Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Oct 1913, p. 4

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lêiW.1, an sd ô East Whtby i rd (noer, Ciabu ,.E(beI * Cél"mbvsFwuI-mBlnche (s> es~ 4 postee-lNeilie Wood, o1llS ,syu~xor 1 jIbOIUibi2 Bace Boyton, Coumbus ' 2, Mldred-Snud- iroin- , . z~r YUi 3 510~~ dus, ColuinhUe 8, StewartMurison, c - !po -- oht6e-,.Côlum~bus 49 NOieBoyntom dë Coluàbu ,o. s twoodzt (c) C~ i ae of MÂnot-5, MOI. Mo*BdBrook 4. eo wod--BrokIn Wa, ,'ý'MadShuflteworih, li '0 enMackey, Klasale. 5 , Vicirglodg, Myrtle;',Ross l;8 ao$StvnoXi- Coý SXL~4EIL Mu(Oii olumbuu çý7j.iarvey Bal- 4, ok saoln ,ÂbryMo e _ r y Drdeni' BrPékl ; y Best --collection Ici e- Dlii up by lard Ellen Dixon,,Kimeaer, 6, Fred (Rover elNo.ý 2, Whtby; 2, No 3, ColumbUo. -Columbu 17 ot iret, ro-Brookilu2, 14o., 4, yrl (b) 'Besi peck petatoe-,JIl lM8Ja Moore, Brooklilu. _______ Dyer, ýCoumbus;, '2, Arthuir Stork,, LA~V P E 4, StwartMurion, olmbs' . (a) Best plate o*-_Spes.-I, Mrold I - 4 oau~o, Colubs* oard, Brookluà; 2,- Evelyn Moore,. Bose ouils , (odn er Brooklilu 3 Jas.- Dyer, Col1ubus: 4. WodBlho , Dlngiaù;, Whitb 5, -Gordon Colmblel , rank Ballard, Brook-Ro Columbus k, Bshop, Columbus ;,6, Iaien. .KOO'ret,- Brooita;7, -Arthur Stôrk, Broèklin» (c) Car# <fi plot.-1 (. od b) Best plate o! 10 $inows- columbus, O,- Poses Murisn, Comum- WiIlis Ell4ns, Columbus';~Ah i bu-8, Harold Ashton, CRubus 4 nold Bobî;3 , IlItn John, Dyer, Columbus';5~ Stewart Brooklin'; 4, Arthur- Stork, Bréolhn; M)urîson, Columnbuia'; 6, Arthur Stork, , Gordon Biýbep, Qptum bu 6,Harl- Brooklln ; 7, Marie Moore, Columbus; ý'îd Pascoe, Witbý7, Gordon Col-. 8, Frank Balaârd, Ashbnrn.* > 1 îî,.Brook ln1 - ( La) V.-FALL WHEAT. - ()Botpne!aùý,jber varlity. ()Besi shed ofe! taXi What-i, Vlc- -1, Alile Moore,, Br-ooklIn ;S, Mered- - 1or Uodgin, Brookln. 2, Lýocl"Me- bth MeErlen, -Kinsale; 3, Clinton, Erin, o n -le 3, Arthur Stork, Moore, Brookliln 4, - "Raybourne Brookiniu; 4, Etta White, -BrXookliu -; liobbs, ýColumbu 5, Ethel Whiteï &, .Roy Hall, llrooklià, Columbua; 61 Race Atksey, ' Brook- CJPASS VI-POULTRY. lin; 7, Hiarold CoUlard, Brookin. (a) Boat pen,. thrce sud,,upwards.- CLASS IX.-WEED AND INSECT Ji Keith Lynde, Audiey' 2, Gertrude- - - COLLECTIONS. Èayne, Kinsale; 8, 'Arthur Sgtephen,. Brobkiln;4, Russelll H-lai, Brookil <>ClktOl fWcdbnandsu 5, Aima Trigg, Audley; 6, Edwxird 3utd-,HaodPso,'Wbty The above picture o! Miss Ruth Pascoe, WhitbY; 7, Arthur Stork2,Lus ubelyle , Roy ester 0f New York luIoae o Whitby ; 8 Ethel, oo i.lmbus: igan htb ,Cado ie- îfe su»d luon thre label mdcarton of! (b) Beui part, cocherel amd.,,Pullet-- top roia every genulne bottlé o! Sageine hait 1,-Arhur,-,S;ephcn, 'rÃ"laç2 d b) -Colecton1! weè eda- tonin. 15, a sguanie of quality * ard Pascoci ,Brookla; 3, Russlge Gerdoil ýTrijgg, -Audey ,Alke sdecelneand we urge our pst. Till1, Br0okla; 4, Gertrude Maylet, Moore, B 'oîl; 3 Ev ewTrpp, tons toii, sure te îookfor,»Ms label. Klinsale ; , Erle- Dingman , Brooklin;Ae; 4, Maud Siutleweth, geîne la guaranteed- b stop the ô, Walter. Ellins, Columbus; 7, Geo- Brooin.; 5, Wlilie Ellins, BrookiU-,' hakf from.fahllng out, te cure dan-ý Love, Myrtie. - 6, Willie Bell, Adl; 7, Erle Ding- druif laInwo weeks and to brin&, lite (c) BesI ccre.-1, Arthur 'Stcph- man, Whtby.- - sud beauty Imb coarse unattracti4ve * nBrookln ;, .2, Russel Till, Brook-. (c> Collection o! buxecis ned.- 1,~ Sageine brlngs outi1the atu rai -Iin t 3, Gertrude- Mayie, Kinsale; 4, Am rgAde;2 odnCl beauites of the bair .and makes lt rlcb Edward- Pasebe, WhltbY-t 5, Keith will, Brookila*; 3,- BesseGarb in celôr. Sagelno le not4.a dye. It Is Lyd~ -4doy ,Erle Dlngman, Brookla;' 4, 'Leck MoBrien, Kinsale;,-5 ot shîcky or greaay and la, daintily' Whiuy ,Loi rbel,,yr . David 1liubbell, MyrtAe r, 6e wllle El- ý rfumed. -Mt. J.E*. Wlls 'ls agent. (d) Boat puIet. Edward Pascoe,- 1l, Broo'i.u; 7- 1Ronal Long, W htby for - Sageine. A,.large bât-_ Whtby , 2, Waltr-Blins, Columbus ,ÇI rookln. lIe -at a tmoderato prices w syou [Ârthur 9tephen, Brooî ;4,Eh e LASS -X,_ýSSYS ON ýDR4W- ilin ,4Et-tere. Other stores don't have .. ed -Wiood, Columbus; 5, Rusaselli TRI, -INS drookhhn ç 6 Frank Bladoum (a) i Essay on HowIGrwM- -- bil; 7 Wllte l Wh Cltb i Po. -S.lUal tY-1 -ýMy THE BROUG~HAM FAIR. -<bus il d oneg., D. 1. D-IBl,-Bokla ; Al Moe efeclaliw athcr suà'a spleu- logBrokln2, AgnsTonilnson, 1Brqokliii ,Ellen iXonBrok. l; dld -ait.çndgace geid cRural Kiusale ; si Janet .Oriisba. Brook- 4, Roy Dingmaii, Whiiby 5, Edua Sehool Pat at Brougham lasi, Wed- lin -; 4,. Blanche Spragge, ýBrookla ) 5, Redmaisu. Kinsale ; 6, Edgar Hogr109 n sdy Septnbr2t. Tefi MayDryden, Biookin; 61, David Br-ln - was held at the school grounds,- sud 1Brookln. ___the claÈses open for competitio>a-were You 'Qi?:Us wé la usieurlght'hr hr you lve. You à» an aIuutam;e, .Iibér or a friand of ours. This mom.y-back. If.abmtsfh offrshuldprive the. slncority of ouf daims. W M w Y we beleve we have ly relevecositon They c 10 hebut laxative and bsck up our overcome " pathe ause'cf onstipation. kiet withour unquaifledprom- They tend te eéliminate the caus -ineto, retura'wtbout question or of ick headache, biliousneu, bad fonnaiiy tai, moniey paid us for it, breath; nervousneseand other Mes Ifit do'e ot prove etirely msa"i attendant upon inactive bowelm. -~factory to you, we beieve we are en- ttutyour nfid -M k Our nelbd-pr"estig e Us Prove This deen upon youûr - ence mu us. We want you te corne te aour store We know we must ecure and hold and get a package of Rexail Order- worcnfidence lm'Order le çet and lis. Use a f cw or use up tlié entire ee>oratronage. Therelore, we ,ox. Then, if o are not entirely a mot drdmube bis offer if we sntisfied, corne bCL and tell us and wee ot poutv.1 certain that we we wil promnptly returu the money fia ZIsOTO OUr chisesfor - v a nd iusfor them. ( pus imee wibb hem and the Mamy reports we have rcccived from; voé be bave ued ihemý prove 1m bvare reaUy bbc most, plesng sud sa ="atory bowel 'remcdy we -knofo. RamU Ordenlle baste like caxxdy. Tbey are sootblng and easy in action. Theyr don't cause giping, nausca, rrurgor e excessive looseucas, as do e 1 iusphysie or laxative. Rexali Oderlemmacu> 10act as-a tonic- * tieneeupon thc neves and msxceof the boweis. 'Ple>' prompt You promise xothiug - you mlgm notbing - you obligate yoursef 1 us la no way whatcver. We accpt your mere word. Don't younone believe that Rexai OrdcrlWe are, worthy o! a trial? Could mny offer be more 'air? Try«Themi-at Our RIskç We particularly reconud Rai Ordcrhses for children, an&ger osons and for deicate People. Rexai Ordelies corne iu vet- peeketbi boxes. 12 bablet., -10a; 86tblets,' 25c;- 80 tablets, Ne. Usual dose anc tablet. OMTO:Pleg bain mind that Baxel Orderlie are not eold by mli drue' gkUt. You eau buyexl Orderlio only atthe le=USlftore. TYon ea buy Banal Orderlies li thls communlty only at aur-sor: Ai H. AI.LIN Whitby TeSoeOntario --There h a EResU Store in neal evrytew ndty in theunited state.. Cmnada and 0~ot BltIa~The. s adiforur teallRemedy for ncarly evevorcLnary hi manid-. .eh.1dwiflduu(d Or lnthe ular ii for whieb il imrerAomnied 'l.'eatStores are Amnerlca's reatest Drug Stores -,*. D. SIMPSON&00. HAVE YOU BOUGHT IVUft rJiLL rHAIr W. have the best -milliners, bighly recommemded by the ,1oleuae trade. .Our hats a'reýParis and New York style& . Ladies, you well -kmow.iimdlvduality is the prlnciple thlng làeat E Ry from us and yourbat will be made io ,suit yon ahd no pau *will be spared to get 'yon thing you. vint. Q'DFMihJner-bW~iiien ilu extendfiggevery year-tis à à, tuiratC e oglve satisfactti. Pleaaè ore early .and givL$Ii*mo-ordp-as WC know we can sýtisyyoln every way, ~wll hd out prcerigbt. M _ArV% -6,«%, a -1 d% sîmilar to those at the Brookla fait. CQompetition was open tg puphîs .o! Schoolsections Nos. 5, 8, 9, 10, il, 12, 18 and 16, PickedTng. Mrt. Tippe r had charge, o! course, and the judges werc those wbo acied ai Brooklin. Mr. E. B. Start, of! Whitby, bad charge o! bbe sports, which were held while. thc judging was going on. The numbet o! enties was large. The atteudance would probabiy have been greaier had mot the farmets been raiher busy on tbelr fanms, but even as lb was, a - splendId ctowd tutned oui to encourage the efforts -o! the childten. - Owlug ;to lack cf spare, the prize lilt wIlli be publshed iu next week's paper. Lay'uen's Missionary Con- férence. Thle meeting et Isymen caléld on Suxxday eveui'ng to discuss thxe pro- posaI to hlod a laymens mieeîô'nary conference lu 'Whitby lu Novembet. wai aitended by bMeven iweai sud tbînty men. The gatberlng uman- imously decided to go on xvtb bbc Conference, sud an organîzatIon was effected. An executIve commîtes o! seven was chosen. Chaîrman, C. A. Goodfelow; VIce-Chaîrman, W. J.H!. RIcliardson 1 Sectetary 'Pressurer, W. A. Holiday ; sud Messrs. Judore Mc- Ttyre, J.W. B9ateman and H. R. Burdge. This commitbse met on « Monday evenlng sud made plans for gettlng ixx bouch xvth -- the mcxe! f bbc churches Ilirougliont the district te be covered by thie Conference. TtbIs earnestIv destred that pasters sud isymen wlll Iterest themsel ves sud ô)therÏ in tbis'comlngz conference. go that s very large attendauce may bp secured. Purther pariulare xiii be publish- ed f rom 'Mime te lime. - RUNAWAY. What migbt have p-roved s serions accident occurred last wcek when "J4," ttaie fineherse driven 1 by Mrt, Coud>, o! Ibe ÂAylum Fan, surpris- d bis, diver _by.rnlig I*y xvim, as on- bis way up-tovnand., b.ad jiýwt reaçobcd the bridge over -;the- G.T.1R; 'at tbe Junctea WheDi: h va frlghteRed by a 'train. liebeugdag eue side sund platd bis -fore t on the iron 'ralfilg whichis about -tvo feet- wlde. T'Pedistance trom -iIs-i IPOint.. te .-roadbed lus. adrov f -a-'~ CORERHARDWAI shafts and whlftltree .accomPanYlng- hlm» li-e was topped- up toii ad tabe». _Into thé'-windËor -ho-Lel -yards, where ,fr. .Couch lâter,-tok charge of! hlm. «Jl" ruufyncado cile animal , b* th-ils incident was qlte umezp.tpei uan4 took Mit. Couch.- bi' .surprie go u tk ht ewas ý.unpre- pareil for 41àe oocurrence. It .18 fortu-1 naie that taie'borpe dld flo!tleap com- pltely , overý the ralimg,- as the con- seqUencs for the driver might; h ave been -ver serlols. YVNG PEOPLE RALLY. On Tu«esday -ot nert week-ilClare- mont- Is to be hbeld a rally îci th 'Young, People's Unions.pf the Bapttst churcbeg for thié Whltby and-,Llndsay Aaesocflatiol.' The sessionse are to ho attrnoo n -and -evenlng,- nd àa Most ln- terceting pro a$basbeen. arranged. A number of young P~eople trom Whi- by. lntend to be present at the meet'- ings. -Rev. G. - ýMOUeal iivn e president of the organiialtion. impottant Auceion Sale. o! (atm stock sud l~ ects. -The undcrsigaed liareccfodinstructions frose Mr. David .J-xýes, Lot 3, COn. 8, Pickerinig, t seli by public suc- tien on Wednesday, Oc-ober 8, tb' foliowiig- valuable articles, vis: HORSlES. 1 Bay mare, Nellie Dean, (7010), 12 years ; 1 bay mare, Jesale Den, (27184), 4 years ; 1 bay mare, flazel --Dean (31475), 1 year ; 1 herse -colt, 1913, xil reg.; 1 grey mare, aged;- 1 grey horse, 5 ycars oid t; 1 black herse, 5 ycars old ;i bay horse,, i yr. old. CÀTE 1 ted cow, 7 years old, due Match 25 ; 1 spotbed- cow, 8 -years old;, 1 ted cow, 10 years old ; 1 ted helfer, 2 years old, due Aprîl 98; 1 ted bel!- et, 2 years old ; 1 ted heller 2 years old ; 1 resu hlcier, * Yeats oid; i black helfer, 2 ycars oid ; 1 ted befer 2 ycars old çresuroa steet, 2 years old ç 1 ted steer, 2 yeare aid ; 1 rosu eeet, 3 years old ; 1 resu belfer, 1 year old ; -1 ted hehler, 1 yeat old ; I -ted sicerii year cfdl: 4 sptlag calves PIGS.- 6 sprlng Pige, 5 mombbs eld. COTSWQLD SliEEP. 10 breedlng ewes, Jeg.; 7 ewe iambe; xii reg.; 5 eWe ilambe. iii eg. -IMPLEMENTS. 1 McCotmiek - bindet, 1 Dee ring mower, 1 pea barvester, 1 Prost & Weod hersetras, .i Frost & Wood' seed drIlll ,i Frost & Wood dise bar- bew, I set i diatxond hartows., i culU vato, '. laed- touer, i Ne. 7 Wdlkn- Son, plow, Ilxviii ilougb, 1i soffr,, birti4y could b taste tij -set of cii You'll this st9ni R,.NA Jelerà WeTB PURCHASE rW_~MIU W. M. PRINGLE RE, Phone 2 proveti joint notes. 5 pet cent; Per annum off for cas. WM. MAW, aiuctone&r. WINDSOR I,TEL. -PROPERTY SOLD. Another big real .estak ,déailihas becs put hrougb iniWhibby, whereby the - Windsor lotel - property ban cbanged bands. lMt. W.L. Iakson, of- Oshawa,- la tbc purchaser from R.M. MecCeyne, wbo was thbc proprieter o! the house until it was taken oVer by Emmerson & KIng, wbo are at present conductlng the business, and- wi continue te do se. The purchase price was *$1O,O0 lb is understood.' ExecÙiters' Sal Fatm < in Pickering 0W ship Thre undersîga'bas 'rec ed ila- âtrnctions fro bbe crecutors of thé xii o! Rie Colliis, dcc d, 1ofier for sai, by public suc n at- jtbe Rayai tel, Witby, on - tur- Iday, Octob 11, 1913, at bhc ont of Itwo o'clocla the afterLoon, é'cea- traliporti n of Lot No. 1-in t e third range of e 'Broken Front ce cession o! -the T wuship of Piekerin , con- tainlng 3j acres, more r1Is, sud knowu the Richard Collin !arrn. On0 te premises are s brl dwell- ing bh e and good trame welling, ulted tenast's house-i, fr e ban wlth ame cow stable att bcd' sud stone root celar; frame dr ing shed sueead bse stable. The tarilIo wel feed nd underdralned; 4 5 acres of bit wl-Lb conside alc edar. Ter 1Q per -cent. on yo!fi.ale- and b sue xvftbln tirty ys iherc'-L afe be.urtber- pattivulat sand coudi- U tiens; o sale xii be ma ckown con day of e, and mayb hdna- pliistion te tbc undersfcd. Whliby, 2tb Sept., i 1. A.- E. CH STIAN, Whlb ,ont. à1itor 1 the Vendora WM. AW, c-Lon .-174. - -Me HI.LLI TrERMS MODEBATE. Opponite Qtai Churoh, lM$toa RW 4 -The adva poicyholders, 'Assurance Col for the premit any other Coin 40>1-, NOTICEÉ -at-1 le now open and ready - nm WAI aWM PHONF4-BeLL'NO. 3," - IF Y-ou WEARt -SHOES F PEEL'S 8110E A Pleasure to, Show Goods Jo roký St..South. 1 We'ha new: Liy 1this, PLoie 151 ~the Pièce at a rieasoîi ttern forý evefy day -use., -WewiIll be. pleased- toi )T-sta we lmport it.ý >ie Price. 1 t is a -prmtt show it to you. t! ir 25c Try it. scijool boots où, WE -WILLBV F~OR EACH ONE CENT 0F -i ýSPECI-AL! , SPILC lu ACEi --- WITH1 OSSBLy' - Ieç4 gls ~- ings is diffiêit, dim ansd Unesm -foliows even ai - .eyes. - - Thl sympco - aU Naturels way - get giasscs.-Yoi walting. -DieciÈ here nd have >' to. 'Have comfd long*tMcewlvth th R.,Ni. BA r:-.OPPOMM 1RW ,. W C. The regular moni SW.C.T.U,. xiilié 1 -Thmpsonson3 Sat 3.30 o'cl»ck., ',WHY I AkM AGAI kI am 'aganst the -takes al I have ai -equivaient. I tp into a h -chase a -pair -of shoi are kept warm. I step ijute aA- -'1 purchase a suit dec ' body i& priotected. f YI step infd a grec chase bread, mcab, ~sult my body is lé( I -stop into a"boc chasea good book, ~Isfe, sud eniched. 1 -stçp ltb bbch _,ý-tink. As Iwl g2oéd felIow-, a i_,= ýbraIn-is- e sci -sbepdy sud my. w ,7,;ziyYalue -as s d, inerchant or a meg jý(By and by 1 cesse- ome or'-social -val au outcast. iand-ai My op'$osltiou te the liquor traffic i ô!d- decency and mwx 'Saying that 1 pri poverly, sobrieiy I bouesty toishoale expressii on y lareydstagg

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