re the fol ty, forta - NO. Lý FAREWEL4KG. Barriiter, Cotunty .Crowný Attorney and County Solicitor.. Offic south wing Cour HoQ*Use, Whîby. A; .-CHRISInANI Office-, BroclçÉLe OpP Standard Baînk.. hioney to LoaMi. JAMES K ÈwdpGq ioww Office umdpes -ayJ ot, 6, VOIflNG SMITUt, L.L.B. Barrister, Etc. Moncy to-Loan. ýIssuer of Marriag iess Office - iùith's Block-Whitby, Ont. DiENTÂL W. ADAXS, I>et4t, -1OdîicN Dundas Stlfet, eideui.No. 4,'h~era ÂUOrroNni~iRs - JAS. ISO @ha*a, Licsnied Auctioneer. Suces- sot to L. Fairanks. For- terme and da$er apply to sel( or G. Bobb, WIt- WMi. MAW LIGENSIED A15TIONEER AND VALUATOR. All kinds of sales promptiy attended ta. Arrangement* can *be -made for saes at thie Gazette ocube. »rxùs reasonable, Ddland Independogit pilones. WIIBYi ONT. -J. HREWELL JAMES - Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. * Plans drawn and estimates furnished. *Repaire, Aiteraticns and Jobbing. Opposite Stephenson's BOX467 WLIITUY PhoneI149 Marriage Liuenses, A. i Ir rZN Issuer of e rl . en es CorerdrgaI~e.Whithy N o Wttesses requlred. ISommer SchoolsI For courses in ail Business sub- jects leading to positions as Bdook keepers or Stenôgraphers. and for Civil Service and Commercial Specialists' exainations Wiil be conducted in Siiaw's Sch&6le, To- rontpe, (The Central Bu siness Col- lege wîth four city Branch Schools) from July 3rd to Atguet i6th tMis Studente may enter n aoiefre. end coises. Nu Vacations. wi'te W nfl dhaw, Prosident, for'catalogue. $91 y enge st.geet, Toronto. MOÀNUMENTS of il 019988anmd IaLrigi kePt In Stock It vil ýpryou to catiatour vertu and insieot for yourseU. Don't- be miued b>' agents, we do mot employ them, consequently we cau and do show the agent'. commission, 10 percent., whiefh you wyu1- certainly <pave by purchasing froni Us. A Cili Solicited. -' Of=ic and Works oppolite Stadard Bank, Whitby, Ont. and oW vii irO For I I oue wiringe power wîrng, tultesasd suppl oton and! transform if vou vant- us ial lies, anse mers, us at our Go., Ltd Lallation zpo l na am.A1y, UPO5It bc li 1w receve. Mr. Isiaacs npw. gets a Rgai- arY Of $300, witti Iree'hoUse, water, l1giit and fuel. _'Ph. requcat. Nwaa res f erred',telthe Propexty Oommittçe, Tii. Slck Chtidren's Hospitl1iTo- rpnto, - noU1jed thie C16uMcfltlat a, bey, F4dward J hnston, son Ofl Mr. ,AU- drew J069nton, Lad bccm adznttcd as a patient -in, tnt insUItution, apon, 'the tcstinnony -Of' Rev.- M.E. SËex- 'smit..that tie Iatiier va unabie: Vo pay for s trcatmcnt. The hospital deanadp .$7. per-week froni Vie, muni- ci Pality for as long as Le rmains tiiere. .TLis Information led to cone. out- spoken commente *upiôn tie- practice Of 1 nllgpatients't.'tô hs' hospital wihot iY authorIty frc>m Vthe Coun- Cil or amy noificaio6n te Vtemt. 'The expression cf opinion was Vo -the ëf- feci> Viat thus condition of tieig should b îCai;e: i-f1 not the muni- clpality inigit ie Plunged 1lto beavy ey"-)ÃŽiturcs. needeWy. It was'statt~ thls boy was 'flot pbysically ll but rnentally weak, and, tidrefore should Abe li nome ot her in- stitution.ý Fin all'y- the matter *as refcrred Voc the. relief comn4ttee w#itii orders Vo 1 csuthtectown slIIor.-t The Saivation 'Army'asked. for a grant tewamthcl t6r numero us -'worthy efforts for the heîp of humanity. *WANTý TO CLOSE STREET&. -Mre CiaËies, cligineer 'o1Lie <U. P. IL., =oempanîed b>' 4r. Wrigiit, ils assistant, ýwas presenhitVO asati 'h "Ucusebüo'close SUx streeté, whioli cross thie cse -railwaylâne. rilie sLreetb named- were-Penrry, &Sh,alt- ory, YorM, Beecli and Maplu>-the Mtra tour run n nrVi and scuti, 5ic twu running efsV and west. Tiens street,b are noV now opened, and May ueyer be required; ou aiglt corne day.- After some discussion an .d leoking ever the plans, Vie-requesti was r.- ferred Vo the Streets tUommittee. Duing tié diséussion, Mr. Annes 8u-ggeSted Vo Mr. Charle tint Vie dýangerous level crossing -on Vie side-. read souti of Hamer's corner§, migit b. avoided if the Ce. would open up a street along Vhs souti uide of Viela righit of way -frorn Vie Dundas street subway Vto the said s'deroad. Mr. Charles said they would consid- er tie suggestion il Vie <Jeune» asked tica thi, but they, on their part, would mot maie Vié suggestion.' .i Mir. Batemau was doubtful il th-@ 'adjoining property owners would con- sent te any closing cf--Vi. cfossing..on tie sideroad. IV would occasion a long round fe-r some e1t tlem. FINAECE REPORT. C. A. Goodlellowi printing ... $23-64 Bell TelepheneC-c., clerk's --f ~ce...........7 50 Bell-Tel. Co.-, caetaker's- house..................... Report idopted. STREETS REPORT. Joint Colby, work .........;16 John MacCanl ............ ..9.o0 Jas. Sawdon, teamùin -10.00 Wm;' -Ayeru, repaîru,.-..... ... .75 Tiie comnilttie rcornnended Vie ac- ceptgnce et JUS. Himird & Son's tend- efor, a eam at $4.00 a daà y,-a sec- Le ty i.. r, à 8 d )n notinif !preparing teicr live ato< for exhibition. inthefJ-hl»there wM a dlspay oe!. grain and seeds, potat es, e iand in- additlon t.he Con Agýrieultural o.fce Lad placsd on ciii bit4ei numer !. odels. cf poultl :and "dalry' houses, ami a, collectionC nseot pests and weeds, alo b. ,were examined wlth interest. Tlà judges were Mr. Jos. Russell, of Tï rotY for-homses, Mr. Thos. 'Bakei Sol'la, for cattie, -and Mr. Thomà Maaiderson, Myrtie, for grain asiî seede. In the cenng a4,lecture wa given li ithe hall, hy Miss Yates,C Toronto, te au audience that taxeq the capacity ,of the nuiiding. Mis Yesgave a pracLicai demonstratiao of the. proper method o!. kllilng am pmepating fowi for market.' Her ad dreas as 'full of tnstruotion and ex, oeedingly intemestlng. Giroat 'laterest -was taken lin th, miniature poultry *modelid -ti côoiimj ani holstlng apparatu . -oi bandl #Mli, shownA y the Dlsidçl »epartoint -of Agricýuitur. .The .ffilit of veeda and weed 86M attracted the, ateatipn -,f maziy who wi-e.iroubled with some -partoea wee, -or whowere desirlous -o! be- coming à cq-uainted with thq varlouu ce oùr strange specîmens- of weeds. -Those Interested, in discases of fruit trees',' liaita, splendid opportunity tu study tic variousisect ang fuflgw ilisEases. Thes. wcre mounted,, andi belicath ea ' eh omit was clearly 4tat ed the. tmeatmeat. Spray caiendars ad- prunigtools- wereals-o Onez nuibt. A beautitul collection 01 useful and'haranful insecte *octupid ti@céca tai positîin and t 1eÃŽe ,thcscboo chldrcn wv'me very intcrested. Numcrr ous 'bulle"inswere distributed, and il .s Loped-that these will Le studiel with interesi, as they contain mucli v aiable information.1 .MISS YATES ADDRESS. 1 Tbere are two usnal metieda of killiag fowl, and bcth are goot- Ms for private use and tie oVier for the commercial trade. Tiere is n great deai cf badly killed poultry put on the markets of ttus province, anüd a few suggestions as Vo iow Vo do it better may noV b. out of place. We eau neyer expect Vo please the mest fastidicus or'secure the highest prices on tie- market until we pa>' mors attention Vo one o! Vhe simplest o! deais-w - must starve Vie birds 24 Leurs bel ore killing.. How often we sS nirde placed on tic market - With their crope fuit f fo!bd and ticir bcd-les f ull cf gases, wlich upc» Vhe itavor of tVeile sa, and discolor iV and ultimately lead Vo quick 'decny. -Buyers tell us tbat tiey would -Le abre Vo ofier better -priees if birds wcrc fasted. Prices-are breugit downr Vo ail because o! the negleot of Vhis sunp-. lest detail. Poultry men and poultry women have uaid Vo me, "BUut thie led- bird weighs isavier."1 W-iat a humiliating confessio n! Doesu't simple straight- nese mequire a lot o! drummhing home ? Others tint 1 know remeve the food frem the crop a! er tie bird is dead. ThLis lu noV sufficient. Il the cmop is f ull it inti-maites tint Vie alimentary tract is fui-iof!food, thnt Vhe brpod îe laden vithifood, and Vils viii start decay. DISLOCATING THE NECK.. aesuy ,navor a n asto e ua -.-iY we wouMLa ve a -No. --l-bird, howcver,1 WB - uust b. vry carefit! ,not to bruis in Shapiag th tring i. s a desirable rm~lioed ami - ,one thi~t là growlng in p o U1a*t. mt ie the feet down _'h dlAe ahoulders, tic the iioclý downt, eietait, ie theie tringE- te théeitoes, by a slipknot 'aind« pull -Vlght. RÉun a'tig*tmuhbt h anAid over the. back, and then jover the. tali. H4old ani pul vemy firmly befoîme ty- Ing. A loop may b. left here by whici Vo MthtAe bird, up. The-. bird may tiien drain as long as necessay. Il- tiere is an y blood left -i tà le necký, when placed -in.coid storpge, It 'miii gradualiy creep Up and discolor "the' CCe iià and furn- ght and dry. 1 grates. Nonean- le of smitii- îuantity. c Tel,"14. lffte OaVs-I, YP Hall,Brcl; l3rooklip. Batty- Red Cloyer-1.H esn onm llus;' 2i Jas. *alaéty, Brooklin - - 3 Wrn. Ormlitou-& Sons,'ý * -lsike Cloiver-l, BurVÃ"n Mýiros.; 2L T.HlBrooklfnï. TlMotiy - Seed-'lstV, Jas.- e. Taunton;2 J.W. Jclffey, Brooklà S,- T. HaIl Con-, Ja a1eVy,, Broo k Ha. Early Potaoes' -Ai W J. ous-É>k endorhiir tamVo e uplid t cwfortome practicai suggestions kcpt. A common mIstake by man~'ieeo age eauofo!reedoLU same rate if requimêd. -lI kiliing Vie. bird by dislecatig the tammers le Vie stomlng of egge lI Im- ,wiici ti, plan allcwe onViola ionor Tint John MacCariL e Lared at $1-5 aeck, stand firrmly on Vie iefV foot proper places Lefore taktng Vo mar- 1 DoV Vo escape. Tic -pieu Wora- ad-. per week froni April 8 iiill*)ecemLer holding the bird igt lI thé llot;ket. jmlrably, and cniy la rare cases- do, -15V. h aud with Vie back uppermost. Take Tic meeting proved n grent saiccese priseneme lampeS upon Vie iiberty al- Tihere waï much discussion over tuis tic icnd between the two firet fiagers tiers Leing an attendance of upwamds oe- h sa-dPioesM s'ow0d a T'shot eioapd tpnisrvone ad lasV item, as it vas thought that Vie and bnap bnci and down andi stamt Vo of 200 people. Miss Jean Hlaycraft bonuta -ninthpenid ahl t h ecc e a- offer made by Vie Oommittee Vo AMr. pluck im'mediately. Tic struggling gave two golos, accornpaafrdl by"MissbotamniadaLi! iiohr MacCarl 01 $13.60 per week tint yull foibow le due Vo a nervous Isabel Walkcm, which greatiy enliven--Prebabily hree-montias. ifaPPreheud- siould Lave been accepted. contraction o! the muscles. cd tic evening's pmeceedings. cd, the penalty for-escaplng la Vvwo iBut as Mir. MacCari deciiiied, and no Pick straight down the bnck an-d P ELS.ycans. IV boiks, tiemefore, as if IV veTo otier experienced man ccuid Le eabily emove neck feathers. Tien pick the PIZ LaT nvcry risiy and foollsi Vi'leg for securedl, IL was decided Vo accede te wiîgs, and Lb. brenet ma e>' i>,i T'Pe prizes were dlstrbuted ns fol- thes men Vo break parole, uniss b is termes. '- last o! ail. Dry picking le Vie only love:. tiers was sone otkejr charge hanglng Tic whole report passed without va>' Vo pluci eletier for market, or HORSES. over their ieads. anicndment. fom home use. Atter Vhe bird is Pure bmed Imp. Clydcsdals Stallion, By-Laws were put tirougi Vo raine piuckcd iV is common practiioe witii 4 years and over-l, F. Richardson: AR-E, YOU COING WEST THIS înioney for Vie various objecte roe'sr- s-orne te immerse la cold water. Titis Columbus ; 2n-d and grdl, Wm. Ormis- SPRIXG. eld, as toliows r' - toc, le a Lad pmactâce, in tînt IV af- ton &i Sons, Brookîli. If se, exeoptional opportuniti esr Public Libramy ...... ...8500.00 fectLe havor and keeping qtinlity. Pure bred Imp. Clyde. bcas! mare now belng offcred b>' the Grand Public. Sehools ....5..,500.00 When the bird le te Le piaced oninla oal-1, f. Grant, Brookla. Truni RaUlva>.-system lai.zlcomjtioa Higi Sehool .... ...3,200.00 the market, killing le -est donc by Canadian bres! Clyde. stallion, foai-. wtClne, oeskà sndst R. C. Separâts Sohool 300.00 stabblng in Vhs meuléi Or neck. Dis- cd previous te 1911-1, L. Richardson tiersexcursios -libWac.. ...300.00 --location of Vitheck leavea a Cdot O! Asibura. 'Pie CôlonisV 'rMesare ens-va>' Ceaient vaike ..... .... 900.00 biood collected lucide Vthe skin cf Vie Canadlan bred CIye ot !11-tikt plà rlngfroa stations I.iOni- 'PHE RATE. neck and even if Vils le removed there 1, John Vlpond, Brookla.- tarie Vto Vancouver, B.C..,Vctr, Couay Rte..........1 5 l bound te a certain discoioratîon , Canadian bres! Clyde, fllly of 1910- B.C.,Pic Rupeit, B.C.i Soattie, CoutyRae ... .... ...... 175 wiici will noV Le PiCasing Vo -Vie 1, P. Richardson, Co lumbus ; 2, C. Wà sii.9 Spokane, Waei., Portlaud' DeLentures amdiinterest.._ 3.37 buyers. Speclal imives can Le -eL1ove, Ashurn. O$_ a racso aL a n High Sciooi.... ......... 3.00 cure! :for titis purpose, and wîth a Canadian bred Clyde, fil>' o! 1911- gee., CSa radiego, a.,aLo i- Public Sehools...... ......- 5.4Q llýttlitstudy of! Vie nnatemy of!thi1, -F. BatVy, Brookila; 2 and 3, N. cm points lu, -Arizo, BiiiCli Lynde's -Creci brldège ....0.25 iead, ani some practice one viilscon White, AhLium. -tiClfriIai~Motu,'s Genemal Rate \ý.........9.00 become s-vpert, at Vhis metiiod of-kili-. Canadian brei4 Clyde, fl>' of. 1912- vada,OronUaisitWabnt, Pub ic ibm ry. ... ...0 . 5tîn . roce tch ie o f er t i , . B a tt , 2, L. E llins, Colum bus. ans! ar -on sale daly, until. A p nil16, - togue, u !t' Canadien mced'Clyde, brond mare lincuiê 'ri teai ssesaieai-~> - 2 . tlioat on a level wiV-the base 0!1 foal-1, Wm. OrmisioD & Sons; 2 and -'Pie 1et1ties excurslons ppi ' froâ le$145,56 'i eemton ttl iSeui. n cL Ii nvrbt ..Bty stations lu Ontario, PotIfope., Pet- fa'$1,52956 Té ee-mý,-ti*nl ttalý-eIn. evesethe kai-fe- ani eut. up1 -Canadian bret! Clyde, he.vy drat erboro, and veéat o pointa lu Aibr $366,600, lenving*B Bei; aBOsipéitt O tirougi Vhe brain. 'Pie expert .1lIer 1 ta -P . - Ittlhardeo,2,Jms $1,085,356. - - -- - vii trhks tice righb point fa the Smot, TnlI.-Arl2, nIsv,~ - - - ,- - - -9, -éw ut01- WK ANWd. i ~ANADw >mu .be m WHTBY RA.I W -1 >-] C eiIA nager. ~' tic bicycles we repair., *because thé igit, yet aiter MOU i theall oenriîng ~~r.iIi .'a S action perfected until tiiey '- pmactically rua themselves. Get your Bicycle. r pired-here!. S and ycu needn't take anybody's dust. If yen. know only enougi ta sit on, ycu can giye even the moâsî expert rider on inferior vieei a S good run. Corne and prove wiat ws say. W. 'J. LUKI3 & SON 4 DUJNDAS ST. WHITBY, ONT.' 9' That'e. ~44444~~ ItS i EASY omkMaald -youne bitter oranges at Lawlers'. with each purchase and marmalade making 'becoinoe a pleasant,,and pirofitabl.e pastime. weASY.. b wh~n vOu bnv - - -,--,- --J - - Seville Oranges Grape Fruit Granulated Sugar :a- 5c per do«.- $1.00" 18 î8bs. $1.00 A.T LALIER WHITBYy NT Phone 47.J /3Pop&ivr A P.cet i 5enour10 'Matin-Senour 700 per cent 'pore painùt is composed 'u7of Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oul and'Turpentine DJryr wvhîch are the best knowningredients>'forpaint Covers 400'to 450 ]Feet' Per Gallon -TWO CQCATS- M.PRINGLE -- h i flesi, on the breant.~.- Sos ropc: .A Poe Ura* lin. e -MR.- HOGARTH SPEAKS. LaePateiFBty rok SMr. E. G. Hogarthif, othei.Depamt- l.; 2, Jtaoa ebbr, .Breyo ok-; 3 '»Wnnt:o! Agriculture, Wiitby,..epoke in W. j. , iSons, Prospect. the e'venlng on the prliem of Agri- ýr 'cultur#I Education, and thie -von 0tint they Were*,extendingtiirôughout IB k the. County in conneffl* ï'ýfI%'he- ..!VYsa Avi. -Schaci Pairs. liee sa~ti6d- at, the COunty Lad reallzed the e IBBSaVB le kdo4 rooni cf atr6iâ .whioh Lad' prevlousiy been derlvt<I Lodge, lU0.J., vWaB ctovdid *li' 1froni rural education, Vo, such an cxe- gei mVTa~a ih ie-n Vent that they Lad granted'an addl- nuaplAt-Holmct tiheLodge. lm tiosiai $200 for educatioD'al purposes. early part-o! Vi te, ventiis sas pt Ile'aise utatea that theyihoped this, in gamei., f-lcw ya$Peut~o!la- summzer, to Introduce.tue ýrural educa. atrumentall and boca snsirad-fin-e limon into'somc !forty -eiocstbrougii- spetciies, etc. ,riose,-wb> îtoi I§irt eut Ontario County. wcre C- à b Af er making a !ew remarks a iano solo-_Robla uhtls--j . * Vssccese hhws rnetwlth at* Vocal solos:-Misa LduÙa %~aaas, the BrookUlu' Fair~,~ er ho Miss Eva B,ý-1>,-e- -ell and Masier Fred'LL-Lt. launched oon theUic ýi'e'î o ioÃ"rti- -Carnet eolo-Mr.- E. W. E-Im* tculture. Tie slides ehoýwn on thus Readings-Mgrs. Willing ani Miss subject weme very lntemestlng end Il- Myrtie Dent.- lustrated very cleamly the heading of Duets-Misses Myrtle and Mut-li Young treeS and the manner o! prun4 Dent.j ing the orchard. A number of slides Speech-Coi. J. E. Farewell. illuetrated very clearly the i;aat Refresiiments were Served -at il Improvements wiiieii Lave been o'clock.- made lu Vie "Demonstratlon- Orcii- At the conclusion o! the programà 1ards" conducted during the pagt sum- the room. wae clear.d o!f'tables ami a mer li some six orchamils distmlbuted social- dance was jearried on for a iover Ontario County. Markcd short, ine. changes werc made li the orchards, This annuai at hmie 'ii greatly ap-. and Vhes sides revealed this beauti- precinted judging by thie number -ef fuiIy. persona who accept thie invitations o! Sle aled' illustrated hie address on the, committee la charge. îpoultry, whlch preved very interest -__________ ing, depicitlng not only Vhs most ap- iproved bouses used Lere, but aiso ex. Plisoners- Escaped from iensive poultmy plante and dilapidatr Custody. .d houses. The speakeZ. impressed up.____ on them Vthe importance o! feeds, feed- I 1wo prisonor, scrvung a sentence in' ing and iouslng of poultmy. H. aise the Central Prison, wýho werc opPa- epoke o! Vhe demonetration poultry- role a hty sit atewr houswhlch was ioaned te Mms. S.L. at heiNew , asis fthn a.e work Brown, Whitby. Thie house is& the tVeNw ~optifo i na open front type, the iower portion maldc a successful geV awa>î on Fn-. being glass, and the upper, cisea day evenxng luat. Tic>' were employ- clohtheoter hrc sjds ein pr-ed outside on carpenter work, aud fectly tight. The tires essentials in . wà a e L' 0& rvie aotOi pouitry house construction, Uic speair-- o'elcl thyok advantage ci-te er said, are iigiit, ventilation and dry'. occasion 1to slip off. Tlisir absene vas mess. Crowded houses and damp bo- uiicovcred aVe S&U o'cleck whenUich caions are conditions conducive Vo prisoners were maruiialled laVe quar- tubercuiosis and dîsease o! ail kinds. UIIs and counted. lanmediately Vi. The selection e! etmain Is alec vcry alarm was gavenl, guards started eut important. The dual purpose- breede te scarch andi police efficers aUl over are Lest suited Vo the fammer; tiere are tAepovinc e wrc otilied. No trace Bammed Rocks, Wyandottcs, Rode, etc. 01 Vie men waS found, for being dseu-. Thc came of cggs was aise emphaslzed edinu civilian deVihs, tiiere was notin- by tiie speaker, freqaient collections of lng Vo distinguasi tiera. ficlnt iewd WUi - -The prisoners cmployed on luie icetImportance by the majority et works at -Whitby and at GuelPi ar I lame.In maný cases tiers are f ar workiug under tic new Prison reforim tfarm es fr henube o e cheme. Tii. mca are given Vie nriv-t [EAT Loth. -r - 4"' 'j 31. jjpj 4 e fom public rùiture as foir lys Our ONS for the seof ail ,ai KÀLÀL ÀL ÀL ý ý - - - - - - Wq 40> k, 1 e HASY BASY,