Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Jul 1913, p. 2

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PEpoitS e-PRom vaTRI. L o ST8M>1 e CENTRESFROp gt. - ec Prices 01 Cill, 011 hu *O~ * Pro4uo o me a '64 Ar" MIDI *ftast.I*- - ber Toronto, Jg u .is"' iiýbe S& k In rrt Ne1- florthr. *$105..No. 1L 81.00:-No.- c. eed wheat. 65c.- w1iýt. Ontario Wbat-No. . 9a te "a for car 57114.ý lot.o0=0146, racu gdown teiS-75o orpoor ScoOnd gradeu. -$3.20t..t vvuutrY-pont; 570- te .3k en track. Te.' - M14 route. i8 Manitoba, Oats-Nçq. 2 o. W. 0518, Me ber, tr&ck, bay prte; No. àO. W., 5614o;-ýNc 9245-k C9-n-Àeréan ;Vo. 2 yellow, 66c; No. -'3 yellow. 66aeë.if. Ry 10No 2. 60e te 62e;, nominal. xn Pea .2. So b95e car 1"t ç.oide. aSi Suckwhest 'No.* 2, 52o1 te , nominal- Cmu Ilarley-.Good malting bàrley, outéide 82o ton 865 te 53. nomiSai, about Rolled Oikta-Pèr bag- 'puGu 210 1 4c rr bahrei, 4.55, wholeeale, Wlindor ~tor.8 Millfeed-Manitoba bran. $19,90, in bagem. lu track. Toronto6,- horté $*21;Ontario bran. $500, 819, In bagau; shorts, '021; mlddliiite. *123 0.5 Manitoba Flour-Firut patente, .50 ln juite ,base; atrong bakere', 84.80. lu Jute pare. In cotton bige ton cente more per Ontario Flour-Winter - wfat- jQ*r, 90, Der oet. &Wn 04* 4 415. eaboard, t $.L >u .14n 8&75 - 9untrY, PiOduis to~;u.o~4is te,026e; fremi. Me t ie -Tw;coonif-as splilt, 16e te Ict. Cbeë--Tiün' leY, -141-Uc ta 15e.-sud large, noew aI- 141-So 10 1434c; old hese. Iwins. 160 tle'161-le; large. -Ie, BUttgr-OCag .ery prînta. 260 e le27c, Ceamsery i olida.e, ta 25 1-Uc; dairs' prinle, 2kt ,c Baer.', 18à te 20o-, Roaney-Buckwhea, -,a pouind lu. linas, Mi% $a ln basw*le;straioe4,010orb n.p. ~'pÃ"sW4i6O.pen -tlns i- 1254eIn 10pound tine; iulu - i 5ouuê tins; .0mb Usanos'Na. 1, 62.60 per 4domn; extra, 83 per doses; Nôa. 2, $2.40 pWl doon.- - Deaus--Prins... busiel. .76,te *2; lbaud- »icked, *M45 te *2 40. Poultry-Fresh.killed fowL~ 18o te 19a per Pound; lire faiS, - 14aetu 15c";cssed sring chleken1 4e tae'o; liYO.1ete îS;n.m13 e 146; îurkoy,. lIe '1 ]Potsbou.-Onllaio potatôea, 75o per bat; caz lote, 65e; N-ew-Erun*wIcke. %oc per 'ýýutoet'sôr., 8ou to.-cafr l6ta; Vir. - . -03.50r -Io 1. , Stmokud snd' &Y -S1alhod-, arr-Eool- 19mokee< 161-Uc; aine medinn, -ic; heavy, -19o tp Me; breAkfast Lacon, 21c; long clear lae on. ýand caaù.15 3-4e tâ16oe- hacks (l1rèýlA;boks'(specialh- 25e, Geu Moatg-Ouh o!piekbe, le legs than PorI-.Shrî eut,.,$28,50 te *29per barrel; mess park. *24tla *24.50. -Lard-Tiercés, 14c; -tubs. 141-2c; Pans - - aed, Hay and 8tr~w Wholemal-dealer. are paying, ou lrack. TQranta ;-Blad hari No. 1, *1400 ta $t4.601 * No.e. L*1200 te 1300. No. 3. *7.00 le *3.00; Balod straw, *8.00.,te *850. ' Montssal Marketa, Koutroal, July 29---Oala--Caadlan. -weot- erIc, Ne., 2 40 14e ta 4034c; do Canadtan -western No 3.-39 1.2o; do extra No. i !eed, 40e ta M 1-Ïarley,;-Manllobl !ood, Sic te 629, dq, snalllug,, > eta 646. * uckwhéat -No- .. 2, fic 160o. Plaur-Manttha.eiprlng wheah patents, fret., ,*5.60; deoseonds, J *60;'do sttong bakers', 1490- do wter1 C satento, eboluîe, $6-60; do sîraiglt rouler *8.0;dosts'alght olera baga, *2.40.RBaled, oatu-Barrola. $4,'%, do bagi 90 lb.,*215. -Braii-el,-*19Ïg«îr$S*I-mlddlilngeU; InOUI116,-Wo. 2, per ton, --car lots, $1260 Ite $14. Ciqese-pineat wetrja, lie to 3,4. do fineét eamterne, 12 34o to 04 B.îtler--Oitoieeut creamery 2.4 1-4oe ta2 1-0; do oecond., 23 34 toZ?. Eggs-P-fuh. 2e; do mleclod, 27; do No. 1 stok,e; do No. 2 stock, 18e te 19e. Potoe-Pr bas,. car letiq. Oc la 60e. - , -Wnnitueg Gcrain.- * Wnfn jluly Sq-Oaeh raln-Wieat.-i *8-1-c; Na. 4, Sic; No.,b, 76e; No. 6. 70C; 61dSc; No. 1 'rejtt seeds, UOh; No, 9, ntreal, July 2,e-Â few e! the boul e uold at about seven oente per pounit am sold aI helween 5 and 6 3-4c. and mom frein 2 3.4oe 14 3-.' Cows, - $ZC 0 eaeh. Calve,. -23.4ô -in 6cShoop. t4 ceuta. Lambo, $41<tele oaci. Ecg.. 10 -10 1-2ç. untc; July 29.-Catte---cholae expert. diace bulehere. $6.50 ta 016-75; good u $5.75 tla-$6.40 -,comme», * 4.40 té cannere,, $2 ta $2.50; cuIter«,. *31 rt Gaws, - $5.25 -ta 68; ono $mta *".5. aivea-Gdod 8ea, * choie. *8.25 te $9; >comanon, $3 ila Stocker. and !eeders-4ýteers, 70 ta nda, 84.50 ta *$5.0; extra choCjee feedçIre., 9W-poùgda, *5.85la: *6.5 L ~ ru,40t 65 anis, -*'2tl Sheep sud lamb.-Llhî Owen, *e25 15 eay 3 ho *3M5: huce, $3.te MF bis tn*875. Rogu- STREET CAR ](ANS FKE1GHT. CoIIWO> at -a London x ailir4ad A-d-.spatci frein London,- Ont., Mcterman Swadliug,, of.Duni dI -- N. 8,Wa1 perbaps fatally hurt, -ýand sJevýral pufstngers r.- eeived' somewlist severe injuries, when tise street car' rmip~med -ai slrille o!f reighLça-rs being shoved - over the Dundas Street,, oressing o! .the intcrswitcinig lin, between tise Grand Trunk sud the. C.P.R. short-ý ly af8er'inidnight, Thursday.. fSév- n çt ' cnrswere be.ing puished over' the coeualung troin the Grand Trunk to the. C.P.R.; wheu lthe atreet car rsmmed tise third freigisî car,' Mo0to-i-mat Swadling net liaving raéat h time, sud theii ipact crushed tise -motarmsn's vestibule like an egg-4he1I.. The trolley wa' dekailed, anud the !orward eudý wasà carr;ed . a considrable distance -STATPUE 0F VICTORIA. Will Be Ea'eeted at Vietoria, British A <esp4tch frein Lendon saye: Albert -B,ý4cejoy, the. distinguisised isculptor,Âuiforms ýtise Canadian, As- seciâled Presa tilat h. la now at' werk ou a. large statue o! Queen Victoria, which la ta b, erccted iiin front of- tise Parliameul buildingsJ at Victoria, B.C., the. commisslo», having beeni given by tise Erih Columbian Goverumnent. Tii. stat- ue, whicis will be' about tisirteen: feet -high, sud, will stand on -a pe- destal seventéen feet in heigst,, r.- presents tise Queen as she appeared s"n after'isçr accession. . ShBisu crowned sud ls bearing a sceptre, oen her rigiit arn. r FIR ROPSMAN RELIEF .SirTh Predkti -etinof-N r -mal Conditions4 In the Fail A despateis !rom Mountr,éal says.: I.- ee no reason fer anxiety. Tise "Wiîh a fais erap,-ý we have every .-general- trade c! lhe --country _,ap-4 srcaapn to. secpect tisaI <otditioosl peea r asonably saaisfactery." - wl-b.quit. neormal aa -luse1 Sz iomsrae. ilquite cléaz- laIe autuiin." "Tti pinionets-è- Iisat tlierë ii- né need le anicip at< preased Wdp"é«dayj* lu au -interview I nytlsi ng lu thg natuire 4 an ceeu- by Air Thomaàs Shatîihnesoy;,, Pie- bmic, crisis ilu.Caisàd&-Banke and sident o! tise C; P. R., eýoiti'n'zes'te j otLber;inteýést's'oôcr -dh-ad-:thè- bear otntthée ptirulstie stand -Sirj iiafiezi w.!1 iu-,hàù'dl iid -thse facI. Thomias lias -tak-en tisroughôuî'the "t iati company had recently d&-c' long Perred aIl wo-r1d-w-de- depreés- cided ta zpçnd s1G0000,OOê on elc- bion1. tensions and ncw, coustruclional Sir Thômag feels no, auxiety *evk during next azid ensulng years, wJ1o1-the-fudaentals c! thc sit- waa caleulatè-d -ta -increase- conIl- U5 -Canada' sre.-esnc-erned. denie.. , The tidé_;of _1m migration la- j*i-nt. ý",tbeden ièd -that - soin. greater Ihis -year tisan e ver, said~ _ Dot é<,aeti've, is Thomnas, ahd this ià anôtheir-euW ure;uiulu - The' philànthrbo! tof en Wu diiete 0~ The. Heuse o! Lor~ds rejected, the' Q ntalway's eoôgiized by-'ple w Wl bow e?- angthat Colonel Hughes Isl i b to aboliak ýPlural Voting. evingý_îù- otite? c&tnt,.ries,,and '1V 151n<4the-one8Who Wl oeofgeol et : yuth fired (j a - blaCk t ~therefoe ;,ail the mo -~~raî---The New f P Lart. fidge in -tii. British ]Hoube o! Cuoin tlia.t the goôd deeds of those 7 worthy'l Robert Bridge. t. Suhe n w poet laureaie, mens * ~ f Hn sioson-avethéappe- IJilely that flt one Canadia in ciaie tatth~'deserve. -No -a: fr ~îw ae ared h. i. ,J& v Staes. - - t- in peftîBtpOo f lb. pure Oxford &i,,ho'l peals ôChinese; espeeia1ly in vèe.-andSuathowilb Unied Hiik&rng, taton, hrnghai, - o r oalon.g!lino o! 'di0tingruishedi President Wilson and hisaadvlsers indeed aye h are iis n oeei l em neibl hVlb are oonsidering planà for interven- behiaif. of7 any 'detèrving,:,obieetrebecomeà oe lu eecana. tien in Mexloo. made wlthcut resu1tine-'in Éatilsfac- vof hie néae bleibeta osthoe - répiaratiins..are Weil uËder *ay' tory resàp'onseso. ThÃŽs - lias ýbéeea thée oWsre tha.t 'h. Thereforte he got the for the X1CndEhiiint e-prev-ed--in the wide-domain ofchar L4Job prsoouotcl rjdce hr held i' New ork P'btbIy almoatityu s nr2,OPolno hel luNe Yek eatJanar. iy'but dýring the-paet -10 yearsi tthe one rpoet u-fth'-the roui ark of WeatSideLum the -hae -ivenfres prof c th iguu. in the Empfre.to.day - aRudyar The plant cf theii. KlleLm he ae gvi feh pofofterIIfng. ][ti a iuite true th s'ua£ ber Co.. ?Dayt.on - Ohio, wàâa burned largehea'rtedness 1y the- manner in wjitena t eendou.- lot ottraâh., But on . wedneiday, night with aân ap- Which they have -contributed sumo; manda frbmil It favories a tremiendbe preximàate - costo! - 350,000. Thou-, tevarleus edueutional causei, vlm o upt Btmc.o!hewr or> bhas the. - tring;of! genlua and he o Sali sanda !- olar'Worth cf bhrd- Hongkonig University was'ey- Ihave;taken -hie lac' b'-MeTeny oM Wooend týrlmuulngs were desýtrey-- madàe potaible byAtié liberal-.ý d- Wordaworth an i te otheri with no apod ed. --atio e! Cineèse in suh hna fjo7 KlIn--arl.u - tii leeraed-Malay states, in the But Kpig u Jtrya alc General. Netherlands Indies, and l al 1Tlry.hh ocomo W4kletit7polftical parti. nhv aiia, but thet moat notewerthy o!fa.H é ben,i od sinmS-f The northern troopi aecp h ~ae~~dmi the Oltslanding pdlltial curvrisc the Chneg 4î th déainof lu-te Isat decade. -&td -h. - ba8s nôt-hé -tured the. cityie!Nanking, China. tcatdon u»thesE-lls Kadeorle -Schoevlsm ià t« Rli Kdcore -Sho his Wopinions.Thé 'Raine Rule oe- te sa eotitles between tiie two lea47 &ocety. - ~!ieognsto a h o oetcurvryo hichh ingGeruanahpplng ompnlusae _fjbyuýa philanthropie Jcw ;drew blood. - As h.' hé- beén-generally7 1foDdd ;'agalust, theiài oérnuneâtIlweaMcaey ofillWanunebnamed Ellias Kadoorie, Who, realiz- Wih the -range. o! buman pousibillty -ing the. dlffiulty o! *obtaining a Ihal ho wouId tb. aolecteèd for the vacantý L S0F$2,8,o EIL.sound.,eduou nonwestern lhues, s F l h-neohr-noadigpe yeYeue other outelandlnf tho jècemne peona griaa withthe.pow'eri- lita e-4. zEflugrants ,,Brisg -This Sum -,Into schools - in v*rious - large centres, 'lîonly b1as hobeo")"à,irod ulu 'o-n - Caada.Frei tueStates. such, as - - Hoiagkong, Canton, and liticalcnrvry-icuigae u caaaàa*ýFromthe- deiciecy.Homo RZulo Issue, but; hi -publIcation aW Tii Spake e!theÙt. stte hanghai,, ta ,supply this dfiincy few yeax's ago' o! "ThSe Womau wlt-thle ~cit ia akualrra tsgnr.. iagâve tlie undertaking _a good t Snn rnulI:wil trkking eriCanada. esakhs the large; sumu foi this purpose and be-beQuIte auffiénîit I of ta place bim-1 individual - fariner a, a-n average eee nelsigti yptyaî-usd u ae -puand suppoto iemrAelh aooa 21 Lnusis physicai vskç4tîii oor !*,0,pu hns.tiijsof h or e lSagha Cauada's national ..gaine, -sréel -1i. cshin ian ad prSoal-- !-and ýCanton -have prvd highly suc- C.-O.Icdn n hc .pae s-nd anearly ýhad, hi, o a d ont led B. J. feets, and4 simple arithrnetical cesîful, and h-tisaine resuit hasl Fiemiug, owner o!. er oota - Lacrosa calculatien estimiatea the. monetary beeén attainëd in Hengkong, where ClibeSu e&en theodsutono h bas e th Unied. tate per a-l ~ i ëlarged college lias just been - ual ihout, elgnfoace. There seemi ,nuu. He ""'Ys: -Opened.- Its pbjects were etated as.li111e doubthlaïI haroha. been- a.apirit "In one week net long iaince, 1", 85- foltews: of! teleration, of! Mrugiaètica ou Sue part Aineica farner wih 838,50 l To nabe ~ie por a gre loe t cfhomo responuhbea for'tie oondudt.,of Am'eica NW rs ith$38,5win ho pi .layera. Hawilepublic lntert4 casihTand *140,00 iii. elboIsimeve eee araie iIho av a aieas- sons a fairfeducation. - Tecontinues to laTguah., Piro-nctera do not ed inte Western- Canada ta seutle tise Chinese systein of education, gaie ont'o!f favor, sud liat the only way phrmanenly Thattlayiug aclamo sud nt by<lvinet pè_mannýl. Týatweek waes below which is autlquated, and does jlot!p10 ig I acsslan by o gaipingex! rallier than abeve the weekly aver- mocI present requirementa. To re-! hihition. of brutali ty. age f emgraita t that region move th. oft-queted objection that Lr hnelo oig alon. Hw mny o t oter oun whue mny hins. nowEngish Whenl Lord Haldgueocornes la canada on trie0 I e. RW ny otaohe onknil ay hneekwEglsMoÉda, lie trat o! September. jI wil h. trisIoin attislcnowit n u-fa irly well, they have a very inade- !the tirai occasion ince lte daya ýo! Henry quateekne-wte-esof theirwmeter i lieuEigih laI a Lord Chancellor of ,Egland- has gone_-out4ide t1h.,Brlus ingtun c md h. iguedit uI- ongue, and are consequently de- laioes on a public mission. The Lord Ohan. thàt the average adult citizen is of barred frein official appoinlments. cler la tie custodian of the Vgret seal. the oneyon u ieoccasion, with 1h. approvai o! the th nuyvalue o! -*i,00Y ,cOnsid. To encourage the Chimes. -kv ex- Kins. lie greal seal la la o- f.laces lu ered solely au-an, aEssot tu the <-,oun- amnple and otberwige te volunta-rily comisson edurint' lhe Chancellor's ah- try. f tht istrue the whe thesence, vici wili lut only a litIle overt 1,r-845 thria larru c hehe the establish similar schools. To stim- a fortnîght. Hisaetay lu Canada. wil 1051t 1,85 erican farmlersred the & ulate thse study of natural science " bout Iwo and a half dayas, urins' whleh tIe ep-li b $.0000 f:tgncu he will addreasa tho, annuel meeting o! thereu-bicby 1.00-00finncalquired threuni translations. newilI leure. England-on Âuguel 23rd on -one of the Atlantice- greyhonde and be r value ci thleinselves8Plu,% ,9238500 ~ bomeule ain on September $th. The. last J cash, plus $140,000 -o! perso-nal ef- (,,hanicellor o! England la beave 1he coun. " feosa otl ! 2.28,ooa on Jstlîhe Father. try on a Pnlbie nîlasion was Cardilni-ir tota oýf$2,ý,8,ooa co- iwoleley. Who was sent on a mission te siderable financial drain on even Father always forgets that it i rne.Egan' ,oiyaI thaî lime ho. aucli a ricli country as this. niother'. birliday until she bawls lng to check the-ambition of lie'Em. "Multiply the $2.3ô8.509 bv 52. him out about it after breakfast. poror.b andý we have the grand annuyul total Then lie goe. dowutown and--sends i» cof ]os& tte respublie o! $123,682, - ber home a sereen deer fer the kit- t 000 gene te Canada abone . chen or a rublber mat for the. bath- Sisedding tears over spilled ýmilk ahould havie esue enougli to find a room as a prea.ent. only adds more water ta 11. iremedy for this contintied and iu- -crea-sed bas cof good citizens. - - SAVED BOY'S LIFE. Ale. aroid, Will Live Through Eiudue@s Of Sir Wini. Mlackenzie. A deapatcli frein Winnipeg says: tisoi tO tise-big heart of Sir W illiam Mackenzie that littie Aiea. narold> aged fourteen, o! this place, la alive to-dayand on 1 h,,re l recevez-y, in St.. Boniface Hlospital. Ré 's-accdcntalîy shet lu tise ab- dôe 'r hursday, July 3, in tise oounîry, near Emerson. Rc was driv.nÃ" te e taÈtio n sd îay- iu -aCny' anud lleeding internadlly, ai- lugl b. ouveed t~ Wnnîpeg by. tis,.net~tai~,Wiciiwasl du spe dp-ong miap îvaearïe learniiig e!0ts th loby' oni - ten hi hlm endelyt plaeed lu-hi, car sud rushed te -WinuePeg ,wiîh-. eut delaY. Il was wehIl:fe- hlm that. ISir Willian)',dld se, for. when Dr. Mcg~reer - sud - Surgeon ,.- icholas ôperated atmidnighV they found -aI icait a qiiejt cfibod hadbeen lecst, ud- tisat 'the .sullot uadtom nhuge Fgap5ugwcuds in. thflUbwels. Tisese ~weie 3wn up, vessels lied, au4 'the. ~.pr~ion perfôurmned, with EUess.7 oT~ iurs-:longe r--of beeding sud, jis xhatneso-ie f.would. havé.beeu' -- ýn't' wastê-all jyour-_ergyI.mak- EXPL4--SI~NKLSSVN Four Men -and Three Girle -Bl'wn t hes Belodi,, Quebçc. t bling moIdvemen-es eôfbthe air. - Ak' for the lowest souzis'dathey canbeflîl as well as liesrd -by'ordînary Peo- pie. Tai&a blong, large, heavy -tùn-_ -ing -fork and hit'-it hârd with -a drurnatick and il will vIbrate ah -a slow speed, If-- yout heariug - is- iealtjy yeu -caù-hear this' faint, -ep, note and &I$o feel tii waves of air that they make-that -l, les! Cthemnbý theÈ,enËeo-f-toucli just'as they vau -b. felt by -the sens.eof hb ea rin g . 1- . - - It-weuld be -a wenderful sight -te b. far - up--in; the.'air and- sece-the wd6rld apinping-a ressnâbekiw 'usvah.t À ritthat j»twe'ty 4imes'88 fa-t as the f asheit express train.,- -But it -*old b equit. imnpssib1l ina& bal- [loci which 'f oats -utii, aitfr, fertise air is carrleèd-around- with ,tise .eaÉth, anv.l ue balleo6n woulId be c-'arrled areund -wlth it. -- Il.weuld be 2possbli.el,howvri an .airship, whileh ,coule, travel - s fgadJn tbeopo "erection ap 'thse' air~ ~ -' taes ihshe earth, for- as fast as tise-air anid -'he .eSrthsesun on. -way. the .slip - would ýbeat agaxat t-em. Bt o de IU tIse 'air- siiip. W uld--have te meve en hutm es , ae fs-st aa tise: Inses jtrca. 'lac, it hu been predicted. by scilen- tistg thfw t-, a' few hundred 'years< pqneýë te! ti.' oïtpopulýar pleaiuüre trips -will bé tiat 'cf going ugp'mn>an- airahip and watchingtise "world-go round." 'In regard te ilver tarnishing and, geld. not, tise feet - that siphur abounds lu the air a-nd woïks havo6c on many articles exposed to i1h and- susceptible te -il aiccounts-fer thse tarnishing cf silver. Silver is çasiIy affected. Wear silvýer next te your skiu and take suiphur as a medicine and you will sec hew black the ail- ver wil-l become lu a short turne. But ne sulphur çompound bas any ac- tien wisatever on gold, se that-egold i. tre, fremin ts taruish. t Most cf us have auffered at e time or asohher* frein a headache'i n a rtuffy room sud haven' reali-zed, perbapa, il la- due directly te tise bad gases which fermin the air sud -poison' our brain. They pass int the blood frein the, luug's quite readily, the. luug t'elle be'xtng utterly unable t slop- it, and then tiie blood carnies ilte oeverypart-o!-thse body-.ýofteulmes te clur great in- ur.We- are ge nerally' wained that soinethiugis wrenIg by' aLs-_ vere heààdhe-ora marked loisscf appetite, - If ybu were ever, up lunci o e tries yeuý weuld.be irnpreS'sed by the. et th aliot ail 1cf tisenative sunimals - wear -white cove-ringa.s niiese..sem te bave 'been.giv«én thein fo by'beêai3ng _ýTise-main..eue eis teanimia-'là apre-teced frýen- - its eneiéeby,ýbèù-gmacle difficuît toý e see. Ofen -in às-mm1gr,1whenu thesnow lu.gegbne, tise 1,fùlir -taies. 1-1;ýl' -t4 ËI e: b [-t] '11E Busy BIEAVE a Creek. Adeéiatch frein Caabrsy Aays Au'Iique werk ini engî.'e ha&- just- been,,i,%overeL ina c X.la ho kB ie a'i- ,cu recently ocontru'<ted: Tie i had -net beenru'inin <'sý tà se an- investigation wac~dg tIse -result ,that it was !o, d baveishad oonstruce anu,£ cf'dams '-,in tise creek, -e ffectai -Obstructinùg the ç* ' -fr- al'ongýtise route --j lee 4el .cleverly as -an, exraoi se weuld -de tise werl. MITS PRIYÙËES's I§ I - O rm an N b~ n . Àý prineesa ansd, --t a p n ei hopus e e! 1senb rg , belong w*g th highest - Gern3au on ~ y horse-wisipPeû reciityJ-b -a cartçrwhose herses thisra bilezlad alarmed. Piý'- PrinceassAntoi 'etté aà IPr»Oi ter iPo0nIsenburg wr Altenburg, wierp,'thy we -to tie Duke e! Altéenbu~' s a o Other foïrmerly 8sovei-,eigflua tise emlpire, whep thie ncoûuetE a f 'armner wtis a lo0ad cf wop& hors. s hied before tish utou sud upset tise boad lu thé dilciL, driver- iklied <out i-ith -isk a oel roàllcd by, 1 tise face f f trial Int G0< century àa'9 higli trese ssci Pife .25. The m Adespatcis frein EelIoeiIý Que., ýthere w-as enly &a slgisI .depzi say*B: Seven lives wcre ls e-wlsere-the. housse oncq stoo«d oeil -on Thursda-y when an explosion Tise-caue cftie pos flot yet been ýeetlablihhd 1h I o! tisree 'nf~ ôus !fir eotO- is 1 1aî 1usl glycernebl.~p é fn- t.hé Isuild-'utken i hhs1osPap lepJ~ uso!the Capàdian 'Explosives, Vthe-w6rkel-e-jetise - hroic Limited ,hIàllinleurmeniid tirëe.b 'îgole s ieone whoi arr îu ingî ged P",i l12anstÏhet.d htPl'-4 l Ï71atseèal'b- S an ares-el O4-ýhuidedê*ndfiff,c- eet1t4t-I~' Pepl l î;Yjifage'4& mile,,nd,a: _SWen-,ý - u;a~ liWaway sw ,eedo Mo-keë, l'WO alg jA k t~ end an inslaut later tiserear -o! thse tered i bmui-$oubami ta Pl<>sieureaie- thei. uThe-th 4e4b à dSAU 0im t e IB55k Jýtae am wiel.'tiebu1ias4 o44p _ fo-ts anuf»u, ur--gfS<' c iCapi the patient, oes the blood pftzss 4mporary spur to the f with frý subsequent di '-.yhich many-a sicl me aubdwithout realiz eàuse of "lieart failure, las seen the purpie hu ionl, sodden"features wIg, elaxed skiiyf. ai 'imin needa nmiedical kno)w that here is ae j ~ ete relaxation, the t y fg -s -ad vidence ,of ,ees the mind.ý If tbiý e~sein auindividual .eàlth, liow much m inuàt the vital. powers e~d in41ieases in 'w hicl ns h.ar n nervoui. -Alt-t4ol as- a stimàuar Slard- as did blood-letti .acea. The latter iucci eýnlightened patholiom. mler is- now sharing tI When the -quabitities f sumed in hospeIt al with that -now supplie( J-eouducted institutions ?rofesso r. Ewald îa-gco the great hospital oàf Ewald is. the chief ah4 -only in two conditionà -collapse andý as a weaâx ', asia, -easy dzath, i1J The most enliglitens "o -f the d4ay realize not utility but the zericus S-of the former 're us stimulantsin diseà ase. -- who "takes a drink-t ahould, know th4t tý_ tioA is due to relayxati -ci the bl-o'cUvessels o. tended by more or le -of the warm bloed wit tilat this. condcit;ion is 'by au- effor o the b e ]Ë ýss of tont periciîal and otheri vessels that necessitat of théýhart action, 'increased pulse rate. ulating -powers of the inateoamall'doses of Po state noirmal heart act i±nmediate unfavorabl -~noted. Kot- soin d watched ._"d the reaso, -'ministration cI*. ci - acibe cfalcoholicsk watchin& by7a consuItý - . DILXK --O-IÂWý -claim That - Many Ilu eafele au Thus Be7 In viewof the-fact t and lai -celemoi ohe'r-lterature on th4 Oif' uilk have aPP-ea.ren lu.t twenty yearsi it -be for isurprise if .noeOxi -were guardle41 oy an- the lnationsi ,CdmmiSSi:ý ~- ~uInusaYThere is ne t 'ý!oe being trà-otd ;d-been.so ex"oed to, rè.-eare' numi - -ep4eùcsbeingchi red by su.bjecting t pyto preomateni -~&ortnatis th e m;ý 6wa4thias withosu-v fIre now. c, iny lovt: ht; mmri ARCHIVES 0F -ONTARIO re, to the, ,er,

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