Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jul 1913, p. 5

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*sssana o ni -Wbiere s5 11wiImake a:two- weeks' vis- -" ebi*iiIm 'b& - -l1117tvth Mr.. and 3frs. E J. Ijoeiday',J 'Wltl ie caiy-plUis have, tlie same' OIIC HOLIDAY, -H~. -W. Wilicox w'eut te Toronto on id ae, ad fr Ifbroght MoSaturday morning to joln a relativel Liii.~~~Yý -fyu , -,.*Wib' CIvlc H-oliday. A blg- day rk.,, - ght.ý An on't forget the raspery socal.at 1o! 5Pc>tO has be Planflec. Teem'los Mary Ruttantace41 al~1h IU'O ma~ ffec îl~ ~Bptist parsonage, on Frîdar- »Ill lie à -basebalW'tournamnéent or-a'burto i dstrict' arri,ed la i- o- _______________ August ~ challenge cuPPi 2r mle -bleyclê race, Tuesday, n- J.dhr aato -.hait Mllieeanoe race, prîze fer - liest witu ber parents herm.-, ýt1a1 A-. Mark Crossu ' Rzo il orunnlng, jumping, etc, j Mrr . p. Granger -'and -childreil > EA S-. E Saoy ae vi om ..t 2am.teepil'b atbtter werk. than a, $5,'razor, a ana 8'r.min- ' m.theere 's'il l .and Mr. snd Mrs. Sith, Scarboro, atdaceinte 'allo7 raspra. veie athei 1me of Mr. Jms FRANK B. JQ)NES' LIST; oe t J.only dt uratees ettien wagons wl- I éave bbc four cor- .Szhlth, Pokit Whitbý.- -Temnýjental. Band&rwi1llbe,Jiu attezndan<ie. ccn belida3*lng ~i~i rs.&-lBe in -Whiy. [~' picic Of St Jon'semisi adulis 25e ahlrp,8teg 5.Mi nine rioreaîsale:d ildinlot IRe: 'suteed 'j J~.jji~j~i Y»':~yj'2'ïI",I'x""'oer~* TT'A [l nui meeting and eletion o!1 15't eorg of-the ýW.C.T.!U.' wil be held r MfHTAiSEDJE the home o! giès' Robt. Thomp. jj ai, on Wednesday, August t56that MA W aIWIYN CTION rtmdents are reques ed to bring iniI 3lget4jan onEs..snsn --yearly reports.. I RE S q-...5 io . osm. ... 6. a1y. L 'A -'.-...oypM. ... .6..5p.lu LUIL Ep.HE'7.% pan .. . . 930P*fll Fr ' R e .. S n ith e t h e M r h n e .I ' u n d a y t r a in s . a v e fo r T o r n t o rk,Y 'as returnlag b, Il 1Qn.FY te,:at,- lw ie stuz ed o4er52'_ ' " ' 4.52 a.m and 7.56 p.m. lmTor- UJ EL ' ýet O heÊatô; i à a 8-and 9.58 5 i 9.0pm matches, and discovered: that-13ome ( ongNoth...oam W NSoTh0....s., wil I deliveebailr addre bessnýdw es on. important topi- sc steU-ONSAIN Whitby A yun Asyu a1i he'e 'W avs .4J,5 P.m. xî .3..40 P.m. àly eut' te 'pleces. 'Mr. Smlth at yùm anG STAGES.m te Ne - >p notified Dr. Eawson,. and the G. Dredilinr ýL -officiai-ls.. h'wa* useunlyOA±arbor and - G nrlImprove-ments I'*atb o-Ohaaa @ rged'that the deâd' man Was'.Prank eCive ..(iua epf..oshw ldepo lwQ s rngers .*ho came to rift i 0 il LInijteil'on the 8 olock train on ~LBe o ruhm t1 0~on fora ine..Both wre nder n or Pa i ,lueace. 6! iquor and became' dis-u Srly Che! <idwas sent 1er,-and A MSU N.Aut,2e (hlrn 5 sfting -Jiiz arre oeeman set out or 2 l'or 25c2,C;.hidr výalk Up -thietrack,, the other -re- S r2IP2t [ning at .ihe station W'bereè'h. was eon Osted.: On learnng-f th-acient onlast te Corbtt's-Peint. A-C~E.iSS IGS T0 ws taken back to bbc station te vel r esant otngias enjoyed. by 90g0od general servant. - Good D fth olî ay sud aM iss t iff tb c b o d y o, s d s t a t e d t h a t i A il p e e t a e . A p p ly A . Bi d l, W h tb y l a s H llid a y s a c n T e c a a i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On tsimalo.lbias learned -"' ouse. le H>r a t abc rtou prince ls. BU S S. t Gorman; 'Who iras arrested, wasDon't fail te se. the speclal foattre -' fter aeai ng inithe inte sci tnS. Ys eaepun rplso .0of -the -eur *hqo irere ç!ngagç4 <> show at taie -Royal Theatre. _every The digging of the trench for th& -frisi 't ukate,tEyinton n té vey cs e eutt incpes f te flerulng's àMilla te werk on a Wcdnesday and -Saturday. Admisston- n- _ae miseatrvfrj ister akatoEn s irolnte, Ban tbcrc. AU bhad been drinldu in ~lOc., ether niglits 5c.-tf. Ittdel School cerner, l narngren-su Lggn.Thy90pet*ereUS» H!1 TBIG O Albion Htel.Whcn train tUne, ' -- "pletion. The ratepayers along the line abou u ndeo et e wb ywan u hpdcBos ved onl treshwed'uP, 'Gorman -The neir livesteck department at are Pleased that 'they 'sil! soon 'Éave ___________________ t ho ma wroias 'kiled on-'the tue Canadian National Exhibition -is water. 'an______________ sd you hear nâo-kick, wuy~. Tbey gct pffthe'train and . ed Iroini end to endi with. concreté, ' ' ied that theré A w'm t. iu, i,<b-b-un. 4-e aa y. jW nIt n y vëe P i o er n -9 FRANK E. JONES, nu tUna' oeryiiwmy'can flOw tie Prï,e ,,imals in cleanhlucs sud com!fot. Evcrybody shouMd see them,' toe, forý the prize animaIs at'Torento las r, et.. it". evJ. Prince Alb cm'ia' dental parlers iU:M 'e Tesdy- '5 a-Auguei st to '23r4.- 18w, Eit the om W. C.' T. 1U. President' el z oed i annual meeting at Osha*aejoeit Iniana wmll Pe an ey.liltôr 'A !amàiý adian Natlenal Ehul4tioq» tise-Street, 'baby -gil.,c - celebratlon 'Paris ~ -Iteen"t Mc!ntyrc's 'fto'wed varý 1 girc beet rpsults. werc suppi -.4-,f urnishec t] Dvotes In W,M. Pr1a Ios wa s Iolly. est Inust be';recorded-, bhaiiqyuatanî more Invitq ,er'sPurc Paris Green and Med go te 'eoe. M.' Rice.. Big day The Public ýLlbrary 'mli b. capen on- SaturdaY _ of this 'ireok nstead o! Fri1- day.' Corne sud have your tesai the, Bap- tist parsonage, -on. Friday, 'Augusi 1. RaupberrieS 'an,,creamni ml, bo serveti. 'rèa. !rom 4.30 te 8 'clock. Ams "sien 15c. WAS THE CHIEF IN THE RIGHT?9 'Ch ie!:MaeGrottycomplains tha'! -the report co!fte ilrtrick lnquest, as publisheci last -"wee, did not 4o hi, Wicé. *iÇ 'lias diawn attenIon:t thé'lIb~'ngsection ef tbe statuts. ~~I I 1 11(01OUR GUSTOIERS I IRESnJWe receive letten ànd: cards sii-i Your work .u giving9'perfect M stisfaclion. Name -on requeàt, ..'Whitby's Only Repair Sho V Brock-St. South loi _iSO* H eir ire ppr eci ate ' troc, bonid ands,'ay,"Thank When 'I ir t oendfor business Imuit eunfees ft- , as with timiduessi as te. the, fure, -but" your -kind.ý ness, in, mords of approval and"euinA' I' have' torny welI- heavy teamn cartage and,- NIVusceiianeous'AdVerts. 'TITE T,4.BER.NACLE. .- j Sunday, Aeguat 3. MMBUE FOR SALE. J The regular Quarterîf- Serývices v"Ii I a-m.. - the ISregular seïvtçe, which wil WANT~. le a ýunion service 'of Presbyte#=an -~~~P G.dcok ýo «oa, Refugo I and Methodists, wlleht tI ApËply to the matreon, Mr!F., Lavery. j a-I. At the cl~ose of the regular ser. PARI! T RENT. ice~teHl Sacrament of the Loîii'i w 7 acrs o--Q n lot 2, con essi n , -rPes ye n friends are cordialiy w lt y ed - w sh ip r z r e ?I vite di t e ýjo in . S erv i s b'o nidu cted watered wlth èreek throug f arni, by the ,pastor. Possinnext faU.i. C.w. SMITHD The 'union evenin evc wi i Box ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dn 59,Wib.t. , - b nthe Pr;esbyterlaýnzchurch ai R1013E A19D LQT FOR SALE. 'cokR ».ME. Sexsinith, offie- iating.- ' *w See-omdbuse witII rulali or- The S:S. & and aduIt classes will chrdo!apple trees and sniallfritsmeet at 1 pxn. as usual. sttate onByrn tret. ppl atJ. On Thursday *evening the union Glmlets ivey.Phoo 5.-f. Prayer meeting willî be-el,& in the- S. - FARM TO -RENT. . rOom nof the Tabernacle at eight staio aces iMile West of G.,T.R,. taonBrookîin, Onth cohcesion -I. It being- quarterlv meeting Sundayv oddairy trn Creck. il, uI ere will be no, service atAlmonds. ingg good. Apl ft T os. Hll ir The S, S. wI eh codn t WOrston,%Brooklin...4fannouncement - REAL ESTATE Mr., and. Mrs., A.E. -Luke and daugh-- If yoýI fhave a farm or other ýproperty for sale ter, inez,an Mr.WJ ad in or near the rowns of Wht u o shawa,ondaughters, Melîssa an Luke-.ad It with me. fo vanaetoli g l iss -ad Pearla,. inotr xns fndIt o e realyto*jon.c a.e ed bo Newmarket and Sharon on Sun "-,Mpletion of sale. L-win ei heu, A rîL gra1d ay n iie ih r ltv s t e d bweek after thefi NL 0 hîtb e . aadvstdwt e.À AddENO8FirS.T, Pearla and Melissa are remaining at- Q. . TEV N& j,3 Fshe S., ornto jSharon for a month's visit. Jacsonsagaintr ONOAVI MAY 2Oth, storê ,will beop n ony from 4p.m. tillI o o'clock' p.m. - ON SATUROAVS from i.Pm. t1ilt lP-.m. Mr. Jackson wilI personrally conduct. a special 'sale for thè next few weeks, during these hours. A special effort is being made to Clear out the stock. EverYthing wiIl be offerèd at prices lower than ever. Our lease expires shortly, and ail out'goods mnust be -sarifcedto wind up the busines's. No reasonable Offer refus'ed.- ALSET W.JACKSOI Seachig fr udrie? Hoee igh grade and _e, Iit s rM oll40y on S plete mn îtself. Sonme toojç8 arencesy ~ ?/' ~' meter te IoeePPa',réorjj a eair ki~ offer thé above, 1' 'I "I rj ~-aj VI-i Lnd OP ,ITBY. Gaar, iàt f ho Ind.

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