Mr. EdW&td' BOiI@, New Brunswick wftIi sca oti.ttttè. 14fr. and Mr,-A.01. 1iltt,auo.Mi, chas, EllIott .spent SundsY Ii.bhý Mr.' Fred Ward. i and-Ir&ieId,. of Wgitby, Wére lu 'thevae on Sua- Mrs,' 0. Sebert: returned home 1fPoM A two weeks' -visit ina Taranto at Mr, Wmi, Lowe, et Tornto,,' spent Sunday,,at the home 'of Mr. and Mr$. Mr. Munroe, o! the Stanidard Bank, 'Whtbyp 'sp0ntS3$unday wlth frlentla tu towil. Miss Elt Brown, of WhlVby, is spending, s week with her parents liere. Mrs . 'Jas. Maynard was visiting for a few days lQstý week wjth Iriendai Myrtle. DIrs. 1W. J. 'Gerrow, who 4as bçen' spending'a f ew weks iii New Yor~k, bas returned« home. The' aunualý meetinig for the'eléctîôn icf officers for the MetllTdist. S9.8. wil 1 be held on Thursday, May22u4.- Mrs'. John Perchard, of 'Tôroito, pent a few days this week wIth, ber1 Mr. Roy Sutcliffe has b ouflht théè îbarbering business here. M4r. Sut.- cliffe cames here well recommenided. Mrs. John Pile is expected -homne Arom the hospital lau, Oshaws this îee-k where she underwent a very B'er- %pus operatioli. Mrs'-G. Joncs and Mrs. Gregýwere lu Port Perry on Tuesday- attending 'thle district conventiOUof-o-the W.M. S.-of the Methodist church., Mrs. S"foddard, and Mrs. Muttitt, o! ,New Westminster, fl.C., daughters of the late, Jolmn RoutleY, are yislt4ng 1fr and Mrs. Thos, Routley. Mirsý Grant Eddy-and child, ofDet- ver, Colorado, are eipected thIs week' on a visit to lier parents, Mr.' and BMrs. Chas.*-Grass. 14ev. W. S. McTavish, of thle Do- minion Alliance, wihl address the con- , grtSation in the Methodist churcli on Sunday evening, May l8th, in the in- tserest of tle -Dominion' Alliance. - A twillght musicale will be -given 1byý St. Thomas' church- chair at the Close a! the evenlug service on Sun- day next, May lSth.' 'AntheCms by the choir, -a seleetion ramSamrsCi cflOR will lbegiven by the quar- tette ,and a solo, OThe PublicanL," w.111 be. given- bY_ Mrs. .WValkr ; aisoa& solo by 'tIc reetor, - 4,ev. Mr. Muir- . head. The,-annlvérsary, services o! the 'Beethoven Ladge, 'No. 165, J.0.]. Was hed on Sunday,- My 10, hera ïRbOut seveuty-five of the bretîren of! titis [od'e ain d a numbet from Wht. - 2.~- - L n et Beac-ock t .O5' sa maangel ana iurnip seed adia saIW -. s6onie talk of! aut, ad!ie- getting 'up a basebal: team-beth married arid. urare. oî lteani orgaized -jont week. ýThe follawïng oficers viere eleoted llon.4President-Wm. Smith, M.P. Captain-Beri H. Beacock. Se.rea.-Roy Brlgbt. Cammittee-L. Tordiff, J.Halay C.Bdy and W. 'Rosi*ts. e yt 6 Ortam vwilil e Called teMrl Rovirs.. Our flrt gain e'thisseason vill be at' Oshawx, -on. May' 24th, aý gainst, the St. George team. Prietice. lilghts-every' Wednesdays and Satur-, There neyer wau a turne wben eople, appreciated the reai morfia . O,ý bsi- berlain's Covigh Eernedy more ibtan "w. Ths b sown. by the Inreas from persans wbo have beýn oured by lt. If you or your children -Mr troubled wlth a cougli Or cold glve It ýa triai and* become acquslà ted wlîl its good qualities. For sale bY ail dealers.-47.- -MYRTLE. Boni- On Monday, May 5tli, th Mr. and Mrs. John BeaaiAslj, a son. S Mr. Percy Kent, vho ita amflierig fram a very ibvere atiacîro! theuma- ism, is stilll4n a very eriilkeal cuiidi'ý tlion. Mr. G. Pringle lias improvéd île appegance of lis residence nuiha fresli coat o! paint. A numaber frain lere atteuiled the Forester's service- ai Brookiu 0on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hazard, of ithe Meiliodist Book Room wUll preacli ler. on Sun- cèeededto the Methodlst churcli to 'day next. divIne ser.vice, where 11ev. M4r. Bell Don't forget the box social to be tpreached a very forceful sermon to held on Friday evening. A good time theo brethren, taking as bis text Il A îs anticipated. *fhee-fold cord Is not easily broken."1 Mr, Elmer Glover, of Columbus, c.4': 12. Mr. Bell brought Dut spent Sunday at his home here.. imany good poinfs in bis excellelit ser- Lame back is u sually caused by mon, wrhich were listened to very at-. rheumati§m of the muscles Of the tentlvely,. both by the lodge meipbers back, for whlch yau will find .nOtblng 'su ,helagecongregation present. botter than Chamberlaln's Liniment. '1?aor appetite. la a sure sign of lm- For sale by aIl dealers.-47. *- THE BROOkLIN HARDWARE STORE ladies, What About That Wgashiug Machine That you. have been waiîing so long for?. If you h ave'not already made up your mind what kind you ~ ~would like to buy, just let me place one in your home on 3o days' free trial. No signed order 4 no Money down. A post card vili bring anc ta your doot, and after 30 daYs' use, if you deéide that the 1900 G ravity -Washer ia the beat Waslier you ever saw, keep it; or if you do not vaut it 1 vill take it away again. I have sold 36 of these machines arouud Broolin and if you want auy ane of thase 36 names for refereuce, I will dlieerfully send them ta y-ou. Be vise, try ane iow sud saveypur pon old back.- URIA-JONES PHOIfE- BELL CONNECTION 'jc Il ,Il )eep Cushions tmate-this- Car ixtreniel>' -cmfortable. 'etf 1750 pounlds tihe 25 bas extraoidhnary-pover.. For abillty we«,o rnt, beieve i t ha surpassed _by auy Car *t tment of BUGGIES. atilAghmiprices. 'm IMPLEMENTSe they. will intereet yen.- NESS, LAWN MOWER$>"FERTILIZERS, Etc. -ý: Whitby, Ont. mWpd4 anda Bell, UPhonos. 3et Mothqldli chiRcb last week,. the services 1 by Tie. zE..lance_, .o Iprovemetste 21000 have been maà de, 'Sunday Sohbool, choir, I soie, gallery and argon. UOer:1,UU ,as subscribeul toi.hefIund on Open- ing day.- Mr-ýCatherine Servlss-dle4 i the hOme -o!lier daUger, alim e ge o 3yas T. H. -Eversan :W ereLiirè a 'ivoý storey-business -biock -6nm SImcS b8t1- not. Atbte,'Iast-mSeing of the 'ý to6*n Cpuncil a wy-law 'Vis put ihrouighIl- oCnslng elèotne- , s- i-t $51 a year sud- gasalene tanks ýati$1.. A- moveli1Wen onl- ufoot te hold an Old Bo - ÃŽ,Re'.uulen lu saa.. It wouM*d surprise you . lcw .99 the Sreai-Sood ibat -Il; belq-g domeb Obamberlal's Tibiets. Darius Dw nhey, of Nwer unctomm, N B»# wrttes, ' [y vife bas bien, usl Chamnberlain% , Tabieto,'a-d- fade then 'very éffectutl- pludoding ier lots of good."l If you bave 'anv-trot«e-i wiili your utoinacli or * bavels, -gLve, tem a triai. For 'sale by'ail dealers -47. East Whitby Co0uncil. Council met on the 5th test. -Au~ Present;. Mi4utes rend and adopteai.- Cammln'ications readI fom Db..S041-1i Sick Children's Hospital, G.D. Con-' ant, Toronto Truste Corporation, Ini- speetar Walks, Cruslied Stone, Ltd., G.W.P. Hoad, -Registrar General, and D.* Molnnis. Moved by Mr. Bryant, seconded by Mr. Giover, tînt this Coimneil grant a Ibnps to &.'Wilsou for 80 rods of wire fen.ce ai 15é. per rod, and to Mr. Wm., Ormiston - for fi! îy rode at 15c. per r-ad when compieted. Carnied. - Moved by Mr. Giover, secondeai by -Mr. Bryat, that the followingePatm Masters b. paid $5 ecd for their 5cr. vices lu 1912: Messrs. Pascoe, Found, Jewell, Dearborn, Loti, Greeniree, Drew 'and Baxter. Carried. 1 Maved by Mr. Dearboru, scconded by Mr. Bryant, that tlie following le paid for vire fences :-M. Warne, 40 roda, $6 ; Frank Wilcoxson, 30 roda $20, Ed. Hopkins, 80 rôdas $18. Car. Moved by Mr. IBryant, seopudeai by. Mr. Dearb»rn, that this Council qans the Oshawa Fair the suin o! $50. Car. Mr. Glover, seconded by Mr.- Dean- boru, moved limai the plans fled by G.W.P. Hood o!, part o! lot 12 iu the second concession oa! ssi Wbtby b. approved o! Iv thîs Cauncil. Carled. Mr. Dearnoru gave notice ihat at tee nexi meeting of this Councfi -ho wlll move for leave to Introduce - a by-iaw te sell part of the original ai- lowance for roads between lots 4 sud 5 te tue irai concession of the Town- ahip o! East Wibr. MaOvea-b M1r. MeLen, secondedbj Mar. Bryant, limai ithe. '!olowinig -ao-~ Roads and'-.Brides-W..II.--Wllsoni- $1.50, Geoe Wilson, $6; J-f MNhyi $15ÃO; John Haxn'ltoii,$1. IL; R IHinion, $108'1 Jos, Cochrane~ $38; R'.l J. M ke, $34.50- J. J:iTerwillear $6; Grand Truuk Ry. Calô.82; :J. Aibet,82 ; Mike, $11lyRoit StorÇ, >$2 ; Jasâ. Greentree;328 ; 1préd Codirane, #24;t Albert'Thomns, $14; Albert Lofti,$28; .Hpk ,$8; On, mOtion -'aof Mr:Peârbaira, second- ed M71r.' <lover ,ei Cuci d Iourned-:-io- mcc on 'the fîrst-ý Mouday 'in ,JunaeJ ai .2 a'clck, 2and .,the Court O! -ReyIaIon .ta le sanïe day ai 2- -WM--. I-,RVeS, Cleric. JUST ARIVD4NWAWrBY. t *TheSagéinle girll i 16.le seen lu J. E. Iwiis drug stonre and on cveny bottI,'olagelnê ba1l-%hn(c liai -Is' genulue' and, sold under a positive guarantee to stop falling liair, - erad- Icate dandrüiK sud ta graw tle most lifelcs,coanse,. dry hiaïr ln thlick sof t and luxuriant Sageine ta a 'dlean, acientflohai tiue camposed of île mosi moderti hair produclng and beautlfylug agents'; ih la free from greasy substances, is not a dye, sud' la dalntily p.rfumed.' Sagelue la lime favorite of panticulà :n people, and la sold lu Whitby only ai J.E. Wils' drug store. Sageine lu oniy 50c., so as ta bring lt vithin roai o! all.-45 PICKERING. James Gordon lias leen appoi'nted police truste. ta filî the vacancy caused by tlie deaili af the laie Wmà . Moroombe. John McGlnty had s uarrow escape drivlng home - along tIe Kingston road and when near Liverpool caught up te anoiher pnrty. wto vere stuck lu a Make,,Us Prove it We dare not exagg«etet yo . W. am -dependent Upon :'your patronage ,To jet It we must have your trust and confi. dence.. We ,ak Ilse toloewlng Statenents wlth a full under.. itandlng of wbhat -they mean to us.- Vou n re fwh.n you believe -t thmstateýment. For -the BoweIs -f odâl an na sotii. ~JIf o£ Y kew as mueh as wé tnuecusfpyieadu~tvs ad have uaed thernicnow thus teudcing to stop ucli nealth about RexaIlOrdorlies, y-ou would haitaa jmsyhae brafrm bo as euthwuatic about recomrnend- ng theln 55we are. They t usProv Thi flie c mdy. They aet aouoan sd M"ak@u lývT plaaam tatte aan ! h .do not ask you -to talc aur 1'~ ~ Word for thia We waut you ta make hrncude ieRxl Order- un prove it. andd at no coet to, yau. lie; sd yu xto tht i amedi- Buy a box of Rea -liOrderlies at CIiapeI tsCuli WI ppS' ouritore.Use themacnsor useup ta ~~h MIL-ua _ Reai roHes this qat vithout guSil or. u n aiss puringr ueusvelooOnsu.-qh5 Saio voromsnrme,.îcaus OAIJION Plia.bear ia mlad thai Il Whitbey T -,Ue e o . rneu, if -you are nai thorougw o aified, m on back' empty handed Lsu teil. us. Wývi4tmpitbligakting yau or quein- ]Mg You-v'wLrtunîe oo> Pot e u fr hemi omld aimy ofr e re fair ta yau? MId" PerODn& -Rë"00irdoiMcine, ILa eÇ5vexut ecm .4â;à 6* uol4v am4gU - 6tbli Sima:rý - Durlag, t r ualhn ois.!e fort Ilaibis Panama. Tlhe Panama inodol lues aýbou mâes"",d.s ! godmany mme «a to wbat a@boa should b. 'l'h. higli, ousadeai te. cortà wny. do«,amman confort ta à asup.nla-" lvadr.. and th* urôà k.r» or sprng so@ makas fo« esy'walk-, -# augnd aisê preenas tile-msther. or the bas.fron wrnkltmg. modeltd brstotI andý-s bigl aud Tan PRag&otarlfBuchwr The Coat oi a Buuiness or Shorthaud Educatiou iu the Toronto, Ont. Do y ou know just how littlie t costs to secure a thorough business educatiou that will not only lucres. your earning care.- ity but will enabis you to geLse position where you wili corne iu contact, with in- flueutial people wlo ca"_ assist you to further adraucement? (Jurcatalogue wll give yen full particulars. À post card- one effort-we do the rest. Cor. Youge and W. J. Elllott, Alexander St. Principal 20 FREIGHT CARS IN PYRAMID RESULT 0F A WHEEL BREAKING. BawpaaÂuvll'le, May Il..-Twenty cars o! frelght ver. almost toially demol- âslied ou the.-'Grand Trunk Railway lasi night just before mnidnight nean the station here, in a wrcck resulting froin a Iroken Wlicel. Thme car thus disabled le! t the rails juet before île train crossed Barberas Creek, lut tlie resi o!fithe - train remateed --on, île track 'tii îthe englue vas directly o p- posite the station, when the. train ibuckled sud twenty cars 'wene ,ied ia a. huge pyramiid- as 114gb as the water tank. The main Ue varà com- pletely blacked,'by îhe w1reckage,, but eue sid-ing. vas dlean, 50 that trains have been running ail day. One car-tunnblcd dawn the embanlc- meut snd struck the roof o! a pump'- Ing station by the crcck. Another fol] fain the mountain o! -wneckage and sirucl Miss Winicr's summer kitchen- close ta lier resideuce. No anc vas hurt and the front and rear ends o! the train renMaiued on, the track. It vas- lQaded with ail' kinais o! mencliandise and . mauIV- 'lutes, pianos; organs,caïss- o! 14qkian. s, paints, lard, catton in bales, fruit trocs and grocenies. The cars were badly vrccked, lut the. contents vere mostly saved. The Belleville -wrecking crew lias been' vorliinegto-day, au« cxwts t-P have t1ii. main lune ceared during ta-- nlgbt. Officiais .o! .tle raad are,.' on, bdaddetectives are 'atdhilg m prpeiy rowd ! iien iaté thme wreck to-day.- STÂLLION BEGISTER., 71O1YALfROEROK,(u.)-T0 propetym !WmmOmitonl, & Sons, BrookIlu, il!travel - tIre' Wbftby sud, iikenng 'to'wnsblps' for, the senson, maaklng lais headjpaters 'ai BrookîIs Terms, $15. S ILVER. SIMlON, (Imfp.)- Thé FptY O f W. ýOrmision& ôs ,Broukite, - wll. trà vel through the 1 ,iorthérn"na o f; pickerin sn- wet'l» VIeTORIA DAY elngle, Faro for, Round Trip_ Beetween al stationsine Caà nadaeast of Port. Arthur, also toâ- Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Niagara-Faills,ý Blac Roc andSuspension Bridge, N. 1%. (100,4-01.11jMaY23aend324 1 Returà limit, M aY 27tht' 1913 HOUMESEEKERS EXCURSNS-ý day ustil GOLfImlsl Výia Chicago' and St. P aul or Sarnia. Through PuIrman Sicepers to Winnipeg on above: date, jeving Toronto, i .00o p.m. No chaqnge of cars. ReturlIfmn- it two months. Ask Grand Trunk Agents- for full, particulars, berth r eseýrvations, etc., and especially Town Agent'for Express, Ticket and Telegraph Office, opposite Standara Banki, Whitby, Ont. Telephone 36 TRY SOLACI3 AT OUR EXPENSE mosy bckforany case f Ileaà daChe that'Solace Fisto einove 9l... remedy in a recent medicai discov ery of three German Scientiste that dissolves Urie Acid (Jrystsls sud prfise bIood. {[t Iseay ta tske, snd willnfot Pfet h weakeapomach. It4 i' guarauteed uder the Pure Food and Drugs Law to be absolutely Irée frorn opiates or harrafuldrngs of anyýdescrîptJon. Solace la a pure speclflc inuevery wayad as beenproed eyod qeston tobethesureand quic est remedyfor UrcAld Troubles kuowu to meca science, no matter how long standii it reaches sud reoves the root o! the trouble (Uric Âcid) sud purifies the blood. - Th el ace IVe. of Battle Creek, are the sole UN B. aents sud have thonsauls of voluutary testhmo tietterawhich have been received from g rattlpople Salace bas ristored to health. Tetmnal letton,, litenature sud Pro. Box sent upon request. IL Le Morris, President of the Flrst National Bank of Chico, Texas, wrote the Sulace Compauy ad5 follows: "I waut yo to neud a box of Solace tomxn fatb. Th s, Tenu.,,for which 1 eucloe 81. M , , m - b e , Y b s e u u e d b y s o m e f i e u d s o ! mine are sud Imuassay ius actiou was woudeful. (Sigued> R. L. Morris." Put upilU 50e Oand Si00boxes. It'am mgbty fin. te b. w.i ad Ye, .eau m0D b. s bY.tahlug 50LRSB. No Special Treatmeut fichemes on Feet. juat Solace alons dose the wonk. Write todsy for threa free box, etc. 80110E REMEDY CO.. Batis Cmr.-kMioh. WHITBY MARKETS Alaikoeolovea, per bus..81100 ho,$120 Whit, wfl .. ... ...... li Wheal, .o ..... ......085 1006.9o Whts .. g...... 008 par-i. ... lem t. 0*. Bu sac. ss.. es .7 1 l07 .~0te 0.0 Oss........ t ., .88. .0 FlekU, per ib...'lêe0 'COsansel.b......80 e38 Brul.M1 po4n..10 fat METti, POLTY NDR.2 JO.8 Bo er pst ne......10.00 hto UM i .m-lb100te ."0 P ckezasper le.....iet6 I. Ne"L pe dos., neu iL .5o to . LarÇ», - pei -lb..'.; ...01810.3 'ayp, P« . a.. .5130 Hards Bus Lne Cartage ai T<iaimeI Si=o- pmurcang titeuln Ins m è&.. WiiaUm Newport, we h"v u e f voi , wth avr'~ 'u. sMd vs e i ve areginmg the publi paovi., cartage of-freighti 'vanm for plemýueP ntisaetc.,,vi euav vybout attenton.' Urs=t,-lass lir( un in ot. #floae-No. 89 -f Going Noth ..-8-30 a.m. Goiug 8South..4î.8.u ..4.r5 P.m. , 1I - .7 1.15 P-- -.64 .M.boP.I.=.A . LvuWhitby for Osbawa et 10 6". n 4 p.. J. HoItn, pro- Llà vms for fr,ýoqghanï.t 10 ai. Bd &wrds, proprstoe. c~4 z- p-gm ïs reliable dmsinf ~- Jodorizer for cessp COPPE Mii arei'useful for d~ Je E. MEDICAL Prof-ssio? a JNO. E FARE% ýBarrister, County 'Cr( * CountY Sol Officq.south wiuig Coui A., E. CHRI, Barnisten. Solicltor -.No Office, Breck St., Op-i Money to JAMES RUTLEDGE, Money ta Loan a6 Office'immediately, su -whitby, 6 . YOUJNG SMI Barrister, Etc. Mone 3 ok-Marrîage- -Office -Sniith's Bloc DENT W. .BAI, Dentisi m;r ot t. L.airbanks dgatéWply t. SH' q IENS3D -AI AND-VAL ho. ceagemsta1 asies h - Gazette Ternis reasouable. Bell sud Independo. WIIITBY,- CONTRAI J. HE)WELI £ar>lenter, Builder plans drawn and est Repairs, Alteratic- Box 467 WtIlTt Mgarriage 'No Wltuesses nequired. For coures in al jects leading fo, Pa keeper!s or Stenog Civil -Service~ ...n' Spýecialists! exaulI conducted, in -Sha7 routo, -(The Cnr lege with foir cityE from J'fuly3rd ta A year. f5tudeuts rmsyeuira ff7Shw, Presideut f -Trs Sýtret.i' oto 0.- S . ,Nov. -J.. Nom,,Uzh Nort Na14, N> ýle nd- tht b. n-tà mie slow thea a -A Calli.Sa Wïré ud Weiiw ~.t.d ai Whltlup, v if expei ~I I V %J r % 1 - q i-v IYKXKGW. m %.,# Fi 1 v