~s~r4er.. jtT91JIB i45r . bis cmn UKP~OR1RS'TRA4I.N Lieut. i $ ipp ~'J wnfatimmable;Cre- vasse Dr., ;çPt't~DIed FtPronm Mal nutrition A despatch firom Sy4jy vft" ýNe çvsm. Dr. o! Leut l~ E.&à %,nh f .h.'4ia sauppi ~c rovhosand 'loalFuilirsReimout, sud D. with six savn igthon starto~ Roali F14 ersh Re 1j moroe~~eys ~.oro! Ilt B4 ~f ii wri1 whoîmt it' de.,f hvathýer rietar éd our p)rogrefs, ana in tl8ie frozen Seu'th' Po1ai moish susle 11fy on dogis. On while .mbrâof .h~Âariap auary .17, H g,'Dr'M rtZ d ia À&ntarctio exed'ton, Xreý,o dinthe cause of hi* dsth euig<î4iI a w#$loss ;,e'a "e r:malnutrition. 0n <çbr' ry7, <s- 2o4asM wn p ,' ug, iia n4O0 5J *xp~lehho..aisé gre 'Abwdg jraculouslyýbeen jndeb bad p le inoos message Providence threugh the hesaviiy "reva f .q. M Dr. Mavioni,- vi» s q yasd rou.The.steamer Au- Ja wointa -Ad1ij9ùd, a&7à Z pers aIùted. at the base u tl ea- "<On DecembgW, 9, e < i 4tons i e@4it n lngr three lhundred miles to théiout*1"- s 4-lv t4 -six -Mon 4a&t of our wintér qiw»tters, Liqut.- *em e 1.1 -thee tke 'ii. m 4ot. 'Nininis, with a dog teain sud wÃith prsecute aswAr1 for the metabers almhoat >ailour 'od iapar dlaofour paity,.1 IIFTY KZLLED BY YNAMIT1E Disa'trous Explosion Negýr eM.,timore Zà ussd Blg Buildings In the City to Roc1k À dep&tc fron Bs4isnYOe! ofthe tug Atiantic ly~n lqgd Xarylaà d, ays Fft lve ere, the Alum Ch!ine*wèep:i1lied a»d74h. prblylst-nd!rIreros tgpra.eticaliy deatroyod. Forty huit rt wen the B ritish aip Aluni stevedores are unaceuntod fo. if chiné, )oadLing, ith dynamite for they wore on the. ste-amer it is con-, tPa-ni'> Canal, 'blew up off sidered certa.that'they'persed. kn a. lPoint 'on Friday morn- The tremendous exp«losion shook * lg A-,barge, with 340 tons el dy- ýthe'aoentry for miles around. Win- namité alongoide aise -blçw up. It doyrp vere broken. and chuzuncyg 'la beliéved-'firo cause.d'the expie-, knoeked off bouses a dozen or more * ion.- At least four of the crews of miles f rom the. scene of the disas- the . vessels were kilied..; others ter. At Bparrows Point a sohool haip6d jute tthe water. Three of house was partly destroyed and sev- the crew of the Il. S. collier Jason, erai chikiren hurt. Baltimore -was '700 foo t- away, we re killed and ten eh alkn as if by an earthquake and iatally ý'hurt, the ehip't upper works tali buildings in the centre of the. being uwep away. Six, o! the crew eity vere rocked by the shoek. IitOE8IT -BODE WAÀR raennd Gcrmaay Addlng Ro- ceuits te Their Armie. A dopatch f rom Cologne, Ger- mauy, Ãonys: The new Germfan milii tary big wyul ndd 84,009 ,rerruitste the. anri'ual contingent called up for, service 'in the army, acoording te the wll-iuformod Voîke Zeitmug. The tefal istrengti' o! tie peace footing cf the army wil11 hue b. in- oreased4 by 168,000 men, bringing 'THE NEWS ilN'A PARAGRAPH N >UT11PLL 'Canâda, tho Empire-and th.e aG«eoral Deors Toute aI> UPTtj> ,um ec'u Canadçra. A desaatcii frofn Paria raye: TheCad. -French ' ,Cabinetýehas accopteci tii.' The local option by-la. wvues u- decliôin,'o! tho Bupreme Council 'o tained at Foreot by Judge Mac- War, w'ich prenounned on Tueeday 'Watt.' lu favoi of a tiimee years' lorm of The Saskatchewa Governmeat iE gervice i n ail b-aches of tthe arnuy 1 çing flootieti with pit 0ionslavor Insteaj,'of two yesrs, as hitherto, of woman's ,*uf&age. *udth. bill wili b. -subinittedti ithe Chamber of Deputios. h Lumbermon have decidoti that thE mensure wili add' 210,000 men at the. 'prie@ of boit >emiock would ad. lowesî estimate te tthe pence foot- isces te $20 th$ ce-Ming searon. ng o! the army, which at present St. Thoma.s il ereot a 125-focl etandu at 5'78,783, exclnding officers. stand pipe to increnso the, vatei predsure fer fipprotection. Umx. Tenul cf Ingersoli did f mon day befoeocfh r rl5ter, Mrs. Nich A fmirçm«dlyttIaCaU ci. D*so n c oion, of St. Catharine, testS sylvester Smlt il- h cf Tornov BBITIS STEAMR WRECE MYvesltex a-t ntea oc tempt murder. He-étole a revclver f roi r he CrcW and Two Rundred lPas- enrmLest. A& despatch f rom Constantinople Zay,:The 'Britishi teamship Calva- ~'dsfoundered during a blizzard in the Se&a. -f Marmora on March 1, Tii. crew and 200 passengers were Pir. IMorse'sa IndiiRoot PFil mme ad . oBi iacording te a formula' iq .E ly a century a go among 1he T anal 'cd front them P~y rie -. h irepeated at- 4 iav 1 be îtinade, by phys*- h d chemnti,ît âbas loefouu4 lie te, improve the'fcrmu4 eý L Dr., Morse's Ind n Root die, liuouseWed'reuîedy Çircaulu. l'i' fo sti tbio-nd - r~s. tho s. tey Ureeol 07131d the Turks< to ,ý. taok vwouId I ho. and as sioon as, ldefnders had' Greeks hurled fantryzrn totli --Ottoman troop -tell back in < edl n licernan who ehasetihim, Great, Britain, he Municipal Reforaners, 0or neervaLtlves' had an îacreased jority in th* London Connty umîl election. Uit-ed States, Sul obstacles- te the treatme'nt, o! bercuioêsis patiente by Dr, F4e4- airu h.avo '-beeu remve i n New' Wk. lladero'a brother statcd. tiat tlbe te Pronidet ware aarunsteti 14 ýpal ace snd tIat, qnsteo e~a~ rturet anad mtlaeieforo lhe .Alfred Noye,' Lthe British pqet, ini lecture at New Y<rk, ea.id4 Vl :ited States wý4 4 ý nqietpoe te assumete. vend' s IudermâIi SUN TO SUPERSEDE OILL. Expert Aise Obtaln@d"'Pwer 'Prom the bon. A deà pateh f rom London, Eug- land, saye; A prediction that the. sua e rays will eue day, snpersed' coal oit as a sonrce of uecianiesi power was madie by tie Amexican inventor, Frank Bhuman, pt'the i-'ondon Meeting -of the Sun, Power Compauy, whici was formeti some #me -agQ- with an anthorized capi- tal o! £300,000 to work hus Sun- power ptnhpiag plant. Shuma1n sftaýedâ that after the initià l ceet tie maateaance of!_a sun-pover plant wvas praetically negligible. 1Re ad- de4 that the. power eau be se storeti as te o uvailablehFuo-ti;, year. Professereor ,,V. oya, th~e ccempauy' consultiug ad'riEory ex- -pert, maen'tioned !ncidenxtally tli7dt 1 ho Iad been.able, iO"obtainpýçwýr frMthe ob~r~ te-face vlue r: iv<eostinweii* "mtb'oudb. oea-de td the tcl tontrol5, and will be. itùr. ,limite. -slo, 8500 sud 1,00, sud msy ymnt plai. - Inthe. latter case,, be required. -Mdlieriay, ,tany tme< after -one year n t NAIONL s~ùfiflES~IP-ORATION. LIM1TEOI. !CEN--OTIF R mA Iries of iCttis, Oamlnmi ýe.ni-O Promos aut Hems udaMu' roIL -Toronto. xAImarh 11.-Umiiteba' W imb. pois, No. 1iotstl 81.e eo. 2. 9ke te %414e; Nô.'3,92e10 '9 ta uadrangluz down -te 7001 ptroO&t&-Nô0.'t white, 8no toe oit;8170,e o oon--tick; bar b port:04OW 394 E*r-Gnt40 forO 10.0 batraok, Toronle; thbte-* nebaga; seoonde patents, ýj ne colR 55i. ONSmre'e e«Ufhlur 'ln10rwheat lou >oe eM. pa*ats, 1954to'40 to large, new, ai 141-20, euS eheese. t' Ie te 1514el; large, 15c. ,Buttar-ý,-reamery prints, 31' 10 32e0 MbIds. 29 te 3Me; dairy irnta, Z5 to taSeïloribpkmi' s 8t'1-Ir3 IIuee-Buckwheat, Oc pouuud lu tins b'oý in barrels: straimed clover 11 me- ~No: 1I bard, 861-80; No. 1l-northoen. 140-pun'tf2 134é 4oI'j%4to 855e; No. 2 do., 8M140 to 835.8e. IoflO<i*d tisa; LIe lPu -p ,-à tIs;' omb-,'Côïrn-No. 3 yeflow, 46e~6 /o,46 14te. '(las- hoe o.1 ».60 %per d&men;ýeà tra, *3per, o. & white, 30 34't 1.j5e~0 2 3 dozdl'NOlit. t4l'l1 &Zn e. 'Brau-#17.'50 tMe1L5.hur-U- Poutrý-Liv 'C esdhauged. Aux 13e par poÃœnd; lowl;, 10e 10 110; dugko' Duluth, INarcitli.-Whe 1-No. I ard, 13e te -14c; live turkeyfl;lEe te170, iffiel,- 8534e to 8578c; No. l1notthern, 843&4e b 90 toi ,10.1-Dr B OI?' 13'ae*87eNo. 2 nortieru, 843.8e 'le 0014e; ilu ui1oflfi. excepting dressed tuF< , Xny.-8634ec; JuIy, 8eo bld; Bepýtemýber. 880. Bop a-?mc *iiad*6 o d iko Stock 'uorKsts. pICIoed, ~~l'I.Çontreal, Ma. IL-T!hatop ro e o P o t te e - O v o ie D r it m a s $ 6 7 6 1 a d h e o w r g rad% ea O5~ i0t5,14CV~W D 1W10 o ald' from thatdà own1 45 ,r ni- on auet e1 store;- OOeln.ear o h 50 bite bleas -'et' brom -ht'O*6M8. per lis.100 Ibo. Bbà p1taf:t1 éb . 4.50 10 *4.75"Pa 'Ca?~ thk&.'n r sIe Mst-eI$'*'1 10 each, as - ato sd ull? ftJo ' 5. éff~;8 e"8,è aes -etfeeleeted iota t ogi1Ww.?. Made h.~an16'~l 14biItS~BO m. 19ehi810.10 te *10.25 per 100 ibom.-, Wlgbed off stte 1 1qpiôýg1ç&z-baooné tee. andxmsa.1cars. ff5.d4$4oa1fl>' '82e;Toronto, Kareit IL. - tIlo - Olo bac»ekmalt ±e eo.*.5$6Mto$690;. ood imedium, 5~- 4l~ Green iMa1sr-4ýst-ot'plekle, l'e Iestian IZ5 >te 85.75; commoDE 1 5.5coa NÃ"I- smoksd. *47510* -5.60; bulle, *3 t' 2~Ân.a oit. 1434.Ibo., 15-W~66(edftbul.10t ~8 - ~ 1 llb., 2.75t 42;yerls 310ute 3.- * 'S~OS.60. Kllkers and s Bangers-proifl#*W6te KlerehaMnta m buylng ai country pointe *72. Sheep andSLma4gtep ~8 f r o , . - 880 1 * . 6 . O le '*1, tmÃ"ty Ire. a~d terd, and *9.15_Leb. No. . ba -o f cttoli, - afobrdiùg Unuffla s for la. profite ihu' 3Unn1a.M~ J It<-Wbest -Mar.o~ -eaUnst nIffler'Ls e s ani. ýWHAT 18 B19jN;O lAIDAN 0 ThTii Tronto ExIbItIon Aesoclatlou bas',. rHg CPITAL0F OITA'R 001Fel "0ameeting- a-y"ai, but' Il manages, te tbrew 4roiud ,h .t' tberjugs ueetof -7te glainexf etional -,Iportance 'whlch"' h soeures fer' lob I' Show e-if. t For, Tbstý, aroast pubito-Thi TýproU. 'exaniple, ai 'the anitaiMetIngitbis ear' Thene le..e Ttitn reCabinet Mjufl ore loisUus~S~85t 5VISIt Wo5*h. lu atteudance. -Thero waff. be HonorabW BIB Show. Tlcmi.Dùo. 't rom hmisposition a MI Ineton-T80ý#fltWà Di 5 lf- latex taxtuus lie-ofou itra (lhy ppleno;infr~tO~ilT'iPller& in al exhlbitîpus, sud' iWhol n nIl 0 l- ta tà ,the presixligh ost J-dl f-~ Aseeîtol; o1.nIe s aleHur bu -eretg e' stnloul iu able W. H. Hearpt. wh l oeeea ntrei Qà xû la Ne. _Outarîo. 'whieh alwaiEhsapo-- far lng ooiiii, IY' 5m aabwoie lu "IFpl hent' xhlbit *ai the. 'fur, -and tb. third - l[g lu wealth. Tins rie.w ws Pue- Mîinltervs 'h. HnorbleDr. 'P, tord by. Dr. 0. o. James. former DepittyMînlsar et ditoatio on .inutereal la Mln*teof etAgriculture for thPoIc cIhSo~couu i.e n*les o- et: 0nai and i noýv 'Adrl,à lErtor teles .bib h tfrme 0introduce. 10ée mleu D9par 1 t oà .2 grlure. B a a1led upu ,te iake à a speech. l'4sand-o l thé CanadIaIL Club. ai repuei'wtha"ew brlef mentenees -ý 4waui letél Toit," -baS mpa*- t euratulatory nature. delîrered lu esailt'.yitbal the farmer la net gettlug tOee hîmrterulostyle, . .Duff -IIneS te miIn"luiltr t5qu ho quoed tb. b-iomer,'O 11eaiSdw b ir ~ ltt,~d 'ah 'le aniS 'Pin m r 'W ho gro o-.- V' bably là C sule- The lxi blettan. la ion inm a e up e f ton '10ounr. INe.1Bruick-t. neore delegatés troM varIonstle ea amore hha&~ ~ ~ Id 30. udl. ml .he ois'uOr les rpresuttîo ira tt~ h -lorTeorr1e.a quart ylidlbfare Pullu te -90a attend 1h. ainutai -meeting. X eftluL daQ. Çjz>t. en he e re sd f listem et diti bitilnwaa omllvroug. e~Si ;8t "aIi1t tiI Vu I "n9aumbor trom out!ide Uheoltrf.4ha 'à mlsteCii ~ wt ooleItrt. re l ls, *Md lbving. aastl* grea»body et l'h. lnmest Civets ja' e wr dl unLrstrelie *st viithTontta ~~t=l,,,ba lumes oennU'wuouinii hu opa net West eru thudA w eoqr s 3lu asr -e aei t=Mvnglut=1ou1,Yla5'ýà aOt reuqved.azsr.2r'.'T" 17",- ' ert,'so Bd is niatertet- taot"th* I cire4l theru Aul-omaitmIr ofTfaddîug te là au t .3 th 'u1gieulitouetl cnltr~~dfr9i n tbo q«;. .th nm Ou ieothr an,'t~erurl eptialen* -ilthetb. îte om' oaof vhrile th olt'of Uû.jg audiencex-leii rtAndoWniet asnaet lin ôn. ayce tk Ibe obl et auss fe lite g ls adance lii lb.. ceaien of living lu s. (lana-la.The !11toener i lucrtme'din vas husltieetlAl'bbr5ds, dPPI MaS tereue Ino tead e te ndlgoît. Teeae7680000Gra r e n np nMv are prolu .ner- Adsac rn lnra a v t h , r d . t 'bm îtaaa h o t i t s d p s u d etpr aiSprLý tio c f aeru'lie i.n- ourés "and otes ot clu titis onctg' mx. Jaesd'i' raltdeiuy eut e tintCnud; g rral Teitriomior uppe«M au agrultux Cna diy thla a <en-tarbtontadrd lbmrtsesn perer cf mied mIe Brilrh 1urnla, etii. fluid tabehrelsaua- T dltilneeprcam itlneg frmle trunswIc. noier aglcu-iralprrluetoatvuorpaump, ith bt;oittie suspe-n tead vii ha f 'th, 0 nv ëà ug'gfti-or s 26000bctrooia r cd bv1h DmIin -te.arimt of-iv4g i clt rure rm' d ecInermaeitnarnlir. l gARi nB'ere discoverediRd aou kzedge' su Ùd iul' b.' rps olo wed wlodosc n1k~tknfc ýtIngu te te ticfrmlqger aat. te lcIe n a smple por.e lMoneal l- In ie opiont i'bîroùdue.té o h Aoermg localmdof «oudang th pub. e a7,,000,00 baeraiper li"y oeur afy ihe llie keen tr lnia 4 lu :thae'nreporteS 'Adfecerery' 'byX lir. PrIeSYs: m5uu. Ibm Geran phyJaîoand et a suc- n fevr 10lucois lutils 'béa dotti6hae useMr. ae Ret a0n gitrl c Dr. Peman.an«iSm- ar s . C I.dadý nmtcae pote 'f oo T ofe.rut pu-Iblft he faidsu! _ýid q ie p tnl fo e mp le'i pp br o 'ma bu -Wodthet taltTodut.iP!2allie 'grteat epr 7 isit inae rm h vBilagch enoe giron t ,n 'crovie'S on cemp, wse utIle sud e s ic lart ïZ&e o boi' * th .emtpee nte -~ Jîicames otiat ba t aveboade. 'ion OCE O E eraTtio . I n . d $gi1 t li &CW0 n tin Dr Fr as$ed- - -bctriloicl r _______thDominion______________ lW-Co*dations o! Lae adierat teAme (ltof terod T ig ot teceedtini TmnMlmdcl e n h .outhave. a perler athe eo!iter 11o-'.'g'fiehaPointaan a tt Diul0thtforterfut m n, tté,nty-five piloè1,ffSu-erf.' Tue A dLi.tatit o rtwc fot lhlc la Lae0Huro tloa 'mpny lcrg hâtearmadeoattign-eabout r oýiteye but.arernetLmarynhian& 'tTh8 SÀ Podthtpostbl hoarnaa te h.meu t6 L.k1' St. w pongenýhaeI 'cr, h Cblir is fen ve botisrto -dl Olt n "..,in g. TorontoTnkediFrie len te .manyôfieatihg fiersso! emaîl tnith- )ure o 8 t01W andbo< e uje lb ék P rm 5 hifb~ - hi otuu' *PON'8 1 irTEMPERARD tI 0011KCUEw 31 daMou-uu. Oue bottle gaauteed to cure Oee case. -ta'le for brobd jà dreà . baby colts. talliOlis-aIl agaës aniS D0m -. - f dîhlona. Most 'skllltel -'selentifiecompound. ÂAny drugglat. 8 POHN MEDICAL C0-, Coshn, Ii, U.-8. A ASURANCE, CA~ SUN LIFV OMPANYOC The leading features of the Directors' RePort for 1912, as Presented to the A.nnual Meeting of the Company, held in Montrea.1, Mardi 4th, 1913Y are as follows: ASSETS ne at. 3lst Deomiber, 1912----------------------. $49,0561.49 Inereaae over 1911------------------------------------- 5,704,730.51 in 1912 ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Increase over 1911--------------------------------- PROFITS PAID te Policyholders entitled te pa.rticiPate in 1912................................... ADUE» TO SUBPLUS'during 1912........... TOTAL SURPLUS 31et Decenther, 1912, evper-aIl liahili- lie, aud ca-pila.1, (&.odi'g te tii. CompA&'nY's Standard, viz., for aisuraues, the Ou.- (5) Table, viii 3%anad 3 per cent. iatereat, aud, for annui- hies, --the, B. O.'- Select Anuuity Tables, with 3Y9~ per eent,.interest) DeEATiXf CLAllNS8 Matured Endowmnente,, Profite, 'etc., during 1912------------------------------------.. PAYMENTS te Policyholder-s since organisation ... NEW BUSINESS '(paid 'for In cash) htri'ng 19-12... Ineréase over 1911--------------------------------.. ASSURANCES EN FOICE 31sV Decenubor, 1912,.. Increaae over, 1911----------------------------------. pr-emier position The SUN: LIFE 0F CANADA now occupies the among Canadian Life Assurance Comnies. Outside, of Companies issuing industrial policies, the SUN TLTIFE 0F CANADA IIow does a larger new life assurance business than any othcr compiny incorporated in the British Emp?re. Thue Company-ls Orewth Q Vea. icem Asola Lita Assurai! :" Year. Incoe Asots n Fou-ca 107.... *48,210.93 *96,461.95 *1,064,350.00 1.108,680.43 3,403,700.88 23,901,04fi.00 190- " ,561,599.34 -12,409,272M88 67.181.602.0 1912... 2,22 ,8.go 4D9,605,616.49 182e7R29L.0 Head TMesL ~itoBRT90«N bACAIJL-AYI Pre-.sIcent. s, --- ' 614,00&09 4,132,463M2 $494029734.66 4,377,628.4ra 18,160,347.0M T. ff. MACAULAY, th~ Ti -'for 'the childrer i~ apenny -anl acre, coýId- live on gra 'anida&H the- miort les the CLEA4NE£ST., know*bat K!ND et ! S.dfar T... colt,. Book, et-tfrno r=satsC6 breOlN O=.a A RCHIVES C ther s«t vwIns, à and and flavor iret ONL OR, 'A CUR CHAPTER XXXýr The clildren's fa& ci semdalmeat ns if thi ly knew of tue -cloudt teir father.- They nonththown corne th iem; butf -been l-ittie mentîoned. ~ficult te m ntien4-"t the risk o! the- teé whuch -As ehildren t*à oy ly toask., Alltle apirit seekiE te ha Thoy weire'both .hy) -_ing-with' this itnkno a terrer to them- Frithiof- as- he teûk. stairs, -and, eatchîig lean in g back -li', one chairs, they macle and poured out ai~ fears aese. clungi kuesed thexn with ail. of a. real mnother' - "We don't. wânt t-e th&~,"' raid Lance, had much rather net. "But - you must Waxits te eee vou ve 'Cccil.; "Ho rememb hinm; and nowthath yeu, youi must both'.. happýy, snd love him; II doi*' like hlm Gwen, perversely.- A ~It is!esl1 suIIFad that," -d Cl ecil. 1dmi when yeuse hi 'rehement hug.. "Rave youlà nlyv ro, son in -your -heait t raid Gwen, giaUc thr 'g]~ eele -'éy mi"led, discussiuig the- niattf led them. toward the ber pale, ýbra-ve is1 - ~' cuiriously.with Gwi and rebellieus littie Mr. Boni-face rt 'new-eo mer kindlv botefrose as ,Cecila; eûteted. À"This jr ny daùg Boniface. And' Ceci1lhok ex-prisoner,.and l1 j anxilously jute.,his f' Rie was rather a p *man of fve-aid-týhÃŽrt like Lance that she» feeling kindly towa; hoped that thécb cili have well, -ani gl1 nervoUSIy.. But C- ý ,who w seeeify forgot herc -quite willing t-o meel sadva'nces- half-way.' Utes' time sheéwuas ting oqn his knee, W] t hyly lby, ,studying ~ ,~ -a grsv;ty n'lnch wa '1 clined t-o be friendl~ for bre*fakt Vand agalna at t4 e ven4ug meal open*s and cloes the 'day with a tia.h ot >Toastie. are bits e! bard, white Induan Coma, fimt care- f uly -cooked,. then roiled thun anti criakiy, a.nd toa.eted to a. delicate, a.ppetirÂag brown. Nect a baud -toucher tlýa ;004 la Inaeufa-ctuie, epait le, reatiY serve direct f rom hepoage--to ho calea with 0Çre9m or nilk-anti sugà .r, if tiesirei. - Vis Toe4os a-tedehl- j> ~ýly oo4 eai o.,rlcti ONTAI , 1 gecüritièà , Co ffl..ià ýbion, LijÉifýeds-ý - éither by-l - - b4 M orld