Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jul 1913, p. 7

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nirm . Jneep in 5a V<JVL p> a c . AD TIMES IN, JERUSALEN. irety of Touriss On.etthe' aon, prac4çýe for itil- uniiversi-e&.a an an to go'to the. sea- ie sumyner mouths~ .a systematically. es -of intruoti6n in, the PDbk Cwv--4iOUes e . .v, n- $srtwled crier 'o1. natation tel"chÏueart in a, -_sys- >Oeei ux', eva tale firlend. The incident bad ~ *n mna,ly Whi.~eI~~,tbtoa1rxo-Viau ,e sminmair~sd aithol1g4 the- belA p Q7ý ,réPrtffro -arefondeofdeacribiug né--.aDes - racing eod u a r ýý 'fràoa"j sud Clive, selà. csught eighîct tywhle e ôfa policeman tzamplua, vi th 'ordery M0 equal to the. Western, a -Ja.pan- euhli' OXIve's h r to*ards themi, #àw hlmself ,ÀgMîge Fe exper eîau perform some ïtruly- eman awar . ànert miornina,. in compsny irth- a rty woudrfnl featsý.Frexnpe, i t Wis.-for , thcf tbooltgangandsaPair cf sBtresSmuai. Freape-h ý aclans- . e usflrest poice.< 1ourt. ca!rn jump into.. deep .Water andf rEy hchlé w"tins, zpË tetobl*m aintali iis posiinwtïh a 1. rounC, ruasehad become sgober suough t. neigle tio wt h aieek caS uosraýtobed to n'tlce the spproach of .tiiir, usturai -er -- . i h athn the, loins,* while Iahtlely îo~fo e. suad, gatherinat snév etheir r isa. mueket/or bx-auar fetestthey made off vltk the notnlerw rt.o art -pc am;dorIn, hespeed sud silence of thc proverbial Arabo -s4it. Àpic To he dmad-of the. pelloemnan thiÏtu re o-ib6 anwith .a-asr a ~est andrang uthe bflfo -s oth, nature of xùOves feeë]y u vryin ëdoua te h - 6tetrouble, Clive, whe vwas bsndanj e-ver kwaîkioia scorner of the aide thshunchbAck over the atll po if he 1were nonuoid grquud. blIchcus. itvastraie form, cf the, cgltrepliei that the i.èprwueh ae naItt" ouly by the hadît bsas ttacked by s Party o! youtha. its i.-geef -- emu- >beoybouses, eiý~î ta h Iob¶ V55iJSrpa r n igh -dive cf the licemian mlght have hesltated in - 001upr r 7 agea-egt uderk h oupg girl - snn. ina, vith the request, sud aceeptina, ýthijssurfaeco i I water withl-hi's chest,. lebut h vas eo.esay solution of the natter; but Olive withont , inkiÉg, or -wett in lIfc '01 iga of Csisful very Improperly backed hi up vitiohaita-e 'Qd~~~ t, ueote overeign, sud tié policeman, murmur- sud head. TuIune ytroa gjr's g: The -otrivez té es ape-:he painful s 9c sil'ea 'Yee;'he'd bette, keep bise othm- . seuecea whcl -ti.imac th. hecoli ose hurýriecinluthei,'direction. os qec -îh iida b.h wa tukb By"th1o tim« lie girl bad trecvered ceon- wouid ixieviably, caue te thIi.fr_- sextanesa.i fl..ludeeci, -ae had aitorther ag-Ad ber 14È t. sud rialua, uneteadlly 9nbCi ýeiur whô shenldtry ti'la~ t iuqçw.t vill bad *tlosIl 1i hi, eV àr- tande seca ti , etc4-1dý.remblng 'and eva.ying to sud j-i5 -id thsitthe eidtimne:. samjui sIw e.as diesang fao. Shs vas as -yet, searcely able toestand, -irequentl - al s ! b.tik te -m evd ali digt a n %. -cu v j xil h s r asround her - n ad - çe ofsaxo- îC ] -bèe 1r 'h.- hýb b e 1ecjeý !ivhe', snaiver, or asrm.n tlier Ïiréeence andl st o] __:hée;tý-»1_çë#em,( niihcsste a e XI i tii cost of iving is aiýsenmaini-_ o~ tq.ine<l, a ud there -are no ig s of <> i. x "ixprovemùent iu that respet. ~ryk > The M a ý in local -in du t y eu - in t r i ( Ssaleni 'is the produetion g! 6cuven- û te ~irs' and 'articleg de *plîa-te -in .live fwcod and miother-of-pe4ri Ti.dons >flast-nained indugtrv> ~~~ ie ..w4.Len ,nLined. -gg e nee~. -ot"epns.b te,_,ùé,t4lspo but,ý,n- foùrth. teatSpoon sait, a- few grains paprk i t butter; add flour and seasonings. Add sIcwiy onceý cup hot iwatçr, stirriug constkntly. Boil sweral m1inutes until tii. fleur lu thorenoghly- coçked,- then add gradually twro tablIespoons butter; When flui sthoreuÙghly beateù'n io tbe ýmixture add. two ]iard-coôked eggIS, whiehuIave 1ncOpped verýy fine. Po.ur -this au ce over _the qaI-ý nion loaf aud serve -very hot. This egg sauce-cen also bhé us,'d-on boiled- salmon, escailope salmonü, etc. cup gugar, one. te*spoon baking powder, oe- ue cnôfe, sixtbe spoone boiling wIateër.-, Beat hites Until stifi;. add sgr rdily then tîhe yolkï -Ïwell beaten, the- wa- te,.lur, and balçing- powder. . Wx. cafuIl. Pour-iýto'bÂîttýiréd flonried ý baking'tiii'. When'baked ÏuMr on uugared, p àper, padit- q1xsr"eaciocclate,, eddorne-half oup ,tl *e ldedi , ten ýadd one .tistspoon -butter, o-eýne sd o e x l ýfewspoons-e'oostêreh ' xed, -in pWçhalfCýuxp ipilk, Sarnail. ,il 'ing. R)Kemve f roui fire. aud add one- -hlltesersvrnl 19;naâ 110 Tefiacqnifednso sn J-apan 1oiinxwreds ci If thedoors cf a,çbo s t-1 aire w'ipé'd itiou:i0 'seer te r iwlligaîclilie orb4nzin -a fetîbg progressio)n iii, the water'-serubbeâ-I it iielpd -ô k. oý-ýfi isý4," cone as a reveértîon to Boràbc la ané -of he'b eïbt t'nif*..- end Amerlae atste rat Patry' shjvýesàn craiàkssholdble spriaikléd weili wih' iost. Fatal,- shoe t- -belièviii.you area«minjj- - Apîoh éial 6 teh:a -dV b.~ ~ ~ ~ Ï. .s aea oÃ"oo ti roba- ble týiat 8,0 is nuearer-the mark,- and, 44, a-huld. n, nod thatuin<i tho. %xtexiion f -oipuîsor 'iii tar3r service te. non-Moslem., there. has been &ý marked tenûdéncy ýto-ei rainamo- g the moe inteIlige*~ S.ud, eduoated-Jiwe and Christia-n, teiiny hîch irihier-;cc-n tuated- b i iW ga$usés o! tii.taàÈ-col- 1eeot-an-'te nooxrging -é,parts 'received- from -red n eaie -be taeh tht~tii--Population: i, com"poed roughly of .f rc!o50,000to-. eOoo ews 18000Christian& and- 'lNowhýh,êie te-,~rèsults of tbf. COnflictbetween' n, n nc bee'n - More, rmiarkable ths& in Ytiie' PaxaMa Canal-zoe. - When he I French'were engaged on that gre1,t work, -one cf the. Most serions ob-ý stacles that inpeded thieiMn 'se yl- bw f ever; The bàapitaa-we're full cf cages-and -themortality was ap- pailng. Eigbiteen young Fýrencli oicrs rrved together on a steàiu- :e, a nd aemonth-later ali ere ýdead" exeept one;, uhile pi,& a rty of thîrty-aix nurses broüught oveèr iiia b.atch, twenty--four died--of fevr. The moeq i n i akt, conqùered th e Fren ch , w ho Iot'5 , 000 m n i n lu flh~Ng inednaes - f J I SOM~E.mn as-k f or somay ag cemheint Othrs -moire-aeusyhy want "Prdn Cernnt" eBt . the man -whiodoesth ~, b at ork nsi ta Po get - ting "Canada" &In cal countries. - Anold irialiman wus -offeéred. a poàtt alvlcrossing ne ar; a a£mail railway saton X- Io-ked diicU8-as ýthi.duties cëf thé office ~were ,explâine&I tohjin-anid [the - iueaning-el -thè vyarionsflàgs. Waai -stated. "lu caàse' cf da'ngei, *ib a train comin9 yov_ wave,-the,.red flag,>' said his inStructor; -proceed2- it'l neyer do!1" said Patrick, s hak-. ing bis --head soleznnlyi- "I -oùld -evertrust meséf o remember te- ,;ae a red flag: ivIin thbera was a ----What Site servýed. -"'Wiat did she serve?" "Three kiuds cf maeat." -C "Three kinda cf meat? I Chough< Lahe was ggte hbave oD1Y a liglat 'lunch." T "hat'V-.awhat it was-chiekez saiad.", Wie"Why aeyen pl*dg,i to- n iu ue&rs 1 bea-nue Professor-"I can't stand the. smeI 1 - , 1

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