will be increac0e1 Unl the total oî ~ F6r ~ * Ãe FederW a rat, for Ontario for D~nage work $ O0 * 1913- &pprtiied as£<>lçfo :l&*aï aton5~ d itruct4ooi, *District repr3esefltatiVe8 i,00 n vogtable emvii ,60 0. A. Q. short coQurse, travellinig DemGnstfraiOfl work n ou s$s end living expeSe'()f winners of $2,500. - -Acre.,Profit ooipetition, $1,600.- D;bm iýra.tî>u aedinsrcto To encourage a8liculture in the on livg>e t«c> an~d peultry, -$4,000., - Public sohýol.,$10,000« Demonstro'tion wotkIefr spray- Edua.tii >wr , oeiotol n;,pruniug, and paeking é fruis iemrketing .of, farm pi'oducts, . 10in0. jk -$5,500. Démonot ratom S eepi ng> Buildings.t Otrio Ag -i ultural t1,000. ColleÈéi, 861,5oo0-;includig Poultry' nts.riô VeteTInary Golieg e,addi- * Building _foradministr&atiQl, lans- tional land, $5,000. * rooemeaud lboratoýry purposçs; to Lectures on Horticultuire,. $600.. *finiâ,a ud -equip Field, H"sandry Miscellaneous, $4,233.ý3ý. 40 FRM ERI ~ I ) vation and, liaS tôod- on Dv FRMME Lin 1heiglits for nearly 2,000 yea,113 -Wdýting 9pler! ebolder. av ppoed -the direotora' sahenie for ?~EWS V MAXI ABOUT~ou n mkipg goo td eýamnsg'oeer- NEWSBY AIL ÃBUT OUeing the recent-gales st- an estim..ted- BULL ANI) RIS PEOPLL - coot- of $50,000. ~ Owing teO the increased coaet i. ixxg thé of esetthe mxenmplo'yedý Ocurrence. i_ The Land T1IIL by the = Bdleox Ceunty Couna - ' Beine uprmo a tse om on the roadï are te -be raisedby 48;I cents a week. -mercdailVerld. Willsden Cou&cil oondemned . A Inu London there irere 2,3*9 births unfit for habitation th'q last cf the- &ud 1,175 deaths asat week. original cottages erectéd oni the 7 A Shffild oma lis uotclid ee-tie -village Hi[îgh Street at- A Shffied wonanFas ust ieuWillsden Junction.. ai~~~~~~~ th g t8 rm osmtci chemefor an important ex- Engald uses 450,000 tomis et ice tension in eonnection with Paînir a year, ci wbich London tkesl 160,- shipbuilding yard, Jarrow, has 00.-been decidtd uon b3i the, firm, at a A colony of becs bave nmacle t"r cost et over $125,000. home in the parieli churel eM Red- A large portion of the vara at nick, Lýeiçeeterabire. - Ch ellew Dean reisérve>ir, Bradford, Lord -Resebery bas-been elected has been ixdluted with cbemxica.l -presià deut et the& Epsoi n sd Dia- u&ed ini dye-works- The outrage is triet-Boy S>ou-te' Association. attributed te suftragettes. de 1 In the west-endcf London tbe in- TwO name. Were found embeclde tant deatb iate is il per cent. In. in the heart et a cow belonging to the est exndi it is 38 per cent. Mr. Percy Remuant of Dinsf-old,- Liglithouses sud liglitships dot. Surrey. It had- been ailing' soen the coast ot Great Britain a&t the days sud ultimately had bu to des- average distance etfeuee. every 14 troyed.*- ,miles. Mr. R. Wright, et Wycombe --The' United Kingdom imports Marli, bas macle the unusual cap- mhore fruit ti-an an y other country ture ot twe stoats inu one trap Mathei in- Europe, spèndizig -$32,500,000 a saine t-me. - (One w" e aughtby the - ves <~ - teeth et the trap sud the other in ,;heoEducation Cemmittee et- the the ring. ondon Coumty Council. laye gnted schoarhiis te tén crtp- pIechildren.- A womau givîng evidence in a London court, proteasted that sIe wS.s "net a Suff ragist, but a re- - spectable marr ,ied weman." Burnley Tramway Commîttçýe are to -grant f réeetrain pasýses t-o the blind, the holders te travel with -tlem at their own risk. l-- Unless their salaries à re advanëç. ed the Çarmentlienshire teachers - nunîbering about 2à 0, threaten te strike this mouth.-I Pninceos Louise, Duchessofe Ar- gyll, i-s new the only membur of the. Royaltfamily poÉsessing a residence in-the Is.etfWight. I- Tire men named Farnswerth and - Taylor menu killed in a tunnel durz- ing blasting eperations at the Mat- bock Bath moirera-go morks. Thc mcna at the, General Electric Co., Wilton, near Birmingham, have decided te go ou etrike. About --2,000 hauds ii he affected. Over' a hundred Unionist votera on the register in the Guildford -Division cf Surrey eft for the colo- nies during the last registration yea-n. - A young man named James Shieid died at Haverfurd Wes(t thnough injuries cuused by a- herse attaceking humand aeizing hi hy the tlroat. B.alph Cannen, son__of a Hitehiin --nursery nu,wias savsgely attacked by a large cat, wmmcii 11cm at is face. Ho- finally kilced it witii an res bar.1 Repaira are geing carried out -on the Romnan ' liglitheuse on Do-ver (Jastle. It.la i-n venderful preser- 'Sir Lomer Gouin, Premier ef Quebee.- - A PATHETIC CASE. -Parent9- of Boy Couvicted of Dnunk- ennessanad Iqegleet. A despateli tram Mentreal says: Striking evideuce given i-c the Re- conder's Court an Wednesday by their unmaslied, lialf-starved, eighl- .year-old son was sufficient ta, con- vict bath John Sueiden sund bis *it. af drunkeune-ss sud neglecti of their chI.It asa a pathotie ,aud son- did came, in which thIe ittle, îli- kempti boy's word iras taken rather than that of his mothen. FItGUTING IN 111E BALKANS ]Enormous, Loss of- Life Is Reported ln Despatches Prom the Front A deapalcis tem- Belenade ss'ysf: Kotchana, irlere-a-fierce fighten Amy liçadquantens rnoat that the sued. The BulgarÀans suffened Servians, afler caplurng Islip, heavily, the Senvians capturing au eurs 'ued the enemy, capturing oven important heigiit near Osigovtt, î00 o'fficens sud 1,000 men.. Press called Retkibukwe. .,-VOn the cohIer; delspatches report tnaI ssnguiuary ide etf Guevgheli the Greek armies fgbting las occurred at Ovtcli- are cancenlrated, sud thie Bulgan-- pclye, mIen. lie Bulganian loases ia nisk gettiug cauglit besrtuen - mrd enormous--and 4,009 Bulgan- tira fines. " ioans surrendcn-ed. Iu this engage- Uncoufinmed despatches-on Wed- - - nent 2,000 Ã"Serviaens vene killed sud nesday' niglit repart funthen heavy wçuuded,ý Accerding ta the lest ftglting in the Isîip district, la intormanaot be obtained et the wI-4h, the Senvians mere cumpeiled Serin capital the bath. ulne, ex- te iandon thein tcrtified .positions tènded frein Kotchana, Istip sud at tii. loinet Istip sud'leave be- Struinitza, tova.rds- Guevgiieli, and hind their wounded.' Fi-f t-féun >tbençie. camards te týNc Gulf oe* Or-. officens, includiug four colonels, tanm. iere -almoug tle kilIbd, -whlbe tii. - The Bulganians deli-r-ured thein lesses- on loti aideW uumbened.sev- heavieuit blows at- Guevgbeli, 'tniene oral thousand. - horjsevexed - tlw CGrecpo-Senvian Accending ta the laheat adibo !!ne*p'!':and ct Istip. Tbey til hold frein the -front the _Bulgariaua have - - vkIi-, but more dniven freinbecun entirely driven off VIe terfi- -Istip. ieti-,a'ly withI -eyy os~setory which tiiey occupiod ilien tley - --fvin a-ruiy iras inassed. The,Bulgarian ight - ing lias.,been, coin- <--erian sujporting £erces, comigpletely-,routed. Il i.sisserted, that I ~ tiiiem the Bulgarià ns -at tiýe ightiiig mas the'- bbcodiest in <j~.~k.à nd etnshio, beiiind tht isit iy -Balkan mars, - t.umeteO Lbant -icreae >iou 5 >yeilà Ãe figu 'ma for, the, pÙ~ceding Q~ Diwy,, genera.l f reight, &geut, iofthe -G.T.P.- at Wirnipeg, iaê been .ppointed -freight tai manger of the G.T.R.. a Mont- réal; .di âucceeded -byA E * irit bas been lseued agfkinet ,laiming *10,000 denageson- behaif of Wmn. Hewitt, uiise eon,,Mortct. m à et -bis, d4ëth by grabbing &-live w1re. .The. Cook - Construction Company of Sudbury, Ont., and A. B. _ Whea- 7ton of Amuherst, are joint contrac- tora for 'the Habitfax Terminal Rail- way-(5 miles) at a contr"o price of $1,500 000. - ondnis in danger et!8a ericus ice fa.nine, du-e, the. ice, deale-ra -caim, ta the act4ion- of the Board et Hfealth in ureetrictins -the eureaa from whioh ke, ould behbazvestc184.t winter. Oréat Britain. The. King may parden Mr&. Pank- Dr. Robert Brîd'êNs bebeencf- fered the poet of Foot Lauroabb. 1The Britjsh court bas decided. that womeu- are barred f rom the practicoet01baw. Mis Agnes Lake, mia.uager cf The Suffragette,, ras- re-arrest-ed1 sud will be- talion back to prison. -The -Marquis of Northamptoni paid 8250,000 te Daisy Mess, bbhes.c- tress, Lu settbemeut cf a breach of, promise suit. United States. A New Y6rk jury eonvicted, i-n iiis second tria.l, Peter Duffy, aJ former'policeman, charged with se-J cepting mouey frein a gambler to- 'give hi imnmunity tram prosecu- tien. Misa Je-s-le Woodrow Wilson, se- ýond daugliter o the United State& Pkelaide-nt, i-a toeb.m&r-ried in No>- vomber to F. B. Sayre, who i-s i-n the office et_ the District Atborney Ëon Ne-w York. ;Instead of cutting eut a tousil, Dr. Harold Foster of Now York, a4nounced at Chicago that lie could ptuck an-cl las plucked eut a dis- eased tonsil "as a muan -weuld pluck a cherry."y Seven meni vere stabbed in a, figlt in the dining-reom et a Gettys-- burg, Ps., hotel, as a result et s fight on Wedneýsday, irhicli etarted wien several mcx aroused the an- ger ot an old veteran in blue by abusiug LineoIln. Genersi. sud a nava ulit areeianned b tndeaNeavelrlandaiGoe-lnment V protect the Putoli Fiast Indies. Germa-n experts say that ne large stcamahips wilho a-hie te par thneugli the Panama-Caual fer five years eming te the truquent baud Blides. li lid ro Wheu teld ta ehd wn $s00,000il the Charieroi Exhibition Lottery; a railroad bre-keman of Arloir, Belgium, earnin $14 a month, dropped into a-dea fa-ml. MU.ITA'NTS CONVICTED. Senteneed te- Three - Years la Jeu - for Arson. A despateli t rom London;- Eng- land, sys: Tire militant euffra-: gettes, Kitity Marien a-nd Cia-na Elizabeth Giveen. iere sentenced at the Assizes ou Tiiunsday te thre years' penal servitude oach on the charge et setting fine te the stands ou the Huret Park nacecourse on June 9 sud, causing danmage amountiu-g te $70,000. FATAL EXPLOSION,.- LunberMiil Bolier B-urts and Five MlenîAre Killed. A despateli tram St. Jahi",ý3 Kfld., suys: Five men menu killed aud a gi*rl mas- seriously injured ihen s bailer lu a né w miii ai the Alexander Bay Lumb erng Coin- pany's station explodod on Wednes- day.* The sta tion la bocated -in a ne- miot-e'spoe oh the raibroad in tise intenion of the -Island. MECLIÀR ÀkCCIÙENT.e T wo-year-old eirl Drolined in an le Cream Freezer.- A despatch frein Winnipeg S'ays: Whule reaching for- a lin ca- hich was flesh-ing -i-n 1h9-tub et ani-iio crearu freezten ou Weduesday, -tire- year-eld .Gertie,ý Wolf siiB!pped sà 4d tfel], i, -heaci-firzt, and drowned lun iS ýincheaocf water. té 6 %., (5% to 5,- ~to 6%. Y - butoba Oat-Xo.Z 0- -. oso, 9c tÃ" o 40ce, traci, bay ports; No.. -W-> 3 cto 3,8cu;, No. 1. feed. 37o ho 38e. - Cou-ùrican, N.- yl,, 6e o S yeflow. 64eci.t. * 37e-IÇq ..-60o ho 62e. nomiinl- »ar1eY-OGood ,mailetbarlar, outelde, Eolled 0.1.-F'er- but o! 90 pounds, $2.15.e po barrel,,"*.66, wio1esale, Windsor te Millleed-Maultaba braui- .819.00, lunbate, trc, .ronlo; shorts, 8$20,00, , Ontario bran.-*U9.00, lulbage;s; ubote, 800;md dlings, "OU21 t 2.- Xailtoba Flour-Firet patents.,550l juti, bag; stroug, bakera', 14.80 te Jute baes. nu cotton bags ton cents more perl Ont&rIe . -lour--Wlnter wiieaî Sour, 90 per cent, patents, la quoted at7 84.10 t0 $4U, ~- seaboard, lu bulk. GoCuntry Produce. Egg<--NewIaid, iu case lotsZM& te 1De. Oheese-'PWins, new, 14 ho 14 1-2o and large, uew, atI 13l-Z te 14c; old cheeso, twius. 15oe b 151-2c; large, 15o. Butter-Latesl butter quotationsa"are -Oreamery printe, 2Me ho 28o; OreamerY solI4s, 25e ho 27c, Dairy printe, 20 ho 4e-, Inferior Limiers'). 18a te 1Le.- HéeY--Bukweat, 9c a pouud. lu tins, sud 8o lu barrels; straiuad clover boney, 21-2c a pound in 6>pound tins; 123-4o lu 10-pound tins; 13o iu 5-pound tins; comb honey No..'l, $2.60- Pur domen; extra. $3 per domen; No. -2, 82.40 per.desen. Beans-Priimeè. bushol. 8$.76 10 $2;,iind. picked. 8$2.35 to $2.40. PouItry-Freb-killed yearlings, 19o te ,le per Pound; owl, 16o to 186; ive year- linge. 15c te 16e; live !owls, 14o ho 16c; dressed sprint chickens, 35c; lite, 26o ho 127c; turkeys. 20e '1 28e. car lots. 65c; New Bzuuawice, 90o ver bat; ont o! store. 80c lu car lots; Vir-. ginla, new, $3.00 ver barrel. Egyptian Onlons-Per saci, 82.25 ho 82.35., *aled May and Straw. Quolations. track. Toronto- Baled ilay, So. il 011.50 te 812.00; No. 2, 08.00 te 89.OOl No.. & 1-W to800; Baled straw, 88.00 1 Winnpe ipeg 8-Gain.hel--o nip.9.eg, J lie ,934; o .8 norta.ù 4, 83e; No. 712;93o.46,;70e; teed; Nee; N,. 1 re *7et1d muds..86.; No.;2. 86e 60N. ,~1l-e o.tougil. 89eBk,,N. 2,8c; No. 3, SI 1-kNo. 15, 67e89 No.. 2, teeS No.gi3,' 84e.-No. 5,ra67wiuNe. 6951-4 e No 2, 921-46eo No. 3 81-20;wNte. 49581.20.o.î ,9k-N2 . ., 3.81-c;No. 3, 321-20:exOta -No. 20 tee., 34-e: No. 1. 32 1-2extlia.2 3.Io Bsrley.3-. No471.-1-2; No. 4.46-4 e -Mec. 43e; eyN. 3,471-2cluxN. , N.-4;W.. 11.19 1-2; No. 2 C. W.. 81.17; No. 3, $1-05. ,Montreal. .Tuly. 8.---Corn-Aluericali No. 2 yellov, 680 ta 69e. Oatea-Canadlali West- er.N.2 42e. do Canadian' western. No. 3 0 o401-2c, do-extra No. 1 feed, 41c A& 411-2c.Barley-Msnitoba teeçi, 50ete 5c, do niallini, 6Ce o 6e.Buý*wiat.- No. 2. 58o ta 60c. Flour-Manitilq sprint vileal patente, fifate. 8560; dWjseconde, 8$5.10; do sîront bakens', $4.90; do vinter patente, ciaice. 85.50; doestraigit roliers. 85.10; do bags, 82.40. SalleS ots-Barrels. -14.5; do bats. 90 Iso.. 82.15. Bran-SIS;: shorte; 820; mlddlilngs,23; mouille. 826 ho $32. Huy-No. :2, pur ton. car lots. $11.10 teO 811 0. Cheee.-Finesl veetenusi 130 lu 131-le;' do luest. ousterne. 121-2a ho 123-4c. 'utter,-Chalceat croamery, 26o 10 2614e; do seconds. 251-2o ho 253.4c. Eggs-Fresh, 22c toa?23c; do suiected, 25e ta 26e. Po- taloea--Per bag. car lots, 60 ta 75c. United States Markets. 'Minnespoli. July 5. - mbeut - JuiS. 90 140; Sept.. 921-2e te 9Z6-80; De. 977-le; Ne. 1 hard, 93 3-4e;-,No. 1 noniheru. -92e 10 93 14e; No. 2 nortien, 90o to 91 1-4. Cern -No. 3yellov,-571-20 te 56o. (laIs-No. 3 vite, 39 1-2à ho 40e. Rye-No. 2. 65e ho -.57c. Flour nunehnged. Bran uncilangei. Duluthl, Juiy .-Wheat-No. 1i hanS. 93c». No. 1 northeru. 92c; Ne. 2 nentiemu, 891-2o te 90e; July, 910; sept. 931-40 la 933-le bld; December, 943-8e. nominal. - Torosto, Juiy .8.-.Catle--Chdie. export, $6.80; çboîoe butchura. 86.50 ta $6-85; good medium, $575 te. 86.48; comuloirr $4-76, to $6; caýnnons, $2 thô 82.50; eutIers. $3 te 83 25; fat cove. 85.25 tç 1.5.50; cammon cove. -83.50 ho-84.25. Calves--Good veai, 85 ta 87; chilce. $88 to 88.50; comme'>, 83 ta 83.50. Stockera sud feedere-Steers, 700 ho 1,000 pounde, 84.50 to 86.25; yeurlinge, 82.10 ho 82.50; extra chice heavy feeders, 900 pounde. $5.85 ta 88.25. Milkesna~sd sprint- ers-Fnom 840 ta 870. Sheup iiuS iambe- Ligill oves, $4 -o $4.50; huavy. $3 te $350; - imbe, $8 ta $10; bucis. $3 t0 83.50; sprint .lamils, 88.50 ho $10. Hogs-89.35, ted sud walered. sud $9 f.o.b. TLRIED OF NOTHIING TO DO. YeuR% millionaire Worked .Rallroad lir Arkansas. A despateh frein Van Bur-en, Ar-] kansas' s: -I juat greir tined ef being a millionaire mihnething ta do bxt play the sroc.iety game. and etudy ,te keep:me tram kiiling lie"This is tie expianahi-on et John O'BiFien of Ne-w York city, mpissintç Columà bia UJniversity stu- dent end hein be millions, irliedis- appeared tiiiee yçars ý ago, an&ivho iras, kund morking as division en- gineer on the, mon Mountaun Rail- naad ât-Van Buron on Weduesday. 5,00 EN N TRIRE. ~Âihougi prsiten. br4lotewtowards- olitical -mucpatiou -basbeon -the iwçt terestiug sud importat-" aajtîal fýCausidian histo.oryeb hbero hw no ver wth. oee ephermai.,exception) ý,been auy ideavor t6, -eud -thé, al lgisel et Can- Aa ho lbar, Sovérogus. "-ieprtutn li taI alle1çiance viii ual1lu-auy way ho e iected -by 'he, atlSuint eot bisobjecV Jibis Club. Rn eog anow Ring: o! I anaa.- Istadof Oanada beilutoee*1 Ihilà demînona, g #- s be'i be eueetofh15' "8Wieu training our tederai ocnsttlitiou n 1867. Bir Join -A. Macdonald. abeervint i ,at Iierld 0,ou clonial gubordin- tn was appraaeiu9g lis cee. .desired,> rt our ofciittI, à odbo e eRing- of e Canaa. bsCu- deolares tilt i.e ftteth an'iversr o! our natai-daýy would w.a- fltint suad app'riate yeair, > in wehi e8rsIorti. thesî f ierat- bah of oui depare Ouan -.statesuieu.u Mfr. Evart .p ointe out' t b ibdse vWle re, wekini for -as moe, ceutraliW~ - or-., janimation a!the -Empire baye no, end o! Drgauizatlona, including,t"ti. tcroas -he i eas Club, lie Iportail nlal-iâItb li Br ibish Canadan Club. bà e inited Empirê; Mub, th Lden' iueliCu.ltVe t®na Lege. Yetivaa i !Epre.l m rslmissiu i meii-ala u4ajlry Àeeoclatlon I. Royal CoaIial uùsîtute, aud -lu Caùn;-uei-organisa- tons -se. the -Imperil lédraien League. thé Daugibers ,e the 1-Empiire. "ti Ovîrae tulb, the Navy 1League. suid-tie Canadiie- >eteuce League. Re uberetoxie advocaites the organisation et Rlngdom Club. vitil th doflnite purpose as cutluod. - Aftarmath ef Wsr. Tilat thora shoùlid be auy conuection be. voeeu tiig sîugiter in, lieBalkans lu the rear 1912 sud lie cotioo! ife iu tho Province o! Ontario luth.1 year 1%j3, nay be diffIcuit ho uuderstand. Itlà l îevertileless- a tact. All wars-'leave s per- lod of aimeel varld-wie business de- ,ression lu tIlie yak.-,Somoties liose pe riods airs et short dtration,. or tram :pecial, cu-cnmstauces tie)rmay baet fcon- ciderable leugth.- The latent, proviens ex- ampie vas the Saurti ýAfrican irar,* sue- ceediug -whJtil, ferý a year or t*o, lier. w", omevilA "UltO commercilansd fin- The reason fer Ibis pheomelionle lata war ual onir maies capital timld. but dcstroys a large esuce, fet il.Au -xamnple of! tlmidity vas seau dnniug bile receul Balkft eruption. vion the pessalits af France and Germaur. fearful a! a coin- fagrati"u viici would embroil ail Eur- ope. aexeredited. vihhaving vithdrawu tram ti- bania ail their ready money. Their'purposo vas ho b. lu a position 10 _cache, Il lu case o! trouble,-soc liat after til. clouda rolled by they eould- bob up serenelÈ ithil their nesI ergs. This pro- ces o!fwithdrawals e I. vbsl19skuowu as -haardlnt goid" sud le said te have porarily- decreaud the worid'aesupply a! iiquid capital. But s permanent logs vas sustained by thle actual destruction lu lb. var., A vaet ameunt of preperty sud vealtil vas lit- erally wiped off tii. face ot tho earli. mien railways. bridges, public roads, publie buildings. telephanes, telegrapils sud worké of ail descriptions. 10 eay noh- iug et privat properly, are destroyod lu a habitable couutry, lhey have ta ho ne- placed. Tiey eau only b.., repiaced by dra-wing upon publie eredit and securint thnough It cash tram he mouey lending centres o! tle world-Londou. Parie. Ber- lin and puriaps New York. Many of thesee oris are absolucqly imperative. Tintile cash for hbm, bas te b. secured negardless of vilaît it cote. -IlV for Ibis reason that7succeodint a var oe! auy Dro- poti n there is always a sev re mo ey tiiteaeven mare seule tisa dunint 1h. lime o! he war itsel!. The procees af' rehabilitation le evon more -expeusîve than the setual coat of canryiut on the military apura-lions themseivee.- That s period ot tight mouey lis 'ar- rived le naw generally neeognized. Iii le sald lIat the uuderwritens o! London have deehinéd 10 tube any turther bond issues ntil - Ooctober. Tilepnactically muana tiat the muninipaîliieis or privais enlurprises vilici have nal already ar- rangeS for their bcans or tho sale ot ,bonde or debentures viii b. obhiged 10 gel :alont sbeet they eau for - some menthe. t ill iii een thut tho effeet o! chie situation viii bu tint businosses planning extensions or new enterpnisea stsrtiug up viii be dlepoaed Ã6 vait until mouey tau ,be secured viti less 4ifflculty. Tisi, n u m viii ne-sel ou empioymenh, sud if men are on-t o! work or vague are redueed. il viiili ten ru-set - on -busines geuieraill.- Suci is lhe conneetlon betveenthe Balk- ans sud bnsiiioas in Ontario.:. Utile QuIlnass In Canada. 8<, fan there la 11111e -sigu of- dulineos lu til eountry;, Occassoaslly one heure a compîsint. about" collections, p articu- iarly- in tie Weah. - beiuglow.. -But the .situation seeius ce have nothluýt te de wilihilhe Balkans,'but resettefroru the amount et rèaI eseià iipec#uitbli vhlei hu'as been geint onr-t li..t-#ua cylut 7',u neady cash, liaI iul iseben- sed 10 psy auconts. Immigration èi-auit.iuuee te, cocue lu bv lihe siipload. suif. o!ficou rs tiasadds new vealtito. uhe-countryand Put*fai af~ ucrclho.Besjdee, pethé 0 o; - -ai. i-ioue; 20A00.00 ten Gold iaers- of Seuth Africa Reaorf te Violence. Adeapatch frein Ã"ohanneshurg ten à - mines -are iu'olved in-1tii.t atriLke sud more than ô5'-,0 m'nar out. The -mnéowuers eTe remov- iu .le old,'te bauks fer .safëty. - ner oni ouî "ùThunasday nighe' in an attempt by l-dis trikers-tode- str oythe power, statio n,-but th attempt failed. Troops no-w#-gii rdi aIil 'thepo'wtir stations, sin -hefiethai ýft l.131h century - bastherebee any .immigration in vol- There WII Be ma Y_ o- ume. teo anada unlil the iaat ton 'y ear It la doubtful If tiiere ever. bas been EjnO: ad a _ aInIEhbtoa ilh imigratiofl lu any mcii comparative '-- < quantities ai, la ooming lu -uow. The ar- A despiatch feom Toro nî >s- riasof the. 30'o and 40ls woi'e 1arOl The clisplay of paintng1 at~ lcotch. aud Irish. scotch and -Irish. are a dinYtoal EIbtà ëoming iiew, tho English are now arriv* Jndan Ntoa 'n is ua wyta ilbv 'drsaslovers of thd-é- autiful fro> ,ffec ot balancing ni> the comiposite nia. ail parts of America. In the.-g8 iaan. hcheu ayl 1 b ai eries -will be katheréd the ýbei In Toonto*tiiererre wboieestreets and Works cf Canadian' and ' -nitV lu same sections vwhole blocksa comPoselSatsritapthgragal entirely o! Englishmen,, or 8Ocotcrn Saeen.sa à ptegra al bhey-are bard'workers mte a rule and >uost je fErp an their treasur c,! -t.em are-,making good. A"d ihe neit t ute nach au ft veneratien. wil be pure canadian- as are t ute nac h au ft the. present cidron aà di graud-cildrli! of- collection. Thio'-year the *gialleri .frmer arrivais. will be divided into four sectioni 1 bm ubofhe a aait:dr urBritishi, German, American "ai snÃŽC S mow ven lu, ourcenoua rtir we Can .adilan, and the entire e*ihl in@et o911: Ib i iornation, 50 that the only poraons 'wio;sppoWar iu thie classifi- prOmIses a, distinct advance -on t] caticu lu lthe C!nadlan conué sasr pure previons great collections that ha; oanadians ara tii, ludian tribes. Â 'dif' featured the Canadian NXational., forent state et bRafairs ]>Éevauos in * ^united Stateî. Tiors. as soon as -an im- migrant arrives, decides liat tehocouuitry, ie good eouughi for hlm iand bocomes EGC,.LIYIX-e OA1JSED -STMKl uaturalimod. liotergetsatiIho ever hasl-l beau anYtiig but an American, citizen ,A lady' from Chicago' pointeil ont to me Rallway Porter. Took the Egg ai tus Autoregtling -tact the otbêi' -day." Iu Was Arrcsted. Chicaro ale, bad met Engliah, Irish and sotch girls, lu numbors, but here was rm London, En ne aigu te Indicato liaI Iiioy were anylt- A despthfo tbing but Americans. Tbeyba ena- land, seays: Thoa, -ntùnely andi çardodheir accents. Tiiheue. wiio take t. ÃŽ4longte tà lose their distlnctivenee considerate,.acstion of a, hen inila ,mere ile wdes, but- oven ,witii tbom i ane«g mnacratoe ini wbich ai 'wa on,3, amatteret a fow yeaxe., TheY oral- other bhena- . ware tra&-eal-à wor - il ~ie1ea~.caue4a strike -ofsthNoifthý erun ien at Leeds; -A ytilroad mi 4WWFRED Fi POPE AIVE. ab-,tracted the egg-and put-it aaik -as he riays, te, be sure it would Mystery ot Sulioed Nurder Two e b brolceýný. A -r&lr'oad dt Years Ago la Solved. saw bhis, act and 'arreete4- hi, Theeupn ls oteaue -r The mysteriaus disappe rance sanie te-w years ago of WiltnridF.--Pope, a ireIl-kuownu menchuat of- Bneipteil- ville_. Que., iras cleared up on Wed- nesday. The disappearalfe et IPope cneated quitu a sensation, for il iras genurally suppoised that lie in'à .. mu.. ere.. Wdr-,-ho -- road .4rdered the,,prsoncr rek a-nd- thie mon resumed - work'. fate -of the egg,-ia atifl i udeci A.-FIEMA'SMiSRAI ever, ir.as received on Wednesday Was Blewn Prôm Ris Engine ~ by Chef McCaskil that Pope iras ýSevere.1y Injsred. - welsud residing in Texas. Pope's horse iras found oee muter men- A despateh from. MO'ntreal, says.- ing, tire years aga, lying dead on Bbowu t ncm the cab sud c-ver the- the suair, sud there being a long -tender- ut hi-s engine,Alxtcp -trail ot blood it iras supposed that Normiîlk, fireman et au incoming Pope had met 'with foui pay The Newr Yerk Central. express, LabglIit detèctives couid find ne trace -of the ed -first Ou;ý a standing- train anid mnan'é body, sud the case remaîned then on a b'eaP A rèd-iiot -cindëni a mystery until Wednesdai' meru- in thie-O.P-R. Gien: -Yard, Wesfý ing. mount, about iddav on Wednee -day. His head wecse-o terribly iûr jrl- that- the, coers otf-the liés' The l4tli Regiment tdiKin'g-Von pitlte wic o ms-cn eed-ar ie te, bave a bicycl e 5<tiOik [uýncertain oif his revovery. - MANI1TOBA CROPLOK-FE Outlook Is Somewhat Uncertain in South-, But the - -Farmers Are ,Optimistic A depatel frin innpegasy: tl' t griculture,, heaisIreturni 1Alter tlree da-yset âlmo>st juces- ed' freinatorf thé -Province im saintra-,te'eihe-inMnta thie vcixity et Portage la P rai-ni - raý'»ewe e'in nit-a ýd Neepawa, and ays onditionm maz clealr amd cool. on Thursday. , -a-efile; »o oomplints cf lack etf m-istune -Tii. outie)ok is- tiil sh>meuvai' -un .are nom eln -ead mdthe cepcertaininu southern Maýnitoba, s 1 s saîd, te bu comi-ng aiou(>g x ttbe- nain came almittociýate t£ ail pon. tam iil le s ot a eteco. Tihe e ttiw eu Expciaten ae iiatwhea> i i iIdecide. .FarnMirs lake au opti edeiopît ait qany POints by July- itf vie-w, aud arc.liopin g for &- 20isud some banbey will lie- reaciy average yi1eld. Tek-ene-nthe uhcb1 te ut y Ie ud !-thse xontii.1 the Province, can 'get aling fer tew .Mn. S.A. Bedfoed' ]Ùeputy Minis-da-ys ihotnin. - - 'IB y - a "Stewart" t S3oaFPrc -An over.tock la?' ur rarehouse must b. -eà aw4 atbefors .Auguat lot. Hence te Prim--~ Inh - 770ini e Ich dIai-4 Irnuster 1o000 E9Mo 1t;lihe next- .Tiiere- 1aid.or tea, and twe 1 "4iùew..there. were t ýgood- to est upon t tyig in vain te ju N>ow- Pick was a litt yvery-kind heart, so h 4ittle pupa on te the t stood te watch tiemi ~upset thejuofce it ùp off the Ccth, an te anake short work cakoks. -n7<~Te cakes roe tliat Pick would ha ~too, but lie knew ït e tksl, 50 -le went thr ,,$. dor which led into flowers. It- was verv Dikwaiked 'on tiub -Jbowl of goldfish. B the bowl sat'a big ca Žeaeup oh. began te ~p.uss," said.Dick. sali for your tea?" a b 1ow1 gently on itssid- "u«Qujd bu able t-oý cat oh b~e,1r it réali - -u-tkind of tome one to fiai wheru she could.n, ~yTheù PDick saw a, l yat o ut jute And lie took the cage garden and set thie do littie gi.rd flew, away 7-and Pick feit -wha7t à - was. -, The garden -çs ml Dickw-ent cown the a look at themn. "But, "hoir it mst, hurt t Sthe pinks bte buedA- -like that, " 56 hle from bis- poeket and with whichecd one lie *Welnt -on lis W-ay. 4-this-lie came tCL a..-g jnto e field, ;anclint a. littl i on y. When' ra uUp sudputits - gate t-o mm.-Do. - corne in?'¾ said the b ( gÈate.- The pony at oni anud began trac-o., -1ieds. PiCk Co1UldSe o îtI. time aiter - *liere Some Young di -in byý a - wire fenc-e. thiugs' he said. cann of .find -mueli t -and he Jet them ou den,, where, they ýbe up eveéry yoVùng gr could £tnd, sud ha- they neyer had befor Pick began tci .thi kind deuds was much - ý Sitt-ig tii in a chair. il rmade hixnieel so gC Scouts onlylhad te do- i --i the day and h---h< s0 manyin less tjîan-a] îhe-re any mo re to b1 D ick. began to look' --just then lie heard hid calfing-tq-him that it go-horne. On the way lihe- tolde kind .deeds lie had 4d coue -not -make out-j -that moment bis aint taken ill, ahnost as Aaiut, -or why she seizE arm and- cried, as quick as-you canl hope she-w-iI-ne-yer-,n S-wlio las' donc itr D' ick -thiought thlis J Skind, foi thougli le - not riglit t-e he*ast oË -deedo- lie could net S, a:ny need to-hide--then -great dangor-thie greý Jthe llrst -fe-*hours al SLonievity il an herj Sid f rom mother >to ~ d had au oc Wt-ge 4 'Jimalfandab ri n mother Blut- a.hrsone 'dascown te a daugb e.ftheè'L' pa-ssdowi-q hé,'d uter cat- E;tid Williu ta the- clf was dining with the fý mn!eve-e givea mree 1 li on a