Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Oct 1913, p. 2

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vra for npward of tw4nty,ftvo yest-., and I oould 1 elate wany case&, relievtd and '--ua'ed, lýrough Ina maternity 4Cases wbioh 'I nu ' re I alway use tbe -MI know of no otho me4cinothai - eo upeedily builds - UP thomotherý et this eciti.- 'cal tiffne. 1 have alec found tiei cf great vilue t41tthe case of ycting girls, andý I icaa add tIiat aa for my- -oelf -,tl!by, havê aaved me maay a doctor's bill. I'feel,We in sayulg they are -the beat ' tcuic o -in1 kuow of." mdcn * Nursiag ithers will- fiùd Dr. -William~s, Pink-, Pilla willgiveèlier just the. etreng4h se.neede, and they will at the. usonstinte aid in keeping lier, child lelty I o do flot find tiiesePill a t'your deal- et-'sa they ýwillb.eSent. by nmualat 50 cents a: box or six boxe - for 09.5o by writiag -Tii. Dr.ý Wilia'Me -clu. Coý.', BIocrville,-Ont. - UJIKIES MNAKE PANT. Where -the- ëolo "s. equlred *by Ar- * tiste- C rneFm. In order toe fut-niehi;thèînnumner- abie-dehicate tintsof paint required by arti#ts manufacturera have. nalwadayis te raila" thé world. Evnmamishveslately been called iaVe' use... Mummies are- uêually preerved in the finest bituýIpenaind thia an- cient bitumon lias, in the course of ccnturiés, turned thie mummie. a frttlery-brown tint. ,V It as been f ound triat when the bitumen and the Eïrredsa-cf muinmy are ground- down -by machinery, a beauAii brown ýpigment ia. the result.-eýx- a-ctly the tint rtquired for-pIiinting certain 'shades of b;e-vinhair. Sepia is one Pt 4ýhO commonmt cf artiste', jýeI t is a deep broyrn - -i ç, à ad omez f rOrja sgoures Sequally etrange. Ii ile yrpst-ed froua tie black, iaky fluid dis- cbarged by the. cuttlefish te blind and baffe its enemies. Prussisn blue i. prepared lt-oa hors's heofs, and is.ude by fus- ing theý hooîs. witii potassium car- bonate. Raw Sienna' le mdl ffrein - near Sienna, in Italy. Burtat ienna, uuother common tint, is imply the sane earth burnt. * The .majority of pigments for miaking oolrs-tiat la, the dry -poder-are obtained from miner- sl1U bu ekany Piget on o -~the o4imsah kinigdos. Cochineal, for'example, cornes f ros trie dried . frdies cf insects. A- ldad of pitcli Ialec used for certain pigmenta. - IUOSULPHURpurifies the bleed Tihe boy witb trift-st dime- bols riche'r iau trie man witli bis first million.- Minam-d' Liniment for sale averywhore. Ris Proposition. "Do 'you think, Yeu are ab:le to support my- daughtèr in t-hé style to wlpch she bas been ýaccustom- 'I don't know, sir, but VUi tell youwhat I can do." "What's thati1" III can save you about 50 per cent. <f ler present cost e you."1 lintit Sb*ýwas Nearly Crazyi Begar, wWatéry Blisters, O n Ears E--'H andas' ud-Anld .. Ȏic sikÃ"týeep for Scratching. Cuti. -. ur~~p~nuiintentCured, hutia.vêt-y bad case of ezemaa. The trouble1 bossu wlirth watery blise and ltche'j andi .bumed lIntil 1 waa nearly crazy. It waa on my-am , ~bandu and ankies. I couici nlot kMPe be ba clothes over me et nlghs for the amartinu and ltching. My eml weui*ve., I would scratch umithteblood voulti fuSanti thon form aucab. Ifeit ar if i cOui take a huife and eut the flah on MY bande. Iiiwould tlafigureMY face andi niaka il aariandiburaand swe». I coulU noe elep ai ngriufor sracbng "I.4tiedstivet-ytblng I héard,of wlthout jotaS gany.benefit. I useti lots cf home remedles, oucri aular-d andi suihur, adas -mwàa Ueated for 16. To ti uticur 5oap and Oiatmzt and they gave me grat o*m. I und m thoi outfourinonuhî and I 1happy tO y îs&MnevewU' tOltnow. .wu>fieteIy,(8Lee) Mri. A. 0.hmp Leu m à ueoOutioura Soap for tolleSb and bath ae* oaiy ieOsa o pr-ie. purlfyr amd bsçuWtlfvhe skia, ecip, hait-andi hands, ibu s1#i g of e o m the l cm1maon ri dl sçÇuekIn. 4Culcw 4de-pOBIeaai Potter Urug & Ohuan 4 .dDU& luo. . .A k. seoonçr*1 s4he woul 1 that id.i h.-her -r mon nuniber haif a clezen snd tlieïr chie! is à.'Soetla -=an. But thei- - ultiuiab& rather duRieront from ýtuai -oIcenl these days cOf il .amoat every robbe7 lis 1a oooçrto Ll oyd a. 11T2 trie pepe ho psy.- Oons4e if il, beco mes&a matter cl they 5would , rathei - regaisi Sien of steolen goods,beothe ~lery,golti pst., gema, or1 Vihan have the ,trietl",au~ punishied. 0f course, -if thf .both, arreat the, thioél and- oteolen articles bbci, wrll'ai An. ingenmeus fraud was revesled by conep titeirj A. oetswomsan,,moving_-in1 clety' bought a pearh necki Insured il for, £l5,O0O. Ol tiie neckiace -was, examined perts Vo marie oertia -hat of the. declared value. But1 b.ad lier plan-al cul and dri had a neckîsco made-an oi itation, -tkë.,value cf whik probably only a pound or -t <ýquielly soldtii. real one. 'T arranged a bit cof meodrarà day the necrihace wasaIih lier-neck by -retufl ,Sotihto*n., The 1"thie clau -&way. m, awjf,- by wmcmihe Jettors eue sefltte 1>052 -wereI. scrutinized ere : they were Dt-seryioe drfpp.d -;in- a pillax-box., They Lor less, found..thàt.alie-,wrcto pietty ire- end~ Yard quontl y-to &el .Hrr, "cars cof aim - sthie .,ost7offme-,cf a.provincial towi.. tcf, té 1Vrq'mainced Vo get seglÈmpSe c na-uranc e 'ýUr. Uarrime," and Vo. proye *àit, a matýterîho and à&'. Linitri-wer> on. and the- b.ey are same person. That wae mnore dii- equçntly, foeuit, for lie caUIed 1cr bhis_ letters f chodice, 52 ja1reuent ad*ir*eular inter- iýposseIs-. vals. The detective-saatched vlgi- Ie jewel- lantly at 'tri.'po'tffMce,-nd to- pictureès, marie sure addressed a l tte t ght ând Mr. Rat-ris themselvos. .ey coùld- At lait rie called for thie latteira. get the On. glimpse was eno ugitc identi. ýndgod fy hlm, and i aî few seconds -he mas zocently handed ovor Vo the- police. Ris numbor. wkife joincd hi l*a'a well-rnorited 9ooa se- seclusion for -a p.riod .6 years.. lace sud There are scores cf cases in whicli Ecourse, lhé'secret service cf Lloyd'g ia e»- i by ex- gaged of which the. public nover 4 i b eae, for somnetines tIiey may ol,- thi lady tain -evidence-which will justify- an red . hihï insurance cornpany in refiising -te macI iii- >pay a daim, but woul4 noV justify ih -1 was a clarge of -suad. eut 'ho i a ,Wo-aad olever swifdler wbo baffles themaon rhlenahe.1th.ea rare occasionsi whea an Ieut-- el ace Icompany- is dilped. ed frcm anl in a gel -- A Plot Unmaaked. But 'wbou tue clai for £15,0 was put la the delectives were net altogethet- satisfied. To them n il seomed strauge that sucli a valu- ahle necklaëe should h. voru ia tiie Open -street.! Tiie insurance éce ni- pany maâe a pretext ia order %to de-ý la payî'ng the . daim, and inquiries: -ero quietly,-niade. Talking -on. day Vo a London jeweller,- a detec- ive wa sshown a neckiace which lie instaatly reoognized as te oee eupposedti 'tehave heen etolen. " Wliere did you -geV 'iIl"'i.o de- mnded. ."Oh, that wae 1liet- by a Mrs. -, who was, I suppose, bard up," answered Vihe other. Tii. name g1ven was diffét-ent te that cf trie owner ci trio necri- lace, but trie detective preduced-a ý)hetograph lt-m bis-peeket. 441. that thie woman who seld i to yeu1" lie asked., The sliopkeepet- notid. Wmtban fve minutos-tii. wires were ab work, and th. lady was un- dot- art-est. The- coincideace that site could posseesa two peari neck- 1aces exactly ehike was tee t-emark- -able. IV urneti euttriat lier bus- banddlied playodtheri part cf trie sîreet thief, and at their lt-lai both the oonspirators were sent Vo ponal servitude. At 3.7 P.M. In Vie office cf as firat-mfe!ssess- Ors Vo Lloyd's near trie Banki lier. 'reposes on a mantelpiece a parliy- burned wcoden dlock, which 'breugit a cunning rascal te gaci. . Tris man iad inaured s country 'ýOuse and ils contents for some 'Iboueaude cf pounde. Ulimately a btter reachedtei tnsuranc-e cer- pany, stating that trio place had been buraed down, and preferr'ing a dlaim. Thie etter was.haudcd Vo the. assessors, sud, in .eompa.ny witb a detective, a member of te fit-m wenl down Vo inspeet trie ruine." Tii. insut-et man's story was ,plausible- enougi. Hie f amiJý sud set-vantsa md left for trie hohidays. Re himaself lied atayed b'hiud for a littie Vo*>,ee Vie bouse loeked up. When be leit at a-quartr to four everythlung was sîl riglit. "l' " said te detective. "'Witst train dit you catch?"l "The feur-t-wenty-fivo. I left ibhers at a 'quarter Vo four. 1 par- tieulsrby noticedthVe time."1 ,"And you're sure the houa. was- nt on fit-e witen you ellt i" "4Absolutely cettain." IgigrlY Coathe isen ik ed up oometbing. npi- 1ýdyou see yeur timne by your watch or a cleekI" lie ask-eti. ',By thie Oak dock ia trie dining- rocua.1j ' Tins is l a .clock, " oaid the. detective. And then eignifieantly.: "!IV lias stoppad at seven minutes~ Ple pst tireol1 - Trie -cîok wasaVie main pleocf evidence againsl thé man wlien ho teck hie trial lor- attexupted lt-sud. Casea in wiiich mut-don la sus- 'pected for trio sari. of insurauce money at-e usualhy.16Wl eatirely to Vhe offi-cial pol'i' But trio more ro oppo'rtuaities Uth~ re- Meney ' witiicut t-uaning_ tl e rrikc f Vie galews. - l thrir ite.. [An ifstan.e cOf tua sottoccutrd so-ne yoara aince. A man whom.w.l whl amitit-,wbih ia 11e Dot ts How to Treat SpraIns and Sîrains Ater Ton Days' Sultering Mr'. Quinn Says' Nothlng Cures * Like Net-viRna. TiHOUSAHD RECOMMEND "NIERVILINVI Ou. 0< Vie metsoul-dlistt-easing ac- cidents triat; eau ifall o é,lea àbsd ane or wtist sprain. 'Ii I had oaiy known cf 'Nerviline' earlier, I could, bave saved myself an enermous- amount, cf pain and maay agonizi'g aIgrits of ebeeplsànesa.", Thun wrji P. P. Quinn. 'T tumbled . froua a riay loft te the bat-n floor 'and spraiaed my rigrht aukie and 1.1V wrist. TlieysWehed rapidhy and caused exeruclating pains. IV *aà net' convenlent te go te trie eity,- and thi liniment la trie ieuse was uaeless. Wluea I got 'Norvillne relief came qulckly. It took 'dewu trio swellngt relieved trie. pain, and gav me st-cdet-fui coaifott. *ê In enareeommend Nerviline fer @trains, br-uisses, swelinga', muscuhar pains, andi acre bacri. I have proved, it a sut-e eur-e inmach cases." - Thinri what IV migrit some day mean te ycu Vo have rigltitn1 your, home, ready for aanweldent or emer- gent sîcrinoas, a'bottie or twe cf Ne. Large size botties, 50c., et- sample taise 25e at ail déalers, or Thie Ca- ta-Iozone Ce., Kingston, Ont. COLORING A PIPE. How It Was A-ecomplished la Fit- teon Daysi- A Eut-opean contemporat-y tella an eaterlaining eitory cf be>w a *pipe was oolored "by ret-docf trie Czar." An atrtist, wbo had spent somne yeara iu Russia,- receiveti as e partiag gifV from thei Czar <Nieholas I .) an enormous meet-schaum mounted witli diamonds. Noticing that Vie recipient ýW loekiug somewhat pensiveIy at trio gilV, thie Czar asked hlm, wiat lie was hinking &bout. The art.ist re- plied that rie was tbiu'king of trie time it woý1ld tae. o colon 'h. pipe-pÉ04ukby five years. Ljeat-xing -that tho artist wou]d not be aviug tiiheSuntt-y for fil- teen das, trie Czar Voori trie pipe' ha-cri aga.iu, sud sent it te trio pal- ace guard-licuse, wiere trie follow- ing "ct-dot- of trie day" was issueti: "Under pain of -tho knout none mustamoke any ethet- pipe but tbis. Ah tthe necesaary tobacco willl ho supplieti." Tiie Cossacks -went cheerfull'y at the j3.Ob day andi niglit, and stthVe sud cf the. fortigit the pipe wau returnedtt its oWuer, inscribed: "Ceicrot inl fifteeu dsys by order cf Nicliolas, Emperor." Ceuldn't Ùnderstand, "I t-educed my stemacri measure- ment fout- inelet by-pusbiag a lawn, mower. "I ca't undet-stanti why -Soe peeple ate e oczazy te ha alslia:." Minai-du Liniment cureDandagirù. On tbe day cof .bis- wedding a - man- imagines Vial iewio rcW s prise; but, as a mattet- cf fauét ie: is seldom more trian - enseItloa_ prise. LiýQU1O 5ULPHIIR. OumssRhounlaifsml. It's éasy o-liduce lueri Vo oe çut- wa4'-il it'a hard hucri. 'Miarie Lnimnt urie Mni, Wt. ers oeil -Dr;. HanMYnsPilla, 25c., per box 5boxùes :for *1.00, or 1pos 1 al4î froni mthe Catarrhowone Co., -ufao N.Y., Ïiid ,inestona, Canada. -DITCHES CATCH LO0CçUS$TS. Khartount ýCaaals to ffold BLa1"I Serve God Purpoise., Thie lateast adylces from Khartoum, state that the usual ditches have'been dug In"al directions la nanticipation of the -Suinmer. raina, ,wbich, however, have as yet lx>t pt fla an appearance.- In the meantimé- these ditches alre havlng their uses, fora.plague of bù- onats lias set In. Immense swarms have for days beenpasslng over thie City. 1Locus- ta,- of course, do a vast amUt' of damaite la the fields. They MmuiI Most ratldly, and wherever they.set- tic thÇy devour every vestige ofýgreen and leà lteé dbare. - Ibe Sudani- ese are, Wgglnà a vigorous campaigu againat'thÏim, andthelr zealislawhetted, by thie tact - t b ocuatq' constitute for them a'very palatable diari. These Insecta, are usualiy caugrit by the "Cyprua system," whlch consista cff dlgglng trenches and erecting on their fartrier aide tia screena, agsinst whlch- they dash themselves and Mil them- seivea, e-venfimalWy falllng' Into the trenchea. MURDERED. 1%=1 r ut of buuines, awhoie tirs cornacesCntiwt- u ' -a'j um -or sos Iand ins' bottea i eiw The inWQbod over lias tiubeonyinrè àa~i brood. LiOUtDLjSUILPHUR UV HEsas Qizzç'-'CI understand triat your f riend mnon is ýavegetrian." Quiz4dC'les. Ho2hài§ sucli pro- nouned views on the subjeot that h. marred a grasu widow.' Try k4urifte .11 e ReMeuly If yen --hàve Red, Wek, Watery ey -Sooh#.Be P la. ru g Sdise Murin ByeRemed, jiqn2&, 50c. Murne~a~e alv l APt lc Tubes, 2$c, OEy B<iks Pw by manl. E* Vews Hl ChAnged. Mr~~nam-Be!ore you mar- ried, OÇ. OU said - hat I wasaa clueen. U Benham-Well, I no longer b.- 1ev. la 'a monarchial form of goV- ernment. Minard'u Liniment -Co.. Limiteti. gents,- customer of oure cured a very bai case of dietemper li a valuable horse by the use o! MINÂRDS LINI. MENT. Yours trufly VILANDIà PFFilEa. Pitty may bo akin -to love, but' ît's a mighty poor relstion. Use LIQUID SULPHUR lni your bath. *During the year 1912, 283,195 *marria.ges- were registered iii Eng. land an~d Wales, and 872,767 bîrths. Minards ,Liniment Rellevées Huralala. Thie Ddtor's Calculation. Foozlê-"Doc. Woozle wants ter* soul hie2auteý."l Biff-"What's the reaisonl" FoozlE'-"He figgers that the. eue that buys it wilI le -a steady patient evor afttr» - GIN PILLS 61v. prompt ,Relief By Cw'ing Thé, Kldneys. Mr. Samnuel Lýoagmore,, et Menfnrei,. says, "Juat a Word cf pt-aisie for GIN- PILLS. About fifteen moatha ago 1 coulti net waijk- across M y )reem, e!. ferlng aoverei ilti' bumt'm% tOok GIN PILLS and i becamÉe quit. well. Two menthe age; I d hati ris atic Pains, with Nouraigla. I 1resett- ed to GIN PILL8agaia fer coeweek anti becansi qute wel,"p 50C. a bo:x, -.6 for $2560. sample free If you write National Drug.anti Choni- ba c fCanada4, lmted,, Toronto.i HOW-A DEEE-OUTWITS DOQS Threw 1Doge 0 theo&nt, by'Leap.,:- - A certaîn sp.ortsmn once lid-an interesting opportuney te-observe the mosas a -hunteei deor takes V ,outwit tho doge that.,are, follcwing liard upon bhistrail. Trieincidn teook place near ti o le c n Adirondack lake at a time wlien tie outIptlied been dàoanmed aad trie atre aznt-i4d cverkl<wad lie low, isid -tit< a o Vianhalf,.ml 1wide. Ia td:reecsôntiýà. 1alire tiiero was a plstfrm, se tiat. *en -: the licunda drove a -deor jute tlie water, a, hunter "etationed- on this pIatform wonld havO an easy'sho>t Triesportsrmain was pestedia Vhs, trou. H.ewa4ted, pStieatly fer 1half an lieut-; atlhast -lie berd the. doge st a grea.t distance. Tiey wer-e dt-iving a deor towerd Vie wator. Rounds and qusrt-y were ' oming fast, and trie ct-y cftrie doge -grew lcuder and cla-et-every maornnt. Preaeatly a fine buck -,eoe. '. iht r ne4iss P Mr Tôefr- est. Ho wutoe r lar wayfr sbot, but near enouglu se- thit hi - movemouts udb.eaywtcd. With a few heaqis le. cjeied tre epen space betweein titee nd the water,,and mUde e"groa-ua lioe i.outliet. Hoecoed 8V least Vwenty-five lest lu tiie hast îeap, se8 that thère wsa a space cf sevet-al yards between ii.las t-tache and tii. mat-gin cf the wstet- quit. witJteut scont. As ho stt-uck, thie we.ter splaalied up about him in a eliower cof spray. Then the sportsman esaw him mari- 14g &Il-tii. speed lie ctiuld-, net for tii. opposite 'banri, but att-aigrit up the outlet, pat-allel witht.hehr. Hie foroleet snd legs Vt-jew Vie wa- ter laVe Vthe air like Vie prow of -s enual steamer. H.Nest-t-led hus-huge antlers proudly. 'Ho .plaahed tbt-ougli trie watet- for perhaps a lhuudt-ed 3adthon turaed -aad waded, quiokly back Vo Vte seiiho . ad leIt. Iîa anethr moment rie 'lid galloped 'away into Vie foret. kl hs' timo Vie hunfer co'uld lieut- the doge ln fubi ct-y, but trio buck hlid béen eut ,l eigit a in ut. or met-e'bfole--thoybut-st utý ef trie -woods'nhie- -trail. 'They, rusbed a&long witi their nosei.Vo, trie grouad- untul they re&clied-,tlie. spot wliete trie buck iad' .gAtieted hirneelf for bis great leap lV ti water. -in- h Then tbey- slowed plalnly, their di-scoanfiture. UjP snd down the outIot they, ran, exci*tedl, their neses Vtii. ground, 0or higinla trio air, trying -te6 pi,*. up -tie lest FOR SALE 30-KW. Ii i OLS, 01C. 075 R. P. mg Immedite iSale. 7ià Mestà id t . t, TronTo. - Wyprmeset an oW àappear- LUBYS Yogi' % H*h'can L e strdto kd-MNardt Coloi' the * mSt uatiufactur waabwam'vo brnIv wuahuv wSesd with crank lunisai id asw. ntep1liove-uid 1h. nl~ ne m bor. the te$ 01%lm" Chun laIbieo md's 1 SWood Aplit ?UUOy, I2% x 48: £or'2:15/16 ln. triait. 1 Wood Split u3I.y, 12-3s x -8 for -3 7116 in. ualit. - I, Wood plit Pullay, lO%4 x 36 - t&lqb cfoa er u i s = "Dead Oa;me Sport"-',isaà meut B~ expensivo titl.Wmo Pubulshng CO.9 Toroze mission. Maire Pive Ic iare tlme -acceptei. - Pubilehere. Tcrohut,i aTAMPs Au Q TÂMP COLLEOTOM -",fronti 'Fre1gn. 'Album,>iy s'éen ce Oompnoon. NEWSPAPER eut pain by carý n bofore tee Ua -Co., Limitai. Coll (&ALL STONF48 drStquea.. Lumbaro A 'kin Oua - - LUMPS, ~oa±m~ Boumas M I. Ont. ow:a ic lsi HtuwagT hie face as h out bis band. 5h. aiUee a s<altingly. - me?"- 'Ne,rio! bofore ler a'yot Ca hier i!be d:ang she was -hall :'Ther les4 toee. lai. Hlow- lacis'it Were -yen leayou i goo I ucëk." -I "And mine.' fithey tut-n lat-a Intete' 38- t ico JN, n=e1#7 *-Me?" ie a *,les," Eab a ta.lteriugly. bu lier recital amo anticuly andi IaiL clire listene ber at-m lu-hio e e r; and i la treamserlw tiki- or for wi ei te her.\w quickeneti be kund t-bat 1 o.ouu iet, yoe liava baunf&18 büt there vas 'Noneedi" i en hlm. "ehl,- iiad4" le --sx danger. I ams are a.ixiieeial deal in thraat Abers -deals in thes sort of ou ut tthey'reo a shoulti get -kl àud outrage; - ant- is. go libe drew'a tbére w»as<lU te .ht. Hes?" shej .- sheok lus ie trupt bimzelIj -but-t-eu .oa att-aid- on my find ie. to-ýw "res"',abs-ý Our a, btui'hr lace. "- vas littie; b"-muil oilu niài- ne- -rt; -ou 4 and ehikicu's< 'Jon, caret- -brenblng, w", f fale stili." -1 wont be. oýteh4r; gfo US lie-Iletened r 3-4-13 ADI'UU~I~~ f~ ~mmsuua i I~

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