In the-crowd that .aw jthe exhîbi- h,-,ar tion were many of the bl and h yeflow slaves cf i the cbiéitain. AUl 'n i - t* ,* S*S é' * thoe psctatcozs wore amiazed at the' jsat? ~~1 io'-ie1:A rnanj atrang1 ma*ifetation8s(of -the i4S~WD JUt9l. oli> -"k-art' th ie msgicisn fer- gl16 oiùdjtioii - îe duo' attacktc * formed, -,but, no tiok appaL heumatis, ndiiumbà go;the *har!p * atrogly t tue asrnbld reiniue tabbing pains- M sii$' n nu- and. ta -thse aa "ht in- *algia poOrI app0titeý an.d a dêsire -whîoh a whute 'duok wa mà ado-toa p. too Vi'dexeSrtio. You 4nIiôt Onze pruwîwfth,», black hAd ,aind ï blâek1 these troubles by the'Ugze'-'f putga- S uck, 72t~R mm. mmn 'a ipula.- tive mdone-ru ne-a V tii, with tlis eà à . te' tsaW ite and a tonie offly,. ind amnô l du*' a dkmdiie ther. te none Can equal .y Tie trik4sad to> be*iteated, .nd Dr.. ýWiiass1 -Pink, Pilla- fr their ton the-Chedtain eng %di aln onio, life-givhsn rvreoin hipered converseation *ith tii-. ipowes.Evepy;dose, of, this ýùe4a.. J terprotor. on **ksnew _br is locd, -hç ,Wha't sdeured3i" quelried the ,drivta~ miziis thnlta obign~txi~-laerévery orga n a nd bringa s à féIingy of- The interpreter coughed. 8pologO- nehealth, snd. .-n rgy ýtô- 'eâk* tically, agd tho spossded - - -tired, ýailinK men, women and chil- - "Reepeotedir, our honored-alm en. f Sy.p ar utoif. ýr à g - wishea you 1ta't&ka tw4-o cf -i.a blâck Ifmiin ralade.hw hity4o ps Lti.tiej alaçsa>n pu a OIlW hSd ~ aqiickly ut wilI -restai. the apptite19ttOe Geoo6guls!Sr-vei, -Who e'y Wak. man, and the black: hoad, on-9 the body of a yello' srvitor. Our ptidfltitl.lsecf lifs a1ïd damSsgeto, hor.ored sire thinka it wouldbe er> yur veine with, new, -health-giving 0Prôrty-'în tis h io fi adsould funny." + enh " 'TOU. hie royal- higb~negâ," th. You oa;s get thèee pille ,froma anjMAU agency.. Thse doluge c water conjurrrepliei, '"that I might give edicine deialer o4r by imail at «s 1wasiof such, gga* i ppris a yeflow sman a bla.k,4y,ýý,but-_ Cents a bco. or ,.sx bôXes foi 82.50 ýthaltý, -o -rosarvoir sYetem, coulcl b. çwould not like tao &tt«et to iake fo 'h-D.Wliaa eiiedvedto ,tà kýcare cf it. hie' cntir, black." Co.,' Brockvlle, - ont.,- ,I Slcep So0uudlyp - -Fecl-i AcNew" Ail Who Laek -Vigor," ýThose Who aie Dlsplrlted anm Worim Ont, Shauld Resd This Carefully. Pfoef That Health-and Rsnewad VitaIIty Qulokly ReturnWhen fisht Ramedy la Used. -- ~ " a= - 1anonly th1rty pearf oldî rot fo: sîmeet-)two peau I1 have fait More MA -- - erenty.fIhe. I bave founc d if ficit _p - ieep -et night, and in the mornlng f.i - -se depeiseed snd heavy tixat effort wa: dlffessît. PMy hande were aiwaye dla=m -and perspiration onùslist effort woult ------ -break oui ail over me. It wes fDot un naturel thet I ahoulci begin- te broaci cve the chance that I sheulci be unfit ta dl mnr work. and'lise dread made my siseL loe nightis perfect nsisery-. Af ten, repeetej triais of medliolues sud mixtures, Dr - Hamilto;'o Pille gave me the firet gie of hope. Prom tise very "fret I cauld sel they wcre dIfferent in -action from othi, -pi1leTbey didn't tripe à nd acted as nu turslly as If nature sud not thse piU Weeclesnuing uMy ciogged.uD syafte .Il sirits :roae. 1 toit - much better.V TI einggish 'action of the eyetem gcave 'vs ta noOrmalaecti'rlty. Diuineee sud head *laches oeaaed, appetite,- good colon e:ý ambition' te work retunned, and have rn meineà . 'I amn k a ne-w man, sud tisenk Dr. Hamilton'a Pille for it all7 This wae the experience of J. B. Parh -~~~~ - - hno, w'ell known grocary dealer f- --Jeffeon. iollow hie ad-vice, use Di Haxniiîon's Pilla for your etonsnch, kid neye land liVer, sud youIl enjoy lon, -lite sand robust éood healtis. Ail drug *gist n d su eorekee-nere eeillDr. Hemi ton'e Pille. 25c Der box, 5 boxes fer. Si, O DostDaid fnom tise Catenrhozoue Co. ]BUffelo, N. Y., sud Kingston, Canada. Playiug Safe. - Iwant yen to undcrstand ni Word is 'as goôd as my bond.", - "Thats why I arn playing safc an- sd insisting on thie cash"- _7 Try Muri ne Eye Remedj - VuTry 1 for Red, WaakWatery Idyez &n - Eye *BelUIlutme Bo I,.-uggl, t25-bOc perhote. à Surine je O -5salve Ia AsoptiloTube@,- no-te. Murina Eye Remei Ce., Chicas Gamble witli >our wife if you-Must ~arn be. It keeps the money in the K HEAI TO ANKLES Tortured-With Terrible ltching and DBurning'0 Scratched tintil Tore Flesh. L' ayAwake for -N ights ut a Time. Used Cuticura Remedies and- Found a Cure, 0t. 01a, Ontanlo.-" Whjn 1 waston 3ean elci 1 began ta be torturod with a terrible - Stchlng and hurnnng of thaeinanid vas tolci lb vao eczama. 1 have harit righù &long for savon yoars steedy, it gettlng 'vorso ei-ory year. 1 wasa ffcctod frorn heed te $aukles. It soeemod ta appear llke hive. at-ftret. than 1 would hegin te scratch ut 1 tare My els. Iii would ÃŽlweya be et ite 'vori t .nicius. Il"'Fe vakec mssoirup eb 111 nghia scratching aud'nis- flgers would ho Just sif sund oeamWp dfrom ecratchlng, soa -that 1 wouid bha hedy able, ta aralghlen them out. My. how 1 have sùfffeýdî _My fae sud W1110 olabdy,-would ho just ania" of blotchos red asulare nd after haviug sap - aud w' Ou on ny-face thon 1 would begin fie bur, I bave 1lan awske for ahih. et - - - ilme henmyeczenwas et itlsomit. - wo vuldti,. totured for menthe aSSUtme. 1 'vas gettiug1 not only dlsleartqued, for --- nofhng _elpod, ýbüt coetoijy diafgured slso, but dame fortune srnfled upon me one d&YI19tO UsclseOfî1110 ald laji bfor My- o5 yeouan Advertisement, of aoiurs, -1eeede.IUseSthm accarding ta dir«u- ~'-tons adjifita, few aplIcations I bégan to efeel and sem relief aIsear. -It la neary. Mx ntbidace I efimtl'ea-adI a Luth!uly suy I've tbumd a cume"<inS "~Luse.Wil=o*,Dec. 12.,loi11. WHÂT TH!E W MSERN PEOPLE Progren of .the (Great West Talc! lu aFew Pointec - Paragrapks.- - It i:erpiopsed ta organize a .joint- -lopit. conimieson for Gze*ter Plans aýre Ibang preparoci for tise G.T.P. isotel ait Prince. R-perti,- wih ig oxpïectt ont 82,000,000. Te-llan wiIi jProcve anether Klon- dike,_ dealaie. a prospectai on reaahing r Skà gway from Silver Creek country. -Tise Bonth Vancouver retapayer,4 have iojcct-ed tis proposai ta ereot mmnOie aisol, su Vi-e municipalit>..- Work opn tise Lul-u Ilandi O.N.R Lulu Islaud lino is pre)groeà i-ug rap- il>. now tisat favorâ,loiceathen lias arrived. Tise Yiskon donriulih« voted ta abolisis prants ta Catholie Sapa-rate aohoole à thte end ef tise term, Jul a. I- North, Vancou-vêr Concil 'vi me. ,n queist tise, Boa-rd o! Trado to prepare -s- datailad ,propaseas cm tise extension I of hie Cit>.lieundarse. Owing to su epidemic oh se-a-net rk- le-ver 'vhicis las broken out, tise fu eciieol anthonities havie ciosed tise 'sWest Poiut Gre>. Higli Sciscol. d. Tise Bnitizis Columbia- Gazette 'ng couVain-s tise officiai proclamation ol tis incorporatio f the new citiee 01c- Port Coquitlarn and'Pont Mccc!. o., "4We 'aut a provincial univensity 'vithaut provinciaiiei,"11eeys Dr. F. T. Weïtbrook, tise new preside-ut cf tise Universit>.cf British Columbia. A heatura oh Vhs uew liquor i- ay cense, liy-law in New Westminster is tisaetno woman van hold a iicepsa & n heciy, nr icn liquor b. ok Menilit Ceuncil is in laver of -pur- ly -eiasing, fou a public park, nine d..acresl freimtise executorz cf tise 01 Vogist estate hor $3,000, ta be ca-lied ar Vorglt Park. 1. A contreet wili sisorVI>. h award- e ed fr additions.ta tise Lan-d Pegis- DO -r Vu. officet New Westminster in- » ovu a esti.meted expendiurc 1,1oh $25v0o. t A uow nation-al -perk e! 5, 000 le 'square mil*,s, -clmisin)'Soume o! tise wildast andntimoietpictuneïsque s cener>. ou Visa-Continent, le plan- nec!ho-r BritiýssColunibia. Tise Dominion Goverun-nt are auxicne ta take over tise cit>. hall1 prcperty in North - Vancouver, wihici tise>. puncsasýed se-me. lime ago as Vise-site har a&p"t office. ibitepayera lu Sou-th Vancou-ver are obWctùig t tise areaVion cf stabiing in thise- vicinit>., be-cause. it i. feaea4 tthVievalue of propent>. -igit, go down as a reeuIt. At -the CanadiaCan wling Gem- pany's canner>. near Steveston an Vise Fraser River, 24- experie*ced Scottiss girls wili be amployed, as an experinient in ra-p'lacirsg Ohinese with wisit-e labor. Heuderzon's Dinoctor>. shows, thtGeater Victoria la neani>. 17,0 . a s u&ts, tise actuel popu- lation baing estima-ted at 68,785. This nepreseutsea-n increaqa su Ielaven menthe oh 11,916. An oIc! coipielMr. and Mre. Scimitit, penirhled sw-ne-where on Vhe Rus-sel Gi-acie* a-t Vie he-id-cf White River, tise cisi> trace of hie-m ie-iug a con-ple oet lienkets and a rifle found on tise ýio. Ouaetoftise ]eac!iug reai estaté I deler.sis Vancoauver', Gndview district, estîimatee tisat pnopeut>. valua. tisere--ie increm-ecl te-n peu cent. ads a ne-suit oethtie passage cf Vise 0N.R. by-iew by 'the rate- paye-ne a short time ago. An explosion cf sevenal bxsc cartric!gee u ise- ~ > elg Leïf at Easat, Brnab., 'se-t ah riitiee in a ýblaze, asic! ioloe the fine brigad!e cuic! ne-adithe, sceus se-yen tiscueaud d<iJaie' ,w-oTth of,- stock anid atructue -had be-n dé- stroed.oula eportion 'whicis fa ý,inzrdLnmn. uw-ud t R OBE THAN EVER. Increased Capaelty Many fa0 in tea and coffea drink- ers whô havenental work Vo yen- terni, day *atter day, have found. a botter capacit>. andlgreater- ondier- anc. b>. ueing Poetum lnstead- et tee and aaffoo. A Western ,womsn- writes: "I hec! drank coffea for about twanty Vers, and finail>. ia.d what the doctor called.,"coffa leart." 1I was - neÈfous and extremel>. do- epondaut; had littia mental or pisysical etrongth leftt, hec!-- kidney troublé and -constipation." -<Tes jes just as hannitul becanse it con- tains caffeine, the same drug founfd un, coffee.> *"Thie flrst notioeabia benafit 'ce_ îived-fnom tise change frem coffie ta Postum was Vise natvral action otAhe kidneys--aT.J bowels. lu two weeks my' h art action W li groati>. impnoved 'and ni>.nerr-os steady. "Tison I bocanie despondent, sud tise desiro ta ha activea egain show. ed proof of îonewed physical and montai etrengtis. "I arn eteedil>. gaining-in, physi- cal stîength and brasn power. I foîmel>. did mental woîk and lied Vo give it -up on acceunt o! coffee, but ainca using Postuni I am doing liard mental labor with less fa- tigue Visan aven before." -Name given b>. Canadian Pos- tuni Co., Windsor, Ont. Postnsin ncw conies la new, con- centrated ion called Instant l'os- tum. ' Jt is regular Postusu so pro- cessed lat tise fact-or>. that oui>.tise soluble portions are retaineci. , A spoonfulnicf- Instant Postum with liot water, sud sugar aud1 creani to taste, produce instantly a delicious beverage. Write for tise ittie book, "Tise Road to Wellvilla." "Thera's a¶eason" for Postusu. for'Mna Mediani-S-haîl I cail up tise s-pinit of ycur dead wile 7 "Hall a mû- One4 whule I put ont su> cigar; she neyer sllowed me Vo emoke." PILES CURED ON 6evo 14 DAYS. Tour drukrgiet yl nefund money If PAZO OINTME T fails to cune auy case o! Itcis. Ing. Blind, Bleediug or Prosnuding Pilou in C so 14 daye.. 5c. 'ydalistesi Vo tisis, sud tell ed tise elderi>. Englisis lady Vo lien husband, ounlier firet visit Vo tise States. Sise held tiseliotel menu almost at arm's leugth, âud spoke lu a t'ose ofh iorror, "Baked Indian pudding! Can it be possible in a civihized country 7" Minard's Liniment CJo., Limiteci. - Dean Srs,Your MINARD'S- LINI-- MENT in our remedý fon soeathroat, coiS, sud ail ordinary aliments. Itnover feuls Vo relie-vo sud cura promptiy. - CHARLES WHOOTEN. Pont Muigrave. The Reauion. Culstomaur-Tisat 'vas tise dniest, flattecit sandwich I aven tried ta cisew ista. Waiter-Why,- heie's youu sand- wvicis. You aVe your chseck. ED, 7. ISSUJ~ 19-' 'ro le LIL- le- do- Dp. Id )r. ne te la- Ue .went . Bee-- - h e t o l d li m h asý m buft he.,id ia e o lve leg, à dhi 'îh -i-toubles are i-- 'iam indoed thankful for- wisat- Dodd's Ridney.. Pilledlâd for my ors 'frqmn .Kidney di'e~~wll-os fit "by- hie exparince, _and use Doddp 'Kidney Pille.." -- Urinary troublosaacaswl >. disease' - idneyj. 8o are,- back-' ache, iheimiatieni, lumbagç, - and- hoarl".diieaeê, The usatural remedy je Vo c ure tse -kidnèyi hy usng. Dodd'a Kidne-y Pille.- À e emb-dGrd Qucen WilheI.mina's recent Visît ta parie ha. -mioved a Paris corres- pondent te tell again tise otan>. of the. laye wisen iserMuj4-ty'cf HOI- land was tise inoot popnlaer ycung per-sonagefis the. wonid., Iu tise revived " -iuth tory is te tise affeot tisat- aise-d. it isard ta bairn Englisis, sud perisape for tisat remasan did noV Lclove, Eng. larsd. 'Tisa: fret Map of Europese drew -lsowed an en-onnous Rolland, a fair-sized Belgium and France, but an almost im«peropitbe-,Great Britain.- To 'draw particcnir ,attention o the 'diminutive island representing En~iand, ehe.-wc>. elow &t, "Land of Mise S"(hier- Engizhl goveîn- Yeaîe later the, young Quéen said ta thse minister pienipoteutiar>. of Zngland:. "Bdesure tato il lier Majet., Qneen Victoria,,that 1 love Eiili- wemen, ail Engliahwomen." To whih -tise minister bowed, and thea Que4<d- "A'ilEugliis wouen who ara net gave-messes 1" .1 Aching Lumbago Backs Are Quickly flelpcd And lcrmancntly Cured Release, VoeS, and a Cure for Lum- bagQ le Now Known. TccueO U mCN ag-suiY PROVE aTH18 Thn o no-eLubao-sue i nft' aton thiug t kuo. Bhov theis inforatio meen o nlo E avde uthe dieence hetein el iia hme nt - roisustheato Wnlîiug !nom vire anhoonsi 'rall h of Luayo iAsne s yud prolngee eS ata Lumbsaolumy ouacheenedtmhet ckail Voines gabletVo ahes in mtis edsd loitns.,oeandl&obedecamethe apreds, poton, dsecetroquhe cnttinata4s, I Paouls. I accee istondiion - wmya particlarpeaues Voho brnevi is as sucanc mposuprmset.yOn aui irum- stace migisiek dpermt.Oo dayand un- funely baS aVa noveloed. anS !ortneîuiytherhue. vasn mocine ! a kind lurhe hoads. I enthtea sneig bon mon help nud meceiveofu aevlnag Mycommend aou -e ais o! Neviîn' e. SiY rii aion vassurpnie vs Sdn'ufor eit ine. eîf1y Viost ey ud usefo qutcl thidN familimoat hevke ay. a muiclsly diS erlina e ce ietatI ws I n ats!uion- vth ise reie!,th et I eras lu ahaye u tis e igi roat-oou. bago wihve crieandy teudey Vo Lue îagt o serv iubuiScne in ie nert made,, ai.uhuig liimn ion - curing colds, hoansenes. tigisi chest anS visiter Ille Neiviline is a pr tel; as for Lumbago, Sciatica sud Rissu- matismn. iNerviline le conisidered Vo ho 'vithout a paon. Iun-thse home it 18 ospecieiiy viluabier hbecauais- h cures crampe lu hait a minute, stops naunea, controle vomaiting sud - upset atoinacis. Focr internai or externnl use, vhere!sr tisaee s pain, sppiy Nensiline. G'et the 50C. !amily aise hottU.; -triai si»e 5eSt ail 'storekeepen and druguistu, or Tise Gatarrisone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. It je thouglit claver Vo se>. sharp thinge, but it is ofais more doene -not to sa>. tises. (dlnard'a -L nIment Cures Diphhoîria. TO CURE A COLoON1 ONE DAV Tak. L4rÂTIVE BRQMO Quinine Tablesa, Druggtsrefond money if it talle ta cure. EW.UUOVB*iSM ignature la ou escb box. Gpoc! meu-ca-n more-esil>. undar- stand bac! meutisa-n these can un- c!arstaud Vise Lecoi._ UMnards LinIment Cures carnetit n Cew -nèt a minute Wasted. 'C an'1t I ge t' MY pente puessed 'vhile y-ou eutt ým*->.hilu 1 "Cartain>., sir" - "IAil night. Be>.. ehlue ni> shoos at tisa se timandsi! land mne that ueaeper. By Vise wa$; SeVtisae restaurdnt fnext d to asend jlu a coup>le o! sandwicises,-uc! I-jca-n b. - ating my lunch.", Impossible. - ecHgow do yen geV uic!-of Vise bores -that came te youroMfco 1" lilad Y" _à ý- rabi i tise t*elftts ë o ntory, and is 1494 W'aa boigoui. tivated in tise Azore4 sac! ahiped in 1irge quanÃŽtitias ta iind Ts lemon Vrie, of - wluch _tisere are fo4ey-aeven vrlite ,particnlar-, J>.fetil,-a.goéd apbcinsèas in Sicil>. nilpening- as enany--as 3,000 lemonz dnning -ie isasô. un 't' - HVb - 6VR USEI> "Tha hast-medicine fishav -ve>rý need" iswhat tisonsands cf oýMtis av -of Baby's *Owin Tableté. Oc a motise is ixsed tise - ablet -Ior her littie o eise W*' othar medicine -and neyer feu ai reoa mend thein Wtçhourfriande. - on. oerning tisemn Mie. John Thomp son, Coutte wi- Alta., Bay"S Ihava. givon Baby'e Ow Ta-blets ta n>. baby for"' consetipationend. thià k used. -- Please - eed rme tw& moreý boxes, as I wciuld net ècare ta beë with-out themns.Tise Tablet a-ru' sold -b>. nidiëine dealoî r.ymail at 25 cents a iox nrmTise Ir, Wil- liams' -Medicine B.Ca., i O nt. - - NAPOLEON AS A SMOKER. Asereted Now IHa Was Tobece i It has long been aocapted as a bletonical tact that tse Fin-st Consul vae e great emoker, but lin the Journal des Debates reaience ,l miade, b>. M. Augustin Filou ta sonie memoins cil Napoleou conspiled b>. Gen. Be-rtraud! viics- areaesyet un- pulili-slied, wiseuce it ceensequa-iIy certain tisat Napoleos 'as not oui>. noV a smoker but atobacco hater. Th iseemoire o! Bertramid, Na-po- le-o'. eecretar>., were 'traecriised -b>. hie danglite:r -Hrte-nse, ailier- ward Mme. Amnadeoa Eliayer, and frnm these. aa reportad b>. word o! meuts b>.tise Abbie Saiuet, comas M. Filon'. <tory that Napoleon -hatac tabacoo. Once cu>.li e tried' ta emoke, but earcel>. lid ho put tise -amber moulthlpiece c! a sookali un hiei menis tsan le hotst it away in ~horror -aiud disgnst 'vîtistise 'ords:- "Talce away tiat fltUlh2' Na.poleou tissu Va-xed tobaco Nom did, if .we mayr beliove the sanie eourve, Napaleon aven taise snuif , altsougs wè fic! it categ-oni-' cally assented lisnnost histories. Res did worse, h'weven, for -le pie- tendec!ta. iRs use! tae, i-n or- derta aileviate a disarder ehftisa stomraci, -a mixture -o! liconice and biack -sugar. This lie kept iu bis waist&>at pocket, -wis-ncelie wýould Vake a piece andc lift ut te hie nose witli the geature of tise or-dinar>. ennff-taker andc then qnickly put -à t into hie mouts. - 4This, -says tise Westminster Ga- zette, i-s a som-ewisat rytartling;vanï- a-don f rom oui c-ustomaýry pictunes- -o! Ne-poison, who Ie genaral>. por- tnayed as a habituai siuuff-tiaker;. and M. Filou -isel! deposas Vo - haviug sees ouVise margine of an "Orlando Furioso," whi-cis in l Vis. lilirar>. at Longwood iu St. i- e-us, and is-s ow aMtFa-rubonough,1 Vise yellow marks cf Vise impe-rial Visunni, a thunri yellowed by i-ncps- sant smoking.- Bn-t e-van tfli-i&7ae lie pointed'ont, i-s uot-concluaïv&- agant tse non- smoking evideuco, fcr tiue Visurnli iiglt as well have- been taiîed b>. f tise mixture o! licencýe. 'Wheteveir be tiseir ultimata Vtist, thle non-- smnoking aud nois-ennff taking tise- ~ CITY COUNCIL DOINGS. To put through the licens6 rediiotton will raquire 'gÃ"rne tali hi tliDg. ,Moan. time lots of corna wifl hiJtrampDed on. The cure le "PutniLm'a." Vhs oid raliahie corn eztraotor that hase been curing corne and lyarte for yegre. "Putnam'a" never fails, 25c. at ail dealers. "'A woman's heart, " enys the Chinese -pr-obarb, "is-like-the moon.ý It changés éontù4ually, but it - wayehlia aman >n i t " elclrneet*bie eec L w si.olten oeaesf nsti lOn, bt tthey -belp getY, in brag upaà CoId or La. Grpeby eanin ot the systeas sdpurlyini the 12oo. In theua s "M ".e~ reheve or cure BiIioues là ndigestion, Sick Headachee, Rheuui- asdsm and other conoa ,ailmeneut lathe fulleet sense of the word. Dr.- More%'.Indian Root Pilleare.4 - le W r iT o b od y o a av e r - as i f y -and wiso thsiske thse. we-ld4 s- ai_---farta ingtompieSz e ca se _,pe4plel Ilwlu - Ç niai paion thinies -lis rhî- Bucb *is W. D an- oe - ReVa up-n isi.wr-ong ide in'ýzE 'righit -al. d ayJ,. -R o gilpm.a s a't fr lc, e woathexz; gruminlès a-t h:. breakfast Western grum-biesat MB -Aeià tising, .grumnbles at 149ng ont, W.Qurd grumblieal the sanie if lie lid týl."ii-n;grunblffl- at his 1wife, grumiles -at Lh iJ-SI O 49 &ren, -and at lest grumbnileo him.seélf 'r away to hie wojrk. Wisenhooee n?'utl home - 4tlà tts'e sane ld 'stor>, su:d., mhïttin~ hià wife gets any you'thfuhsesa. 7se è- mpight retain cruêhdr ôut -.f:her; tise chiîdroin> are indifferent t, aie- l1ke thé pattening f iain on a- rein> t., day-t se ave ,boots neod witli it alLb Itheir-j liveé and tise-h ave -eeazied to zreîird ik, and a o it goos oýn, sone day when 1Vi. -s more than 'c u-su.aily de-pressing, or wisen tise Jloti wosmnn s-ver-wrougtht nerves give Cuit;:;a1n w aynadc tser. lsa a lttle'scene. -Ce..>,in -Bulb &grunbler neyer thinks hlm.- fh self is thse wrong-nt le atiotier trial l he-hÂ4 tao, ontend with, and posai- Il ll h. g iathiisk husssel a kind of mkartyr te bis ive'a cantripa, while au tia te t ise lain fait cf tise C S mnatter is tat lihe i.tieoee who ie Co Ful RUSSELL, MOTOR --CAR' COMRPANY, UMf1TEOD 100 Rlehmond St'. West TORONTO Pmhone. * MAIN 2072 Long Welg GLOVES- Il you are looking for- a pair of -glovesa ta are as taugis as e Mexican Snake vhip sud tisai 'viii give .yon full satisfaction or a in* pair fre., et$M -gic "s,O- -been cwverhauled aïd' s in. splendid condition. These are the jbestwearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for lnteresting story- "Tie. Pluto'i Sheil. HUDSON 13AY KNITFING CO. Canada'e Exert Gloveand IMtIMakeme MIONTEEAL. WiIlie's Manmna--'IJJames -a nuce boy -for you. ý lymrl Willie-"Sure! I an beat iiMUL ivery tm. hlinard's Liniment 'cures Dnistemllr.. Rge-Thejr marriage se&ns to havae' turned oQut well, after ail.- She- tes. You tsee, they ýboth- belong to. evéral clubs and doint meetoften- enaQug4i;to get tired of eaehcother. - ira,. Zaan-Buk adoEms and £2000oWoo. The Addi dut y-and 'brewers' _q on thtoýthérhband g the 'twelve yar offl, leaving a-larà e bý credi-oaddà lional -ta- ut the books of t-lie il chance bas it-, hsn NAPIER _or Sale at a Sacriffi 'B EU iFUL 7- a i-cylinder imported D usp1endid shape.- - RUSSELLtMOTOR --CA COMPANY, LlI 1T!-D 0-lo.ý p;im* qt. w 1 t, TOPO v o r .j TIWhoeKlaro% TAINMILLIONS c 4ne ToalStil1 Cames Billon mark for- G reat Britain. fa pretty Btaadly-groWing bar, but the- sum that,ý epnde on drink atillis&li one.- That is thle gist of' -monly interestig survey- - - ion b>. George.B. Wt ta>. of the United xi liance, who a;lso points thse brewers- Cf Great Br' etataxatio>n whichthp- ondr Lloyd-George'8 faý e4andi a-linge sum b-s -a don correspondent. - r ding to Wilson, eà nt on inOxicanIts ini Kingdomn in 1912wà $ -'representing a -decreasec as cosnpared it 111 withtaning thE> Prosperit>. of the counti might be thouglit only &ý eidering -that, ini the prec, -, ears, thse nation% drn - up, _bu-tse'figures,ge b874o* 17, emonstrate cdean>. perance xeally is on thse, *th-ese island's. - - 7o-ay it appears, thse f tion, per headt of the re-ugd to -terme- of geâi1 aIobeer, andpints in 1Spirtis las folows :.-B -_~e-gallonb; <piite,- 5.44 pini twe pinte. This is a mi -rate, but in 1899, the figui Bee,, gallons 2.40; spi - oight;'-'wine, pints, 3 -.28,' an beer, 33â.84; spirits, 10; ý%i 4.24. Thse. a-erage ýe:Èjendjt -,head-tfoÉ liquor, in 1912, w - - ad p- fany- of'flve, compared with -$18, par h -S- roughly, $90 per-f ansily lu - The compiler of 4is -aE report Éhows that '!Great. -- drink bill of neark $M0 - .hall as large,- gain a.s-th o! Britisli raiI-w*ays,- and -- -as 'large -again ais the ann - tain. It makes the sums United Kingdom spends cÊ v and -na->..senin-significai ~being respectively for -t - '~ forces, $138,245,000 and naP'VY, $214,490, 000. -Wlien-N.Ll-oyd-Geor*ge-Pl erews on the memsbers ofJ - - ish Beerage by mearie of in taxation, there wa-s Ioud rq and incet folk* Sncluded-- brewers were doomed to thi --house, but Wilson's- rport that thse zmen -of malt hae-n -consumer bear their added b aud enulcted hini of a p-retý - -in addition. They isave by the simple ekpedient o! mono>. for -ester. Says Will - "During the flua-scii yeai on March Z31, 1900, for everj -barrels on whith -beer dut> . -the irewers pioduced 1,0oý barrels, but immediateIy ti - ax of -,ne shilling per bar imposed fsin l0o the glravit * owoéd, and in thatfiac Coud-nt Breathe Ilirougli lis Nose. Sîuffcd With CatarrIi Catarrhozo ne Inhaler i on@ Meena ef Relief, and I Cured Qulokiy. The e;traordinary efficacy o! Caterrs- ozone je 'vithout a pareilel. A sneezing cold te cured lu ten m inutee. a han-ah coughis le ased lu an hour. the most'o!. - fensive catrh te thon- - - oughly drawu from the eyatem. In case o! a stisma sud brouchitie S the relie! and certain cure that cornes fnom t hs heeling halsamie extracte lu Catannisone ies imply wondenful. "For more then 'Iven- ty yeans I suffenedw'its e cougis. brouciit, asthme, snd nasal ca. *tarrh,' entes J. F. Fen. wiek. Of* Stenten -P. 0., .Every ettac 1 badl soeined %0 grov 'verse, sud I could hardly breethe ou aecont o! au accumulation o! phlegm in thse nceaud thnoet. One day I trieS Ustasrrhozorie, and in ten minutes we, wondenfu]îy re- lie. I coud brenthe freey sd ne- turally through,-the nose, snd blood spit- tiug vas 3t-opped-the p)hlegm 'vas cleaned away and nY regurar breathiug nestor. eS. No nemedy enu do more tissu Ca- tenrisozone. - Thens la no remedy so certain sud sae s1 as Catannisozone, but beiug s good ne. nedy it le imitated. Bsewane o! the sus- itituton. 'Lsnge Cetarrsozone laete tw4P months, ponce s1.00. Smallsn stsiee- Sc. aud 50c. At ail]etonekeepens sud ding. gisîe.\ on The Cntanrhzatje Co., B-uffalo, t. Y., and Kingston, Canada.'. E EXECUTION BY DROWNG [t Was - Quito a Conimon Thiag in - 1 tise -à ;Iid d l e A g es. - This mcd-o i capital puillirhnent sas noV long ceased iu Europ)e, a-uc is pn.oba-bW still in use in- other. partsoîf the- wcrld. As -e-a-y as tise frtcentury èl cur > aa -Vie Gar- ne-nsé execnted tisa sn.îaud'- muore infameus cniminale b>. plung- ug tsem in- bope aud fans. - In the- M iddle Ages exacutiug b>. drcwning was s0 common.Vliat grant.s <o£tise riglit ta fufliot capital Punlishmaut- ra "wits pit and gallOw." Tise pit à elwsfor dîowning feulialedé liqn ts 111 bt thie - penalty de-. *nseIMine ilicLed ou men. Tise -cerne!oftise Parricide was ta lie tied Li iu a eack sd oast into theise a. Urewning seems Vo 'have beeunsr- -aide!a. a muld frrne f Vise deats ?eualty, for in tse, yôar 1566 a maisn >&uvicteëd c hiet and 'secnilege was 3etancad te> ha suffocated b>. wter, 'by ise n~un-aspecia grace." t tisI. date'the penaltyhec!groten eaur', olete îi-ngeu~d? -but in iolandohIV sus'vlved"- uhtî1- 1685.- 'hlas Letecution l-in Switxsend. fas in 1652, in Alsuii7, i-n e- - sud 777 -a*d-i Rusie arlysuin se eight-eenth S~ntury. -On. cf thie- :00* ecMçutri., lWidee' lt inflictiii8-- à tise. ye ,r -1734. -A womau con- 7eoc oà lin, murder w'&S Sewu -p s a -eack, 'a&onsg with a cat, a deg tnd a e-fare, and -tsai thncwn juita - Wisat semae! of uiyeuthe n$ýed la n or e ettucation a nd les s ex er ,- t ]p u f4 k h ri M it q a w el bý m ei Il