Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 May 1913, p. 5

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amd iiumerouedtbér CIoan~sd you II ruggst sud optiin MU57 1Hffl TimY of 8us W5ekI 5i4 the ete ove$u >ubrluetY hlé dental oMnas vIih ffl for thiasdays. ré ogtasnvstl.l crusu 101 eueceo.M. gndanéx'epi 1Onny .fnt Laut Thursday eîd e'orMu- Une fexe g nolr I ua o eleer'Batsias prao- lue~~~~~~~~ ofgk n er yth tiOta, vau followed f tutctuih bee,aYon NECIIEJTS. -' lr1 suda fullgr'i r"."'- -- candIdates. 0 wiil b. to youi advain-',... BOY "WANTED. tage to ste our assotment m' atboy to îearnprintng. &pply olre-consînucted. - pearis. . . M. -Wê are al&o showring aiij Mr Jek Watson, who ha: been s çxClusiveî 1 fût-of ladies! parlutvsj.lWth usis et m hbags, and _"'Bo-rne -eter 15plèndid values in- l ee ularvd-ernwao i~ Don%. ý owers, au est of si, the pils are * o',under any curcum- r'ght. COiland loktss os.G . tanice, !fss seeim m oui'. - -4-G. bil asorme ')f -Mlost Iff Yaur eyes trouble you eny u ..suggestiv-e ý " Ire Yau relief vitai pseperly fitted WEDDIPIIO GIFJ-.E. Wlîs, druggist andi optîciait. î- TIME TO PAINT. r-. - mWe haroe te best pint and rmisit - c ti aritet by actual Lest, -and aur Primesare rigait. -Glv"5 a aU.n o -trouble ta show goods..-Ose. Mi. Rices SPECACLÊrAREe lveeryaue haSt beesu surpris-4 SPECTAcEwM~E d at the- rapd grawtb t. vegetatian duriug thte past wsek. The trees -areG breaklug bls u asanuB vaerful way, and tae grass la 'M grawing wlth leapsansd baunds. Ilua-!ti 'Wv days ndi-rre Viii aveouber CI prtttiest garb. Ontario isa goodly "l land in May andJune. -FOUND IN A LANE. j Thie body of an unortunate 'man -was foeud in a lane at the rear of 16 JMor&. street (first street, sautai- o! 4%89 Wept Queeu Street) renetly. A man nhad beçu noticed lun the Iacality tu a apparéntly inta<icated condi- tion durlng thie niorning. Mr. Hynes, et thie ,Kindel Iàd'Company, went in- ta the laits sozze time later eud f aund the 1siraàger lyýÜg on hie face. Thie polios patrol removed the body to thie morgue,;. where an Inqtiest will ie; heMd. The Is wore a gray flan- cel shirt>, brown'trousers, grey undeir- -coat>, ,Mue avercoat - amd black "Oh4Istie," ne W"sevidently about- 45 9etasof age, and 5feet 9inchee i belgat. HIs hair was sandy and bèglnli,8ta tura.grey. He. also had a saady moustahe.- Thie Toronto World,, April 15. - A TERRIBLE BLUNDER. A ladl %bo Vwu an ardent temper- anoe worker sat! , II would net al- ,- ow wine or spielts in my house, but wbçM-I se*the-giris tiret! sud duli I ,,mped to 1». chemiu's for sanie- cacoa T wlne gu/gave' themh a glass, sud lt1 ~jdoethem -good." '1 e vas as terrlbly grieved when berE youngest daugbter becdme a confirm-1 teasylum. Shes thought, as mauys Sdo, that cocoa Is just taiet sûais.s the ordinary cocos we use for fod- It Io notb; It coutains taIs poison, which, wlble relievlng pain l and wearluess fat-fb tai re, forma habit which jruins spul aàd WoY, wrecks thi ermesaudl sonde thée-vie- tims ta the, asylumi.-Dr. ElIz4betb Beattis, qiioted iun.iMe Issue. c Thie regular rneet4ni of the W. C.1 T. U. wIll 1M heMd at.the home fai MIfs. Arthur Riobardson, ou Wednes-1 'day afternoon, May 14th, at 3.30 -o'clock. For New Perfection oil stoves - go J to Geo. M. Rice. T-ha best brantis o! 5c., 10c. 15C. vîgârs-"pipes, tabaccoes sud arette.n aI J. E. Wilisl, drnggit optician. sud dig- antd1 Master How-ard! Thonupson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Titonpson, bate of Whitby, w-as a -prize w-luter lu-- baby show' at Aiameda, Cal., re- y4 The~ Ladies' Add o! -.-hureb will hold ltaeis .1ii-4he music hall an an*d ei*ing of Friday, ther partiaulars lâtes. ýB mookS.-W t rait some eo! taie, GW~uei~ To aa~ o4ln.Phrkcya"illgatsý o-gi> taTr>t otu 'tsuwuho~WIad ual - tri-e .,g5uIdBil--1~IO bai leam tRise sunay days, -sud xlII B1b~ a i. en .tu soibe lie Éupfo aythlug , Mt - aprapeÊty T> lanetji-be coince bi-1 way lokig fo --trouble. lureelmenle -luaama ","e -pp! Ms. stewart ban lraveilcd lu W it> rêterec. Laugailin oitty ptyfut 'basebâil compa<gin« tiseIàmfted, s2 dlleStsael. BSt, eàut, sud lie ex-ipeets - ta mike things frToto. Jneetn or any local leam Ibhat buieu galinaI hlm. MISS GREEN'S IRECITÂL. - Ou, -riday 'eveuing af tais _veek Notice lu terebygIve@n taian a - Miss Green, of the O.L.C., will -gire Plian-blon viii b. made on -behlf of ýa recîtal in thé concert hall at taielaie OaumPaelird, Lakte Outario sud College -aI elgai o'clock. Ste WiIl Western Railvay Com~pany sud t1k. seat!, severaLpapular selectians, aud Canaddin- -PacifiaR.l enay at Will1 bave taie assistance of MISS Mur- Bogrd of Raîlway .Companyulo n efo ray, rocali»t, -wltai Miss Hagerman, Caad, po Ih epiatoneraifor acomPanist.-Taie admission fSe - I laault rmtlae eiat o? finu 25a. Miss Green is a very accani- sestion of tais notice or go-soon there- Plisixedt!reader,, sud aiesaudience-le as. after as taie application eau aie- eard, sured f 0f Irest. for a reammeudaîîon t t -te Gaver- . -4- nosluCaunal for taie sanctian ofai WON THEIR. B.A. DEGREES. Lease, daledthelai- lStt.day of April,1 Tie report -e!fthxe McMaster Uni- 1913, ram tae formesr Company ta r'ersity examinations was made Pnb- lte latter aouupauY, aoveriug te line ic _ou Tuesday sud shows- IbasttwIo aifrilVa3'. oatac former campany. - armer pupilaa!flte Witby Coee-.Thlqnotice lu- giron- uursua-I lte e ate have been accordecd the Bachelor provisions o! ,;ection S8l a!tais %il- )f Arts degre- F. C.- Ma"Il ansd way Act. iraydon M..' Goadfellaw. Mr. F. - D. Datet! at Motres!, titis 22nd a1 Vhibwas. also successfui in, gel- O rl 93 Lin te rt dgr.-Mr A11 Ht-E. W. BlEATTV, ngeArsdge.M A Hu- Solict<>r for said Companles. hinson, formerly teacher o! scienoe' In thie Wlxîtby Collegtate, Vas accord- Id -taie degres cet Master ot Arts, andI Rev W.B. Tigai> taie degree o! B. fe u d y PURE WATER. Medical Offices of Health, Dr. Mc-. 'illivray, recently sent a saunple of Wewish'to, acquaint the rater taken fran taie Waiitby-sater people of Whitby and -sur- >'stem to thie Provincial Board,- of rounding country with the fact qealth las analysis. Thes repart0!ha we av oend p a _5JonAmyat, ths bacterlological rfflrt, is to taie ffect that taie-water Iaundry on Brock St, Whitby, ùMowed no infection with haruful i Hew.is Bros.' old stand. wuAwrl. rr, uvimV, uuwever, pats a long as taie w-ate w-as tusait! <rom thae spsing f reshets Il would be w-eU ta bail il. BY nuaw, deubtleas, ltaI trouble là DOUBLING RIS MONEY. Anothes example a! taie mamiey bing ruade -in Whilby praperty lusiafordeti lu Mr. Banuel's puscliase ram Mr. A. Sauthlilo!flaie Johnstan house anti lot on top e! Stasr's Hi. Etlh- Issu montais age Ms. - Sauthwell paid $750 for Il,' aud sait!- ilta oMs. Bon- neli for just-double Ibat amoual.- K 0 CANADIAN PACIPIC CONSTRUC- TION. Contracths Stewart l4 nearly fin- !shtedt! ti is sIeam nshorel w-rt au taie Uiiaetl and Tveet!ie fasmas, anu« ",*Ill inu-a fs-Wdays more lb. ma- cines, anc la taisHrsis cul and'tbie atiter la taie Dundas sîseel subvay. TPle dirI frôm taie Rasris eul wUIl -ie uisedtoita frfrinBrook street est. o -lb. Grand'Trunit. Tennis are-busy tsawlng grarsî tram taie fourlt con- cession la lb. scse i lise orertusu- st! abutint aIt the west crosslng -of LYnd's créek where DavIdson sud Burns, the cernent cantractars -yul sisartly commence rebuilding. l'I' s, ex ab Taie .aunuai Meeting of taie Wame's Institle wil be helti in taie Agricul- tural roanus Qn Friday _atteruocu, May 18. Ele ction a! afficers rtastae yens 1913-14 w-i l aso laite place. Menibers andi anyone -inlending ta loin taie instltute are reminded ltaI meenberihip fees (25c.) are due at tbià Meeting. Mss. G.A. Ross, Pres.; Mish F. Bateman, Sec.; ROJIT POINTD3y, Saturday, May lOth On taie above date yau -eau buy taie followiug at rednoed prices: Hot Paint Electric Irans. Hot Point Electria Toasters and Broilers. Hot Peint Elecîria Ovens. et GEO. M. RICB'S. Everythlng ilu Hardware. - BOY WANTED. Smart boy la learu prlutlng. Apply at Gazelte-Cbronîcîe office. A summnes caurse for tesclters wilI aie aield aIt the Univesity of Taronito for certificates lu Elimentary Rous- haRd -Science, Elememtary Manual -Training, Physical Culture sud allier subjecte. Applications shauid . be made to Proiessor Abboît, Secsetary of lte Unversty a! Toronto Exten- sion Caututitos, Toronto, nat luter titan May 8161t. 1 Taie escaier should dtate thes grade of ails certifioates, profeslonal sud atademnic, snd laie saio n uwhich aie letcag utr.Anthony Ilandel last wêtk pui~- cbased from >Mr.' Ted. O'Cannar taie lot on York street opposite Mr. W.J. H. Richiardson's residence. UHelias sluce- sald tva lots off il, ans ta Mr. Robert Noble, VWho VIII buldt a bouse at once, sans lae MiBf. Csyton Mus- grave, bookiteeper for lths Taranto Eastern Ry.- Mr. Bandel baugli taie lot for $400, and! soldth ae tva buildj- ruýg Rts for $200 sari, and bas etllî another ans fo r sale.- BAPTISTS TO ýMEET IN STOUFF- - VILLE. Tais annual assacialional gaherti of taie Baptiste a! taie Whitby ad Lindsay Association w-I -convene this yeas lu Stouffville an Tuesday, sud Wednesday, June 10 sud Il. -- A. Y.P.AX. Thle ncxt reg'îlar Meeting o!'taie A. Y.P.A. wiRI be held au Manday even- tng at- 8 a'clock. Taie program <oer taie entise eveulng is being aaged by taie youug' men of lte Assaciation, and promises to be very good- Al inn nynuuli1r .ir,1 .,..I.1.---e, prqr ut*ul * umruJ<faiajy - St udesinvited to attend. For Victoria Day and purchase that annuai bazaar COUNCIL MEETING POST'PONED. taie alternoall -Tais segular meeting-o! Council was bly3. u-pastponed tram 1Manday 'nigatil tii-T-E ISFSPCWELL F Wednesday niglit a! tais week to.per- L THE TABERNACLE. Suuday, May litai. Morning service, il'a.m. SuaiJect-. "Prayer." -4 Eveuing service, 7 .o'clock. ýSubjst- "Puiblic Prayer. I Gçot music by thie choir. -We, give a hearty welcouie straugers iu our town. Taie S. S. aud arganizet! classaViUi meet as usual at B p.m. f -A reception service will :b. heM at Almonds and! the Holy Sacramet aof' the -Lord's Supper admInisteret! at 2.30 p.m. 13ROKE RIS LEG. On Sunday eveuing last, Mr. Ge.. Cornue, a yaung man employet! at the Haspital for theie nsane. farm,hadt, 6 We are PreP .ared to ýdoa kinds of laundry work. Ladie work and 'family orders giVe special attention. Ail work neat and, clear and -prompt service given. Parcels cailed for and dc livered. -~.S. YONGT CHARLME WÂIR Proprieétor. Now, witbout quetian, pur stock lu fresit, sud.oves aour watcliword shah hoc, FRES5H. Many a mercitant buys car.- issdl',tbughtludy; ai5 t%,k accumniates, lies aroun& "jets aid anudale, iaoes muaitin rcal valgs, goes ôfl la flavors, etc. 'Pao, taie goodi unaold for nantit., even years, are burying money -. capital -ftàr Doing Business inl this way demanda IarÊer profits-sa, x15, 2S%-perhaps mitcaimre. Who pays- it? -Thinki Qufrk!t Over and aver, aur stock fairly hustling lsa a th6ught &"6burnt " inta aur minds from years of observation. Se! It turnovers at 5%VOthie sme as x turn at 25%. Bc- sides, ta you fresh, crisp gooda. and 20% saved. egatch Ithe Point? W-Ml. MEEKER P4ane 94, - WHITBY BE RI3I4DY! sew IHat al, PBASK 1E. JONES' LIST. l brick bouss ast ro n -Street 2 r hk ou'sea ,on Centeaet ý 'Sbrick bou 1.s o BrookStreet, 2~ ~ ~ a trM omso rookStreet. Pram e b ou se on C oi o n -ôo t «rae bouse Sud Éli, acregon King- -Cotflge iydeasharePark. 4 lots orner, Victoia and -Byrou- Stre ,t. 1-.1 - ~2 otsbeteesHenry and King *strets. 100 -apple trees- plantet! lire Sereral larme far sale. .Waaled-pFiVe ta fi! teeu acres--un'taie ounttry vith ai nli-hanse aud barn. Farina waute.near Whitby or Os)>- s va . - FRANK E. JONES, - - IVHITBY. J100 aMMe o! béçsi dayland Ji ttavu- jahip of'P krng Sbout Ivo mile yfl et vilqe, good -brick bouse, 75 acresof goat!Clay 1la theai ToUMstp -of Pickering, ultualsé on ltse' Base Lins, about hal! way be- 1>vêsn lVitby and Pickerlng ; tas li 1storey frmeaome ' tank. buildings. Will seil at a bargain. Two framns liuss on -Duadas St.,' close ta tawn station; hli acre o! grouse!, good --arcliard sat! water For furtiter partiaulars apply ta W. R. Weellake, box 421, Wtltby, or.252 Sherbourne. streel, Taranto. r4 ar pe ile IL 0 Miscellaneous Adverts.; FOR RENT. A gaod seven roame! cottage to ret. Apply ta G.- as C. Fotaiergili. TEAMS WANTED. For C.P.R. construction -werk. ;ages 85 per day. - Appby R.B. Stev- rI, contractas. Whitby. FOR-SALE. Thorougibre! Wyaudotte eggs. $1 Arsltu. .L.SmB Itit. Wity Cal aUdsethe ew oXLS.a u alie sud se le nea Farods a au treeand Ws rert!acarboal basIon stanti ouly matan cas e t De- litrten at.an. tse &Soln.os FOR SALE. - Ai upriglit blier sud englue, 10 isàepover. Very cleap. Apply to lajr Harper & Son, Wbtby. WANTED AT ONCE. Tinsmita, mhiuista, fitlers, else& latians, mtr mem, and les. M- mugailin Motos Car Compsny, Lld., elava, ont. BOARDERS WANTED. Co forlbe bouse, camnv enln t at àura, socIe, station, et., Appy Ibtis office as P.O. box 126., FOR SALE. Cice building bol usas JYunctlon. balon. -Appy tA Dr,. Joan Waugh, FOR SALE. T'ae bouse sud pr0perty of lb. ats ýOrmston. - Apply tePMisn E. Or- SEED BARLEY. Hfave a barge quautily of O. A. C. No. 21, pranauneed by Prof. Zabd Iz, lent!of te Erperimentl q patment, Ontano Agrieultral Col loge, ta e hoelismost productive and best bsley fer lae Onaia faries 1< grow. Thes'eet! as been testet, aitt .96 prcn. gr las. Prefc noxious weedu' growm -n onenso! ..thes cleanst- farine lu. Ohtniô , pieï 7ffcë--; Per busltel aItaihe barn. - Also s ' 1e bushels o! -timolaiy eet- aI 1.75 per' busael. ahi! doer seeo aI 88 per bus-. FORSALE. 'IBy private sale ut'ails res1dence, ICentre -,-St., Wh itby,ý Wm. -Caleleyr- il -fildispose o! ails-stock. o! sadt!iery SIÎsOP equipment, -sbop -bools, machines anti leatlier. A large assorîmenit, a saddlery hardware, cur êry - coms, ibrushes, anti' varions, other ýarticles Ina numerous tb mzention. - &lsa severaj - sels <j! uew harues anti rarlous parts thereof. 'l'ils stock wili ais soit! stance aI BROK prfm aetisaI pffî put youi 5y o0' 4 - -t!. WM. CALVERLEY. f. ~*4h t w w w- w w v 't w w w w w j v -i SvsingTimNwI and in packages at 2 for 5c, 5c and i oc each, all new. No old stock. Also Carter's Tested EnglishSeeds. Toponto Lawn'Gra 1ss Seed, 30c pkg. Dutéh Sett Onions, -13e quart. - Seed Potatoes,- Large Pineapples 0 -Bananas. Lettuce D ally. 20 to 40c peck. each. Jno. E. WATERHOUSE Phone il Prompt Delivery. VH ITBY- CHEAPER OD SJFFS POTATOES Choice Eastern Delawares-cf inest quality, for cooking -Pedpath's -XXX Granuülated, 20 bs. for $41,0 -,ticl eGG4.1Scbrdz Chic, ur -FILOEJR Choce.pue Manitoba lour, 82.65.pep ba. Wu B., PRINGLE & 008, - WHITBy eNTRRIe we endeavor lot to be, and that- we can succeed- can- be demonstrated by an inspecioq ofou Ail the newegt -things in Pape, P<tsad n Books and Magazines,- Rubbers and'-e verything, else that. goes to m ake the mostcompilete sto ck of stationery. in town. SCp.àdMis. Gçlrdon Kea», Tfe--'- y-wIII ébte v'ý r Malveru, WeBre -ith, Mr. ald M lun, trio -(_oupty- ou May,18th',-OQù ýjd.Kesu fora'brie! visi atwesrQUit day- evry 1lblepU$tI .M i su'a d Mf- i ea-w a t a Mi sa > Spplied bya represéýiït4 r 1O Myrtl e Wal Lers, o!ýTorOuto, Vis1ted- ti é A111531c. ýDiffBTet piee ! a t thie home o r.G~S~e .n~ao peto'wl edBUI re'enti. jt! - M s Ge. ers, o! T ronto, was 0à M6 dy, M ay-19ti, -a c i et --u owulfor aShort fi â-- usaO sirnewresi o-i u P~ visitlg salyW. ubr w yo tro *11b sdl-ti 9 I a i L n d s a y : t o . avi t b r d a u g it e r ,-,- M rs s. W h t , T. ¶e r e w m ; h V e B 1 U * A U S E P U L O IR G A N IZÀ T îO . nii ne tl 1glu the ev eu jt . er Ihe CIize 01Wbiby nd - Mesurà. B;.,:Speie and W. S. 3ME. *dentt o!l-te -surromdlng-counl2y ae iýih ere ta aie congratulated jý - su4. 'âd others. wiil dezeaddresuàeé-7à!.r mpongst -Item 50 Succesefl ajwomaa' te Oa. -prtnlutàà me-cuùtl, Ù" m Whi4 *lecln. - 014 ~ ] GiI'Asoft, a.preim fmn., _gdscssons, timeiytop->1 viaeial- meIgSP X~ie~la srmigng musis, classical 410015- #brslatiis~ipeS ov i ~lion.1Corne Ire pu lia U br ry bas b gun, lit, ai- I fords"v 1,.îproof of taie reai Worth MAKRIED. a!, taie-A calu.Bsds'pail WIJJ.IAMS3-KER».Àt Torextp, un ttc s<eznI9aaiîosite ,at thée corner o! Âpril 2Sh, by thé Ho,-. )lii,- da«U C-h ieduh E. Barber, u d a n s d B y ron stre e tW < a o a l t i a i i , d u a r r a i a opposite tie efaçce o 'publication, !j i. m Kr, a Arhr. E. WI1 ti- greît fa miy nevpaper, 'tM lisse, b th of T rnto.1 ladies bsvedons otherÈlnanîiaJ wark.I They ave for the second year g 'DE THS. tais Public library board a donatouGRIF'PIN ad!tOg-taR If 8150- Taie beautification ai thei Barberton, Ohilo n Tuesday, Aprùl gr. ý-f 29th , 191, Wm. Griffu, formryf grssPlots lu fr of thétae hy4WmÏiby. W. . L. Rclardson lËading qooksefter and 5P'ti.nèi 4, -'4 * 42 ý - 1 0-0-04-64 1 ýi aý it 1 1 - [0: ri ta t c ba it ý 1 r fc .ia 01 G w re Phone Il For Salt-0

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