Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 7

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il n6t musa te eab 0 Siý,ï *Bad iookudat i i apeai- O~4PThE x?~. aict- aigu.." eh $2.00 fron lS-x 28 in. %bi ~t~and 5ry-LOW figure-& ., Toronto.- i Uepairteel. )se fresi ycung Suse of broma- îlang. At tia irinRg- thr uillc, huse the ccv d- the landlaJiy, i ho wherc,' lie- Leher. - tan-cher vbip- or vhiisporing,J good. m~ Lugesa Mâ loudar-thau ho aile, mverywhom- mg ito cne, 91 ce, saw -for tfle 'ic fan- huzzing r. Ile wahched est 'for some tao tie saIei- kvI1 TiaI's a got in there, a formula In' 6R amont the, rom them by irepeted at- tde, ibyphysi- hasb enfound the ' formula or, ,6 Indian Root- manedy throjigh- n t.tlo nd ct8v"', U ae flOW 4mp2 fr & eu-'aep Bilnt.M. in&, 1£1«0 O uSD dean" w""n m&Wa thbiver than rau througb hem. that. hie hart leapt mi, ho pu a7ut his *j an 1ud A .etyo Ié dw-a-a.e ý - g1 n - 1 1<, n ' - < ir Iou sat ar '76Uaz«"frightenmd. Miu&P'p, lie am ý,cnoao avoice thst the -ards W# > Imn Î"dbe "Ab. don't b., miy eues Il -10re ouMinai o h 70i 0 l orm sdk-É"pDO yu âiS1o tmuoP' eàEk. And »û tlioy. heamt tobeart. mcI 1 Ieueed a 1ma.'Do Berr ees dÀd. u-alv an sd ber lhps 4"I80 pirted but for a moment no pcujad came o»of lront ihgmait> unn a 'ove whispen, vent th ohé sim1ovîy, drearnlY.'uido -- ntknov 'eu-- I-lhluk m." haikeq uaut1x op" ýh. eohoed;f wth lb. 'wna gênee -of .Awe aIl l.ea'iu hlm. a "Yen MIdJ.'1 BRi , o droped 1111 hem lae remted aid (311 and v 0hidoen hwe rm;hosoA " eol niars.e Iâ ln't knev." 'ise h mperod ilua hi sa1 troubled vola.. "I have ual- aked myoeif. that ho' »Ut a ux as < tblnkiùg of, yen aI- dWhgl lau "Âu Ia=n -7hap, iwheu 1rme.- ElOb& lat 151other dao aIIa piture 0410sort -o" wor4 as lkom-hoive.on Ad1 cQw-44, ýa Isgaz s~yn ald thatr-tbat-o7U woult moO00 b. e- na - bat gan oe t, cfme, se il thoelaitbatrelief. grovu 4ark-.n4 it vas SU misée1nai mW eon Zr.'O. ý;e;I muet love Yeu, don t yoU As Q thnk- o.1 0"es rsed ber head sudndlb. lcoked et hlm wlth -an agcny of dau,1.ol- boboa Reiatulnec resty. -and i lnu buniung ouei and 4mev ber Iovardhzn -Seréoit4a.t ;Areint.but geuuaebee 1 MId"dana bem heaÏ aho i rs~dof PuÏ pthîe baïr main hem forebead, ~daal. al.M e~ r-uot eveot yul 514 b. dre hia * XDate!ho "d boarsy. 'e ..e baéj deàst1,ior it messmc o il htame. taee afjaitYou have senu o #7 ltt.le oV«7ml -1t, Mnay b. just xity. bocmesoYeuatafit'o, ~~Ie4uiylifoha-vo nuréeïed an.a1 am b siana X ho1eio. ThlInk, Minai Do rau s 0 ÏCj love me Wall enough lP lire with me7i- wo (ift herashako s it hi. Quih etrned bh e atke. ieart'mquesidoté ipather liau. homoS. tho wb=2n4X.. ~I0 * oua -h face haaien&try. - .- * cour itle vomani =*-my b. muire'that3 1Pal e itblughtnsa rela$ , ýèedî su 4'O"Oh. Wbat bave -I er teSto esll -Né; sal Tou-mi miiu, 414 so v»M r di.tfthB~'t< ~ut ~is pul ies.._,Zih sitrd is vbeau a#, tash. Olt" 0eul a111ay n. lo. -'S ÇL -uud gréh. t oI A obi, tauI mew 71O ,'w 1 l;» don e 5 md rei u tosss "stotui l a M&UIm- a man~ t berd e, u M:aej =Mro utb.1> wes 0, r, du 'a 1h. mummer. Deen nu abortly. "lia; a nov at a mii. ia' "Fian led, skin-Chappad cracked lips whlch 5ethers bings. 2o3 aty our D rrggst's,. iGIJCKIMICN C lJiin, MONTREAL bei4 o e e x.it sud eh bfee,10 . lai w -o.farn *om O, O 1 0w h e (Ta b.0oanttnued.> CANCER INiGREAT WITINi. Diettut Relationshlp Betveen Dis esanud Domeutto Goal. A de.patch from London' saye: The coocl .ui"~ rea6ii.d by Chanlea E. Gee et Rdtfnbungh,, liat-there il a de~o ré n*ti4n p belveen the. ocaurrene cet cancer sudthe kind eci.fuel used ton dbmestic pur- pmse, vas ao.pted as dscisiva by Sir William Be nueît, thi éminent mirgean, lu bis-presidential'addreue ou -TlurÏday ah i e meetig ofthé Coal Smokre Abalsnieuh Society.. Bir William gaid luùvestigalion lied ihovu thhat' th. incresscf cancer vas limilted tothics. are" wvierêr vas ahnomt ucu-exWtut here or- diary peat -alon. va. n.sd. Tii. o6nly exceýption yel d-imsover.d ta is mule, he declared, vas. lu dis- tricts viere. hiepeat vwas abard, blacksubetaee.whiioraokled'lueo co,a d sud-vas quit. uqnhke leý smon0ldornug, orâ nry peat. . ir. Wllim. Bennel u in conclution- epoke mhirongly lun.aver et gaa se a substitute ncal -WRON DOCTORS., A deapâtoi from 'Lqzadou, g-ý ldsays - Thi.doclorsaof lAonan biave besu -made tlie fretvctaif iýie vengeance oet-th ifi iItntuni-ý !ragetle., wvie anger .hïk . ~beeu aýroused by 1hedeoim&on -of -,lth Hbome 94ecretany,.,Rqiu*Id MKen- ais 'toares9ume thes toreiblê eïtsd" cf thoin siseters vwhi6itart hunger' otnikes *ieui couvictsd et outrages. A baud et vomen ou Fr.iday raided Hànley Sre t h.- eet .ud -cf Lo won iciei limait entinsly occup4. Jy, the oafioés. - e 7oia- toata. The vemea n a.ed dv 4'ght "d l.it saIl aieug lie ofreei.l andc F< orgau uvI a i e i U ~ ~ ~ ~~d - "~'euif!u." Acivé' wlt)a" a0:tuch 'ofIjnehazne;-, o~f ie torture o efft é r oni q Mon, àb"esteonita f o If nI- 'V up &bout gais accident. af mine, _______ The.dccv caiened. and i Tbty *ntAred vi tii Am i id t iv a comit o-foot Jiluy, purebased froua $be-' untiedt i bZ'ian- est$hop roundS hIe,<crner. 1ie aproal strings doesn't, vaul lb et opehlort at ight oi Ouhton, mut - -ay Jneup ber boat nggrqselively. - wy given, put lunbr.adpens, mid, lot dera1sMe v-en fres q.. 110 - ed and' m""iedttes lard,-One , lés eusD #e 0'oleok Pou r up>on a eIl fLourked board, aàpîàùinki.pent4fng,.- wlti our,su raleteeai o thick,' rplace. an 1panÀsye-neino i at.. --wf Chf-c peck of-red peppura ana cut l a. alica -trip,céaer ou4 he lhoin a ter, lthmaadIomnts drain, aud plungeibem auto 'q oe- wator, Agalu drain,, agid paék 0,ýhem aolidly lu glas -,ja,ro. Bol one quart of vaiga.i.ndto cU]p- fuie ofsugar flftsen mintes. jýUr the, mixtiuro oýerhepeppors and keep the. jars lai Ia, cool, plA4c'. Cumo.Or* #,,-tnhe cake lias given.eut, and lions je no hans hÏo make mors, 'hors lens de licieus substitute s erre wuttdes- sert. Butter a numbq.-ofr »all round, _unâweetinedOcrackers, mix horoughly -equal partis of grouud cinnamon and granuùlated a«gar, caver th. buttened cracher. with this mixture, aud put _thsmn in a hot oven ta brovu, Serve tnom cold. The flavor ol the cininamon je particularly plianst viien ,he craciiers 'are 'eatWi iti chocolatsé desserts. VegetablePuIg-Socme callsd Carrot Pudding.>-Put one cupful aifiuely--hcpped raisins in a, nmxing dieli. .MIix vlth thee one euptul aif four. .&dd onae cuptul of bravisugar, oeecupful 'of suet, choppsd fiae, ons-haif :teaspoouful ssci et cloves, cinnamon, and ail- àpice, the juioe -sud gratdWid of ons -lomon, -sait, citron, ilfdeseed, -oue oupiul cf grated carrot, sud one cupful of grated, po*ato,(wIcýh has oe s Iaspoonful of soda mixed with il). Mx &.1l tlorouSily, and, mteam for tire. houri.SsBe"villi hard' or soit sauce, or bath. 'Oaîmeal Blaet.-Oahmeal bis- cuits viii keep, iu an air-tigit box, ion veek. They are roliahed by the oon'alsoent, and are excellent for afterneon hea. Make them- ai follows: àMlx tagethor jhroe-quar- teri ot a pound et pin-head oat- meïl, ans-quarter cof-a poUud cof fouùr, eue teaspoon ot bakingpov- dea litile sait, and a large itea- poistul oet sjugar. <If pref&rrned 'nu r ma b.omlitWs.'ý) Addi "ie ouncse cf shortening ubg Il ~iaiwll> aud i b. volWvll ouIti, Ct îjt quar r -ungA[e. aggis.--s&ak, one eup-, foli of rolledcse a-ovo*niéi t it& euouuh -va ter to "Cooyer, 'a _thý ro mm g mid cfre n 'o" , F n 4- ziu4r. Ta" ope' h Ili; tM ti i ixt ir ot oi ed cass-sud cook hait au lieux' longerý, eètriug-often. -Tbhé' hu-i hie mixture lmb s& by]. Whou W it od -be-at iàne, ' ta&blsepocufui- not a W4 196. 1sg*r uatmeilf cul. 4 ou nou M '1 Twa- sud a-h~J iip i ipw un d sgar e &aapoud "o~.t'acae1 if à is thor- o~bybaued uSa ukWO Peac i m ateare rsmoved witha vemk èolutiou of, "lridé <oi lime., An 9uce f foïr , qmcIs four: A.vtt t.lsOozi i xpt . -flaror a quart Of" AIIýmixture. Pottoe eouciba isowly t prevet *.skibfrm urlinig off. Fella windws wlin-- Tbikck blottingpaperiindrdoili.a WMU -proiirnt- ".ot disiies frôm mark- i h.table. - o kîllbtird_o ut off close ta the, groun d ipour a111egal-B lins 011 th* ecta -Ifuo poihabaçcome d7 from standing too lon, moisten> il with a littie ,-turpeltine. A tablspoonfu of vater or mlii ehould ho allowod'for oach egg iu ziaipau O-melet. A pcoffungus, broken from an Oid tie in a gQid dbuffer Wo Blotting paper saturaâted with turponine myb. placcd in-draw- eo ta keeop away motli. .&iiw twe level teaspooninle of baking powder *oach cup -of &kur wheu no sg6 reused. A oecrjt on poIishe.d furuiture can b. a1mout oblhterated by mub- bing ývigoroôtely with linss.d cil. W'heu grease or ohis sn pilled on ,the carpet, spread fine mealov6r ths spot; it wvi» absorib the grese. Toth powder is excellent for oleamng jeeUery. Rub lb on with a nail bruuh and then rinse offivith isealding vatar, To get the MuI, nutriment from a potato il should b. cooked ilu th. sokiu, as vahiable food 1-alts- lié fult inside thoeveriug.. When you find ik diflut to me- moerusty sore wa or nais f rom wood, try lstin>gCrmisk-n to the. veod a.rouud them.-. When the sbore becames soijed with soot, try - utting a pisos of zinc on the. coale. The vapor proq- duoed'wïll dean ouIt the sool>." Sal throwu juta the oven imm're- diatsý l ater aomethiuàg haî bèe burned-wvil make the'objecti6nabls odor loe uoticsble. There should ho tliree paire 0f scisio inl'the -kichen--ne for Ale. ng vegqables, a ns -fer .trim- [.ming fiai, sud ans for gonea&1ue.- Ha,,' you tried cheeseballsa rollcd in egg andbread ce4tizbaaa4fïed lun bouma fatw - eyTis a deicion. w en- eé vhltto< TI'è'prè.srve- rubbe,s'for fruit, (jr o*k tea for- day our ti.flo~r4jgeiI1land lhey wgULbo Lord Mayêr a Lazeatam. Sir Thanas V>tarê eBoyàs; .w WUL A ,wI ; U JVLA fice b oonels caa$ni-i ta aù*'rn ' lb sition. Atter ln Th< lier. viii bee1 b&aiin liîsgymîxed, -pouit-ino-Ltentx>ol, sid Br suýdý - hall. Tumu eand-, aerve* Itivea aespeoely. cf Rie a icelery o.-okn cupu ire u-ti.'pnao ona the anteiet fram tjieir inveet.-_' A certain forsi;gu,ýerv as diwuns-, img tii phse cf AmrTr ica ite with4 tm reonds a u&nrel-uou afe in -Paris.- ý1,h, you can may, viaàty vi, but I tik it'e tii. vay,"-thema aiyo À.ncaa ak n. an yau - 6 flai ta vorZ-y abontt h e c- ana-laI a k.They ,accusa nUe i cit net knovau -o apm.Theé difersuce myb. in is définition. e Once, upoa. a ime Enakiishmen. ssarued vonP!r as unworthycfa ei rhiau., cy are0geltn ar , ie spy.Tion . ok ideéý s roaethée acon c le -utsa.g onertic9an.a lcoked upanhmnlWho guieneCS 1are nectes orily managLie» &anoat - tmn, i *lecvas a questionof deth- poton. onk lu hiof taesChieo pnolisehmana fe.onohhjDgpartd »aoer , wihe anmea. -,th A00ntyE-uliean vlo a. n e largehe Maaer of e manesa hol wtai aceseof ma, olaner cf hé plice,;lRe a cf lie Fie tDopýan- mutlM, uuarnd teniofe holsh tealerhotm& veist ewares, do the unt comimi"an oulok d tec vh ievr eail lu ous. n addteonahd no-moie managr t hie evstatea ,te ils acre f f. ande ae- présidn faim, s&dCie te alehie ponlice cu magitat..Iis wbru. iin roablha movrt ofdc lier thé ollcing an téontero lire, minci etailbout steigh tevtas no-moe manaes i t i sntehoan- tii. pe, es aeeeoretaret riled Il Suseproable limm o do eabouelno.lté fhia ouer ofa largesClam. mboutha e pogiltu a acal b. imgente. Xt i u a ho- ivn, a le cf ide hae an The nioh. aa as a cly -ama, arote a idie 0f cohelewn are aowM ovie o wabsolul nothn.en. e lie a re Ae gene-afli end. Tu Ainenica vswhave an di&e mid cf lie gob oneju ia a o ý-'-tfail thé- yer iw.ere puei'ng b.l1idaya, to sport 'vouldb. a. toi- oum as tavo27ka" &hspean maYs Ibis in -King H.ury I. " nme- wliere. 1Tlàie ao mtd*ratie liaI il, ,t4diouê 1. work. X dtse via±.y ont oe dage annuitea. Skiul,1 ney and time have been ..pent byý thsse companies. smu hies. fiý lIres. The mucSes of the compamies depends, ou thceii. The figures 'tell thestèhry.- Idie- nees le hazderon thevialiOrgans o f -mankind, thaaa vork. To b. 1dle ie to, di., ta work le ta lave. TOBÂCCO CULTURE. Government ri inseheme in .New Austrslian ýindustris e st 14olo on t~he irrigation sebemne, oý ,he -Goverzuneut. -Pârticulaïs ard given of receut expermînenti li tôé ttcco- growiug in ths Mùrirumbil-! geo irrigation areaof NeW 'Southi Waie w.-A hobacco 'exp~ert vas'i iuced to devoCte ýbimself to groving bobac6co. at -Yaxnco, and ho give, ad- yiose sd assistanie ha other set-_ b1erËÏci outhe ar1ea.The-exf>ert -aye 'hat the yield at Yanco je about, 1, is. of )Édry leaf ta thle- acre.i Re. add that the lande ofMùnrujn-1 bidgce viii inter iv ,50Ibi. per agre-vien better wonrkéýd. The -dry leaf lawro fr omeigh. teen te thirty-ýoue cents iper pound,! or from tvo' hundred -acid eighty, dqllars ta four liundredliand--seventy1 dol1srg per 'acre.- It tkks but six.- menths ta pr-oduce the. article ready for market. A. selelctior, th th, assistance ofi to membprs of hi-il f amily, could èôoinfortably look àf-i ter -a tan acre.ý allotment, which! ýwould return him -a min=muni-1 of t'wenty-eight" hundred dollar& gro 8 for the sale of his orop . or cur. ing the leaf the graver '1wlll requir. kiexed seven hundTrédaud ffý dollars upOn a building; vwiii, aut aide -assistance requi red .for,.ploug4 ing, homse. sheep, ýetc., toge 1ther with maintsuauceof l is; famnily at b'ho area, je estlaaated atthreehu- dred dollars. The production of tobacca 1astl scason ah Yanco amauuhsdla1- C)0 Ibo.'. Mms of lishend'. tabac- oe îï, grown hy-colcrsld la.bor,. bu M thie irrigatiornsts of New Southj Walee "and Victoria are eanfideàt$ thst -the. ndustry,.villi pay-n-< momeiy, and at lii. se«» time give, good wages 40 Anglo-saxons. /1 -TO BIÂIITITUL T L moi '9A AiRCHIVES OF ONTAR-10 t;" ber , sysi "p = 1-Take .do6r wbioh orne grovi oltmoben.hear, Ion wuDnt-p5, sud

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