Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Oct 1913, p. 8

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lirs. -A.U. lIjilTUli. W~IZ S a45i erneIIU41Ww . ,_t'e Mr, and lIre. (*00.Morris, and lIre. oenl' ws pn'ývèyr sb1tý iuhRosi, visit-eid witii Mr. and gafll0,- ri -tc.T~j ~ub.rge .1Mrs. A.C. TEllotton $uuday. at NMs 8 Waler'u &pÇijure.was.. Dx- A reÎýrt of the' Rural $chool Fal ir pesed. WMas la _ biglity held here last Week will be !ousd else. clheeifu&girl, and wk"tiU,-ier IIi where in this payer. lov In;S 3Mnner 'had -eidered- bersell teý Mrs. Thos. ,Bread and 8son, of Sea- eeyo mtwoj e 1 n laWo grave, -spent 'a 1w days tliia week tù4c7 w-' de- *witb lMr. and lIrs. lroad. parture (rom our i ag an sudtr ust MIr. Wm. Maynard, who-lias heejIn t hah. emay- maie a 1 &ccess of 7Liier Tîrnagami -for the past 11V. mouths,_ uev: work. bas returned-home. - Mir. and7,Mrs. Robt. latrual, of Toi- About 2 P.ifl;on Tuesday the start.- rente, spent a few days la the vilaeUMg -mnessage was flashèd through the. this wcek visiting f riends. village that^ Mr. Fred MeBrieni had Mr. and ,lIrs. Albert Olilmi and been buried by, a- cave-nu-o!f the Wtql ¶ so, o Tornto vlitéd the -former nsoa premises, on Railioad, niother here oui Suuday.. St. lIn a tew minutes.a large numberî MIr. Ken Beainish blas seoured the liad gattiered at the scene or the ac- contràct for the clargement or cdet.he wlilas a-so ii cerent Whitby skating iùuk - top, 'which bas an, opeulu atout .igh_" o! lilroor,.vlutpdteen luches square. Tbreugh t1Iis hole lIrs.Ilinhamthe iintortunate 'mani could 'be seez, bur parents, Mr. and Mrs. MëBritu, nl hig edadsoûdr e this week u above the mass o! stones- andearth, s.iss Isabelle Wahkerlef tiuOhTues- that had (allen ilu about- hlm. ýHe hd d~f or Oshawa, where she wil1I' en---gene,.dowu by moes, of! a- topo a",ud t h ital a nurse i gn ladder, and waà ut the bbottom, -twen- ty-six foot down, when the's'tone'wallis Don't forget Me,,, 't Home sup.. started to sfide.ein, -about -hlm.. 11eR * per and lecture -in esB tist'church rushed up the ladder but 'was caught Whitby, Monduy _ ngOt 13. Ad- und'held fast,. neur the 'top o! it aud mission 25 cents. . about fifttoou'foot bolow. the top eor Thie annuai Iïvet ome Festival !orced the ladder backward, aud thul, o! the Methodist church,- Brooklilu, lr. MeBrien was ou the,, underbido o! o Will' be held on ýSunday and Moudn the well. Inu. !allihg*,,tho stonies had' * October l2th and-13th. O0n- Sund aduy Mse tightly squeeed that hel sermns lllbe rauhed at 10.30 a. w s unabie te do--auuything to> help amn., -and 7 p.m. byIRev., M.t. Se"- himseol. Tho ,upper portton of the 1 sznith, o! Whtby. On Monday .4chici- ,atoneo curbing wâs stili -hunging, and Ii Gdrnding ~eed Grrn ding and CàatCrhng nt of Our ýbus iness is in operatios> eeyday. and Rolling, 5c per 100 ibs. He- ELVISS, Brooklin Ara uli to tanup te their work, the carrier ains xteu almet te the 'pointe of the di erbase as te' pick up- staikm wheoD lyiug lin flat. When the heigbt- of cern -variei, bottom in the binding attachusent ...ODbs tly raised or lowered by a lever- "lbisaîure tines the bundles being tied se th cannot fui art. - Cal u t our aho room aud iuspect this mu- chine. We carry a omplete stock of Riding and Walkiug Plows, iucluding OCockshutt, WiI- kinàon, Fleury and Freet & Wood Crown Gangs. Harnees, Ext. Ladders, Ques, Greases, etc. -Whitby, -Ont. lu-il - mf - inupeaentU sa noBelpones. TEBROOKLIN HARDWARE STORE Il Ir9- iliu 11 àz% tntULIVEII ,l'i e makio~g a naine for themselves. Lcin.g týîem on trial, ad we would likt e in that hard field.- Positiv.eiy guar an Èdgratînu- d . .t.. 2. - S- UI 4n"" IO iL rigut. -We àlsoare offering-ail kinds of fart at lowest prices. Exti~aoaLadersat20ces Any length Up to 32 f uws- We are stili ,eyou to try iteed te plow Mi implements Der foot BeattY LiueCries Give usa cl. funace pipes, wmou ad- 3.eu ig~Uvea this, reem,' have boon removèd..- 'A mxiulster's vestry uow occupies one corner o! -Iis rooxu, near 'ýwhich isaa ne, s9tairway leadiig ltlm hefront Ã"o! the dhuircli, for the use o! the minister aud, .mombers -e! the <2ohér. Thse work don. 'and the-rofurisihiuig ropreseint- an expeuditure e!of$1200, aud iW la gratifyiug te kuow that ail bas boen paid for., The Brookilu PreebytorianLs are lo be cougratUialed for thse 2zal Ihey -bave..sb'own'l in is-ma ntad, for tho splendid impùrovemeuts tbey have mado lun their churcli. Mr. Samuel, Beal, -à respocted ssIý. .dent of this village for, more than 'hirty yoursË, '4d lo n, Sund ay, lui hie eighty- third year. For t*or-eeoks le- tore bis ý:death hhadtiboen'qulto poot- lyï, but ilu general lad.,enjoyeý 9100à hoalth. iv!tIs theo exception ýo! spo.liseto her okess. -Ho lad, beon- pru- t icully, confined te tho bo-use 1er mer- oral pars; 'but book a keen luteros'r, lu daily affaire, both -local und .world' ,*ide ti- Ã" VIe lasI. ÉP!rîôrte liýs cern-- ing te Broohuin ho occupiod a faru. t East Whitby, which ho thon ronte. 10o the laIe Samuel- Stocks, Whos to rwards purchased îl. Hic -wi!ý, a8 son and Vive daugbters ail, prodeceus- ed him, sud the. pathoso isbr euvoruents-- ias sdded te by. h sd de n deat h 01 an Ouin grna child .khoa.the youug -uias waS VIS- le*w yoars, ugo. He ias amember- o! th e Presbyteri an churcli, and fi uear- 'i thrt'y years.as eider. Thsefuneral was h4d on, Tuesduy aiternoon to the Baptist cernetory, on tIse 6th cou. Whllo - comlug quI o!flMr. Alva Biggs' on Mouday eveuing. lIre. Vas- stoeo fell from the stops bo a cornent waqk and sustainod a severe shakiug- ii., It was thougt tfj owing *te ber advanced ugo, thse lam might le sorious, but lortunutely, it proved otheririsoe. D4r. and lre. Wm.. Taylor, e! To- route, .visited- au-thic hme o!f1Mr. Boyceoevef Sunduy. lIt. Jas. Choyne, of Toronto, viel ited frieude bore over Suuday. When you have a d cold you want te best uned ilnoe tablo 50 as te cure it with as U îleeluy us possi- ble. Hero is a ggls opinion: "I have sold Cham rla-m' Cough Rem- edy for fit teenye rs,"' s Eues Loi- iar, o! Saratoga, tInd., ' nd consider ît the lest ou th mark "For sale by al ,delrs.-17. KINSALE. - MIis artley, (rom Tenante, visit- ed ut Mr. H. iMcBrieu's. lIns. L. Hourd, Oshawu, is visitiiig at Mn. A. Pankinis'. - Mr. R. -Bentley bas Icen engaged, on lte Fleming farm on KIngeton -R9ad. lIrs.. F. Rogers and -son, Frank, visitod iu Toronto. Silo tllling is thte order 'o!fte day now. The corn crop is -a good aven- ugo. lIt. H. lIeBnien - bas' commouoed picking bis apple cnep. Ho oxpects about 1,000 larrels o! good fruit. The Women's Instituto mot n Tbursday. last ut lte home o! -Mis. C. L. Macçkey, mit a good -attend' suce. 'te subject was, "Caneeol Flowers aud Beet Wiutor Bloomers." ,Maiy !rom bore atteuded lte Scitool Fuir at Brooklu. . The displa y of vogetables, flowons and seede was ex. cllent. _ Hene is a iromun .mh -s ks frous personul knotwledgo uld lobexpor- ieàée,- viz., lIns. P.H. noga o! WM- soui, Pa., mIe enys, 'kue lrorn experionco tIsaI Chaml\flâ yugb Remody ie far supeointe. auy therr For roupthere le snet ng -tlý- ex- oels l." For sale - qy a eoui'._17 'V~LE. Congratlationd' le Master Edgar Beclley onu evunlr tstprise on bis "AtExlit ~ thle.Brooklu -.Pair on Pil7day. - lIrs. -Camaie, Il Balsam, vie-ited mith -frieudis bore ou Sunday.- - o sd lra H. Flisher sud !a.mly, ofBrooklil, Espeut.Suuday ,-t-Mr. rF. Mr. Arthur Mç'w, o! -Tronto,--visit.,- ed at bis home here duîilg thse earlier uart orthe w.o1, al fanrp.c 74Èr. Harold Staintointe- a course ut-Toronû,Unair sity Do't, miss -the,-Boun E Homo auppor ilu the Bptlas scbolroon, Witby, IdyI October 13, 1ru fvp t'igt Admission te supper a&e Wve. underg-taud thé Asylu w paiu te turnod -peets 1ou thelu fone aenglIebase lin. M.Hawley, !urm- mauug around agalu aller belng* lali à week.. Tobuse lino nldewalIk le in, sate condition. A man shotid there te puÈt il lucondition t Asylum üpeople have lime te b botter ee' *iperidet pensant. Miss. , iertîrueUC- a o ttended ersitesuad Mr lIr- se lino, old.- J., Stephenson-, of flaml1Ieu Èer as.lbrôther' o! the1 groom, aclted as b est1 '-man., -The greoma's -present _- 1 thse bridesmaid iras a. peurl sud arnetbyst braclet~,. antso the groomsman a ares ali, sllver-tïppod umberella. - After' _church tIshe eeremony, lIseweddlng breaVts welgiasserved, et the -homeo! tho bridé,'s >'lxkparents, eOUly.Ihe jimdiate relatIves, re2e:beiug present. -lir. ai. lI ra. StéP!leg- son lef t Ã"n- the. eveulugt train for -a îlptshort îýzneymj:xoou, aud .'ill le ,aI uwhomo là tbeit friouds, aller Oct. 15, ut 114 -Loganaveulie, 'roroute. Mr, (or a un'- le sent 411 the uilda Mr. John Rowland bas neturuoed, a!-. tin speudiilg two weeks with f riends in PortPcrry. Mr. C,ý Brydges sponùt Sunday lu Toâronto. - - J. W.'.' opoland, -of, - 'Ohio, puréhased a bottje. oi'!i îeli' CoùgI Renledy for, hie had à cold, sud beWÏore.- tho e~ i usoed'thè Cod iras gon tIa- noV ibtter than teopWy dollar docter'a blli? F.-,-za suby deal- MYRTLE SrATION., -mise : Whestletoî,' of Téronto, le Isolidaylug with Éer sister, irse. I. Bail. Mir. Fice and lrioud, oh .Soliua, spout Suuday wilU Missl Olive Van- Nest. rsLwsVanNest retured home from Oshawa ou Sunday last. MIiss- Loua Earle, spout -theo Wéek end willi ber father, Mr. W. Earlè, Mn. Thomas Prîce bas seocuýd the ageucy bore o! the C.P.R. We' heurt- ily welcome MIr. Price and bis f amily te our village.1 MIr. -Arthur Maw, of Toronto, wa in our midst on Suturduy lust. Mr,. and lIrs. Gee. Houston and son epeut the week end ut lMr. -J. E Beucock's. -The Truc Source of eauty in, and muet be, good health. aalow skin and face blemishes are usually caused by .the presence of -impurities In the blood-impurities which- also cause headache, backache, ian- 0or. nrvousness and depres- sien of apiiits.>. If, at times, when there is inèed-you will use -PLLS yo u will find yoiuroelf better in every way. With . purified blood' you ilI improve diges-. tion,- Bleep imore restfully and your nerves wilI be -quieter.' You will redcover the cham lof sparkling eyeo, .a spotiess com- plèxion, rosy lips and vivacieous sCprits. 'Goodtfor ail the fam- 1lY, Beecham'a-Pilla esecially T" K«elW om wàdwa îeb * .1 svsr7bu re, lboxo.,25teat..be School Rçpot. The (ollowlug ScJ Soptember -la "', weekly tests-sud-gd ThIe uarae- arc ln.no I. WHITB 5'. - -1 k. NOTICE.. Take u notice -that the Mnipa Council ,of -Ite, Corporation of tse- Town o! Whftby inteuds, te construct as-a local-improveu>sent aspon -Ilie fol-ý iowing stroots, cèmeut walks, viz.: On. Green stÏeet,- east side, from Dunlop, St. te - lrs.., Wallaco's rosi- on- Gilbert ,S .t, north side, trous Green St.' te Athol St. On Kiug S. we st side, (rom Ou- starie t t t JohnSt. - 0oQIlTmO OZITÂRTOf., Clgrk, Whitby,,- Jeu. 13, - Fb. 6, Ma"ch4, Apffi- 3, ay 2, JUm 6,ý JI3,Sept.8,Ot.2 Nov. 71 us 4,- Js au. ý1914î, O0SIIAWA- i_ . *eoal Clerk-Jau. 14, Job. 6 .6 , pIr. 4e May ô$ June?7# Jally 4 p.4# Cd.t. Noir. 8, Dee. 5, Jan. 8, 1914. 2. BROUGHM - M. (Wemasa, &aý.. wood, Clek- Jan. 15, M"t. 6, -Msy el JUJy 7,1Sept. 6, Nov.11-Jan. s 1914. 3. PORT PERRY -J. W. ButZas. rPort Perry, C1iok- Jan. il, M".t. 7 May 7, Jly 8, Ssjpt. 6, Novr. 1%'. Dec. 17, 1914. - 4. 'UXBRIDGE-R. J. bXor, Uxbriâgs- Clerk-Jas. 10, Maté 14, gay-13, July 1,. sept. 9, *ov. 21,; JaP. 16,ý 1914. 5. CAI1lNING1DN- !Ibo& . H. Fol -Camîingtn, Clark -Jat. 9i Mai. !1 May- 14, JuJy 16, Sept.--10, Nový. 20V Ja.b. »IL114 6BEÂVEBTN- Jas'. M. -Gordon, 'Beavertes, Clrk-Jas. 8, M&r. .12, Ray 15, July 17, Sept. 11, Nov. 19, Jas. 14j 1914, e7. UPTEEGROVE -DasWIelmLonard, Âtherley, Clark- jas. 7, Mat.- 11, l[ay 16, JulY 18, Sept. 12, eov. 18, -Jas. 18, 1914. By Ordor, J. I. PAEUWELL, - Clak of the Peao. flated et WhItby, Nov. atb. 191&, WHITBY -MARK~ETS Aleike clever, per bas..411.QO0tpU32.0 Whsat, (aIl ............. té9 b0."5 Wheat, . goos...... ......... .m, 0'.90 1l"et, sprlng. .... ....... 0.80to 0.85 _ Wheat, (aIL ... 085 0- .n- Rye ..... Buekwheat ....... . 0.56 o 0.00 FO AND PEED. Flour,, p« 2~t.. .8-tu 1.400 Cboppod .....cv . Lu *0110 Coramal....... ...8198 Bran, pe tM4&-... ... 1*toSQ Short.pet to.. .....,.7... to9- MEAT. -PoULTRY AN» -21RO1.JC3 -13. -oTwn WANTED.0 Clark. C GOOD LOCAL AGENT-At once te represent thse Old and Rejiable Fonthlll Nurseries. -Splcndid list of fruit ancf orna'meta?, stockr for Fal dclivery, 1913, sud ýpringdIvery,Ï1914. .Start'-a: -once- and ,secure, exclusive tcrritory. -W.ý suply handisome free outfit and pày-ighestcommissions. Write for fuIl. partirs. STON E 9.WELLIIOTON. TORoNTo, p ONTARIO:, TOEDIFP' EROS. Succemsot tCq4Y Pros. PRAOTrioAL UNDERTËAKERS - INVISIBLE S Dl-OCAL LIMBES Dur Bifoa Lenses are really twe -len'seéswelded -intoý oeesolid lens. Price perpai, $s.oo SýPecial ground, -7-.50 F..LUE 1 S9 longre St.TO RONTO Sept. 2Ith te ot. -10tblnelusiva From alstations in, Ontario ut very>ekw rates te: Vancouver, B.C. Les -Angcles,CaI.:, Victoria, B.C. San Diegoo Cal.. Nelson,.B. C. Sas FranciscoCàI. Prince Rupert, B.C. Mexico£City, Mcx.1 Portlaund, Ore. Seattle, Wush.> Spokane; Washi ONE-WAYSEODLAS WlLL BE- ISSUED. Proportionate low rates te other points in À.rizon -a, British Columbia, Culif ornia,. 1ooaddaiMontunu, Mexice, -Newv Mexl- o, OregeNvdTexua!Ua.y4,, Washtîn taadWoing Tickets 5oW >on, sale ut 9X -Grand Trupk Tkt, Offices, aid cspectally -E. STEPHENSON Town Agent for Express,,Ticket snd Telegrapli Offide, .opposite k.Standard -asai, Wbj4tiy1! Ont. 11elephone"30. 1TRAIN SCHEDiULE. WHTBY 3NTO Iconaecceeaontnenign.p.anet W. are prouS o! ts eçrd. adnutted a i e 7 Cor. YongÏeand I W.i FOUR l,EÀ1 "J better.gi -George^ Es-'Ré BLOW§ .Bell Tel. 9. -HAVE uÛder cultuvitson. ttbhshed éver 35 yes. A reputation for higgrde stock and fair dcahuùg. A salésmnan eau make, mouey seIling forus. -1We mant an anar- getiereliablemanferWhitbyand iity. For termsvrt Pelbasi!m r.eyCo., Toronto,,Ã"nt. N. B.-Free catalogue 'oun request.-25. Sins- purdsauing the but lin. (rom - O(r. William Ne;wrt, we have bmp favored ,with a - ver>large pattonal and w we (a!1 êare giviug tw epubie good servie.. Ailord'sfor teaîing (uriture - mOving,&atage o! freiglt,- vansfo Pils"ursparties> etc., will recie ont - very bout attention. ý ;. Nirut-elas Iivry in connactioi. 'pinne moi 212- _s nd. Medici Brushes,, .ý î Brusiies, -Water Botties 'TUEFINESTQUAL -D THE BEST PRIC - JUWILLI- ggist and ept 14EDICAL HALL *MEICA W Wilson ' C I.IROPRAOTOR -causeofo! iseuse Re m9 ~ Adstrnent o! the-Spi -Free. 20 5iMTCoe St wbitbY eManday, têneday fo ga i. ton l.306,fl Phone 344, QsbawS- JNO. E. ÇFAREWILL,- uConyCrown At ýù,ý Cutysolicitor. ~ceSouth winîg Court HioUs A.E.- CIRISTIAP aristr oicitOr. Notav! Pui ffce; -BrockSt., Oiip. Stan Mone y to Loan. ffMeS RITLEDGE, Bar.r mocney to Loan on easy ifce -jmmediately southR G. vQUNG 5ITIJW, -NARAGE TACE urt,,Huse, Whitby, 9 W. ADlAMS~, Dnii. trsRèsidell:BO N.4, yrofl *St., AVh»4by. PhO5n 4hwLioensed inctiOli ýor te L. FairbankS. Fol: lates appli tou ei o.r G -LICENSI3 ACTI AND ALUAT4 Ai. indi of!sales proifi -e. at tIc Gazett& Office kTermas Y ofable.- Iand IndeOdOIt Pe -WIIITBY, ON CC CNT I.CTC penter' Builder and as drawn and estima! -é pairs, Alteraticns al CH( oOrini5 1 il BW 110031V1ns and liatô] t-Win pay you toc 1 inipeot for yeuse >ont, 4 mied. by temploy thesr, On ci do aBOW tba &g2 per sêit, vIaIich 'mby piictC~igfl - Office and .4 .4 A .4 .4 CusYom I Th~ w--, J w. W.; F.'DIS NEY, a hài AL: Aý dom, d6. ý M ý. - 'ý - ', - i ý ", 1 ý < ïoïk

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