. Ti.new, Poliot,"'hé says," ta enter upon asriewitliotau#y effort to obtain asettilement df tiie grievances b>'. nogotiationa, te exai- perate-tii. employer, by every pos-. slible meas, te i4dulge lu wild aMud] sanguinar>' ianguage-which, ma;kesà it .impossible for a ieif-reapeeting pnmployer te meet such leaders et' the men-and te endeavor ta caàuse in much public. inconvenience as -Posible, by involvingi the ser4,ices- upon whichi the publie needa and convenience depend." Now, cein- i1 a ro one 9hoh eaus bor as d etrabhat as Mr. Snowden, this i5 a fairly steru iu- dictinent of the "sympathetic strike.> -- It'Dees Net Paye Moreever, Mr. Sniôwden dees net shrink tram av-6wing hid,.belief that the "sympatheti;c atrike"-., policy is one that la cloomed to talure. The general strike, lie holds, c'an neyer resulîtinu success for the. men. £'In a great stri 'ke-every 4dditiienal body of men who leaýve their work are helpfing to make deteat of -.- the,- others more,- speedy'a,_nd certain." niiere ae cor-ta x iliauthurities, besides' Mx. Snawir s ný wh-) take tbis vriew cf Jh '_"sympathetie strike." Indeedil is' known that tie eniployers, tQ!r ihi.ver>'reason- ,wiich Ilh ë, aàelgns>, regard this par- ticu]\ar weaàpoit in the men'sa a- uory jwith comparative equanimit>'. TÉat iaýb-jr -uxidoubted>': suifers grievous wr<ingsi ..but that tiers is a right 4'. 4d', "awrong .way of trying te remedy 'them, lais iieau- tention. Ai. xhlï hs'itation;- he places *bat *bas1 become known as"Larinismxin. the latter cate- - y.Furthèrmore, - thiee lai, uajiifeýt sh o f ;reaonin- -'oe pointwhichli he takéàtL-a point, to wiiiciihqgan additaioial beaxng on'i tie aeocalled !.'a'luré é ethe British. laber part>' au --Pàrliamnit te. achee. -àýnythiug, substantial, iu thé way oi legislation,, for its cause. "This policy, hieaa, "by lar-gel>' menopehizing tirade uniqn acti-vity witiinthe iast'two years, ,xa prevented trade unionisu m baking a.dvantage o! the extremely Eavo>rable conditions of the, labor, masrket." Bitter Employer. .But if Jini Lankixns>' ho a. aid, te- typif>' lihiunaelf lie -bittenaiea et the. -xen, ne leas dees lis redofult- aile opponeut BMl lu iimàeit tti îlernes" ,etmas- ters. Tiese latter are showing a, Iack. o! " Cônciliaïtoiness,- asud (ii iMnn>'cases) a lacket-tt, whh -iave doue, a gond, -deal, toaggravaI. th. -situation.- And they -h*ave* beeu aI- ne PasiàWtogceal the tact thabt ithe men-ivant qfigit, Vhs>' are.in nO. métd - të niaicozteriàs.-Ticl "Uuited Kingdom- Emplyèrs' De- -fence lYnion" lias, no. don-bt, ibeen forined as their ans wer. te -hat they -àem lie challenge ot the- man.ý Ulsis union bas- ironically eaoQuei- W ar ~h d.-e telaDbi Thé' rolerx ô h ndsra siu.in lw&yg ýprelent 'but zn erally overl1oi6k4'd lb o&eioly- ers and eniplçjed-ii# and. inua ai Iwàyls bà (and, Againù w. quota -Mr.ý '8,Powden); . -j4-the bi e1i.ý ant a&>toW01 the~ohe w partiez'." In a -od h-pbi must always b. a third party- i. 'every hig laboýr disputs,; At te st Tïed Union .Oengres, it Wau pro- ýPoséd (buït ti. prposi Wa8' ,de- LeMetd) ta giy'. legal ffeet té o! untt aW..emeitm arived .4 b.-ls living) without an>'--oConsideration for th ewgeersipUbjiewhciiithe. ~ng 'pays l501argêa-share. Tiie ploy r.aand .m pioyed s?.e, t r - sent, averse tram tj compulsory State arbitration li labor, disputes. @'TRACTS" TOWARDS *bOOM.- Block aet aq-eaesuch a nuisance th&t mina business men gis'. order, that the6y are flot te be adinitted -to their - private offices. One persisteiét man, however, -by one pretext or another, gained in- tberviews ývith the, va.rious inifluen- tia.i citizens. 'loR reached tii. head office cf the. Bank of Toronto, and wlen the. cierk waa .ngaged, h waiked into the. office of the preal- dent, M;.ý Duncan $Jouisan. --Mr. Mr,. Dunean (Joulson. caulson was ea4rnestily engo.ged -conversation with a busirnt frie'rRl,. but -stapped and aski4 tJ man: ii*iasina' H '~ g foôr à,series. of rlgosboaia sWheu Mr.:Couian told h b library was a.Iready wéll -flhledt t] agent persisted in exzploiting , t merits aof -us ware& and, thinkir hUeun4ght at, some-fu.ture. time mai a.'sale, asked if .he migh1Ë hsave gou tra#cts. *'Yes," replied Mr. Cot son, -' with the -toes towards t] Thé Taetlcss Otie. (CI will confess to you," 2he saï4 "that I arn old'er than 1 look-. I w: be thirty-one rny next b;irdàdy."ý "Reallyl"..he-r.eplied. "liard] anyone 'wbuld guess thàt you we: more thai about twenty-nine.") ',"That's the last time,'-" ah. sai when he had departed,' "that - I ever try t-o be nice te a,.brute.", Faet. Some mon temptation caa exile,- Aud practi6a b>' ï l nôli. Tsîowcusf ' w Id éeioi "Wera ot big bhave, much Ie- have, errythbiug a3 zQilpO'as Pü13 Set a right. YO-U'11 have sc'I Othý'er a4'dov leapa ~deavo. youaratner a~:ut ~bigbusi- nes. Tat'-~ma 0- i appie.) tutue-'apples are r 0 al c 'l' 4hugh meomo pcls say tii.>' ZuL t ..- But -yeù sud I-knov tbÃŽat appli don'-t o-v that,way. A~r&ujsnt ..bàd. man-just be- isuse h. lasuabig -aàppl. -,;and,.8, -ua IK Pple neex' t =ma 1àa. Mali uniipy-,Wheu ,tJý Ws -troublé, I.there a n-e littie, boy *ho- wantaI to Mý.ke git for bis- -motheï 1 Tus lain >whàt one ltt. 'oydidý Geoôrge's -mother lu ,ver' -fond o! planti, -sud wher -h ueddto tie _a plant te - a tik becausei-lus stalk' wis not. trong èuajàgh teè"old it up atraightsh u1; tO got a the wo,,iod-l sd a 'a gétanlltý0d -'sh hge and Split a bit,-off a pieeê it ti oarving-knife. Thisa gave 'George Re got. a pî4iece tsot Wood a.ud. Split it Carefully into sisuder sticks,, soin.ý a foot long, nome longer; sund a few--ver>' long for tl lns. With hus jaôk-k e lie Sharpened one end- ~along, point50se .that jt would4gý inito the. ground eaiy,1 and rounded off al-'tii. cernera thie, whoie lengtii o! -tiie stick as, well as1 h. .could titii liii knife. - - ,i Then 19à,patientlitti. fingers rulo-1 b.d each stick, with sand-paper un- - tii ever>' splinter w"s gone- sud the A stick as srnooti-îù glass. Whe>n they were al don. George -, sorted the sticks intotiiree -i~ bundles, accerding to their- length, wrapped each bundie' in 'whit. tia- sue-paper, and tied a briglit ribbon round 14. Ail through the year is mother mare useful fnor .,gave iher greater A. For 1 know-Balaamr's famo ter ta choose white satin -or eni- pleasure than her plnstcs ad preasded limi. - broiderad lineuý fo- thi ell 2 4. 10-19 rather .tian lace. Coana, danra. MLAÀY TIGEMS . The passage iuterveniug betwgon jti ieagcdcla aeil - hie prxted partin !nnlg o Smart -woe are weanlng butter- An Excitisg. Time i- a Singap0retelle -of Bslnam'a reapouse to lheý fliion list& and- ga-wns. -Bu.ttny - H otel. - n - re- s x x x u ! B l k f h .~b >' je w lry la a l o a . g re a t fa v or ite . As lato as 1869, au uthorty n angel ,to legs, su&d> uae t., ure fl~y emboidered- aven -the initiais. SPot In heMalay rhpolago wrote Israel. It records frhrtescýAcil ikad'olfb t a l i I nl u S i n g a p o r e l ie r , -w e r o l aec s i e t e p o aakt i . ic W o d l u l , a a r a d w e l t - ac ssv atewp o f ur i r te ; et r w ich la pliant, la dm ira'ble for on mau.everag,raîy-klyeue'ae Chia. cre 1teo ieh "ucs Cloth.walkiug- dresses o! ratine onan ver aygen they onelofdt-a Cht ieue us ac ian ta prfo une ate lboae1ye IMen Wybo worked lu the" ganmber'pln- a blessaung inahead. and whipcord are made simpi>', de- tationis, which' are Made lu nèwly 10. Linole hs hands -together- penldiug on '& long uine -o! buttons cleared Jungle. Aihhough. tiare ain udmar Ileotem tutor braiding for decanation. -Such- dage t-dy ha tges il pning effort te bning magical powers to dresses have~ long Bleeves, inuvai- UPen1-uuwarý travelers about* SiAgqi- béýa- gaus lrsa. -ai' Dol!.,*rite Messrs,*ruold Wright andy - r -sý18ý. by T. .Raid in "The. MalaY Pauineula'» il. I tliought 'ta prornot hee lier. fia acertain ectmn bu-utra oor-Ie-uulreh 1NWColar. - ilU'vlng lu a Place w4eroli4e toîlowlu, bdof a rewanding magicians auJ - A teatarentd atiual l -incident oceurred, and'w-hare ils re - proht o oeatng ft. oe" aee'al - ilion la net $rpUn bl.-- -- prolesfrtreatu ure, wraps, -but- aise appearing lu suita in It lanoviwsev ealyears 8iftae t g r fay'Crable t e 'tiii' k ng . -san d ss î,iB heCo ll r l l i -1.ÈWiil advertisie ise wiah t rl,~ form -in la otblnig -more ton Tehouer of.is p'arhitcular his-peole, sii. do te tii>'people tanaww r piàingof01 a iit balugt-MrgM. PliIp, tiseea&-aa îqiewhntedppe c,-Rc0ods, ha.vily encruited-- -ut maser a- nt. Rafle thestrioi.- bt bfr laig ifre 5 ,wlth embraider>' or elmwhc nd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fô liehdntaunleerfe run uaed, acrigwia h 5stifaena It Inu usinlitii, 1hover, bii Johore, buti had, escapèd frou a caL tW ge raelites will li-th futur,. do te des-ignoa ae use of stiffenia.el ta wf ciit ws awltfn srupne- Moab. In, se daiugBSalaam, gees clabn.-rwrm Ti.té- frîoùun Singapore; - * il auùsead consteru o lar oe,9 ie.Tet-è tin by -w alkfÃŽ'ng, mb the ,compoundf mes lute detaili' han >lun hlm fermer neck, aimost' hump-siiouidered e!- ng ýRaf£les Rotai and eeking,-refuge u Ïe rcbneeta-f sn test, wsal. b4 ver>' faasioab ke, derthe billard-reoun ta a 'delaced making il ver>' p1ain th,&t evènuul- -- .ab, nebui lding. - ]y>'thé people of Moab.wil go down - Thme billlard-players at once mande a before Israel. Whute Net-,Blouffl. h lridexit.M,ýr. Phillipe.-having ben 15. nia parable-His pehie pro- Àseuiu ht e luei fe ads Apiecy. -u fre-the uninvIted guasl,.*Uwosa a"Y'Bes y,. ' . ~ -o ~Made wlth rose pink bnocaded vol- he could seea-siiiniug lu. the0-darkneas -oýI' wie oligcolr et ,Its'-biding-place, - and was lucky opeuied. - e ciaraide olu1cla to km»ll t.- 16. Knoweth knawledgo -, Pas- audcf.Ti elrsdcfl r Thé pulsua u 'ts- le ateistti.scrto i. eIe with oft, white Marabou. sud p eed fa a 'n te parderpé fo seh , eret- the -o et f Hiug as arrauged ta stand up gamé.> uIss'swd-sràfg - .Ise hU-Te ftuire kiug, &rouud the ueck, [1>' ests range many - noble sels iID -d -- _______ re 12re twortiyt of ,tii. sktU0ff the -Ieenest - ef litunters. The annùal report c 7 A star out.oet Jaceb-Tlhe star inas rall1way departunaut fpr 1906 ceule.f nd awys-on . favorite;figure. fora j -- * 8 a phtogaph é rduction- et a teene kinglu inBasheru - imager>. - DcoJlee b,-- Mn. -Ma- 'thaï xtaau I*ylflustrated .,thw A scepter-A morp. fanniiar .sysu- loue, I teld you that-your huebsix& penlie, liaI awith liarallway- Ploxtear bolpet-rcnoyai>'.-- -l xiig airsdwe must ke whau ha InîrUdes Ite the, demain oet Smite tii#hte.,o"nr-h iu s.oga 'ec w11d 1nature. Tie. plure revenurugisecrur--à-m pas1 ~sw'aRY A'e t- - .Maleue4ýiSre, coupleel' of ti~r~ik ~s eudr ~e-temles -it, Bor. i-ven't let him have ýa- duced te -acrap-roin,- in wbateeff- - Sous o! tumait -Anuncertain w4nik av elaËi6,nôw-,for tliree' days. le tgueA sfd .buxl'1d dxal n the Ml-t-MiIrnia IXé niBnine nt :;wi-pi in .M - feerassengeé sud heroolt . turne amilingI>' te adock cf-tiie alnkirng vesse4l. - Thut- ever isla the Iiero presenti ivhean the -lierolo. ac«tkýn ust be doe1_ -But lbovmaxy i>' usof ,atini oùl atsuch 4times- au the4o, but routine walkm, ol 4àiiy 11fei -And, Le uV.>-Balak sud Balaam,,Num.- 22. 1 to 24.-25. Golden Text, Vers. 2. Thse deteat of -the Amer-_ ites by the childreu et lurael ne- corded lunVthe proc.dlng Clapter. se aia.rm ed ' Balak, kiftg c f M o b;-that ho sent for a forelgn magicin, o! wiem- h. requeste that - ho place upan the. Hebrews the. réàtrin'ing inflRuenceoaspo*w.erful ban ercurse.1 Tii. stor>' la entlrelyluacorn wt .the. eari>' belief regandiug the. e!- 4. And Moa.b sid-Either -4h. 0-g ai' tiio >éei-d_ëes-o!Moa otak.W onsel wit theIdlers o! ida -Çeqommonly- Ldeuètifted with [ir an" th. ]ýuphrateamehtloned ilu cari>' ABSynian Utablets. Balasun, tireforo' Was l uuxmoned from- As- tueru De cast What w. have, ffii, they ab& iit b>6puïciiai owR denial-c éorn to b. sa ,to: deoil.- FaOhon HitsJ Seen la Parla Sheve.- Puindvaleur -are -muchi uaed for ciudreu'à hats. -Mrgôld y lào-w lae on thte ntew ceei un. - Wash froekg are best for 4h.e lit- tie. girl'î fiat dayg eF-sàlool. Wood, brocadea are being -Used even for yeoung girl's soui1 9, Persian effecta will b seen an trewautumu gewna. Wide -moire rilobon in. being use&. for mihiixery trixumi-ige sund sashos. Inexpensîve, bead ïteckIaoes 5ara - mucli woru te' complet. the celer sc4 o ex n e ô t! &a o s tu m . ý - Thé. new a11ka are notiiing short et àýp!éhdid;- :wlt-h their intérwoveu hold tlrad briliaût -ecjors. -On.- e tVhe new -corsets lias its materiouit li pliita abcive the -waxsts, tisspointa ,being est ' l'- -baud et elastie, -wiich gives perfect., !xuk for youro.lfjIt'sjaîi ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIOI

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