wet t eix ej tic wilds."thi*'é#ýô univermal, but-r feeling and a$ ý snetbat- 1 they bu couki net f0, est diigaster,,nt another mioi ,î followers o ULi l &nz are 1 cd f rom brief cabled 6oi4l4U ter sayu: xpüi 'p1a work-j - and the .quipei *.à ~ tignifioant wom~s f wIu ded' weight ci rets nbifity -ýtIe throw oxi-th leaerof xQe G rma expedition, 'wbo tOo'k'badly, equi-p- ped mon tther4 ii in-.p e the knowledg e'io],çtb perils o~~o are thorn, q.siu 'ee aretice explozýto;Qur$~it large Ios, of lite ' r fý -woIi * tempts to add td 6U éâjl go the- globe on wliich we live, and - thoIre has nevOr beewa Iack d6f n willing te' bravo - every lç&itimtô- paril to «tUnd -that_kncçW14d.. When suchji n udie théy becoiùe the herces f-science and adventure., But -upon leaders 01 sych an ex- pedtiz>n auîthat #Iichis supoëed tO t-have perisgied' in 1 th.orth a -L 4t'her vetýie&must b. P>asiBd. Whbén braverj' bècoxes, foollardineh., - noring. precautions and -reckless1y risking litiinvite. cénsuà e. Lôrd Nortllcliffe's offer of a prize of $50,00 th 1e firit aviatori exaking 4sStrans-At.îantc fight in is oeanty-two consecutive houri 'has awakene& the 'v, lÉest intereat- 7mngairmen eVeirywIieré, 'but, ai- Most Without exception the- experts1 agree with" the lay=mu iii. thinking -that the offer hs, been made tee * so. Aviators are certail pt con.sçrvatiye by temperamenti - wlÉich givea -the 1greater ,weigls t t w their -skept7îciir at thus time. "Tere à ,no: chance ci a 11i . this tupmr o the. next, but in e -i imw N~i-.QUxP.- -i- INTE i.; EAD domand; irood- advertimed fur- ilone, con -t.eaal 'Rend-foi, Cati's, Quasis Eaa, Tâ. or i e s - -I C pu, Catalogu -'mark$ _gram@. ltlSJMP&, ETC. MI.-tii-ag witbi. *ptmsnt WirIt* Y ANU iRLAU. Lrp!bIe. - Graw@L nenti positlwslp mma ilemed. OPTe , urs. w5 Raisot hI*sstaos- ýi lad&. Lnfs&' 'ha got t-icli. athod." id i., aimplly 4d ef.t d apni o hougit h.- teroue 'entei-'. xstwieeu hua. nsd e docter. - bi'I and rwgatc accunu Ithei in Roct à , regul elint teAtlanË'.coânin the - - plané. as -noir cgu-tructed. l it Impesoiblrl,", sy'Bleriot. *Vedrinea agrees. Tà lniSepwitbsys the. idea o f îuch a fiight noir le simply l- -' dicroas," tbough lu A fve yeera' tima it iii ho another 'story.-- -mâ ci Mo th 1e eperta',aadmit .the. -- Inidaq'ua-cy et ithe preéentYtype -ôf i- achine, wni<h -lias héen bufit fer spea.d' ith an oeye.te militai-y util- ity. With -avriag mndi - and s j - -calm o ea s, bydro-aeroplaaïo thït -- ad the 1Juck te enceuntervses ini fiil4-oe mhen le became acnces- Sary te replenish.thc supply etpet rçl night -conceivehly mako th. - light, but suci asiudcass weuld ha' little.- better than e "fluke." It meuld denonitrate nothing., The -machine that la te crois tiý ocean nust he aquipped with at least tiro engines; it'must hava vaatly great- - r cîrryinS power fer fuel, an& Must ha ahie te accommodete tire pilota mitheanse. Soeaexpert, put tii. -minimum carrying 1power- at tire tons, wmiii. thera demanid et leait aight. Altogether the trip seeme ratiher fer emay. -TO GET GREAT HOBSEPOWER. Lay Trial Tidal Plant at Sehlaswlg- -- i Holsein. -- Mihion. et ise. rs.wpemer araepMing to *a *e&'huh-tbe - ealad ^tst D iaisus if-only aîme'pi-aôtieù sb ay -~ ~~~n -e a, t runn -iaplant oud> -7 --- ù*iTi-ide& s i. u,' isr aît pré- sent, suad theiare everalt-pr-ee, - - - il~anwliii ar l-kely, te b. talcan - UpI-bfore-ln. cs On.f-1e. ;â Lrought eut hy Eaguaaor Pain, et -Hsunburg- aami .se propses 4olay o ut' tirelageb ane on t4 sea 1assinaSclilesig-Holstein. - Tise --- tidalbasins are dsad-and the. mater takose aswit flou betirean th. ha- ine onsoamem-hat the. asps.1plansas lm ha-ehon used on a medên scaler -and fer sunning aà largoa&*plant ai the 5,000-horeepomar ,nQ uhicih h la nor d'i nn.Pas-t oet4h. werk la a.hrandy dene by -a 14mnie.jetty inlathi-oses coisneicting iti Nord- a trand isisnd. Tic hasins iii have 2,500 and 1,000 acres surface an-d thse -liigit o e, iai 4ierfali _betireen - - - Isa hafour or -five teet, se -tiat- witi a 'great volasssê.of mater 14 la - poesible ta i-una.weet f500-hersai- pomer turbin'.., tan lu nuimber, se astohave s,9000hraepomer. li-._ - - se only s trial plant, snd sihoul<1 ii a ucced -'a mach Zreaes auont -of - oier cea 110 obtalned in this may by uesng la-sgr basin. snd.1ju- -- -gieter nunhber, asg411e ses miliigive am unlinlitad anoune o0f pawer, - f oman niakes aIl the. trole 16 - - Inl lite it'a moman irbe nakes lite Worth ail the troubIe. -'-' " - a!Ces - nt Lta thefW hose turi but 'the raei ha-, anic huejh lell-. OQd 4 re ù~ Din»lp- wet IJ iii JLLe *7 i"' l, MR- uiz ~ mn ,,;~ 8Ioomra, $y::,, tlnfro -_ "Aladi-- and iud no moaoee è ù.teo-and Me. Wonderful'an.- n bérvationo-he ëtW. It W-"the "t -Ië îà lkraker would-' hâ, dayligât 1hourà -thiat vr mpra starved te .,4ea th loing ago if hoýhaâý to tem. Wr mo qtdeeà e nte MOgn-rÉo lng ~ ~ ~ t moa~ofreotPérioeiof saiid.- Nodoubt Mergan oould tume *hèi t h&tte, use theïlivnie iae Onls mýemlin fauis and cnrvtià sa di ï *m»ikend of have:'d b lions. ]a éléok. The encelesbenoeghlisevcsofti to;practic e - or 'mster gentie:artcf"queezig i.ls clocke.ser fry. ]But ho was toc, big brained 1- Water Cloek, for such- -k ha<yes w&r-fie - fr hed-, dee Itte uurand in tsaiplet orin cooeists -of. an the man, fith 1ià h hodeait wag upright vss!. with- bïdiall h"l-in ol -tpzgse~t sjtb 4ho. bett&m tO 'lot the watrigradu- ia gettiiïg t eterthna bejondi. al aà a.di arks to'show how Just how 'ho. W-aiable te temper bis- ther tii wter ha. a'd in a optimisai with cool- j.udgnet m ivo< nie managed 'te bulwark liii enterprs-_ But lire adflut a on sagantthe UnexPected, are' ti b inidiateîy. -Ti rAity Oft thingae none u il vr nw theoutiowvares itbthe depth Of because they 'ýwere 'the gifts 6 thewater ensquevly h. waergenius,sand lelaaahera beyond'. wil1de.cénl lrtbi, na i-vn tma analysias and are ne moe.decipher- sthe beeénning tfra,- at the end. able. 'thaïn the wit sndgeusea To v*id tua etJer "the _?dita-nce Shakespeare tbat, enabled him tO betweoen ýhe marks mustt bêcaret ul- indite a ýperfect sonnet, or a-death- Iy va&ried, or .1.. the. vmesse!.uët be less play. ned ix ti. .a.p cfan nveted Mlogan -had a collage education ina ller " th bottoaithan, atanwhlthmabveilehm the Êtoiéhat -a& itheVpressure di- in riecogang h godtig nindOa ibqanttyof water t"et smqu' 119 tbad , lus s< cesngui . bùat o-in-;Iowarthe as(>_ mr e t ti narmut. aad eurtaoe equallty ia equa.l intorvas 3i ri M1quaites mm. rH. wan * pr~ i.I~e~fri.nlgÃŽ ~ a ma# d experL businesan - he-0~~u'2o.4 V.F el t à ôud8e the future c.f busieness' bey nade~ b~l2là ?oi CJnrslAmericav o * __ -, ~~~many ~ - <Other artMthi-o1.k'R tne pMS of o!ater.- Affred tii.- Great invented a-u down thr.o' lines per 'heu r. that the ttue could ho told at eigW amd caueed a nuiner oet-balla, ce reipoding ta the nuasher oe, t hour, t'ta tal upan a brase drumi ..U Noon anti et mldnlght -tirelveainiiture -baisemais pre.no b-forth and int &ail ie doors fer 'nam rouind.- Atter th1e clepsydras cane tI gravity cdocks, i-n wmmclia meight nmsde ta 4uina s aystem et uhae kwivi move tisehiande over 'th >diai. It. ms nly alt- rtha a va tien, 4the date et mhich la a- kmou, that it boams, possiblet neu-reacacui-ate-ly such amââaIli tsi-vais as seconds. Iii is knoiÃŽ that -oaci docks began te b. use in Europe -in &eh.fourteentb ce: tai-y, aideone think they mere - use aveal ontaii.. arlier. Witls the gravity asovement it he came possi'ble to invent stilli'mon ingenieus cdocks tias t-hoqe mnade oc t-li clopsydra plan. Everyhody m-hd ha-s heen -ait Sti-asburg knoîm th,% fa-mous dlock la the cathedral whieh towm up te -t-le iaight eth smail hoe., and la popnla-ed mitl autoite tiat niarci in preteission -sad -perforai inny curîb>us-iyvyl-* tieýns omnerted i e 4.page à -time, wili.-'4h. movements;of ti -pa -e mêd ë etsuis sud Inca Ilel iniatertel«t oot grevity clooks ma the-.us etof panduluù,te regulate the'gà oties, Gallea dléeovei-od Vie haire cf Pen, ,duluni motion, and det-eimined by experime6nt, 4h.-l-ength cf &s.pendu. Tam that woiusid -tick seconds, but -the firet-appl-ica-tio>n.tà a dlock iraE .m.o y Huygene in 1656. The invention e! coi-led spi-ings tc drive -the olook movement aise &p. pears ta date baek ta Vhe fou-i-lsentI century, and it led te t-he cointrivif ace of pocket dlocks, or matýhss Tih. old eity et N'urembeirg was 411 earl-iet centre of-tbh4s industry' Ti frst 'mat-oies me r, «4t1cd "?Nuremberg Eggs," - bocauee .they marc egg-shape6d. But -t-he unaccuracy oethe e.arly metoela is etuiukingly-.ahoemn by au.&noodoe of t-he Emper-r Charles V,. atte hies -reirement ta a mnsntery. - Hif bad a largýe- number of ma4eheS 'Oi thse hast maie, D.nd lie Used ta apend- heurs t'rytig ta niake t-hem keaii blase tagdithr. It is said titho onceai eelainied: "Sec iwhat .-fcië-"I have -ben -to ;aquan<der s ac ibooci1ý siteaasut rying te maireý mnn tlinkAliko 'when I nstee ius'k a' aetam match.. keep stopte- gether. " - th =f urdelLtI~IS~ *lt '±uthe- -accent-,on Wtuaý"ha e% se'hbiékés- weie' à Il noted wlî périod' tere ara a(dýa lai, nn~~iber - ot 'equlypacUliir pi nUliciatlông rmh!niihse îng"~ c meFbers lgvl;- fl ton, ciled chaos so;" TI Speaka? :perPetrated "ry-gîVdltyl a~~ ~~2 trl-lrigword t--issue frc Ithe mou'th 0cf bie who liasbr liur rein ù utble.Wlox Ee' oka f a tggriovyaae and the-tion. Dr.'Raid p'ronounoi lacquer -'I'liacure." Tiesa 'ara-ju- a lew oet ýhe hwai * They laârve as an introduction) the. be8t okeof the oeggion, mwhic -'wa, -the '*ýtÂ, ibuting -cf certà in-Lp eÇtry te s cred rit by. Caroll, l o Iuaui) on,-whmncn te buiiid inethi 'g onduiing, sndnet as, tee Smsny do, te ",get euttre ndr- 00 an4 ohuckie over- quick profits et ira soe ot-her peer f ailow 'a ýexpenie. Hem waWll ha built is attested by th- IaUnited States Steel Corporation; tO the, groatest- single antarprise -ever 190 premotod. F'or sa-long tfihe,tis- "4 entrprieiras thé rtarget et id- verse legisiation, and the uhining-- ln mark et wmincievary "trust buat- 'T -t. eearon,' a er" - shet- - ha barba. -Yet -se.--cun- - - L4 -ur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U nigyia egnwegt that Cape Breton. It ias dur 01r- the indestructible ateel- et Sieg- -terxninahle nsvy deb;ate, 5h. trie'd'asiroerd iras net'-more m4-,- ident ls reported in E -prévieus than .,thisamalgamnation 'Ioloe- et thee4"amithies." 'Mi-. Carroll: Fzyem the Xot evan the ý4aath of the. Master- gentleman opposite mei ~ uilder himacif euld shake enaetftiralva years of 6e, fi-or Sthé Morga entarprïiies, and -tise]thay merareaiding the ah( mires flauiiad tbat net oan t o-the- ehusm and semaetftheni e a"Morgen stocks" cloà ed ircai 'on meal, tbey nuit have bac tse day et hie death. But thoro was iith Ltus quotation: 'Tc al tirili that careened tirough the self ha truc, and it niait ,h bourse 'wben nei et 'f hua deatb iras tisa night the day, thou 5n' haralded te tii. morld, but 'tir ai tien ha faI's. te any mai et ne t se niuch a trihute te Morgan, is tron tii. Bible." Speriapa, a tean indefinabie dread Soea on. membrs-"' of et ti.tupeadous power ho mield- et the Bible 1" TUed as financier. -Me 'mas univorsal- Mi-. Cariol-'"Some h, od ly craditad as baing the. strongeat bars have nyer read tha:1 ýn- pillar la the moey temples f the neyer wilI rad it." ia aarti.. Dynasties aven treabled on A weird slip of the tu is word, whici meant much for bai-rased Hon. Rodolphe ethe Chancelle-i-ies te mien kiagi the other day, mien ha r' ~and potentates ha -enti-usted the thee tue "mien I iras Pr îadministration et thei- ±Ênances. ister. " Ha meant "Po 10 Tliay -dwindled inte patty iack,"- Generai," but the Houai ait stera in the giganticpresence et this' miti daligit. Almost eqi aman irbo stod on tiie bighest peai ny mas Mr * Carvell's de ~of hie moi-bd, the generelissime etofcf a certain *largo fsmily, h au'army et activitiai micr lias neyer lha attrihutod O-eababy k, own dfecét. and-.another et fifteen moi -as lIn oubt question the otntI~'air l >~ sorlly- cf is purpoies ai~d der;à ka- te -embaai ithe ' ahievme i raerr g »drgei>t-marks ortha .uprarîeus. n~ ~ ~ O hl .sIa f buccianee>ronrthe $hich ia &lleguee g- isgh'ales !fnanco.-Bu ne 'ii-statame nt-- n ques*lô hià 4e t -~èiiri 'on a e "- ?ùinema, or-,Slreiamire hii -1_dat 1 __ ru f ,org - iri i - eaI Is I? a ot in previding- againit ad- strength- -A Fi-oaci inveiltor s lyleniag'all the weak pcinta i'n any trigittuî addition te Vie e ý- business aatarpriie - ntrusted te ~rewôleivs' A smnll bat .1 bin. . 1 -, eeti ghÀs&# e SAt hhait lhe irai a great lovereltrcigti fOia of art, perhaps net entirely for mgie. B3iIsetoa -piSésol o 0 ýart'u siake,> but as a bhealthy chÃld tége oBy te et--leeof-aig ceveti the goir-gama andi ta-wdry tiselam ro t i cîre h Stoys et; the Christmnas deya. Andtir-sibiatc -yet rvrential, - saà <tment hd no 50 ,clearly seen n'4ayjig-h concen wit uni sncse' <ai-k an objet s a ligli concrn wth iniandthe sanctîty suit Oet ebethes. Nof, tise - of traditiop mes only a à nmenace the ,Ciicl-e cilight, -markai whrlen it.-Interferéd- -irlîti hiciesa e , pobys-r* g after'ýtlie priopbois tieanureeoft4Àlaes, isea.tly th$ POt EuF, angallii. bulle i tà i .Tiéal'a b'Whule;peniiepa, _no-' great pib-l~ ~ &natbrppy la 'e-tÈné-marked _with thOe bithe blazin circlai t ii nam.e ef Morgan, it la meil-'k nown th iear e-a Sthat bo wai -a veysympatheti a na theiatrigg e na-esr Steirardi tie i.nstortunea and fi-ail- E f là s t félboir-men, and- tlat -he inover turned an honeat plos for goa. halp eflpty a'waY. -Mns. K&ller-ý0ocks-.'4'e' ..ut in - ne-et bis chai-ieis irai nera4t th-nge aeow-a-days. Eho écstà etatious, but seeistct halve -Mrs. Jus tied-Aron't, th, j, seurv _ , emote t-ii.Gr a W't do the éeimplost 4111 a Master Oft1Chiitlnity, s11d aîked - mine te maie îomi atramy agd htte-!.breada ,tliè ether- day ,and'- cipient e u bntato tltoeh oubi'. - ~hsaaU a ed -! l enr- Nçývar pend ae friand on ne, timiël--Betleertr "he syc0ýoi en. 'Go yu-ef --P. ring the la. 'and the in- [bûùsardi. time hon. .r tan or' in the tuae Lortar cata.- eating est- en familiar thmna Own t folloir as canat nea s.' - Tint 'Whnt part on. meni- Bibi., sncf -figue am- eLemieux. -eferred te rime Min- citmiaster- ;e sbouted îally fua- leacriptioa te wliich Ofý 4twelIve )ntb. 'Un- ne'! un-- er -iiie-, LJO3 -Irth eeted- -th é- I.e" th~ nge >.iiA DhII5i1DSto- orTMW W_1b 1iâé heWliéb at filed ~k - ~ n M ~ d l g n t È- p l o e n t . T o t h i g l h :hR ~ ~i ~ ~ i d r t a h~ e- exP1A nitîon the - Bible narrative - th.th iéM eýhng. - e ye lie iù to tu1 tm *ai sb~ i nce, sac meesl-1Y 4 >Qpad,fÂ4eý,aved ," ooding o t4tnarrative as We --- 'ni ow'hav it'n enesI, shmaeî -T1ten..We'Are Mraiiy'»amned. edan Widan*re4zotWksons oet Abra We. are svdonYwhew becomne cfhn.-*Their deatiandants ý-woùld , " t e r e o r e . b e b o i e y - r ] a t a a m i n a .c o m j m v n j q f ' aa v x*o r a . 4 V . m u s t r e . th'reMG'Ie 116elYl'èatdý'ndindeani othars if -w re rte perpetu- ed t1 'earl-ier 'ge erata a eit ate,ourseîves. Thea ayiteet -i eIIonlmo. Wbat, *- thon, l a. Crisa Theemerbibica narraivef-hW- church ? Why, It le j ust -a coipany te aver, maies oseph spai-ftiiýo. etplain, -ordinary men-and iomen, éhMen te whom fia was sold. S tili ait - who suLbsist luke every body-else un- 1- pthier ekplantind the oea fav- der the covort oft-Godes patience, etdb ach atojdri t t des-o bit wh have eauglif Christ's vie- men acolra e-dy stht te OC' ioiohumn.iy.They regard the -Curreace. efthae -two -'separatemtaywoid buthz.;hy na mes,. je e t- ma ay-. ind-icatons iM iele -i o Idaout th yeie e Chat poitlg e ti.inèrwavngoftwo i esoôf -mon, 'who 'have had a cifferent acceunts -fet esan Id avn rn wlhte-G ieiiortunate inheritanco 8nd,-a graci- ra(or drew hsinformation, enaeto- thrisnla hese acounts' mentieipg. the'. - i co sciece, and vis- maëltes as"" tho-jpeople^. te w çhon'-,,.io .' They see- that miost of our re-. Jo seph " w a s ld,-'and the othareï. l a do r a i e I , 'o , j nsé~tininf11 ilidinîta - cempoundad.et vague heareay and ~l!rèxtyoce et-îi've4Re.,blank ;prejudice and oapy confor- tw onity h k es, to-t bir î i mty and -dry and barFn theory. p iice of, an . duIt slave. * - They se. that la mes mèn self-mn- r9te gyt---W hither- -tey.were d ignce, and. >uncont lb. d sîce te 'sXfo'tbýù e tai ij ls p d siî i ~~~ ~ ~ 'a ar sinetdetoi n munig >0'-t" a t -deigates eran 2W -sdomiinei e youn'egn. C ul, , ofwIla yôut s. arM-o. 2. 'STthecïod-ýetterp eb f TE OFcTRE Ott 'HE 'J soietims tyougi t te heni KU t 'éather. th à *hee à 23, Antevthebesat bah ered Whst la On i n E the - H -I, him-Jab raws .t, h, deirèd n- BANKSLoANDe of-Âul - - fernc at thy aiogtit ! th lod-&o - s t a i n e c t c ea t .* - - - 34.' Sackcot-Cos-rna cloth W worn Kintyre farinera reaopP. he~ asa sign'et meurning. " m~oteo, car in.steatl cf th'ie ponysaid 36. -Bis daughters--Onl' one trap. la *daghtri,. Dinah, las ben 'men-. Linlit.hgow Counil as votd 2 - tieeciin' 'tho narrative thus fer. 2a,.,,ta the, proposed mamrialtable w~ (Compare chaptar-34.) - ~ '- Wli.-el Sheo - T h a Hebre ir underw orld. i - B a Id i le r, a w ll' n w or abod aetf departed spirits-.witi- r gdenetG ee l w "la _u t'd e out distincion as -te their moral at86 age'et, eta -qualities. -Tii. New Testament 'Tronï Town -'Council are ai- pra- equivalent ia Rades. Ficm the de' sént censiderinagan 'elaectric ightU.in -0 iscription s of Sheol given inls. 14. 1sali ft heburg.h. 4-23 and! Ezek. '32. 17-32 and ese -;Ame tr 4ùýhoe-aà -be where we e lara that the dea-d in A neôW"à i Sreoet ha'aron - Sheol * ère thoug t. oft-as " stili pe c 1 -i S re t L us k concies, ut ivig ateelesbire,- by 4,.-Wio'baw ,Picture Pal- ahadcoy. giiotîjelite." a' f - leace. , shidowy ghostike lie.I 1 he - orvernmenti will .drop .the, Poiphar-An 'Egyptien namne Seottizh Temperance Bill, haing un.7 commen in later inscriptions from 1able -a ttiie - Lords..a :aùed-' the tentb century B. C. forward. - eta ccp -captin-of -the' guard-Chieft et'me t.- the xèctlner§. noter ran- The. oz.itioas in aid, -of'the -tuid ' - to eecuionre.Anoiie trns fdr the,-rSeotUah Zoological."Garden Ã&' lation is "chiot et, the butchera. Compara "cief butler" and "ch at a d n ur h n i ane n e C baker" in the subsequent narra- £s 02 - ta tive. Mr. 'Robert Smellie, t : el 'Tc-1 oldet chxchtreaure»,asdet -te Eff~eive -teuney. bngholm in-his ninety-fourtrvearz,? e - e ti e - em d .T he Earl -ot.R sèbery,.and - d~ 1o - A prqi ps ent phy ici en w s re.- l i a e p o a a - e e . cently'caIléd ,e atalaph>onée by a ur oft1hëBmitshi- Linen-Bëk-: Jir e 'ce' of hia iitae.- -Iw great s91 - Aout '£400 .damage was ârdo4 by ,W11 ien tawom4a Ild th-e- phiysicii fÛrë" tst 411e.ý*-- Nmorks oft Wm. F'orre4t-&m -had way. "Wat seems -te b-e 'u-a s beiy. q' -troublae?"' asked thea doctor. "'Dec, Tii. Dukeanmd Ducheis -'ôt Tek soi é aiwe a-:b->tao f i ! 'ýa-epromised te attend'.tii. sho6w th( "l'Il b. over -there. ina a'short -mile et e hgband and Agricuhuà rj al a -te ýsee er, said -the doctor. -ôcifey at Paisley. w' 'tave, you done anà thingfor ber 7" --The. Oatl, -has, occurred -et>- M]r. "Igaveher >hree plaes o' 'bbot-1 Robert Philp, headmaster etflRut- dis tin paper, D c" si the coireçliches- n's. Bys' Grainmer Seh O tu, weman doubtfully.. < -and an enthusiaitie golfer. oni In. LuEdiiuburgh and die-triet t]îeQ0 -iThe ,Solution,' minera have been given an6ter w4f (;M a as civc h -s va * vancieetof sixpence. bringing thei,ý -an, 4alt - e u t 7.3d..2 pr bl ni" -T ii. Royal flotel, S_tran re ,,-!e ý. tiù A :Ioog-21ecoin- 4, k rch. I ~ o~4vw oUIà sndcon- - .BOo1~ng~our -4~hat we rmeichanics, /-anjd -iiut that we ay , ef U O -O~&lour church cit -Of thiVtwotk3î -Is'our èherch à ~k:,lo:i?:alv tOn, the aper- ishing and so!ueýnt equtemptihie i made a effic-a-y et povwerjul 4 mini-ors ght mhieh esoagh ta à t ega-mt- ht-colored centre et .d by a ,Pt cf thse U1 on;- ha ck enutre and pl sueh ig asaaid a eo' r' rock, -a] en, féet mOj a'on~anient and worn oÎýtlânds' our"iîaidor sins and the -amis of, your'J beargâr&s-h4veradt Bu We . Are«wti- You; and into 'your cèOnflict, w&'mejen tô, pnge or ivs;fo 'owourh',-eart, "oyou have ima-ny uloel oddities , andunlsnt'bi, and severe limfitatià ns, aà nd la .yôur point cf- v eW'different fron -Ours, and do we flot care forthe sanie thin[,gï at ail? Neyver mid. It, doesn't'make any difference. W are millions of miles away from be- ing perfect' ourselves. -If youw ill put up with us we will b. xu'ghty glad to0 put. up eËith you., "Y'ou are'our hrothers, and ,we muet make that plain, and we mwst have it recognized. Tatsthees- sence of what ùur Lord- demanà lde of us,.-and w'e have, eomething te bring you to enable 1 you te sur- mount the cworld and find your- selves, -and t mkelf ee and tolerable once more. And thfat- eoniething le levem- 'Gods love for You, whieh' when you will receive- it restoes your- faitb in yourselves and your-race. And we know he lrrves you. Why, b. has loved even us,. and we- stand besidelyou -and behind you for Cbrist's sake and in COhrist's nam e, and, believe -ini you ýand care foi ygu, and stick by Yeu- untili the ygry -end."~ Wbaty -then, 1le a Christian churchl'? Wby, it le a company of lovera of the 4'Orld.' And 'Wfiat imakeî them the lýve rs of -the w<SrId ? It ,ils thr d it o he divinQloy-- > r' -Dj .le PÃŽtrker F~}._ à leit to Canada, tarinsrvn, r i&6.roa at th . pnghi _in taime, and farmýr& bae had! tc, pay higiier The, Glasgow -and Sou-th-We6tern. i.ailwy oinpany -have placed, a n rder f or 1,000, 16-ton mineraL wa- eons- with three Motherwell con,-ý Tha numnber of personeinn Glas- gow, inpue neteNtoa u urnceAct, 15 35Z;9M. TiS.,repre- - 5enta almosot 87 per 4ent. of thé em-t ioyed -popul-atio>n. Thè. -entral part of t44e Ruatià _- Ànd Publie Sdhool,-was diestroye4' )y fire. FortunatelyAbe. ohlldre2. vere in the playground att1 ii d -nho -onewà &: lnjuo~ Wigtown town ,onta él h&ve- LreeA to, the eretin= . ad tan4, ,and Will-subfcribe -Rîct- , aI.rds-xtheo- e £751-.-th9 reniaiud- n. -'TKOT-à Éi lut Sheigews, eh-sdWt-- lVith' Fe±. -- At ýEsatheulrne, ey s 1n1s iper,~ ~ ~ ~ - redsaw a 6p-babjy- dtieout an1quQ 'iin' t40counlry se mas Ibora n iüs-amg, 'ét al et Br ae'i-Mr.-pierce, -et uiver Street -i& tac mlvw t- -P@ !>piekstge.pkfe-,and for m1 iarvTIous. 'daxtsrl'ey; eu, aipu.lsto *lékilt. e am oi-k n mol liler had andal- I, mi'tb er f eet ea tie tablé, h as qgîte -at -esse. - - EInoE lhad te o ooi ýéYiCosel tOa Seerù that ýMrt a-'i ra., - Il&Y usung her feet, snd had--any ai 'býeen' beekig ro--und sud.- isd t Ir-cuia e li7r -ifLhluuty, 7they Yt-hing - se na-tural'-dUà ahé look. 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