Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 3

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the colli Ootober, i ince o! 14e ~ta ta ovevc< h had beegi s&ys! odb~ - L~ tht - esteru. ilume. Octo- - :1 woa-~ >rsonfl s val- were ,chan. 4220 huui- r 4 g the ~7 116 lities, roI ted r cfax- teada >n by RS PULLS ~uîe7 'Pou ublet? ~u~d ~tors riven ion -~ ~ 857 iured r GIN froC - ~hem- - outo~' 9. Son sys: [y té ~Ved- Tling enry sou ient, Miss - re- as a ttbo- wed- -'s 'ssii iod. res- pays -Be- ifie~ - for or >ad, 'JID W~q right.* Hi, compl.ted .~- ,a crude and ponderous thing~ igli la was, provedin a$13 bhat >nld pull elgbt loaded -wagons at mlles an houx. was uixteen yoara after tlila &ephonaon'a RaCket appeau- ~nd" in tiiet period ho and s undereent lieart breaking riaient: befor, they ar-rived at iilig 11k. a salatian o! tii. dl!- les 1~r~souted by tii, engin. the rails. The ~rst use t~ Ithe locçmotive was put was ~arrying o! coals sud other ~:1,ut Vii. transport~tiôn e! agora naturally fpilowéd, sud raliroada were lu <ipei-5tiOfl lu Vii. principal couafities e! Vii. vend. ~reu la our pussent 44 rut changes bers taken place iii tue evobution ef tii. rail englue and spood atd oJidW~SflOO andmoamod o! by H.dl.y sud Stephenson have beon achleved, bat,, viii Trevi-~ thick, tii. hauorof tii. Invention i. thelu-.. - -- - - A vornan 'who cannai flnd a ser- vant willing te' accept tii. wages - wbich -people -lu maderate circula- staucco are ahi. Vo payi~and ta i-eal~ I.. tiist tii. advsntages o!- campan- - lonahip viti a considera~,.mi8treas, cf a home,- sud o! instruction in tii. sol-once o! hoaeekeep~ng, urges that young -wemen If tiiey cen.iiIV their cwn bout Intereste weuld .0e tint such service - ~vouhd fit thein for - homes U their cwn, whleh -bornes, viien made, - would be inraluable ta Vii. cammun'ty. IV Is true, uudoubtedly, that ser- vice o! thi. sert might be au ap- prontice.blp Vo iia~ppineas sud usa- !uln~s's~ but the inquiring weman. and sîl othera for- whem sho auay spe'ak confuezht tii. - !act that tbe on.Iy recompeuse 'whlch satinS.. veukera lu auy wonk -is vag.. ~o- moitie ~errants eau' b. no excep- tien. ~Niey want Vo mako or aquan- der their -ovu a&autages sud tbey want their remuneration la the mcdium fou which Vii. iieclcàrrier -sud tii. bênker work~ - - - - s. - 'Ho Weat Ont aad Haaged 'Ulimaclf. Tii. follewiug story la Vohd by Ms'. Pett Ridgu. q~pçeruzu~ * ii~i w'iie'- always -wuaxi~éd wît~h bIs -wife abouttiie lboney h~ brangtt hease - ou I~iiy ulght. Wiien Lis wi!e vas eu~pecsab1y troubb.eome ahout~ Vii. amalines. of t4i~ si~ lie ,haided r - over for lier iiouhekuoprng h. aI- - - ways -tiireat>ened h. would go 'sud hang iimiel!. Hi. ~ile guew tVred' o! Vii. mer. turent., se eno day wheu ho arrived home with. au unusashly amahi suni sud there vas the ueuab row iii. told hlm to go - ~uid hajsg bimseU. 6h. even offer- o-cl hiina'ropetodoltwithalid - - -looking v.uy determined h. toek tii. rope sud dojpartod. -Seme tinie laVer eh, feund hlm in an eut- - -houa.. Ho had tiod eue end ci! tht repe ta s rafteu, sud wl-tii tbeother Viod round hi. walst h. vas reve4r- ing geutly lu mid-air. "What are - - you doingi" rhe aaked 2" "Haug- i'ng mysel!," ho tabd lier mVerrily "Oh," ah. comrnenV~d a. thougix only mildly iuteu.sted, "bai yen ouglit ta Via it round your uock sud net round ycur waist." Wl-tii as ~nucW dignity a. possible undor tii. - s-: circum~bsnces, h. replied, "Well, I '~ tuiod that way, but I couldut bre-athe." "Is aie nerv4~1" "Nerv'ousl ~he'd trou jump ut a propoaa~ll" ire'. lis- vi- uci Eau my Lus LSO la- ho 'i-- ber ou- ge~- lu ne ±ouns ça as 1V will w sud -preveni would only drap. -away tne nuit a eh accumulation d ta tho action Go Slowly. Another ~tep la tise direst4oa~ef toQàiloW Wlpio t1m.n¶orthôa.acVloi~8 ~~'hi~ii have ta ho perforni.d dslly. Gt up siowly, drese siowly, don"b boît ~ronr br.akfa~t sud rush off wiVii Il in your tii~oat - IV wiii px-obably ~man getting ~tit 4! b.d a quar- tom o! an iiour carller, but> a!tem a woek you will not notice tint, 'whlle-' tii. - gain -la comfauh wiI} "b. apprecishie. Dit i. deail> with aise hi 's reoeiitl~pabIiaii.4 RtVle bock, stresS 1>034 laid on tue value o! ludialous' teoding "la Vii. oas. - 'o! anyoae .cahIed on Vo beau neuve stuain, as train workers cf ail classes are. A mized ~dict,, ooiirse, la-tii. bept, an<f a suggestion fgr a good lunch onlr * ligiit me~l can b. ta~eu at midday, i. tiwo poaohod .eggs (wlaiiovt -Lb. Vobut on which tti.y are always s.rv~d> a rail sud butter and s cup cf oof- -f... A go&d word~ issai<l for sugar ascontaaning enom~y.pmoducuig nia- boulai. "Ohacoiste, - for- exaniple, contains a largo amount o! sugar sud - makes an excellent tsbleid rues1 for tii. tired 'workem who was unabie ta gir. up enougii Vue lu tii. -day~to gmt - mu~.*ent mixeci féod." - -- The-danger e! ooustan'b norve -tOuslQu waa -neyer gi-enter than at tii. promeut Vime, but 5 le quit. passible for- even -tii. bu~iesV ta do mach tawards mlnisuizlng t~ii -dan- ger, b~r follewing eut a ~Impie plan o! sotion. Tliegreatthingistabo- gin before 1V la too bat.. There cames a time when simple measures are ne longer o! sny arail.-A Physician. - -~ TESTS FOR LIFE OR DEATU. Method of AvoidIng Pon.ibllity o! - Premature Banal. A remaukable new method o! test- I lng absobut.ly viiether an apparent I dead person h really dead, sud j tuas avoidiug tii. passlbillty o! a prem.ature banal, just anuounced ha. been Teceired with great lnté'i~- by Du. Icard o! Marseihles, France, est by hi. colleagues in Pari.. Dr. Icard's syatem depende ou- tii. question o! wheth.r tii. bbood la - stihi lu circulatIon or net, sud con- sista o! s sub-cutauoeu. Injection o! a' email quautlty cf fluorescine, vilci la' quit. harmless,- but an. o! tii. moet violent' cai'àring mutteus kuavu -If théu.i,~the aligiteet uc- - tien af-Vise i>lÃ"ad, tise lIuid tamried ~i-eu.iid 'Vhs -hody:ataina it& vivi& -golden yelhov, whule tii. eyu b.- -cames deep. emeraid greezil If, on Vhs <>ther baud, there- is no more- -aiént o! -tii, 'bk>cld, the ooioring mstt.r Is- noV. disperaod, sud pue- duos. no elect. Hait au' heur la stated té b.' enough ta make tus toit. - Tiie laity, ~hule duly lmpuee.ed by thle'ui~Ymothod, are asking wiiotiie~'-peraoris 'vha are uliye. sud nuderga tb. dying procees, sud wbo laVer rocover, - -will les. tue-t golden yehbow~ tint sud tho. gueen~ eyes cf vhichDr. bard sa.ys,-"Theyl are--trànsiô~mè& luto su.pei~b e~V- sIdsset 11k. jevelelutheir .ock- It msy b. added, hovover,' that -fluareacine i. eue o! tii. moat tran- sltory dyes kuovu. . - -s---- LIt.rally 8.. - -' "Ye'atemday I received an un- speakable iusaltY- - -- "Wiiat wss IV?" "A des! -sud 4-unit man 'sp.11.4 ou lils~ugers ta me Vint I was a liai-." "Whst i. youm aune-?" - "M mnm." "Ail i-lg5it;2bqlt -we expeet' s maximum o! vork, mlùd,~» - id-Under I i~&qu. - LIO 2IflPflOSiOiV~of tue quel- ~ a disgrace for the chose~i people o! J~e~iovah to 7b. aubj.oted to uuoh *ildérnest liard-. shis ~.- This ovil p1ace-~he place o! iiardship and oxtreme physieal dia- oomfort. No 'place o! seed. . ~n~... pon~egrnates - ~he promise te them Iiad been that they should b. brouglit Into a Iand overflowing with milk and hoaey, symbole 'ot prodigal ab~ndauoe. Neithar is there- any: wate~-Not only i. tuer. about- the'm lie sip of .irabundanoe of uee4~ sud fruits for food ~ ther. il not even tii. in- dIspensable elemout o! ~usténazi ;Water to, drink. - 6. Poli cu their fac.g-Utt.rl~ discaurag.d a~id helpiesu. k Tht g~lory o! 7ehovah-The oloud, repres.ntin~ tii. prosence o! Jeho- vah. 8. 'Take tii, r<>d-~The rod o! Aaron wMoh hs~d budded <Num. 17) and whioh wau Inter kept "ho- fore Jehovali" that la, in tii. sanc- tuary~ as a testimony or e~idenoe ojiuspowar. Our narrstive .4 ~hla poiflrt? leaveothe pidpose o! tii. rod uuox~laiuod, thougli Its subsequeut uae la indicatedin verse 11. - - 10. aatlier.4 tii. aasembly ~to- ether~-From this~ 'point ou, the narrative as it ,tands is slightly cou!u~ing. .&ccording ta a plau- sible reavrangement cf the story suggested, by eeveral eminent com- mentators, Moses and Aaron were at lut bidden by Jehovah ta speak ta. tii. rock, wlrich, bein~, akeptical, thêy hesitated about domg, asking Johovah, "(inn -we bring forth then wator ont o! tus rooki" To these Iwo4ii Jehovàii replies, addressing him~elf ta Mçaes and Aaron wiI~h the word., Hear now, ye robels, at tho same timo bidding them strike r~h6 rock and afterward pronouno- upon them the doom of exclu- sion for their lack o! confidence. 12. Because y. believed not » me-Without some reconstruction o! tii. narrative' as sug~ested above r thore is lu tii. story ne clear evi- dence eltiier o! unhelle! or o! dis- obedience on tii. part o! Moses and Aaron. Tii. reconstruction uug- gested may not b. tht best nor in harmony with th~ original word- ing. It dees, however, point out a possible rearrangement which helpa materially in clearing up tiie very evident ambiguity of the nar- ratîve as it stands. Ye shah not hring tus assembly into tii. land-A severe penalty for a wrpng not fuhly explained in our narrative (compare comments on verse 10 above). 13. Waters o! Meribàh-]~iteral- ly, o! atrife or contention. That tii. place was lu 'tii, immediate vicinity o!-, if net identical with, Kad~sh is clear from tht fact that the double name Merlbab o! Ka- 'dssh i~ fréquently met with, -as-m Num. 27. 14; D~uj,. 32-. 51, and ~.lae1,here. - -. - Was sauctifled lu thein-In tii, sense o! rèv~aling- himuel! as holy. u. C~IIEE CANUCK DAIRYMÂN. John Ar.blbÈ.ld-R,4dlek Waa Bora A la dey despatch other an- noun~ed that ~we were lu-danger of~ losiug ~our primacy lin ~th~ Br~ti.h ~heeee rnarket ta Tht New ZealAnd-! er. Thatprimacy waapuob..bly-dtie ta a large entent ta tii. imni~née ~vertis~m.4tw~gayo~ou-rseives by ina~tig tii~,: biggest ~cheeeê in4tiie woz~ld; - Thatchees. was rnanufac-, turod hi -tiie falhI -o! 1892 iii. tht-Cana-I d~sn Pacifia R.ailway statieu~ sb.d at .Perth, Onta4o«aud went sont ta the World's Fair ~ Chicagethe next yea.r. It<wigiied 22~00O Ibs., sud requirod for ita making tii. equivalent o! tht Soptember milir- >0118.11 for a ja~iy ro D siUy~thing.' - ~I1ie Eag~wowm's H "T w~ah 4~hnk Annt /R~ - 1fr J.-~Aid1uddJok.~ twonty years cf- age h. entered tue servie. & Mu. Ma<ipheuaou as nian- agdr cf one ~! iii. faot6rlea sud for -fire--yeaus before/1888 ho waa super- izltendentof a combination a! slxty -factorisa, -which Mu. Macpherson thon eantuoll.d ln.Giengarry afld lu Huntingdan, P.Q. Seau after tus It wss that Mu. Ruddick ont.red the service <4 Vii. Gov6rnmen-t as a member a! tii. staff o! tii. Démiuleu- Dairy Cam- msseione~-. Par Viii-.. yeaua- -hé wus ~ travelling Instruotor o! tile Eaat- eru Dairymens Association, sud et Vhs time' did mueli ta .spread lin- proved metiiede 6! oh.... sud but- ter-making amorig -tii. -farmers o! Esatoun- Ontarie~. Whon Queeù'a IJnlver-tlty7 eatahlished ina dalry bchool lu 1894, ii~ was made super- îutéudnt sud remained lu charge 'o! -tho -fortunes e! Viii. Institution until four -years laVer, the sehool' lu tue - moantime harixig been taken orer by tue Ontarie De-partrneut o! Agriculture. Went te New Zealand. IV loaka rery rnuch as If h. would have Va lay some cf tii. blame for the campesitiop which our chocs. is now meetIng f rom. N.w Zealand ou tht sheulders o! Mr. Ruddicky Wbeu - he a.vered hua conuectlan wit~h tii. Kixigaton Dairy Sohool lu 1898, It was for Vii. -purpese o! en.- -tering the service a! Ntw Zea.land, where lie rernaiued for thue. yeara sud did rnuch Vo lay the feunda- tiaus o! tii. cites. ludustry lu that cobony. Mu. Ruddick, by the way, la only eue a! a number cf Cana- dian experts ta build up the dairy- ing luteresta a! other ca~4utrIes. New Zealand lisa talcen for a time no les. than thuce other Canadiana for tus punpoae, whibe eren Ouest Britain~aud tue Unitod States have drawn upon aur cheese and 'butter- -makeus Vo assiat tbem lu lmproving their methoda.. - Mu. Ruddlck's life bas in a re- maukable mauner paralleled the poriod o! growth a! dairying lu Canada. Tus la particularly true - o! cheese-ma.king, with which ho ha. beon moat- clesely asaociated. Wlien ho ,waa b~ru, about fffty mil- - lion pounds o! butter was being inade lu Canada, but tbe cheese prod-uct amouuted ta euly abeut four million pounda. Thia, o! course, waa chiefiy for home cou- sumption, the -expert o! dairy pro- -duc. au s cansiderable- sosie note arising -VIII -five Ar-faix-ieir~ laVer ~rht;tdtsî à~oû~of~bexins~de-iu; Canada -at- Vii. time o! '-Vl~<'I~~t 6~?n-. teu y~auî earlier- it was -~an, hun'. -dred sud fifty'snillioû'paùtîdi. This isa threa-fol&inc1!t~e, ~nd ~rab- sbly lu 1~w 1V. w.4 ripq.rly. !ourfeld. The:- grow~ -a! khe cheese prbduc- Vian ha. been niacli. greater, it be-s ixig, over - twe -hundred mIllion pounde in 1907, an iucueaae~etfi!t~. fold.-Francis A. Carmail in the Star Weelcly. s. - -'The.ngageaneuv was ~ueVty sthl; lu ieet'it: looked hopelees Vo tii. captà&u... Howtver, h. said cheer- ily. Vo hie mou: "My brave !ellows,- fight 11k. liera.. VIII your a.xnmutii-' -tiân', gene, thon mn fer youi r lires. ['v. geV a sore f<>ot~ se l'il. staut uow. Au rovoir, my iieartiee1" - e- Tii. family weue euiigrating Vo - ~u~Vr~lia; 4nd littie Wll~4e did noV, feel alto~etli.r at home 'n hlm ,i~e~# quarter. aboard aMp. - 15e aveu - '~Muxumie, atead o! oniy once a- yoar." "Yes,>' sald Doris "and I b.- lieve- AuntEva woulc4n't mmd oom- iuig ta our town to livo iLshe could bring lier hous. -with ber." "Tii. .bagwormt~akea his houe. along wh.n lie de~ides ta movo-from on. place to'another," said grand. father- Immediately Tlinmie aud Dorw drew-tlioiroiairscl-ose Vo tlieporch swing where gi~ndfaViier -wa. tà~k- îng an~a!Jerno~ù régt ~nd asked ta be told ail? about t~ie bagworm ana its more-about bouse, "Thq lit- ti. creatur~ is called ~bagworm" grand!ather went on, 'becs.use tue bouse that h. makes tor ld.mself 's shaped hic. a bag. O'~ ot suk,-bits r o! ioaves~ and tii, tlidest twigs, lie- r builde a cozy, strong home. "Wlien \moving-day tomes, tii. bagworm cra;wls about half-wa.y oûLof lila' lieuse, and catelies.hold o! it~.rmly with us hind feet.- Then, on bis front feet, ho walka away, and draga -us bouse behind jiim. Se. you see, when lie gets ta a; new -ueîghbonhood h. doos not have ta go hauae-liuntlng. "?By and by the bàgworm fasterre hi.- aliken bag houa. ta the 11mb of a tree. Thon ho crawls muid.; soon he changes juta a chrysahîs; but Tir. Bagworm 15 not wilhing ta remain just a clirysahis; lie w&iit wings. Sa he crawls out o! tii. houa. ho ha. lived in trou 4inoe ho was a larva,, sud becomes & fully win'ged meth, wfth a dark body sud winga o! a hig'ht caler. "It may be that Mrs. Bagwerm alsa wauts wings, just liii. Mu. Bag- worm, but as a matter cf f act she nover geta them. She stays in ber houa., laya morne eggs, and then 'dies." "Do bagworms ever fasten their housos ~ any of our trees 'i' Tim- mie askod, wlien graudfather ha.d finished. "I have ofteh seen the.m au our oveugreon trocs," - grsndfatheu auswered. "Borne day wheu I fmd a flue apecimen, you and Doris and I will look at it under a micro- scope.' '-Youth's Companion. s. "LIQUOII KINGS" WARY. South African. Succèssfully Eludè the Watchful Police. As ~au instane. of tii. widespread ramifications sud cuuuing methede o! tii. Raud liquor selle-us, wiio are widely known as "liquor kingu," -sud who tryto dodge the pc~lice by every conceivable manoeuvre, the !ollowing may b. mentianodas tht very lateit tri~k which ha. been de- tected. No lesa than eight, dazen bottins o! ±doctored "dop" - brandy were loujid m-tii. passéssi<mn qf twe uatives wlio appeared tobe~ driv- îng a Iauudry. rn-ui tha r.jplpl~y o! tht Simmer Ieep Mine. Th~ bat- tins. were hidden beneatk what l9oked 11k, bundlea o!-. so-cal.led l~npdry. - tus - Tiie ~vhitêbo~ses 4f néfarious tra~c cannot b. re<sched, as invarxpbly jerk erorything f Fom bebind tii. .acenta. They? are sgid ta have thelr r.sideuc~ lu swell places et tue subuubs, tr~velhing to sud fuom ~the 'cityiu their -mators. They &. ou a level witli tht illegal gold huyers. On. rnay rub- ~hôul- der~ witii- thom lu moat uiilikeiy p~acès-th~? boit - cl~siis, politidal iuoetiugs, social gatheuinga sud tram-çgi~s--and notr-eveukuow. it.. Tii. 1.a'~1er. <4 bath gançs are protty well known ta tho Criminel Investigation Depawtmont, bi~t they are tOQ wary to b. caugh~ within tii. nieshes ci th.1aw. Tii. Priai. Min Llter'8 .p~omi.. tô adopt draatic measures for uii~ suppression o! tii. traffic la 4roloomed. seen uno sun. .11e may- be--able ta co~ntent. For the e~j3euiencea a! declare wlth periect trutii that- h. ~rsferday sud Vo-day afesure, and ha: neveu hourd God'svolce, but -in tii. face o! th0se experlenees tii, Viii. may b. for tii. same r~àean queatipu casr-#eilmaiu an epSIS one, that the deaf man ha, neyer heard onWlfke many janotiier- question, tii. akylark or tii. waters a-t La-: 1er tii. '~-5ake o! argument I~-Eev. doie-s~yHe may b. ahligod ta oen. John HayneuHo~xes. Y - 'j r - - -, Ã"LD 1k _______________________ NDONHOTBLSGOING. ~~iuu-u Famous -Hostélrlos Disappoariag la Fa.. o! Progreas. ' sliÃŽon ~ London, England, s being trans- Fa mats formed in ne spiiere o! 1V. busy lite echemes have been -puoposed Vo uecks auefinxaii.d moremankedlythauinla.-hotein m-m-m -mummi Imbu Within tii. laslî few mont'hs a nu ber cf well knowu hostoîries have Boom la Paris 8hops.. disappeared, and several ambiticua with re- Yahaned plate tiiem. - - - ehadowiaces. - - - Muong hotel~ that haro recently - Tii. simple semi-neglige gewn 38 cl9sOd -their doors are tii. Gaiety -mucli lu domand. - flofe-l- ~ud ae.t.aurant, tho ~. O! Fashiçu uaw boasts a skirj liar- Court Hotel, tii. Capital, lu Lowe'r rewest -at tii. hem. Regént Street (formerly ~îî«~ tii. - lu. the uew millinery, chin straps Oliatham; - and !urthe-r back stili are - ~ainiug- in fa-v-or tii, Continental), w14le ~ij~ ~ Tho comubin~tion cf lemon yellow ~hlp at Greeuwich, the Star and sud- wbit. la much used. - Gai-Ver at -Rioiimond, the Tollard Glaves tIther match tii. gownh or lu Ragle 6tueet, tht Aibion lu ~ foum a strikiii~ contrast. - -deuigate Street, and the Bedîor4 Gowns- o! 'white cotton voile are Hotel, Gavent Gardon, have also trimmed witli colored linon. been cloaed withln tii. past year or Stripeti sud apatted fiowera are twe. Tht Salisbuuy Hotel, ~,ff grad-ually winnlng popularity. - Fleet Street, i. ta b. changed juta Long veil~ ol black or wiiite chan- an International Roman Catholie tîll.y lace are mach woru. Club, but it wlll stili gare hotel se- Hats are turning up. thelr brimi commodation ta its members, - ~>. atthe back lu piquant faahiÃ"n. - ~etlier with an oratory as part o! - Tii. black sud white ~combinatiou its ~quîpmeut. - la aVili good for yeuug girls' top- But the cloeiug cf aid. hotels j~ COStE. -- interestiug no bs. for the sequel- Many zibelines sud velours will tii. op.uiug o! uew~ Ar-bitectural -b. used lu tii. malci aplendors sud mo'dern luxuries are tumes. - ug o! fali cas- nowadays aimed at oveuy-wbere. ~ilver buttons, tii. size aud The derelepm.nt o! tii. hotel ~ ehape o! a penny, tuim some o! tii. gone iiaud iu hand 'with the devel- uew suits. opment e! travelling facilities. Dur- Belta are woru in - a rariety o! ing the paît ton yoars, ith~s boon waya. They hang about the wsiSV computed, a sum af no lesa than -rat~ier than encîrcle it. - - $50,000,000 -lias been êxpeuded on Potticoats are etili ua~rawor, hotel building in Landau. trimmed witli-doep flouncea[Iof lace Tii. 'bdggest hotel lu tii. world or embroidory. - -will be ertcted at a coat of *8,000 - Atttactive for tii. fahl costume 000 on tii. site o! St. Gearge's Hos- are the f oulards sud dark plai& pital, Ryde Park Cerner, whicii bas silks. boon purchased fou the purpose by Extenaive is the use o! tartan *Mallaby Deeley, M.?. plaids wit!h ather materiais. s. Bah trimminge are seen on- tue SPECIFIC FOR TUE BLOOD. uew serge -skirts-uaually odging Formula Ma~ Prove Valuable la' drapery; Elephant guay i. eue o! tii. laver- Tubereuloals Fight. .4 shades for fahl. Anether-is deep A specifie wiiich may be~,ame a plum. - raluable aîîy ta the modical proies- Hexagon - mea~h relis, witli chon sion iii the campaigu against tube-~Lt 111.,.- silk, or velvet dota, are fi-e- cubais sud other diseases bai beeu1 qu.ntly seen. - iutroduced by a London pub1~aher I Zibeline, esi>eciall~ lu two tan. ~ r~.. ~ ,j ~i, g..,., ~ e~ects, wIll b._ ofteu ohoson .1er WillIam Dolg. sud Ce., publîshers- 1dr~'~ 'Vo tiio ~Kiug,' han interestod iiimael! I iÇeVêl for- écrouai ytars lu Lb. - potén'tiali--J sud ~k Vies o! I formï~Iu which, h. laya, I bss remsnkaj>le efecte InImprar- ~ i~ig~ Vhs- quality o! Vii. bbebd sud satin, C Vii. consequent resistance ~f tise menas. bedy Vo dises... - - - - 'Sl6SVI Av bis instance tests have beon PS5T on carried eut- in one o! Vii. London' gewns. hospitals viii have d.emon-stuated - thé value of tii. fô'rmula 'in s ve ~ r. remaukable wsy, sud Mu. Doig. i. ~ nov auxiaus te socure furtiior sud i On t] more extended test,. vit-hi tise. as laces o! aistauce o! sehool choies sud pnb- fineat 'V - îi~ liealtii authorities. - Some thirty yoars ago' Use for- embrold màba, mado eut by au eminont for -ére: scientifie cbem~s't, carne into Vie - - Dark possession o! Mm. Doiga !~milyand triiiùiie< vus lrequontly moserteci te ~vhen -embuoId vîLli bene~cial re- 'IV la - a comblas-tien o! natuu~l COT4~él .ahts<oertalai cf whlcii sue in a con- Tapir oeuttatéd foi-m.- 'wiicii pr<iduoe a repe - do' ch usas - taules o tome-o! Vie n cmashable vel lies- ai-o na-w '1 'e. ~io fluer ni cabwebby te: -a 'vhlto tassai oued, iaspoj aing sud affe - mpé~ll~ie :#P ARCHIVER 0F <tIMTADIr~

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