St .yîtus onnueýe, p5yj l&w - forms-of nerve toublsar, t hi worst, and thst then§ moYe thanl any other -t2me, a . ood-Iaki1l. - rvetoest si n e4sd. The antiquatred cuBtomo!tln -jargMinveà in-thé spriug la usélesl,e for the uystem -realy -need~s atrongthesuifg, - - whiLe pù'rgatiy'Oi enly, gslo<p tlfrugh the- bowl,* leaving you -weaker. Dr. Williams" Pink Pilla, arc the beqt ecdicifle; for they actuilly make the-. bew,, rih, red blood- that f Aedate starved nerÇseE, and thus cure the. - sany, forma of- neryous disgorderse- They cure & uh oher forma- of -pring trouùbles as he aahe4, poor -appetite,: wakness iii the Iesbé;a& well 'as remeaveunsightly pimplefI and eiuptionâ. 'In fact thiq unfail- îingly bring new health adtrnt to'weak, tired.and depres4ed men,- women' i d chidren. Sold bý, ail medici Àedelers tor by * mail at i centsa box 'or si' bdxes for $2.50 trom TlI7e iD.. .Willlams' -Medîcine CÇà ., Brochrille, Ont..ý * Grains of Gold. Be charitable hafore weaith - nakes tiree ovetus.-Sir Tiromne Browne. /1 lie -tirait <alsa a man ungrateful sîîms up ail tire evil tirat a man can bo guilty of.-Swift.~ Thre greai ttiug in tire wold-is net rio much te séek irappins as t o earri pece sd self-respect.-- Huxley. -'- It is a great step lu tir. interpre- tatioa -of life when wa irave discov- erad that aIl oyants, ara ultiurately spirituai.-Brierly. Do not dar. te live wltirouit seme- clear intentio:n-tewsrd wiricir youm - living-thall be beut.- Mean te L>o something wîtir ail yeur migt.-, Phillips Brooks. The world wili neyer be lu any nanner an order o! tranquility un- tili men are frmly convlnoed tirait conscience,'houer and credit are al in ogr initeret-Steel. A - luan takes contradiction and g dvice-mucir more casily tiran peo- pie think. Hlearta are flewers; tirey reinuin open te the softly-falling dew, but -Ahuit up intire violent -BÀBY'S OWN TABLETS - USE!) FOR TEN YtARS Wirhensnemedicine la used iu a ironie fr, a number o! years it la tire atrongesit teiimeny ai te Vhe value o!.that particular remedy. Thou- ~sanda o! methars have been using no othar medicine but Baby's Own -- Tablitta foi' years-in facit many oi ýà ~ay tiay would iià ve ne otier "~~"'~"~ medicine lu tire lieuse.Couceruing -tiem Mi-à . Jas. I. -Knkle, Beama. - - villa, Ont., sayo: "I hava uaad Bafiy's Own Tabletaifor ton yeara sud -wouid not ho withouit them ae -long as tire are cilidman lutire hous." The Tabiets ara -sold hy niedicine deniers or by mail at 25 cents a box f rom The ýDi. Williams' Medicine (Co., Brockvile, Ont. It is aeasiar and cireaper te gel marriad than it ia te, get uumarried Plinard& Liniment Cures COida, - Uts "What's the matter, Hn Z "Father caugit me smoking hil pipe. -"-'"Ah, so you gel a goe. whackiig, 1 suppose?1" '4,o, f a te Mncle me finiair It eut." WIYEDIRE t 1- ITIfl R&S gl-one oktrea, thre, rose0, or isecté, whih ,xtract thes f rom plantt,4 li~l D -4.eided--te try- Doýdds Kidney Pilla., ai -Aftr tise eé, nMybuk -,was opeoyord u y-i ' ' mg ~sm~ Numbers, ' - -mezav.ue- ~ .. 0f' apri~!iu prduéa 5 eso#~thait-lm skidnays-wr f ants lu sa-ti.daY; -on tire seé i is troubles- the rosit- waa ,eaisy. A day ~ ~ ~ u w-aihdhv-2 y2,or Sb-ment auyof Eus neigWibâr&-,eeuid' ludividuu.le, thre tEired4dy 5,8, and el,^i1- th1îî_t0dd's Kidà ey - Pilla ae ôan lin 'g' ric -proportin. y 'ure-diseased kidneYs. Ten thousan-d .'f -tEes.iinsecte, - _ ____ ligirter hirn*trn,-wegh ' o- uox0'S GE 182Ma8YEARS. twentietr fa rm.Tnconaocu- tive gonratiôus'wi.iid make a'cube, Ânnîveraary of Its Fouudlag M5 oqual te 1,000,000 men- weigiug 20 pouxnds e*cE, and tins lu te-n days. Y- sBpf<re Christ. One fly gives birth teo bout 20,- Tire City o! Rom.e hu jutour- 000,000 lu-dividuale in-&a ingi. sumr pleted the-. c0ibratdicu QI ,tEe t"o nier. At -tire. ad o!five ýummnet -o!f irouzsan ix iundrted .AUd aixtY- f ree propagation' we uhould reach-.thlrd annûiveiaary QI iti foundatien. a f an-taatfi uro--32 folowed by 35-1 tila places -tir.birtir-o! tire city lu zerces. -etiyear'1503:O Consider tihe vegetables for a nic- It: waa Marcua Terena'us Vatirone ment. On. plant' o!'haubane eau wire firat jdvancdthe .tirory, produce no lesstiran 10,000 seeds fourided upon pitier-t.ýêérCi that lu a singeI. inr l five years it 'the. cenematone -o! tirecity tirait l wonld have, covored thre entire'isur- afitor years camne to eb.kuiown as the. face cf the eartir witi a-n impen.-' Mistreas cf tire Woid, was ia t trable layer. And wirat about ail tir. 'end e! tire third -ye.r of tire. tEe' mhirmooms tirat multiply e r&- sixth7 OI1rniiad, li. other words, 50 pidlyin aluef.w daya as té make ail yearfs thee irebtE e! Cirist.' othEr vegetable lf à aimeait impos- Ancieut ]Romian-s uaed te, celebrate Bil 1ul tire cty' s aunivemsamry by fetes li - The. destruction o! hif. h .as cruel houer o! tire Goddes Pale, protec- lu tire depths o! tir. oces.u as it is tram !sir eitierds- - Tiresý obser- on eartir, 1a&d the. sanie tegrrible vsu-es'were su ~oed >te have be-en thing weuld Ea.ppeu if tirer. were ojrigih-ated by Romulus irimself.. ne doath lu -tire ea. Tait., for lu- ,Th-en .latek cam»e E L Secui ktancoe lares,"e or - Peait o! the', Century', The -Simple Codflah. - ead aitthe heginin ýo! each rne-W If tire.were ne deatir one wa e entury. In 1900, King Humbert would, li six years,.fil tEhe 006d" 0.~rEei& ek at i eolid f ull 'and ruuniug ever. Of tEes. obseivancel. course, tira original oedfirh would- lti l an interéâtiug fact tEst wire n't do h ien.on, but airé i4ôuld ha Rome tias been a city for ail -tieat* re&ponsibloý for it. On1e ced laye 2,683 years, on eue occasion she'waà à about 9,000,000 egg iru tire yeua a!.utterly. beoe!t cfinirabitants. 'This a tem sire listrEm years old. ýwas-early lu -thir mddle agas. Tire 0 Tire.ý yeams laVer, if tire were babrians were- expected. Word nre <estE, ailtie rapoeny of tis -was sent cuit 'ta --insomfudir as n< trait a wouid oaci depoeit 9,000,- deti.nce coeld b. made, everybody- a 00-egge during tlrat year, moen, woui.n alid ciildran, siroul ,fa total of!.81,000,000,000,000. 0f m-ove up tire rlier. Net a seul -was - course, tires figures are soeat left-withm -tir. cityl_-inits for more tiraV trey eai noi~in-to~ .than twenty-feur irouma. -cepit,, 9aga-p -o! stonisir- IuerAgut a r plitiol clment. Now, t&ke _ an>ther tirree o! Riom. nunrbered nal i i ayaars--making 'six iu ail f rom thée lons.Thon if -weut down tei itime tire trait cod deiposited her minimum bruit o! 13,000, in tire mid- e egga--e acli of tirese cod deposite dl ages, te rise lowly egaiui until y9,000,000 egos, maiig the. total cf lt 'a uow 540,000. Tua- la an in- six y. r 4,8,0,000000p0, ci'ease cf about 15,000 yearly fortir 000,000,000,01000,00d0,000,f00 ur0onelasit ten years. oodfso nly i oo1 ndtisfomoe The stipposition-of niosit peopl- If thare were ne deatr, t irama i t tmuusir e ord Items comues - what ail tire codfisir would do at cReus l-rrnes Romuorgnl thVid rat«. As na matt-or o!f fa-t, tak- comes f rom*Roa. Tiom ro Rin -- ng codfir »aone, if there were ne oioy'a sld-eifen dbattE among tireu, they would sm- mon, river, meaning "The tewn ci tirer'everytiig te deatir witî iAeir thre river," sud its iread, or leaderi nunibers lu the first tirrea yeaas ed wa Romulus "Tire insu o! tire tewr bave tire-old earth drippiug codfisir cf tire river." Betirait after al- il lutoe ateliar apace. Benrulus dîd exisIt, though RBoul ci Medusa. arebe ascroyeadifor. mous numberas by acquaitic animais; huit the eteniacir o! eacI medusa couVainis more than 100,000 o! Vioe xucrosopicmarine algae called diatema. Oine wliale at a single moutiful swaliows billionls et these marine aiiimâlculac. F rom Vite botteni te "itop o! tire s cale tire- cene la the came. Tire g rester tfirepr<>paatlug pO-ea o!f spacies, tire geater and more me- pid la tire womk of deatir, so as -te preserve tire equilibrium, witireut whicirail 1fr would omase. Nature seema cruel te us, but liV? 1- O! course, suci a 'tilng a&s no deathir l a great <bai' like au irre- sistible force stri-king au immova- bla body, for in an- unhelievahie sho&rt time tire carti would ho ccv- - ered witir animal and vegetabie matter, thre air packed solid witli bii-ds sud ail flying thiu-gs and -the t;eas made soiid hy flsh. Tic result would actualiy ha a paradox, t>Vre affect tii-at if there wera -ne deati everythiug wouid promnptly be smo- tliere-d te deatir. Oua ueed but give a few minutas tirouglit to this hefore tire3' unde-rsta-nd wiry thare ia doutE-, wliy, after- ail, it is Only by death tirait we live. Ollhnn. 0o Shortenlng of the D ay. Fra long tinie it iras beau kuown thtthe ides actas a brake on the Ih f foripies, rotating aarti, and that -tliey tend s,: ed, ought-o lengthen tire day. Tire effectit s, re û~Lrh oweyer, eoslghrt ftirit 1Vcanuot\,ba dry; thredin anrlunY ' lengitiro! time at ran cds sÃ"manadsoai. .1 Il may he- esti- emetedwititire aid- o! certain ýas- Àt is G.1155J0'sun liiption -suid upou tire data avà il- ot tousethtm. able. -MacMillan iras Ùmde -tirene- t'- ~cesaery-eopmpultstion, by tire formula * 1,used b eRgmi er.Hsfids f6r the Dn~h~ oue secnd -I 6000yoara. -- ISN"THTIS ROMAN-TIC?- Twe tees loved by- four erna Ofo d years sud sentenceS tc die by aive appi calions ot Putuama Cern Extractor. . you 'gant te cure corna, "Pututmas" te Il euhy tug-try Ibis painlesarensedr, 25 ut all deaiers. Boume people are aiways .4o buE following advice tint tirey navt catchr up. -SInards Liniment- Cures Diatemivar. Lândlady-"'Yoli makeau an wfi noise witir tEst cornet." Lodger- ",Well,,I'm sôry te hear it." Laud lady-' 'o'a evarybody aise.!' "Tirese opera glassas were glv( te me a year ago," aie said swee ly. "Areu'Vtiahy beautiful"' repliad. "Yes," sire anuwfre; "but I discolvered tEls aftemnoi that-they're beginning te rust fro lackr o! use."- Whareupon ho tuas lad te, himaeif aud învited irer ge o thie treatre.-.- - oome~zue. ~ ookod~ ~'~"~ d& ~ 1910-ýtt. la-te aay, o 4IEb ment aid, lie fosrned theADrs -T1I 'NotbiyngL oould »a latr- f tcker srre*ver g nearly-half a oetury-that lxnebul- EÊ Socothepg&*aerI1rom'uicker rTeauind tant.rivr~ a~idel~ tru. ovr ti.- i~i>Dr asllon'.~ ~»~ ~ety -bias gene eut of -fà sirion, afi1 Ad!P iie&s -h Mod~d~~lrtiii ru ari. .vey ya woanoUSt1h~."that -ha d pdrnig is, no longer - burned off the Iheather, perouadebd.- - à dealert oilDr.-' Tlln~~iI. oneacd noxcto anwA trP&dt. fanriers te tisathei.hea&tii. ito saeo. par bor,-or lve - boîes for .;UO by regarded -as beigbd-form in;theà e prýe,; re pk>wland and pasturage,-Platd ltos " OTiiooaV u iann<_ý 71 .g ha1l-oltepe rgetmn o e t- ~ b cpouig cad wntN.. sud- ingaton.. ont. - - territorial. magpate, as weîî ý as è oerc1 in2LQu.x3 up ariddwn tEe oiiitry address- -7____-tebc aro c-teaaiso- ~U8AW65I~ ingmas~eetug éd chola A ~R YJG AR iu.~iu. keeper, in thé smoking roomo Ste TAM p COLLETO»1WUM RY last the 'government -lent ita aid. - smart -London--club and lu .the af e- foent F- g cet&mp-. logis -The result of tEe,.wrkof Çaptai.n- Loud«,nOutilier Sella the SavageS or barreom -d! the suburban> inn-or I)m n Cu tm Dala.ala Est& nw Dnmak -City, gi-mil.,,Tie old saying o!1 gre.t~the trvelle- to-dy. Thee 014Theatrical Costumies. "drunk -as -lord" has ne longer-UICLtWOL forty- year he -doubled ýa.nd 'Otfte b Âpointmentf-oan naning, thanka te King Ed- Itrnian ienl ctdaib tripleod the wealth -o!f the Danish na- -the Dusky Potentates of the~ Eas." ward. - AIl will remember the me- 'Ont bain by oie tI1~ r tien. -Railroad 'and _hîghýw&ys are SucE is the novel description. b7 morable letter written inuhis name us bSfbtBl'o telits. -Dr-' Iella U enu VaIOS cuitting the, Eeat.h; ne! buildings whichi Mr. John Hlyman, the. uni-byheria.scrtrLdCo LitS. ofnwe. 9. su twn ar raigeverywhere. versaI costumer, w*hcoe headquar-Kuollys, expressing the- wish, as Treé .lanting gives wvo'k for the tera ' are situated in Leiceater monarch, - thst the royal toasts, WbY ~yr9~our? Pz>atW dettute; itie moor ia peepled by -Squýare, London,- hias tii. right te which are obligatory at ma mi-iftslst-dinthavi 6ta- familles;-1the. valuation o! .- certain advertise hinirsei.tryad 'naval messes, shouid 'lbe- d. 0& tewnsuip'a has zrisen one thousa&n4 For some.years hýo hais been driv- drunk fwith iurlwtrb i T O i I an fveluure prcent. And if ing a picturesque trade with.,the. those o! the ofâcers- who. for one- -ja - et the -reo aimedlafind oïly tit darkies in -*Wea sd -:East Af ric eao ranUothçr .objected te alce- PITOA tif lias been lprèrved by the -plautiug-- siaM thtleMalay- Islands, XNew 'Zea.. hol. To-day the- numiber of officers______________ cf oeta-rti,*&ods have Goft- laud "and -Australia, solllng tire siv- lu thé ]British, army who are total LE ened the c1imaîte'and iuereased the ages old theatrical costumes, -li abstainers-,i's veriy laige, and theé IL New and' Second- fe.rtiiity o! the whocle ennsla ! fwhick heyarr-ay twith fbattle of Omdurmau,,which crugshedad T. f "éiS Jutland. cildishi pride. Ouly a few days tiie Madhi and restorad - tEe sd owr -C=oeS - ago E. à e ie4son,'Ger'e, Soudan froini barba.riani te civiliza- ISMOKU- S CK witha lrge ônsgumet o edrs- tien, wes won by Lord Kitchener ~VStSsi sta tl1 esbuhtp o i.1901 d-witir an sbsolutelj teetotal force. POLSON ,'lurrco TOROIITO Old Wintcr fU ~Thes oifrond the 910-11 ad Shilbffdlý -o-Easily -Curcd IFerty Hla, IaveCams -A tiew Rbme«y %pW Our"s WithOutth What do natives 11k. to wear Nausea, Yomiti-ng? UeDlt CougliSyrupe or Drult. hasti', Rrock-coats. TEey may be jual think o!01 -ou cau cîear awsr eout of fashion hare, but li tlÙeEast -Wt~Myoe . -hatb&r4d,rbc ng eoughte r drive It cein- 11yar i the rage.. Trousers THE!< USE NERVILINE. - somii iq«*7no psaTout-.f ti ytbeins. min wpnelfthey, -apuntry aeaPOsiie-inben em poeectly 1 T* O br*tdthifeWbr lg-OXreatred o! cover*ing-tireir legs,; but -For Stenaoh éain -and, Cram;e, NO 1 oedeu. - that euiployaD diieti, a frock-ceat sudfý-if it cian be man- nemedy OPop sNelll. ~ slO,*Og -Yujedr o;Very simple, lndeed, d o- .1S rorsix±ue. 24 yen uitmpli bref,;]h; in through a-Catarrh aAgeseEstle xpolomake a sav- - -jU& li ozone inhaler rlch balsamie essences that age gentle 19r a year. i, nauW. unfee'S Exprtncofeted. colo"r1-w, givc a hea an wh aa te0111 n- e try like our far West tbat proves bow desaei otpostpaid heue'tie.ANCIENT DEN(T][fTRY. valuable Nerviline le in the home11." wrltes wthbookleI"Howt a lI lhi.g Catarrboe ou bath. tha Mr. Patrlek Y. DelîaneY, (rOm Fort Baf* te Dye" trou - los e iin poef late ntie aod 1hr louns 1ThtareBilge Work* Doue, Six op f3eyen katchewan. "chilie are fremieft-a hot .L-ESIT C.Msem powrfu anispti oftheBle Om Teedrink er Nervillue sonda 111e circulatiflf g of Âuotrallst. whlch la probably the'sureat Centuries Bctore Christ. truhte body lu tbree minutes. cIdandourycr.nte ol o A uredical authorrty --as >ust <Crampe -or endden iliness at night le; one - arec E owf. wrliglo e tt< uue !uwy-acquired of our terrers. No drugglst or doctor lt dicîne Rat, aya: "To cure a uneeslug bits 0! informat ilnta ol emna.btI The rns ampe yern can Scod lu about ton minutes the ose thiug to re!ute tie'.proposi"o that mod- glet relief. h os rap erlu knowoS 0 d Il a Ctarhoane. o cu l moem. chive-'liacured lu =y cbildreu in hall a min- i k ow citodoitiscaarboon. e rndentiatry is m d rn iie e -ue. i dont tbink any fsrmers wife bar nrellave an irritaiel Ibroat Quickîr. uo-nmants f unknown dentiata o! an-. , rgtt .wtot .poeto ehis.Upacough oatrrcodo! ny kt iS- ien gtan'Rome. .ý;..hecf Nervîline. in our famllv we use it for By' e es@ u a oug orcol ofanykin. 1centrary. Just wlio tire dentiste a- bured 111u, aud t cureG theons3:a. One If, yen vwu the: Is,an d longeai.. nontbfs.ctlat atave hl curonqufory.were the lriatoria, do net - always nlght on.e ormi lciddles bad estrache sud wearlng- gioi&es ~t8turned -otsta Neary ev r hoan uowcres a mca. -relate, but,'tire result5 of thieliWork another toothache. Witbout Nerviline ne out cof a ioi-.bc, sure >:-".msk f or NarbosoeeZ=ubal orwltb hlm daa Cud hava proved .beyond a 4oubt tEst eue coufd bave slept-I applled Il s edi-, tii. fmous> ,e lghL. -aud iu this countryi t inakes a bridge work-on w'hii wcmoderne rected. ms ud banbidrue ena'vin dfor FW YjJO s E I wonderful protection agaluat alil Wnter speciaily - pride ourselves-of- the pearedjointe banduses Nerillue fo lame back, ibeumatigni, acbi JIt n bsg4v.aee lélly tanzief 11e"m eat akilful, kiud w as doue as l<ng ù ort <of n l r pa ns. a arnseg od ' for hard ?!rvlce . sud -w ll -u e o (3e l. olar ulit lciuin 110ago m s ix or savn entuish-inside as ontaide, aud is as nsucb a part m,à oyuVaud educe your glove. ba ard rubber inhaler, sud medcation to fore Christ. iuntthe temb e! Sidon of n=y home se my kitchen steve." - - penq> y b heyear. Send for our 1lait two montba; mdum se SC., sampl were fcundfour incisors andI tw Yen and a thouand uses for a goid -site 26o.. et an etorekeepers aud drugiate f o Th CaarrozoleGo. Bufal, NT cnie teeth in tire jaw of a'WIoman îfamhîy,,remecty 11ke Nerviliue. Oct the ana Kngotn. caada.thîat were held together by gold me. famîîy slsebottle; lt'a more eeconomi- E"5OEA NIIGCO." rwire, two e!f the former beiug trans- ai Iathe 5.tiiam.*Sodb i aaIetCéeuIiIae ,n ~ --<- plantad teeth-what uriglit be calied storekeepers and ' drugglsts. or Tire Ca- 11 DUE TO EIRTIIWORNS. crowns in thIs day-!asteued in by tarrhozoue ,Cd., ]Buffaie. N. Y. ie - g~old wire. uIn the -museuni ait Cor-M* - Egypt's Produeivenes l Larýgely neto, the ancient capital -of tire Elaborilte D.g's Funerai.-- - -Det hi.Etruscan federation, araete ha seen asý Bo*f Fce8iSan ,u oTe.several: epecimiens o! bridge work on. o! theeot elà %orate fufler- ti R ySwsFresn . Tire fertility cftir. vailey cf the« donc by -iveted bauds et metal. aise ver held ait tire eebrated dog'a 1 brewer's dtayman ruBeri ~OWhite Nil. la reuewned.- Britishr- cemetery at Molesworth, Hunts; wh weut jute a hoËpîtal rin ti ~ sienifl suvevra enat t'a, ut -Enýglaud, Iras juat taken place. thre cit suffering freinacuite abdomini remarkable productivenesa s due lu- When Your iyos lissi -Garsbody waa. e-ncloeed. ini a coffin of!-Pa>s vseaîe yRn lare prtto he ilgene ! ertI Ti lnrne Bye RSmeadINo (mrnitela r~egulatitqu type, with liandies ait- r s, WlriE revealed thre presen 5c. igig l iets Quicklui __foriedW"dwas eonveyed f romn41afrinbd' ttess ft worm-a, wlrich have be ign twitery Bye.sud'Oranû "dre- oy ttiesetoft for houand o!yeas. bserva- trateS Bock iluh aeb Paae. hnO1 London lu a motor car. Te"d-dorder. Au inçciion breuglit- for thusand ci yarsn "- but usa n secaslils Pm-a fox trir ad-,' lgtapiofréyfrcs wg tions are eorded sowng ctconds Inby ur Pme- a.ed"was aatr lgrtapare r ery fore s wu sL o in e frm r-a . Now ded1cated the85 Pb- t eier, us av b e l smduriug the active six montht of ta udtso92 rrujtue. interment Was- wituesse by>umsibaeeeleteldat- ieac erte atnae iewrsMifOEy e'eYC. hCrpros uctd tire ady/ue-r or two previeus opera-tio6ns, carri- brougliate ti surofacetrera R y .,of tiradog. - A wreatir pla.oe&"n th e0t, setiveloo veu and tir, amount te about 240,000 poulnds an grave bore - the inscription: "To yeara ago. - acre Sirea eu eveliy tis wuld The Eot air treaturent foi -trouble mydring -littie Punch, f rom ii iiipreciableo ;a - -s-loving miatress. - Requiescat iu iu make an-a p«ieamnai layer. peiomecceiU5 -PILES CURUlE UIN 87TO lu DAkYS. Darwin estimated tirait the castings iietGut agt In Cows _______________ o!fi r ears 'iu Eugland would O INTET tlat ur aeo! Tt cover tire wiroie kiugdom wît-h a -Re (makiug- pbor-headwaY)-Will luet. BlindS, Eleediug or Protrudlu Pilie« laye c- ne catir5fl inc thck. nohin inues eu e cang yor -6 t0a14 -day. . C 1Jaa~, tke 'i 111,huonl ~ cia4ty-isbeinog It,1 ecgivr asium at Bonn.- Iu soeamdlvi- m" oà .laew appintdb heT~fy dual -cases tire beneflceatreut been .summa.rized for, tire e bi~ Hl die~'iownstiringa -JUSTA Tables' submitteéd include -thié fol- 1 LrrmLÉI %BzrEL"senid Pest Caed ib- tire -exercise wero fax greater, but s.y - - te lung capacity kl! the' ?av1r* 63,091; Greek,-14,749; Anglicnv Sesemo la-Y Pi 4llr, tdn x neigtr nttto 09O Prebter-a, 1,41 ; Cngr- Tht!aiiIj;Y-OU w-iIibe Deligbted t- Pay was found- te be- 207 cubielce - gtioalat,1,811 ;.Metroslt ~ if satisfied, W. teke thrisk.,,.Send',wirereual ater e... ourse of traiuing -~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~, TP ate,-411 -ie et o4yAddress P..1240,-MontreaL it waaincmeasedby twenty-flva c.-u- a :~i5o '812,240;- totà à 'l I5y681: - O'MS HSÃ"'E.- -bic luche. Trol. * STOR IS OF The Chineèse Ne Fears That Ag Step Lthas. býeng tJat China is- Sc that M'illions o!i i a* sble tOfinda liv -and areé coxnpelled boats on tha'rivei thorities iu Don presentf problems ---the possesion of hi heyond the, Great « Bolutely hecessary -vid-efor lier urp~l quiries, -hoýwever, by those in a& them, and the res d4one much teodi - ally a.ccepted the over-populated. Alexander Ho(ise - Ieatio,'wrta ii oreign trade-o! "lavinjg visite vincesof Chinar the three Marre Vi;and- seen, how scai .jre populatedr I whether the whol churis., and7 the- tain a- p-opiJatio tn he usually * Figures E. Wr. llockhill, * extensivelïr in GCh China proper, ha ulation than 200,0 newspaper, lin re~ tier troubles t , tated that "The 4roubles is that -Y -ing ito populate t fflong Our bordel >ast, un de!ended à - -ssure to sttru Alulnis maq c-ently, been putf 1'>eueouragiig 0e fIrontier re grous -.and, the aiorth-sm been foreed U'po audit has --been banded so1diers thee Othat ti double ,iuLpolse e land-'and checki that niight be t -Colouizat Butm.&the rii reniXI4e limd, ELM not -thà , means 1 leave thýÇr hom< land, t wýld se 'very littie. use terrîtoriea it th ieastfor this pu] inducements 1are, in this rem oia J atternptinflg 9C( to;rièe wthiiba li.kely to, mee#trwÃŽ rate the'recePui. posailihas met' the: pressure 0QI s0 great in- CâEi inliïied. to belie! Flating fact an important -Pa D7ili Boa The- 1