Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1913, p. 6

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IL W. DAWUONé. uanntY OiISSfl i SUT TOCE. GRAIN £AN0DU pa'~Lrme la &Ul set4ons ut Os F ailT"*ay. f r'gk;gêt@. -1. w'To lrtmpteon.nd oiier town. aq8etlï ]RZOMUIÀL ,PIOPÈSTIEB ~ f.en~Foregu.Stampo. catalogue. Album, 0H17 bien0n>Çpti. Mark. Stbi Comipeny. oronto. tii MPAOiR FOR -&ALE. oXlng for man of energ. rte Wl»o Wiéng O5 opaxw, OToronto. Intel-nai -and exteria. urd.wl thi. out, pkin by cir 1Imim. ettent,.,write -a. beère toc lai.. Dr. BlIqmuNoMdiosi 00., lmitedColýInir, M . Ont. eALL STNES; IPNIT'AND BLJA». irder8no.iiy Lumbago a-" -kinde ai ts-ble. Grav). eured wltbe e GaluentpmtV * 'auol." Priïce SUS. ADoter nw rme1' for Dlabotes-Mltiu, and ure cure.,f "Banol's Ani.D1bot.» rioô*10 fo druggluitu or direct. The -Banol Xmnuiao turiig CompaaoLIC#t*4. Uheà -buyîiQ your ,fano inion hm%rs OT Pfafo Actôt1 osli-K Gaine. Crawfrd-Why' dou't ou try jollying, your wife a lJItti. tri easy to tell her- she's looking1 younger and maore beautiful every day. Crabighaw-I tried that once, and4 she nailed me for nioney to have her picture -taken. Try Murine Eye Remedy If yen have Red, Weak, Watery Ey.s or Grauulated Eyelids. Doea't Smat i- -Scothes, Eyo Pain. Druggists. Sef Murine Ey Re nody, Liquld, 25c, Sfc. o riE.ye-Salve ia Aseptic Tubes, 25urin50. Eye Bocks Free by Mail. An F@'r«c *"fer u ilUv..tiMe"i Omo bkumna. E7e ftemed7 Cori. Chloat@ - - Somethiag On. 2Kitty-I was up late lat nig'ht. Marie-Wliawas going ou? Kithy -The 'engagemenh ring. rx~ LI QUIn'SULPHIIR removes the, caus 0 R H LUMATISM. Asked to pray for wanux weathen se that lier graudmas nheumatism mghtz passasway, a- uttle girl kucît -- - sud said: "1QJh, Lord, please ma.ke il hot for -grandua." MinardeLi niment Reliones Nouraila. - fat Ou. Walking along ;a .country noaci ouaL day twýo city youllts met au old mnwl.om they thought th.y would have s- littîs lun with athMs ex-* pense. "Watch me lake a risge eut -f tis -aid chap,' said oee o lhe cther . -Say, my man," said he,1 lau you tell me the meaning ofj the 'word 'nothig?' Il 1"Redad,9 I'sure I don't -know, yoùng fel- 1ev," came.the reply, "but ytrn'li fud il lu thie place, where your n brain-a eug'hto e b. 'The yc-uth aslced,,no more ocenundrums. - ,~ 18:IninOllt (uticurd Soopt >shapoëwtý_Cuticur&a-oap, - otheremoMents ddo somuclfor p ~,thin a9M fe nghafdandruff 44ldtcliagsalps e oftepeed It<ainèeabIy 'aucieconï,IcaIy, P1uff.lredlonms.là overy jaàckage. OuaW W«OýÀbpatOtqelanwIs aec us0 Y nain aloon. The pro grecftocMMotor ataxia is stoppe -I MsiY -Mas.when theIi.lood i "mades -pure, nicli aud red. ,Tuhs i only a partial ll the tn trouble havlnùg theij r on inlu mpunié waoy cd~sd a eauhocure by .upplyiug 'tiiblood 'thi h mian onu cptituents. -Thisi. laeïactly what Dr. i liamas' Pink "Fille do., Thoir 4h1e mlsiQ eto make nlch, ned blood and juhis joodbWood .reaches everý OrÏin and every noe lu-hs in rmari bcdyo thuls driviug ont diseasm sud brnuging'renewed healhi an9 '0 ugliI-thousaude ot weak,-de spondent peeple. Aek your' 'neighbors. - Thon, i not su iuhabited corner ilu Cau'ad wheris Dr. Wll1i#ss'- Pink Pil have noV r.stoned- some e nfer sud ail over this country thon. an. gratifu1 Wplo who-dc not 'heitafA to say thty O.-healbli-i oit-> caSes lif. itaelf-to this greatinedi cis fyou are allilng>begin tA cueyôfireIf to-day by usiing Dr, -Williamùs' Pink Pilla, Sold by Uails- in meda*cin'i or by mpail gkt 50 cente & box oz six boxes fer -$2.60j_ from *Thie Dr. -Williams' Medicine C., Brockvifle O0nt. FEtoTPROOF -POTÂTO FOUXND. New ZealautiP1p t -tan ot Be 1At. feetot by Colti. A new bligltproof andi frost ne- lsting potat. has been discovened by John Hennis of Raeth4 - New Zoaland. The discovery is eaid te bo the mont important one lu agri- culture for uisny years, and the Agricul tural Departuxent cf -the Now Zealand Goverument lias in- veaigsted tho plenomenon aud ad- mitted*that tii. prçpert.iee claimed for tiie uow potato âre beyond question. Mr. Harris ha. been experimeut- iug- witli potatees for yesns, sud sanie 4iÎi &go ho uoticed-a liealthy stslk growing amoug ^a croýp of Nontheru Stars sud El lDorades. l of wvioli ere affected by bligiit. Ho tecok up-the root cf tihe aihhy Plant, and finding il iu a perfect state bagan to exponime-ut. Tii. ne- suIt in that a potate now call'ed the. Ne~ Enr& lias beeu grevu. . The Pl çtwa areful.ly uourished sud texfded,iasud for sevenal seasons a new Cr-OP vas proPa-gated freinthe &s ci fthe. previouns cro>p. The vaniety lias been placed under the closent observation, but ou no occa- sion lias there been the aliglitest trace cf bliglit or dises-ae oaused by front, theugh the. crop pIanted noxt te it haa been blackeued by sevene cold sud is-even nov badly affected. a . CRIED NIGHT AND DAY. Mrs. Adelare Quiflletto, St. Brune, Que., Beys: "MY little boy cnied nigit sud day f rom etoma.ci trouble sud uothiug s.emed tolielêp him tili I gel a box cf Ba.by's Owu Tablets. They acon made hum veli sud lhappy a-gain.i have aise feund them val- absle at teethiug tirne,"1 Thoueande cf other mothers, have the. same praise te offor net ouly for stomnacl trouble sud teething trouble. but for aIl thie miner.£11. cf litte oeues. Tiie Tablet-are sold by in-ediciné dealers on by Tnail at 25 cents a box f rom The. Dr. Wlliis Medicine Ca., Breckviiie, Ont. Wia-~'amado o mv lat yen are a vsi-y emair'man "I Rue- baud-' 'Hov idiculous1 I am «very nearly six foot in height,", Wife-"That make. no difference wheueven I ask yen for m 1e t g shoping ou as aways short," 1-IOUID #UILPHUR luxuratu yeur bath. "novonheard cf but eue perfect boy,"#8 aid Jolinuje, penslvely, si ho -salInl the corner doiug pouaaice, "And who was tht " asked Ma., Di. "iPapa-viien Ilo avas litte$ w& am tho8IsWer. -' LIQUII3 SULPHUII relleves sre foot, , - A gats-lliding.Pîaeeo., 1 tA pinson who paid more atten- tion tle the pleasuresi oftlite blian te Ils sernops1was- t.kie - t tk for hiq woridlines ay: 93e frlen-d, -'The.rebuke waà.pno 4 hâ "Fnen,>'asc!th;. Quàkep," .4v hae few equais sud tic su Pey' ors st that sport"the pgrsoun e- plied coûmpiicentiy. - -"Iîeverthe1ess, frieud," isid the, Quaker, feif I-ver. a fox, I -*OUI4 hidq whene -tii.. ouid never; u "WVhere would you bide Vý' -aeked tira-parson1 -vitii a fnowu. - "Fneu, sidthe Quaker, I would bide l i stiu4" s taken uÛtil ton years 4o<>aviedmeto.g ;r. ailont.,Who. 1 ~ sed. - 4hPytÈ spr-Ural gçld Mines, r Pilla;:80 1 sentat once'for five Iboxes. duc moe " , 10() ew. o - l ntwoweeks, I folt 1ke ne*-looka Ris Patrltisin. eory year. ,The. nune-owneroiy rd prtsrssdItl A clergyman, - whose. patriotism now decided, b1'&yvyfareeySr on exceeded his Powers <i- ratçry ws Scogntion, toeeet a statue of littI& wouldn't be wlthout IL." sieaking'upon'his làvoriteoubeoot.. Katia. on the. spôtwhei', she'found If yoin are la. ailhug hesltb, have At lait ho foit that something gre., the farèt nu<g.blo dareMsomctrule rwas equired cfhim. Re workd beadche; D., amitons Pilsý wH hmsef u'toa clinmax. .'"Patrî ~- WEU ON,, -O * OND N. élDyou quioki. Al druigglsts and zm'> he -exoaiumd, l"is the .back- LO ELN:0LOONO.stàrek e r. Hamllten's Plla Says br .f k>epera se, of the British Empire, sudý aud Kingston,, C*nada. »front." Tnifac that Ja4mes Russel iLow- . .11el is about te publiash a volurie. of L St YN HE . pe hitherto unollected .ssays recalls lua ayM. AL ST Y CIED th ftthat London has oounted aoAraete Mr'thIt happned to a'local drngglist tht Sfwmore enthusiastic -admirors H ifiy, your faahionable neiglibor 1" 6014 a cèbeap acid corn almve inoteadof than-hi. I on ofhis ettn" e- !Ony ina ruiiibot wtii. reli)la Putnuam'a Corn Extracori. tha )im Inon c u letos ie Ony n rondbot ay . Her lSUtiut buu 1h. fleî-rftnam'a Srefera to the loudô 'n climate, ,as .eat boards at my house." cures the corn.- Une ouly the best-"lPuto. S"tii.beet in the world,>' aud în-n-- uam'o" Bic, at aU dealers. [ other lh. remarki:.s______ I1 do 1k. London, and it gives a Flghting andi Prayiug. #11'li to my blood, 'now. growi g ear Islaid,NAut. 26, 191.3. MoC&rthy got into an argument emo;e sluggish thau it used t. be. iird'a Liniment*-CO.. Llmited. with Caaey about the effioaey ci SI love te stand in the Middle 01 the Doar Sin.-Tour Inaveller la bere t104ay ry. park and forgât inysof in tha.t dulI anzd uwe aÇr-er Qi ant %e ha tere tny >roar of ever circulating lfs Whieh ih"'best Limeu .l .mn-emaigtgint'Ls bea!s a burden tesu !-ieU x.to.W v ea u bineus serted Casey 11"i It & f y.ars aud h andIed ail kinds, but nover ta anything out of itý" bhrush I arn hstening . te. u ran have . héz -aIl but roure i Ihat -~ i" More Iipreesivo than Naaa*» i k; usotre have tobeb. ushed Weri, said McCartAiy, 1do't r whch b s ao hin Noao gau ra, to get rid c. . UA II MA yu 1know when there's -a war it's heîp itself. In ti vast torrent! e.ye pol. htpryta the drops are mn""i he abot teOe2"ak a. - oed Caiey. "'TheÏÉxe great people U'rAI>~lnt titoik bpray;- and yet they--get' licked, pLEITER- WRITING. sud livked. bad." pc - ~ Oh, well, explained MciCarthy Hew -the Roman Citizen Condueted "gno wan could understand, thim Suferei f r W eks Bu Fl lIy- is Corresp eudence. whin they,,praye4.'> - Fouad a QiIek, Sure jRoUef Mdm ote-.iig vies more suponflucus forms thani the.a- * Cured Quickly by "'Nerviline." coienta U8ed. Thon. vas arn admira- No stronger proot ef the woudenful edrcus udbelyl h *menit of Nervillue could ha produced Romnnmthod cf 0 ePDdesdnee, than the letter ef Miss Lucy Mosher, as we easme. frei tiie letters cf who for years has been a& welI.knewn Cicoro. I. LDE r0oiutment. resident of Windsor, N.B. Ho began mont of hMs commuiinesa- > 'yen put on your chid's skia gets "I want to add my unsolicdted testi- ticus in thia~mariner: "To Sextilius int the system just as surely as mony te the efficacy ef ycun'wondertul uuiQato orToAlus fodhecl as.D ' e *liniment', 'Nerviline.' I considen it theRuuQuetr"o"T Aclu, fdti.hldat.Dnle best remedy for a celd, acre troat, Proconeol"; and whenz ho hsd fin- îimpure fats aud minerailcolerind wîeeziug îlgliîuess lu the cient, dec., ished his letter, ho usually otopped matr(uhsmayf ti au« eau state that ton yeans our home with the simple "Vale." Somn- chap naments contain) geý hais neyer been without Norvulue. I times, -whien -bëivaa writiug to hlà it orcud' lo aa had a dreadtul attack cf . cold, that dauglitor, to hie brother, or to hie -Buk.is purelybherbai. No pois- rsettled on m> chient that founteen dit- eenaoyTno .'uk eoscoong Uskawys F fanent ramedies couldn't break up. i voie«ertyTrh wod ou lrig uiiaias. n ubbed on Nïerviline _.thnse times a say at the end, "«Again I bid ycu 50& B« et A o-'«ù .*WStàw&. dan, used NeàrýIline as- a gangle, sud farewell,"ý or l'Farewell, and cou- was cempletely reetcred. -I have iu- thue te love me." But nine lettons duced dozens ef my fiends te use in ten h. -begatn wit.h the. namè. cf Nenviline, sud hhey are al delighled i pso a<daedsu ede with ils wcndertul pcwer over pain wt i.anl od'aee, ansd sickness. ihtesnl od"arwlU "Yen are at liberty ta publIai Ibis Sometimea a Roman citizen Who- II sigued leller, which I hope wUll show lied receved a great favor f rom a________________ the way te health te maüy that need superion would put an expression to1 use IXervWn1e. of thanks tet thi.eud cf hi. letter, (Slgned) OeLucy MOSHER." a. wiiouMarcus Marcellus says te AIl sorts of aches, pains, and sut- ferlngs--iulernal and eztennal-yield Oîceno "I shail try t. convint,. yo-u to Nerviline. Accept no ubsitula. that you -have conferred youn good Large family size bottles, 60c.,, trial office upen n eswh is mentscin'- siza, 25c., at ail dealers, on the Ca-. oeely aud wa.rmly your friend. tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., aud Farewell." Buit tis i.antunusual- KingtonOuI.ly long formula- for a Roman,., Readily Answered. During medieva4 times a more /OP elabonato formi of letten-writing cay The railway ticket collecter in flou suhd an t eventually - grew- England put hie head iu at the car- into a moet extravaganti mode of niage dean sud addreased -the jolly eitlt oae ht rvie individuel inside. pitl±. oae htpeaie "Tickets, please," -lie isaid. , . til th e gnunyti.nn- .~ The amiling eue looked athihm ~~ticnuy ' Our forefa.thers weno as cene-. - >*"'. 4. wit-h alooholie sadnesa. onus nelbrtluterot Teprtyudfaacef "Got ne ticket (hic); dont 'Yb o tene a ndey enlu- a their wit- The p'. Ow, andspraverace ot thon me," lie said, settling down tr ste ee nterdw"- BW w ophv aei colectr a - room manuena. Thus, lu 1762, Wil- a universal favorite. Its U'îe is The oletra once pnodueed lia-m Pitt ooncludes a letter to the beueficial to auy skin. 4--1 .hs receipt bookan aflon consuît Mayor cf Norwich tins: 1I ama, MetopLmisot. ing a table cf fanes exclaimed.- witlv tnuest respect aud untalten4ble "Five and six, please."ý attachmrent, air, yeurniment obedieut "Wha's aVI qne'edVhsmon and obliged humble servant." ry ht' eue. usnd te e. But even this was moderato cr- "Fivo n six, please," repeated pared wit th forma often used lan~ the collecter. addreassiug pensons cf higli rank sud SeT a Tii.othe thoglita moent m àylty. In witing teF*À-. lc lookng u sad\; "Rlven, ti. Grat i fl1, dAle hertheu every - tiex~ m.ny ci th~R~px~ 14as rp ist.wawa. ..ekdmso tu iie&tt4q tle aulctadbrevity DeaMw ~le ie wre 99I~n mrS.ap Aar, «Ma1 'oil l 1on. t- ~ote~egxt~o~i4,Musel t wit a Wiille.Paw who.- lu erse '@fi- a V 40e eaop ý»F'igure for, 1a LIh 0"ht t syàue"Sansdlf.Sae ýýF re e n Herli -*à, Wul sen s - ou th e énglue, mi DKPT. f, TORONTO. TaeninE Oha ngefor BËlWý Nodl 'Itusseil" -Mode! "." i3ody - or torpe type. Thus car ls fully equlpped and là a- génulue bargaz., Price...................$1500.00 46RUSMeI19" Mode! "1'22." Five-passenger tourý Ing,. fully equlpped. Wheel base 2lu.-i., wheel- 36li ma.ifs Klgh nlesdl isln shape. Pnice.. . . . . MRusseW' Mýiodel "IR." Tus lu a .l" ve paffsenger car.f-MIYeqlpQiedwlwth fore- doors, and.itcte~soi1ès. Prlce,.,.,,,,,,.$900.O0 0 0 ., L I X V P ZD . 1 0 0U I O H O D S .. W S ~ o ~ U ST r - Amazedat, i tc' hem eliamed b the naailants meany ïW.41i@Di Q. die em ndate foreed ber'way etalled tientl; an t-he Ânarchit Qulired if-the li lhurt. 'netb Haif.distraugî Mina linelt- be beiid.- Tii. b) - her urotectingly. "»Oh. Tibby, la Tibby, .rnishingr zeutie IhanS, khn ',*o;-ihe's 4not' "but it,s neD fai -liat bu ien't ",- of the attacher -' for t.he deor. a kinS o' workÏing riners as cughL eanielrable' ~us -9d unfoir tii.mu - inas white mutely, and ehb ý-f lie wou1dýf epeak te me!" 1tulaitof dread Tibb.y, a doctor - Tiere vere on Iookinr on îlut -an - -su wît nd offered l1 go f the den- waa& Mina. vainly t vith- ber liandk' - md found Borne bathed hs ie h - mained unooneci "i mtilukingr net hlmi awiy'. auy fuse made ail rigit vien. and gui a va-u Mina vas off - andTi Tbby, eatml few -minutée h wheels. WIlf4h th caried himtol hfetated for a * asheti "viere <1WdiSougi E* -miuuttered; Cla ies as % vfbc one degr e..bt Mias oh and mie bld te Benuon'.He Mina Dut- ber -.* portoS hm, b blocdstaixed f1e f rom ler wit h ..fi e seol a dry valve. MO Andehw wae tri cetivally. **Thn inir te he1v thal_ die-. they'll put au cal 'li &m a tyr. -"Working. -.- metsaan' carr bardest -work ti sensible Maus i bead ai tie unce Peopi&'-"bein' m Sbyleml I'm fre< au nustice. I designini loti ml air tbatuS the mna fuel 'la- 'eart stili -Mina bent lier vered. -It. waB b' but verfeby I ouldn't tbu round, uaid4 Tibb -Inctant adeiratio- Lor'.te se the ie down afone lii si te 'a been lu lie a kint e' vaste 1 gentleman vuih what we'ru goin'i -et 'inrbomu, 1 -He can have Mina ubufently.- bis eyes oi--en a agaitu - -1 ýJust yen bu oul -Iflihe dmem le a& undertakenig .face m nioff -Igain. -Yo at your drseS& But Milna *001. solouely pressud hU held leunifor lte -sbot t iuruey. wasW indicatl tb-tnsandti dents- tc ite rei nth axty created eî en curioeity-a~ Elîit as anali at ucriipuleýuM8y vIn When Tliy nt bier aistanice. -ai a docto4R. ot CEi M-lina rul te tte lv returniii with a ýoteeb at home, an tiruenlighisvw aigied. gave u-t marne information agita-ted, a.couint lia'arrivetinai thel S- -éhi wctes- mn ar nîtil Vent tyl. ail ue91 im. I1tought 1I enio cd-eoking! mv girn." Theru eyet. thougi hi%-i~ lie mad to turn ai lie's goetrongApiau -41 -I >1

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