Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Oct 1913, p. 1

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Lbycelvea, 8111lte Fi te directe4 -te p repar a-The ameadment MMssrs. Annesj- beson. It was ýoppos beman, ColwlIr Hal erjpossible for.-the supporters of thre je- as1 teo get enough naines âdded to- !Scui;p ite subinission- o! the -bÏ-law.i W. ADI .5ON 5USU U ho wa$ CtstTauu of the- . - - Steotiosm.S 1o.whS~~~ i~,w~ch had'the work la charge .-at- thé !a wsradb lr ht S tins thre waterworks si*en n a, e ehedolWuns Bjroe , was ýOctober 29, o! representativeso! J the' bormative stage. This camle 4110-' ail_ i isinterested in li-te ~.&.UOTI0EURS. iti ad beS' çpnulêered then. flIt wastiie ~ BI5K P tou&tbat U the suoesul plants proposed scere to establish a mio 'otunder d U he-sonmi58lfp frsi.pli tan area sierved - by a Hydro-EI ia-1 UwPAV, ieuw ÀINd ift SumuWindsor,» the olytOWn ilwbich lte tr. anIlwa e n'r oL. Firbka.Fosystem was at.that Uieunder thý r. n i ld h ,had attended one dâh. apply to mmoli or G. Eobb, ý'e coUncu,, oon clanged bark ag.a-n , eté ingaray huhunoflcaly. le pxsi elon Fu Cr ltrThe plan lu hIghly.omedb.Th S.aur'1, _1914, ail tewlffl ubing Hy- town 01 Uxbridge is- maklng a strong drlot1loPoOr -ll 6e ompeled >bld .for a connection'W*ttb Port tierry. -uCÈftgD AJCONBER by the ô'ntarlG a t'rnmnest Wte ad- on a fine that wilhl rn -outthough a 1 AN'yLUTO.()t Lt cmmssonfoino!gveru- Hue o! villages. Whtbýy should have Mlk1d M fýMdi o pmmiiipWtIpY ment for the lghtlng itemü. Thils W the ctnnetion with Port Perry, and s.. ~ ~ 11 àNIoSU*Lmmb e lelso rv th tl lthbest il is imperative that the interests of p~u1u o tim%(ult ofios mehioi ~ cetro. - the town should ho looketi after et 1%orm AwUi>n.*~r. _E.R. Blow referred te the . i- these mwting. Electrie railway Bel and Jdudemt POio r ath e volumue oflte -business C)ffetoiwit ot-Per n b WitiTBYI ONT. -of 'the , Council that, wou.ld resuit . (Continued, on page 4)ý OON&ÂOOBBwhen lte new ràlwaàys and hoped-(Or > 00NRA0TRBý' industriei 'gel linto peration. Tire , Councîll-would ha*~e itehands quite A T ksiig Hymn.1 J. IIWELL JAMES- full enougit.- _ - ~ Coluco I1. .M. ROSSa Ceaieîl;avins 3sisu- A oo bearing lte bove title !à Capntrlui1&k anId l ueton 8 S priclrl uial frIbsThn lais 4rawn and aStimates furnished. e'Lho etition '"elo ariurysitl o.hsTans ReWidh'5Alteratous and jobbiog. . urrently" eprteti. O iecnrrgivlg eso.Sonie Yedrs ugo there Asu fo gruttrd eofma ho .ho ltteshu- eacomi-appeaedin thte MonUieal Witness, lq»nt-er .,,3rantfË,doaR tane t ,presezit, te bandie the suct a poem, written by .the late afai o!f5tà Waier- and »gbt <de- Ross Johneton, o! this Iown, and we partient -are pleaaed le repk4oduce it-herewith, Barn ge tCWi~.. Witen tle-deputtioa,- ad been hoard beuleving that Itwilï h very accept- A. ~u ite memberà oe! Cnil- expte6sed able b lthe bost o! friende h ke uar of krzg;zà sui Whtwh Luêmelves -variousIy. âMayor WlIeand iovedl.Joutn -- No Wtaaaes orur ,oeuld not useo 'W'at bàrM would bu 'I ~-:doue bysubmiblng .'Lieb-a Actheernrwi r goodieés crowned the people. Five commissioners s. ahoBy Hlm Who measures eut our days, ___________________ leoted in uthie rdûnary Way in, Jan- Demanda from, al abeundlz.9 praise - uary, andi if the by- aw were deféatéti To Hm who i Ha&es its ft aboumd. Vhywould assume thOir 's.f~No blfotus -He ougbt demands' thé pMople would get a cS lay- ut frViegil-bstw i » mildti fleofaS# Sta sqps -' wba httiey tblnk at lte election.. Six- foe muiI tumui a bou b~ gmis~ l-iiree nameés on a petilion, ought owd- 8WI UurW at, gubom o uuogh e;3apulioqust1n.Heo1givea t6 ail 'wlth liberal bande. Bathinaitlu te oliaverfeiteisuit- Hls goris msushine and Hflmzain, sitte' Im ite,. tiqmi. W'lt I 4hauW. Trespbm4 n.d Salotuai,, M ONUMENTS, of ail DediW fl fal " kftIn Stock Il vil y you tee! lo oô àmd do asâobe eues! AÀ Caii soidtud. off mIIUOie h. 1may cour cold bearta -.te our lips with pralceeabound.ý tbought lurid clouais o! war en sitowers fci!,rmsen rafti lonj',seèdso! golden-grain r rich fruilagé near aidf.t, Or.r glowing soals- look up weremore large 'w a& tee mai would taxer subi 1f.Ânes sait aiytlng te - subii lte municipal, et fite . lneity 9aincesthere ila1nÃ" proportion o! ta sig# a petition ii Poles, and you1 nucit about ren;t Mt ,'Hoover -preisea io pay he.past.ind future. use .01 e-<il wasn't much linterest-. ai ef polos. I don't tblnk ,any ets'enough revenue to Dflo o o1eatiig. Thre town euV of thé Home Company snt think theé'Co.> hould "I don't - think we abiould 1 the use ofthe poles Cro ,yer agàin àsked whettl Lg to do about rébats.- order .won'gIvÈ. Mcntyr-"I$911you calen get this Mrt moneybask -ge itUWhatwould - WWJ*,à,. > m zot obalrnan of 'Uils Mr_ WlUhs ltcto kn w wBoa.' rnuch Mi. .Pringi.e h a pd for thre Meltyrp-'*l -amnchairman. This pipe, and Mr., Every-saj4 lie ihad onIy whole tlizu nt worth 'talklng gklanced ýt the ýinvoice when it was about-. This_.commission a~s some-_ shon t hisbutluethuglt trething elseý to- do thon,,sit here -talking- pice was -$6.. about'.th sil. Thee Mao Ri le d witten,. to LUke-'<H ad there been'any- graft two comnpauies -f or -pricesF aad . tbeir, about 'this deai- it would not ýhave ,replies were pFroduced-ue beiig 600 been brought lp bere." per 100 -feet and -the- other,$5-.82, "In Wils- 'mfot saying *anything* view of these. qudtntions," -said -the about, graft." lMayor, f9what jusification vas 'there 'Much besides the abcýve was* sald ini paying Mr. PrIngie $7.75. per 100 duringý the discussioi,'but- this la feet ?11- about the pith of it, and the sub.. -Chairman McTlutyre' sald- that te jeo L was driopped E. J,. HUMPHREY DIES,. AFTER SHORT ILLNESS. W;. _îU orn in Wbilby-7-WeII Known 1-lre. Af ter - having been in ill-healtit for came -to lte oltizens of Wh-tby as t four monîis, the qst five ýdays ýo! great shock and grief. M -liHumnpi- wh'ich he was uiicoscious["Mr. E.J. rey"had bem ùuWhty es hp w Humphrey. for thirty years one Of- weeks -previo>iia 10 bis deathitoaLteé Totoflto's leading, undertakers, diod- occaision"o! e- te -opnigo aI 8.30 Friday nigb1' ,at hie laIe resi-: Jobns churcit. He thon -appearedInl dtenco, 510 e Se d4nàt avenue. Mrx fairly god healti h >hitaeah Humphrey hati sufféred'from scieros-is,» bas been porly -for mntits. or hardening of the arteries, and The writer itailit niprivilege Of took to bis bet I on Mond aY last Visitiag lte bomie CoI dec easeti- on Spa- Decetsed, wbo was sixty years o! diaaavenue, Toront,. on -Sunday age, was bora la 'Whitby, Where -lue lýast, and looking upon- lte face et. resided for twenity-five years. lie -titeu the-stalwart ligure lin.-te itandseme moved te Troronlo, andhai4-liveàd cas kl. Hé e Who liitdse maiy e hore for hrtv-flive- years, during tht-. prepareti for biXl aidad away ty e! whicbholieWsS ânee o! tier- m6st',otiterawas now iimselr asàleo-P - and promhnent undertakers. surroundeti by -innueal lrltt Hoe conductedt We large establisit- utes. [rom bis hbof ! tnends. -Thie, monts, ene aI 4Q7 .Queeft .street-westO-'ohapelo! bis, e wn underteingprom.. ant lte other 9,t 510'Spadlna ayenue. l5es, _where the- body repased, lie was prôlnntlY cQnnec*tOd wilbtrrongod on, Sunday with ,sitors, of 'te MsnLOL,10OF.and the Jhfgit and low.- degroe Who wlshed to A..UW H~ waaa conarvatIve ri do honer tle bis >nmory, and, s m.pa- Street MehMttcue' suddenly -and sç'sàdly-bereaved.,. - ~rureeaawtéà- son, six brotit- 1mTe-,unoeal -on Midiy was iargey ersa nd ena'SW8r & UrViVe.-Til5pCmfll atedd nenent belngfi ProopeMt lie -Was Stewa~rt Qriffiths ofTorento.- The young ma L wbo - was -foundý a - unoacos à onIIo -o 8troOýbtd' h i boe ast Tueadayw ldentlie-d talaer lu.iite'week as Ste art Gr-iffithsi e!*104 Erskinè aveu Tearonlo.-. or a short lime lte au enlties- -W«ê e PUZZled as te ,wl aboulti ho dond -wltk temana. He covered SmufiientlY on, Wedne8dayr -gel up oun-t of bed, but com*dt .ueitfher h. ..u n .uLI..c - .hi sret, however, as wa!a popuqlarly re- A- descrpti ,on o the Young, man was wf e hoToronto Police Depart.. ' ent, _-and onThruay. Oe Grotty - ±t'ncived a- lommnunieationl fMe hi!o Police Grasett, of To- SroIÏo, wbich crlk-ared up the mysàtery., '~Chie! Grasett reported that thé' 's young !ellow was Stewart Grlffiths,' Wreding *Ith bMs-lrother-fn-law abt ue, 104 Ersklne A-veitue. He&is.subject to: th- 'eiilePtk lits. Tn was i ntl'.. n4pkelr ~nber, 1918. s M. -1eU&a d1ýlivo L.- methodadopted-tu epo tdÉco!.fruits -througbout-thre year. -The cher. ries and berries are -pat, but, Peaches, Plains and Pears vow -demathe atten- tiôn of thre good house.wlfae. We have provided . abundance -'of the impprové& jiarg ~ canniug the fruit and *we are no v -effering the choicet varietiès - of ePlun>s and Pearsatvery' close prices. "CaIf.and iuep&_ý t thre fruit and leave your orders for your enti re wants., ~~orPicdding' Aowe supply Gherldns, White'Pickling Onions,- Peppers, Spices and die h, h 4cof Yi4çgarý, We sell the best Butter -and best Eggs lin town at close priyeS. W.B.PRINGLE & 009 ý.WRI-TB ONTARIO Bulhs Bulbs EveryîOne who- bought.-Bultbs from- us last year knows how good, they éee ehaete ftom the same -growets this-yeat. Ce y seadly. Singlean Double, in colOo, White,- Yellow and Red, 50é per doz. %Pik;, SBie- TULIPS Single and Double, in colora,. Red, White iand Yellow, 20c per doz. or 11.20 per 100.> PARROT TIJLIPS 25e per- doz.' PAPER WRlITE N,,AReSU MOc per doz. A. T.aLAWLvER L WHIT I$ones; IRITRSENARi PAPER PENT W. A 8%e ma A mý.- - - d. L9 K«C. Attornuy and -,Whithy. AN auidard Bank. iteEtc. Iyteilus., 1 Royal' Hotel, vans foi n,i reçoive O~U 1 Ng- ANS eturer und&& Street e

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