Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Oct 1913, p. 3

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we havecaughtth-b u1 iirgM esof ves. Thà ap&s~~ yol can when tyou hold. it eothe. Igt. )have >ezçmPet-Wmtate -It) b.- cto look for the. Damp Jogr.n ch-cake. 4t bu It.Askbhaa for Wha' nU s, bold It .wfl ut i t ithe ZOc.a cak&#ý -Write o4safor- For a. 2cstamp W. wMl aend . irneos mm l t -$AL I. townl. ExcIlon r.Writ« Wilson E.UIP8, ETO.. %l, etared witl. *at=nyt.Wjt ellmnan eia - Ont. r'ouble. GraveIi Lente pmeittlvèl* rma. reot or new ,rbmd mura cire, Io Irice 2.00 traOm' iauol Manufa. &da, Lfmlted. ln Canada. "Ino lartes' 1 meade saimeF en aeqgcett. write Mri IL MITE-D, Paul st. Mofitreai. 1YNAMO1ý DR LE, LIS, o&v > 'Figure t'of. 'a-elr. 't for tih. la stock 'ai. #ollt~ 1114rket Î wia v a Mi-,r ,, u j -i ADa rdo .~akoiigVnkac t -lb om£ iW&d'BOIIueWIW. De-'an iveen the=a vould neât have beau Do great L- e Bt ftheyjaýa4 potet et utfl that bu 71t ' for whloh as aWoôrkis d 10v stôdd WhLch. she 'wae l1oek1int m affesi>' ý and "amneatly, -ube would -have t it IL m~- ~ vasae Miueh * te Ù,o ycyhbt patli a saëdbeI 1 -t.héo g,>. b.preé-yu nw go trhyu-me afat. ne lb. end a Ceoue tie..they bad 'speit iogether at c h t~l< the pliture taller>', the solemuaxperlenoe i11mW -"ittd, Land - tuned ler fac etâf a'vrW teed ,bet*een .,bina &Ud LIAs aver', but r-gli.1a azqimed- "-'Yourse, - -' bowig erovd alt' qie meeting. and thoS.eh.wWer LU' su4eh it nut obr bat '7 s solomuni>' ewct mowente >'hie bo&. "d a s e sna-trmbbgber %ide, vhs, ,bepleoosoisabb, bbc aa 00~ te sel>' ou ber-.tender -case. 0iêba4'ie a teï lha.. Ton; Yes lthIefuture-bo. v eblaook, Do- ft*utu gfre vcwuliObi h -lm la sinle Il tlilng ould rab>ber et the.haJé 'e. ed ftu i-a tuaMia sd e vent h thee e. ! a ubtle Jo>'e Jfetbi pr' dwn b. talio alut t~dre-. 011;êe 'ache ta And, ber ye os b1s, ber tance before: ,atelbr- apoke, for toe' vere 4e I:aaud luhie' and ber sa=te ta aistoolau a i hoant-for wordskk.-At ho be * ~ rat nnîtb o aeul âoy adoa e aqlet îtreet eae>1 a lbad-d l'. thouglit -j'd -lait. -yo *» a aard . iai. abala y tht onla4 anerd v.tw a din o itlme. Mina: X .nnda >l;d darfi Wood, sud aba*t 'vù.h tu fryoiet, sud IIhonre 1rlatn;oI.I * nd oould net and yon. 1 vie bal.ia esnvIU oàebchl-lmro. with' frlgbt and grief - sund I lougbt mr "The daytr- ,be urmuseAd Impior- di va>' .through théb. busl-you hue-w. 3ow igy - hIipés eobetruot.yen lu à-dreain, clinglng t o bed at rç seMhufly. huetgt ombuta jour amus,'.uüd lg.-sdhligyie-lded a selueftanlassef. yv oùbe iilbe lime 'x éOuld hlât 4~'dy -after,holie;cald yut b4 urviecylng to me, 'Olivet 'live!'i- thiathta e> oga a at éi ai~are and And yerou ,close te u.LvmolwVt te htinb lm te me?, To- know tbat yen aree mine. 19 kh holber lie". thougli ah. blushed ver> ovu; tbat -yeu are p leeff si a ou>' sred. î,m>' vifs. The day itter toasorovrfer "Yow-yeou muet not cal me thati" 5 o be>tat I May'coise oasd- em e aesyo'bu10 Isp a s w veo$e. "Remeuber -oseof h.-fuetpine svyio ouiromlaons-"ofthe:Aret placlieswll 0 ~. ~ ni .ý,,5 osh2be b Lb.Tale Gaieryl LaiÀd yuet e!yes ardent and reproachiatVoviii sot be hay.ve bas ruplwe vi ,>,St -"KY vomi".. ah.yenl1.oriive - ý.mevatte amas * as IAnd o vase domut I dal-Y ns! I 1aux 10 vait: .s yesi1 Bow ver>' sons, Xiufia-w ili-b. marsiqe grav, ye bIeo. ehldL s vr. ont Do't es>', dearesi"-hg qmy mind btiltBat ru be good, XMina ti arn sot,1 mnfl hemru ,h Ivent distiess or vorry ou. Suethiongh " I ana ssdi" ëpt he abstesrmurdAh yen cas. p;eent me eelî?;ý',s, » esud lu ked p a t, t-pber t~ 1 leva Yeu, yen caut'* ca, eeme neal m&, so-oe-s mpéubble." Xol sheouüld net pièvesL thatt sud cb. "115pcièibl1'ýe1"Holsi sud àpi'med fai led le turu lier eyeu âaa>lest, lb. love ber bond tigbtlIr. P"WhY aâbould It be imn-am ltliem,,ould lemthlm to break bic 01*1?And Yet Yr'cu'r rght K insailIl i -word; a'oh. mùade s resoluti IL 'ugh " 1155551 1hâ1toFi=sbOuld Oea 'hi -o «stbr a grievrous- pssg, ne at ehofr me abat Le .o l oiug te glve D 'aould net' b. alolse vithli ba moreoIlian yoursFf t e mefor a8l1yens lits, ail Four elh. ceuld bsjp.m Oo Celive, mucb te bis dlcappolstmenut BRa eyea wcre dlii, ber 1ip» moved. le- ve] and regret. found abat elaber TiI,»' or pea-isg hie word., sud, liingl h. red i lilaa asno amet lun oultfn t a- ot t1*-do se, ber hanS ettased lthe pse» @t tention on bina, Sud- abat ontTy'on Vary sursefhie., rase occsiobeddMsa eut eot"Go0d4iy iMia, i ad villi h.grav. vA -' lebe alone wlth bim. ' ilyOfPurtisg 1VO'.-aIl'&adrom-but Il cai -Thieso eadnlal. of bers of cours.bas. wjn las, auas lons.our ilves, 'pIssas Qed, ank tedhie recovery p uadao v 5 iG $WieI~ll'tbe der aller-te- on 's vaa. uD and la.bste go eut. If hoehad Iose. till ho-' bated.. ,"*What vili ~ddobte et hie oapaclty 'to lIve lb Fou do ln u a abtiMme?" behiasked vWot- L CUse. TibbW-vould bave Sispelled tbem; 1mii>'.;,"I eil' ,have 'semucb tOe cocu",>' Wh for tbough ahe hall bien kiud eneugh 1lm, 80 in557,Arr«eat e pick », te,,help ibls bh. vas 111. $omethlBEet lir, Char' me Pas. avay, Lins ime. *> o u? n ne rlatie mood -' liS ed usned -wvho h e ' SiUSibseugl .it er sa.nul ats. dnvuieoiut. -' - ""I haàlteractiiae Ver>bard.an bv aI "isupoe o'te frettinau toeteLbock 1 0esn. aih iRae lied oalwber bonnet snd oIîe4 e'uded L oslWbtsohI. r ver e~e~ "mn, a tlrs us.a1tender Î >' r ï tjet Zr e-l.witel Abh f- is.,ahl ike' ' - " " - L -lad t hea..y ero 11* lia» «h7 7our love. 1tq'Dako-yôù à "' 7yo les, hé, hereterted, enphati- salied lier baud te hie îipe; 'Auf valli b" c-'-_ ai. *"A Mau 'Wbo eau, u t ,a'ay àon qnlckiy. But ha OssueS aud-i loch-tô doU>,.of ie*valu ith oUsd4m'tyle 50 Ii0ek-bofo, isbai Voué ver>'rtrafer shJ *dldul nv laatrfit ueue ato e obe a tii slenduuathése Ioklig atter tôt' ive w. b.grutl yn thlm oia', qui.kip AS lie tr,4. h. d st go be's t huse IbaL t Li Re]ta*for 'l' e 1=111. le , but bu * but for yta. %mae.wouldu% l b 'ligg WlkteS onule be Enbai[@ie ud -tOM ai 511." ~~~~leasing os coevî, n'gulgÎa ' "Tibb 11 'a"rumured. Mina, Sublng at ther.hpy-s Tiby 'loko& over ber sboulder a. tasful-Ohésoensle ud. aherILt t lb. it l 'WoUln'L iumal se!" Ob*s exlamed. Ibohs aiblMt, turned -home. -Ulleha baS Thl "An'e cousetg tbIl -4 oufl t'Ow 0 , %A ba tou :0 iclqenl1heeoc.0erpy you've vasteS quite tnoUe Îb16t.m 0 sd iua s.empti>' rheart. jsa as onr'eees. 01e - itO "on sia.mat dovu t. -thiepne aszo 'I# LIe qwté- ui>' e M an, aortl. t 00Mutanbs lttull : Mp'asove eeeukw ly onemin su' ssbes'I Ah on 4 x 4e5ëee5but, -urs«vereans>',Lf on'se-&ir>the.on-ulh ftroe 50 t'flm efe is fdsmu' b to cs5ed- ý,oute Ivih j eeiald e1 boyive'ra aliuce' rs adpls ' f u i t i ' ne P s t io u s i a r g e c o i . a u s o - n e . z u a y L m ypth ea e f a -tell on n a day or 1w-." lgràc, - Bna.'oa, - $kbrossaSbin *'1%by not'w-ite?" she calS asaab. 0P £ao bt M n irqaru, tr tqd mrdo.,Y~ou can @end four ouncu ..JX.. /F1?f gr..tuo.forOa penn>'. nov, yed., àc liter. iernthln, elce! a e IsseLte baot ss<a 'v InThe vomis a ;â ores eh e0l of 1 clmn"tsl* Xk 'j> -Tb.ey stop a headache prompt!>', y* t do net *tii. dangerous-drup 'comnmon ilu headacUo'& 'Dmugis abotîhni.25c. a box. NATIONAL 0900 ANSÇNib OfiWAL ça. oe CAsa ~fcuse, -eh, nmy âear. aaid Sera. "Du FOU ci sot know tat h.je "M. lie àre3r're 'ated Mina. do4idntkur Lb.'l that 1 tà'ày o teé b.;They bide tiieî * le very Vise. abould ho IiWê bl naine? And wbyhybYý 101 Q0me10 k .me -these - question. leaeana-wer ýme. ri ddout -know who 7Cr are,' wbat right. FOU -have -te .ay - thon - thlngo. to quoëtion *.".- _*-- 4 -I *111 tell you. deaW' é'a1àSravf .aapla toiture -of fnendly- o i ne@p ~Iana te b. evant, -the oW -nurse of 'Wd ladY. th.e ahib le Coing to marry."' Mina'é hand closeZ. and -presaed on thb 6 table' but abs neither ataried nor collet çut. m~arr youx mieteaa'ee aid sIowly, it a dry7 voées. -Who la ahe? What in h« n ane?" "Bh. ' laLady ICditb. tbe daughter oet tb lgt at ahibï Lord Cbemtrlel-gh," .cal< 19wiD±ejtly.- ltlê Ilad naumured.in hiq..deMrluw.ý 1 hr4,thonght et 1t; 01ef oures. i*iyOtton it ïnigblt be h.en mat-the nana. ofe frlend o a otquaintance. 'Btnva 'reeaedItanobanleally; %with a uinikini oli. hea and &Arwifia pans or jea1ousi r-ber r. But ber ele met ste4dUy tbt ,dark onea ixed on lirshe ehbowed .n aigu oeludenfear. Ud the doubt thai Walcrl ngover ber. D'eu There wasuaaeno, durint whlçh Sn:au 4al inralnc~dl a subtlîs-war., se gl.as ýif ahdIudtïe te Le e b e a o I r s t t: I. 99.,rgumon -av *en.- -- ' paS , L'boes sahbs. 1heyare ailA vresg, it vas' iceS t lm" l a "»ld bal-70U 1. iat Mr, Olive in go' ut tao mars>ri, .ldy"Said Mla t soitl ber voile 'er 1v.-ut as :ele'Uy as h&es. pa"Is It Irus?", lfAg quit. trus," sad iS ar. "Wby boniS 9IYSa ' if il vere sot?"' And via> $boumlIit net b.? K>' miatresa.f a ver>' es&Utifal lady-eh. Lias =cet[- beautifu m'lu aed ." nBte Hr tacsof g d bes -tons rav haver. se 'cin :dAbe hahlu i a hln4oef rap . flealis, fara ip ihoe e 111e . ky, viti menahered Ollva's isooberent vord&. "Gel. en ' *bals, 'golden' heart"Ilan& - anotber asgf sihot Ibroughliber Iaeart-"sUb. fa-s. trcul an a fav n asNautch giljber Voic. a le 111.mle. Sha la peorlosa, lvel> *7yond word,la my mistresa, IeLad fb. Al Men are lu love witb ber' tan vaut te,,. mr h er-why sol -M. ily âarvy>'? , Miss moictened ier Ipsn; abs>' veedry, tnd burnisg. "Lszd abe-agh--?" abs Bars ahrugged lier ahoniders. "IaSe Ovee hlm, y..." se replieS wlth au air >1 re@ignation, oondeaolos. "There are eers moS, vortby, more wealthy; more sacýlg-t ofrauh. 0514 as baudmooffsud se ralgia cf form; but 'wnymleLtaes as ao s favorable 0oye -on hlm. 8h. -le s orns 1k. the reastof us, and viii. make ter choice. tin.la. sgood mrriagefor a'H poos and-v.ehaî yn ai I?' Zbitieua. Re wisb.s te b.euof eats ulers, eue of y Wsgrai mon ln public; md i iilill ,fi, t,, t aiehode. Ies, ifliso P IQ geLdy ih for 'ber -abher ias ietty no'bieman, trat and rlcb BS pevaful. Ie bas boomu a suIes, anad du, 0 & gain.vlisn the Lide turn. andi st friascerne Oto pover ain. I do iL undeuwtasad ibhe e hluu, -sud caunot 'plain j but, go Itlel. Wl sncb a gesaI L4s for bis fatberis.Iav, Ms. Olive Bar. ey viH cllib te 's greal heiglit, and vii 9as rlihsud pciwerfui., Yen undes'. Y«s; Mina understecd. A hoavy voighl as pressing Ou bâr heart, bhr breali a sievi>' and pawdiulI'. Bas a ased ib arrangeedlier chavi; and thona vonta lun absgme perouaciva ma nnas. 'I lov ny. mustreos; 1 love ber battes km lif te lef. 8h. la>'on nam besonA nta ciao vas a litteebaba. Sholias . rvs mInan>'ylisart." "Sh. ýetruok hmrý se=- williber skinu>' baud.,"- -b1,j ave" *rsd br, 'walstoS veslie.. beha li lte. nvoul dis v 17ng> -th gais au ashco s'c apinea. for ber. 1 an c -a mollies te.,e:et Jo- 11e Mr' got, I o verytbiufor ber absô vantî. ast bave bina. That-la via>1 I cestoi n. cmaiay 1 usbhimnvîth a prail> ,, vr' pro e'y.ong 71, 1 rel vehfià, If -bhé<tidsnO jroei net 11b ý a»d-tasp %d 3esmin -gçgvtmê - ed>'ia, ttui ôîois~ it pais t'O lb. lips. Thes' itii*bia'srset l Jii: t lanlb 4 vue bore lu Zn-gland asit le a in ts 11 sit th'jrett>' faces. 'LA, Do. L nôt yen that la Wvio-,buat tLb aib. àat _mAk«ýýmV n & fn LodLorebnru, Whose suggestion of 0a compromïde on Irish Irome Rule haà been flafiy turned - down" by the Asquith Go-7 ernment. nhe irreconcilable t- tude of both Nationalista mbàd Unionist made, omupromise. imp>os- - THE FRENCU -PRESIDENT*, ne Loves ia i.Own Fftreside and fis idthét, ehe uboît inarked charaoteristice of RaYxnond Pois- tcare, thie Preaident cf France,: are- cosentati nsimplIkoit f lite àd -manne'&rs. H. oves bis owný e ii i bie iehs ptsu Ay bis favorite companions are said to bô Soott,, bis cellie; hie f4lthf u1 w#Atch4og Braýve, 'wýho guards hiý' cOsnt]lr houe&t saipimn, and his believed, in the etrenuous 1i». in that helie! lies the cooret cf hàh suc" Cess., Frem his mother ho- acquired the: habit of early rining, and eyen to-day, -As chie! of the, French 1Re- public, bho continues ho leave 'bis b.d st 5 o"clook in tihe aornin. I. Hie isucces inu-politios has. bees phenocn.s.J. At- 30 ho. attained -cabinet rank,and st 34 was M&inis- tes of. finance. For several years lie withdrew from active politios and devoted, himeelf te legal work, wbiuihbr-ought hinm frein $60,O0 0o #100,000 a year., H. ehôwed conspic- nesoly is big commercial canes, a.nd judgee. would ohrink from question-, iug Poinoaro'g law, which vaa al- ways sure te b. nound. ENGIJISU PÂUPERISM. Prosperlty ana 014 Âge Reduce Rate. Pensions Thanka tte ipresent induistrial proaperity and ol<I age pension., pa.uperisxn I. A't a lovérer ciiin Grea.t BritW to-day than- it ha& beau for some ywa. Early tuis rear the. total nuanlier cf paupere in Englaînd and Wales, vas lems tii-a 800,000, au oompared with 950,000 four years-a;go. ",The umberoef paupers -por thousand o!f Lii. popu- lation, whi*ch :' as 27 ftur yeams ago, nov 'le es than 22. J; Hcrbert Lewis, parliamýent&ry acertar-y te the. local governInent b'oa.rd, wbo'g&vè tii... figures 'lu- bis preaideitial addrs'to théjpoôr lav eouference, Sâïd -Mauy iiafluénes ha& brought'-,about !the. rednctiou, buat ýhe'.-g-ve flrs, place -tô li eva. thto hldren ' hès e -'setu- ao.tb re >abouv, AvoblhdrýeuT iy ~ ~ ~ ~ l ÎýI bjdtiotxefmlîoles zain1.1, firmý, *hite'head of caibbagê. î9lic -tiii no-iue cô Id 'boi1ed pot&- ;tbôe" Placè in ,your àa;lnd %diah a liar ôf <"tlie shre6dded'- ý,àb6age, then â;ý: 4ver ef t ïo -pot.tobes; no îcv àade juk wa, Jitte' xincod oÙ4 nionand naine dreî n.Nw'ad sbe- di nh is; 11led,-ý-ard then gasnish V ltiù1à olive ot 'lrd.rbçïled feggn d ,ed Ian hoUr or.AÉto bfr evn and maken an attractive as',well s., appe tizias dinh. WM11 Rice andLlleat.-O1ne ciipf id uneco 6.d riee.. one ;îolid ecupful -of beef çooked, one teaspoon4it 'One oL ,,pepper, ose of ýchopp_çd cni9n n ee of parsley,; one-;haif of summer savory, three -of, brè,d-- crumbe, and ope 1699. TO"the nurie add. one teaspoonful ,sait and four quarts boiliïng -water; coktbirty miiiutes, then strain., Ohop mat very, fine, a'dd nea-toning, brèad. çruuba, gnd-'beates egg, then one- ' hall -eupl of mil È k.Sprinakle b4at- tere6d'tin with crumn, -lise WIt rice onB-fourth imdh thick, mfilwvith meat mxture.Put a layer of rice 'on ýtop, oover, suad. bake forty-flve minuté' s. auce 'fo seýrving wit this l'-nà i rom ,,two cupfûls chop'edtonte;tai out the seedi, eune cupful water, orfé tea- spoonful butter, a little ehoppe pa;arlesaliand peppm ~Thidien wýith- one ýteapoonftdl four. 'Ia1~-I~aed one c~Wof alioz jlae. l ' i abaking, ~iulwyrs; fitt&a Iqer o! roll-. àMm~on, butter ist, and 'pepper. Repeat 'UËtilPe dish in nÏïàrly- ûlled. Th*n take a tabIe n -each of but- ter and flour an mix well to- getlior, anc stir, it into a cup of boiling milr;_ when thoroughly cooked -stir -in a beates -e<gg pour this over dish aud bake.- When nicely. browned ù-it idone. Whole Wheat Nut..ra.-)i egg, one-lhai.f. cup su«ar, one-half -teaspoon sait, one and, eue-hall oupu sweet milk, one oup chopped walnut meats, two oo.ps> whole wheat flour, one and one-haif cupa white fiour,ý and turc. teaspoocns bseking epowder9 Mix and slow to risc for twenty minutes., then badce in mo<derate.d~ven'for.forty minutes. Stealk a la Creole..-One pqund of round steak 'browned well ,with tablespoon qf butter, thon add oneý csp strained or unetraineti toma- toos, one large, or two smail onions minced.fine, and two medium-sized green 1wweet peppers chopped fie. -Simmer two bours or until thick, dish and garnish-with paraley,. ý Q raham Craeker Cake.-C;ream Gives quick, glowing warmth-'-ýwhere and when you- want-iL Easilyport a 'NO 'smoeâN mell. Safe, clean,- convenient Steady heat for, fnine hours, on a single -gallon'0f oiL ~Stock carried at ail chief points For bet resUlts u» OYLIE I THE Ottawa Québec Mt. Jobia 1 'i 'w -q'-' ~cfor eaý6 .ffia..t. oeganbmtjomj s dis '~ésacla~' JOlI fnc rt OIL C. Limaed Vsueouv Edmoe*am d i 1 - . 1 - 1 1 1 -MMM«

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